How to dye a T-shirt at home. What and how to dye fabric at home. Affordable natural dyes for clothes How to dye a T-shirt in different colors

Dyeing a T-shirt is a very interesting and creative process. You can actually feel like an artist or designer creating something new.

How to dye a T-shirt

To do this, take:

  • white cotton shirt;
  • dyes;
  • water;
  • paint container;
  • an elastic band.

Typically, T-shirts are made from cotton fabrics, which makes them easy to dye.

Dyes are sold in all hardware stores.

You can use real dyes: instant coffee, birch leaves, blackberries, onion peels, tea, blueberries and others. Over time, they do not lose color and preserve the freshness of the T-shirt.

To dye fabric, grind plant material and then boil it in distilled water. After this, boil the solution to the required concentration, then strain. Soak the T-shirt in the resulting broth. When dyeing prophetic fabric, you can use different techniques for tying fabric in order to get fascinating patterns.

Wring out the shirt and lay it right side out on the desired surface. On this side in the middle, take the fabric and twist it clockwise, securing it with elastic bands. The end result should be a ball. If you prefer unnatural dyes, dissolve them with the desired color in water, as written in the instructions. Leave the coloring pigment for an hour. After the time has passed, remove the item and place it on a cloth to dry. Do not take it outside, clear light will absorb the brightness of the T-shirt.

Dyeing a T-shirt at home

To do this, take the item, dip it in a container, and use a syringe to apply paint in the required shades. For comfort, you can first apply it with a syringe and then distribute it evenly with a brush.

After the design is applied to one side, come to coloring the 2nd. At the end of the process, the T-shirt must be thoroughly rinsed in water, dried and ironed in order to fix the image.

How to paint a T-shirt using acrylic paints

Acrylic colors are the best option for these works, because the substance penetrates beautifully into the fabric and has a wide range of colors.

They produce examples that glow in the dark, as well as pearlescent and matte paints.

When purchasing a tone, pay attention to what fabric it is intended for. Choose brushes depending on the difficulty of the work. It is better to take synthetic bristles, because they shed less and apply colors better.

So, the materials have been selected, you can begin the painting process. Place a layer of paper between the front and back of the item to secure the fabric.

This way, the design will be easier to wear and will not move.

First you need to draw a sample drawing using a simple pencil, and then color it.

If during the painting process a drop of paint falls in the wrong place, don’t be upset. It will not be possible to remove the stain without affecting the core pattern. However, you can use your imagination and paint the damaged area so that random drops appear as elements of the image.

It is often difficult to work with acrylic paints due to the thick composition. In this case, dilute the paint with water. Its layer should be uniform and not thick, then the painting will hold up better. The finished design must dry for 24 hours, after which it must be fixed with the support of an iron through gauze at the highest possible temperature for the fabric. After this, it is impossible to wash the item for 48 hours.

Dyeing a T-shirt using the tie-dye technique

Tie-dye is a technique that allows you to make brilliant psychedelic patterns on things. This technique was used in Ancient India and China, and in the 20th century it became very famous due to the hippie movement. Currently, this method is used by well-known brands such as Stussy, Vans and others.

You can make such a beautiful tie-dye T-shirt at home.

To do this, take:

  • ordinary paint;
  • white T-shirt;
  • water;
  • plastic containers;
  • threads;
  • salt.

You can purchase paints at a hardware store. Salt is needed so that the paint adheres better. Now you need to tie your shirt.

Twist it in a spiral from the middle, so that the result is lines emanating from the center to the edges. After this, carefully fold the item several times and wrap it with thread.

Now dilute the paint in plenty of warm water and add a tablespoon of salt. Apply paint to the item using a syringe or brush. Leave to dry.

When painting has been done, put the shirt in a dry place. At this time, it is not advisable to unfold the drawings; on the contrary, they will not be fixed. After a day, unwrap the item and enjoy the outcome.

How to Dye a T-Shirt Intense Black

To do this you need to take:

  • black shade of paint - 1 sachet;
  • enameled basin.

First, place the dye packet in the pan, adding water little by little and stirring to form a paste. After this, fill the paste with water at a ratio of 0.5 liters of cold water per paint. Mix everything and strain through cheesecloth. Pour the mixture into an enamel bowl. Add water at 50 degrees. The amount of the resulting solution must match the weight of the fabric being dyed within 10:1.

Place the fabric in the prepared solution and put it on fire. After 20 minutes, when it starts to boil, add 2 teaspoons of table salt. Place the fabric back into the solution and wait for it to begin to boil. This will happen in about 30 minutes. After this, carefully remove it from the heat and place it in a harmless place. Do not remove the shirt for another 30 minutes. When the time has come, take out the item and rinse, first in hot water, then in cold water. Later, carefully squeeze out the water and dry.

Dyeing a T-shirt in different colors

To do this you need to take:

  • a regular T-shirt;
  • dyes;
  • clothespins;
  • elastic bands;
  • salt;
  • bucket;
  • latex gloves.

First you need to wet the T-shirt, then take it with your fingers and twist it clockwise and secure it with an elastic band.

If you want to dye a T-shirt with an accordion, the item must be folded into this form and secured with clothespins.

Make a dye solution following the instructions.

Soak your T-shirt in it for an hour. Remove, untie and rinse in cold water until it runs clear.

The process of painting a T-shirt with stains

This is a very exciting and easy way. To do this, pour warm water into a basin. After this, take several colors that are in harmony with each other and start dripping them into the water. There should be some pattern on the surface. Now take the T-shirt and dip it in the water. Keep it there for a couple of hours, then take it out. You will notice that shiny and chaotic stains appear on the fabric. All that remains is to dry it and iron it.

If you have a worn out white shirt, don't throw it away, but give it a bright new life.

Modern women often do handicrafts - they sew, knit, make soft toys and create real masterpieces of the currently popular hand-made style. Sometimes for work you need to get fabric of a certain shade or you just want to experiment with its color. How to dye fabric at home? In our article we will list “helpers” - natural means with which you can paint matter in all the colors of the rainbow.

So what are these clothing dyes? You might be surprised, but we're talking about red cabbage, beets, oranges, lemons, onions, blueberries, blackberries and spinach. And also about other helpers - tea and coffee.

Dyeing fabric is a creative process. Love of experimentation is the main quality when working with natural dyes. Don’t be afraid to change the number and composition of ingredients, leave the fabric in water for different times - the results will allow you to choose exactly what you need.

What exactly to use

Natural dyes for clothing allow you to obtain a wide range of colors. Blueberries and beets allow you to achieve red or pink tones. Their pigments will help you achieve a beautiful and unusual “dusty” pink shade.

For purple or blue varieties, try blackberries or red cabbage. If you need mustard or copper colors - think about the usual onion skins that are used to paint eggs at Easter.

Yellow flowers are achieved using lemon and orange peels. The zest gives the yellow fabric a soft tint. A pale green color can be achieved with spinach. But for bright green, it’s better to take regular pharmacy green.

How to dye fabric at home - process technology

Let's start brewing the "potion". We cut the selected ingredients, put them in a saucepan, and add twice as much water. Once it boils, let it cool for an hour. If you want a more saturated color, leave it on all night. And don’t forget to strain the liquid - dyeing fabric is fundamentally different from making compote!

Particularly successful dyes for clothing and just fabric can be obtained from beets (the ruby ​​tint appears literally before your eyes!) and from onion peels. But spinach is not so effective.

How to prepare fabric

Before you dye fabric at home, it needs to be specially prepared - using a fixing solution, with which the coloring pigment will stick better. It is prepared like this: in the case of painting with berries, half a cup of salt is diluted in eight glasses of water, the fabric is boiled in the resulting solution over low heat for about an hour. If you paint with vegetables, the solution is prepared using vinegar, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:4, the procedure is exactly the same.

Removed from the solution and rinsed with cold water, the fabric is ready to meet the dye. We immerse it in a container with our homemade paint and leave it for a while. Which one exactly depends on how rich the shade you need.

Once dry, the dyed fabric will fade slightly - this must be taken into account in advance. But remember that natural dyes have excellent strength and stability; dyeing fabric with them will retain its freshness for a long time.

Dye the fabric flesh color

How to dye fabric at home tan or flesh-colored (let's say you're sewing a tilde doll)? In this case, natural fabrics such as linen or calico in light colors should be taken as a basis, and both aniline dyes and the most common tea or coffee will help to give them the desired shade. Wine and some juices are also good.

Before dyeing, new fabric is washed - the factory impregnation is removed. Then a solution is prepared with which the fabric is dyed. Here are some suitable recipes.

Dip our fabric into a hot solution of strong black tea for about 20 minutes. For strength, add a little baking soda to the brew. To ensure uniform coloring, the fabric should be stirred. Then it is wrung out, straightened and dried. The final shade will appear in two to three days.

Not only tea, but also coffee

Coffee solution - take a tablespoon of salt (tablespoon) and a liter of water, add the cheapest instant coffee - 50 grams, dye the fabric with constant stirring for about a quarter of an hour. Then rinse in cold water and dry in the same way, straightening it out. Coffee can also be brewed in a Turk. In this case, the dyed fabric will have a light coffee aroma.

In stationery stores or special departments for creativity, you can buy aniline dyes for fabric and batik. Dyeing fabric to match a natural tan is achieved by mixing brown (as a base) color with orange, white and red. At first you will have to experiment with proportions. Too dark tones are lightened with white paint.

The desired shade can be achieved by correcting fabric already dyed with black tea using aniline dyes.

Dyeing fabric without unnecessary risk is ensured by test dyeing on a small piece of it.

Remember that natural fabrics can be saturated with the desired color more easily and quickly compared to synthetic ones.

There are special fixatives for factory-made paint.

Different brands of tea under the same conditions will give different shades and color intensities.

Your favorite curtains have faded and become faded - and you want to update their color at home. How to dye fabric? There are many options, you just need to choose the right method. If you master this procedure, your clothes will always look new and fresh. Not every housewife will look at the label on jeans or a T-shirt before washing. A new item that can only be washed by hand in warm water flies into the washing machine and loses its appearance. Don’t rush to take good clothes to the countryside - if the structure of the fabric is not damaged, the color can be restored.

How to choose chemical dyes?

You can buy regular white T-shirts in the store, dye them in different ways and make a unique set that others will mistake for designer work. It is better for an inexperienced housewife not to take on complex tasks: painting jackets or synthetic fabrics. Entrust this task to dry cleaning specialists, and start learning yourself with the ABC book: change the color of a white cotton T-shirt. It is more difficult to dye colored things; it is better not to change their color, but simply make it richer and brighter.

In the store you can find dyes of any shade. When buying a chemical, look at what it can be used for. You can treat curtains with any substance, and if you want to dye clothes or bed linen, the composition should not contain compounds harmful to the skin. If there is no label or tag on the item, you can determine the composition of the fabric yourself. If you set fire to linen or cotton thread, it will burn with a burnt paper smell. Burnt natural wool smells like burnt horn, and a ball of combustion products appears at the end of the synthetic thread.

When choosing a dye shade, you need to take into account the original color of the fabric. If you dip a yellow T-shirt in blue pigment, don't be surprised if the result is a greenish-colored item. It is almost impossible to dye a dark product in light colors; you will have to use a very aggressive bleach, which can destroy the structure of the fabric. It is better to paint faded dark clothes black; the pigment will return brightness and freshness to things.

Experts believe that any shade can be obtained using only 3 dyes: blue, yellow and red. Experiment and you can get a whole range of colors by combining these three paints.

The most common colors can be obtained as follows:

  • yellow and blue will give green;
  • red and yellow will turn to orange;
  • red and blue will give a purple tint.

Paint can be found in the kitchen: what are the natural pigments?

At home, it is better not to use aggressive chemicals, but to use natural dyes. Everyone knows that Easter eggs need to be boiled in onion skins; it gives the shell a very beautiful and bright red-brown color. In the same way you can dye fabric, food, paper. There are a lot of natural dyes. You just need to learn how to use them correctly.

  • Brown color is given by onion peels, coffee, tea, cinnamon, henna.
  • Spinach, juniper berries, and elderberry leaves will dye the fabric green.
  • Beetroot and wolfberry will turn things red.
  • Blue shades will be obtained by using sage and Ivan da Marya flowers.
  • For yellow color, use carrots, citrus zest, birch bark.

Natural dyes do not spoil the fibers. They do not give such intense coloring as chemicals, but they are safe for health. Please note that each substance requires a different approach. If chemical dyes of the same composition can be mixed with each other to select the desired color, then tea with berry juice or bark decoction may be incompatible. Remember that natural dyes are weaker than chemicals. If you want to pre-bleach the fabric, add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to a liter of water, heat it to a temperature that your hand can tolerate, and keep the fabric in the solution for several hours, stirring occasionally. Then rinse well. This treatment will result in a cleaner, brighter color after dyeing.

Natural pigments can be used to dye materials made from natural fibers. It is better for a novice housewife not to tackle synthetics - such things are treated with special preparations, and there are special methods for dyeing fabrics for them. If you need to update the color of acetate silk fabric or a synthetic jacket, use dry cleaning services. Once you gain experience with simple fabrics, coloring any material will become easy and familiar to you.

Preparatory operations

When using chemical dyes, be sure to read the instructions for them. Each manufacturer can make its own recommendations for the coloring process, but there are general requirements for both chemical and natural preparations. Items must be washed thoroughly, free of dirt and stains. If the dirt does not wash off, use a stain remover and then rinse the product well. Sometimes fruit and vegetable juices leave residue that cannot be removed. There is only one way out - paint the item in a color several tones darker than the stain. Boil starched linen in a solution of soap and soda, then rinse. Remove all decorative metal and plastic elements; they may lose their appearance when painted.

Sometimes things need to be altered after painting. In this case, all seams must be opened in advance so that they are evenly saturated with pigment. If you decide to dye a lined jacket or raincoat, be sure to open the bottom seam. Air bubbles collected between the lining and the base material will prevent the dye from being evenly distributed on the fabric.

Prepare all necessary equipment in advance. First of all, find a tank in which the fabric will be completely submerged in water and lie freely. It is advisable to take an enamel container. You can use a galvanized or aluminum vessel if you clean it well from scale. Prepare two smooth wooden sticks with which you will stir and turn the product over. Don't forget to buy rubber gloves, otherwise your hands will be painted the most fantastic color for several days and you will have to hide them from others.

Now you need to prepare the liquid. It is advisable to use soft melt or rain water. If you only have hard water, add a tablespoon of baking soda to the bucket of liquid. First dilute the powder dyes in a small container so that no grains remain. Strain the solution and pour into the paint tank.

Painting of products

Place the container on the stove, immerse the product in the dye and heat, stirring continuously. Boil the laundry until it turns a darker shade than you desired. After drying, things will become lighter. If you use natural dyes, first soak the items in a fixing solution. If you use berry juice, dilute half a glass of salt in 2 liters of water. For vegetable broth, pour 1 part vinegar to 4 parts water. Dip the fabric into the mixture and place it in the dye tank. When painting, do not immerse the entire product in the composition; first, experiment on a small piece of fabric.

If you want to dye the fabric not evenly, but with streaks, wring out the product, fix it in a twisted state and hold it in the dye mixture.

After dyeing, rinse the fabric well. Change the water several times until the liquid becomes completely clear. When dyeing wool or silk, add a little vinegar to the rinse water. Dry items in the shade at room temperature. It is very important that the product hangs evenly, without wrinkles. Carefully straighten it on a rope or hang it on a hanger. Remember that after the procedure things will shed a lot. Do the first few washes by hand separately from other laundry.

Natural pigments can also be used to dye the yarn from which you are going to knit a sweater or scarf. Gather the thread into a skein and tie it tightly in several places so that it does not get tangled when mixed. Dry the skeins in a suspended state, attach a small weight to the bottom.

If the painting experiment was unsuccessful, the colors are patchy, dilute the black paint and immerse the item in the solution. This pigment will lie evenly and cover all blemishes.

Sometimes smooth, uniform dyeing of the fabric is not required. You can make fabric with stains, and use a brush or tea leaves to create stains. If you cover some areas with adhesive tape, tape, or figures cut out of thick paper, you can get fabric with an interesting pattern of dark and light areas. To create small bright fragments, painting with oil paints is suitable.

Skillful housewives do not throw away old things until they are completely worn out. Faded, lost appearance, yellowed things can be turned into new ones if you paint them correctly. Store-bought pigments come with instructions; when working with plant materials, you will have to rely on your intuition. Don’t immediately take on an expensive item; for the first experience, try refreshing old jeans and a T-shirt. Perhaps such clothes are not suitable for the city, but for work in the garden they will be just right. Collect all your old shirts, tights, shorts and start experimenting. By the time you master the painting process well, you will have time to become known as the first fashionista in the holiday village.

T-shirt dyeing is a very fun and creative process. You can almost feel like an artist or designer creating something new.

How to dye a T-shirt

To do this, take:

Typically, T-shirts are made from cotton fabrics, so they can be easily dyed.

Dyes are sold in any hardware stores.

You can use natural dyes:

  1. instant coffee birch leaves;
  2. blackberries;
  3. onion peel;
  4. blueberries and others.

Over time, they do not lose color and keep the T-shirt fresh.

  • To dye fabric, grind plant material and then boil it in distilled water.
  • After this, boil the solution to the desired concentration, then strain. Soak the T-shirt in the resulting broth.
  • When dyeing items, you can use various fabric binding techniques to create interesting patterns.
  • Wring out the shirt and lay it right side out on the desired surface.
  • On this side in the middle, take the fabric and twist it clockwise, securing it with elastic bands.
  • The result should be a ball.
  • If you choose artificial dyes, dissolve them with the desired color in water, as written in the instructions.
  • Leave the coloring pigment for an hour.
  • After the time has passed, remove the item and place it on some cloth to dry.
  • Do not take it outside, sunlight will absorb the brightness of the T-shirt.

Dyeing a T-shirt at home

  1. To do this, take the item, dip it in a container, and use a syringe to apply paint in the desired shades.
  2. For convenience, you can apply it first with a syringe and then distribute it evenly with a brush.
  3. After the design is applied to one side, come to coloring the second.
  4. At the end of the process, the T-shirt must be thoroughly rinsed in water, dried and ironed to fix the image.

How to paint a T-shirt using acrylic paints

Acrylic colors are the best option for these works, since the substance penetrates perfectly into the fabric and has a wide range of colors.

They produce samples that glow in the dark, as well as pearlescent and matte paints.

When purchasing a tone, pay attention to what fabric it is intended for. Choose brushes depending on the complexity of the work. It is better to use synthetic bristles as they shed less and apply colors better.

  • So, the materials have been selected, you can begin the painting process. Place a layer of paper between the front and back of the item to secure the fabric.
  • This way, the design will be easier to wear and will not move.
  • First you need to draw a drawing template using a simple pencil, and then color it.
  • If during the painting process a drop of paint falls in the wrong place, don’t be upset. It will not be possible to remove the stain without affecting the main pattern. However, you can show your imagination and paint the damaged area so that random drops appear as elements of the image.

It is often difficult to work with acrylic paints due to the thick composition. In this case, dilute the paint with water. Its layer should be uniform and not thick, then the painting will hold up better. The finished design must dry for 24 hours, after which it must be fixed with an iron through gauze at the maximum temperature allowed for the fabric. After this, the item cannot be washed for 48 hours.

Dyeing a T-shirt using the tie-dye technique

Tie-dye is a technique that allows you to create bright psychedelic patterns on things. This technique was used in ancient India and China, and in the 20th century it became very popular thanks to the hippie movement. Currently, this method is used by famous brands such as Stussy, Vans and others.

You can create such a beautiful tie-dye T-shirt at home.

To do this, take:

  1. ordinary paint;
  2. white T-shirt;
  3. water;
  4. plastic containers;
  5. threads;
  6. salt.

You can get paints at a hardware store. Salt is necessary for the paint to adhere better. Now you need to tie the shirt.

Twist it in a spiral from the middle so that you end up with lines emanating from the center to the edges. After this, carefully fold the item several times and wrap it with thread.

Now dilute the paint in plenty of warm water and add a tablespoon of salt. Apply paint to the item using a syringe or brush. Leave to dry.

When painting has been done, put the shirt in a dry place. It is not advisable to unfold the drawings at this time, otherwise they will not stick. After a day, unwrap the item and enjoy the result.

How to dye a T-shirt deep black

To do this you need to take:

  • black shade of paint - 1 sachet;
  • enameled basin.

First, place the dye packet into the pan, gradually adding water and stirring to form a paste. Then fill the paste with water at a ratio of 0.5 liters of cold water per paint. Mix everything and strain through cheesecloth. Pour the mixture into an enamel bowl. Add water at 50 degrees. The amount of the resulting solution must match the weight of the fabric being dyed within 10:1.

Place the fabric in the prepared solution and put it on fire. After 20 minutes, when it starts to boil, add 2 teaspoons of table salt. Place the fabric back into the solution and wait until it starts to boil. This will happen in about 30 minutes. After this, carefully remove it from the heat and place it in a safe place. Do not remove the shirt for another 30 minutes. When the time has come, take out the item and rinse, first in hot, then in cold water. Then carefully squeeze out the water and dry.

Many people have an old but favorite T-shirt in their closet at home that they hate to throw away. There are many ways to use old things - use them for rags or sew a toy, etc. But what if you want to wear a T-shirt, but there is a stain on it or it has lost color? Just paint! Anyone who has encountered such a problem has wondered how to dye a T-shirt at home? In order to begin the painting procedure, you need to find out about painting methods and other details. This is what we will do in this article.

Dyeing an old T-shirt

How to color a T-shirt using the tie dye technique or decorate it with a beautiful pattern? Dyeing a T-shirt is not a labor-intensive process, especially if you have all the necessary tools and materials on hand. To get started, you will need:

  • White cotton T-shirt.
  • Dye.
  • Water.
  • Rubber.
  • A bowl.

Almost all T-shirts and tank tops are made from cotton fabric, so the dye adheres to them well. Paint can be purchased at any store or market.

Important! If you do not trust chemical coloring compounds, you can use natural dyes (berries, onion peels, iodine, brilliant green).

A simple way to paint

We paint with natural substances:

  1. Bring a natural dye (for example, chamomile) to a boil and strain through cheesecloth.
  2. The T-shirt needs to be twisted into a tight rope and assembled in such a way as to form a ball.
  3. Then we fix the product with rubber bands and place it in a container with dye, leaving it for at least an hour.
  4. The item should dry indoors on a clean cloth.

Important! You can secure the T-shirt with elastic bands in any way you like - the more difficult you secure the elastic band, the more interesting the pattern will be.

Dyeing a T-shirt at home

In order to paint a T-shirt at home, you should carry out several manipulations:

  1. Place the T-shirt in a bowl or other container.
  2. Use a syringe to apply dye to one side and then to the other.
  3. Rinse the item several times in clean water.
  4. Dry the painted product.
  5. Iron the item to secure the pattern.

Important! To make the design brighter and more colorful, spread the dye over the surface of the T-shirt with a brush.

Paint a T-shirt with acrylic dye

Acrylic paints are considered one of the best dye options for clothing. They penetrate perfectly into fabric fibers and have a wide range of shades. In addition, now in the markets you can find pearlescent colors and shades that glow in the dark.

To paint a T-shirt with acrylic dye, you will need:

  • Acrylic dye of the desired shade.
  • Synthetic brushes.
  • Sheets of cardboard.
  • A simple pencil.

Let's start dyeing the T-shirt:

  1. Place a sheet of thick cardboard inside the T-shirt. This is necessary for high-quality drawing.
  2. Using the template, draw the outlines of the design on the front side of the T-shirt with a simple pencil.
  3. Dilute the acrylic dye with water, as its consistency is too thick.
  4. Start coloring the drawing with dye using brushes.
  5. Leave the item to dry completely.
  6. Iron the T-shirt through cheesecloth to secure the design.

Don't worry if you drip paint outside the outline of the design. Show your imagination and make an interesting pattern out of colorful spots.

Important! After applying acrylic paint, the item cannot be washed for two days.

Making a T-shirt using the Tie-Dye technique

The Tie-Dai technique has gained popularity since ancient times in China and India. It represents bright extraordinary patterns on things. Today it is used by many global clothing brands.

In order to dye clothes using this technique, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • White shirt.
  • Plastic containers.
  • Water.
  • Dye.
  • Strong threads.
  • Salt.

After you have acquired all the necessary materials, start creating:

  1. Twist the T-shirt into a spiral and wrap it around its axis several times.
  2. Secure it with threads.
  3. Pour warm water into a plastic container.
  4. Dilute the dye and a tablespoon of salt with warm water.
  5. Apply paint to the T-shirt using a brush.
  6. Leave the item for a day to dry thoroughly.

Important! The T-shirt should be dried in a dry place away from moisture, as the pattern may not stick.

Dyeing a T-shirt black

One of the easiest methods for dyeing old T-shirts is to dye them a uniform (black) shade. To freshen up an old black T-shirt, you will need:

  • Enameled bowl.
  • Black paint.

Let's start painting:

  1. Place the paint packet in a small saucepan and add a little water.
  2. Stir until a paste forms.
  3. Pour 500 ml of cold water into the resulting paste.
  4. Mix everything and strain through a fine cloth.
  5. Pour the entire solution into a bowl, add water (temperature at least 50 degrees).
  6. Place the jersey in a bowl and place over low heat.
  7. After boiling, add one tablespoon of salt.
  8. When the water with the dye boils for the second time, remove the container from the heat and place it in a dark place.
  9. Rinse the T-shirt several times with hot and then cool water.
  10. Dry the product and iron thoroughly.

Important! The product must be kept in water with dye for at least 30 minutes.

Making a multi-colored T-shirt

In order to decorate a T-shirt with different colors, you will need:

  • Dye.
  • Rubber bands.
  • Deep capacity.
  • Salt.
  • Protective gloves.
  • Clothespins.

First you will need to wet the T-shirt, and then twist it around its axis - into a ball. Place the item in the prepared dye solution. Leave the shirt on for about an hour. After an hour, rinse the clothes in cold water until the water runs clear.