How to make your body skin smooth and beautiful. How to make your skin silky, smooth, soft, glowing and healthy. Massage and water treatments

And the body acquires an unpleasant roughness due to dead cells of the epidermis - the upper layer of the skin. To restore lost smoothness, it is necessary to free the surface of the body from dead cells. Today there are many different methods of cleansing the skin, and the simplest and most accessible of them is the regular use of a suitable scrub.

A scrub is a special or gel containing tiny abrasive particles. The mechanism of its action is very simple: when applied to the surface of the body and rubbed, solid particles of the scrub cling to dead skin flakes and exfoliate them.

Depending on the purpose, scrubs can be soft, delicate for the face and sensitive areas of the body; containing sharp or round abrasive particles; they may include emollients or medicinal essential oils and a variety of nutrients.

Using scrubs to cleanse your skin is very simple. After a shower, apply the scrub to the body and massage it thoroughly, evenly distributing the cosmetic product over the surface of the skin, then rinse with water. Dead scales will be removed along with the remnants of the scrub and the skin will glow with freshness and smoothness. After using the scrub, it is advisable to apply a moisturizing cream to the body to relieve irritation from mechanical stress and nourish fresh skin with moisture.

The simplest scrub can be made from improvised means. For example, take a handful of sea salt and mix it with olive oil or body oil. The effect of such a procedure will be like visiting a mineral spring. If you use the grounds after drinking natural coffee as abrasive particles for a home scrub, then in addition to effective cleansing, the skin will acquire a light tan.

No less effective method For cleansing the skin, use a stiff bath mitt or a body brush made of natural bristles. However, it is important not to overdo it and not damage the skin with mechanical impact. A bath mitt is most effective when used during a shower or bath, actively rubbing rough areas. After finishing the massage, you need to rinse your entire body with water to wash away dead cells.

Regardless of which cleansing method is used, during the procedure the main attention should be paid to problem areas where the skin becomes rough the fastest. These include the elbows, knees, upper arms, and heels. Massage the cleansing scrub into these areas and you can spare no effort. At the same time, be careful when applying the scrub to sensitive areas such as the inner surface of the arms and thighs, stomach and décolleté.

The struggle for ideal skin must be waged in several directions at once. Cosmetics will take care of her condition, and hide imperfections and improve appearance Makeup will help.

The basis of skin beauty is its impeccable cleanliness. It is necessary to remove makeup residues, dust, and dead skin particles daily. Do this in several stages.

Washing your face in the morning helps to quickly refresh your face and even out the water-lipid balance. All you need is cool water, soft foam with plant extracts and floral hydrosol in a spray. Before going to bed, more thorough cleansing is necessary. First, remove makeup with milk, emulsion or hydrophilic oil, and then wash off the residue with foam, gel or special cosmetic soap.

Two or three times a week, replace your regular cleanser with a gel or foam with polishing granules. Products with cosmetic clay, they deeply cleanse and smooth the skin. It is important that cleansing cosmetics also contain moisturizing components, otherwise the skin will begin to peel off and you will have to forget about a perfectly smooth face.

Once a week, a home peeling session based on fruit acids is recommended. Typically, such products come in the form of a gel, which is applied to cleansed facial skin for 15-20 minutes. After washing, the skin becomes silky, acquires a pleasant healthy color, dark spots disappear, and pores become less noticeable. The concentration of acids in home peels is low, so they can be safely used all year round.

A very convenient product - a night cream with a peeling effect. It deeply moisturizes the skin, provides it with nutrition and removes dead cells. In the morning, the face looks very well-groomed. This cream is suitable for those with dull, tone-deprived skin that is prone to irritation. Creams with a peeling effect should be used in courses of 2-3 weeks. Then take a break, and after a couple of weeks return to your favorite product.

In the fight for perfection smooth face Pay attention to leveling and smoothing serums with plant peptides and amino acids. The serum is applied under day or night cream, and can also be used independently. It is quickly absorbed, instantly smoothing and softening the skin.

Decorative cosmetics will also help to even out your face. Pay attention to silicone-based makeup bases. It fills pores, folds and wrinkles, creating a photoshop effect. You can apply a foundation lifting cream on top of the base. It will make the oval of the face clearer, remove swelling and unevenness.

For those who suffer from too much porous skin, special pastes are suitable that smooth out unnecessary relief. These products do not contain fat and do not clog pores. Pastes and bases can be used every day. The main thing is to carefully remove makeup before going to bed. And then your skin will be perfectly smooth!

Many girls and women want to learn how to make their face clean and perfectly smooth. Every representative of the fair sex takes care of her appearance.

Healthy skin is characterized by the absence of deep wrinkles, spider veins, age spots. Her tone is even and she radiates health.

To make your face clean and properly care for it, you need to determine your skin type:

To make your face clean and smooth, you must follow these recommendations::

  1. Thorough daily care and cleansing.
  2. Using professional cosmetics (they are selected strictly for your skin type).
  3. The diet is balanced, the diet includes foods enriched with nutrients and vitamins.
  4. Complete rest at night.
  5. Thorough protection from severe frost and scorching sun.
  6. Sports activities on fresh air, taking a contrast shower.

note! There is no need to mask problem areas with powder or foundation.

It is important to take care of daily skin care. It is necessary to reconsider your lifestyle and diet.

How to make facial skin without acne and white at home?

Masks and products will help make your skin white, which can be easily prepared at home. With regular use, it will become even and perfectly smooth.

Parsley mask

This is an excellent whitening agent that promotes additional toning.. To prepare the mask, you need to squeeze out the parsley juice or use the entire plant, including roots, leaves, and stems.

It is first thoroughly washed, dried and finely ground. Apply the finished mixture in a thick layer to the entire face. Exposure duration is 40 minutes. After this, the mask is washed off warm water.

To remove freckles, and unwanted pigment spots, you need to regularly wipe your face with lemon juice and finely chopped parsley in equal proportions.

Thanks to this care, the complexion becomes even. For maximum effective results, repeat the procedure in the morning and evening every day.

Parsley juice is suitable for toning facial skin. To do this, the plant is thoroughly crushed, filtered and poured into a small container.

Twice a day, in the morning and evening, you need to wipe your skin with this natural remedy. The face is pre-cleaned so that no foundation or makeup residue remains on it.

IN freezer you can add parsley juice to make ice cubes. To prepare such a cosmetic product, take chopped parsley and add a little water.

There is no need to strain the mixture. They are good for wiping the entire face and décolleté area. With regular use, you can make your facial skin clear and elastic.

Cucumber mask

To prepare the mask, take only fresh cucumber juice. It has an excellent brightening effect, hides freckles, refreshes and makes the skin rejuvenated.

Add lemon juice to cucumber mask. To prepare a cosmetic product, take a fresh cucumber, chop it, add a tablespoon of lemon juice and sour cream.

The finished mass is applied to the face in a fairly thick layer. The exposure time is no more than 25 minutes. The product is washed off with water at room temperature.

Berry face whitening mask

At home, you can make nourishing and whitening masks based on berries. They contain a huge amount of organic or fruit acid, which has found wide application in cosmetology.

With regular use, you can whiten your face and make it beautiful.

To prepare masks, you can take different berries - strawberries, wild strawberries, black currants, raspberries, cherries, cranberries, viburnum. Fruit seeds can be finely chopped and added to a body scrub.

Important! You should not use berries that can color the skin in an undesirable shade (mulberries, blueberries).

Methods for preparing a nourishing and whitening mask:

  1. In the first option, to prepare the mask, take 100 grams of different berries, soften and squeeze out the juice.

    Gauze is soaked generously with it and applied to the face for 15 minutes. After this, you can wash your face with warm water.

  2. 100 grams of berries are thoroughly crushed until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Add a tablespoon of honey (preferably liquid) to the finished mixture and apply the mask for 20 minutes.

    Wash off with running water at room temperature.

Such masks can be done 2-3 times a week, but not more often, so as not to harm the skin.

We make a beautiful and smooth face with our own hands

To quickly even out your complexion, you need to use cosmetics. It is important to take a responsible approach to the choice of cosmetics. They must suit your face type and be of high quality.

  1. The skin of the face is rubbed with an ice cube of black tea.. It can be replaced with other herbal decoctions.

    After such a tonic, the skin becomes elastic, small pimples and spots disappear.

  2. Facial skin dries naturally.
  3. Next, the skin is treated with foundation. It is important to choose the right shade so that there are no sharp transitions.

    You need to move from the central part of the face to the edges. foundation Apply to the face, neck and décolleté.

  4. Concealer helps hide small pimples and wrinkles, as well as other imperfections on the face. Choose a cosmetic product one tone lighter from foundation.
  5. Next, apply powder to the face using a powder puff or a special brush.. It is important not to overdo it so as not to get the effect of a plaster mask.

To make your skin healthy, smooth and even, you need to correct image life. A rash on the face often occurs after overindulging in smoked and fried foods and sweets.

Daily care should include cleansing procedures, moisturizing, and nutrition.

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I really like to take care of myself, make all sorts of masks, scrubs and come up with something new. This is a rewarding thing, how you take care of yourself and how you look! Taking care of the body is not work for me, but pleasure and relaxation. I like to arrange things for myself SPA at home! And the skin is transformed and the soul rejoices.

I have a shelf in my bathtub, crammed with all sorts of care items! And they are all necessary and I use them. I’ll try to tell you about my body skin care, I hope you will find something new, interesting and useful for yourself.



Do you want to make Turkish beldi for your skin? It is very easy! We take any shower gel, and also better soap in banks, Agafya and Ecolab have this. Mix in base oil, vitamins, essential oils and herbs. Regular pharmaceutical herb, finely ground. We specially prepare this grass for beldi. Infuse it in oil for a week, or brew it with a very small amount of water. And we mix it into our beldi. The photo shows an example of how I make beldi! You can also add clay, cocoa powder, crushed citrus peel, and coconut flakes.

I also sometimes enrich my shower gels with oils and essential oils. But be prepared for the fact that your beautiful, transparent gel will turn cloudy!



I started using scrubs about seven years ago. I received a packet of scrub called “Pharaoh’s baths”, based on sea salt and with jasmine extract. And after using it, I was shocked, my skin was silky smooth and more elastic. From that moment on, I always have store-bought scrubs in my bath and I often make homemade ones.

What I noticed from the constant use of scrubs:

The skin becomes much more elastic

Skin smooth as silk

No more ingrown hairs after epilator

Skin tone evens out

Goodbye skin unevenness and cellulite

Skin tone is more beautiful and even

The tan is stronger and more even

With the help of a scrub, not only deep cleansing occurs, but also massage. Thus, you smooth out the skin and restore its elasticity. And if your scrub contains valuable oils, it nourishes and moisturizes. After a homemade scrub, you don’t even have to use creams and lotions.

I'll tell you how to make a homemade scrub. Well, the first and most important thing in belongings is the scrubbing particles. We have decided on them and your scrub is almost ready. Scrubbing particles can be anything, you can buy them in a special store for soap making; I once bought wax granules with jojoba oil. But I prefer sea salt and ground coffee scrubs. So what can you take:

✔ Sea salt

✔ Regular table salt, here would be better suited small in bags

✔ Regular sugar

✔ Cane sugar

✔ Coffee beans ground in a coffee grinder

✔ Coffee for coffee machines

✔ Milled rice

✔ Semolina (not suitable for all scrubs, only oiled and applied immediately - it swells)

If you want a stronger scrub, then take the scrubbing particles and add some liquid vegetable oil(not very much), essential oil, you can also add vitamins. And that’s it, the scrub is ready, before such treasures you need to additionally cleanse the skin with soapy agents. It will not only cleanse the skin well, but also nourish and moisturize it. After such a scrub, it is not necessary to use moisturizers.


Scrub with a soapy base. You can take any shower gel, liquid soap or soap base (creamy, sold in soap stores). We add basic liquid oil to the soap base and you can also melt butter (coconut, shea butter, cocoa, mango, palm and palm kernel oil), this will make our scrub thicker and more nourishing. Next, I like to add essential oils (orange, grapefruit, lemon, mint, bergamot, tangerine, cinnamon). You can also add vitamins (A, , D-panthenol).

You can also add the following components to our scrubs:

✔ Ground dry herbs and a little decoction

And sometimes, instead of cream, I apply coconut or cocoa oil to the skin of my body. pure form. They give a magical aroma to the skin and smoothness. And I’m generally silent about hydration and nutrition... I like to give myself a massage with oils, the skin becomes elastic. I used to do cupping massage, but after giving birth there’s something wrong with the veins - it’s not possible yet!

With the help of creams, I got rid of dry skin, made it firmer, and more beautiful in appearance. And prevented stretch marks!!!

Skin butter recipe! I will write my own, you can make whatever you like and have a different consistency. I wanted it thicker. We take cocoa butter, shea butter and mango butter. Add liquid jojoba oils, unrefined avocado and sea buckthorn. Add a few drops of grapefruit and tangerine essential oils. I got an orange-colored batter with a chocolate orange flavor)). If anyone is familiar with Yves Rocher's cocoa and orange series, this scent reminds me very much of that.

Massage tiles

I made it for convenience; I have it on my nightstand near my bed and when I forget or don’t have time to apply the cream, I use it. I love how it applies and melts into the skin. After all, in order to smear yourself with wonderful cocoa butter with a chocolate aroma, you must first melt it. And here it melts on its own when you touch the skin!

And so is my recipe! We take a convenient mold; I have a silicone and a plastic one (an ordinary children's toy from a sandbox. You can even take a plastic or glass glass, the latter will not have much of a problem with picking out the tiles))).

To create this tile, I took cocoa, coconut, and shea butter. Melted it in a water bath. I added argan oil there - not a full dropper. And drop by drop: jojoba and rose absolute, orange, tangerine, mint. I mixed it and put it in the refrigerator, and this is what I got!

Body masks and wraps

Enlarged pores, peeling, wrinkles, and pimples significantly spoil the appearance of the skin on a woman’s face. Of course, all these imperfections can be skillfully hidden with the help of a special makeup base, foundation and powder, but this will require a lot of time and effort. In addition, the effect of this straightening method will be short-lived and will end immediately after removing the makeup. Products based on natural ingredients, special anti-wrinkle exercises and following simple skin care rules will help make your face smooth and even for a long time.


Facial skin care, first of all, involves proper cleansing and moisturizing. The choice of cleaning products should be based on its type. To ensure your facial skin always remains healthy and looks good, you must follow these recommendations:

  • select carefully cosmetical tools for makeup and care, giving preference to hypoallergenic products;
  • eat right, make sure your diet contains enough vitamins and minerals;
  • drink at least 1.5 - 2 liters of fluid per day;
  • do not go to bed without completely removing your makeup;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • ensure a full night's sleep (at least 8 hours);
  • protect your face from the adverse effects of frost and direct sunlight.

Exercises for facial muscles

Special exercises for the facial muscles improve blood supply and tissue nutrition, tighten it, smooth out wrinkles and prevent their appearance. You need to do it every day, morning and evening, and it is important to concentrate and imagine how the muscles work.

Exercises for the muscles around the lips and cheeks:

  1. Fill your mouth with air and roll it inside your mouth, keeping your lips tightly closed.
  2. Quickly and without stopping, move the lower jaw all the way from side to side.
  3. Pull your lips forward energetically, folding them into a bow.
  4. Open your mouth wide and pronounce all vowel sounds one by one.

Exercises for the muscles around the eyes:

  1. Close your eyes, squeezing your eyelids. Then open them and squint.
  2. Open your eyes as wide as possible and hold them for a few seconds.
  3. Smoothly make circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise.
  4. Slowly move your eyes left and right.

In addition to exercise, contrast massage is very beneficial for the skin. To perform it, you need to moisten one napkin or handkerchief in hot water and the other in cold water. Then apply each of them to your face for 30 seconds in turn.

Video: A set of exercises for the face

Recipes for scrubs and masks for smooth skin

Scrubs and masks homemade, intended for cleansing and smoothing the skin of the face, with regular use they can make the face smooth and even, no worse than expensive ones salon treatments. When performing them, it is important to follow a certain procedure. First, you need to cleanse your skin with a scrub and then apply a mask.

Skin cleansing scrubs

The main effect of scrubs is to remove various impurities, dead cells, and blackheads from the skin surface. After using them, the skin becomes visually smoother and velvety.

Honey and wheat bran scrub


Eliminates blackheads, regenerates, nourishes and smoothes the skin.

Honey – 30 g
Lemon juice – ½ tbsp. l.
Wheat bran – 10 g

Make a homogeneous mixture of the indicated components and apply it evenly. Then cleanse the skin with massage movements. Wash off the mask with warm water.

Oatmeal and sugar scrub

Cleanses and smoothes the skin, removes dead skin particles.

Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. l.
Sugar – 25 g

Mix sugar with crushed oatmeal. Spread the resulting mixture over the skin and gently cleanse it in a circular motion. After this, wash with warm water.

Scrub based on pomegranate seeds

Evens out complexion, moisturizes skin, cleanses pores, eliminates rashes.

Pomegranate seeds – 15–20 g
Honey – ½ tsp.
Orange pulp – 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the pomegranate seeds using a blender. Peel and finely chop two or three orange slices, mix the orange mass with pomegranate and add honey. Apply the product to the skin of the face, excluding the area around the eyes. After 10 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Advice: To the owners oily skin To prevent the appearance of pimples and acne, it is recommended to wipe your face with a decoction of oak bark twice a week.

Masks for smooth and even skin

Masks must be applied to previously cleansed facial skin. This will ensure deeper penetration of nutrients into the tissues. After using them, it is recommended to use a moisturizer.

Grape mask

Makes the skin smooth and velvety, refreshes and tones, increases the elasticity of the skin, and prevents sagging.

Squeeze about 30 ml of juice from the grapes. Soak a napkin or gauze folded in four layers with it and apply it to your face for 20 minutes. After removing the mask, rinse your face with warm water and pat dry with a towel.

Yogurt and turmeric mask

Nourishes, moisturizes the skin, cleanses it from acne.

Turmeric – 2 tbsp. l.
Unsweetened yogurt – 25 g

Mix the ingredients thoroughly until a paste of homogeneous consistency is formed. Wash your face and apply the resulting product with massage movements. After 20 minutes, wash it off with water. You should not use this mask on very fair skin, as turmeric may stain it.

Banana, butter and honey mask

Nourishes, smoothes and softens the skin.

Honey – 10 g
½ ripe banana
Butter – 30 g

Make a pulp out of banana, add soft butter and honey. Apply the mixture to your face, lightly tapping your fingers on the skin. After 20 minutes, remove the mask with warm water.

Nourishing mask with strawberries and sour cream

Reduces the severity of age spots, moisturizes, refreshes and tightens the skin, eliminates acne, and tightens pores.

Strawberries or wild strawberries – 100 g
Sour cream or cream – 20 g

Mash the berries thoroughly. Take 4 tsp. the resulting slurry and mix with sour cream. Apply the product to your face. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

Video: Recipe for a face mask for fine wrinkles