Cunning graceful tricks crossword puzzle. Clever tricks that make life easier. Good colors and accessories

Inga Berryster

Cunning Tricks

Looking at his twenty-three-year-old half-brother Gilbert, Martin felt mixed feelings of anger, shame and despair.

Why the hell didn't you come to me if you needed money?

A ray of sunlight, breaking through the Gothic window of Martin's office, touched Gilly's hair, and it glowed soft gold. Embarrassed to the extreme, Gilly did not dare raise his eyes to his brother.

“You’re already giving me too much,” Gilly stammered, and Martin heard the familiar intonations of his stepfather in his voice.

Instead of just asking me how to make this money, you decided to discover America on your own. This guy took advantage of you.

Gilly's blue eyes sparkled with tears of resentment. Martin turned away. He could not imagine himself in such a humiliating position. He would never have to blush in front of his father and explain his own stupidity. Although he actually never saw his father. He was buried in a mine thirty-seven years ago, along with two dozen other unfortunates. In those years, few miners lived to see retirement. The mother took the loss of her husband hard and, having sold their own house, moved to the same small mining town in the house of her parents. Grandmother raised little Martin. Most of the time, the mother disappeared at the local school, where she taught and where she met her future second husband, Gilly’s father.

Before marrying the gentle and shy English teacher with whom she fell madly in love, Martin’s mother spent a long time preparing Martin for the change in their life, carefully figuring out his possible reaction.

Gilly turned out to be a copy of his father. The boy grew up soft, obedient, smart, but he turned out to be more ambitious than his father.

However, it was thanks to his stepfather that Martin never felt like an orphan. And the absence of his father in early childhood did not affect his psyche in any way.

Americans say about people like Martin: “This guy made himself.” He achieved everything in life on his own. And now he was a powerful millionaire whose business had been bought up by a large American corporation. He lived modestly, if not ascetically. Through his father, he inherited his steep-browed lion's head, powerful shoulders and broad bones from countless generations of physically strong Irishmen accustomed to hard work. His whole appearance expressed strength and confidence. Men cowered before him and women were timid...

He now frowned at his brother, his dark eyebrows knitting together menacingly over the bridge of his nose. He wished that God would reward Gilly with at least a little sense.

He experienced the same surge of rage last week when he had to deal with the financial affairs of his ex-wife. Despite her striking appearance and eye-catching attractiveness, she remained nothing more than a business partner for him. A partner, however, a mediocre one. She didn’t know how to do anything and couldn’t give him...

Martin grew up with a mother who was everything a woman should be - loving, gentle, loyal, trustworthy. And until a certain age, he harbored illusions, seeing women as ideal, superior beings. The awakening turned out to be cruel: Martin was bitterly convinced that women like his mother no longer existed in nature.

He fell in love as a boy and married at twenty-two; his wife was also almost a girl, but she left him before their marriage was a year old, calculatingly weighing their chances of a happy family life and declaring that Martin was boring and pathetic. She found a man who, it seemed to her, knew what pleasure was, a man who had time for the woman he loved and money to spend on her.

By that time, Martin was completely disillusioned with family life; he believed that this whole marriage was a wasted affair, and the need every time he came home to a cold fire to rummage through empty cupboards in search of at least the remnants of a cold dinner depressed him even more than the obvious disdain of a woman who was most interested in the contents of his wallet. And one day, finding himself deep after midnight still sitting in the library with a volume of Machiavelli in his hands and not having the slightest desire to go up to the bedroom, he himself wished that she would leave him.

Five years later, the poisonous tree of divorce even brought him an unexpectedly sweet fruit: a small vengeful pleasure when his “ex-girlfriend’s” husband came to him, Martin, asking for a job. By the way, he came not alone, but with her.

More out of disgust than compassion, he gave the couple an interest-free (and free) loan. The greedy twinkle that flashed in the eyes of his ex-wife when she entered the new spacious house did not escape him. How she regretted the loss of a man who could belong only to her, with all his entrails and the contents of his bank accounts. Martin, however, was not surprised by the impudence of the woman who, walking arm in arm with her ex-husband, rattled on and on about how from a young age she had loved only him and still loves him and that the divorce was an eclipse, a stupid mistake. Even if Martin, unfortunately, still loved her, which, fortunately, was not the case, he would not have taken her back. It was ingrained in his genes, his tough northern upbringing and his ancestral respect for honesty and loyalty.

Their marriage is dead and will never be resurrected; he told her this directly, just as he had once desperately blurted out a declaration of love.

Since then, he did not see her and did not want to see her, deciding that in his monastery there was no place for any other love than the love of reason, but this did not mean, unfortunately, that he got rid of all problems once and for all. And one such problem right now stood embarrassedly before him in the guise of his half-brother.

When Gilly entered Oxford, Martin readily agreed to finance his studies. After all, Gilly is part of his family. Martin also never refused help and support to his stepfather, lending him money when he started his own business.

Their parents were old for a long time, their stepfather was almost fifteen years older than their mother, was not in good health and, suffering from heart disease, tried to live as calmly as possible. There was no need to worry him.

Why the hell didn't you tell me if you needed to? - He repeated the question, now in a higher tone.

“You have already given me more than I deserve,” answered Gilly, “I did not dare ask for more...

But, for God's sake, Gilbert, where have you put your intellect, your common sense? Didn't anyone tell you about free cheese in a mousetrap? Who needs you to just give you money? What were you thinking?

I thought this would solve my problems. - Gilly looked embarrassed, like a naughty puppy. - I had five thousand. This is what you put in my bank account, and if it could... well, turn into ten thousand in a few months, then I would quit working on weekends...

Tricks and tricks that make life easier

Thanks to the Internet, we know many tricks and tricks that make everyday worries easier and make life easier. But there are still those who have not made it to our gadgets.

#1: Pull a garbage bag over the cat's litter box and add litter. Cleaning the litter box will be easier

#2: If you don't have a patch on hand, cut a piece out of the pad and stick it to your shoe to prevent chafing.

#3: To make your toilet smell nice, place a couple of drops of your favorite scented essential oil on the inside of a toilet paper roll.

No. 4. To ensure that the smell of freshness and not dust while cleaning, pour a little washing powder into the dust bag

Important. This advice is not suitable for allergy sufferers and those with lung problems.

#5: For an all-purpose seasoning, combine salt, pepper, paprika and curry. This mixture can be added anywhere

No. 6. Glue from stickers can be easily washed off in a few seconds with a two-phase makeup remover

#7: Perfume strips from the store can be placed in piles of clean clothes to make them smell nice.

No. 8. If you can’t shower, you can cleanse your skin with hand sanitizer gel and reapply deodorant.

#9: Pour a handful of spices into the sink and rinse with hot water to leave your kitchen smelling nice. Cinnamon is the best option

No. 10. If the hot water is turned off in the house, simply run the empty washing machine 90 degrees, lowering the drain into the bathtub

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10 little tricks of slim women that you MUST learn!

Losing weight requires a lot of willpower and discipline, but even if you don't regularly go to the gym, run or go on a strict diet, you can lose weight in other ways. By using these 10 little tricks every day, you will not only lose weight, but also stop gaining it again.

1. Always start your meal with a glass of water: this will keep you hydrated and make you feel more full, which will help you avoid overeating.

2. Follow these little tricks at every meal:

Instead of various salad dressings, add just a spoonful of olive oil, so you can save yourself from an extra 80 calories, and always choose fresh fruits instead of dried ones. This technique will significantly reduce the number of calories.

3. Instead of cookies and sweet desserts, always have a small piece of dark chocolate with you.

It will quickly satisfy your cravings for sweets and keep your brain active. You may feel weird the first few times and still want something more, but remember - you will wean yourself off sugar addiction and “save” yourself from a huge amount of calories.

4. Try to always control the amount of food you consume:

If you want to lose weight, it's important to eat the right portions at every meal. Measure out your lunch in advance instead of eating from huge plates.

Use small plates - this will make the portion appear larger. And immediately remove any leftover food so that you are not tempted to eat another piece.

5. Get more movement throughout the day: Even if you don't dedicate a ton of time to working out, you can burn a few extra calories by making the effort to move a little throughout the day.

Taking breaks while you work, simply walking around the office, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator, and parking a little further from the entrance are all easy ways to burn extra calories.

6. Don't drink drinks that contain a lot of calories:

This is the primary and simple reason that doesn't produce results - empty calories from your daily soda, morning juice or a large glass of wine at dinner can really ruin the whole picture.

Just drink clean water, you can add cucumber, lemon or mint for taste.

7. Don't fast for too long: a little hunger can be healthy, but starving all day will certainly lead to nighttime eating.

Fasting is quite harmful to both your health and your diet. Eat small, frequent meals to avoid low blood sugar, which can cause your body to fail.

8. Eat high-protein, high-fiber foods to make your food work for you.

These foods make you feel full faster and at the same time consume fewer calories.

9. Dinner should be light and not late.

Aim for your dinner to make up about 25 percent of your daily calories, and eat it at least two to three hours before bed.

Eating a late dinner is known to cause digestion and sleep problems, making it difficult to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

10. Get more sleep.

Lack of sleep can cause you to eat more during the day and not have enough energy to work, so aim for seven to nine hours of sleep. It's a simple and effective way to achieve your weight loss goals.

Where is the line that distinguishes sweet feminine cunning from unpleasant manipulation? Let's try to figure it out.

Women's tricks take into account a man's psychology

Manipulation by a woman towards a man is usually aimed at getting something that the man does not want to give or do. As a result of manipulation, a man may do something that he is not in the mood for, but in most cases he realizes that he is being manipulated, which is why he gets irritated and becomes conflicted or withdraws into himself.

Women's cunning is usually more subtle, graceful and pleasing to a man. That's why he may not notice her at all. Let's say you need him to buy you five kilograms of potatoes. You can manipulate him by saying that until he goes to the store, he won't get dinner. Or you can show feminine cunning: ask him to buy what he wants - a new DVD with a movie or a bottle of beer, and on the way let him grab five kilograms of potatoes. In such a request there is much less manipulation, and more attention to himself.

Women's tricks work better if they give him a portion of attention

Attention to a man is such a universal lifesaver that allows you to revive relationships with him during periods of calm, and improve them during periods of quarrels and conflicts. When it comes to showing attention, women have a huge advantage over men. The fact is that women are able to subtly capture a person’s emotions, intonations and experiences. They do this due to increased sensitivity to the emotional coloring of speech and behavior, and this quality is innate in them and does not even require effort.

If you want to achieve something from a man, pay attention to what worries him most at the moment. An experienced woman will always distinguish anxiety about a relative’s health from irritation about the situation at work. Do not leave his experiences unnoticed, offer to speak out and pour out his emotions outside. Only after the man has calmed down does it make sense to pester him with your problems and requests, otherwise you may run into an unpleasant showdown.

Situations when feminine tricks are inappropriate

Hints and tricks are not always effective with men. They often don’t understand hints, so if you need him to do something, you need to ask him directly, head-on. Even if this concerns such delicate issues as flowers as a gift or a special way of caressing during sexual intimacy.

Lest you get the impression that this contradicts the statements above, it is worth noting that the time and place for women’s tricks in relation to men is not always appropriate. You can prepare a man for an important conversation or request with the help of feminine tricks, but it is better to say the request itself directly. This way he will quickly understand what you need, and if he is also relaxed, he will be more likely to agree to help you.

Tricks of temptation

Most men are still quite conservative, and do not like it when a woman takes too much initiative. That is why the sphere of temptation is the sphere in which the use of female tricks is most justified.

If you want to seduce him, the most direct hint is eye to eye contact. See how long he holds it, looks you in the eye or avoids it. Both men and women cannot hide their likes or dislikes on a non-verbal level. The longer and more often he looks into your eyes, the higher the chance that you will be able to seduce him.

Another way to show a man your readiness for a relationship is through special gestures and movements. If a woman swings her shoe on her leg, it looks very erotic, and many men, without realizing it, take this as a call to action. They find the movement of her hands no less seductive when a woman places them behind her head. By showing her breasts, she lets him know that she is not against sex, and many free men are ready to fall for this. Other seductive gestures involve the neck. If a woman’s neck is covered with hair, then by exposing it with a movement of her hand, she also unwittingly seduces the man she likes. All these gestures should not be pretentious, feigned, and should not be repeated too often. If you want to seduce a man so that he thinks that he is seducing you, try to be natural and act at ease.

Tricks of the muse: how to raise a general from a soldier

Scientists have discovered that a man achieves more if he believes in himself. A man needs to feel like the very best: the smartest, the most intelligent and the luckiest. The most interesting thing is that if an average man has a faithful wife next to him, who constantly expresses support for him, he can achieve more than a talented man living with a grumpy wife.

Smart women understand perfectly well that there are not enough rich and famous men for everyone. In addition, there are so many charming beauties around them that it is almost impossible to compete with them for the attention of already established men. That's why they prefer to become the muse of an aspiring genius.

In this case, the wife’s silent adoration is not at all enough. A man needs to hear words of admiration from time to time. And it’s even better if they are said in someone’s presence. Men are especially inspired by comparing them with other men, in which everyone around them loses to him. A woman’s trick here is that she cannot always tell the truth. Women are wonderful actresses, so they can turn on the intonation of adoration at any time and for any reason. The main thing here is not to overdo it and not try to compliment those qualities of a man that are objectively weak in him, otherwise he will suspect you of insincerity.

In general, we can say that women, using some tricks in relationships with men, are able to create their world the way they dream about. And if there are no princes around you on a beautiful horse, you can also marry a page on a pony. The main thing is your faith in a man and the ability to include female wisdom, which will help turn a pony into a stallion, and turn a page into a prince. For a smart woman, nothing is impossible!

– is it difficult and requires remarkable willpower? However, there are a few tricks that will help you lose excess weight in a short time easily and without much effort.

Take them into service, and you will soon enjoy the first results.

Smart self-control

  1. In the room you need to put a stack of books or magazines, in which there are as many copies as there are kilograms you would like to lose. And after every kilogram lost, remove one magazine. This way, the result of your efforts will look clear and even eloquent.
  2. You need to buy yourself something for every kilogram you lose (just don’t buy food - only dogs are usually rewarded with food). This will be a gift for the work done.
  3. You should set aside a small amount when the scale shows minus one kilogram. This also stimulates the desire to lose weight. This way you can save up for another gift.
  4. You need to put on a belt before eating. As soon as it digs into the body, that’s it, stop eating!
  5. Food should be placed correctly in the refrigerator. Keep high-calorie foods, fast foods away, and put healthy and fresh vegetables and fruits in plain sight.
  6. You can buy a beautiful outfit and try it on every week. The goal is that it should arrive in 4 weeks. The timing is optimal if you want to go smaller by about one size. Beautiful and wardrobe update all in one.
  7. Oversized clothes should be placed on a chair in front of the refrigerator. As soon as your hand reaches for the refrigerator, your clothes will remind you of themselves, and the sandwich will seem unnecessary.
  8. Place scales near the cupboard with sweets. This will allow you not to forget about excess weight.

Motivators that make you sweat

  • The trainer has a small dress that will speak of a seductive look in it after improving your figure.
  • You need to buy a disc with rhythmic music. You need to put it on 5 times a week for 30 minutes. With each dance, 200-300 calories are lost.
  • You can enroll in a dance studio. After all, working in a team helps you work hard on yourself.
  • It is worth purchasing a calendar and marking with a bright marker the days when you exercise.

Doing homework can also burn extra calories.

  • Standing at the stove, you can perform exercises to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks. The bigger, the better.
  • It is preferable to wash floors by hand, as 150-377 calories are lost.
  • When working with a vacuum cleaner, you can do exercises to strengthen the muscles of your legs, abs and buttocks.

For other exercises that you can do while you are preparing food or brushing your teeth before bed, look in the article "".

Pleasure Day

There are no prohibitions on this day. You can eat whatever you want. This is how a person’s psyche is maintained in good condition when losing weight. But under no circumstances should you go to extremes and overeat!

These are the clever ways you can lose about 4-5 kilograms in a few weeks. By the way, if you need a specific plan for comfortable weight loss by 1-2 sizes, then read. We wish you success in getting rid of extra pounds!

Mini Tips for Losing Weight

    Reduce your portions by a third - that's what will help you lose weight! Short and to the point :)

    Add more or stop? When this question arises, it’s definitely time to stop eating. This is the body giving you a signal that you will be full soon, otherwise you would not doubt it.

    If you tend to overeat in the evenings, then take a warm shower before dinner. 5-7 minutes, and you already have a completely different mood and attitude towards food. Try it - it works.

    No matter how delicious the food is, you will eat it many more times. This is not the last meal of your life! Remind yourself of this when you feel like you can’t stop and are frantically swallowing piece after piece.

    Our environment influences us - that's a fact! Avoid conversations like “I lost weight and couldn’t”, “but we’ll still remain fat”, “there must be a lot of good people.” Well, even if there are “a lot” of them, what do you have to do with it?

    Remember a simple word: graceful. This is exactly what your portion of unhealthy foods should be. And then you too will become graceful - it’s only a matter of time.

    To reduce the likelihood of overeating, follow the “10 calm spoons” rule. It says: “Eat the first ten spoonfuls very slowly, as slowly as you can.”

Hilda was once aloud surprised by her friend’s fear of hydrophobia and repented of bringing it up when she saw what a storm of tears her careless remark had caused.
“Such a beautiful house,” she changed the subject, “but it is located away from the city, and everyone passing by stares at it as if it were a set from a historical film.” Would you like to move closer?
- To the river? “I’m happy with this house,” Ginger answered sharply, “I don’t want to move anywhere.”
“Of course, of course, this is a very, very comfortable house,” Hilda agreed. They never returned to this topic again.
Sebastian was a wealthy man; after his death, Ginger could have settled down with all possible comforts and lived on capital income. She endlessly went through the bright memories of her husband, with whom she lived so briefly. For her, he was still alive.
Sure, it was a bit boring, but Ginger loved living in Exeter. She loved the sleepy lifestyle of the city and the understated charm of the countryside. By nature sociable and open, she immediately became a member of the local embroidery club, although she did not become particularly close to the women from the club. Handicrafts have always been one of her hobbies. Now she and her friends participated in the creation of a tapestry depicting the history of the city.
For five years, Ginger had been volunteering at the local social services office, helping to care for the elderly. It was at this job that she met Hilda, who, following in her father’s footsteps, was a member of several charitable organizations.
And now, as time passed, Ginger, who was always surrounded by more acquaintances than friends, and who had a hard time approaching intimacy, preferring non-binding courtesy, could not understand why she had become friends with Hilda so quickly. Despite the ease of their relationship, Ginger, comparing herself with her young friend, felt some kind of inner deprivation. Understanding her state of mind, Hilda persistently but delicately encouraged Ginger, trying to free her from mental stiffness and uncertainty. City affairs were just one way of this psychotherapy.
“You underestimate yourself and thereby ruin yourself,” Hilda once said with the most serious look.
Ginger flashed her eyes unkindly in response. She could have rudely cut off her friend mid-sentence when she started talking about her loneliness, that is, the absence of a man next to Ginger. No, they did not squabble like cats and dogs; in their narrow circle of friends, who had long lived side by side, such behavior was impossible. It's just that after Sebastian's death, Ginger couldn't imagine that she would ever regain the ability to love. Men were to her the same as the sea; It's time for Hilda to learn to take this into account!
We can say that from the moment Stephen Baxter appeared on their horizon, Ginger’s life was filled with new meaning and content. But now she suffered greatly from having to tell Hilda the bad news. Hilda led many to believe that she was a level-headed icy, too businesslike, completely devoid of weaknesses and passions, but Ginger knew what a soft core this tough nut was, how emotional and vulnerable Hilda really was.
Taking a deep breath, she said:
- Hilda, I'm afraid I have bad news. This is about Stephen Baxter and... and money... your money...
- He sensed a catch and is going to refuse our offer? Did he give you the check back?
“No, he didn’t,” Ginger sighed, “he…” She paused before telling her friend the main thing: “Hilda, he disappeared, pocketing your money, your fifty thousand.”
- How!?
“It’s my fault, I’m sorry...” Ginger began to sob, and Hilda would have immediately handed her a handkerchief if they weren’t talking on the phone. Ginger blew her nose and, taking a deep breath, was able to explain herself. - I acted according to plan, telling him that I had the check. Stephen replied that he knew where to place capital with maximum profit. He suggested that our deal remain unofficial. He said that he wanted to spend money through some offshore company in Hong Kong and the less paperwork we wrote, the more profit we would get. I tried to call you to ask for advice, but you...
- I went to London on business. But it does not change anything. Even if I were here, I would tell you: “Act as agreed.”
- I agreed with Stephen's proposal and wrote a check in his name. I thought we'd put the check through my account, but he said it was unnecessary. And yesterday I meet Craig's sister Barbara and find out that on the very day he received that damn check, she saw him at the airport. Baxter was just getting out of the taxi. I was in such a hurry that I didn’t even notice Barbara... I don’t know why, but I was also alarmed by Stephen’s absence. His phone didn’t answer... I called the bank, they didn’t know anything. Then they reported that all of Baxter's accounts were closed. No one seems to know where he disappeared to, Hilda. And when he comes back... I'm very afraid...
“That he won’t come back at all,” Hilda finished gloomily for her.
- I think you're absolutely right. With that much money in his pocket, he will cover his tracks, settle in a new place and start a new scam. - Ginger bit her lip out of resentment. - Forgive me, Hilda.
“It’s not your fault,” Hilda responded immediately.
- If anyone is to blame, it’s me... What are we going to do now? - There was tension in Ginger's voice.
“First of all, let’s relax and calm down,” Hilda answered softly, “and then... God, Ginger, I don’t know what will happen next.” I'm so angry that I can't think straight at all. I would never have thought that this handsome guy could turn out to be so nimble... The scoundrel will ruin the lives of more than one person.
Hilda fell silent, and for a while Ginger heard only her sobs on the phone.
“Okay, at least Maggie will now get rid of illusions,” Ginger was the first to break the silence.
- Yes. - Hilda sobbed again.
“Now we have much more reasons to take revenge on him, by as much as fifty thousand more.”
- Just don’t bite yourself, otherwise you’ll love it, Ginger! - Hilda paused and then continued more calmly: - I was afraid of something like this. He, of course, should have been tempted by the money and run away before he got bogged down in financial fraud. But it never occurred to me that he would do it so brazenly and so simply. And don’t you dare blame yourself alone,” she added firmly.
“He found himself in an even more desperate situation than I thought.” Otherwise I would not have acted so quickly and so recklessly. But, thank God, now he will never come up with a plausible excuse to return to Exeter.
- What are you doing for the weekend? - Hilda changed the subject.
- Nothing special. I'm taking Maggie to Padstow to see her parents. We'll go without Wendy, she and Craig can't be reached by phone now. And you?
- I'll leave too. My aunt in Bristol fell ill. The doctor says a trivial operation is needed, but she is afraid that she will not be able to stand it and refuses. I'll try to dispel her fears...
- Hilda, do you believe that we are even capable of tripping up Stephen?
“Now I’m not sure,” Hilda responded. - As far as I know Stephen, he will try to hide somewhere where neither Interpol nor European laws can reach him, and our fifty thousand will come in handy for him.
After Hilda hung up, Ginger stood thoughtfully by the phone for several more minutes, not even paying attention to her beloved cat Napoleon, who was hovering near her feet.
She again remembered her dead husband.
Their love was short, very young and idealistic. The intimacy between them seemed so timid, awkward; both were just beginning to comprehend the great art of love. Now her body was filled with feminine strength, and Sebastian remained a young man forever, never becoming a real man.
She herself quite vaguely remembered what it was like when they loved each other, she almost forgot the blissful nights when she fell asleep in his arms. She had the impression that this happened in another life and with another Ginger.
She forgot the hot excitement of his hands, the demanding caress of his lips, but for the rest of her life she remembered his mother’s eyes on the day of the funeral. A cry froze inside them. And a reproach. Ginger felt like those eyes were accusing her.
Now the memory of Sebastian and their short-lived love has become for her something like a familiar rosary, which she touches both in moments of strong nervous tension and when completely relaxed. The former love was, of course, a strong - but experienced - feeling, the love of a young inexperienced girl for an equally young and inexperienced creature. But now she is a grown woman in her prime. However, Ginger had not known the joys of love for a long time, and only sometimes, at night, did her body remind her that they existed.
Ginger sighed heavily. The desires that occasionally came to her brought with them only empty anxiety; she considered them an unworthy temptation. She looked at the cat and was pleased to note that she was not yet fully focused on this creature. An old maid with a cat and needlework, she thought.
Oh my God! Is she becoming your typical neurasthenic middle-aged widow? Just this thought brought a lump to my throat. No! Never! But that seems to be the case. Ginger couldn't bear to see Craig kiss Wendy. Not because I was jealous. Craig, of course, is attractive to her, but he is far from the hero of her novel. Rather, she envied her friend, her femininity, her sexuality...
Meanwhile, the cat climbed into her arms and, looking at her with piercing blue eyes, purred blissfully.
At thirty-seven, Ginger retained the perfect figure of an eighteen-year-old girl. She had thick, slightly curly, soft golden-honey hair that fell in large waves to her waist. Sebastian loved to dip his fingers into them.
Oh, if she could ever love again! But let it be a strong and wise man in full bloom, capable of driving away her melancholy.
The body responded to these thoughts with languor, a surge of warmth rising from the legs to the chest. The body remembered everything against her will. But after a moment she came out of her harmful trance.
- Sorry. “Come on, I’ll feed you,” she said to the cat.
And Napoleon obediently trotted after her into the kitchen.


Yawning deeply, Martin checked the road map again. Exeter was listed as the final destination of his trip.
He did not believe in luck when the detectives he hired reported that although there was no trace of Stephen Baxter and, probably, he had already left the country, his partner, a certain Ginger Graham, lived in the small town of Exeter. They provided Martin with a telephone number and address, as well as other useful information regarding Ms. Graham.
Widowed and childless, she leads a seemingly quite respectable life, but Martin understood that this was just a mask. He even tried to paint her psychological portrait. Most likely, this is a young person aged well over thirty. She probably still retained some remnants of her charm, which is very useful for extracting money from gullible men. She probably wears a lot of makeup and wears short skirts. She has a keen eye and a burning interest in other people's bank accounts. Without a doubt, she is smart, but not so smart as to predict the actions of her partner, who ran away from her at the moment when everything seemed to be going like clockwork. Perhaps she even wants to continue the “business” alone.
In general, Martin immediately felt disgust towards the woman who had deceived his brother, like, apparently, many others before him. This is a breed of deceitful, heartless predators. However, like most representatives of the “weak” half of humanity. They are all cut to the same size. His “ex” is no exception.
He stepped on the gas of the powerful Mercedes convertible so that the headwind would at least slightly cool his hot head, inflamed by the prospect of quick revenge and a frantic desire to get to that damn Exeter as quickly as possible.
At the end of the postcard-picturesque valley, he saw the first buildings of the town. Mentally, he imagined this place as a gloomy, shabby outback, full of drunkards and gloomy unemployed people, with a huge blank prison wall, the main entrance to which is located from the main square, polluted by the vegetable market. But while he was driving along neat boulevards full of nannies and mothers with pretty pink babies, for some reason he did not come across ragged beggars or gangster-looking bikers.
Martin spotted a parking spot and, turning off the engine, turned his attention to the map with all possible attention. Having oriented himself to the area, he tried to assess the territory of future military operations.
Ginger Graham lived just outside the city, in a secluded house on a hill. A worthy choice, certainly justified in her studies.
Turning the car around, Martin drove onto the highway leading to the suburbs.
Ginger was working in the garden when she heard a car approaching. The car slowed down, and she disgruntledly put the basket and garden shears aside. She did not want to accept anyone, and especially not a stranger; the flowers that needed to be chosen to decorate the room occupied her much more.
But the unexpected visitor resolutely headed towards her gate. Ginger was about to rush towards the house, still trying to avoid meeting her, but already at the door she heard the voice of a stranger:
- Wait, Mrs. Graham! We need to talk.
For some unknown reason, Ginger was scared. She did not at all like either the stranger's tone or the determined look with which he walked towards her along the garden path.
- Don't come, I have... a dog.
At that moment, Poopsy crawled out of her corner and growled at the newcomer.
“Yes, I can see it,” Martin grinned, “huge and angry.”
- Don't you dare offend her! - Ginger squealed and, picking up Poopsy in her arms, pressed her to her chest.
She had bought this little dog, a bundle of black and white fluff, on occasion from a family who had decided that the puppy's sharp teeth were too dangerous for their expensive furniture.
Ginger raised the dog, and Poopsie responded to her with passionate love, truly a dog's unconditional adoration.
Martin frowned. It’s strange that a woman of her type rushed to save her mongrel, although both were not in danger. The dog turned out to be more understanding than the owner.
Breaking free from Ginger's embrace, the shaggy creature, wagging its tail, rushed to study the alien's boots. Martin extended his hand to her, and the cheerful mongrel licked it joyfully, wagging her tail in a friendly manner according to canine etiquette.
“I don’t know why you came and what you want,” Ginger began nervously, “but...
- You know Stephen Baxter, don't you? - Martin interrupted her calmly.
- Steven... - Ginger's face turned into white spots. Who is this man: a friend of Stephen's or did he send him to demand even more money from her? Maybe he wants compensation? Or did he uncover their plot?
The changes in her face, which Martin could not help but notice, were incomprehensible and surprising to him. She looked completely different from how he had imagined her. The long skirt draped her legs in soft folds, and was there any makeup at all? He had never seen such soft, fresh lips on any woman her age. But she definitely dyes her hair. And all of her must be as artificial and completely deceitful as the color of her hair. And her mongrel... They say that Gestapo women were all sentimental. So this lady may have a whole brood of cats, dogs and a flock of parrots in her house.
- Do you want to know what I came with? - Martin asked seriously. - No doubt you know Stephen Baxter. I know you worked with him.
- Did you work... together? - Ginger asked, stuttering slightly. - I…
- I have proof with me. - Martin reached into the inner pocket of his jacket.
Ginger wanted to pluck up the courage to slam the door in the face of this impudent person, but Martin’s caustic look immediately stopped even the very thought of this. He seemed huge to her. Over six feet tall. And very dense. Not thick, but dense. Ginger's face became increasingly flushed with embarrassment. His hair was thick and dark, and only a few strands were bleached by the sun, which made him look even more like a lion.
- That's your name, isn't it? - He handed her the paper and pointed his index finger at the company logo, blue at the top of the sheet.
Ginger's eyes widened when she saw her own last name.
- Yes. Yes it's me. - She admitted the obvious, but her face - and Ginger noted this at the edge of her consciousness - was not glowing from embarrassment at some dubious document, but because Martin had noticed the careful female examination to which she had just subjected him.
Ginger forced herself to read the document. God! What is this?! The dirty lie fell heavily on Ginger's heart... In front of her, her name was written in black and white next to the name of the damned Stephen Baxter, and below was the word “partner.” What on earth does this mean? Why on earth had Stephen Baxter arrogated to himself the right to be called her partner? Ginger didn't understand. Apparently, this scoundrel thought that the second surname added weight to his fictitious company and credibility to the next scam that he had planned. Or perhaps he sensed what a dangerous game he and his friends were playing against him and, by compromising it, intended to ruin all their plans? When it comes to Stephen Baxter, you can assume anything. Ginger had never met a more unscrupulous scoundrel in her life.
She wanted to immediately unleash a stream of tears, apologies and confessions on Martin. But she was stopped by the thought that the evidence of Stephen's fraudulent transactions, which she and Hilda were going to obtain at a very high price, might now not be needed. Ginger was even confused; she absolutely needed time to think. Hilda needs to be consulted, to tell her what happened, but most of all she needs that piece of paper that Mr. Martin is now holding in his hands so casually and with such contempt.
As if he had guessed her wish, he stepped back slightly, folded the paper and put it in his pocket.
“Your partner turned out to be smarter than you, he disappeared, but you are either stupid or arrogant...” Martin said insinuatingly.
Arrogant! Ginger couldn't believe her ears.
- How do you feel, how do you live, knowing that you stole people’s money; this house, the clothes you wear and the food you eat... no doubt all paid for with money from other people's pockets? - Martin asked contemptuously and angrily. - What, nothing to say? No protests, no excuses? You surprise me. You are one of those people who would eat a dead cat without salt for a hundred pounds!
How surprised he would be if he knew the truth. But will he believe it if you tell him the truth? Apparently, he won’t believe it. However, she no longer intends to listen to all these insults...
Lifting her chin and looking him straight in the eyes, Ginger said firmly:
- I'm really sorry that you were deceived...
She paused.
There was something about him that made it difficult for her to breathe. She suggested that anger was most likely to blame. After all, what else could it be? She smiled shyly before continuing.
- However, when you were offered extremely favorable investment conditions, didn’t you really suspect that something was fishy here?
Martin couldn't believe his own ears. She became so bold that she blamed him, hinting that he was either too stupid or too greedy. Brave little booger! And at the same time, so fragile and graceful that he could easily lift her into his arms without even straining his muscles too much. However, breaking her neck would also be an easy task...
Martin was forced to admit that this woman was not a timid woman. Tougher than her missing partner. He couldn't help but admire her calmness and self-control. Just criminal talent.
However, remembering why he was here, Martin tempered his enthusiasm.
- Well, you know, I can tell a worthwhile business from a linden a mile away. It wasn't me who was robbed. Does the name Gilly Stewart mean anything to you?
“No... I’ve never heard of him before,” Ginger answered honestly and even frowned slightly, trying to remember, “but if you haven’t invested in Stephen’s company, then let me ask, what are you doing here?”
“Gilli is my brother,” Martin said angrily, “but what difference does it make who you robbed?” Gilly should be studying, not worrying about five thousand pounds missing. Which you don't seem to care about. - Indignation gave way to contempt in his voice. - I bet you don’t give a damn about anything that goes beyond the boundaries of your insignificant little world. Do you even know pain and disappointment?
- Don't talk about what you don't know! - Ginger interrupted his speech. Now the confusion gave way to anger.
- Oh, I know the main thing. I know that you are a lying liar.
Ginger gasped indignantly.
- Do you have anything else to say? - Martin said dryly.
“I... I won’t say a word until I talk to my lawyer,” Ginger answered, rather tired of the protracted scene.
- Well, talk to a lawyer, you will need his help. And at the same time with your precious partner, if you know where he is. I'll tell you straight: you're in big trouble. You owe my brother five thousand, and I am determined to force you to repay this money.
- Are you seriously? - asked Ginger, intrigued. Hilda would probably be interested in talking with this man. Finally, there is someone strong and determined who is able to deal with Baxter. But why the hell did he attack her?
Of course, he confuses her with someone, but the sooner he should explain himself.
- Mister, what you said interests me extremely. But... by the way, you still didn’t say what your name is...
“Foster,” Martin finally introduced himself, “Martin Foster.”
Martin Foster. Amazing. At least now she knows his name. She can tell all this to Hilda, and then introduce him to Hilda, so that they can all pursue Stephen Baxter together.
It was as if insight had descended on Ginger.
-Are you saying that I should compensate your brother for his losses? I'm afraid I don't have that amount of money on me. Five thousand pounds is too much. Can you wait... say until tomorrow?
Martin looked at her. What is she? Just a minute ago she knew nothing about the money, then she accused him of stupidity, and now she agrees to compensate for the losses. Looks like she's even more dangerous than he suspected.
- Why should I believe you? After all, you can do the same trick as your accomplice.
- Will I melt into thin air? - Ginger looked at Poopsie, who was sprawled on the floor. “No, I can’t do that,” she said simply and laughed.
For some reason Martin believed her. She, of course, could deceive Gilly and God knows how many other people, but he saw the love in her eyes when she looked at the dog. There’s no way she’ll betray her!
“In the meantime, I’ll write you a check,” Ginger said with such a serious look that Martin’s nose tickled and he wanted to laugh.
“And your bank will no doubt refuse to pay it on time,” he said, shaking his head. -No, I prefer cash.
- Then you will have to wait until tomorrow.
- Very good, I will be with you at nine in the morning.
- At nine? “But the bank doesn’t open until ten,” Ginger objected.
“Exactly,” Martin agreed. “But I won’t risk letting you travel to the bank and back alone.” I'll go with you.
-Are you going to escort me? - His impudence stunned Ginger for a moment. - Or maybe it’s better for you to stay here for the night, putting me on a chain for good measure?
Martin was struck by the bright pink blush on her cheeks. Does she seem to be trying to flirt with him? This is probably one of her signature tricks, which has certainly worked in the past with less resilient males. It is not difficult to imagine how the flirting of such an airy creature affects the oaky squires. Surely a protective instinct awakens in them, and they are ready to injure each other and all the police officers of the county, just so that she does not cry or pout. Cunning tricks, damned feminine tricks! How many lies and cunning can such a fragile, delicate body contain?
He muttered angrily:
- And don’t even try to sneak away! In any case, I will find you, even at the bottom of the sea.
But as soon as he headed towards the car, Poopsy took off and trotted after him, whining pitifully. Ginger ran after the dog. Martin stopped, squatted down and stroked the little dog, which was trembling with happiness. Then, looking up at Ginger, he growled:
- Poor little dog! He deserves a better owner, more worthy of his love and devotion.
And before Ginger could respond, he rose to his feet and, without looking back, walked towards the car.
What a bear! What an arrogant, stubborn lout! Pupsy looked after him as he left for a long time. Instead of reproaching the dog for his betrayal, Ginger said out loud:
- I feel sorry for his wife.

Eat less, move more actively, eliminate all sweets, flour and fatty foods from your diet…. The basic principles of the fight against excess weight are known to everyone, but the path to the cherished goal - a slim figure, not hidden under the hated extra pounds - is often covered with thorns. Few people have the willpower to limit their diet to salad and green apples day after day and torture themselves for hours in the gym. And is this necessary?
We are all very different, and therefore the approach to losing weight should be individual. And little secrets of being slim will help you lose excess weight gradually and without much effort.
1. Water is the source of life and... weight loss!
If you want to lose weight, drink a glass of water before meals; if you want to maintain weight, drink while eating; if you want to gain pounds, drink drinks immediately after meals. This is what the Japanese say, and many nutritionists agree with them. A glass of water drunk half an hour before meals can reduce the number of calories consumed. Water fills the stomach, and the feeling of fullness comes faster. In addition, water allows you to get rid of the feeling of “false” hunger. It is quite possible that drinking water will allow you to understand that you really don’t want to eat at all.
2. Proteins are the key to strong muscles
When losing weight, unfortunately, we lose not only fat, but also muscle mass. To prevent this from happening, do not give up proteins under any circumstances! Diets that call for excluding any types of meat, cereals and legumes from the diet are detrimental to the body. Proteins are a natural building material for muscles, and muscle tissue promotes more active burning of calories.
Main sources of animal protein:
Meat (beef, pork)
Dairy products
Plant proteins are found in foods such as:
Cereals and legumes (soybeans, buckwheat, beans)
Vegetables (zucchini, Brussels sprouts, potatoes)
The maximum benefit will come from a combination of animal and plant proteins, so when eating meat, do not forget about vegetables and cereals. For example, after preparing a delicious chicken breast for lunch, be sure to add a couple of spoons of beans or stewed Brussels sprouts to it.
3. Vegetables come first!
What are the benefits of vegetables? Because you can eat them in large quantities without harming your figure. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, folic acid, but most importantly, fiber, which helps you lose weight much faster. To lose weight, it is necessary that the number of calories expended exceeds the number received. The greater the difference, the more active the weight loss process is.
Vegetables contain very few calories, and their high fiber content promotes their active consumption. The body spends more calories processing some vegetables than it receives from consuming them. Fill your diet with celery, cabbage, beets and spinach, and your weight will definitely begin to decrease.
4. A gift from the sun - bright grapefruit!
Grapefruit is a bright sunny fruit, the aroma of which lifts your mood and energizes you. Its juicy pulp is a source of vitamins, organic acids, and antioxidants. Regular consumption of grapefruit can reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system, and normalize the functions of the cardiovascular system.
Another beneficial property of this fruit is its ability to reduce insulin levels in the blood. Insulin is a hormone that controls hunger. The lower its concentration in the blood, the less desire to eat an extra piece. Just half a grapefruit a day stabilizes insulin production, allowing you to reduce the amount of food you eat.
5. Olive oil is an ideal product for weight loss
Refusing any fatty foods while losing weight is not the best idea. Especially if we are talking about oil, and not just any oil, but olive oil - a real leader in weight loss products. A teaspoon of olive oil, drunk on an empty stomach, accelerates metabolic and digestive processes, due to which food is digested much more actively.
Oleic acid, which is contained in olive oil, promotes rapid saturation. This means that by dressing a salad with a spoon of olive oil, you will eat less than the same vegetables without oil.
6. Elixir of longevity – fermented milk products
The value of fermented milk products lies in their ability to prolong youth, maintain health and beauty. Eat kefir (preferably low-fat), sugar-free yogurt and cottage cheese every day, as these products are perfectly absorbed by our body, improve intestinal microflora and activate metabolism.
Fermented milk products contain few calories, but they are rich in calcium, which is necessary for muscle function. Calcium deficiency leads to disruption of metabolic processes, which in turn makes the process of losing weight ineffective. Be sure to eat cottage cheese - a universal product that can be eaten for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Just don’t season it with sour cream and sugar, replacing them with a spoonful of honey and a handful of fresh berries.
7. Spicy is held in high esteem
Have you noticed that among connoisseurs of Thai cuisine you almost never meet overweight people? The secret is their passion for spicy seasonings, which have the unique property of activating energy production and accelerating the process of burning fat. For example, capsaicin, which is found in chili peppers, stimulates blood circulation, increases the activity of muscle tissue, as a result of which the body burns much more calories than when eating bland food.
Let's sum it up
Using these little tricks, you can easily lose several kilograms per month. Due to the characteristics of the body, for some this process will proceed more actively, for others, on the contrary, it will be more difficult for them to part with the hated kilograms.
The main thing is not to despair and firmly move towards your goal. A slim figure is a completely achievable dream, and an individual approach to the process of losing weight will help bring this cherished moment closer. A consultant - a recognized leader in this field, Mikhail Yuryevich Ponikarovsky, author of the article, will help you with an individual approach to the competent process of weight loss. You can send your questions
by the address:
I will answer any 3 of your questions for free
Sincerely, author of the article Mikhail Yuryevich Ponikarovsky, epidemiologist

Shopping has recently turned into a real quest. Every now and then we are brazenly and unashamedly deceived in stores, adding extra goods to the cash register receipt and putting expired products on the shelves. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the tricks and tricks of marketers using examples.

Meet this regular “liter” carton of milk:

Care check: there are 900 grams. There are several nearby for 950. But the package can be perceived as a liter one.
Physics knowledge test. There is similar kefir nearby. Volume is measured in milliliters, mass in grams. The density of kefir is tragically higher than the density of water. That is, 900 grams of kefir 3.2% fat is approximately 874.5 milliliters.

Second patient:

25 years warranty. Cool, right? There is one problem. You need to keep the receipt. The test, again, is on knowledge of physics. Their receipt is printed on regular cash register thermal tape (I checked it on site). I have a lot of receipts in my office. We photocopy them because after a year or two they completely fade. The oldest check that a colleague saw was kept in a folder in the archive for 3 years. So how many years is the warranty?

Let me say right away that I do not sell any of these products and have no affiliation with them or their competitors. I chose products from the similar class only because they were closer and more accessible on the shelf. Well, or they attracted my attention more than the neighboring ones. On specific brands and articles, the color did not converge like a wedge - there are a lot of analogues. All judgments, in particular regarding specific products and brands, are evaluative; I may be incorrect due to ignorance of the material part. If I'm wrong, please correct me. Below we will talk about my personal feelings and emotions. That's it, let's go.

“Now without asbestos”

The product may indicate something extremely obvious that competitors forgot to write. Here is a cholesterol-free oil that exploits the biological illiteracy of the buyer. And without nuclear waste. It's strange that this is not indicated on the label.

Biochemistry test: there simply cannot be cholesterol in vegetable oil. But I need to write. Remember the comic, right?

Another example is soy-free sausages. Very roughly speaking, if you don’t make them from meat, then there are only two options left - soy texture or fat emulsion. So, on those without texture, it is quite logical to write that they are soy-free. The fact is that the buyer may decide that this statement is identical to the statement “from normal meat.”

You can masquerade as a well-known class of goods. For example, there is margarine and there is butter. It is enough to design margarine as butter and not write either the word “butter” or the word “margarine” on it. Oppa, what are we doing?
First, evaluate the coloring. Just poured oil, right? Secondly, pay attention to the name - you will guess it only on the third try (it is on the price tag). The gender of the name is very important. Thirdly, the price tag itself. Relatively recently, standards changed, and the price tag was forced to indicate the type of product - in this case, it is not oil, but a spread. But somehow there was no law obliging us to keep butter and margarine on separate shelves.

Here is another particular example of mimicry: a product of the store’s own brand is shuffled into a pile of chocolates (if it were not a private label, it would have been placed separately).
A confectionery bar without adding cocoa in a shelf with chocolate on the left and right.

We carefully read the composition
Let's move on to deft movements with components. Caviar. The word “delicacy” does not oblige you to anything. Well, maybe someone likes potatoes more than caviar, right? There is still caviar inside. And they probably forgot the capelin on the lid by accident.

“No preservatives” - but contains citric acid. The fact is that this thing is both a flavoring additive, an acidity regulator, and a fairly strong preservative. If it is included in the class of acidity regulators, then preservatives magically disappear from the composition. Miracle!

I was always incredibly curious about these young bulls at this price. Well, I found out.

It seems that “based on” means “straight up naturally from them.” Of course, I'm no expert, but judging by the components, there are few buds there, but there is the well-known Sodium Laureth Sulfate and some elegantly named Aqua. Sodium lauryl sulfate is a strong cleaning property, which, according to the wiki, can also be a strong allergen. And the final touch - it seems that vitamin B6 stimulates hair growth, and not the product itself - well, judging by the packaging. There is no need to prove this about vitamins. So what if the rest are not signed?

Here are the good old crab sticks. And even though they are not made from crab (which everyone seems to already know), the manufacturer still honestly warns on the packaging that they are made from fish:

Names and terms
Now let's go buy some water. If you look into the classification, it turns out that we are primarily interested in the word “canteen” defined by the standard - this is water that can be consumed by a healthy person every day without restrictions. Please note that it is different from drinking. You can drink drinking water, but canteen is a subset of drinking water, the kind of drinking water that you can drink every day, and you won’t get anything for it. Well, there is also a “medicinal canteen”, which you can drink almost as often, if you are not a fan of it.
Dining room. They write on the back.

Another dining room. They also write on the back without unnecessary show-off (well, considering the price, it’s quite understandable).

It’s also good, but it’s not worth living on alone for a year in a row.

And this is already talent. The word “real” is not described in the standard, but it sounds cool.

Baby water? What it is? Do you have study water?

GOSTs and names
I couldn't find any examples during this walkthrough. I remember that I came across beer with GOST standards for water purification on the label, plus candies with “Natural Products” written in large letters on the front side. On the back it turned out that this was Natural Products LLC.
Read under the star
The girl drags me to the cosmetics store to show me something.
The correct reading is: “(Deep nutrition) and (hydration).” The hydration is very shallow. So, only the surface of the skin. But there are no programmers among the target audience.

But I didn’t even think about this. Let's do it again: they promise me noticeable results in two weeks. How did they check? We washed our hair with this thing and, attention, focus, with one other thing. And these two things together had a noticeable result. Almost perfect logic.

Reading the footnotes turned out to be very interesting. Here is an example from the products:

Exploitation of laziness
Here is a perfect example of aggressive exploitation of laziness. The expensive packaged carrots are on top, but if you peel away 5-6 bags, you can see regular ones. I knew what to look for because I needed a couple of carrots, not just a bunch.
As long as they don't sell loose carrots, I'm only for packaged ones.

Photo of the terminal offer, I added an arrow to draw attention to one of the points. Topped up your balance? Catch the ad.

Three times I bought an item that was more expensive because underneath it there was a price tag from another one that was cheaper. The most striking example is to “confuse” the price tags for a large can of green peas and a small one. It was not possible to find an example during the hike.
But here’s a cooler option for you.
Quick feeding point. Look at the picture:

Do you see the catch? Damn here, pie there... Everything is fine, right? But there is one caveat. Strain your eyes:

1. Thin people don’t criticize themselves and know when to stop.

Don’t think that slim people drink only kefir and eat only steamed vegetables. They, like everyone else, love to treat themselves to a delicious dish. And they don’t have any restrictions on portion sizes. The difference between a slim person and a fat person is that a slim person has no sense of guilt. A thin person can afford a delicious lunch and not reproach himself for the amount of food he eats. A fat person, on the contrary, will scold himself for every spoonful of ice cream and this will make him even fatter.

2. Slim people eat regularly

As soon as the brain signals that food is needed, weight watchers head to the refrigerator to prevent overeating. Overweight people have the opposite situation. They sit down at the table at a time when hunger can no longer be controlled. Instead of the prescribed portion, they eat 2-3 times more, which is why they gain extra pounds.

3. Skinny people know what foods they need.

That is why they will not pick up several bags of groceries in supermarkets or markets. They will buy only the essentials. But overweight people face many temptations. Having bought some goodies, it is natural to want to try everything at once. And this is fraught with excess fat deposits. Yes, the diet should be varied, but this does not mean that you need to prepare 10 new dishes every day!

If you don’t know how to properly plan your diet and what products are best purchased in supermarkets, then contact us. You will spend one time on a consultation, but you will solve the problem of unbalanced nutrition forever.

4. Skinny people prefer foods high in water content.

In many cases, they prefer soups, vegetables, fruits, and unconsciously. This food contains a sufficient amount of fiber and is very high in calories. Thus, by eating a small portion, you can be satisfied for several hours.

5. Slim people lead active lifestyles

They are constantly going somewhere, doing business or spending time on a hobby. And this is a guarantee of health, because walking burns calories, and daily walks, for example, can take away about 13 kg of excess weight from a person in a year!

6. Skinny people understand how their bodies work.

Slender people realize that each body is individual, so weight loss algorithms may differ. They know exactly what type of nutrition and what workouts are suitable for them in order to quickly get their body in order. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about fat people.

7. Skinny people take care of themselves.

These people will go to a fitness club, go to the sea, and visit a doctor if they feel the need. They don't put off life until tomorrow. They are characterized by healthy selfishness and are not ashamed of the fact that they actively monitor their own health.

On average, a person gains from 2 to 5 kg during the winter. The reasons mainly lie in the seasonal characteristics of metabolism. And few people manage to go through a long series of holidays without damaging their figure. And in order to hear from your friends in the spring an envious “how you’ve lost weight!”, you need to resort to small “deceptions”.

You've probably noticed that as soon as you eat a piece of chocolate, your mood immediately improves. The secret is in the hormone of happiness - serotonin, which is especially needed in winter and the production of which is triggered by chocolate. But among other things, it contains a lot of sugar, so while improving our mood, we get extra simple carbohydrates, which gradually turn into extra pounds. And if chocolate makes you happy, then you should resort to a little trick. Don't give up chocolate completely, but try to buy only dark chocolate, high in cocoa content, without fillings or fillers, and eat 2-3 pieces a day. Replace the rest of the bar with chocolate scents: bubble bath, chocolate-scented cream or perfume with a chocolate note. The chocolate “spirit” will do the job perfectly.


When it's cold, the body requires a constant supply of carbohydrates. This happens due to hormonal changes, leading to a deterioration in their absorption. And in our understanding, carbohydrates are primarily sweet and starchy foods... Replace buns with dried fruits, fruits and vegetables. Drink freshly squeezed juices. Carrots in combination with a small amount of cream will delight you with carotene, and citrus juices with vitamin C. Do not bite off the whole fruit, but cut it into pieces, this will satiate you faster. While we are peeling and cutting the fruit, the subconscious mind believes that the process of eating has already begun. A great winter product that few people know about are Brazil nuts. It is an excellent source of selenium, which helps prevent depression, B vitamins and vitamin E, which are needed for the production of serotonin. But remember that everything is good in moderation: a serving of nuts should not exceed one tablespoon.

In winter, you don’t want to move, which is also associated with a slower metabolism. And often, despite exercise, the size of the waist and hips increases - the female body accumulates fat reserves in the lower part of the body. Go to the gym three times a day. Learn to skate and ski. Because, firstly, the exercise in the air is a blow to the winter “gain”, the metabolic process is significantly accelerated, and the accumulated calories are burned faster, and secondly, you will pay increased attention to the leg muscles. In general, in winter it is preferable to put stress on the lower limbs. Don’t forget about the pool, swimming is a great fat burner, so you can indulge in an extra piece of chocolate later. And you will kill two birds with one stone: you will increase your tone and mood.

Little tricks for a slim figure

On average, a person gains from 2 to 5 kg during the winter. The reasons mainly lie in the seasonal characteristics of metabolism. And few people manage to go through a long series of holidays without damaging their figure. And in order to hear an envious “how thin have you lost” from your friends in the spring, you need to resort to small “winter tricks”.

You've probably noticed that as soon as you eat a piece of chocolate, your mood immediately improves. The secret is in the hormone of happiness - serotonin, which is especially needed in winter and the production of which is triggered by chocolate. But among other things, it contains a lot of sugar, so while improving our mood, we get extra simple carbohydrates, which gradually turn into extra pounds. And if chocolate makes you happy, then you should resort to a little trick. Don't give up chocolate completely, but try to buy only dark chocolate, high in cocoa content, without fillings or fillers, and eat 2-3 pieces a day. Replace the rest of the bar with chocolate scents: bubble bath, chocolate-scented cream or perfume with a chocolate note. The chocolate “spirit” will do the job perfectly.

Fight for a slim figure

When it's cold, the body requires a constant supply of carbohydrates. This happens due to hormonal changes, leading to a deterioration in their absorption. And in our understanding, carbohydrates are primarily sweet and floury... Replace buns with dried fruits, fruits and vegetables. Drink freshly squeezed juices. Carrots in combination with a small amount of cream will delight you with carotene, and citrus juices with vitamin C. Do not bite off the whole fruit, but cut it into pieces, this will satiate you faster. While we are peeling and cutting the fruit, the subconscious mind believes that the process of eating has already begun. A great winter product that few people know about are Brazil nuts. It is an excellent source of selenium, which helps prevent depression, B vitamins and vitamin E, which are needed for the production of serotonin. But remember that everything is good in moderation: a serving of nuts should not exceed one tablespoon.

Previously, during the cold weather, a person needed to store fat to keep warm. It is precisely for such cases that nature has gifted us with weight gain in winter. In addition, when the air temperature drops, metabolism slows down. Therefore, everything that is eaten is spent sparingly. And it is in winter that the soul asks for a chop with potatoes! You need to give up high-calorie foods and fatty meats. Eat chicken or turkey instead of pork. Partially replace meat with fiber-rich legumes.

In fitness for a slim figure

In winter, you don’t want to move, which is also associated with a slower metabolism. And often, despite exercise, the size of the waist and hips increases - the female body accumulates fat reserves in the lower part of the body. Go to the gym three times a day. Learn to skate and ski. Because, firstly, the exercise in the air is a blow to the winter “gain”, the metabolic process is significantly accelerated, and the accumulated calories are burned faster, and secondly, you will pay increased attention to the leg muscles. In general, in winter it is preferable to put stress on the lower limbs. Don’t forget about the pool, swimming is a great fat burner, so you can indulge in an extra piece of chocolate later. And you will kill two birds with one stone: you will increase your tone and mood.

Ekaterina Startseva | 01/19/2016 | 2037

Ekaterina Startseva 01/19/2016 2037

Still haven't gotten rid of a couple of extra pounds you gained during the holidays? No problem! Simple techniques will help you hide small imperfections in your figure.

Of course, these tricks won’t make you look thin in an instant, but they can easily hide 1-2 kilograms. And this will increase your self-esteem, and you will stop reproaching yourself for eating too much Olivier seasoned with high-calorie mayonnaise on New Year’s Eve.

1. Properly tucked in T-shirt

Tucking your T-shirt or shirt only in the front, leaving the sides and back hanging freely, will make your stomach appear flatter. In the West, this way of carrying things was borrowed from students.

2. Voluminous skirt

A full skirt helps create an hourglass silhouette that flatters a woman's figure. By the way, this is one of singer Adele’s favorite techniques.

3. The right jacket

This is a true lifesaver. A jacket with wide shoulders paired with tight-fitting jeans makes your figure look slimmer. The sleeve helps to visually “lighten” the hips.

Wear your jacket unbuttoned. This will create two vertical lines that will visually strip you of a couple of pounds.

4. Long scarves and shawls

A long flowing scarf wrapped around the neck lengthens the silhouette. Choose plain scarves in medium and large sizes with large patterns.

The color black actually highlights what should be hidden! And the true colors of slimness are dark blue, charcoal gray, burgundy and dark emerald. But in order not to look “mourning”, dilute dark things with bright accessories.

5. Rocker Reception

Tie a sweater or shirt around your hips. In the 90s, this was a favorite technique of rockers; today this detail is called French chic. But most importantly, it helps to “stretch” the silhouette.

6. Good colors and accessories

Focus attention on the upper part of the figure with a bright scarf, brooch, and beautiful large earrings. Choose trousers and skirts in solid colors, muted colors and a simple cut.

7. Favorite size

Wear a pullover 1-2 sizes larger. A men's sweater paired with leggings looks especially trendy (and at the same time makes you look frail).

Take note of these techniques - and your slim figure will not go unnoticed.

Hilda was once aloud surprised by her friend’s fear of hydrophobia and repented of bringing it up when she saw what a storm of tears her careless remark had caused.
“Such a beautiful house,” she changed the subject, “but it is located away from the city, and everyone passing by stares at it as if it were a set from a historical film.” Would you like to move closer?
- To the river? “I’m happy with this house,” Ginger answered sharply, “I don’t want to move anywhere.”
“Of course, of course, this is a very, very comfortable house,” Hilda agreed. They never returned to this topic again.
Sebastian was a wealthy man; after his death, Ginger could have settled down with all possible comforts and lived on capital income. She endlessly went through the bright memories of her husband, with whom she lived so briefly. For her, he was still alive.
Sure, it was a bit boring, but Ginger loved living in Exeter. She loved the sleepy lifestyle of the city and the understated charm of the countryside. By nature sociable and open, she immediately became a member of the local embroidery club, although she did not become particularly close to the women from the club. Handicrafts have always been one of her hobbies. Now she and her friends participated in the creation of a tapestry depicting the history of the city.
For five years, Ginger had been volunteering at the local social services office, helping to care for the elderly. It was at this job that she met Hilda, who, following in her father’s footsteps, was a member of several charitable organizations.
And now, as time passed, Ginger, who was always surrounded by more acquaintances than friends, and who had a hard time approaching intimacy, preferring non-binding courtesy, could not understand why she had become friends with Hilda so quickly. Despite the ease of their relationship, Ginger, comparing herself with her young friend, felt some kind of inner deprivation. Understanding her state of mind, Hilda persistently but delicately encouraged Ginger, trying to free her from mental stiffness and uncertainty. City affairs were just one way of this psychotherapy.
“You underestimate yourself and thereby ruin yourself,” Hilda once said with the most serious look.
Ginger flashed her eyes unkindly in response. She could have rudely cut off her friend mid-sentence when she started talking about her loneliness, that is, the absence of a man next to Ginger. No, they did not squabble like cats and dogs; in their narrow circle of friends, who had long lived side by side, such behavior was impossible. It's just that after Sebastian's death, Ginger couldn't imagine that she would ever regain the ability to love. Men were to her the same as the sea; It's time for Hilda to learn to take this into account!
We can say that from the moment Stephen Baxter appeared on their horizon, Ginger’s life was filled with new meaning and content. But now she suffered greatly from having to tell Hilda the bad news. Hilda led many to believe that she was a level-headed icy, too businesslike, completely devoid of weaknesses and passions, but Ginger knew what a soft core this tough nut was, how emotional and vulnerable Hilda really was.
Taking a deep breath, she said:
- Hilda, I'm afraid I have bad news. This is about Stephen Baxter and... and money... your money...
- He sensed a catch and is going to refuse our offer? Did he give you the check back?
“No, he didn’t,” Ginger sighed, “he…” She paused before telling her friend the main thing: “Hilda, he disappeared, pocketing your money, your fifty thousand.”
- How!?
“It’s my fault, I’m sorry...” Ginger began to sob, and Hilda would have immediately handed her a handkerchief if they weren’t talking on the phone. Ginger blew her nose and, taking a deep breath, was able to explain herself. - I acted according to plan, telling him that I had the check. Stephen replied that he knew where to place capital with maximum profit. He suggested that our deal remain unofficial. He said that he wanted to spend money through some offshore company in Hong Kong and the less paperwork we wrote, the more profit we would get. I tried to call you to ask for advice, but you...
- I went to London on business. But it does not change anything. Even if I were here, I would tell you: “Act as agreed.”
- I agreed with Stephen's proposal and wrote a check in his name. I thought we'd put the check through my account, but he said it was unnecessary. And yesterday I meet Craig's sister Barbara and find out that on the very day he received that damn check, she saw him at the airport. Baxter was just getting out of the taxi. I was in such a hurry that I didn’t even notice Barbara... I don’t know why, but I was also alarmed by Stephen’s absence. His phone didn’t answer... I called the bank, they didn’t know anything. Then they reported that all of Baxter's accounts were closed. No one seems to know where he disappeared to, Hilda. And when he comes back... I'm very afraid...
“That he won’t come back at all,” Hilda finished gloomily for her.
- I think you're absolutely right. With that much money in his pocket, he will cover his tracks, settle in a new place and start a new scam. - Ginger bit her lip out of resentment. - Forgive me, Hilda.
“It’s not your fault,” Hilda responded immediately.
- If anyone is to blame, it’s me... What are we going to do now? - There was tension in Ginger's voice.
“First of all, let’s relax and calm down,” Hilda answered softly, “and then... God, Ginger, I don’t know what will happen next.” I'm so angry that I can't think straight at all. I would never have thought that this handsome guy could turn out to be so nimble... The scoundrel will ruin the lives of more than one person.
Hilda fell silent, and for a while Ginger heard only her sobs on the phone.
“Okay, at least Maggie will now get rid of illusions,” Ginger was the first to break the silence.
- Yes. - Hilda sobbed again.
“Now we have much more reasons to take revenge on him, by as much as fifty thousand more.”
- Just don’t bite yourself, otherwise you’ll love it, Ginger! - Hilda paused and then continued more calmly: - I was afraid of something like this. He, of course, should have been tempted by the money and run away before he got bogged down in financial fraud. But it never occurred to me that he would do it so brazenly and so simply. And don’t you dare blame yourself alone,” she added firmly.
“He found himself in an even more desperate situation than I thought.” Otherwise I would not have acted so quickly and so recklessly. But, thank God, now he will never come up with a plausible excuse to return to Exeter.
- What are you doing for the weekend? - Hilda changed the subject.
- Nothing special. I'm taking Maggie to Padstow to see her parents. We'll go without Wendy, she and Craig can't be reached by phone now. And you?
- I'll leave too. My aunt in Bristol fell ill. The doctor says a trivial operation is needed, but she is afraid that she will not be able to stand it and refuses. I'll try to dispel her fears...
- Hilda, do you believe that we are even capable of tripping up Stephen?
“Now I’m not sure,” Hilda responded. - As far as I know Stephen, he will try to hide somewhere where neither Interpol nor European laws can reach him, and our fifty thousand will come in handy for him.
After Hilda hung up, Ginger stood thoughtfully by the phone for several more minutes, not even paying attention to her beloved cat Napoleon, who was hovering near her feet.
She again remembered her dead husband.
Their love was short, very young and idealistic. The intimacy between them seemed so timid, awkward; both were just beginning to comprehend the great art of love. Now her body was filled with feminine strength, and Sebastian remained a young man forever, never becoming a real man.
She herself quite vaguely remembered what it was like when they loved each other, she almost forgot the blissful nights when she fell asleep in his arms. She had the impression that this happened in another life and with another Ginger.
She forgot the hot excitement of his hands, the demanding caress of his lips, but for the rest of her life she remembered his mother’s eyes on the day of the funeral. A cry froze inside them. And a reproach. Ginger felt like those eyes were accusing her.
Now the memory of Sebastian and their short-lived love has become for her something like a familiar rosary, which she touches both in moments of strong nervous tension and when completely relaxed. The former love was, of course, a strong - but experienced - feeling, the love of a young inexperienced girl for an equally young and inexperienced creature. But now she is a grown woman in her prime. However, Ginger had not known the joys of love for a long time, and only sometimes, at night, did her body remind her that they existed.
Ginger sighed heavily. The desires that occasionally came to her brought with them only empty anxiety; she considered them an unworthy temptation. She looked at the cat and was pleased to note that she was not yet fully focused on this creature. An old maid with a cat and needlework, she thought.
Oh my God! Is she becoming your typical neurasthenic middle-aged widow? Just this thought brought a lump to my throat. No! Never! But that seems to be the case. Ginger couldn't bear to see Craig kiss Wendy. Not because I was jealous. Craig, of course, is attractive to her, but he is far from the hero of her novel. Rather, she envied her friend, her femininity, her sexuality...
Meanwhile, the cat climbed into her arms and, looking at her with piercing blue eyes, purred blissfully.
At thirty-seven, Ginger retained the perfect figure of an eighteen-year-old girl. She had thick, slightly curly, soft golden-honey hair that fell in large waves to her waist. Sebastian loved to dip his fingers into them.
Oh, if she could ever love again! But let it be a strong and wise man in full bloom, capable of driving away her melancholy.
The body responded to these thoughts with languor, a surge of warmth rising from the legs to the chest. The body remembered everything against her will. But after a moment she came out of her harmful trance.
- Sorry. “Come on, I’ll feed you,” she said to the cat.
And Napoleon obediently trotted after her into the kitchen.


Yawning deeply, Martin checked the road map again. Exeter was listed as the final destination of his trip.
He did not believe in luck when the detectives he hired reported that although there was no trace of Stephen Baxter and, probably, he had already left the country, his partner, a certain Ginger Graham, lived in the small town of Exeter. They provided Martin with a telephone number and address, as well as other useful information regarding Ms. Graham.
Widowed and childless, she leads a seemingly quite respectable life, but Martin understood that this was just a mask. He even tried to paint her psychological portrait. Most likely, this is a young person aged well over thirty. She probably still retained some remnants of her charm, which is very useful for extracting money from gullible men. She probably wears a lot of makeup and wears short skirts. She has a keen eye and a burning interest in other people's bank accounts. Without a doubt, she is smart, but not so smart as to predict the actions of her partner, who ran away from her at the moment when everything seemed to be going like clockwork. Perhaps she even wants to continue the “business” alone.
In general, Martin immediately felt disgust towards the woman who had deceived his brother, like, apparently, many others before him. This is a breed of deceitful, heartless predators. However, like most representatives of the “weak” half of humanity. They are all cut to the same size. His “ex” is no exception.
He stepped on the gas of the powerful Mercedes convertible so that the headwind would at least slightly cool his hot head, inflamed by the prospect of quick revenge and a frantic desire to get to that damn Exeter as quickly as possible.
At the end of the postcard-picturesque valley, he saw the first buildings of the town. Mentally, he imagined this place as a gloomy, shabby outback, full of drunkards and gloomy unemployed people, with a huge blank prison wall, the main entrance to which is located from the main square, polluted by the vegetable market. But while he was driving along neat boulevards full of nannies and mothers with pretty pink babies, for some reason he did not come across ragged beggars or gangster-looking bikers.
Martin spotted a parking spot and, turning off the engine, turned his attention to the map with all possible attention. Having oriented himself to the area, he tried to assess the territory of future military operations.
Ginger Graham lived just outside the city, in a secluded house on a hill. A worthy choice, certainly justified in her studies.
Turning the car around, Martin drove onto the highway leading to the suburbs.
Ginger was working in the garden when she heard a car approaching. The car slowed down, and she disgruntledly put the basket and garden shears aside. She did not want to accept anyone, and especially not a stranger; the flowers that needed to be chosen to decorate the room occupied her much more.
But the unexpected visitor resolutely headed towards her gate. Ginger was about to rush towards the house, still trying to avoid meeting her, but already at the door she heard the voice of a stranger:
- Wait, Mrs. Graham! We need to talk.
For some unknown reason, Ginger was scared. She did not at all like either the stranger's tone or the determined look with which he walked towards her along the garden path.
- Don't come, I have... a dog.
At that moment, Poopsy crawled out of her corner and growled at the newcomer.
“Yes, I can see it,” Martin grinned, “huge and angry.”
- Don't you dare offend her! - Ginger squealed and, picking up Poopsy in her arms, pressed her to her chest.
She had bought this little dog, a bundle of black and white fluff, on occasion from a family who had decided that the puppy's sharp teeth were too dangerous for their expensive furniture.
Ginger raised the dog, and Poopsie responded to her with passionate love, truly a dog's unconditional adoration.
Martin frowned. It’s strange that a woman of her type rushed to save her mongrel, although both were not in danger. The dog turned out to be more understanding than the owner.
Breaking free from Ginger's embrace, the shaggy creature, wagging its tail, rushed to study the alien's boots. Martin extended his hand to her, and the cheerful mongrel licked it joyfully, wagging her tail in a friendly manner according to canine etiquette.
“I don’t know why you came and what you want,” Ginger began nervously, “but...
- You know Stephen Baxter, don't you? - Martin interrupted her calmly.
- Steven... - Ginger's face turned into white spots. Who is this man: a friend of Stephen's or did he send him to demand even more money from her? Maybe he wants compensation? Or did he uncover their plot?
The changes in her face, which Martin could not help but notice, were incomprehensible and surprising to him. She looked completely different from how he had imagined her. The long skirt draped her legs in soft folds, and was there any makeup at all? He had never seen such soft, fresh lips on any woman her age. But she definitely dyes her hair. And all of her must be as artificial and completely deceitful as the color of her hair. And her mongrel... They say that Gestapo women were all sentimental. So this lady may have a whole brood of cats, dogs and a flock of parrots in her house.
- Do you want to know what I came with? - Martin asked seriously. - No doubt you know Stephen Baxter. I know you worked with him.
- Did you work... together? - Ginger asked, stuttering slightly. - I…
- I have proof with me. - Martin reached into the inner pocket of his jacket.
Ginger wanted to pluck up the courage to slam the door in the face of this impudent person, but Martin’s caustic look immediately stopped even the very thought of this. He seemed huge to her. Over six feet tall. And very dense. Not thick, but dense. Ginger's face became increasingly flushed with embarrassment. His hair was thick and dark, and only a few strands were bleached by the sun, which made him look even more like a lion.
- That's your name, isn't it? - He handed her the paper and pointed his index finger at the company logo, blue at the top of the sheet.
Ginger's eyes widened when she saw her own last name.
- Yes. Yes it's me. - She admitted the obvious, but her face - and Ginger noted this at the edge of her consciousness - was not glowing from embarrassment at some dubious document, but because Martin had noticed the careful female examination to which she had just subjected him.
Ginger forced herself to read the document. God! What is this?! The dirty lie fell heavily on Ginger's heart... In front of her, her name was written in black and white next to the name of the damned Stephen Baxter, and below was the word “partner.” What on earth does this mean? Why on earth had Stephen Baxter arrogated to himself the right to be called her partner? Ginger didn't understand. Apparently, this scoundrel thought that the second surname added weight to his fictitious company and credibility to the next scam that he had planned. Or perhaps he sensed what a dangerous game he and his friends were playing against him and, by compromising it, intended to ruin all their plans? When it comes to Stephen Baxter, you can assume anything. Ginger had never met a more unscrupulous scoundrel in her life.
She wanted to immediately unleash a stream of tears, apologies and confessions on Martin. But she was stopped by the thought that the evidence of Stephen's fraudulent transactions, which she and Hilda were going to obtain at a very high price, might now not be needed. Ginger was even confused; she absolutely needed time to think. Hilda needs to be consulted, to tell her what happened, but most of all she needs that piece of paper that Mr. Martin is now holding in his hands so casually and with such contempt.
As if he had guessed her wish, he stepped back slightly, folded the paper and put it in his pocket.
“Your partner turned out to be smarter than you, he disappeared, but you are either stupid or arrogant...” Martin said insinuatingly.
Arrogant! Ginger couldn't believe her ears.
- How do you feel, how do you live, knowing that you stole people’s money; this house, the clothes you wear and the food you eat... no doubt all paid for with money from other people's pockets? - Martin asked contemptuously and angrily. - What, nothing to say? No protests, no excuses? You surprise me. You are one of those people who would eat a dead cat without salt for a hundred pounds!
How surprised he would be if he knew the truth. But will he believe it if you tell him the truth? Apparently, he won’t believe it. However, she no longer intends to listen to all these insults...
Lifting her chin and looking him straight in the eyes, Ginger said firmly:
- I'm really sorry that you were deceived...
She paused.
There was something about him that made it difficult for her to breathe. She suggested that anger was most likely to blame. After all, what else could it be? She smiled shyly before continuing.
- However, when you were offered extremely favorable investment conditions, didn’t you really suspect that something was fishy here?
Martin couldn't believe his own ears. She became so bold that she blamed him, hinting that he was either too stupid or too greedy. Brave little booger! And at the same time, so fragile and graceful that he could easily lift her into his arms without even straining his muscles too much. However, breaking her neck would also be an easy task...
Martin was forced to admit that this woman was not a timid woman. Tougher than her missing partner. He couldn't help but admire her calmness and self-control. Just criminal talent.
However, remembering why he was here, Martin tempered his enthusiasm.
- Well, you know, I can tell a worthwhile business from a linden a mile away. It wasn't me who was robbed. Does the name Gilly Stewart mean anything to you?
“No... I’ve never heard of him before,” Ginger answered honestly and even frowned slightly, trying to remember, “but if you haven’t invested in Stephen’s company, then let me ask, what are you doing here?”
“Gilli is my brother,” Martin said angrily, “but what difference does it make who you robbed?” Gilly should be studying, not worrying about five thousand pounds missing. Which you don't seem to care about. - Indignation gave way to contempt in his voice. - I bet you don’t give a damn about anything that goes beyond the boundaries of your insignificant little world. Do you even know pain and disappointment?
- Don't talk about what you don't know! - Ginger interrupted his speech. Now the confusion gave way to anger.
- Oh, I know the main thing. I know that you are a lying liar.
Ginger gasped indignantly.
- Do you have anything else to say? - Martin said dryly.
“I... I won’t say a word until I talk to my lawyer,” Ginger answered, rather tired of the protracted scene.
- Well, talk to a lawyer, you will need his help. And at the same time with your precious partner, if you know where he is. I'll tell you straight: you're in big trouble. You owe my brother five thousand, and I am determined to force you to repay this money.
- Are you seriously? - asked Ginger, intrigued. Hilda would probably be interested in talking with this man. Finally, there is someone strong and determined who is able to deal with Baxter. But why the hell did he attack her?
Of course, he confuses her with someone, but the sooner he should explain himself.
- Mister, what you said interests me extremely. But... by the way, you still didn’t say what your name is...
“Foster,” Martin finally introduced himself, “Martin Foster.”
Martin Foster. Amazing. At least now she knows his name. She can tell all this to Hilda, and then introduce him to Hilda, so that they can all pursue Stephen Baxter together.
It was as if insight had descended on Ginger.
-Are you saying that I should compensate your brother for his losses? I'm afraid I don't have that amount of money on me. Five thousand pounds is too much. Can you wait... say until tomorrow?
Martin looked at her. What is she? Just a minute ago she knew nothing about the money, then she accused him of stupidity, and now she agrees to compensate for the losses. Looks like she's even more dangerous than he suspected.
- Why should I believe you? After all, you can do the same trick as your accomplice.
- Will I melt into thin air? - Ginger looked at Poopsie, who was sprawled on the floor. “No, I can’t do that,” she said simply and laughed.
For some reason Martin believed her. She, of course, could deceive Gilly and God knows how many other people, but he saw the love in her eyes when she looked at the dog. There’s no way she’ll betray her!
“In the meantime, I’ll write you a check,” Ginger said with such a serious look that Martin’s nose tickled and he wanted to laugh.
“And your bank will no doubt refuse to pay it on time,” he said, shaking his head. -No, I prefer cash.
- Then you will have to wait until tomorrow.
- Very good, I will be with you at nine in the morning.
- At nine? “But the bank doesn’t open until ten,” Ginger objected.
“Exactly,” Martin agreed. “But I won’t risk letting you travel to the bank and back alone.” I'll go with you.
-Are you going to escort me? - His impudence stunned Ginger for a moment. - Or maybe it’s better for you to stay here for the night, putting me on a chain for good measure?
Martin was struck by the bright pink blush on her cheeks. Does she seem to be trying to flirt with him? This is probably one of her signature tricks, which has certainly worked in the past with less resilient males. It is not difficult to imagine how the flirting of such an airy creature affects the oaky squires. Surely a protective instinct awakens in them, and they are ready to injure each other and all the police officers of the county, just so that she does not cry or pout. Cunning tricks, damned feminine tricks! How many lies and cunning can such a fragile, delicate body contain?
He muttered angrily:
- And don’t even try to sneak away! In any case, I will find you, even at the bottom of the sea.
But as soon as he headed towards the car, Poopsy took off and trotted after him, whining pitifully. Ginger ran after the dog. Martin stopped, squatted down and stroked the little dog, which was trembling with happiness. Then, looking up at Ginger, he growled:
- Poor little dog! He deserves a better owner, more worthy of his love and devotion.
And before Ginger could respond, he rose to his feet and, without looking back, walked towards the car.
What a bear! What an arrogant, stubborn lout! Pupsy looked after him as he left for a long time. Instead of reproaching the dog for his betrayal, Ginger said out loud:
- I feel sorry for his wife.