Hyaluronic cream search text. Face cream with hyaluronic acid: say no to wrinkles! Cream "Lora" from Evalar

Many women who have already tried face cream with hyaluronic acid, were able to verify that this miracle of cosmetology really has a wonderful effect. Even the first use allows you to notice a positive effect on the condition of the epidermis, because it receives a concentrated portion of a substance that can not only saturate the tissues with moisture, but also significantly reduce the impact of inexorable years on the skin - wrinkles are smoothed out, the shade improves, even age-related defects almost completely disappear. How to choose the right drug, what properties should it have, are there any peculiarities in its use?

Why is hyaluronic acid so effective for our skin?

Hyaluronic acid is a unique substance that is almost entirely responsible for the condition of our skin. It is able to prevent inexorable aging, moisturize the skin, maintain freshness and elasticity. Unfortunately, not everything in this world lasts forever, and the amount of this wonderful substance begins to decrease over time. The results of a lack of hyaluronic acid are the appearance of signs of aging, numerous folds, and an unhealthy shade.

There is only one way to avoid irreversible processes in the epidermis - saturate it with a substance, the amount of which is quickly reduced and is almost not produced. For the face, modern cosmetology offers moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid that successfully fight aging. There are a lot of drugs, and choosing the most suitable composition is not difficult.

Each moisturizer with hyaluronic acid has its own characteristics and composition, so it is important not to make mistakes when purchasing it. What should be indicated on the packaging? There must be a list of ingredients, among them the recommended substances:

  • hyaluronic acid (this must be pure product, if the composition contains salts based on it, it is better to refuse to purchase such a drug);
  • retinol (there may be its derivatives, there is no difference here, they are equally useful for nourishing and moisturizing dermal tissues);
  • oils (nourish and create a protective layer on the skin);
  • vitamin complexes (necessary for the good condition of the skin, activate the production of collagen by its own cells).

An indispensable condition for a successful purchase is the presence of an SPF factor confirming the long-term effect of the drug. This ensures that the composition will protect the skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation throughout the day.

When purchasing a facial rejuvenation cream based on hyaluronic acid in pharmacies, you definitely need to know one more feature of the drugs - the main component in them can be of several types. High molecular weight and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid have different properties and have different effects on the face. How are they different?

Low molecular weight

Preparations with low molecular weight acid are quite expensive, so not every woman can afford to purchase such a cream. The peculiarity of the product is that its beneficial substances are able to penetrate into the tissues of the epidermis, acting not only on the surface, but also nourishing and moisturizing cells located far from the top layer of the skin.

Deep penetration occurs thanks to the smallest particles of hyaluronic acid. This is the advantage of the drug - it acts not only on the surface with a short-term effect, but also from the inside, which ensures long-term results.

High molecular weight

Such a cream based on hyaluronic acid has large molecules, due to which it is not able to provide proper nutrition and hydration in the deep tissues of the epidermis. Consequently, the effect will also not last long, because it can only be noticed on the surface of the skin.

Despite this, high-molecular preparations have their advantages - they prevent the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, absorbing it from the outside. Another advantage is that the product does not clog pores, allowing the dermal tissues to receive precious air.

Find out the whole truth about hyaluronic acid:

Features of application

Choosing the most effective hyaluronic cream for the face, one should not assume that all the difficulties end there. You definitely need to learn the basic rules for using this wonderful and necessary drug for ladies after 25 years of age. If you study all the features of the cream and apply it correctly, then with disbelief and satisfaction you will be able to observe how, after the first application, swelling is eliminated, the skin is refreshed, changes shade, becomes healthy, well-moisturized and elastic. A few more applications will confirm the effectiveness of the drug - wrinkles will gradually begin to smooth out.

How to apply it correctly?

There are several rules that should be strictly followed when applying the drug, only this guarantees that the effect will not take long to appear. Cosmetologists advise carrying out manipulations in this order:

  1. wash your face and be sure to apply a tonic composition;
  2. moisturize the skin with thermal water - this will allow the cream to penetrate into the dermis tissue;
  3. Apply an hour before going outside - the product should have time to be completely absorbed;
  4. before applying the composition to your face, first hold it for a few seconds on your fingertips - the warm product is absorbed faster;
  5. Apply over the entire face along massage lines, and around the eyes using clear circular movements;
  6. after an hour, remove any remaining drug that did not have time to penetrate the dermis.

Important! It should be remembered that some drugs are intended for daytime use, others - before going to bed. Under no circumstances should you apply them at an inappropriate time - this will only harm the skin.

Application period

How often should I use the drug so that the use of hyaluronic cream gives the long-awaited results? Cosmetologists advise using them regularly, taking short breaks. You can use the product in long courses - a month of using the composition, a week off.

Helpful advice! Cosmetologists also advise not to experiment with products and use formulations from the same brand. This need is due to the fact that manufacturers usually try to complement each other’s effects with drugs of the same brand.

List of effective creams

Hyaluronic acid in face cream is far from uncommon, but few manufacturers are conscientious about their product and offer ladies truly useful products. In order to avoid mistakes in choosing a cream with hyaluronic acid, you definitely need to study the rating of the drugs - these are not necessarily expensive foreign brands; domestic manufacturers offer several equally useful formulations.

Pharmacies offer their own list of face creams, among them you can find many decent formulations with hyaluronic acid, and their considerable advantage is their low cost. If you are in doubt about your choice effective means, you can first visit a cosmetologist, who will tell you which drug to give preference to.

Russian funds

Domestic cosmetology is trying to keep up with its foreign colleagues, so you can find quite effective drugs on the shelves, which, if used correctly, will certainly allow you to enjoy a wonderful effect. The main thing is to carefully study not only the rules of use specified in the instructions, but also the contraindications, careless attitude to which can lead to unpleasant consequences and a complete lack of results.

– remedy Russian production, which is based on low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, which allows beneficial components to penetrate deep into the dermis. The cream has an amazing texture - without fragrances, synthetics, or parabens. Absorbs with virtually no residue.

The unique component of the drug is camelina oil, which contains a huge amount of fatty acids. This substance can relieve inflammatory processes, eliminate wilting, and improve turgor. It is recommended to use daily - only this will allow you to notice the effect of the product.

- another wonderful remedy that has found its fans among the fairer sex. The peculiarity of the cream is its pleasant consistency, wonderful smell, and texture that does not allow the drug to spread over the skin. There is absolutely no discomfort during application; even the feeling of tightness that often accompanies the use of creams is not felt. The peculiarity of the composition is the content of seaweed extract. This allows you to improve the condition of the skin, relieve inflammation, narrow pores and even get rid of unpleasant oily shine.

– the best cream with hyaluronic acid from Russian cosmetics manufacturers. The peculiarity of the product is that it creates the thinnest film that protects the skin from adverse external influences throughout the day and does not allow precious moisture to evaporate. A unique component of the product is yam extract. This plant is considered a source of substances that may prevent aging. In combination with hyaluronic acid, this ingredient can work a miracle - prevent aging and even restore youth by smoothing out wrinkles and restoring turgor and elasticity to the skin.

Foreign production

The peculiarity of cosmetic products from foreign manufacturers is their cost. Often professional cosmetics with hyaluronic acid are priced at the same effective procedures in an expensive beauty salon, so only ladies can decide what is preferable for them - to take care of their face on their own, or to put themselves in the hands of an experienced cosmetologist.

– a German cream in the form of a light foam, which easily allows its beneficial substances to penetrate into the dermal tissue with an immediate effect on the cells. The peculiarity of the product is that it can activate the production of hyaluronic acid by the body. The consequence of using the drug is that the skin begins to independently get rid of age-related changes. The only drawback of the composition is that it takes too long to absorb. You need to wait about an hour to remove the residue.

- a product produced by Polish companies. The drug with collagen and hyaluronic acid has the ability to be absorbed in a matter of seconds. Already the first use of the composition provides positive results - the skin becomes smooth, elastic, wrinkles begin to smooth out. The product can be used at any age and on any type of skin – it has no restrictions.

– this brand offers several preparations that can be used during the day, in the evening, and on the areas around the eyes. This is especially convenient for ladies who prefer to use products from one brand for facial care. Application of the composition is quite simple - it penetrates perfectly into the dermis and practically does not remain on the surface.

Creams with hyaluronic acid in the pharmacy

You don’t have to try to purchase expensive branded formulations - at the pharmacy you can buy not only effective, but also inexpensive cream based on hyaluronic acid. Which creams contain hyaluronic acid?

inexpensive drug, which, in addition to hyaluronic acid, contains aloe extract. This allows you not only to get rid of age-related defects that bring a lot of trouble, but also to refresh the shade, restore elasticity, restore damaged tissue, and relieve inflammatory processes.

- another wonderful remedy that will certainly be offered at the pharmacy. Its peculiarity is a combination of several fats and vitamins, which allows you to fully care for the skin and provide its nutrition and hydration. The only rule is not to use it before the age of 30.

- a product that has a composition, the effect of which can be aimed at combating age-related changes, improving the appearance of the skin, and restoring turgor to it. The drug creates a barrier that prevents moisture evaporation and adverse effects from the outside.

Visit to beauty salon will certainly allow you to smooth out your face, rid your skin of wrinkles and unpleasant manifestations, but you don’t have to spend money on expensive services - you can use creams that will help cope with age-related problems just as well. The main thing is to apply them constantly, otherwise positive results you'll have to wait a long time.

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Hyaluronic acid is rightfully recognized as the guardian of beauty and youth: beauty industry specialists call it the queen of cosmetology. No effective cream for moisturizing and lifting facial skin can do without this ingredient. The secrets of hyaluronic acid, its amazing properties, the best cosmetical tools for the face based on it and the features of their use - you will learn about all this from our article.

But first things first. And we will start with the structure and functions of this unique substance.

What is hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid is a natural component of our body. It is present in almost all tissues and performs important functions: protects tissues and organs, retains moisture, and also participates in the movement and distribution of fluid throughout the tissues. Most hyaluronic acid is found in bones, intra-articular fluid, the eyeball, and of course, in the skin: more precisely, in the reticular layer of the dermis.

Here it is adjacent to important structural proteins responsible for its elasticity and strength: elastin and collagen. If intertwined protein fibers form a hard frame of the skin, then the hyaluronic acid molecules located between them create a softer mesh in the cells of which moisture is retained.

Interesting fact: A 70kg woman's body contains approximately 15g of hyaluronic acid. In this case, 1 molecule of the substance freely holds 500 molecules of water.

The main tasks of hyaluronic acid in the structure of the dermis: creating an environment for cell functioning and retaining moisture in the form of a gel.

Hyaluronic acid is also found in sufficient quantities in the surface layers of the epidermis. Here it participates in the processes of wound healing and cellular renewal.

All functions of hyaluronic acid contained in facial skin

  • Strengthens the skin's natural resistance to external adverse factors: cold, wind, frost, ultraviolet radiation, temperature changes
  • Protects skin from dehydration
  • Retains moisture and maintains optimal water balance in the skin
  • Maintains skin firmness and elasticity
  • Neutralizes the activity of free radicals
  • Accelerates wound healing
  • Relieves inflammation, irritation and flaking

A lack of hyaluronic acid negatively affects the appearance of the skin. It becomes dry, flaky, and sagging. Skin susceptibility to adverse effects external factors rises. It becomes red and inflamed more often and becomes covered with fine wrinkles earlier.

Why does the content of hyaluronic acid in the skin decrease?

Hyaluronic acid (HA) in facial cosmetics

The hyaluronic framework of the skin is created by the main cells of the dermis, fibroblasts. They destroy the old substance with the help of special enzymes and then reassemble it.

With age, the synthetic activity of fibroblast cells decreases, and destruction processes proceed at the same speed. As a result, the amount of hyaluronic acid gradually decreases. Excess ultraviolet radiation, stress, illness, smoking and poor nutrition accelerate this process. As a result, the skin loses its former tone, becomes very sensitive, and the first wrinkles and folds form on its surface.

The unique properties of hyaluronic acid, its connection with the processes of cellular renewal, photoaging and chronoaging have not gone unnoticed by cosmetics manufacturers.

Today, this component is part of many effective products for dry, aging and sensitive facial skin. Let's figure out what this cosmetic ingredient is and what effect it has on the skin.

Low molecular weight forms HYA CARE 50 Group

  • Due to the small size of the molecules, they penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis and dermis.


  • They affect fibroblasts and lead to the active synthesis of new molecules of their own hyaluronic acid
  • Slow down the breakdown of HA.
  • Cosmetics with anti-aging effect
  • Products for aging skin


  • Skin tightening
  • Reducing the depth of wrinkles
  • Skin hydration

High molecular weight forms GC CRISTALHYAL

  • Large molecules do not penetrate into the deep layers of the skin.


  • A microfilm is formed on the surface of the skin, permeable to air.
  • It protects the skin from dehydration and adverse factors, attracts moisture from the air.
  • They have an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Soothe the skin

What cosmetic products include:

  • Moisturizers for dry and sensitive skin
  • Preparations for the treatment of problem skin


  • Well hydrated skin
  • Face fresh and smooth
  • Calm skin without redness and irritation
  • Light lifting effect

The presence of 2 types of hyaluronic acid at the same time, complementing each other’s actions, increases skin hydration and elasticity, attracts and retains moisture, which smooths the skin texture and reduces wrinkles.

So, we found out:

The main properties of hyaluronic acid, which is added to cosmetics, are its ability to rejuvenate, moisturize and have a lifting effect.

Now let's look at what effective cosmetics with HA exist, who they are suitable for and what features they have. For you, we have prepared ratings of the best creams, masks and serums with HA.

TOP 5 products for regular care with hyaluronic acid

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid, intended for daily use, perfectly moisturize and refresh the skin, relieve it from dryness, peeling and irritation.

Night cream with Matrixyl with a rejuvenating effect “Beauty Style”

  • Night rejuvenating cream with the cosmetic active Matrixil Synthe 6, hyaluronic acid with high molecular weight (Crystalgial) and grape seed oil.
  • Gives skin elasticity and smoothness, reduces the appearance of wrinkles. Gives the face a beautiful and healthy color.
  • For skin care with signs of aging, including very thin and sensitive skin.
  • The highly effective peptide Matrixyl Synthe 6 increases the formation of its own hyaluronic acid by 174% and reduces the severity of wrinkles by 62%

The Matrixil series of cosmetic products contains two types of hyoluronic acid. The matrixil series provides complete care thanks to wide range of 6 products: cleansing and toning, moisturizing and nourishing creams and serums, intensive care peeling and mask.

Facial Serum Beauty Style with hyaluronic acid, 12 ampoules*5ml

  • Contains hyaluronic acid, chamomile and aloe vera extract, vitamin C.
  • A premium product that intensively moisturizes and tightens the skin. Has a refreshing and tonic effect.
  • Designed to care for dehydrated and aging skin. Also used to prevent early aging.
  • Suitable for independent use and for hardware procedures: ultrasound massage, microcurrent therapy and mesoporation.

Who should be good cream to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes? First of all, it is safe, because it will most likely be used at home by women who are far from cosmetology. Secondly, it is simple and easy to use, since even the most effective drug, if its use requires special knowledge, it is unlikely to win the hearts of women. The best cream designed to help fight wrinkles should also take into account the features aging skin, which at 50-60 years old becomes sluggish, inelastic and too dry. This means that to correct these shortcomings, it requires the presence of natural components with retinol and collagen. All these requirements are met by a moisturizing cream with hyaluronic acid for the face. Finding it in a pharmacy is quite simple, but choosing the right one specifically for your skin is much more difficult. Why is hyaluronic acid best for getting rid of wrinkles around the eyes? Which creams available in the pharmacy are worthy of your closest attention? This is what we will talk about today.

Basic properties

Cream with hyaluronic acid is one of the most effective remedies for getting rid of wrinkles, available to every woman at home. There is an opinion that even the most good drug based on it, it is not able to cope with age-related skin changes, but this is not so. In fact, even in pure form hyaluronic acid slows down the formation of wrinkles around the eyes. But if you were able to find and choose the right cream with retinol and collagen, its healing effect on the skin will be amazing.


  • Remarkable moisturizing effect, especially noticeable in the area around the eyes. And taking into account the fact that starting from the age of 30-40, the body’s production of hyaluronic acid rapidly decreases, the use of drugs based on it becomes more and more desirable every year. Thus, you will provide your facial skin with a physiologically natural level of hydration. At what age should you start thinking about this? The first folds in the skin appear on the forehead and around the eyes at the age of 25-30. It is at this time that we recommend starting to take care of yourself much more carefully.
  • A good cream with hyaluronic acid not only fights wrinkles (including around the eyes), but also stimulates collagen production, and also has a pronounced lifting effect and stimulates cell regeneration.
  • To enhance the effect of the composition on the skin, it should be regularly cleaned with suitable peelings and scrubs.

  • The effect of the procedure occurs after 1-2 sessions, but if you want to consolidate it, you need to practice yourself regularly, and not occasionally.
  • Hyaluronic acid is a universal cosmetic ingredient. Firstly, it is equally suitable for all skin types. Secondly, preparations based on it can be used at home. Moreover, you choose the time of the procedure yourself, because the night cream is no less effective than the day cream.
  • Gentle action with minimal risk of side effects: cream with hyaluronic acid based on natural ingredients does not interfere with normal gas exchange between the skin and the environment.

Effect on the skin

  • Combating a network of existing wrinkles and preventing the appearance of new ones.
  • Saturation of the epidermis with moisture and its effective retention in the cells.
  • The most powerful stimulating and regenerating effect.
  • Healing of small wounds, cuts and abrasions.
  • Stimulation of collagen and elastin production.
  • Increased elasticity (turgor) of the skin.
  • Whitening age spots, which can appear on the face even at 30 years old.

Effect depending on age

After 30 years:

  • Slowing down the aging process.
  • Effective hydration of all layers of the epidermis.
  • Increased skin elasticity and smoothness.
  • Good refreshing effect.

After 40 years:

  • Effective protection against adverse factors environment.
  • Regeneration and nutrition of cells.
  • Excellent moisturizing and healing effect.

After 50 years:

The therapeutic effect is ensured by the introduction of calcium, stem cells and algae extract (usually kelp) into the cream.

  • Improving the overall structure of facial skin.
  • Stimulation of collagen synthesis.
  • Gentle rejuvenating effect and slowing down the natural aging process.

After 60 years:

The most important active ingredients: biocalcium, stem cells.

  • Increased skin turgor.
  • Alignment of the facial contour.
  • Deep hydration of the epidermis, which is especially important for the skin of the eyelids.

Purchase rules

As we have already said, purchasing a product with hyaluronic acid is not difficult at all. It is much more difficult to choose the cream that best suits your skin. What should you pay special attention to?

Subtleties of choice

  • The pharmacy can offer you products with both hyaluronic acid itself and its salts. In the first case, the packaging should contain the inscription “Hyaluronic acid”, in the second - “Sodium hyaluronate”. Both options are completely acceptable, but the first is still preferable due to its higher efficiency.
  • Remember that you want to buy medicinal, not decorative cosmetics. The best cream should not have any extraneous aromas and be as neutral as possible.
  • If you liked daily cream, ask about its SPF factor. After all, facial skin needs not only hydration, but also protection from ultraviolet radiation. If there is no such information on the label, it is better to refrain from purchasing. An exception to this rule is night cream. UV protection is optional for it.
  • Face creams with collagen, vitamins E and C, AHA and BHA acids, as well as green tea extract have a remarkable anti-aging effect. If you are already 30 years old, look for them. You have to fight for youth!
  • Products containing retinol have an even more pronounced anti-aging effect. This night cream will easily relieve you not only of wrinkles, but will also “correct” your passport age by 10-20 years. It is unlikely that you will refuse this.
  • And one more important note. A composition with hyaluronic acid does not have to be expensive. Therefore, if you are on a limited budget, it makes sense to look for something relatively affordable, rather than spend money on a luxury moisturizer with a mind-boggling price tag.

  • Due to the fairly high prices for pharmacy creams Many women think about buying them on the Internet. This option is quite acceptable and allows you to save a lot of money, but the slightest mistake can bring only disappointment instead of getting rid of wrinkles.
  • Buying Chinese and Korean creams is another opportunity to save money. The range of well-known trading platforms (Taobao, Aliexpress, GMarket) can stun an unprepared person, but there are some subtle subtleties here. Firstly, you will have to wait quite a long time for your order - sometimes 2-3 weeks, or even 1.5 months. Secondly, in most cases you will not be able to make purchases on your own - you will need the help of an intermediary. Thirdly, be prepared for the fact that at first you will regularly make mistakes by purchasing something that is not at all what you need.

What to choose?

What creams will not harm the delicate skin of the eyelids? What can be recommended for use at home without any reservations? There is no clear answer to these questions. Much depends on the budget you are willing to allocate for the purchase, the type of cream (night or day), the desired level of effectiveness, the condition of your facial skin, the number of wrinkles and many other factors. Therefore, before starting treatment, it would be a good idea to consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist. If this is not possible, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the unofficial rating of drugs with hyaluronic acid, which will help you not to get lost in all the variety of choices.

Budget creams (up to 1000 rubles)

It’s skin Hyaluronic Acid, 950 rub.

  • This face cream contains no parabens or mineral oils.
  • Excellent moisturizing effect.
  • Relatively affordable price.

Our verdict: given the stated cost, the use of hyaluronic acid salts is difficult to explain. Such means should still be cheaper.

Eveline bio HYALURON 4D, 150-200 rub.

  • Exceptionally low price.
  • Using hyaluronic acid, not its salts.
  • Contains allantoin, panthenol and vitamin E.

Our verdict: Evelyn's cream claims to be a leader in budget segment. Take a closer look.

Cream with hyaluronic acid D’Oliva, 300 rub.

  • Balanced composition (very similar to that of Eveline cream).
  • High concentration of panthenol and linalool.
  • Justified price.

Our verdict: this cream is based on hyaluronic acid salts, but given the positioning, this drawback is very conditional.

Loreal Derma Genesis, 800 rub.

  • Reasonable price considering the famous name of the manufacturer.
  • Good moisturizing and lifting effect.

Our verdict: there is very little hyaluronic acid in this cream. And given the extremely high competition, such a purchase does not seem particularly profitable.

Moisturizing cream Librederm, 750 rub.

  • Good price-quality ratio.
  • Positive reviews from women of all ages.

Our verdict: This Librederm cream contains isopropyl myristate and mineral oil - not the healthiest ingredients. And there is not much hyaluronic acid in it.

Hyaluronic cream Laura, 350 rub.

  • Suitable for eyelid skin care.
  • Multicomponent composition, effective and safe for use at home.
  • Widely available in pharmacy chains.

Our verdict: everything would be fine, but you will have to wait quite a long time for any noticeable cosmetic effect - at least a month.

Eucerin Hyaluron-Filler, 950 rub.

  • Highly effective formula.
  • Allows long-term storage.
  • Convenient dosage.

Our verdict: a good low molecular weight anti-wrinkle cream with no visible drawbacks. And the price seems quite justified.

Cream mask Bark with hyaluronic acid, 500-600 rub.

  • The composition contains extracts of ficus, kelp and wheat.
  • Made from thermal water.
  • Restores the lipid layer of the skin.

Premium creams (from 1000 rubles)

Planter’s Acido Hialuronico, 2400 rub.

  • Contains hyaluronic acid, not its salts.
  • There is no oily film effect on the skin.
  • Does not clog pores.

Our verdict: a good and versatile option, if not for the price. It is very difficult to call it accessible.

Cerave Moisturizing Lotion, 1100 rub.

  • Balanced composition.
  • Among the components of the cream are glycerin and ceramides.
  • Very soft action.

Our verdict: A relatively inexpensive cream, the only significant drawback of which is the difficulty with the purchase itself, since you can only find it on eBay.

Vichy Liftaktiv Retinol, about 2000 rub.

  • Using pure low molecular weight hyaluronic acid.
  • The line includes two types of cream: night and day.
  • The effect is noticeable after the first use.

Our verdict: the company’s creams have always been famous for their excellent quality, but the manufacturer does not recommend using them for treating the skin around the eyes.

La Roche-Posay Hydraphase UV Riche, 1200 rub.

  • This cream is based on shea butter, which is no less than hyaluronic acid itself.
  • Availability of a powerful UV filter (SPF 20).
  • Relatively reasonable cost.

Our verdict: a confident average guy who doesn’t offer women anything special, but does his job “100 percent.” The only significant limitation is the narrow scope of application. The cream is only suitable for dry skin.

Merz cream mousse with hyaluronic acid, 1400 rub.

  • Suitable for eyelid skin.
  • An effective formula.
  • Remarkable moisturizing properties.

Our verdict: a good cream without any reservations. Even a fairly high price does not spoil the overall impression of it.

Planter's Antirughe tonificante, 1600 rub.

  • Elimination of facial and age wrinkles.
  • The cream contains a complex of biologically active peptides.
  • A good tightening effect (subject to regular use).

Our verdict: a good cream but a little overpriced. But if material considerations are not your primary concern, it would be a good choice.

Homemade cream

It’s not that difficult to do, so if the budget is extremely limited, this option cannot be ignored. First of all, you should prepare the gel. To do this, combine a little hyaluronic acid powder (0.3 g) and distilled water (until a creamy consistency is obtained), mix thoroughly and refrigerate for 6-8 hours. Next, take any inexpensive cream (30 g), add 8-10 g of the resulting gel with hyaluronic acid to it, mix everything well and leave in a dry and cool place for 6 hours. Attention: the resulting composition should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Review from a cosmetologist

The miraculous properties of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid are legendary. Its effectiveness in the fight against wrinkles is not much inferior to other salon hardware procedures, and the possibility of using it at home makes this compound a leader. But you must understand that there is no cream that is equally effective for everyone. Therefore, get ready for the fact that you can only find your ideal through trial and error. At what age should you start taking care of yourself? The earlier the better! If you start thinking about this at the age of 40, then you will have to dream of fresh, tightened and wrinkle-free facial skin for a very, very long time.
I would also like to say a few words about the cost of preparations with hyaluronic acid. Unfortunately, finding a cheap and at the same time effective cream is much more difficult than it seems. And the examples that the author of the article uses are, to a certain extent, a compromise between price and quality. Therefore, you should not expect miracles from frankly budgetary facial cosmetics. At least right away.

Conditions modern life overloaded with stress and unfavorable conditions, affect appearance Not in the best possible way. Loss of moisture is what causes our skin to age. Hyaluronic acid is responsible for maintaining youth and elasticity of the skin. But its synthesis decreases with age. Scientists found a way out by creating caring cosmetics with hyaluron.

Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a substance produced by the human body. Its task is to transport and preserve water in tissues. In liquid form, it is part of saliva, cerebrospinal and intra-articular fluids. In the form of a gel, hyaluronate is found in the cornea of ​​the eye and in the cartilage tissue of the joints, and in solid form - in the bones. The organ that produces the most a large number of GK - skin.

Hyaluronic acid maintains skin elasticity due to its ability to attract and bind water molecules, which is why it is called a “molecular sponge”.

From a cosmetological point of view, this is a substance without which it is impossible to reproduce collagen, renew skin cells and maintain normal skin turgor. Until the age of 25, the body produces hyaluronic acid in sufficient quantities. With age and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, poor nutrition, stress, bad habits its synthesis in the body decreases. Therefore, by the age of 35, the first wrinkles appear, the complexion changes, and its contours begin to blur.

There comes a time when the skin needs additional hydration - delivery of hyaluronic acid from the outside. For this purpose, entire lines of care products containing it are produced. Their main task is to heal and moisturize the skin. Expected results from using creams:

  • reduction of fine and expression wrinkles;
  • smoothing the skin surface;
  • acceleration of epidermal cell regeneration;
  • improvement of complexion, elimination of age spots;
  • elimination of peeling and dryness;
  • creating a protective barrier from negative external influences.

Not all creams cope with this task. It all depends on what kind of hyaluronic acid they contain.

Hyaluronic acid in cosmetic creams

For cosmetic purposes, hyaluronic acid is obtained in two ways - from animal raw materials and by biosynthesis. Cosmetologists consider an organic product safer, but biosynthetic acid is more effective. It is obtained during the growth and reproduction of opportunistic microorganisms. Biological fragments remain in the final product, the removal of which is a complex, high-cost technology. Therefore, hyaluronic acid can cause allergies and is contraindicated in autoimmune diseases. But this applies to filler drugs for subcutaneous administration. In creams its negative effect is minimal.

Some manufacturers include HA in the form of sodium hyaluronate. In the composition it is listed as Sodium Hyaluronate. If the list of components contains the name hyaluronic acid, it means that natural hyaluronic acid is used, and it is much more effective.

In anti-aging cosmetics, hyaluronic acid is found in two forms:

  • high molecular weight - sodium hyaluronate molecules are too large to penetrate beyond the surface layer of the skin. The purpose of this cream is to moisturize and give elasticity to the skin;
  • low molecular weight - such HA penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis and smoothes the skin. Creams containing it are usually expensive. Japanese cosmetics are considered the most effective due to the fact that they contain hyaluronic acid in the form of a nanosubstance.

Regardless of the size of the molecules, hyaluronic acid forms a microscopic film on the surface of the skin that allows air to pass through but protects against moisture loss. A short-term but quick lifting effect is created, the skin is evened out. A lasting anti-aging effect can be achieved using the cream only with constant course use.

How to choose an anti-aging cream

Creams with hyaluron are divided into day and night. Daytime products have a light consistency, are well absorbed and must contain a UV filter of at least 15 units. They are usually enriched with plant components, vitamins, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Night creams with hyaluron have a more pronounced effect. Their texture is denser and the formula is richer than their daily counterpart. Most often it includes retinol and collagen.

When choosing, pay all attention to the composition. The accompanying components are very important for HA. The effectiveness of the cream depends on this. High molecular weight acid must be supplemented with moisture-retaining components - urea, citric or lactic acid. Unlike hyaluronate, they are able to penetrate deep into the dermis.

If the type of hyaluronic acid is not indicated in the cream, it means that it contains high molecular weight HA.

You can determine how much hyaluronic acid is contained in the cream by its place in the composition. In high-quality branded creams it is at the beginning or, at least, in the middle of the list. If its place is at the end of the list of ingredients, it is better to refuse such a cream, since there is very little HA in it. It is also undesirable to use creams that contain mineral oil. It does not allow the skin to breathe.

Pay attention to age category, for which the cream is intended. The concentration of the main active ingredient depends on this. Manufacturers select the optimal dosage of hyaluronic acid for each age.

Pharmacy creams and ointments with hyaluronic acid can be intended not only for cosmetic purposes. Often such products are used to treat skin diseases, such as psoriasis or eczema. In this case, the instructions must indicate whether they can be used on the face or only on the body.

What is included in the cream - video

How to use HA products correctly

Knowing the rules for using anti-aging creams, you can achieve a better effect and avoid possible unpleasant reactions of the body. One of them is the age limit. It is not advisable to use cosmetics with HA before the age of 25. At this age, the body has enough of its own hyaluron.

Day creams can be used by girls aged 22–25 to instantly correct the condition of the skin, for example, to remove signs of fatigue.

It is best to include anti-aging cosmetics on an ongoing basis in your cosmetic arsenal from the age of 30, when barely noticeable wrinkles appear. At this age, they are easy to deal with, and hyaluronate will help prolong the youthfulness of the skin for many years. The best results can be achieved using day and night creams. If your skin is too sensitive, it is enough to use only one of them. On the Loreal Paris website you can find an age-appropriate night or day cream with hyaluronic acid.

Rules for applying anti-aging cream:

  • the skin should be clean;
  • morning cream is used 40–60 minutes before leaving the house;
  • night - no later than 30–40 minutes before bedtime;
  • The cream is applied to damp skin along the lymphatic drainage lines.

Pharmacy ointments and creams with hyaluronic acid, for example, Blefarogel and Kuriosin, are not suitable for constant use - these are still medicines, not caring cosmetics. It is better to use them in courses.

Pharmacy creams with hyaluron

Most HA creams are sold through pharmacy chains. These are not only medicinal preparations, but also cosmetics for facial skin care. Brands such as Vichy, Libriderm, Laura, D’Oliva and others are considered recognized leaders.


Libriderm cream contains three-fraction hyaluronic acid - high molecular weight, medium molecular weight and low molecular weight. In addition, the composition contains:

  • natural camelina oil (contains polyunsaturated fatty acid), renewing and nourishing the skin;
  • stevia extract, which has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Dimethicone is a synthetic component that forms a protective film that prevents moisture loss.

The cream does not contain parabens, fragrances or other chemicals that can cause allergies. The product has a light texture and is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy film on the skin. Country of origin - Russia.

Vichy products

The French manufacturer Vichy offers a series of creams called Liftaktiv Retinol. It includes day, night and eye creams. Active components:

  • low molecular weight hyaluronic acid;
  • Vishy Spa thermal water - restores and soothes the skin;
  • L-carrageenan - rejuvenates, moisturizes and relieves inflammation;
  • aquabioril - instantly moisturizes;
  • retinol - improves blood circulation, restores cells, exhibits antioxidant properties.

Vichy creams have a pronounced tightening effect and also effectively whiten the skin.

Several days of use radically change the skin of the face: swelling disappears and dark circles under the eyes, the skin becomes soft and elastic. This is one of the expensive creams with hyaluron - 30 ml costs about 2000 rubles.

Cream Laura from Evalar

The Evalar company presents a moisturizing cream with hyaluron and peptide complexes. It is suitable for any age and in addition to HA it contains:

  • L-carnosine (peptide), acting as an antioxidant;
  • vitamin complex (A, C, E, F), restoring intercellular connections and stimulating cell regeneration;
  • extract from wild yam containing phytoestrogens and polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • soluble elastin and collagen;
  • phospholipids that restore the pH balance of the skin.

The visible effect of using creams occurs after a month of constant use.


Skin-Active with high molecular weight hyaluron is widely used in dermatological practice to moisturize the skin with dermatitis, psoriasis and while taking hormonal medications. The cream is intended for the body; before using it on the face, it is advisable to conduct a test.

The product contains:

  • Olive and peach oils normalize the water-fat balance;
  • Vitamin PP creates a protective barrier for the skin;
  • urea and lactic acid retain moisture;
  • depanthenol soothes the skin.

Another ability of the cream is to eliminate itching and irritation. It is popular among women and men, is affordable and suitable for permanent use.

Homemade care products with hyaluron

Hyaluronic acid is sold in pharmacies in its pure form, it can be used in creams and masks homemade. But it is necessary to take into account all possible contraindications and side effects. The main danger lies in the excessive use of hyaluron in care products.

Constantly receiving HA from the outside, the body reduces the production of its own acid as unnecessary. If you stop using moisturizers, your skin will quickly become dry and saggy.

Homemade cosmetics should not be used during pregnancy and lactation. It is also contraindicated:

  • during acute infectious diseases;
  • during the recovery period after grinding and peeling.

Low and high molecular weight hyaluronic acid is sold in the form of ampoules and powder. They can be combined or used separately. The drug is added to nutritional and sunscreens. HA is also added to face masks. Another rule for using homemade creams and masks with hyaluron is course use of no more than 10 procedures.

Moisturizing mask recipes

When preparing homemade masks, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • the amount of pure HA should be no more than 2% of the volume, otherwise the product will be poorly absorbed;
  • the optimal combination of high molecular weight and low molecular weight acid should be 1:1;
  • the prepared mass should not contain lumps;
  • The prepared product should be stored in a clean, tightly sealed glass container.

Alginant mask

A mask with sodium alginate gives visible results after just three uses. Cooking method;

  1. Dilute 7 g of alginate in 70 ml of distilled water and leave for five hours.
  2. 12 g of dry kelp pour 20 ml of cold green tea.
  3. Add 15 drops of hyaluronic acid to the solution.
  4. Combine with sodium alginate and mix thoroughly.

The mask is applied to the face in a thick layer strictly along the massage lines. The frozen mass is removed from the chin after 15 minutes.

How to prepare an alginate mask at home - video

Cucumber mask

The cucumber mask optimally saturates the skin with moisture, restores and nourishes it.

Cooking method:

  1. A small cucumber is ground in a blender until pureed.
  2. Yellow clay is diluted to a pasty consistency and mixed with cucumber.
  3. 14 drops of hyaluronic acid are added to the composition.
  4. It is advisable to steam the skin on your face before applying.
  5. The mask is applied for 30 minutes, then washed off with water. After it, a nourishing cream is used.

Yolk mask

Helps renew skin cells and smooth out wrinkles yolk mask with hyaluron:

  1. Prepare banana puree, add the yolk, 5 drops of HA and 15 drops of retinol to it, mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Pre-treat your face with a gentle pea flour scrub.
  3. When applying the mask, try to rub it into the skin.
  4. Remove the composition with a napkin after 40 minutes.

Mask with honey and yogurt

A mask with honey and hyaluron will improve skin turgor, cleanse and tighten pores.

Mode of application:

  1. Hyaluronic acid (1 drop) is mixed with honey (12 g), yogurt (15 g) and chickpea flour (17 g).
  2. The composition is diluted with distilled water to the desired consistency.
  3. The mask is applied to a face cleansed with micellar water using a cosmetic brush.
  4. Wash off after half an hour with plantain decoction.

How to make your own cream with hyaluronic acid - video