Children's mixtures. Comparison of well-known infant formulas (for yourself). List of specialized baby food

In the first years of life, a child needs breast milk. It supports his immunity and is both food and drink. But there are situations when the production of mother's milk stops or noticeably decreases. If the traditional ones do not help (teas, high-calorie foods), in such cases the pediatrician recommends introducing a milk formula, which is developed specifically taking into account the characteristics of the baby and is ideally adapted for the newborn.

If a few years ago only the Malyutka mixture was available for sale, now the variety makes our eyes wide open. Each company advertises its own mixture and assures that this is what you should buy.

Which formula to choose for a newborn - rating of infant formulas

It is stupid to focus only on advertising. In such an important issue as nutrition for a child, you need to approach it wisely. In this article we present to you a rating of the ten most popular mixtures of domestic and foreign origin. Let's look at their pros and cons, as well as their features.

NAN (fermented milk 3)

Manufacturer: Switzerland.

Price for 1 jar: from 300 - 700 rubles.

Description: this mixture is one of the most expensive, but most popular. Food from NAN can be given to children of any age if they are in good health. The line also includes formulas for children with allergies and lactose-free products. The NAN mixture is enriched with all the necessary vitamins that strengthen the baby’s immunity from the cradle. Thanks to the components of protein origin, the mixture provides the child with full development and growth. In order to normalize the newborn's digestion, the best nutrients are added to the mixture.

Advice: This mixture completely replaces a full diet and can be used as complementary foods.


Manufacturer: Netherlands.

Price for 1 jar: from 300-900 rubles (the figure varies depending on the type of product).

Description: Nutrilon is one of the best quality mixtures. The food from this company is suitable for both healthy babies and children with various health problems. Whatever Nutrilon product you buy, they are all aimed at increasing the body's defenses. Infant formulas for newborns from this company adjust the intestines to work harmoniously, while reducing pain in the tummy. You don’t have to worry, your baby is guaranteed full development and growth.

Advice: It is better not to buy this mixture without consulting a pediatrician, who will identify problems and select the most suitable product for your newborn.


Manufacturer: Switzerland.

Price for 1 jar (700 grams): about 300 rubles.

Description: This mixture is recommended for feeding healthy newborns. On sale you can find 5 types of Nestozhen mixtures. Each species corresponds to a certain age. The nutritional composition contains all the most necessary vitamins and amino acids for the full development of the baby. The composition of this mixture is very similar to NAN, but in terms of the amount of proteins it is inferior to this company.

Advice: if your child has discomfort in the tummy, Nestozhen mixture will help solve this problem, thanks to the prebiotics in the composition.


Manufacturer: Germany.

about 400 rubles.

Description: This mixture is not suitable for newborns. It is best given to children from 2 weeks to 6 months. The line also includes products for six-month-old children and older. The mixture from this company strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of allergies and improves intestinal function. The products contain vegetable oils, prebiotics, nucleotides, cow's milk (powdered, skimmed) and probiotics.

Advice: According to some reviews from young mothers, the formula from this company may not be suitable for children due to the presence of corn starch in the composition. To buy this company's formula without starch, we recommend Pre-Hipp.


Manufacturer: Spain.

about 400 rubles.

Description: This mixture contains prebiotics that reduce gas formation and reduce digestive problems. Nucleides are also included in the product - their presence in infant formula strengthens the baby’s immunity. A special feature of Semilak is the presence of fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6). They are very necessary for newborns, as they have a positive effect on the retina and brain cells.

Advice: if you do not want to buy a mixture with palm oil in the composition, choose Semilak. The absence of this ingredient helps calcium to be absorbed better.


Manufacturer: Russia.

Price: for 1 jar (350 grams): from 170-200 rubles.

Description: This company's infant formula is suitable for both newborns and children of all ages. The full development of the child is ensured thanks to vitamins, microelements and whey. Not a single product from this company contains sucrose, which is very good for baby nutrition.

Advice: If your newborn has a mild allergic reaction, you can choose formulas from this company to feed your allergic baby. Since the line also includes hypoallergenic products.


Manufacturer: Germany.

Price: for 1 jar (500 grams): about 400 rubles.

Description: The company produces 5 product lines that are suitable for children of any age. At the same time, there are formulas for babies born prematurely, as well as newborns with allergies. The mixture contains no preservatives, nucleotides or aromatic substances, but there are many vitamins and prebiotics.

Advice: If your baby does not tolerate sucrose, gluten or fructose, choose a mixture from this company.


Manufacturer: Russia.

Price for 1 jar (350 grams): 300 rubles.

Description: Every mother has heard at least once about this company’s baby formula, and for good reason. This type of formula for a newborn is a high-quality product at an affordable price. The cast varies in each episode. The main components of the mixture are prebiotics, a mineral complex, vitamins and nucleotides.

Advice: If your baby is healthy, feel free to buy Malyutka. There is no sugar, dyes or preservatives found in it.


Manufacturer: Russia.

Price for 1 jar (400 grams): from 300-450 rubles.

Description: baby formulas are sold both ready-made for newborns (liquid) and for babies from six months (dry). If you decide to give your baby Agush, then start getting acquainted with the unleavened products of this company, and later switch to fermented milk. The composition is enriched with everything essential for the growth and development of babies (there are vitamins, minerals, probiotics, prebiotics, iodine, fatty acids).

Advice: liquid mixtures are ideal for travel. They just need to be warmed up before use.


Manufacturer: Netherlands.

Price for 1 jar (400 grams): about 400 rubles.

Description: infant formula from this company is what is needed for premature babies who are fed through a tube. The balanced composition contains everything you need for the full development of the intestines, nervous system and increased immunity. The mixture from this company perfectly improves bowel movements and promotes healthy sleep.

Advice: To save money, buy a large jar at once.

Baby formulas that are included in the top ten brands may not be suitable for your baby. Therefore, do not buy large quantities at once. Let your baby try the new formula and if you don’t find any allergic reactions, constipation, tummy problems, or worse sleep, then you can switch to the products of one company or another. Another important indicator is the baby's weight gain, which you can find out about by visiting your pediatrician.

Every mother, to the best of her ability and ability, strives to give her beloved baby only the best. Choosing infant formula for artificial or mixed feeding is not an easy and responsible task, because the health of the child depends on how correctly it is done. It would not be a bad idea to seek advice from a pediatrician, because only he knows about all the features of your child’s development and, using the knowledge he has, will give a recommendation. But it happens that the doctor recommended infant formula, but the child stubbornly refuses it, is capricious and waits for the next appointment with the pediatrician, there is simply no time. I have to urgently run to the store and buy other baby food. Therefore, we will still try to figure out which formula is the best for feeding a child.

Types of infant formula

Mixtures, depending on the degree of readiness for use, are divided into dry and liquid varieties.

  1. Dry mixes. These are powders packaged in cardboard boxes or metal cans, which are diluted with warm boiled water before use. They are distinguished by great variety and have a long shelf life.
  2. Liquid mixtures (ready-made). Such mixtures are packaged in tetra packs of different volumes and immediately before use they only require. Using a liquid mixture, you will never make a mistake with the dosage of the powder and you can rest assured of the quality of the water in its composition. Their shelf life is short and is only a couple of days.

Depending on the health status of the baby, all formulas are divided into mixtures for healthy children and specialized formulas. Depending on the degree of readiness for use, they can be either dry or liquid.

Important! Dry mixtures have an undeniable advantage over liquid mixtures, as they have a long shelf life and do not require special storage conditions.

Characteristics of formulas for healthy children

They are produced on the basis of cow's, goat's milk (or their components) and, depending on their proximity to the composition of human breast milk, are classified into several types.

  1. Adapted, including highly adapted. In such mixtures, it is not whole milk that is used, but whey proteins (with a full set of essential and essential amino acids), remaining after casein is removed from milk in various ways. The use of whey allows you to reduce the total protein content in the mixture and increase the content of easily digestible proteins. There is virtually no milk fat in cow's milk. Instead, fats of vegetable origin (), fish oil preparations, which contain more polyunsaturated fatty acids, are added. Carbohydrates are mainly represented by lactose, along with which maltodextrin is added to the mixture, which reduces the osmolality (the sum of soluble components per 1 kg of water) of the product. Important components of such mixtures are the addition of vitamins, minerals, nucleotides (responsible for the processes of reproduction, metabolism and growth), prebiotics (stimulate the growth of one’s own beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the intestines), probiotics (useful microorganisms), etc. Thanks to this composition, an adapted milk formula It is similar to human breast milk and is best suited for feeding babies up to six months. There are also adapted
  2. Partially adapted. They are very close in composition to adapted milk formulas, but there are also differences. Such mixtures have a higher protein content. The carbohydrate composition may contain sucrose along with lactose. The content of microelements, vitamins and other components fully corresponds to the needs of the child’s body in the second half of life, but differs in comparison with formulas for children in the first half of life by a higher content of calcium, iron, and zinc. It should also be noted that partially adapted mixtures are higher in caloric content compared to adapted mixtures.
  3. Unadapted. These are products made from milk powder with unchanged composition. Additionally, the same components are introduced into them as for adapted and partially adapted mixtures. The casein contained in such mixtures is poorly absorbed by the child's body, therefore mixtures of this composition are not recommended for feeding children under six months. It is best to introduce them starting at eight months.

Important! Adapted and partially adapted formulas are today the best option for feeding a child in the absence of breastfeeding. If there is a lack of breast milk, mixed feeding is possible by supplementing the baby with formula.

Often on a jar of formula you can find the inscription: “initial” and “subsequent”. In the first case, we mean a mixture intended to feed children from birth to six months, and in the second, from six months to a year. The subsequent mixture can be either adapted or partially adapted, while the initial mixture can only be adapted. There are adapted milk formulas, the packaging of which does not indicate whether they are subsequent or initial, since they are intended for feeding children from birth to one year. The range of such mixtures is small.

To make it easier to understand the composition of the formulas, the formula number of the infant formula is placed on the packaging:

  • «0» or the prefix “pre” is indicated in the name - the mixture is created for premature or low birth weight newborns;
  • "1"-for children from birth to 6 months;
  • "2"-for infants from 6 months to 1 year;
  • "3"-for babies over one year old.

All mixtures in which the milk protein has not been exposed to (curdling) special bacteria are classified as fresh. The mixtures in which such a change in protein was present include (“NAN fermented milk” 1 and 2, “Nutrilak fermented milk” and “Nutrilon fermented milk”, as well as liquid adapted fermented milk mixtures “Agusha 1 and 2”). During lactic acid fermentation, a number of important properties are acquired: the level of lactose decreases, lactic acid and bactericidal substances accumulate, partial breakdown of milk protein occurs, which speeds up the digestion of the product and its absorption, and also slightly reduces the allergenicity of the protein component. Then, after fermentation, probiotics are introduced into the mixture.

List of specialized baby food

These are mixtures intended for therapeutic and preventive nutrition. They include formulas for premature babies and formulas for children with pathologies.

Naturally, it is not advisable to use such mixtures without consulting a pediatrician, since the infant must have very specific indications for their use.

What is the best baby formula?

All mixtures undergo state registration, a mandatory condition for which is compliance in composition and physical and chemical indicators with the requirements of TR CU 033/2013 “On the safety of milk and dairy products” and No. 88FZ of June 12, 2008 “Technical regulations for milk and dairy products.” Despite this, no one has yet managed to create an artificial formula that fully corresponds to breast milk and we can only talk about being close to it to one degree or another.

In this regard, it is very difficult to clearly name the best formula for a newborn, which would suit everyone without exception. When choosing a formula, you must first of all focus on the health and well-being of the child. Even when it would seem that everything has been taken into account and the choice has been made, any mixture needs to be tested in practice. In the first days of feeding, be sure to monitor the baby’s reaction, because each person’s body is individual and can give an unpredictable reaction.

How to choose a good mixture

When choosing the best formula for a child, a mother needs to focus on several general rules.

  1. Consult your pediatrician before purchasing.
  2. The mixture must be age appropriate.
  3. For a newborn, this must be an adapted mixture.
  4. Do not forget to check the expiration date of the mixture indicated on the jar.
  5. Choose a mixture that is always available in a nearby store so that if necessary, you will always be able to purchase it.
  6. In the first days of formula feeding, observe your baby's reaction.

Important! Signs indicating a correctly selected formula are that the child eats the formula well and does not have such disorders as loose, poorly digested stool or constipation, vomiting, or allergies. Blood tests show normal, and a monthly examination by a pediatrician records positive weight gain.

Algorithm for selecting a mixture - consultation with Doctor of Medical Sciences V. A. Skvortsova

Rating of formulas for newborns

When compiling the rating of infant formula for a newborn, the degree of proximity of the formula composition to human milk was taken into account. For this purpose, nine brands of mixtures most commonly found in stores were selected (NAN-1 Optipro, Malyutka 1, Nutrilon 1 Premium, Nestogen 1, Malyushka, 1, Similac Premium 1, Friso Frisolak 1, Humana Expert 1) and one quite often recommended by pediatricians (Celia Expert 1), but not available in the store. Infant formulas were evaluated based on their content of essential nutrients (protein, fat, lactose) and osmolality in relation to those in breast milk (reference). These criteria are fundamental when assessing the adaptability of a mixture. Since the quantitative addition of vitamins and minerals is dictated not only by their content in human milk, but also takes into account their bioavailability for the body, the composition of minerals and vitamins was compared with the standard only qualitatively. Accordingly, the manufacturers who made the product closest to the standard were rated as the best.

1 place

Price per 100 g of mixture 130.0 rub.


  • the content of protein, fat, lactose is the same as in human milk;
  • the ratio of whey proteins to casein is 60/40 (typical for mature;
  • osmolality within the range characteristic of breast milk;
  • prebiotics;
  • nucleotides;
  • eicosapentaenoic acid (is a precursor of substances responsible for reducing the level of inflammation in the body and having an anti-allergenic effect).


  • the ratio of linoleic to α-linolenic acid is at the lower limit allowed by technical regulations;
  • no probiotics.

2nd place
Included here were infant formulas, which have a slightly higher protein content and the same lactose content as human milk. The ratio of whey proteins to casein is 60/40 (typical for mature lactation). Osmolality is within the typical range or even lower.

Price per 100 g of mixture is 156.9 rubles.


  • all necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • additionally, essential amino acids for children were introduced (taurine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan);
  • copper is present in the form of a complex with lysine, which increases its bioavailability;
  • nucleotides;
  • prebiotics.


  • no probiotics.

Celia Expert 1 (Lactalis Group)

Price per 100 g of mixture 132.0 rub.


  • the technology for producing whey proteins is different from the traditional one, which avoids denaturation, chemical and enzymatic effects on them, and preserves essential amino acids;
  • all necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • nucleotides;
  • probiotics.


  • no prebiotics.

3rd place

Price per 100 g of mixture 112.5 rubles


  • protein is within the limits characteristic of human milk;
  • the ratio of whey proteins to casein is 70/30, which is as close as possible to the similar ratio in human milk 80/20 in the early stages. Therefore, from this point of view, the mixture is especially suitable for newborns;
  • no palm oil;
  • maintains an optimal ratio of linoleic to α-linolenic acid;
  • additionally, essential amino acids for babies were introduced (taurine, phenylalanine, histidine);
  • nucleotides;
  • probiotics.


  • The lactose content is slightly higher than in human milk, which makes the mixture sweeter;
  • no prebiotics.

4th place

Price per 100 g of mixture 125.0 rub.


  • the content of protein, fat, lactose is the same as in human milk;
  • all necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • additionally, essential amino acids for children (taurine and tryptophan) were introduced;
  • lutein;
  • nucleotides;
  • probiotics;
  • prebiotics.


  • Despite the many positive aspects of this powdered infant formula, it is not very suitable for newborns due to the 50/50 ratio of whey proteins to casein, which is far from that of human breast milk.

5th place

Price per 100 g of mixture is 87.5 rubles.


  • all necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • the ratio of linoleic to α-linolenic acid is close to optimal;
  • all necessary minerals and vitamins;
  • nucleotides;
  • prebiotics.


  • the osmolality of the mixture is higher than in breast milk, which can put excess stress on the kidneys;
  • no probiotics.

6th place

Included here were infant formulas, which have a slightly higher protein content and lower lactose content than human milk. The ratio of whey proteins to casein is 60/40 (typical for mature lactation). Osmolality is within the typical range or even lower.

The best thing every mother can give to her newborn baby is breast milk. There are situations when the mother does not have such an opportunity (prematurity of the baby, lack of breast milk, lack of breast milk, or a contraindication for the mother to breastfeeding).

Just a few decades ago this was a huge problem. Today, the main problem for every mother whose child is mixed or completely bottle-fed is to choose the best and highest quality formula for the baby.

Before ranking the best formulas for newborns, it’s worth saying in advance: all babies are different. Therefore, what comes first for one person will come last for another. This, moreover, the rating is based on indicators of healthy children and infants with personal characteristics (allergies, regurgitation) are not taken into account here.

1. Friso. The mixture, which has helped many mothers avoid problems with low weight and tummy problems in babies, will completely get rid of problems. The best mixture based on the results of 2016.

Price: from 350 rubles per 400 grams; from 780 rubles per 800 grams.

  1. It has several types (series), thanks to which every mother will be able to choose the right one for her child in terms of composition and beneficial properties.
  2. Approved by Russian pediatricians and widely used in maternity hospitals, rehabilitation centers, neonatal intensive care units, as well as when caring for low birth weight and premature babies.
  3. The antireflux series helps babies cope with frequent regurgitation. Fights the very reason. Allows you to improve the baby's digestion and stool.
  4. The mixtures dissolve easily in water without forming lumps.
  5. There is a special series for children with allergies to cow protein, as well as for children with allergies.
  6. The only drawback is the absence of a dry mixture of bifidobacteria in the classic series (Frisolak).

2. Nutrilon. Dry adapted milk formula intended for feeding children from the first days of life to three years. The main advantage of the mixture is its availability. It can be easily found even in a regular grocery hypermarket.

Price: from 390 rubles per 400 grams; from 860 for 800 grams.

  • The mixture is available in several types: milk and fermented milk.
  • It has several series, including: allergenic, with amino acids (for children with severe food allergies), fermented milk (for babies with sensitive digestion), Pepti Gastro (for babies with impaired intestinal absorption and food intolerance), Pre (for premature and low birth weight babies whose weight is less than 1800 grams).
  • The mixture is very convenient to prepare.
  • According to the manufacturers, it helps the baby cope with colic, however, in reality this turns out to be no more than a marketing ploy.
  • The mixture is of high quality, but the presence of palm and coconut oil negates all the advantages of the mixture.

Nan (NAN). The mixture comes in the form of dry powders for preparation and ready-made liquid. In addition to infant formula, it produces breast milk fortifiers (allowing mothers with low fat content and low nutritional value of breast milk to increase its quality and nutritional value - enrich it with vitamins).

Price: from 135 rubles per 200 grams of ready-made mixture; from 430 rubles per 400 grams; from 890 rubles per 800 grams; from 2320 rubles for 70 sachets of breast milk fortifier.

  1. The mixture is good, durable and convenient packaging. Comes with everything you need for cooking (measuring spoon).
  2. The mixture has passed the test of quality over time - even in post-Soviet times, pediatricians advised mothers to use such mixtures, but they could only be brought from Germany.
  3. Manufacturers claim that the mixture contains all the necessary vitamin and mineral complexes for the full development of babies. In fact, there are small errors in the amount of vitamin content in 100 grams of the mixture.
  4. The disadvantages include the unreasonably high price, foam when preparing the product and a small error in the measuring spoon.
  5. Just like many mixtures, it has several series, but there are several times fewer of them than the previous ones.

3. Similak. The mixture is one of the three best mixtures at the end of 2016. The only drawback of this mixture is that it may not be suitable for a child. However, those children for whom the mixture is suitable do not have any problems with digestion or lack of vitamins.

Price: from 270 rubles per 400 grams; from 940 rubles per 900 grams.

  1. The mixture has several series: Isomil (lactose-free milk formula, for babies with allergies to cow protein), Comfort (for children with colic and constipation problems), hypoallergenic (for babies prone to allergies), Antireflux, Low-lactose, NeoShur (for premature and low birth weight babies) children), Premium (classic).
  2. A huge advantage of this mixture (which manufacturers indicate on the front side of the packaging) is that the mixture is without palm oil.
  3. Recommended by experts and widely used in Russian children's hospitals and neonatal intensive care units.

4. Nenny. One of the best goat milk formulas. The mixture is much better than usual. It is considered a highly adapted mixture among pediatricians and neonatologists.

Price: from 1250 per 400 grams; from 2300 for 800 grams.

  • Goat's milk is much healthier, which means a mixture based on it is too.
  • Goat's milk does not cause allergies in children. The mixture is completely hypoallergenic and suitable for all children.
  • The mixture is highly nutritious.
  • The only downside is the price and the fact that the formula is only suitable for healthy children.

It is worth noting that the second place was shared by two brands at once - this is due to the fact that one of the mixtures is made with goat milk.

Name Price Place in the ranking Main plus Main disadvantage
Friso 350/780 1 High quality. Absence of bifidobacteria in the classical series.
Nenny 1250/2300 2 The mixture is suitable for almost all babies; mixture with goat milk, which is more beneficial for the baby. High price.
Similak 270/940 3 The mixture does not contain palm oil. It is difficult to guess whether it is suitable for a child or not; Tummy problems often arise with this mixture due to the fact that it is not suitable for a particular baby.
Nan 430/890 The mixture has all forms of release: liquid, dry, as well as a breast milk fortifier. 4 There are difficulties in finding mixtures; Sometimes you have to order online.

Useful video

In the first weeks after the birth of a baby, it is important to choose a high-quality formula with a rich composition. The main thing is that the product is suitable for a newborn. When choosing, you should trust well-known, proven brands. Nutrition ratings for infants are always available. And they are helped by mothers who have gone through artificial feeding, together with pediatricians who know exactly what the baby needs.

The choice of first food depends on many factors. Nutrition is divided according to different criteria. Pediatricians recommend not making a decision on your own, but getting advice from a specialist. He will take into account the characteristics of the baby’s body, if any. He will tell you in detail how to monitor your reaction to nutrition. If the mother decides to resolve the issue on her own, you need to find out how food is classified and refer to the ratings of proven and proven products.

How to divide food for newborns:

  1. Liquid and dry. There are no specific recommendations for selection, but dry products last longer and are more available on the market.
  2. Based on its composition, food is divided into adapted, less adapted, and partially adapted. This depends on the presence of casein and whey in the product.
  3. There is a significant difference in mixtures by age. It is impossible to give a newborn baby formulas indicated for children over one year old. They contain too much unadapted protein.
  4. According to their intended purpose, products are divided into fermented milk, hypoallergenic, and lactose-free. The choice depends on the characteristics of the baby’s body. Therefore, you should consult a doctor before taking lactose-free or hypoallergenic foods. Fermented milk options are indicated for regurgitation, colic, and dysbacteriosis. A hypoallergenic supplement will help your baby in case of a severe allergic reaction. A lactose-free product is indicated for those intolerant to cow's milk.

The Clinic of the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences presented a rating of available domestic manufacturers, among which you can choose food based on composition and purpose:

  1. "" has been a leader in the ratings for many years. The decisive factor for mothers is the combination of price and compliance with all standards. The list of ingredients includes taurine, iodine, Omega 3, 6 acids, whey. The components make the mixture as close as possible to breast milk in composition and taste. When purchasing, you need to take into account that the ingredients include palm oil and soy lecithin.
  2. “” weakens its position only because of its high price compared to other options. The composition of Nutrilon is unique. The product is prescribed to children for problems with the digestive tract. As in the previous option, the disadvantage is palm oil.
  3. "" remains at the top of the ratings because of the ability to choose a specialized supplement for babies with allergies or intolerance to cow's milk. The price of the product is high. But reviews from pediatricians are only positive, despite palm oil.
  4. "" is also produced in Switzerland. The price is more affordable. This is food for healthy babies of different age groups. The composition is poorer in iodine. The presence of soy lecithin in its composition is a disadvantage.

Important! You need to focus not on the manufacturer’s rating, but on the presence in the product line of bait suitable for the breed.

How to understand that the mixture is suitable

Even the most popular, expensive and recommended formula leads to disorders in the baby and is not suitable for the body. Timely measures taken will help avoid health problems. Changes occur in the baby's behavior and condition. Single signs of a negative reaction of the body, or a whole complex, are observed.

Possible symptoms indicating that the selected product may not be suitable:

  • skin reactions;
  • digestive tract disorder;
  • body weight inappropriate for age;
  • changed behavior.

To monitor changes, you need to introduce a new product into your diet gradually. This applies to cases where the first days of feeding were natural. The volume should increase slowly over the course of a week. Some of the listed signs indicate a sudden introduction of nutrition and the body’s unpreparedness for a new product.

The body signals inappropriate nutrition in different ways. Most often this manifests itself on the skin. External changes are easier to notice. A common manifestation of poor product choice is diathesis, or reddening of the cheeks. The rash can spread over the entire body area or be in one place.

It is accompanied by itching, possible peeling and the appearance of ulcers. If a mother combines breastfeeding and bottle-feeding, you need to check the diet before feeding the newborn.

Colic, regurgitation and constipation are signs of problems other than the wrong formula. First you need to eliminate incorrect feeding techniques. Constipation or loose stools in most cases go away soon on their own, being a sign that the body is getting used to it. Frequent regurgitation is an alarming sign of serious disorders. If it's a mix issue, a popular solution is to change the consistency.

Overweight is rarely a cause for concern. On artificial nutrition this is natural, since the infant does not make any effort to obtain food, and the artificial product is always available in the required dosage.

But lack of mass indicates that the body does not absorb the product. Often this is a lack of enzymes. In this case, the pediatrician or nutritionist prescribes a medicinal supplement.

The baby can “tell” about inappropriate nutrition by behavior. This is tearfulness, refusal to feed, lethargy, spitting out food. Variants from different manufacturers differ in taste. If your baby doesn’t like the choice, you need to pay attention to other options to which he will respond well.

Rating of the cheapest mixtures

Not all parents have secured the opportunity to switch to expensive Swiss manufacturers. The domestic manufacturer offers mothers high-quality products that meet all necessary standards. Therefore, a low price is not a sign of a bad product.

In most cases, expensive options differ in price only because the manufacturer is advertised or the food is medicinal. If the baby does not show any abnormalities and the body requires a simple product intended for everyone, you can pay attention to the available options.

Important! The newborn’s body reacts negatively to transitions from one diet to another. Therefore, the choice must be made taking into account many factors so as not to injure the child.

A product is considered cheap if its price does not exceed 300 rubles per package (average 400 g). From which manufacturers to choose formula for newborns, which one is better in price:

  1. "" - packaging weighing 350 g, cost on average 167 rubles.
  2. "" for newborns costs 220 rubles with a weight of 350 g.
  3. For “” you will have to pay 220 rubles, weight 400 g;
  4. “Semper Baby” costs 240 rubles, weight – 325 g;
  5. The price of "" fluctuates around 250 rubles, weight - 350 g.
  6. 400 g "" costs 250 rubles.
  7. A 350 g package of “” costs 264 rubles.

Rating of baby formulas by composition

The first thing pediatricians focus on is the composition of the formula for newborns. The ratio of protein components, carbohydrates, the presence of vitamins and harmful components is taken into account.

What is included in infant nutrition:

  1. Protein. A diet that is as close to breast milk as possible contains 1.2 g of protein. There are manufacturers who increase the amount to 1.4 g.
  2. Ratio of whey proteins and casein. It indicates nutritional adaptability. To choose a supplement that will be similar in quality to natural nutrition, you need to look for indicators of 80:20-60:40.
  3. Tuarin is responsible for the development of vision, central and peripheral nervous system, and helps absorb fats.
  4. Vegetable oils are required. The choice of manufacturers falls on palm, rapeseed, soybean, sunflower, and coconut products. All of them are allowed in the baby’s diet. However, palm and rapeseed oil are often considered harmful.
  5. Fatty acids are responsible for brain development and are essential for normal cell functionality.
  6. Lactose helps digest all components and absorb substances.
  7. Prebiotics increase the number of microorganisms necessary for the intestines.
  8. Probiotics are useful for defenses and digestion.
  9. Nucleotides, vitamins and choline are needed for the central nervous system, defense system, and general development.

Which palm oil-free formula is best to choose for a newborn:

  1. Similak, Nanny;
  2. Nestozhen, Mamex, NAS;
  3. Nutrilon fermented milk, Nutrilak fermented milk.

The best breast milk substitute containing Omega 3, Omega 6:

  1. Nutrilon;
  2. Baby;
  3. Nestozhen;
  4. Agusha.

The required ratio is not found in the products Similak, Nutrilak, Hipp, NAS, Semper.

The amount of carbohydrates in food affects the feeling of fullness and the period between feedings of the baby. This role is performed by lactose and starch.

The best baby formula for newborns with carbohydrates:

  1. "Semper."
  2. "Agusha."
  3. "Unstable."
  4. "Nutrilak".
  5. "Humana."
  6. "Frisolak".

The option with prebiotics is useful for constipation in newborns. Which manufacturers to choose from:

  1. "Nanny" with prebiotics.
  2. "Humana" with prebiotics.
  3. "Similac Premium".
  4. "Nestozhen prebio."
  5. "Nutrilak Premium".
  6. "Agusha Gold"
  7. "Hipp Combiotic"
  8. "Granny's Basket"
  9. "Frisolak Gold".
  10. Similak."

Which vitamin mixture to choose for a newborn:

  1. "Agusha KM".
  2. "Humana."
  3. "Friso".
  4. "Hipp."

Nucleotides help form the gastrointestinal mucosa, the body's defense system. There are many of them in the composition of “Nutrilon” and “Frisolak”, “Nestozhen”, “Nutrilak” and “Semper”.

Blend with the best protein composition

Proteins are the building material for all baby’s organ systems. Food manufacturers leave their ratio in the product close to breast milk. Or they increase the value, since the protein of a cow product is more difficult for the body to perceive.

Approximate milk formulas for babies from birth:

  1. "Semper."
  2. "NAS".
  3. "Nutrilak".

The best baby adapted milk formulas

Adapted products are intended for feeding from birth. In composition they are most similar to breast milk. The higher the age category, the less adapted the product. Supplements that are introduced into the diet of newborns contain a rich vitamin composition and an optimal ratio of all components. In the first few months of life, this is the baby’s only food; he must receive everything he needs from them.

Highly adapted formulas are intended for babies from 0 months to 4 months after birth. They show maximum similarity to mother's milk. Designed for healthy, premature, weakened children. However, if you are allergic to lactose, you need to choose a different type of diet.

Which adapted mixture to choose:

  1. "NAS 1".
  2. "Nutrilon 1".
  3. "Nestozhen 1."
  4. "Baby 1".

At the age of 5 to 6 months, they are fed a less adapted diet. It is distinguished by the absence of whey protein. Instead, it contains casein.

The best formula for newborns aged 5-6 months:

  1. "NAS 2".
  2. "Nestozhen 2".
  3. "Nutrilon 2".
  4. "Baby 2".
  5. "Frisolak 2".

Partially adapted products are purchased after 12 months. They are more likely to contain palm oil. These options help cope with gastrointestinal problems and regurgitation.

To the question of what formula is best to feed a newborn with a problematic gastrointestinal tract today, pediatricians answer without doubt. Adapted fermented milk products help newborns cope with poor digestion and metabolism.

The base is curdled protein. Indications for nutrition: allergic reactions, dysbacteriosis, rickets, gastrointestinal disorders, prematurity, etc.

Which formula is best for a newborn:

  1. "NAS 1 fermented milk."
  2. "Nutrilak fermented milk."
  3. "Nutrilon fermented milk."
  4. "Agusha 1, 2."
  5. "Biolact adapted."

The most delicious baby formula

It is impossible to say exactly which baby formula is the most delicious. Children have different preferences, just like adults. Many mothers try to choose a supplement that tastes more like breast milk. But this does not mean that the baby will give her preference. To understand whether the food is pleasant, you need to monitor the child’s reaction.

The least tasty are considered to be specialized supplements repurposed for allergy sufferers, children with constipation, colic, and low weight.

If it is not possible to consult a doctor, you need to pay attention to the ratings of the mixtures. It is important to take into account the characteristics of the baby’s body and choose a product based on quality, price, and composition.

Before purchasing food, you need to find out about the classification and decide what it should consist of. When referring to ratings, you need to take into account the compiler. It is important to take into account the opinion of experts.

Let's talk about infant formula, rating which will be presented to your attention below. All people know that there is nothing more valuable, healthier and tastier than mother’s milk. And any caring mother from the moment the child is born tries to establish breastfeeding, but not every person succeeds, and she has to feed her children with formula.

Reasons, why you have to eat mixtures are considered:

  • health problems;
  • Mom going to work;
  • mother's wish;
  • baby's refusal to breastfeed.

The weight of infant formula, the ratings of which will be described below, have a wide range of products. If the child does not eat mother's milk, then the mother is faced with the question of what food to choose for feeding. How to make a choice from such an assortment of products?

Mixture with the prefix Pre- in the name

For people who are faced with food choices, it is known that they are divided into two groups, those who have the prefix Pre in their names and those who do not. Mixtures "Pre-" They are similar to mother's milk, they differ in consistency and amount of protein, they are also called adapted. The price for this product is higher.

This does not mean that other mixtures are bad, they are thick and satisfying, they are called partially adapted. These mixtures contain the following components:

  • carbohydrates;
  • starch;
  • sugar;
  • protein.

Often newborn babies are fed with adapted formulas, but when they begin to show signs of hunger, parents switch to formulas without a prefix "pre-".

Some people say that if a child eats adapted formulas, he will gain very little weight. In fact, this is not true, since the two types of these mixtures are equally high in calories. And the danger of overfeeding a child is the same when feeding two types.

Mixture with attachment pre- has another variety - this is food for weak and premature babies who need to gain strength as quickly as possible. These mixtures consist of components that promote rapid weight gain.

Special blends

Some manufacturers produce special mixtures that are considered medicinal. I offer such products from Humana and Hipp. The cost of formula is extremely high and not every parent can afford to buy it for their child.
such a product. For example, a box of formula costs seven hundred rubles, but it’s not enough for a week.

Such mixtures are recommended by doctors during colic, frequent regurgitation, diarrhea or bloating. When switching to a new formula, the child may develop problems that will manifest themselves in bad behavior. These symptoms will not last long. In this group there are mixtures in which the protein is broken down and is practically not perceived by the body.

Formula for newborns - which is better?

Often mothers of bottle-fed children are faced with how to choose nutrition. Making a decision is not always easy, because not all children are suitable for formula. To find the one that suits your child, you will have to try several brands of baby food.

There is no definite answer to the question of which food is better, because each parent looks from his own point of view. But according to pediatricians, the best mixture can be called NAN or Nutrilon, which is produced in different types. The advantages of this brand can be called five features How it differs from brands of other products:

  1. Suitable for any age;
  2. Can be used as supplementary food and constant nutrition;
  3. Contains a complex of vitamins, which increases the child’s immunity;
  4. Eliminates the occurrence of allergies;
  5. Restores normal intestinal function.

What is the best formula for newborns - reviews
young mothers

When choosing food, you should take into account reviews from mothers who help inexperienced parents make nutritional choices. Many mothers prefer a mixture from a domestic manufacturer - Malyutka.

Thus, writes Olga, from Nizhny Novgorod: Malyutka mixture is an excellent product on which
my three children. Not a single child had any allergies and they were always well fed.

But Ekaterina, from Penza, on the contrary, is not satisfied with the quality of the mixture Malyutka: Although the producers
they write that this food does not contain sugar, but a mixture very sweet. That's why I don't
I give it to my child, but only use it for cooking.

Victoria from Tyumen writes: My child tried several mixtures, but we settled on Nestle Nestogen, it does not cause allergies, is not very expensive and, most importantly, my child accepted it.

Lilia from Armenia writes: Nutrilak is an excellent mixture, me and all my friends use only it.

Anastasia from Gorky writes: The best mixture Malyutka,
it is universal. It causes the child no rashes, colic or constipation.

Which formula to choose for a newborn

For a newborn, you need to choose a formula that has the number one on the packaging; it is suitable for children in the first six months of life. It is worth remembering that a new product must be introduced gradually, starting with thirty milliliters, in order to determine whether the child is allergic to it. But if your child is sick or was born premature, then he needs nutrition marked 0, it is intended for babies who weigh little.

It is better to choose a mixture according to the reviews and recommendations of pediatricians. If you have experience in this matter, then it is better to trust yourself and make a choice in favor of the product that you consider best for the child.

To choose a good mixture you need to follow these recommendations:

Formulas for newborns - rating (Top 10)

Everything related to baby food is strictly controlled. Everything is done according to norms and standards and is strictly checked. The mixtures do not taste very different, but the difference is their consistency and sugar level. Many experienced parents have long realized that just because formula is more expensive, this does not mean that it is better. More often than not, manufacturers charge extra money for the brand and packaging of their product.

Baby food is available in boxes and jars of various sizes. Recently, liquid formulas have become popular, which are recommended to be given to children at night.

MixtureManufacturer country Peculiarities
1 NutrilonHollandStrengthens immunity
2 NanSwitzerlandBoosts immunity
3 NestozhenSwitzerlandSuitable for newborns
4 NutrilakRussiaBased on cow's milk
5 HumanaGermanySuitable for premature babies
6 HippGermanyContains prebiotics
7 AgushaRussiaSpecial Edition
8 SemilakSpainNo palm oil
9 BabyRussiaSugarless
10 FrisoNetherlandsFor low birth weight babies

But first of all, you need to listen to your baby in order to make a choice in favor

Video about rating mixtures

Here's what Dr. Komarovsky says about choosing the best baby food for your baby:


    The most delicious mixture is the one that suits your baby. The Matryona mixture suited us. The mixture is completely customized. I liked its composition. It is as close as possible to breast milk. The baby eats with a good appetite. I liked the presence of prebiotics and nucleotides. I read a lot about their benefits.

    I never trusted mixtures. They themselves write that everything there is natural, everything is for your children, and then you come across hundreds of programs where these unscrupulous manufacturers are exposed. I think this: it’s better to make the mixture yourself, saturating them all with what they need, or feed them with milk.

    I understand that the child must be transferred from breastfeeding to something more serious, but for the life of me, I don’t trust these manufacturers. As you know, mass production gives rise to poor quality. I always made the mixtures myself, consulting with doctors, of course. And nothing, the child grew up strong and healthy!

    Yes, my baby Nan couldn’t eat, I switched him back to natural food. All these mixtures are bullshit, the manufacturers themselves probably come up with the ratings))

    I don’t know girls, of course everything is individual, but making formula yourself is also not always a 100% guarantee that the child will not have reactions... Although choosing a formula is a whole task, it’s good when the mother has milk, because no one has ever come up with anything better than breastfeeding ) Unfortunately, I was unlucky; we were on IV from birth and the first six months were hell, we couldn’t find a formula that suited us, I bought both expensive ones and not very expensive ones. We ate Nutrilak, Malyutka, HIPP, by the way, we had a normal reaction to HIPP, we ate everything well, and then I bought another jar and it all over the child, bloating, problems with stool... So I didn’t understand what it was, there’s the composition good... We actually had a guard on Malyutka. And at six months we went to Nuppy Gold and I was very pleased and sighed with relief, because pah, pah, pah, no reactions. The brand, by the way, is not popular, but in composition it is not inferior to the same HIPP. There are also probiotics and prebiotics, fish oil, lutein, etc. The only thing is that the packaging is not very convenient, I pour it into a jar. We are already eight months old, we are gaining weight, the baby is sleeping well. Of course, I want everyone to always have breast milk)))) There is nothing better than it)) My mother was in the maternity hospital with me, so she deliberately did not breastfeed the baby so as not to spoil the shape... As it happens)) I looked at her, like crazy))

    I can’t say anything about the rating, only my own experience... When the eldest was born with a weight of 2870g (full-term at that), I, like a well-read expectant mother, stubbornly stuck the baby in the breast, and there is colostrum, yes, there is, but the child is not big anyway, and then there is nothing to eat... As a result, in the maternity hospital they insisted on supplementary feeding until the milk came, they gave pre-nan, then they bought it for home too... once breastfeeding was established, the formula was removed. But with the second, it’s the other way around - he was born large and “eternally hungry”, to such an extent that at 3 months he already needed complementary feeding - he demanded food every hour! But I didn’t want to remove breast milk, so the pediatrician recommended a formula as close as possible to breast milk - Kozochka - with goat milk. I was pleased with the mixture by the absence of reactions in the form of allergies or colic, so we recommend it.

    Charlize, from my experience in a similar situation, I can advise you to pay attention to mixtures based on goat’s milk, in particular, to the Kozochka mixture (it was already mentioned here). My daughter, too, at one time gained very little weight, cried a lot - well, obviously my milk was not enough. And when I started supplementing with Kozochka after breastfeeding, everything returned to normal, we sleep well, have fun and grow healthy. And by the way, there are no problems with the tummy or stool