What goes with coffee? What to drink coffee with. What is served with coffee: geography of snacks

More and more, people are beginning to realize the huge differences in the aroma and taste of coffee depending on its place of origin, processing method and brewing. But what we often miss is how we can pair the drink with different dishes, snacks and sweets to get an even stronger flavor.

Today, many people know what to look for when choosing food to go with wine. The principles of pairing were established here quite a long time ago, thanks to the properties of wine and complementary dishes that enhance each other’s taste characteristics. Coffee is not much different and, with skill, can be combined with food to create a new and unexpected twist in taste.

While coffee is best known as a companion to cakes and desserts, applying the science to selecting and roasting beans shows that drink and food combinations are not limited to just sweet dishes, and a successful pairing can be made with a spicy or savory snack, for example.

A Brief History of Coffee Culture

Perhaps the best way to start a conversation about food pairing with coffee is to talk about how society's attitude towards coffee has changed over time.

To explain the recent interest in coffee pairings, we need to understand the evolution of coffee consumption—also referred to as the first, second, and third waves of coffee.

In the first wave of coffee, producers were focused on creating a standard coffee taste and aroma. All coffees were the same and, as a result, consumers perceived no difference between the different bean profiles. The first wave generation tried to get rid of the unique characteristics of coffee beans, creating a generic coffee industry that was perfect for the mass market.

The second wave of the coffee industry was focused on repositioning coffee as a drink that gives a unique taste experience, so coffee companies began to talk about themselves, the manufacturer, the country of origin, coming to the understanding that these are some of the main factors influencing the taste of coffee.

The third wave of coffee began to pave the way for coffee pairings when companies began to create different flavor profiles. Instead of perceiving a drink as a source of one taste and aroma, we can now appreciate a whole variety of aromas and taste sensations and pair them with certain foods.

You can also read more about coffee culture in our complete article.

How to approach coffee pairings

The first step is to determine which flavors dominate the food. What ingredients and flavors stand out the most? A successful combination should strengthen them.

It's important to think about the time of day and the situation in which you prepare coffee and serve food, because coffee brewed on a Sunday morning will not pair with the same food as an espresso taken on the run to work.

Each of these principles can be used when selecting food not only for coffee, but also for tea, wine and beer.

Why do some combinations work and others don't?

Food and drinks are made up of certain components and substances, each of which has specific characteristics that affect texture, taste, and aroma. If the combination works, it is because the individual characteristics have been identified and "crossed" successfully. A good result can be achieved by two methods: contrasting or imitation.

Contrast balances the flavors. For example, hazelnut cookies are an excellent pairing for espresso. The sweet, nutty flavor complements the dark chocolate and caramel notes often found in espresso.

The imitation method works on the principle of enhancing taste. A common example is a sweet dessert paired with dessert wine or liqueur that is sweeter than the dish itself. With coffee and cake, you can imitate the fruity notes of the drink in fruit desserts: blueberry muffin or lemon tart.

Now we know the theory, but what about practice? To understand how it all works in life, we asked a couple of questions to the experts: Anna Valiotti from the True Coffee team.

Anna Valiotti, soul of True Coffee

What do you need to know about coffee for food pairing?

“You need to take into account the texture, the peculiarity of the taste of coffee: is it sour or more tart. Also, coffee can have different shades of fruit aromas: some are quite distinctly lemon or grapefruit, and some are sweet fruits and berries like cherries, pear or apricot I would recommend pairing these flavors with foods with a dense texture, such as chocolate cakes.

The most important factor to consider is balance. Food and coffee should not “compete”, but should complement each other to create a harmonious taste."

What are your favorite coffee combinations?

“The choice of coffee and food in my case correlates with the mood and state in which I am.
But for as long as I can remember, I have always loved coffee with cheese! Our nutty, dense, creamy varieties - Espresso, Peru, Brazil - go well with cheese.
I like to experiment - not only brew the same type of coffee in different ways, but also combine it with different products. I usually prefer citrus coffee for dessert, such as Ethiopia Yirgacheffe. But on melancholy winter days I don’t want sourness at all, so I complement the dessert with a sweet cappuccino with Guatemala."

Together we have also compiled a guide to the most successful and common combinations.

Fruit combinations

  • Berries- coffee from Kenya Best suited for any berries.
  • Fruit tarts- exceptional taste in combination with Brazilian coffee.

Chocolate combinations

  • Chocolate and coffee- This is an established and favorite combination. Works great with lattes and ristrettos.
  • Brownie- saturated varieties are suitable, for example, Guatemala.
  • Chocolate cakes- go well with medium roast coffee, especially if it’s Guatemala. Chocolate mousses will be good with any Arabica coffee.
  • Fruits in chocolate- complement most African coffees, e.g. Ethiopia.
  • Dark chocolate- goes well with Brazilian, Ethiopian and Guatemalan coffee.
  • Milk chocolate— it’s difficult to single out any specific varieties, because combinations with any coffee are good, but still coffee from Colombia, Kenya and Ethiopia will be the most striking partner.
  • White chocolate- We recommend Colombia.

Baking combinations

In Italy it’s coffee and cookies, in Canada and America it’s donuts for coffee. Let's look at a few more special combinations.

  • Cinnamon rolls- caramel and chocolate notes of Colombian and Guatemalan coffee are the most suitable varieties.
  • Croissants- in combination with coffee, this is simply an icon of French restaurant culture. Any combination will do, but for a more interesting taste, try making coffee with milk.
  • Muffins— according to many, Mexican coffee complements this dessert best.

For those who want the least familiar combinations, we recommend experimenting with cheese (German and Swiss are best), Frankfurt sausages, bacon (in any form: fried, in a sandwich, in a roll).

Now you know that coffee is not only about the usual combinations like sweets and chocolate, there is a lot of room for imagination. Experiment with coffee and find successful and unusual combinations!

What to serve with coffee? It depends on what kind of event you are planning. Traditions in different countries are different. Coffee sandwiches are common in America, croissants in France, tartines and canapés in Brazil. But in Russia there are no such traditional clear frameworks.

For coffee in Russia Most often they serve sugar, milk or cream, and ice cream.

If you are planning coffee evening in Turkish, Arabic or Caucasian style, separately you need to serve cold water (ideally with ice) and fruits - dates, grapes, figs. Coffee also goes well with fruits: oranges, peaches, pineapples, bananas. Coffee is often served with lemon, cut into thin slices, beautifully arranged, with a special fork to pick it up. Then cream, milk, and sweets are not served.

If Indian style coffee evening, then the evening will be “sweet” - confectionery products are served with coffee: cake, cookies, rolls, cupcakes or other flour confectionery products, except those with rich cream. Also serve milk and cheese balls with coffee. In this case, fruit is not served.

In tradition Belgium and Switzerland serve coffee with chocolate (unless it is included in the recipe of the coffee itself), liqueur, cakes, honey, juice. Chocolate can be any kind, milk, bitter, melted, hot.

IN In Germany they serve coffee cookies with spices - ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, cloves.

But in Australia serves coffee baked goods without cream, cream or milk and separately acidified water.

In general, hot dishes may be offered before coffee is served. Then it would be appropriate to serve coffee with an omelette or canapés (small sandwiches).

Coffee goes perfectly with alcohol, almost any kind; alcohol is added to coffee. For ladies you can offer liqueurs, and for men cognac and rum.

On Coffee is served at official receptions canapes, rolls, cupcakes, most importantly, small sizes. And also cognac, liqueurs, mineral water, juices. Separate glasses are required for alcoholic drinks; alcohol is not poured into coffee, but drunk mixed with it.

IN informal atmosphere for coffee You can serve nuts, both sweet and salty, hazelnuts, almonds, cashews, cheese, sandwiches.

Sometimes Cigars are served with coffee or good cigarettes. Really good ones, so that the taste of tobacco does not kill the taste of coffee, but gives it a new flavor.

So the question is, what to serve with coffee, solved. Choose what you like, have a nice evening!

Some drinks are served during breakfast, others - before meals, others - during meals, and others - after. Mostly hot drinks are served for breakfast and are prepared immediately before consumption. Coffee is a hot beverage served for breakfast, and many people eventually limit their morning diet to only this one drink. Some people keep their breakfast to a minimum, others like to treat themselves to coffee throughout the day.

In any case, coffee is not drunk empty; something is always served with it. Each country has its own traditions. In America, sandwiches and sandwiches are traditionally eaten with coffee, in France croissants, in Brazil it is customary to drink coffee with canapés or tartines, in Russia there are no such clear boundaries and various culinary products are served with coffee. We will offer you the most popular recipes in this chapter.

Coffee Tips

You will get an excellent dessert by decorating your coffee with a spoonful of cream whipped into thick foam.

Charlotte Pie

Required: 4 eggs, 250 g sugar, 1 cup flour, vanilla, 5 apples, vegetable oil.

Cooking method. Break 4 eggs into a plastic bowl and beat with a mixer or whisk until strong foam forms, and when the mass becomes thick enough, add sugar to it. Do this gradually so that the foam does not settle. When the sugar has dissolved with the eggs, you can add flour to the mixture. When you have mixed all the ingredients, cover the bowl with a lid to prevent the foam from settling and begin preparing the filling.

Cut 5 medium-sized green apples into small slices. Grease the mold in which you will bake the cake with vegetable oil so that it does not burn; the bottom of the mold can also be sprinkled with semolina, it does not taste and at the same time does not allow the dough to burn. Place apple slices on the bottom of the mold and fill them with the prepared dough. Do this with a wooden spoon or spatula to prevent the dough from settling. Bake the pie for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200°C. Serve hot.

Coffee stories

It was fashionable for Arab sheikhs to have a special cook who prepared only coffee. One such cook, bribed by enemies, once poured poison into his master’s drink, but died himself, having mixed up the cups.


Required: 6 egg whites, 6 tbsp. l. sugar, 1 tbsp. l. milk.

Cooking method. Separate the yolks from the whites. Beat the whites until light foam forms, then gradually add sugar. Do this very carefully, but without slowing down the beat, otherwise the foam will settle. Beat this mass until a thick foam forms, then add a spoonful of cold milk (but not ice) and mix thoroughly. The batter is ready if it does not overflow when you turn the pan.

Bake the meringue on a baking sheet. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place thick paper on top, which should also be soaked in vegetable oil. When everything is ready, use a spoon or spatula to place the resulting dough on a baking sheet and bake for 10-15 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 200-220°C. Serve the finished meringue cold.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If you can see the image of a fish in the coffee grounds, you need to be more careful with your words. There is a risk that you can carelessly reveal your secrets to ill-wishers. And they will find how to use the information received. Therefore, you need to be dumb, like a fish, and not forget the wisdom: “The word is silver, silence is gold.”

Cheesecake "Morning"

Required: 1 cup flour, 250 g sugar, 4 tbsp. l. milk, 150 g of cottage cheese, egg, soda, vanilla sugar.

Cooking method. Mix flour with water, half the sugar and milk. Knead thoroughly and roll the dough into a layer 2-3 cm thick. Separately mix the cottage cheese and the remaining sugar, break the egg into it, mix everything, add soda slaked with milk. Place this entire mass on the dough, slightly fold the edges of the cheesecake and sprinkle with vanilla sugar. Bake in the oven at 180°C on a greased baking sheet for 20-30 minutes, depending on the thickness of the cheesecake. Serve the cheesecake hot.

Bagels “Tender”

Required: 20 g yeast, 1/5 cup milk, 100 g sugar, 1.5 cups flour, 100 g butter, egg, vanillin.

Cooking method. Dissolve the yeast with milk and add sugar, mix it all thoroughly and place in a warm place for 10-15 minutes. When the dough is ready, mix it with flour and melted butter, knead the dough and add the egg to it. After kneading the dough well, place it in a warm place and let it rise. When the dough has rested and risen, place it on the table and roll it out 1/2 cm thick. After this, cut into oblong triangles, brush with melted butter and sugar and roll into a cone. Bake on a baking sheet greased with butter in the oven at 180°C.

Coffee and health

Coffee has an extremely effective effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This occurs mainly due to the stimulating effect of caffeine, acids, aromatic and flavoring substances formed during the roasting process of beans. Coffee stimulates the production of gastric secretions and is considered very effective in this regard.

Puff tongues

Required: 250 g each of flour and sugar, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup milk, 200 g butter, vanilla sugar.

Cooking method. Dilute 250 g of flour with water and knead the dough, add an egg, milk, 100 g of sugar and a little butter, mix everything thoroughly and roll out the dough. Melt the butter, mix it with sugar, continue stirring, leave on low heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. After this, remove the butter-sugar mixture from the heat and break the egg into it, mix everything thoroughly. Using a pastry brush, apply a thin layer of this mixture onto the rolled out dough, then fold it into an envelope and place in a warm place. After 15-20 minutes, when the dough has risen, roll it out again, brush with butter and fold it again into an envelope.

Repeat this procedure 3-4 times. The larger the number, the more fluffy and layered the tongues will be. When you apply the butter-sugar mixture to the dough for the last time, roll it out and use a special mold to cut out small circles. Place them on a greased baking sheet and keep them in a warm place for 10-15 minutes; as soon as they are ready, put them in a hot oven and bake for 20-25 minutes at 200°C. Sprinkle the finished baked goods with vanilla sugar.

Coffee Tips

To decorate your coffee and give it an exotic taste, you can use lemon or orange, cut into circles or slices.


Required: 200 g flour, 1/2 cup milk, 175 g sugar, egg, 250 g butter or margarine, jam or jam, powdered sugar.

Cooking method. Chop the butter (margarine) in a small saucepan; when it melts a little, add flour and pour warm milk over this mixture. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. After this, add the egg to the dough and add sugar, mix everything again and put in a cold place for 10-15 minutes. After this time, roll out the dough into a thin layer no more than 5 mm thick. Cut it into equal squares. Spread the dough with jam or jam, not too thickly, then carefully roll it up and place it on a greased baking sheet. Bake in the oven at 200°C for no more than 15 minutes. Serve the “fingers” hot.

French croissants

Required: 7 tbsp. l. flour, 250 g sugar, 1/2 cup milk, 2 eggs, 120 g butter, nuts, raisins, vanilla sugar.

Cooking method. Pour flour into heated milk, add a little water and knead the dough, put eggs in it and knead everything thoroughly. After melting the butter over low heat, mix with sugar. Then add this mass to the dough and knead everything again along with raisins and chopped nuts (walnuts or peanuts). In this form, place the dough in a warm place for 20-30 minutes. Next, roll it out and divide it into 4-6 equal parts, give them an oval shape and place them in this form on a baking sheet. Bake croissants in an oven heated to 180-200°C for 15-25 minutes. Serve the croissants hot with coffee, immediately after baking.

From the lives of the greats

Now in Russia there is a rock band called “Black Coffee”. The leader says the following about the name of his group: “Yes, I drink coffee often. And when I came up with the name, I wanted to take something quite energetic and at the same time unusual. In my opinion, “Black Coffee” is what you need.”

Cookies "Vermicelli"

Required: 200 g flour, 2 eggs, 375 g sugar, 4 tbsp. l. milk, 100 g butter, vanillin, powdered sugar.

Cooking method. Break an egg into the flour, add a little water and knead the dough. Mix everything thoroughly and add sugar to the dough, while pouring in warm milk. Knead the dough again and make a small depression in it, put melted butter and a little vanillin in it. Knead the dough and, dividing it into several parts, place in a cold place for 1-1.5 hours. When the dough has cooled sufficiently, turn it through a meat grinder. Grab the noodles emerging from the meat grinder every 6-8 cm and make small cookies out of them. After this, place them on a greased baking sheet and bake for 15-20 minutes. When the cookies are ready, sprinkle them with powdered sugar.

Chocolate cookies

Required: 200 g flour, 250 g sugar, 50 g cocoa, 70 g chocolate, 1/2 cup milk, 100 g butter, cherries.

Cooking method. Knead the dough from flour and water, add sugar, mix everything thoroughly. Melt the butter over low heat, add milk and add cocoa, mix everything well and bring to a boil, and when the mixture boils, add chocolate and mix thoroughly again. Place the mixture in a cold place for a while so that it thickens, after 20-30 minutes mix it with the dough and roll it into a layer 1 cm thick. Cut the dough into large triangles and fasten its edges in the middle, you will get something like an envelope. Place a pitted ripe cherry in the center of the cookie. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 200°C. Serve cold.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If an image of a comb is visible in the coffee grounds, this indicates that you need to pay more attention to your appearance. It is quite possible that those around him treat the fortuneteller with some contempt and arrogance only because he pays too little attention to himself and does not try to make a favorable impression on others.

Orange Pie

Required: 200 g flour, 80 g sugar, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 4 tbsp. l. orange juice or nectar, 15 g yeast, 1 tbsp. l. milk, vanillin, soda, milk, orange zest.

Cooking method. Mix yeast, 1 tbsp. l. sugar and water, place in a warm place, and as soon as this mixture begins to ferment, start kneading the dough. Knead the flour with the dough, add sugar, mix everything thoroughly and pour vegetable oil into the dough. When the dough is sufficiently mixed, add orange juice mixed with vanillin, salt, soda, slaked milk. Mix everything thoroughly and add orange zest. Place the dough in a mold greased with butter and bake for 30-40 minutes at 200°C. Serve hot with both hot and cold coffee.


Required: 250 g of flour and sugar, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 150 g raisins, salt.

Cooking method. Knead the dough, break an egg into it and add an additional yolk, add sugar and mix everything thoroughly. Make a hole in the dough and pour in vegetable oil, add a little salt and knead the dough again. Place it in a warm place for 20-25 minutes, then divide it into two parts and roll out two layers 1-1.5 cm thick. Place one layer on a baking sheet and sprinkle raisins on top, cover with a second layer and brush all the edges and top of the strudel with egg white. . Bake for 20-30 minutes, and when ready, cut it into equal rectangles and serve.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If the image of a monkey is visible in the coffee grounds, it means that the fortuneteller does not need to look at life too seriously. It’s better for him to be more cheerful, then everything around him won’t be so gloomy and unpleasant.

Currant pudding

Required: 100 g each of flour and currants, 200 g butter, 8 eggs, 250 g sugar, 130 g milk, 1 g vanillin, 8 g gelatin.

Cooking method. Melt the butter over low heat without removing from the heat, add the flour, stir everything and add hot milk, bring the mixture to a boil and remove from the heat. After this, add 8 yolks and half the sugar to the mixture. Mix all this and cool slightly.

Separately, beat the whites and sugar until airy foam forms and add them to the first mass. Mix everything carefully, but make sure that the whites do not settle too much. Throw in a few pinches of vanillin and add the swollen gelatin at the last stage. Mix everything again and refrigerate for several hours. After this, serve the pudding with hot coffee.

Cookies "Hercules"

Required: 450 g oatmeal, 200 g butter, 150 g sugar, 2 eggs, 1-2 tbsp. l. oat flour, 1/2 tsp. cinnamon, lemon zest, 3 tbsp. l. ground walnuts.

Cooking method. Pre-fry the oatmeal in a frying pan until it turns golden brown. After this, chop them with a knife and mix with melted butter and flour, add beaten eggs and sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and knead the dough. Add cinnamon, lemon zest and walnuts. Mix everything again and place with a dessert spoon on a baking sheet. Bake for 15-20 minutes in a hot oven.

Coffee and health

About half an hour after drinking black coffee, the acidity in the stomach reaches its maximum. With an increase in the concentration of the drink in the stomach, the content of free hydrochloric acid increases, the total acidity increases, which speeds up the digestion and evacuation of food from the stomach. However, from this we can conclude that people with high stomach acidity should not get too carried away with this drink.

Oyster bun

Required: 200 g flour, 175 g sugar, egg, 20 g yeast, 50 g butter, soda, salt, raisins.

Cooking method. Dissolve the yeast with sugar and place in a warm place. When the dough is ready, mix it with flour, break the egg and add butter. Knead the dough and leave it for 20-40 minutes in a warm place until it rises. Roll out the finished dough and divide into several parts of an oblong rectangular shape. Add seedless raisins to it and roll it up. Spread the top of the bun with chocolate glaze.

Chocolate glaze

Required: 1/2 cup milk, 80 g cocoa, 50 g powdered sugar, 100 g butter, several nuts.

Cooking method. Melt the butter, pour in warm milk, mix with powdered sugar, add cocoa. Bring this entire mass to a boil and place in a cold place until it thickens. Chop a few walnuts. When the mixture thickens, add chopped nuts, stir and spread on the top of the oysters. Bake them on a baking sheet for 30-40 minutes at 200°C.

Coffee Tips

One of the most common additives to coffee is alcoholic beverages. You can use cognac, liqueur, liqueurs or various wines.

Creamy sausage

Required: 300 g butter, 3 eggs, 500 g sugar, 1.5 cups milk, 2 tbsp. l. skim milk, 1 tbsp. l. dry cream, vanilla, nuts, raisins, cookies.

Cooking method. Chop the butter with a knife and add eggs to it, mix everything thoroughly with a wooden spatula and place in a cool place for 15-25 minutes. At this time, boil condensed milk. To do this, heat the milk and, as soon as it starts to boil, add dry cream and dry skim milk to it. Stir everything thoroughly so that there are no lumps and bring to a boil. When it boils, add the sugar and, stirring vigorously, continue to cook over medium heat for another 20-30 minutes until the mixture thickens. Cool the milk and mix it with butter. Knead this mass like dough and roll it out into a thick layer about 2 cm thick. Divide it into several parts and roll it into a roll. Carefully seal the edges, wrap each sausage in foil and place in the refrigerator for several hours. Serve cold.

From the lives of the greats

Albert Einstein loved black coffee and drank it every morning from a young age. Wasn't this what helped him make his discoveries?

Cheese cookies

Required: 300 g each of flour, cheddar cheese and butter, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp. l. milk, nutmeg, cayenne (very hot) pepper, sesame seeds, almonds, cumin.

Cooking method. Knead the dough. Beat flour, cheese, softened butter and 2 eggs using a mixer, season with chopped nutmeg and pepper. Knead everything thoroughly and, wrapping it in foil, put it in a cool place for an hour. Then roll out the dough 1/2 cm thick on a floured board. Using various cutters, cut out the dough. Brush the cookies with yolk, sprinkle with sesame seeds, cumin and almonds. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes at 180°C.

Fruit sorbet

Required: 250 g strawberries, mango fruit, 3 kiwis, juice of 3 lemons, 55 g rose wine, 300 g sugar, 3 egg whites, 50 g grape juice.

Cooking method. Peel the stems from the strawberries and mash them into a puree. Cut the kiwi into small pieces and mix with strawberry puree. Peel the mango fruit, remove the seed and mash into a puree along with the main mass. Add lemon juice, rose wine and grape juice to the puree. Separately, beat the whites with sugar and mix them with the puree. Place the resulting sherbet in containers and refrigerate for several hours. Serve sherbet cold with coffee.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If a person sees a rosette in the coffee grounds, this means that he is on the right path. The business he has in mind will bring him a lot of benefits. He will be able to realize all his desires and receive many advantages. The rosette can also mean that profits are expected soon.

Cake "Stork"

Required: 2 lemons, 8 pieces of refined sugar, 4 eggs, 200 g each of sugar and flour, 100 g each of sour cream and butter, 3 tsp. baking powder, 50 g almonds.

For filling and decoration: 600 g marzipan mass, 300 g powdered sugar, juice of 2 lemons, grated zest, 1 tbsp. l. rum, 50 g chocolate glaze, egg white, currant and apricot jelly, coconut flakes, yellow food coloring.

Cooking method. Dissolve sugar in squeezed lemon juice, add a little grated zest. Separately, beat eggs and sugar until foam forms, carefully mix them with lemon juice, add flour, sour cream, mix everything thoroughly. After this, add softened butter, baking powder and almonds to the dough. Mix everything again and pour the dough into a springform pan with high edges. Bake in the oven for 35-40 minutes at 180°C. When the cake is ready, cool and cut it into several cakes.

Start preparing the filling. Make the marzipan mass in advance. Pour boiling water over the almonds and dry, then pass through a meat grinder or grind in another way. Mix it with powdered sugar, protein and liqueur, and when everything is mixed, put this mass in the refrigerator for a day. For the filling, divide the marzipan mass into two parts. Mix one part with rum and lemon juice. Fill the cake with this mixture and grease the edges. Using a mold, cut out a circle from the second part of the marzipan mass and paint it yellow with dye. Place this marzipan circle on top of the cake and brush the edges with whipped egg white and sugar.

Melt the chocolate glaze and pour it into a culinary bag, draw the contours of a stork on the marzipan mass. Mix the sifted powdered sugar with the egg white and use it to outline the edges of the cake. Cover the area around the stork with fruit jelly. To finish, sprinkle the cake with coconut.

Coffee and health

Coffee, by increasing the secretion of gastric juice, helps to increase the digestibility of food. This action mainly explains the tradition of serving coffee at the end of the meal.

Flower Cake

Required: 5 eggs, 200 g sugar, 8 g vanilla sugar, 125 g starch, 130 g flour, 3 tsp. baking powder, 50 g almonds, 30 g orange jam.

For the glaze: 300 g powdered sugar, 2 egg whites, 1 tsp. lemon juice, food coloring.

For cream: 250 g butter, 100 g powdered sugar, 1/8 cup egg liqueur.

Cooking method. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks separately, adding 4 tbsp. l. warm water, 150 g sugar and vanilla sugar. Pour flour, starch and baking powder into the whipped yolk mixture. Add separately whipped whites to this mixture, mix gently and pour the biscuit mixture into a springform pan with high edges, greased and sprinkled with flour. Bake the biscuit for 35 minutes in a hot oven. When it's ready, cut it into three layers. Divide one of the cakes into 8 parts, cutting off the corners. Spread all the cakes and pieces with jam and then with the rest of the filling. To do this, prepare glaze and cream.

For the glaze, mix powdered sugar with egg whites and lemon juice. Pour the glaze into several containers and color it in different colors with food coloring. Then coat 8 sponge pieces with this colorful glaze. Grease the remaining cakes with cream prepared as follows.

Beat the softened butter to the consistency of sour cream, add powdered sugar, egg liqueur and beat everything again. Grease the two bottom cake layers with cream and brush the edges of the cake with it. Place colorful pieces of sponge cake on top. Decorate the middle of the cake with cream. Make a rose using a culinary syringe.

Coffee Tips

When brewing coffee, you can use milk or a mixture of milk and cream rather than water. The drink prepared in this way has a slightly lower strength and a milder taste.

Not only pies, cakes and pastries can be served with coffee. Various creams and jellies are also suitable, which can be prepared by beating several proteins with sugar, butter, and adding vanillin, you can prepare vanilla cream. By whipping the whites with milk, sugar and butter, you get a creamy milk cream that you can spread on toast or eat with a spoon directly with hot coffee. In conclusion, I would like to remind you that coffee is a drink that is drunk either hot or cold, but never warm.

Lacquer Pie

Required: 250 g flour, 150 g powdered sugar, 1 tsp. baking soda or baking powder, 120 g butter or margarine, egg, 3/4 cup milk, vanilla sugar or vanilla, a pinch of salt.

For the glaze: 6 tbsp. l. milk, 110 g sugar, 50 g each butter and honey, 125 g coarsely chopped walnuts, 2 yolks.

Cooking method. Using a long knife, chop the flour with baking soda or baking powder, sugar, salt and fat until the dough is smooth. Boil the milk with vanilla sugar or vanillin, and when it has cooled completely, beat with the egg, add to the dough and knead. Place in a cake tin, raising the edges, pour the glaze on top and bake for about 25 minutes in the oven at 180°C. Remove the pie from the pan when cooled.

Glaze: mix milk with sugar, butter and honey in a saucepan and heat over low heat until the sugar dissolves and the mixture becomes homogeneous, remove from heat, add the yolks (one at a time), whisking vigorously, then add the nuts.

From the lives of the greats

In the East, coffee is poured into a cup only a third full, paying special attention to the color of the coffee. So, in the old days, in order to achieve black color, a dye similar in origin to ink was added to bad coffee.

Honey pie with lemon filling

Required: 600 g flour, 7 g baking soda, 4 tbsp. l. honey, 2 eggs, 50 g butter or margarine, 150 g powdered sugar, a little milk.

For filling: 200 g each of butter and powdered sugar, lemon juice and zest.

Cooking method. Mix the flour with baking soda, add melted honey, eggs, butter or margarine, sugar and milk and knead the dough. Divide it into three parts, roll each one out and put it on baking sheets and bake in the oven. Spread the finished and cooled layers with the filling and combine. Also spread the filling on top of the pie and cut into rectangular pieces.

Filling: Grind the butter with sugar, add zest, lemon juice (drop by drop) and mix thoroughly.

Curd cake

Required: 250 g each of butter and sugar, 300 g cottage cheese, 500 g wheat flour, 4 eggs, 1/2 cup raisins, lemon, soda, salt.

For the glaze: 1 cup powdered sugar, 3 tbsp. l. cranberry juice.

Cooking method. Beat the butter with sugar, whisking, add one egg at a time, as well as grated lemon peel, juice of half a lemon, cottage cheese minced, raisins, salt, sifted flour, and dissolved soda along with lemon juice. Knead the dough thoroughly, place in a greased pan with an empty center, and bake at moderate heat for about 50 minutes. Remove the cooled cake from the mold, cover with cranberry glaze (mix powdered sugar with cranberry juice) and dry in a warm oven. Then you can cover the cake with lumps of egg white frosting.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

If a pistol or rifle is visible in the coffee grounds, this means that you need to beware of a possible attempt on your life. You should minimize communication with potentially dangerous people, because the consequences can be very unpredictable. But if a person leads an ordinary life and does not deal with dangerous factors, he should try not to be on the street or in deserted desert places at night.


Required: 400 g flour, 200 g butter, 2 yolks, 15 g yeast, 1 tbsp. l. cream (you can use thick sour cream), 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara

Cooking method. Rub the oil well. While rubbing, gradually add one yolk and sugar to it. Then add sour cream, yeast and flour ground with sugar. Knead everything quickly. Place the dough on a plate, cover with a napkin and refrigerate for an hour. Then knead again. Roll out the prepared dough on a board into rolls 1 cm thick and cut into pieces about 20 cm long. Fold these pieces in half and twist them a couple of times (like a rope) or make 2-3 cuts on each roller 10-12 cm long and bend it along crescent shape. Before baking, brush with egg wash and sprinkle with coarse granulated sugar. Bake until they are browned.

Moorish crumpets with almonds

Required: 360 g flour, 7 g baking soda, 150 g powdered sugar, 30 g vanilla sugar, 1 tsp. ground cinnamon, 40 g cocoa, 100 g butter or margarine, 2 eggs, a little milk, almonds.

Cooking method. Sift the flour through a sieve onto a cutting board, mix it with baking soda, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar, cinnamon, cocoa, add butter or margarine, eggs, milk and knead the dough. Form small donuts, brush them with egg and, after pricking them, place peeled and coarsely chopped almonds into each donut. Place the products on a lightly greased baking sheet and bake in the oven.

Coffee and health

Black coffee is a strong stimulant of gastric secretion, so it is not recommended for use by patients with peptic ulcers and hyperacid gastritis. However, those who suffer from these ailments but cannot live without coffee can find a compromise solution. Various substitutes for natural coffee, such as barley, acorn and other types of drinks, will help.

Venetian cake

Required: 250 g each of butter and almonds, 60 g of powdered sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar, 30 g of rum, 12 eggs, 400 g of cream and sugar each

Cooking method. Grind 9 yolks and 100 g of sugar until white, add rum and 250 g of boiled, peeled and ground almonds, stirring slowly, add the whites, whipped into a strong foam with 50 g of sugar. Grease a cake pan with vegetable oil, line it with foil and pour the dough into it. Bake the cake in the oven, then cool without removing it from the pan. Remove the cooled cake, cut into layers and brush with cream. Also grease the top and sides of the cake with cream, sprinkle with grillage and decorate with whipped cream.

Make the cream from 250 g of sugar, 2 eggs, a yolk and a bag of vanilla sugar, whipped over heat until a very thick mass is obtained. Cool the cream and gradually, with continuous stirring, add the whipped butter.

Every coffee lover, when drinking another cup of aromatic coffee, does not always limit himself only to his favorite drink. Very often, along with coffee, all sorts of goodies and sweets are used. Therefore, we decided to collect the TOP products that are ideal for a cup of morning coffee and will make drinking the drink even more enjoyable, but most importantly, healthy.

What is the best way to drink coffee?

Our rating is rightfully topped by baked goods, and it is highly desirable that they be hot. True coffee lovers know firsthand that coffee shops always offer a choice of pastries to accompany a cup of aromatic drink. This could be a piece of cake, cookies or buns with or without filling. Typically, such establishments purchase coffee in bulk from the manufacturer, but baked goods are often prepared on the premises of the cafe. And if you want to feel like a Frenchman or just enjoy a full and tasty breakfast, we recommend that you try combining a cup of coffee with a freshly prepared hot croissant.

The next favorite in the “race” is chocolate and candy. Coffee with chocolate is an unforgettable pleasure, especially when it comes to porous chocolate. However, many experts agree that instead of milk chocolate and various chocolates, it is advisable to combine coffee with natural dark chocolate. This will bring not only a good mood to the “feast”, but will also give the body extreme benefits.

Fruits will be an excellent “pair” for natural coffee. However, in this case, coffee should not be diluted with milk, since it neutralizes the taste of the drink and does not allow you to enjoy the excellent combination with fruit. It turns out that you can drink coffee not only with a banana. The combination of the drink with apples and grapes also demonstrates good taste. In coffee shops where people try to order coffee in bulk, you can often see large vases filled with exotic fruits on the bar counters. This can be taken as a hint that visitors to the establishment should decide on a fruit and coffee experiment.

And finally, I would like to note the following: you should not add regular sugar to coffee! It is better to replace it with lump brown sugar. Experts say that such a replacement will only improve the taste of the drink, giving it a brighter aroma and unsurpassed taste. In addition, lump brown sugar will bring greater benefits to the body than its traditional counterpart.

Coffee is not only invigorating, but also very tasty and aromatic. Many people prefer to drink it “in its pure form”, without any desserts or additives. Others always complement their coffee with some goodies.

Coffee goes well with many foods, and therefore finding a “pair” for this drink is not so difficult. Moreover, there are so many options that you can constantly discover new flavor combinations.

Traditional desserts for coffee

1. Baking

Perhaps, coffee is drunk most often with baking. Buns, cookies, cakes - all this goes well with coffee. There are practically no restrictions: you can use baked goods with fruits, butter creams, dried fruits, nuts, etc.

2. Chocolate

Chocolate perfectly complements the taste of coffee. Those who like unusual taste sensations can try coffee with dark chocolate or chocolate with pepper. If you want to soften the coffee taste a little, milk chocolate is an excellent option. In addition, chocolate with the addition of fruit jam, raisins or nuts is a good addition to coffee.

3. Fruit

Coffee goes great with fruit, and many people drink it that way. Citrus fruits are an absolute favorite, and you can complement coffee not only with sweet tangerines and oranges, but also with sour lemons. Also good “pairings” for coffee would be grapes, peaches, bananas, and pineapples.

4. Brown sugar

Coffee gourmets claim that coffee with brown lump sugar is a completely different experience from the drink. Lump sugar enhances the aroma and taste of the drink, revealing its characteristic notes especially clearly.

5. Cheese

Cheese turns out to be a great addition to freshly brewed coffee. It softens its taste and changes the overall impression of the drink. Coffee with cheese is often drunk for breakfast - this combination turns out to be both invigorating and nutritious.

This list can be continued for quite a long time: coffee turns out to be a truly universal drink, and you can drink it with almost anything. However, you shouldn’t go too far in gastronomic experiments: There are some foods that coffee absolutely cannot be combined with.. This list includes fish and seafood, vegetables, meat, caramel, marmalade, etc.