Anna Sharkunova. SHOW-BIZ. What do blondes want? Anna Sharkunova about revealing outfits, working for $50 and Rihanna in a Soviet hall with a red carpet Who gave birth to Anna Sharkunova

My son's height is 52 cm, weight 3280 g. And long dark hair like a rock star! You can braid your hair! - Anna shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda.


The boy has not yet been given a name.

Anna said that the baby was in no particular hurry to be born.

There was no hot water in the maternity hospital for two weeks, so he apparently decided to wait so that his mother would not suffer,” the singer laughs.

The singer speaks carefully about the father of her child.

We got married quietly without noise one July day, but there was no wedding,” the singer said.

Photo by Dmitry Rudenko, Komsomolskaya Pravda

It is known that Sharkunova’s husband is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain. In an interview with TUT.BY, the singer told the details of their romantic acquaintance.

“- And at what period did you meet your future husband?

Ten years ago, when everything was just beginning for me on stage. I was completely fine - well, so it seemed to me. In general, I didn’t think about anything, because the first successes had just happened... Yes, everything was great in general!

We lived in Minsk, but met in Nice, at the “Battle of the Cities” show (something like the “Great Race” with Nagiyev. - Editor’s note), where there were tests with these scary bulls.

Lyosha (Anya’s husband’s name is Alexey, he is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain) says that he noticed me a long time ago and specially came to Nice during filming to meet me. Well, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the legend is beautiful!

From the very beginning, Lyosha’s plan went downhill, because his friend was placed in the room next to me, and Lyosha himself was far away, in some barn. (Laughs.)

But we have a mutual friend Larisa Gribaleva, and - I think it couldn’t have happened without her - we still ended up in common company.

I don’t remember now what we talked about, whether we talked at all. But I remember for sure: when Lyosha came to the arena to cheer for us, for some reason I took a photo of him. For what? I’ve never done this before... And, you can say, I fell in love with this photo.

And then we said goodbye at the airport. Lyosha asked me for my phone number - and I immediately gave it to him. And I made my first mistake - I had to drag out the intrigue.

And he still jokingly reproaches: “Are you just handing out phones to everyone right away?” (Laughs.)

He didn’t call me - he’s not a man, he’s a rock! - three weeks. And when I called, I offered to meet after “Song of the Year.” And I agreed again immediately. At night I moved from producer Volodya Kubyshkin’s car to Lyosha’s car on some country road...

Volodya also asked: “Are you sure?” "I'm sure!" - I answer. Without any fear or second thought: what if she was some kind of maniac? I was twenty-three years old, the wind was in my head.

In short, I made mistake after mistake... Maybe that’s why Lyosha tested me for 10 years?

- Why do you think these are mistakes?

Well, because, probably, a decent woman by generally accepted standards cannot immediately give her a phone number, she cannot change into a car at night with an unfamiliar man. It turns out that I behaved, in Lyosha’s opinion, frivolously. So he thought: the girl is an artist, nothing serious...

He never told me about this, but when I analyze it, I understand it. And indeed there was a lot of eccentricity in me, I was such a fluttering butterfly... Not a wife - a girl.

Probably, this required these 10 years, during which we either separated or found each other again. So that I can grow up and grow up.

Although then it seemed different to me: I thought that he was testing me. That 10 years is too long to decide whether I’m good enough for him...

- Were you offended?

I was offended, that’s why we broke up. Sometimes we didn’t talk or see each other for a long time, for eight months. I didn’t leave so that he would return me, but for good.

Because relations should develop, but ours stood still. And I really wanted Lyosha to understand himself, make a choice, and finally understand: am I the woman he needs.

Probably, even then I felt that the problem was with me too...”

However, everything worked out. And now Anna is a happy wife and mother. By the way, until the ninth month Sharkunova danced and sang on stage.

True, at the last job before maternity leave, I felt that I was not feeling well - my stomach was squeezing, as if my boy was offended by me. And I didn’t go on stage again until I gave birth,” the singer said.

Exactly 10 years ago, Anya Sharkunova first appeared on our screens in the program “Star Stagecoach” (analogous to “Star Factory”). Surprisingly, Dmitry Koldun, Dima Karpinchik (now German), Katya Ivanchikova (now IOWA), Lena Pishchikova and many others began their careers with her. It was on “Star Stagecoach” that producer Vladimir Kubyshkin saw Anya and decided to try to work with her. The songs written for Sharkunova at that time are still heard today. And now, the other day Anya is releasing a new (only her second) album...

Anya Sharkunova (far left) as part of the Star Stagecoach team

- Anya, the break between albums was 7 years. What was global between them?

I didn’t get married, I don’t have children. Write that you were engaged in internal growth. But in material terms... well, yes. Car, apartment. But I earned all this with my own labor.

- I remember 10 years ago, when you first appeared in Star Stagecoach, you had cheeks. And now they are gone.

I was on a diet then, but not now. I was gaining terribly because I ate only proteins and fiber, I didn’t know how to eat properly. Volodya says that I used to be angry because I ate dog food (laughs - auto). And now I’ve stopped worrying about food altogether - what I cooked, I ate. True, even now I have smoke coming out of my head - I once bought mysterious diet pills. Did I need it?

- What do they say that the oligarch Chizh gave you an apartment in the house on Troitsky?

Is that really what they say? – Anya froze in a silent pause. - Is this in the house where Daria Domracheva is? I don't have an apartment there. In all this time, there has never been a time when we were given even 100 dollars. It's a shame, but that's how it is. There were partners, and we worked, but sponsors did not. Everyone earned it themselves.

- But there is still an apartment, tell us about it?

A nice three-room apartment, a large living room...But I still have to pay the loan for it for another year. I am very proud of myself that I built it myself. I’m not doing any repairs yet – I don’t have time. But the house is not even fully occupied yet. My neighbors will be singer Marina Nekrasova and her husband, Dynamo Minsk goalkeeper Alexander Gutor. And my favorite apartment, by the way, was the very first one in Minsk. Very small, in a house to be demolished. My parents once helped me buy it. Where do I live now? With your loved one.

- No. Who earns more - you or him?

Of course he is! But in general I am very independent.

- Another rumor is that doctors forbade you to sing live because you have problems with your ligaments.

It’s good that it’s not with alcohol,” Anya laughs. - What nonsense! A couple of times in the winter I got it for not taking care of my throat. But in general, such rumors are spread by envious people.

I'm strong!

- What will the album be called?

- “I’m strong,” right? (Anya looks questioningly at her producer Vladimir Kubyshkin - auto). Its name interests me the least. It is important to me what songs will be included in it. These songs were written over 7 years. The texts are mainly by Vova Kubyshkin, as well as one song each by Vladimir Pugach (J: Morse) and Elena Yarmolovich.

- Volodya, it has always been a mystery to me - how do you write poetry on behalf of a woman?

Songs and poems are not the same thing. Songs are pure mathematics. I don't write as much as others. I “calculate” one song for at least a month - I get terribly tired. I have the opportunity to think about it, because I don’t write to order, for me it’s not a conveyor belt.

- For once I wrote a song! - Anya interrupts. “I ask him: look, please, bring it to mind.” But he refuses.

I just absolutely clearly understand what a high bar we have raised, and I simply cannot do anything worse. But I am convinced that the author of the music for the third album will be Anya Sharkunova. All the latest songs were greatly transformed under her influence, and she even remade some of them. I hope the new sound will be a pleasant surprise for the songwriters.

10 years ago during the filming of "Star Stagecoach". All three became famous artists: Katya Ivanchikova (IOWA), Dima Karpinchik (Herman) and Anya Sharkunova. Photo: social networks

Yes, it will be an orchestra and live sound. We will have a brass section, as soon as they start playing, you’ll immediately get goosebumps, complete delight! By the way, one of the 4 trumpeters is Vlad Senkevich from the “lapis” - our old friend, and the drummer Alexander Storozhuk is from there.

- Who else will sing?

Valery Daineko, Georgy Koldun, Theo, German, these will be both duets with me and solo performances.

Let's go to America to write songs

- Immediately after the concert at the Palace of the Republic, are you going to America? On tour?

“We must understand that Russian-speaking viewers in America are older people,” says Vladimir Kubyshkin. - Young people try to assimilate as quickly as possible, and their parents follow Krutoy, Kirkorov. There was an attempt to organize a joint tour of “Pesnyary”, “Verasov” and “Syabrov” - and it did not materialize. Logistics, visas, tickets, travel for so many artists simply do not pay off.

- Then what?

We will record three songs in English, plus one more song that I composed myself. To shoot a video with an American director, the scenery has already been built. Two photo sessions are planned. We are given only a day to recover from the change in time zones, and then two weeks are planned out from start to finish.

We didn't ask for anything. The Americans found us themselves,” continues Kubyshkin. -They are convinced that they have a niche for a singer like Anya. There are now thousands of artists in the US that we don't know - but they earn millions of dollars. For example, we once drove past a huge stadium for 40 thousand people, filled to capacity. People came to a concert of some woman completely unknown to us. We ask who is this? We are told that this singer performed the soundtrack to the cartoon “Frozen”... She is a superstar there.

- Volodya has a wife, Anya has a beloved man, and the two of you are going to America for two weeks... Do your other halves calmly let you go?

Well, we know each other, we go to visit each other,” Volodya is surprised. - This is a work trip. It happens that my wife asks when we will take her with us. I answer when we earn money.

“But I don’t have that question at all,” Anya laughs.

Will we even see the result of your stay in the USA?

Of course, there is the Internet. We are not building castles in the air yet, but we don’t want to give up this chance either. So far we see that they clearly know what to do. We are received with great dignity. They are sure that Anya can be sold there. But the question is how interesting it will be for us. Due to Belarusian naivety, I want Anya to be as popular as Beyoncé. But that doesn't happen.

- Is there a prospect of leaving for America for good?

So everyone has it! If real work begins there, this may become an issue. Let's see what happens.

And she could open the Olympics in Sochi...

- Will you participate in Eurovision next year? If Anya sang in English...

What for? Try your luck? Should I return to myself and try to use this chance? By the way, Americans don’t even understand what Belarusian or Russian show business is; they don’t talk about it without a smile.

- Just in case, I’ll ask – do you, Volodya, have a contract with Anya?

We didn't sign the papers. We have a boys' agreement.

Anya is good, Anya won’t leave Vova,” Sharkunova jokes. “He always hands me some pieces of paper and says, sign it.” I don't even look, I believe him.

This is usually a bill at a cafe. Anya says all the time, “I forgot my wallet,” Volodya laughs.

- You said that Anya had some other grandiose proposal?

There were at least two opportunities to get into the first echelon of Russian show business,” Anya admits. - The last proposal is to open the Olympics in Sochi. Several times we went to Moscow to negotiate with people whom we had only seen on TV. They have nothing to do with show business, they are very influential people. The budget was such that it simply boggles the mind. They monitored the post-Soviet market, they needed a professional artist with a repertoire who could immediately go on stage and work. If they had told me about this 10 years ago, I would have been happy. And now I want to live for myself. I would have to work under contract every day in a new city. There is actually a shortage of new faces in Russia...

- For example, songs by Kubyshkin and Aleinikov are taken and sold to Russia...

This was also an option. We decided that we would find a blonde very similar to me, and she would go to work,” jokes Anya. – I want a family, children, and not live on airplanes!

Exactly 10 years ago, Anya Sharkunova first appeared on our screens in the program “Star Stagecoach” (analogous to “Star Factory”). Surprisingly, Dmitry Koldun, Dima Karpinchik (now German), Katya Ivanchikova (now IOWA), Lena Pishchikova and many others began their careers with her. It was on “Star Stagecoach” that producer Vladimir Kubyshkin saw Anya and decided to try to work with her. The songs written for Sharkunova at that time are still heard today. And now, the other day Anya is releasing a new (only her second) album...

Anya Sharkunova (far left) as part of the Star Stagecoach team

- Anya, the break between albums was 7 years. What was global between them?

I didn’t get married, I don’t have children. Write that you were engaged in internal growth. But in material terms... well, yes. Car, apartment. But I earned all this with my own labor.

- I remember 10 years ago, when you first appeared in Star Stagecoach, you had cheeks. And now they are gone.

I was on a diet then, but not now. I was gaining terribly because I ate only proteins and fiber, I didn’t know how to eat properly. Volodya says that I used to be angry because I ate dog food (laughs - auto). And now I’ve stopped worrying about food altogether - what I cooked, I ate. True, even now I have smoke coming out of my head - I once bought mysterious diet pills. Did I need it?

- What do they say that the oligarch Chizh gave you an apartment in the house on Troitsky?

Is that really what they say? – Anya froze in a silent pause. - Is this in the house where Daria Domracheva is? I don't have an apartment there. In all this time, there has never been a time when we were given even 100 dollars. It's a shame, but that's how it is. There were partners, and we worked, but sponsors did not. Everyone earned it themselves.

- But there is still an apartment, tell us about it?

A nice three-room apartment, a large living room...But I still have to pay the loan for it for another year. I am very proud of myself that I built it myself. I’m not doing any repairs yet – I don’t have time. But the house is not even fully occupied yet. My neighbors will be singer Marina Nekrasova and her husband, Dynamo Minsk goalkeeper Alexander Gutor. And my favorite apartment, by the way, was the very first one in Minsk. Very small, in a house to be demolished. My parents once helped me buy it. Where do I live now? With your loved one.

- No. Who earns more - you or him?

Of course he is! But in general I am very independent.

- Another rumor is that doctors forbade you to sing live because you have problems with your ligaments.

It’s good that it’s not with alcohol,” Anya laughs. - What nonsense! A couple of times in the winter I got it for not taking care of my throat. But in general, such rumors are spread by envious people.

I'm strong!

- What will the album be called?

- “I’m strong,” right? (Anya looks questioningly at her producer Vladimir Kubyshkin - auto). Its name interests me the least. It is important to me what songs will be included in it. These songs were written over 7 years. The texts are mainly by Vova Kubyshkin, as well as one song each by Vladimir Pugach (J: Morse) and Elena Yarmolovich.

- Volodya, it has always been a mystery to me - how do you write poetry on behalf of a woman?

Songs and poems are not the same thing. Songs are pure mathematics. I don't write as much as others. I “calculate” one song for at least a month - I get terribly tired. I have the opportunity to think about it, because I don’t write to order, for me it’s not a conveyor belt.

- For once I wrote a song! - Anya interrupts. “I ask him: look, please, bring it to mind.” But he refuses.

I just absolutely clearly understand what a high bar we have raised, and I simply cannot do anything worse. But I am convinced that the author of the music for the third album will be Anya Sharkunova. All the latest songs were greatly transformed under her influence, and she even remade some of them. I hope the new sound will be a pleasant surprise for the songwriters.

10 years ago during the filming of "Star Stagecoach". All three became famous artists: Katya Ivanchikova (IOWA), Dima Karpinchik (Herman) and Anya Sharkunova. Photo: social networks

Yes, it will be an orchestra and live sound. We will have a brass section, as soon as they start playing, you’ll immediately get goosebumps, complete delight! By the way, one of the 4 trumpeters is Vlad Senkevich from the “lapis” - our old friend, and the drummer Alexander Storozhuk is from there.

- Who else will sing?

Valery Daineko, Georgy Koldun, Theo, German, these will be both duets with me and solo performances.

Let's go to America to write songs

- Immediately after the concert at the Palace of the Republic, are you going to America? On tour?

“We must understand that Russian-speaking viewers in America are older people,” says Vladimir Kubyshkin. - Young people try to assimilate as quickly as possible, and their parents follow Krutoy, Kirkorov. There was an attempt to organize a joint tour of “Pesnyary”, “Verasov” and “Syabrov” - and it did not materialize. Logistics, visas, tickets, travel for so many artists simply do not pay off.

- Then what?

We will record three songs in English, plus one more song that I composed myself. To shoot a video with an American director, the scenery has already been built. Two photo sessions are planned. We are given only a day to recover from the change in time zones, and then two weeks are planned out from start to finish.

We didn't ask for anything. The Americans found us themselves,” continues Kubyshkin. -They are convinced that they have a niche for a singer like Anya. There are now thousands of artists in the US that we don't know - but they earn millions of dollars. For example, we once drove past a huge stadium for 40 thousand people, filled to capacity. People came to a concert of some woman completely unknown to us. We ask who is this? We are told that this singer performed the soundtrack to the cartoon “Frozen”... She is a superstar there.

- Volodya has a wife, Anya has a beloved man, and the two of you are going to America for two weeks... Do your other halves calmly let you go?

Well, we know each other, we go to visit each other,” Volodya is surprised. - This is a work trip. It happens that my wife asks when we will take her with us. I answer when we earn money.

“But I don’t have that question at all,” Anya laughs.

Will we even see the result of your stay in the USA?

Of course, there is the Internet. We are not building castles in the air yet, but we don’t want to give up this chance either. So far we see that they clearly know what to do. We are received with great dignity. They are sure that Anya can be sold there. But the question is how interesting it will be for us. Due to Belarusian naivety, I want Anya to be as popular as Beyoncé. But that doesn't happen.

- Is there a prospect of leaving for America for good?

So everyone has it! If real work begins there, this may become an issue. Let's see what happens.

And she could open the Olympics in Sochi...

- Will you participate in Eurovision next year? If Anya sang in English...

What for? Try your luck? Should I return to myself and try to use this chance? By the way, Americans don’t even understand what Belarusian or Russian show business is; they don’t talk about it without a smile.

- Just in case, I’ll ask – do you, Volodya, have a contract with Anya?

We didn't sign the papers. We have a boys' agreement.

Anya is good, Anya won’t leave Vova,” Sharkunova jokes. “He always hands me some pieces of paper and says, sign it.” I don't even look, I believe him.

This is usually a bill at a cafe. Anya says all the time, “I forgot my wallet,” Volodya laughs.

- You said that Anya had some other grandiose proposal?

There were at least two opportunities to get into the first echelon of Russian show business,” Anya admits. - The last proposal is to open the Olympics in Sochi. Several times we went to Moscow to negotiate with people whom we had only seen on TV. They have nothing to do with show business, they are very influential people. The budget was such that it simply boggles the mind. They monitored the post-Soviet market, they needed a professional artist with a repertoire who could immediately go on stage and work. If they had told me about this 10 years ago, I would have been happy. And now I want to live for myself. I would have to work under contract every day in a new city. There is actually a shortage of new faces in Russia...

- For example, songs by Kubyshkin and Aleinikov are taken and sold to Russia...

This was also an option. We decided that we would find a blonde very similar to me, and she would go to work,” jokes Anya. – I want a family, children, and not live on airplanes!

Anna Sharkunova is a popular Belarusian performer who managed to win the love of a large audience with her compositions. She became especially famous for songs such as “Heart of a Beauty,” “Farewell, My Last Love,” and “White Leaf.” Her loyal admirers are interested in the following questions: who is Anna Sharkunova’s husband, does she have children, how is Anna Sharkunova’s personal life, etc.

Personal life of Anna Sharkunova

As you know, Anna Sharkunova’s personal life has been arranged for a very long time. The artist has a husband, whose name is Alexei. They met in Nice, at the “Battle of the Cities” project. According to the performer herself, her husband constantly insists that he noticed her long before he met, so he ended up in Nice precisely for the sake of meeting her.

“To be honest, I don’t even remember how we ended up in the same company, how we started communicating, what we talked about on the first date. But everything turned out so well for us... Now I am very happy, glad that this man is next to me. Sometimes it seems to me that if I had not met Lesha, I would still be alone,” admits Anna.

As you know, Anna Sharkunova and her lover already have a child. According to the lovers themselves, they are happy that they have a new addition to their family. Now they rightfully have the opportunity to call themselves a full-fledged family.

“Now I'm a rich woman! I have two beloved men - a son and a husband,” Sharkunova noted.

Biography of Anna Sharkunova

The biography of Anna Sharkunova began in the city of Pinsk on October 14, 1984. As a child, she sang in the school choir. It is also known that Anna completed her piano studies at a music school. In 2007 she became a graduate of the Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after M. Tank.

In 2005, Anna received her first fame. She took part in the musical project “Star Stagecoach”. As part of this project, she met producer Vladimir Kubyshkin, with whom she later began collaborating. In 2006, she won the television competition “Song of the Year”. In 2008, she went on tour for the first time in populated areas of Belarus.

The celebrity’s debut album was “Heart of a Beauty.” It is no secret that Vladimir Kubyshkin became the producer of this project, since at the time of the album’s release he was already actively collaborating with the singer. Currently, the artist continues to develop her creative career, recording new compositions and discs.

My son's height is 52 cm, weight 3280 g. And long dark hair like a rock star! You can braid your hair! - Anna shared with Komsomolskaya Pravda.


The boy has not yet been given a name.

Anna said that the baby was in no particular hurry to be born.

There was no hot water in the maternity hospital for two weeks, so he apparently decided to wait so that his mother would not suffer,” the singer laughs.

The singer speaks carefully about the father of her child.

We got married quietly without noise one July day, but there was no wedding,” the singer said.

Photo by Dmitry Rudenko, Komsomolskaya Pravda

It is known that Sharkunova’s husband is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain. In an interview with TUT.BY, the singer told the details of their romantic acquaintance.

“- And at what period did you meet your future husband?

Ten years ago, when everything was just beginning for me on stage. I was completely fine - well, so it seemed to me. In general, I didn’t think about anything, because the first successes had just happened... Yes, everything was great in general!

We lived in Minsk, but met in Nice, at the “Battle of the Cities” show (something like the “Great Race” with Nagiyev. - Editor’s note), where there were tests with these scary bulls.

Lyosha (Anya’s husband’s name is Alexey, he is the managing partner of the Silver Screen cinema chain) says that he noticed me a long time ago and specially came to Nice during filming to meet me. Well, I don’t know if it’s true or not, but the legend is beautiful!

From the very beginning, Lyosha’s plan went downhill, because his friend was placed in the room next to me, and Lyosha himself was far away, in some barn. (Laughs.)

But we have a mutual friend Larisa Gribaleva, and - I think it couldn’t have happened without her - we still ended up in common company.

I don’t remember now what we talked about, whether we talked at all. But I remember for sure: when Lyosha came to the arena to cheer for us, for some reason I took a photo of him. For what? I’ve never done this before... And, you can say, I fell in love with this photo.

And then we said goodbye at the airport. Lyosha asked me for my phone number - and I immediately gave it to him. And I made my first mistake - I had to drag out the intrigue.

And he still jokingly reproaches: “Are you just handing out phones to everyone right away?” (Laughs.)

He didn’t call me - he’s not a man, he’s a rock! - three weeks. And when I called, I offered to meet after “Song of the Year.” And I agreed again immediately. At night I moved from producer Volodya Kubyshkin’s car to Lyosha’s car on some country road...

Volodya also asked: “Are you sure?” "I'm sure!" - I answer. Without any fear or second thought: what if she was some kind of maniac? I was twenty-three years old, the wind was in my head.

In short, I made mistake after mistake... Maybe that’s why Lyosha tested me for 10 years?

- Why do you think these are mistakes?

Well, because, probably, a decent woman by generally accepted standards cannot immediately give her a phone number, she cannot change into a car at night with an unfamiliar man. It turns out that I behaved, in Lyosha’s opinion, frivolously. So he thought: the girl is an artist, nothing serious...

He never told me about this, but when I analyze it, I understand it. And indeed there was a lot of eccentricity in me, I was such a fluttering butterfly... Not a wife - a girl.

Probably, this required these 10 years, during which we either separated or found each other again. So that I can grow up and grow up.

Although then it seemed different to me: I thought that he was testing me. That 10 years is too long to decide whether I’m good enough for him...

- Were you offended?

I was offended, that’s why we broke up. Sometimes we didn’t talk or see each other for a long time, for eight months. I didn’t leave so that he would return me, but for good.

Because relations should develop, but ours stood still. And I really wanted Lyosha to understand himself, make a choice, and finally understand: am I the woman he needs.

Probably, even then I felt that the problem was with me too...”

However, everything worked out. And now Anna is a happy wife and mother. By the way, until the ninth month Sharkunova danced and sang on stage.

True, at the last job before maternity leave, I felt that I was not feeling well - my stomach was squeezing, as if my boy was offended by me. And I didn’t go on stage again until I gave birth,” the singer said.