Women are better than men at multitasking. How to properly distribute your time: advice from an experienced sloth It’s better if you get organized and

Everyone wants to be organized. We're sure you want it too. Often, if not every day, you evaluate your life, the chaos that reigns in it, and say to yourself: “We definitely need to do something about this!” But in most cases, you are not able to organize yourself enough to change anything. Remember this day. Today you will change your life, because we have prepared 20 ideas; by applying them in practice, you will improve yourself and become more organized.

People are not born organized, they are made.

What does the ability to organize your life give? First of all, you will save time. And it, as you know, is valued more than gold. Your activities will not only bring more “fruit”, but will also become of higher quality. Being organized will make you a successful person who fully manages his life and is practically independent of external factors. You will become the one about whom they usually say: “How does he manage to do everything? He must be a wizard!

The good news is that people are not born organized, they are made. Therefore, if you are mired in failures and are constantly in a state of stress because you don’t have time to do anything, just breathe out and read our article further.

Undoubtedly, there are people who manage to organize their lives without much effort, but what about those who are not so fortunate? We have compiled a list of the most effective and useful ideas that will help you achieve what you want.

Focus on results

When the final result is clear, incentive will appear. You yourself will want to organize everything in your life for the sake of your goal. This is especially evident when you go towards your dream and clearly understand that you will benefit in the end. Therefore, at the beginning of the path to organization, it is worth cheating a little and setting yourself tasks that will bring you positive emotions.

Become an incorrigible optimist

Try everything, even failures see something positive. Take an approach to your life where anything seems possible. This is great motivation. Besides, optimists are always in good mood, which helps in all matters.

Be conscientious

By having a conscientious attitude towards all your tasks, you will not allow yourself to go beyond deadlines, let your partners down, or fail to achieve your goals. Understanding all the responsibility, you will prefer planning to spontaneity.

Don't put yourself in a box

It is generally accepted that organized people are extremely neat. However, this is more a myth than a reality. Live the way that suits you. In the event that you cannot imagine life without orderliness and your organization depends on it, keep everything around you in order. But, if you are a creative person and feel constrained in conditions of complete purity, then relax. Nothing bad will happen if things are out of place. But in comfortable conditions you can do much more.

Learn to make your own decisions

You will become more organized if you don't depend on other people's opinions. Independently determine the degree of importance of your affairs, calculate the options and choose one of the most suitable ones. This is how you will tackle the tasks at hand.

Don't strive for perfection

It often happens that a perfect result is not required. It is enough just to perform your tasks well. But people who strive for perfectionism focus on details and small nuances. In the end, this only leads to wasted time and sometimes bad results. The Secret to Getting Organized: perform your tasks well and know how not to waste your energy on trifles that are not worth it.

Good and successful businessmen say that many novice entrepreneurs cannot start their own business for a long time because they are afraid of making mistakes on some small detail, so even before launching they polish their product until it shines. However, this does not bear any fruit and only delays the launch and real problems and tasks for improving the product as a whole. Do it to the “3rd level”, and then, if necessary, bring the business/task/product to “4th level” - maximum! There is no limit to perfection.

Keep a diary

Write down everything that comes to mind. This is one of the main characteristics of organized people. They don't waste energy trying to remember everything they do. They write them down in a notepad, calendar, diary, or mobile application. They make lists, organize and organize information. It makes life easier. Give it a try, even if you don't intend to get organized.

Always keep your to-do list handy

It's not enough to just organize your tasks. They need to be fulfilled. Therefore, the list should always be with you. Today there are many special mobile applications that will save you from notepads and pieces of paper. For example, Wunderlist is an excellent service that allows you to make a list of tasks, highlight the most important ones, set deadlines, and mark completed ones. An equally worthy and well-known application is RememberTheMilk. It is very simple and understandable. It has many settings that can be selected individually and ultimately get an indispensable assistant.

Don't put things off until tomorrow

A wise proverb contains deep meaning. By adhering to just this one principle, you will not only become more organized, but you will also get a lot more done. Don't give in to laziness. It is much easier to do something and forget about it than to drag it along for a long time. Believe me, many of the tasks on your list will take no more than five minutes.

Always be prepared

You should not complete tasks long before their due date. Leave just a little time just in case. Suddenly, at the last crucial moment, some changes will appear or something will not go as planned.

Don't be shy to ask for help

Identify your strengths and weaknesses and, based on them, learn to delegate responsibility for performing certain duties. You don't have to do everything yourself. Avoid overload and unnecessary stress. Ask for help when you need it. Your time is too valuable to waste on unnecessary efforts. Perfectionists may not want to share their success with anyone else. But is it really that important? You decide.

Don't spread yourself thin

Many people believe that organized people get a lot done because they can multitask. This opinion is wrong. Spraying on several tasks at the same time threatens to perform them poorly and often takes more time. Do as few things as possible at once. If you need to complete an important task, then eliminate any distractions and focus on it. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you are finishing an annual report, meeting with partners or relaxing with your family.

Learn to manage your energy

It will be very useful to know when and under what conditions you are able to work most productively. You may do better in the morning or when listening to calm music. Try to identify such patterns and subsequently use them to work more efficiently.

One good example of managing your energy and time is advice from Ryan Chartrand about. In the article he talks about the technique of constant movement and working in short “pulses” mode.

Learn to relax

Many people work and live in a state of constant stress. Determine for yourself the most effective ways to relieve stress. Feel free to let go of your business. It doesn’t matter whether you relax as passively as possible, play sports or spend time with your family. What's important is that you know how to cope with stress and fatigue without compromising your health and productivity.

Have 5 minutes to spare

But not more. Many people use a trick and set their clocks so that they run ahead. It doesn't matter how you do it. The main thing is to always have some time. Come to meetings early, finish your work early and then you will have time for a little rest. However, don’t get carried away too much; if you have more time in reserve, this is fraught with wasting it, which will lead to the opposite effect.

Get rid of fear

It often takes several times more time to complete tasks. Why is this happening? It's simple. When you are not ready to start things, you are afraid to start them, then you resort to delaying them. This leads to a lot of wasted time. Fight with yourself. Get down to business as soon as it appears. By overcoming fear, you will not only gain a significant supply of time, but you will also be proud of your own achievements. And this is quite a big motivation.

One way to combat this fear is the 1-minute rule. It says that if you don't feel like or are afraid to start a task, throw away your doubts and fears for 1 minute and do it. When the time is up, you will realize that in fact there was nothing terrible, most likely, and that it’s time to finish it!

Break down large tasks

Large and complex tasks are psychologically quite difficult to accept and immediately begin to implement. Having received such a task, first study it well and try to break it down into several smaller ones. This way you will cross the psychological barrier and speed up the work process.

Encourage yourself

It often happens that the task does not appeal to you at all. It's boring and unpleasant. Of course, it can be delegated. But what to do when this is not possible? There is only one thing left to do - encourage yourself. Promise that when you're done, you'll do something nice for yourself. Do exercises in the morning, but promise yourself to buy a new outfit in a month. Work hard during the day, but when you get home, watch your favorite movie. Focus not on completing the task, but on the future result.


Imagine what your life could be like if you became just a little more organized. Pay attention to all the nuances and little things that you would like to correct. What would you do with the time you save? We are sure you will really like the new picture of life. Doesn't this inspire change?

Avoid time wasters

Social media, computer games, entertainment resources, long telephone conversations, etc., take up a lot of time, but do not bring much benefit. Discard them. Does not work? Install special applications that will block all your favorite entertainment. For example, Rescue Time.

Disorganized people almost never succeed. They spend a lot of time on things that are not useful. They are constantly late and often forget important tasks. They live in constant chaos. Of course, you won't become organized overnight. This is not easy and long work. But it will bring success, orderliness and the opportunity to spend time on yourself in your life. Try at least a few of the ideas we suggested in practice, and share the results in the comments.

Hello, friends! Being disorganized is very unprofitable, do you know why? Yes, it would seem like a stupid question, everyone knows the answer to it, they still know how to become organized... They know that, but why don’t they do anything? In this article I would like to not only talk about how to become an organized person, but also give specific tips to implement in your life! Plus, I will share with you three interesting New Year’s competitions that are currently taking place on the Internet. To cheer you up and get money, what could be better?)

Once you become organized, you will be much more successful and cool. you know it. Imagine how much more profitable it is to always do what you need, to manage everything, and not become a soft rag complaining about life. Sometimes it is possible, but only extremely rarely) So what is organization in my understanding?

What is disorganization?

Good organization is when all your plans are carried out regardless of external circumstances. Accordingly, disorganization is when you are like a feather in the wind, completely dependent on external circumstances.

The whole problem is that each of us periodically falls into apathy and turns into not the most productive person. Girls, if they have any problems with guys, start watching Bridget Jones's Diary and eat several packs of sweets throughout the film. Males can download Counter Strike and start playing, or stupidly watch a movie... I think this has happened to everyone)

But the problem is that it can become a habit, and this also happens to many. So what to do? I’ll try to give simple tips that help me not fall into such a “Psychological binge” and stay organized

Here I will give six tips on how to become an organized person:

  1. The first thing you need to start with is planning. You need to plan your every day so that throughout the day there is no strong flight of thoughts in the direction of “What should I do?” Even if you are a creative person, you still need to plan. I myself consider myself an extremely creative person, and therefore I realized the importance of the fact that without planning it is simply not possible to get everything done!
  2. Don't take on everything at once. When you pile on everything at once, and then realize that you don’t have time to do even half of it, it greatly undermines your organization, and you begin to lose control. “Oh, I won’t have time to do anything today, I’d better rest and watch a couple of films”)
  3. Said - done. Need to learn important rule, said and done! If you are not responsible for your words, it means you do not respect yourself.
  4. Isolate from tempting distractions. Isolate yourself from various distracting information that will make you a disorganized squid. Examples of such information: films, glossy magazines, TV, food on the desktop, telephone, etc. I recommend not stocking up on films for the winter, because... I'm often tempted to watch them. Do not place food on the work table, because... your hand reaches out to pull another bun behind your cheek. Turn off your phone, because... your friend has prepared a two-hour whine about how she didn’t have time to buy a new handbag before the store closed. Yes, I think you know all this very well yourself)
  5. Take time management training. I highly recommend that you take time management training, because... there is nothing better. than to immediately apply the information received in practice. and implement it into your life! Everyone loves when they are led practically by the hand to the result, when they are told what needs to be done, and so that they stupidly do it. no more effective way training than implementation in practice. There is no stronger tool for personal growth than practical training. Therefore, friends, within the framework of this topic, I will recommend you my new free training on time management, because... After completing it, you will become much more organized and will become an order of magnitude more successful!
  6. Never be late! Set yourself the mindset of never being late, because... firstly, it irritates everyone when someone is late, and secondly, this will allow you to become more organized)

After completing it, you can make next year the most productive and organized of your life!

I myself constantly undergo training, and at the moment too. I already have at least 5 trainings planned for the first three months of the new year, and all of them are paid! Personal growth is an integral attribute of success, and I understand this very well, which is why I advise you)

And by the way, to lift your spirits and earn some money at the same time, I recommend taking part in excellent competitions of my friends and partners! And by the way, just the other day I’m launching my own competition with a huge prize fund and a cool theme! Subscribe to site updates to gain access to it!

A selection of excellent New Year's competitions

Roman Zolotarev Competition- "New Year's video battle!" Prize fund 16,000 rubles. By the way, I will also act as a member of the jury) The task for the competition is quite unusual - you just need to play the game! Read more in the article describing the competition. I would love to take part, but jury members are not allowed)

Anton Kramorov Competition- “My attention!” The prize fund is more than 15,000 rubles. The task is to describe one interesting service

Negligent Accountant Competition- "New Year's Tale" - Prize fund 15,000 rubles! I’m even thinking about participating myself, because... I liked the theme of the competition

Be organized and decide whether to participate in these competitions or not!

I hope that after reading this article, you have at least answered your question “How to become organized!”

Get organized and you will succeed! Your

The main thing is wisdom: acquire wisdom and with all your property acquire understanding.

Proverbs of King Solomon (4.7)

The advice given relates to both building a career for young specialists and strengthening the authority of “branch” managers and increasing the efficiency of people management.

These recommendations have been “tested” in dozens of management seminars (lasting 4 academic hours) in the presence of up to fifty top managers. “Golden Rules” receive consistently high ratings from listeners - from heads of departments to heads of regional and regional organizations that oversee thousands of enterprises.


Charisma should be understood as:

Passionarity (increased energy);

Some outstanding abilities;

Charm (including the charm of formidable strength);

Ability to influence people and lead.


Who are the favorites, favorites and all the other “persons close to the emperor”, i.e. influencing decision making;

Who is the main “gray cardinal”;

Who are the formal and informal leaders;

Who shapes public opinion;

Who immediately greeted you coldly;

Who showed you kindness.

Get close not only to the “warm” ones, but also to the “cold” ones. It is necessary to neutralize the hostility of the first impression without delaying it.

Use the first office party to watch people in a tipsy state when the brakes are released. In general, it is extremely useful to study the behavior of animals, children, crazy people and drunk people.


This recommendation applies to both men and women. Women are even more picky about the latter. As you know, reputation is what they say behind your back, and it is formed by public opinion. And according to L.N. Tolstoy, “institutions are in the power of men, and public opinion is in the power of women.” Information spreads faster by women due to their higher sociability.


If you immediately say something stupid, you can earn a corresponding label, which you will have to peel off for a long time, perhaps along with your skin...

Try to overcome the passionate desire to immediately show yourself in all the glory of your abilities. Remember that in an established team, all social roles have already been distributed. By getting into occupied places, you will raise a certain wave of status movements among everyone you moved. Will your such sharp “statements” cause them to applaud?.. Immediately making ill-wishers is not wise.

In a new team, where everyone is new, you shouldn’t yawn. It’s better to immediately designate your place in the sun.


If you were hired through an acquaintance, then maintain a close relationship with the person who helped you get a job.

If you are not a protégé, then find yourself an unofficial patron, even if you were given a formal mentor. It’s good if your mentor becomes both your older friend and informal guardian.

Having identified a patron for yourself, think about what you can give him in return? As the ancient Chinese sage Han Fei Tzu said, “If you want to take, you must give.” Many patrons are content with intragroup information about the team that they receive from their protégés...

In any case, it is useful to periodically turn to the patron for advice both on the essence of the matter and on personal relationships with people. Don’t forget to sincerely thank “for valuable information,” because we are never as grateful for anything as for gratitude.

Sometimes you will have to play the role of an errand boy. So, let’s agree with L. Peter that “an uninterested patron is not a patron.”

So, if you have excessive pride, then forget about your career, my friend...

Try not to advertise your closeness to your patron boss. People are jealous and envious. And your successes will only be explained with a “shaggy hand.”


When you have looked around and assessed the group arrangements (usually after three months), you can begin to “lose your voice” in defense of your intended social role in front of those who are clearly weaker than you. The protracted position of a conformist is the lot of the weak, mediocre and doomed to the role of eternal status outcasts.

People generally do not forgive someone who cannot bring himself to be respected. So, figuratively speaking, if you remain silent like a tree stump, they will cut you down.

But one should not go to the other extreme, even if they say that impudence is not the second happiness, but the first, second, third...


Before your eyes get blurry, notice what you can improve in your place. At the same time, it is important not to lecture others, but to act yourself.

Let people see that with your coming something is real; improved.


To do this, break down a complex problem into a number of simple ones. Assign responsibility and deadlines.

Bringing any the simplest idea Before completion, you will immediately show yourself as a serious person.


We know that the new boss wants to develop vigorous activity to assert himself. But how many people in a hurry have managed to do this without making a mess?


These are not those who will look into your mouth, but those who agree with the direction, with the strategic line. Let them argue with you until they are hoarse about how to achieve their goals.

Let’s immediately touch on the problem of “team cohesion”. The fact is that the “divide and conquer” position has proven itself over thousands of years of practice. Nowadays it is called “policy of checks and balances.” I believe that cohesion is more necessary for primary teams to perform very specific tasks. The unification of grassroots performers does not pose a threat of conspiracies, “rebellions” or sabotage to top management. “Below” people of lighter “weight” categories and statuses are swarming around.<

Let us add that before starting with a “new broom for a new revenge”, we must make sure that existing personnel cannot be used. There are also disadvantages to working with old acquaintances whom you bring with you (see below).

This is another truism that is usually violated. The biggest threat is familiarity and familiarity, and hence poor control over your acquaintances.

However, such a personnel policy is acceptable for a small family enterprise, when everything is in sight, when the leader does not need to work on the official image.


World history shows that many outstanding personalities nominated talented people for new leadership, regardless of age. Young people are more ambitious and energetic, and with ingenuity, experience comes quickly. It is safer to rely on them, since they are personally loyal for being dragged through several hierarchical steps at once. Therefore, they owe everything to the boss.


They can be selected from among helpful people, gossips, talkers. By nature, they will not be able to remain silent when their boss questions them. Give them some concessions to encourage them. This way you can keep your finger on the pulse: prevent conflicts and conspiracies, learn about personnel problems and the personal affairs of employees.

The institution of paid informants has long been practiced in the United States. Pragmatic Americans believe: “everything that benefits the organization is moral.”


Cunning, helpful people have ruined more than one reputation. They entangle the short-sighted boss with services, like Gulliver's Lilliputians. It has long been said: “Fear the Danaans who bring gifts.” But again, alas, “wisdom cries out on the hills and no one listens to her...”.


On this occasion, Plato sighed: “It is impossible to be both very good and very rich at the same time.”

Yes, it’s convenient to be with the “good guys,” but they are rarely respected. Besides, you still can’t please everyone. As they say, a pat on the shoulder won't knock you out...


François de La Rochefoucauld also noted that even those asking for advice are simply seeking approval for a decision that has already been made. Someone else's advice is bad because it does not come from ourselves...

And when the boss himself asks for advice, it’s better to first try to find out: “Petr Petrovich, what do you think? It can’t be that you, such an experienced person, don’t have some options of your own.”



In fact, often the “playing the fool” position arouses sympathy from the authorities. People forgive us more often for our shortcomings than for our virtues.


When performers see that most of your instructions and new projects are being stalled, this demotivates them the most.

But be able to admit out loud the error of your decision. As they say, people tend to make mistakes, and fools tend to persist in their mistakes. Stubbornness is not only a “signboard of fools” (Ya. Knyazhnin). Often, stubbornness is characteristic of the weak and insecure. At the same time, people realize that admitting their mistakes is the ability of strong people. Objectivity only confirms the authority of fair leaders.


Be the last to speak. Otherwise, why did you gather specialists? Before announcing your decision, make it clear to each member of the meeting that you correctly understood the essence of their proposals.


In this ancient Chinese wisdom, the key word is “every”. When no one, especially the boss, shows his; reactions to the employee’s successes and failures, this discourages him. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage, at least in words, even small good things and make comments about even minor improper performance.


In other words: “Don’t let works have power over you” (Zhuang Tzu).

Remind yourself every day of the most important, strategic issues. These are the ones that come first. At the end of the day, outline the most important tasks for tomorrow.

The task of a manager, especially a senior echelon, is to think about development prospects: to look for sources of new ideas and projects, new connections to influential organizations and people, to study best management practices, including abroad.

Modern information technologies make it possible to establish automatic control over the implementation of plans. Meetings should only be held when absolutely necessary.

Carefully selected professional assistants, starting from the secretary, can provide the most optimal time management.


This well-known rule is also often violated by leaders who are weak in character, impatient, and inexperienced. In other cases, petty vain bosses can’t wait to be proud of the work they’ve done. But they do not understand that by doing so they have taken away such an opportunity from their performers, again to the detriment of stimulating their interest in the work.

As a result, such managers are drowning in turnover, unable to delegate authority to subordinates.


The need for competition as a way of self-affirmation is as inherent in humans as the need for adrenaline. From time immemorial, these motives have been exploited by those who want to influence others.

Industrial competitions should be organized in such a way that the “rules of the game” and incentives - prizes, rewards, positive emotions - are clearly defined. The objectivity of the evaluation criteria will help losers perceive defeat not as a personal insult.

Unlike social competitions, today it is recommended to identify not only the winners (three), but also to announce the laggards (two). In this way, there will be a balance between the “carrot” for leaders and the “stick” for outsiders. This, by the way, will become a convenient basis for negative certification results with the aim of dismissing them. The point is that the middle peasants, the “swamp”, who do not feel the strength to take at least third place (get the “carrot”), will be stimulated by the fear of the “stick” - dismissal if they take the last places.

To sum it up, let’s say: “those who are lying down must be beaten so that they don’t lie still.” And for the team to work like a clock, it also needs to be wound up.<


Needless to say once again that they quickly get used to this and do not react. Impact not your ears, but your pride.

25. DO NOT ALLOW Familiarity or Familiarity to a single Most Honorable Subordinate

If you hired a friend or relative of yours to work, then give them a stern warning that they can only speak to you on a first-name basis without witnesses.

Feel free to make appropriate comments to all “violators.” People in most cases tend to mistake softness for weakness.


Ideally, the appearance of each employee should correspond to his status. The boss must also look like a boss. Don't be shy about wearing nice things. In accordance with class hatred, the leader will still be under fire of criticism, no matter how he dresses. Your sweater and jeans will irritate your subordinates because you seem to want to show off your “supposedly” low earnings.

Personnel must be made aware of the rules of corporate culture when hiring and understand that their appearance is no longer a personal matter. This is especially true for those who are in contact with clients and partners.


The image of any employee is determined, among other things, by his physical form. Whatever you say, everyone wants to have a boss who is pleasant to look at and whom they can be proud of. Who wants to obey a nonentity or be friends with him? It’s no wonder that being healthy is now very fashionable all over the world.


In any Russian team there are enough people of different nationalities. Face control can often be erroneous. Therefore, speaking in a mocking or condemning tone about a nation can greatly offend a person.

There are cases when opposing political views led to the destruction of the family atmosphere and even divorces. Therefore, the leader should not encourage the exaggeration of political topics in which, as is known, everyone considers himself Talleyrand, Gorchakov and Bismarck.


People have a need to obey. This makes it easier for them: the fight against their own laziness and the aimlessness of their existence.

A person who is constantly smiling does not seem like someone who can use a whip. A good leader and generally successful person is, as a rule, a good actor. And if you don’t want to play the role of a strict boss, then there is no incentive for employees to play the role of an executive subordinate. But when playing an important role, don’t overact!


Alas, as soon as the need for recognition is satisfied, our motive to continue working at the same pace and quality weakens for a while. We will have to reluctantly agree with the not very humane opinion of the English poet W. Blake that “a curse invigorates, a blessing relaxes.”


Fear can be caused in two ways.

1. Indicate to the employee that as a result of inappropriate actions, he may lose what he already has, both materially and morally. Threats of loss of status are more stimulating for people with low ambitions and average people.

2. Draw the loss of future benefits and possible increase in status. This is more stimulating for achievement-minded ambitious people.

In addition, everyone should know that you will not remain silent if you notice the disorder and punctures. However, try to be feared without hatred. To do this, it is enough to combine strict demands with fairness.


To paraphrase the words of Napoleon, let's say that the weakness of those in power is the greatest threat to an enterprise.

First of all, a weak boss has weak performance discipline of the team.

In the name of strengthening order, many sacrifices can be made. For example, fire one arrogant sales manager so that he does not set an example of ignoring corporate rules.

I would hang a poster in every office with F. Nietzsche’s aphorism: “Let your valor be obedience!”


Let the same F. Nietzsche say that “you need to talk to hunchbacks in a hunchbacked way,” nevertheless, the leader must observe the appropriate rituals. It is rituals and conventions that build professional relationships and maintain social status. Being able to control oneself is an extremely rare quality, so people involuntarily begin to respect those who do not stoop to their level and do not lose face.

In addition, employees realize deep down that the boss who uses profanity turns out to be no special, outstanding person. And now there is no longer a former reputation. “We’ll have to tell the guys this news.”

Screaming generally indicates powerlessness. And often - about wrongness. No wonder it is said: “Jupiter, you are angry, which means you are wrong!”

As for profanity, let us note in passing that very often they switch to it in order to establish a more trusting atmosphere. Therefore, experienced people believe that if the boss goes “on you”, then things are bad.


Liberal or collective leadership styles are more suitable at the stage of a stable and stable position of an organization or enterprise. For this phase, the words of L. Kapitsa are appropriate: “Being able to manage means not stopping good people from working.”

But during a period of restructuring and radical change, the authoritarian style is more effective. Otherwise, under unusual conditions, things will get bogged down in discussions of proposed solutions.

Another thing is that being flexible is not so easy. Leadership style largely depends on the personal qualities of the leader. The manner in which a person interacts with people can be determined genetically (temperament, ambitions). Sticking to the same style is easier because it’s familiar. Ultimately, it is better for founders to hire a manager who is suited by nature and experience to the specific situation.


There is nothing more demotivating than an unfulfilled threat. At the same time, such a powerful incentive as the “stick” in the form of fear is devalued. In addition, the leader's reputation as a serious person suffers.

It is better to promise to apply a not so impressive sanction, but to fulfill it. Otherwise, no matter how much a subordinate hears from his superiors, it will fly out the other ear. So, stick to the “promise but deliver” principle.


The team will see this only if there are no double standards, in which some are not held accountable for the same offense, while others receive excess. Of course, it is difficult to be God, but you need to focus on him...

37. ALLOW ONLY THE TOP TEAM TO INfrequent feasts

If necessary, show attention and closeness to the people. Personally congratulate the most worthy workers on their anniversaries. But only raise a glass with those who are of no less rank than your deputy and department heads.

Leave the table sober than everyone else. Everyone is looking at you. If it’s not enough, then it’s better to finish it on the side.


Showing excessive severity and formalism is rather typical of young and insecure bosses. If a person does not abuse requests, meet him. The time will come when you will ask him to do something beyond his job description. In addition, it has been noticed that a good deed restores efficiency.

39. PRAISE IN front of the people, scold without witnesses

Praise in front of witnesses will weigh ten times more than in private. At the end of the day, the most valuable reasons people work for are status, respect and recognition from others. Therefore, awards must be given in a solemn atmosphere, at a general meeting. A framed certificate will be more valuable than an envelope with money slipped in the hallway.

A person will forgive us anything, but not public humiliation. Public dressing down is such stress that it stimulates work only for a short time. The hatred towards you and your entire business will remain forever. After all, you let it in; in the wind Reputation, status, which the employee collected bit by bit at your enterprise. And if the reprimand is also unfair, then you yourself will lose face first.


It is no secret that any, even the toughest, person, after an unjust act, feels, if not repentance, then some mental discomfort. Wanting to make amends for our guilt, we often reward just as inadequately. And again, nothing good - people see that the encouragement is not deserved, and you are still unfair.


We all find ourselves in the role of subordinates. Therefore, we should learn from such self-possessed people.

Practice shows that a normal person cannot shout and swear for more than 5-10 minutes, even if he is a governor.

Firstly, they often shout not at the subordinate, but at “force majeure circumstances.” We need to let off steam on someone. Secondly, a person in a state of passion does not hear anything and does not want to hear. Attempts to make excuses are even more annoying. You must remain silent until the boss himself asks the question after shouting.


This is also an old proven truth. Most people do not bother to penetrate into the essence of things and are content with what lies on the surface. Few people realize that everything is done with the knowledge of a serious boss, and not at the will of his deputies.

And in general they say that it is indecent to reveal your soul to people - they have enough of their own nasty things...<

44. DON’T scold anyone behind their eyes: sooner or later, HE WILL FIND OUT

It happens that walls really “have ears.” According to the “law of meanness,” the person you speak badly about can stand behind you or behind a thin door or partition. In addition, as you know, people have a passion for telling nasty things about others. According to Socrates, it is easier for people to keep hot coals on their tongues than a secret. It seems to me that 90 percent of secrets at work are blurted out within one day. Another 9 percent - with the next drink.


A huge percentage of management failures are associated with communication gaps. People incorrectly perceive and transmit information and orders. Therefore, it is not enough to ask: “Well, is everything clear to you?” Many timid or indecisive employees answer: “Everything is clear,” although often it is not clear at all, but vague. But who wants to look stupid? And standing “on the carpet,” as they say, you feel like dust.

So the best thing to do is ask how the subordinate is going to carry out your instructions.<


In principle, this is a function of the internal public relations service. Let us briefly recall that two-way communication with the team can be maintained:

Through corporate newspapers, newsletters, wall newspapers;

Through announcements at the entrance;

Via internal computer communication (Intronet);

By radio broadcast;

Through personal speeches at general meetings;

At corporate events.

wow, the contradictions and the latent need for hatred of the “enslavers” makes the team suspect the leadership of evil intentions and incompetence. Timely information about management plans and the situation of the enterprise eliminates rumors and panic: “The less we know, the more we suspect” (G. Shaw). Ultimately, we motivate people to achieve their goals.


As you know, any group is united by common hatred. Therefore, staff dissatisfaction associated with “temporary” difficulties” can sometimes be directed towards the image of an enemy-competitor. “Cohesion is organized hatred”! (D. Chapman).


Unfortunately, we live in a time of severe conscientiousness deficiency. In part, management itself provokes this by unfair distribution of enterprise profits or ignoring staff problems. But among the Russian masses, in general, morality has greatly weakened. As a result, we have an urgent need for hardworking and dedicated implementers of the ideas generated by management. There are more smart people who are too biased towards their own pockets, rather than towards the common cause.


Japanese research data suggests that top management is to blame for 70 percent of enterprise failures. And that is to say - it is difficult to achieve a good result along the wrongly chosen Tao - path, direction. And the correct Tao will lead, albeit not so quickly, to the desired goal, even with the average abilities of the entire team and external unfavorable factors.

Nowadays, young, competent marketers and managers come to many organizations who cannot apply their knowledge only because the backward management simply does not even understand modern terminology.


“Fairness” is a relative concept. It is better to adhere to this criterion: everything that complies with the Labor Code, corporate instructions and rules is fair. First of all, try not to violate them yourself.


If there is a deputy, then instruct him to record violations of each employee. The Black Notebook will help you manipulate people. Forgetting your sins is a property of human memory.


The Russian mentality is distinguished by sentimentality, sympathy, and the ability to express broad impulses of the soul. Our people respond faster than others to noble calls. Sometimes the best way out of the situation for the Owner is to “come down from heaven” and directly turn to the team “eye to eye” with a request for help and support in difficult times.


The topic of conflicts requires a separate discussion, but the above rule is the main one with which to begin solving such problems. It is known that in the office, left without the support of the group, a person behaves completely differently than in front of witnesses.

If the group has allocated several representatives for negotiations with the administration, then you should try to talk in the office with each one separately, cutting off the rest in the reception area.

For each informal leader, one can find an incentive to refuse confrontation. Often the ringleaders stir up people with the long-range aim of bargaining for some benefits for themselves. It is easiest to neutralize such “fighters.”

It is more difficult with those who do not compromise, putting forward excessive demands of the team. Then you need to start looking for old sins in their past activities. You can tolerate the troublemakers until the first certification. In the meantime, we are intensively collecting incriminating evidence on them in terms of labor discipline, performance of official duties and compliance with the position held. You can also record the mistakes of their subordinates, for which they must be held accountable.


Sometimes it's worth taking the boss by the breast. If the boss herself doesn’t mind... And if, let’s add, you are a single young specialist. To start a career, you can play pranks without compromising family peace. But later, in adulthood, this is not recommended. Usually office romances turn into office tragedies, whether you are in the role of a boss or a subordinate of your seductress or seducer. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: don’t be naughty where you work, and don’t work where you’re naughty. Alas, everyone knows this truism, and few people manage to avoid it. Truly, man is an irrational being. As a rule, the affair goes beyond its limits with the help of the green serpent at corporate parties.


You can only take that statement at its word and try to follow the results of what you started that day. I did this and now I am glad that I once read this sign about 30 years ago. People, it turns out, have noticed since ancient times: what begins on Friday ends badly. In the old days, sailors did not go to sea on these days.

On Fridays, it is better to avoid important meetings, negotiations and making important decisions, or making acquaintances under any pretext. On this day, it is safer to engage in routine, routine, and continue what you started.


This can be done not only through informants, but also through systematic questioning, preferably anonymous. Don’t forget to monitor opinions about all managers, starting with yourself.


Forgetting to congratulate your boss on his birthday is a serious mistake, unforgivable for a purposeful person. A couple of immediate superiors should definitely be congratulated. The rest of the people you need - preferably, especially women.

They say that L. Brezhnev may have been helped to become Secretary General by his habit of starting the day by opening his “memorial box” and calling “newborns.”


The career growth strategy is based on a number of principles.

First of all, you need to make sure that you are not interested in living and working conscientiously without growth. But you cannot limit yourself to acquiring professional knowledge and skills. If you compare your workforce with a product, then you need to use “active marketing” to promote yourself.

To move up in your career, you can: a) try to outlast your boss; b) help him grow so that he makes room for you. As they say, the best way to make a career is to help those who make a career. This path is more useful in any case. For example, the boss will appreciate your efforts and, if he moves to a better place, he will most likely take you with him.

But it may also happen that your boss will try to get rid of you, a capable “upstart,” by promoting you to another department, away from himself. As they say, having pushed out a subordinate, he will slam the door behind him...

The policy of “keeping a low profile” and “snooping in a rag” often bears fruit for honest workers. It is no secret that many people select deputies based on the principle of “worse than themselves.”

Well, and the classic “three NOTs”: Don’t interrupt! Do not argue! Don't criticize!

So, don't be too sweet, otherwise you'll get licked. Don't be too bitter, otherwise they'll spit you out...

Time loves strict boundaries, so organizing and planning everyday and work activities is an integral step on the path to success. Effective time management will help you be on time always and everywhere, not leave unfinished tasks for tomorrow, and will also give you a few hours for a well-deserved rest. 15 simple and effective tips will solve the main problem - lack of time.

1. Planning is the main step in organizing time

Without clear planning, the efficiency of things will be very low, and the hours will slip through your fingers like sand. And planning in the mind is also not a solution, because it is very easy to forget about the matter - this is the human factor. Therefore, first of all, the usual notebook . The main thing is that your plans and goals are written down on paper. Consider that without recording they simply do not exist. Plan your day in advance. Write down a list of all the tasks for the day in a notebook, including waking up, time to wash, and preparing to leave the house. Review your notepad at breakfast and throughout the day. Don't forget to write down new things and cross out those already done. Such records will show what you managed to do during the day and whether you wasted your time, and will also increase your work efficiency by 30%. At the end of the day, you will be able to look at your extensive to-do list with a smile and feel proud of yourself.

They will also help with planning calendars, desktop entries on a laptop or tablet, notes and reminders on a mobile phone . A good way to remind you of important matters would be colored stickers in prominent places, special boards for notes, and the like. Modern technologies make it possible to quickly and easily plan your time and organize yourself using various online services and programs. Such helpers are online organizers Evernote, Google Calendar, Todoist, Wunderlist and others . These programs allow you to keep notepads and calendars, and place entries on the desktop of your PC or mobile device. The programs above can help you schedule things, get reminders about tasks, and even allow multi-user access so you can assign tasks to others.

They will help you to work together and plan your time together. task managers . Such online services will help you set, discuss and plan tasks. Task managers are services Wrike, Teambox, Teamer, Podio , Trello and others. These services are free and convenient for general use.

2. Learn to prioritize

Divide your tasks into categories. These categories could be urgent matters, important matters, matters that cannot be rescheduled, matters that can wait, and the like. If you grab onto everything at once, you will not have time to do anything. Don't waste precious time on petty and unnecessary things. Mark to-do categories with different colors and marks so you can always see what needs to be done and what can be put off until another day. This is the second step in planning time and organizing yourself, which, in combination with the first, increases work efficiency by up to 40%.

An original way to avoid the chaos of thoughts and prioritize tasks is to mental maps , or as they are also called “thought maps”. With the help of such maps, you can graphically display your plans and tasks, arrange them in the form of a diagram, tree or branches, placing tasks from major to minor. You can create your own time management card, print it out, and stick it somewhere you can see it. You can create a mental map on the services Mindomo, Mind42, Bubbl.us.

Note! Make a list of things you can actually do. Don’t waste your time and don’t set yourself exorbitant goals. Otherwise, your plan will make you depressed, but it should motivate you!

3. Set specific goals

Each task has some purpose upon completion. It needs to be specifically formulated. The criteria for setting the system’s goals will help with this. SMART . This system is a specific technique that teaches you to set goals and achieve them correctly. Each letter of the system name is deciphered as a characteristic of a goal and tells what the goal should be in order for it to be realized. So your goal should be:

Specific (aimed at one aspect from one area),

Measurable (to measure progress),

Assignable (must indicate who is responsible for the outcome of the goal),

Real (accounting for resources and the ability to achieve the goal)

Time-related (the deadline for achieving the goal is clearly defined).

4. Consider the body's needs

Listen to the needs of your body, calculate your own biorhythms. Find out when your efficiency peaks and when it declines and complete your tasks in relation to these biorhythms. Do difficult tasks at the peak of efficiency, and when energy and efficiency decline, you can do them easier. To calculate the biorhythms of your own body, you do not need special research or complex techniques. Just keep track of when it is difficult for you to do things, and when you feel a surge of energy and it is easy for you to do them, at what time of day it is easier for you to do it. After calculations, you can create an operating mode that is convenient for your body.

And at the end of the week, don’t forget to take a day off to gain creative inspiration and strength to complete your tasks at the beginning of the work week. Don't sit in the office around the clock, trying to do more than you need to, and more than you can. This will only waste your energy and reduce your work efficiency.

11. Don't give up on helpers

Not a single successful businessman does all the work on his own; for this there are secretaries and assistants. If you can find a specialist who will do your job better and faster, don’t think about it, but give him your task. This will save you time and effort.

12. Don’t forget about work automation

Nowadays, many things and tasks can be automated using technology. Let's start with something very simple - checking your email. If you have to check your email every day, automate the task - install a program to notify you of new messages on your mobile phone. This way, you will always be aware of new messages, you will always read important messages on time, and unread messages will not accumulate on your email.

13. Develop your own algorithm of actions

Each person performs tasks using his own method, as it is more convenient and efficient for him. Develop your own methodology for completing tasks, taking into account all the above tips, practice it and use it when performing your tasks every day.

14. Organize an information storage system

If the information necessary for your work is on paper, sort it into folders, alphabetically or by field of information. If you usually work with electronic media, organize their work. Calculate how much time it takes you to search for a particular file necessary for work, delete unnecessary information, sort folders with information, complete all folders. This will save time when searching for information and make your work easier.

15. Overcome your laziness

Laziness is the main enemy at work. Through it, many tasks remain unfulfilled. Learn to deal with this “black hole”. Get out of bed earlier, take on tasks in the morning, complete more difficult tasks first and then you will achieve your goal faster.

From this article you will learn how to become organized and disciplined in 3 weeks. Here you will find a simple, step-by-step approach to making big changes. Anyone can, but not everyone wants to!

If you have ambitious goals, a strong desire to change your life, and succeed in any area, then this article is for you.

Organization and discipline are the foundation for success. The bridge between intention and accomplishment connects inspiration with achievement. They bring stability and predictability to life.


Remember, we were told: “I” is the last letter in the alphabet!”

So this is not true!

I am the most important person!

If I don’t exist, my life won’t exist either!

It just so happens that my professional activity consists of asking clients the right questions. And one of the first and most important is “What do you want?”, in response I often hear the same thing - “I don’t know...”

So, the beginning is to decide what you want and why you need it?

What is the real desire behind what you want? And how do they relate to each other?

What price are you willing to pay for the realization of this desire (in time, money, refusal or acceptance of something)?

Any activity requires consistency in action, otherwise it faces failure. Often the whole problem lies in the fact that a person sets himself a goal-result, and not a goal-action. The difference here is fundamental.

Let's look at examples.

Example 1

Goal: You want to earn a specific amount of money by a specific date in a specific way.

And you even know why and what you need this money for. Everything is great, but you haven’t been involved in this type of activity before.

And if the amount is large, it is unlikely to be achieved. Why?

Here we need goals-actions - what needs to be learned and what to do every day for a long time.

Example 2

Goal: Lose a few pounds by beach season.

You did this more than once, or twice, and everything worked out if you made incredible efforts, but the kilograms returned every time.

Here, at the very beginning, it is necessary to clarify WHY? What is the goal behind this weight loss?

What was wrong and what should have been done?

What goals-actions are needed and with what frequency?

What skills do you need to learn to stay slim for a long time?

Example 3

Goal: Find love and start a family.

Because - I want to escape from my parents’ family; age; everyone says it's time; I need it and my mother has already tortured me...

All the same questions as in the previous examples :-).

If you blow a mountain out of a mountain, the fly will burst!

Break down a big task into small, easy-to-follow and clear-cut steps that need to be taken every day. Do what you know how to do now. Something that doesn't cause you paralyzing fear.

There will always be fear, that's normal.

Fear is an indicator that you are doing something new, something that has not been done before. Fear, like any other emotion, has its own vector - it either helps or hinders.

For example,fear of doing something new - will limit your actions. And the same fear, but with a different vector,fear of not doing something , will stimulate and push to action.

Do as best you can and don’t strive to do everything perfectly. There are no evaluation criteria here, what matters is what is done.

And yet, to a greater extent, success is determined not by skill, knowledge and correctness, but by courage in action.

How to start doing it and not put it off until later, readHere.

By setting goal-results, we are transported into dreams of owning this result, and the actions taken towards the goal seem insignificant to us.

But the goal itself is an empty vessel, a cup that needs to be filled with specific content (water to drink, and food to satisfy hunger, literally and figuratively). Content is something that can be somehow measured; it has its own weight, structure and volume.

Many people believe that knowledge is power, they overwhelm themselves with knowledge, but the goal remains unachieved, the cup is empty. And only knowledge translated into actions, transformed into skills, gives the desired result.

One action is a small drop, it means nothing in itself, but more of them can turn into an ocean. Every day a small drop added to an empty cup fills it.

Conclusion: it is not knowledge itself that fills the cup of purpose, but knowledge translated into skills that you hone day after day.

How to translate knowledge into skill? The secret is simple - do it yourself and teach it to someone else.

For example, you want to become more effective, and for this you need to learn how to manage stress (you can read about thisHere And Here) .

What needs to be done?

1. Take one of the techniques and apply it for a week to all experiences and tasks that arise during this period.

2. Track changes in your thinking, behavior, emotional state, and external manifestations of business.

3. Teach this technique to your child (psychohygiene is not taught at school, and children often have great difficulty in overcoming anxiety and fear). If you don’t have a child, teach one of your loved ones or colleagues, most people don’t know how to cope with stress.

By explaining to others, we gain a deeper understanding of the essence of things, and by solving other people’s problems, we strengthen our skills.

With each new day it will turn out better and better.

As a result of this approach to business, knowledge will turn into skill and become part of you, and this “cup” will water and feed you day after day.

What is most important in your life at the moment?

What bothers you most?

What thoughts do you wake up and fall asleep with?

Many of us want everything at once, but in the end we get nothing.

Decide on your desires. Write them down on a piece of paper.

Divide them into: I want and I need; important and not important; main and background; long-term and short-term; into skill-based (requiring time) and consumer (requiring only financial investments).

Analyze for conflicting goals; they should not contradict each other, but on the contrary, it is necessary that they complement each other.

Set a time frame and the price you are willing to pay (in time or real money), the expected effect from this goal.

Create a goal structure.

Do you remember what a matryoshka looks like? What does it consist of?

Each large nesting doll contains a smaller doll, and so it is with goals. Every big goal contains smaller, simpler ones - this is the structure of the goal.

This structure includes action goals. One nesting doll supports another.


Goals: You want to develop your business, lose weight by summer, renovate your apartment, learn a foreign language and at the same time maintain family relationships.

The main task is business development (promotion at work, career), the background ones are family, renovation, slimness and a new language from scratch.

The main task takes maximum time (you need to master and consolidate the necessary skills). We break down the sequence of developing skills from simple to complex, but in such a way that they complement each other.

We integrate background tasks into the general cycle.

Family - communication, home life.

Language skill - learn 5 foreign words a day, 1825 words in a year - not bad :-).

Slimness - we monitor our diet, get rid of bad eating habits (about thisHere) and integrate physical activity into the daily rhythm of life (about thisHere).

Repair - we break down the execution sequence into discussion of the project, purchase of what is necessary, the repair work itself, and allocate time for each item. The goal “repair” also includes other background goals :-), such as family (it’s important to agree) and being slim (additional physical activity).

In three weeks you can master:

- three new skills, and consolidate one of them - according to the main goal;

— learn to discuss and negotiate, identify the desires, tastes and requests of your life partner;

— learn 105 foreign words;

- renovate the kitchen;

- get rid of one bad food habit;

- remove 2-3 centimeters from the waist.

Achieve small but tangible results in several areas of your life.

Bottom line

Understanding your goals and desires, planning them and building a structure - all these are skills that are developed with small everyday efforts. Every day the skill is honed, and the time devoted to it is reduced...

A big road begins with a small step.