Yana Rudkovskaya is losing weight on an extreme diet. Yana Rudkovskaya's diet: how Yana Rudkovskaya lost weight after giving birth, before and after photos, height, weight, weight loss secrets Rudkovskaya before plastic surgery

Evgenia Plushenko gave birth to a beautiful son, whom the happy parents decided to name Alexander. But along with joy, tenderness, love and care for the baby, anxiety settled in the celebrity’s heart: during pregnancy, Yana Rudkovskaya gained 16 kilograms, and she couldn’t wait to get rid of the excess weight.

In the music industry and show business, you must always look good and take care of your figure, otherwise you will quickly be replaced by more beautiful, successful and attractive people. The young mother understood this very well - she actively began drawing up a special menu and searching effective means self-care. Today we will reveal the secret of Yana Rudkovskaya’s diet, which helped her quickly lose 16 kilograms.

Having stepped on the scales and realizing that her weight was now 66 kg (from the usual 50 kg), Yana seriously thought about how to live further. After giving birth, Rudkovskaya already weighed 62 kg, but the remaining extra pounds were in no hurry to go away. The producer already knew that the main rule “not to overeat” must be observed under any conditions. However, she does not encourage young mothers to go on mono-diets or give up food altogether. Under no circumstances should you do this, since such an approach to nutrition can turn into a real disaster not only for you, but also for the baby.

But Yana Rudkovskaya wanted to lose weight instantly, especially time for maternity leave there wasn't much. Ahead lies a busy work schedule, constant organization of concerts and recording of music albums, trips with my husband around the world. But don’t forget that Yana is raising three children, which means simply giving up food and stopping eating is not her option.

The young mother wanted to lose weight quickly after giving birth

Famous kefir diet very close in spirit to Yana Rudkovskaya. Even before giving birth, she periodically arranged for herself such fasting days, trying to spend as much time as possible away from the refrigerator. This signature Rudkovskaya diet lasts 5 days, for each of which you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir, 6 servings. According to the star, sticking to such a diet is difficult only for the first 2 days.

After kefir did its job and helped Yana Rudkovskaya lose 4 kilograms, she introduced chicken broth with eggs into her diet twice a day. As a dessert (this advice is especially useful for those who cannot live without sweets), the producer ate 1 apple a day. But in this case, the amount of kefir you drink should be reduced to 1 liter.

After the birth of her son, Yana Rudkovskaya looks fantastic

But following this regimen for a week, Yana Rudkovskaya managed to lose only 2 kilograms. To speed up the process, the young mother ate only kefir for 3 days. And when the scales showed the coveted figure of 55 kg, she finally felt confident and on the right track. Just two weeks after giving birth, Yana Rudkovskaya managed to lose 7 kg, and the remaining five were lost within another two months.

A useful tip from the producer, which she considers a great incentive to lose weight, is to put as many mirrors as possible at your work or home. Looking at your reflection, problem areas immediately pop up in your head that you want to correct. This way, you can always keep yourself in good shape and not let your figure “unravel.”

The young mother quickly brought her figure back to normal

In addition, while losing weight, Yana Rudkovskaya always used special creams and body lotions. Massage, which you need to do yourself while using care products, is also important in this matter. Don’t forget about your face, which can also sag with sudden weight loss. Moisturizers have never harmed anyone; fortunately, today there is a huge selection of cosmetics on the market.

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Well, who in Russia doesn’t know about Yana Rudkovskaya, the famous TV presenter and talented producer. Each of us is talented in some way, we just need to find our industry. Yana was able to do this and conquered the country with her work and capabilities.

Yana Rudkovskaya today is one of the richest businesswomen in Russia and a successful producer. Her name is closely connected with the media space of the CIS. She proves to us that business is not only a world of men, but also successful women.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yana Rudkovskaya?

Yana has an excellent figure and enviable parameters. With a height of 165, she weighs only 48 kg. She is not just skinny, but a truly petite woman. At 42 years old, Yana looks great and has repeatedly appeared in the press in unusually open and seductive outfits.

Height, weight, age, how old is Yana Rudkovskaya, this question worries many, because the life and appearance of the famous producer and TV presenter is very much discussed and so loved by reporters. She maintains her figure through sports and proper nutrition, and even the birth of three children has not spoiled her beautiful appearance.

Biography of Yana Rudkovskaya

The future star was born on January 2, 1975 in Moscow. Her family was ordinary and had nothing to do with show business. She grew up in a military family, so the girl knew from childhood that there was constant moving. Mom was a doctor, and now she is already a candidate of medical sciences. Immediately after the birth of their daughter, the family moved to Barnaul, where the girl spent her childhood.

At school, the girl studied well, was obedient and was fond of figure skating. After school, the obedient student was able to enter the Altai State Medical University and successfully graduate. And after graduating from university, she decided to leave for Sochi. Here she met her first husband, Evgeny Mukhin, and actually got married here.

The biography of Yana Rudkovskaya is filled with interesting events and moments. After graduating from university as a cosmetologist, Yana completed an internship in Holland, which later gave her a great start to opening her own business. In 1998, Yana managed to become the founder of an entire network of beauty salons. Success accompanied the enterprising girl in all her endeavors, and already in 2001 she was able to afford to buy the right to use the international brand of beauty salons “Frank Pravost” in Russia. Gradually, branches appeared in other parts of the country. And Yana is still doing what she loves.

A little later, when the business developed and Yana had a lot of free time to improve various kinds of skills, she decided to try herself in the producing business, and her first protégé was the now famous Dima Bilan. It was thanks to her that he achieved such heights and even managed to win the Eurovision Song Contest.

After Dima, Rudkovskaya had several more successful projects and now famous stars, such as Sabrina, Alexa. In 2008, the whole country realized how important Rudkovskaya’s contribution was to Russian show business, it was from that moment that awards and recognition showered on Yana. Then invitations began to appear on various shows as a participant and even a presenter. This is exactly how the dizzying career of Yana Rudkovskaya began.

Personal life of Yana Rudkovskaya

There were two famous men in Yana's life who made her life interesting, and in some cases even sad. Yana's first husband, Victor Baturin, helped her a lot in developing her career. There were two children in their marriage, two boys, but as it turned out later, after the divorce, Yana admitted that their eldest son Andrei, in fact Yana’s adopted one, namely that the boy’s real mother was Baturin’s ex-wife. But still, Yana considers both sons to be her own and has never shared them. After living together for 7 years, the couple decided to get a divorce, but everything was not so simple. The divorce was very loud, difficult and the couple could not divide property, children and even Dima Bilan among themselves as a project.

The process was very complicated, and the court took a long time to make a decision. According to the court decision, Baturin must pay Yana 5 million compensation, and he is also prohibited from selling the property that they acquired during marriage. And it is worth noting that the property is not small, namely a large castle, an apartment in the center of Moscow and several other plots.

But the biggest problem was who the children would stay with. This decision changed very often. First, the court decided that the children would stay with their father, then Yana had a long trial and was allowed to let the children live with her on weekends and holidays. A little later than Baturin, namely in 2011, Baturin was arrested, after which Yana, despite the court’s prohibitions, took the children for herself. Of course, ex-husband did not accept this behavior and went to court to take the children for himself, he proved that Andrei was not Yana’s son, then the court decided to annul her parental right to her eldest son and remove her name from the “mother” column in the documents. Of course, Yana was not pleased with this course of events, and she filed a lawsuit again.

As a result, Yana achieved her goal, and the children remained with her, and her ex-husband can see them freely whenever he wants.

While this entire complex divorce process was going on, Yana met and even married the famous Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko. As you can see, Yana Rudkovskaya’s personal life was filled with both pleasant and negative moments, but this woman does not yield to difficulties. Often various reporter articles about her appear on the Internet, in response to various requests, for example: “Yana Rudkovskaya is pregnant with her third child 2016-2017, photo, when to give birth,” but you should not believe unverified sources, if you are interested in Yana’s life, it is better to contact verified ones, official sites.

Family of Yana Rudkovskaya

At the moment, Yana Rudkovskaya’s family consists of her beloved husband Evgeniy and the nice boys Nikolai and Andrey from her first marriage and Sasha from her second marriage. Yana walked for a long time to happy life and now she is actually happy, because she has everything she needed: women’s happiness and her beloved sons nearby.

Yana is surrounded by the love and care of the three most important men in her life. And even though fate tripped her up more than once, she coped with every failure. The family of Yana Rudkovskaya is currently an exemplary example for many.

Children of Yana Rudkovskaya

There were moments in Yana’s life when she could not see her children at all, because her ex-husband, to spite her, decided to completely take away her female happiness. But because of her persistent character, she managed to defend her right. Agree that a child will always be better off with his mother.

Of course, it’s ideal when both parents are nearby, but if a situation arises like in Yana’s family, then you don’t have much choice. Yana Rudkovskaya's children Nikolai and Andrey are growing up good guys and the real pride of her mother, and not so long ago Yana gave birth to her third son, Sasha, from her second marriage.

Son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Andrei Baturin

As it became known after Yana’s divorce from her first husband, in fact Andrei, their eldest son, is her adopted son. He is the son of Yulia Saltovets, ex-wife Baturina. But, despite this, Yana fell in love with him as if she were her own and now does not see the difference between her two sons. During the divorce proceedings, she fought to have rights to both sons and the ability to care for them independently.

After living with Plushenko, who became a true friend for Andrei and Nikolai, Yana began to notice in Andrei an awakened love for sports. Yana Rudkovskaya’s son, Andrei Baturin, is growing up as a truly happy child and receives maximum care not only from his mother and father, but also from a responsible stepfather.

Son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Nikolai Baturin

Yana's middle son from her first marriage is growing up as a real young man and, like his older brother, takes only from his mother, father and stepfather best qualities. After Yana married Plushenko, the children began to change for the better and even showed a love for sports.

Evgeniy helps Yana raise real men who are not afraid in this life even of rafting down a mountain river. After one of his regular sports trips with Evgeniy, Nikolai managed to lose 10 kg, after which he was accepted into the national football team. Now the son of Yana Rudkovskaya, Nikolai Baturin, is already showing good success in football.

Son of Yana Rudkovskaya - Alexander Plushenko

Another athletic guy is growing up in the Plushenko family. The youngest son Sasha is growing up in happy family, surrounded by the care and attention of his parents, as well as his older brothers. The boy has real support and protection, so he is not afraid of anything in the future.

As Yana herself says, with Evgeni Plushenko, children become real men, and all thanks to his masculine character and love of sports. The son of Yana Rudkovskaya, Alexander Plushenko, is still just a baby, but even now he is a very active and nimble child who in the future will conquer the world with his achievements.

Yana Rudkovskaya's ex-husband - Viktor Baturin

Not everything in our life is always sweet and sometimes it seems to us that we have met “that same” person, everything is getting better and a good future awaits us, but one day everything collapses. This happened to Yana too. Victor Baturin was not best husband and after several years of married life, the couple divorced with scandal.

Yana Rudkovskaya's ex-husband - Viktor Baturin photo

Not long ago, Yana Rudkovskaya’s ex-husband, Viktor Baturin, was convicted and accused of fraud. But, the person involved in the high-profile case of fraud with bills of exchange of the Inteko company is preparing to leave his place of imprisonment in Kalmykia. According to media reports, the court decided to release the former businessman.

Yana Rudkovskaya's husband - Evgeni Plushenko

Famous Russian figure skater, who performed in single skating, master of sports in Russia, best dad and just a very talented person who never ceases to delight the world with his merits, yes, all this - Yana Rudkovskaya’s husband - Evgeni Plushenko.

He became a winner in many sports competitions, and also became the first to perform complex tricks when skating, which were not given to anyone, for example, such as: a cascade of quadruple toe loop - triple toe loop - triple loop. And this is just the beginning of the list. This man has become a real example for the children of Yana Rudkovskaya and you can be sure that this Strong woman may finally feel weak.

Yana does not support such a phenomenon as plastic surgery. As a cosmetologist, she says that high-quality cosmetology will always help to rejuvenate your face and tone yourself. After three children, she still looks just as charming and graceful. Sports activities, proper nutrition and cosmetology allow her to always stay in shape.

She is an example for many women and shows that there are no barriers to beauty. Due to her profession, Yana must always remain beautiful and she succeeds quite well. If you see somewhere a photo of Yana Rudkovskaya before and after plastic surgery, do not believe them and know that such a beautiful appearance can be achieved even without the intervention of surgeons.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yana Rudkovskaya

Yana’s Instagram is replete with colorful photographs of her life and the lives of her children. If you want to cheer yourself up with colorful and high-quality photos, then you definitely need to go to the profile of this producer. Instagram and Wikipedia of Yana Rudkovskaya are replete with vivid information about her life, shows, where she goes, vacations and many other moments that are so interesting to the public.

If you are interested in the personal and public life of Yana Rudkovskaya, then her social networks will be a great help to quench your curiosity. As a public person, Yana does not hide anything from her fans.

- Alexandra, they say one of your clients is Roza Syabitova...

– Yes, we did Rose’s breasts. And although she says on every corner that the operation costs almost as much as three Mercedes, I can tell you that we did everything for her absolutely free.

-Who do you think is the Russian stage the most advanced in terms of plastic surgery?

– In terms of figure, perhaps Valery Leontyev. He has done everything possible, and done it efficiently several times: his face, eyelids, and butt. He takes exceptional care of himself, works out, eats right. One can only admire this.

– Many of your colleagues call Masha Rasputina a lover of plastic surgery. What is she missing?

- I would do it for her smaller lips. Now there are wonderful drugs that remove everything. This procedure costs about forty thousand rubles. Masha also needs to have her breasts made smaller - such an operation costs about 300 thousand rubles in Moscow. Nastya Volochkova also needs to remove her kilogram breasts. It looks very unnatural!

– Does Anna Semenovich have her own breasts?

– Anna Semenovich has her own, not a silicone one. There is nothing surprising here. She is not a skinny girl, she is even plump. Good for her for not worrying about her weight. I have seen her in restaurants many times: she eats with all her heart, you can only be happy for her. And Semenovich’s face is beautiful. We call such faces a blank slate: you can draw whatever you want.

– What would you advise Pugacheva, Allegrova and Dolina to change in their appearance?

– It’s high time for Larisa Dolina to get a circular lift. I don't know why she doesn't take care of her appearance. Maybe she thinks she doesn't need it. Everything seems to be in order: there are concerts, money too, a granddaughter was born.

Allegrova also needs a lift: she has changed a lot in last years. She has Armenian roots and is gradually turning into an Armenian lady. Alla Pugacheva cannot have any operations. Because she has a bad heart, it’s better not to risk it. Just like Svetlana Svetlichnaya. She also needs a circular lift, but due to the fact that she is many years old, only an unscrupulous plastic surgeon can take on such a patient. Still, three to four hours of anesthesia at this age is absolutely useless. You may not survive!

– Singer Natalie boasted that she had her breasts done a few years ago! Have you seen?

- She did it very poorly. The breasts are cheap, cost a lot, and there is a large distance between the breasts. This is bad! She definitely did something to her face too. But for over forty years old, Natalie looks very good. Even better than when I was young. She has slender legs, a good figure, but her breasts need to be redone.

– Male stars also often turn to plastic surgeons. What would you advise Philip Kirkorov to do?

Famous producer and active user social networks Yana Rudkovskaya never tires of surprising her subscribers, of whom, it is worth noting, the star has quite a few. Although socialite- not twenty years old, and she became a mother not so long ago, the figure of this luxurious woman looks perfect. This article will tell you what her secret is.

Yana Rudkovskaya's diet

From the photographs of the Instagram network, we can conclude that Yana is not one of those people who likes to deny herself pleasures, although according to rumors, this representative of the fair sex from time to time goes on a diet, which in high circles is called “elite”. The name absolutely justifies itself, since the main ingredient here is black caviar. You should not eat anything else while using this product.

But you can drink. Just drink well-purified fresh water! Not all people live like Yana Rudkovskaya, and therefore it is quite possible for ordinary representatives of humanity to replace black caviar with a sea cocktail. But we should also not forget that any diet can harm the body if used incorrectly.

Useful tips from Yana should become indispensable rules for those who want to get rid of excess fat.

  1. There is no need to spontaneously go on one diet or another. This can only worsen a person's condition. Before you decide to change your diet, you should gradually adjust your body.
  2. Blitz diets (that is, those that rid the body of unnecessary fat in a short time) are very harmful to humans. It is necessary to avoid such “mockery” of oneself.
  3. You need to start your breakfast right. To do this you need to drink a glass of tea. Only the tea should not be black, but green or herbal. The drink will help cheer up those who have difficulty getting out of bed in the morning and remove unnecessary harmful accumulations from the body.
  4. With any diet, you always want to eat. To reduce this desire, you need to drink as much purified table water or just mineral water as possible.
  5. You can arrange fasting days, but no more than once a week!
  6. It happens that after a diet a person gains weight again. To prevent this from happening, you must completely avoid fried and fatty foods. This is also very harmful to health.
  7. Sea fish will be very useful. It will be able to provide a supply of fatty acids required by the body.
  8. As for cellulite, special massages and wraps will help you cope with it.

Willpower is the most important thing

As Mrs. Rudkovskaya states: “You won’t achieve anything without willpower.” After giving birth, she weighed sixty-two kilograms. According to her, she was not particularly pleased to look at herself in the mirror. Perhaps, once upon a time, beautiful bodies were in fashion, but now everything has changed. The most important thing is to never give up. There are situations when hunger leads to food consumption at night. By telling yourself that one bite won't do anything, you can say goodbye again. slim figure and start all over again.


There are women who quit what they started without finishing it. Someone - simply because he decided that old life he is completely satisfied. Someone simply couldn’t stand it and let everything take its course. For both of them, this has already existed for a long time useful word as a motivator. If a woman does not have enough willpower, and she knows about it, then she needs to initially come up with some kind of goal for which it is worth getting rid of excess weight.

If someone told a representative of the fair sex that she was fat, then she should take a blank sheet of paper and write exactly the phrase that could somehow “hurt”. You should hang a paper with this phrase or just an offensive word above your bed or on the refrigerator, so that every time you have the opportunity to read it and mentally convince yourself that this is really important.

The beautiful Yana Rudkovskaya found another motivator for herself. When she weighed 62 kilograms, she went to Milan and bought herself clothes in size thirty-eight. She understood that these things were not only very beautiful, but also quite expensive. If she does not lose weight to the desired size, then dresses and suits will simply become unusable. But she succeeded!

Yana Rudkovskaya is a Russian TV presenter and producer. Yana Aleksandrovna Rudkovskaya was born on January 2, 1975 in the city of Kostanay, Kazakhstan. Alexander Evgenievich, Yana’s father, was a military pilot, director of the Altai Higher Air Force School. Svetlana Nikolaevna, the mother of the future TV presenter, worked as a neurologist, candidate of medical sciences.

After the birth of her daughter, the head of the family was transferred for further military service in the city of Barnaul. The celebrity spent his childhood in this small Siberian city. As a child, the future star read a lot, practiced figure skating and music.

Having graduated from school with a silver medal (with one B in physics), the girl had to pass only one exam to enter the university. Thanks to this, the applicant submitted documents to 3 educational institutions at once in different faculties: the Faculty of Foreign Languages, the Faculty of Law, and also the Medical University. As a result, the future producer went everywhere, but on her mother’s advice she chose medicine.

Yana received a higher education as a dermatovenerologist. A wide range of mastered specialties indicates a serious approach to obtaining higher education. The former student completed her internship in Holland.


The knowledge that Yana received at the university was a good start to the opening own business. In 1998, changes occurred in the biography of Yana Rudkovskaya - the girl became the founder of a chain of beauty salons. Success accompanied the enterprising woman in her endeavors, and already in 2001 she could afford to buy the right to use the international beauty salon brand Franck Provost in Russia. Gradually, branches appeared in other parts of the country.

Help in opening Rudkovskaya's first large business was provided by her first husband, a businessman. Nevertheless, the very idea of ​​​​opening a chain of beauty salons on the Black Sea coast of Russia, focusing on popular resort places, belonged to Yana. The girl noticed that every summer wealthy clients visit Sochi, Adler and Anapa, but at the same time they do not find adequate offers in the resorts in the field of providing services in beauty salons, although it is precisely among vacationing women that such services are in greatest demand. Therefore, the idea was doomed to success.

In 2004, Yana was recognized as the only female entrepreneur working in the beauty industry in the south of Russia. A year earlier, in addition to the chain of beauty salons, the woman created her own empire of stylish clothing stores.

Show Business

Since 2005, Yana decided to change her main field of activity. At that time, Rudkovskaya’s business empire had reached a stable operating mode and did not require constant intervention for manual control. The businesswoman had a lot of free time, which she used for personal development in new directions.

The first singer with whom Yana began working was. This talented guy has long shown great promise as a future pop star. The producer decided to help the aspiring performer achieve success. This collaboration soon made Bilan the winner of the prestigious Eurovision music competition, and Dima himself became a popular performer in the CIS countries. Today, Bilan's songs are familiar to music lovers in many European countries.

The work of Bilan and Rudkovskaya began when a successful businesswoman met a famous Russian producer. Yuri had just started working with Dima and was not averse to finding him a sponsor who would help the young talent in promotion. Unfortunately, the eminent producer himself died in the same 2005.

Already in 2008, the Bilan-Rudkovskaya tandem achieved fabulous success. Dima becomes Russia's candidate for the prestigious European Eurovision Song Contest 2008. But, as it turned out, this was only the beginning of a joint triumph. Bilan managed, with the help of the Olympic figure skater and world-famous violinist Edwin Marton, to achieve 1st place in this competition. In Russia, success was perceived as a common achievement, which became a source of pride for the entire country.

On the wave of success, the producer launches his own music show on the STS TV channel called “STS Lights up a Super Star.” In the future, Yana became a producer for Sabrina, famous Russian singers. During her production activities, Rudkovskaya had the opportunity to appear in videos for Dima Bilan, already Russian star first scale.

In 2007, Yana had the opportunity to host the television program “Nude Showbiz” on the MTV channel. Rudkovskaya acted as the organizer of the television project.

In 2008, awards showered on the singer, which was the result of her work over the past 3 years. First of all, Yana was awarded the “Sound Track” award, calling her the best producer of the year. The producer was also awarded an award by the Fashion TV channel, which appreciated the “star igniter’s” constant sense of style.

At the end of 2008, Yana Rudkovskaya, together with Ruslan Goncharov, took part in a project called “Star Ice”, broadcast on the Rossiya TV channel.

In 2009, Yana Rudkovskaya’s book “Confession of a Kept Woman, or So the Steel Was Tempered” was published.

The producer is trying to use recognition and fame to help talented youth. Rudkovskaya is engaged in lobbying for development programs for young people at the level of specialized committees of the State Duma Russian Federation. The celebrity considers the main goal in the field of show business to be the comprehensive promotion of the Dima Bilan brand in the West. Yana Alexandrovna’s dream is that the Russian performer will one day receive the prestigious Grammy award.

The TV presenter's name is also associated with charity. Rudkovskaya provides support to orphans, helps the Dolphin, Northern Crown and Hurry to Do Good charitable foundations, and also participates in a charity auction held by the Silver Rain radio station.

Yana Rudkovskaya is the founder of the STARS Academy of Cinema and Show Business.

Since 2012, Yana Rudkovskaya has become the host of the “Children’s Ten with Yana Rudkovskaya” music chart on the MUZ-TV channel. As a result of the program, Yana established the Children's Music Award Kinder MUZ Awards, the nominees and winners of which receive the famous MUZ-TV plates in a smaller, children's version.

Together with Rudkovskaya, the chart leaders were Dina Baru, Alena Krymskaya, Max Gapich, Suren Platonov, Christina and Madonna Abramov.

Personal life

Barnaul businessman Evgeny Mukhin is the first common-law husband of Yana Rudkovskaya. Yana lived with him in Sochi. Moving to this city was fatal for the couple’s relationship: here the woman met her next husband, Viktor Baturin.

It is known that Rudkovskaya and Baturin met at a football match. This happened in 2001, the marriage of Victor and Yana lasted until 2008. The couple raised two sons - Nikolai and Andrei. In 2011, Yana Rudkovskaya admitted that Andrei is her adopted son, whom Baturina’s previous wife gave birth to. The producer emphasized that she considers both boys family.

After a scandalous divorce from Baturin, Russian athlete, Olympic figure skating champion Evgeni Plushenko became Rudkovskaya’s new husband. Yana married him in September 2009, and 2 years later the couple married Alexander.

The stylish and beautiful producer is always in sight. Rudkovskaya carefully monitors her figure and physical characteristics (Yana’s height is 168 cm, weight is 48 kg). Fans commenting appearance stars have repeatedly stated that the TV presenter perfect shapes, and celebrity dresses only add to her beauty and emphasize her figure.

Yana Rudkovskaya now

In December 2016, Yana Rudkovskaya shared with subscribers on the network Instagram video tour of your own home. Fans of the star admired the idol's sense of style.

In March 2017, Yana Rudkovskaya attended the “Secret to a Million” program. With , the host of the TV show, the producer talked about family life, plans for the future, and also spoke about the secrets of the past.

In 2017, the celebrity became a guest of the first episode of the show “Alena, damn it!” project Super. In an interview, Yana Rudkovskaya spoke about a “confrontation” with a Russian politician.

Previously, the oppositionist commented on an excerpt from Rudkovskaya’s interview with Forbes magazine, in which the TV presenter discussed the reasons for Alexei Navalny’s conflict with the billionaire. Rudkovskaya sided with the latter, saying that the entrepreneur was supported by “all her drivers, teachers and housekeepers.” Yana continued the thought in an interview with Super.

“I am a business man, I brought Eurovision to Russia. My husband is four-time Olympic champion Evgeni Plushenko. Who is Alexei Navalny?” Rudkovskaya asked.

According to the TV presenter, “Navalny’s goal is to destroy Russia, so she wants to live in the era of Usmanov.” Rudkovskaya also said that she strongly doubts the support of Navalny by Russian voters.

“He wrote on his account: “If you are not Yana Rudkovskaya’s housekeeper, go to the rally on June 12.” And by what right does he put people below himself, divide them into professions and statuses? I asked my housekeepers, drivers and staff about their attitude towards Alexey after that, and do you know what they told me? What if Navalny continues to treat people this way, it’s unlikely that anyone will vote for him,” Yana Rudkovskaya noted in an interview.

The producer also said that in the future she is ready to try her hand at politics.

In June 2017 Russian artist variety show joked about the luxurious life of Yana Rudkovskaya in Instagram. While staying in a rented villa in Jurmala, comedian Galkin made a parody of what was happening with his show business colleagues on Instagram. On the social network, the artist commented on the TV presenter’s breakfasts, publishing a new video entitled “Star Breakfast. Dedicated to Yana Rudkovskaya and other Instagram aristocrats.”

Soon there was a reaction from Yana herself. Rudkovskaya really introduces subscribers to what her morning table looks like: fresh flowers, silverware and a nutritious diet.

Yana Rudkovskaya responded to Maxim Galkin’s publication by attaching a photo of her breakfast.

Yana Rudkovskaya continues to manage TV projects. On the official website of the celebrity, fans have the opportunity to learn about the creative plans of the idol.


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