Wedding carpet: a useful and pleasant gift. Cutting technique "Your money is already in the bank"

When relatives or close friends get married, you want to give them something interesting, really useful for the home and durable. This is especially important when newlyweds move into a new apartment. A good gift For a wedding, a regular carpet on the wall or floor can be used.

Beauty and functionality

This well-known piece of furniture has been providing comfort in any home for many years. Its main advantages:

Many designers reject it, calling it old-fashioned and harmful, but bare walls and floors create the impression of incompleteness.

How to choose the right one

When choosing a carpet as a gift for newlyweds, you should take into account their tastes, the size of the rooms, and also decide for which room it will be intended:

  • For the living room, a short-pile synthetic carpet is best suited: it is less likely to get dirty.
  • For the bedroom, it is preferable to buy one with long pile made of wool or polyester: it is more pleasant to step on with bare feet, and the colors should be dim so as not to drive away sleep.
  • For children's clothing, cotton or viscose is recommended: such materials do not cause allergies, are pleasant to the touch and easy to clean.
  • It is better to put a synthetic one with a tight weave and short pile in the hallway: it is most resistant to dirt.

As for colors, the following rules must be observed:

  • Choose colors and patterns that will go well with wallpaper, furniture and curtains.
  • Do not buy a carpet of the same color as the wallpaper, otherwise the room will be monochromatic and boring (this is especially important when choosing a product for the wall).
  • There should be a contrast with the shade of the floor.
  • If the wallpaper or furniture upholstery is decorated with bright and complex patterns, the carpet should be monochromatic or with a simple pattern, or vice versa: if other interior items are monochromatic, it should stand out against their background.

For a wedding gift, you can choose a carpet with some romantic pictures: images of a couple in love, swans, hearts.

Congratulatory words for such a wedding gift as a carpet should certainly contain wishes happy life, eternal love and comfort in the home.

Material value that will be remembered for a long time

Don't want to present an ordinary carpet for your wedding? IN last years It has become a tradition to give a carpet out of money. This is an original and interesting way to financially help the bride and groom, which is why it is popular.

It’s not difficult to make such a thing with your own hands. For this you will need:

The product is manufactured according to the following scheme:

  • decide on the design: arrange the money in a certain order or in the form of a pattern;
  • Sheathe each banknote, having previously covered it with film;
  • Sew fringe along the edges of the fabric.

If there is no fringe, you can use paper napkins for edging:

  • fold each one in four;
  • cut into 4 parts without cutting off the edges;
  • secure between layers of film;
  • secure with a stapler.

A money carpet for a wedding can be made in another way: sew a canvas from film with pockets the size of money, or sew two canvases together, stitch the pockets and cut them on top.

Popular design options:

  • Heart.
  • Star.
  • Rhombus.
  • A rectangle in which each side is made of certain bills (one is from hundred-ruble bills, the other is from five-hundred-ruble bills, the third is from thousandths, the fourth is from five-thousandths, any combinations are possible).
  • A photograph of the newlyweds is pasted in the center.
  • Several photographs of the couple from some memorable event are pasted in a certain order.

In creating this souvenir, imagination can be limitless; only any indecent hints are not recommended. In any case, this is a non-standard way to give such a stereotypical and common gift as money, the impression of it will remain for a long time.

Memorable gifts and souvenirs

Variations on a theme

A unique option for a monetary gift for a wedding is a flying carpet. To make it, you need to put banknotes in files (20-25 pieces), fasten them together - sew them, tie them with ribbons or threads, glue them with a warm iron.

Another way:

  • Machine sew two pieces of film on three sides.
  • Make vertical rows, the distance between which should be equal to the length or width of the bill.
  • Put money in each resulting pocket.
  • Sew a horizontal row.
  • Make the required number.
  • Sew up the last edge.

A good addition would be a congratulation related to the theme, for example: “Here is a flying carpet for your flight to exotic countries.”

In general, it is better to supplement such an original wedding gift as a money carpet with interesting poems, a fairy tale-parable about money, or a comic competition in which it is played as a prize.

If it is not possible to give real money as a gift, then you can make a similar craft from banknotes and bookmarks - it will make a good souvenir as a keepsake. It is much easier to make, because artificial money can be sewn together, glued together with glue or tape.

Knowing how to make a money carpet, you can create something similar for a birthday, New Year or other significant holidays.

Whatever type of carpet is chosen as a wedding gift, you should always first find out whether the newlyweds will really need it.

Money is perhaps the most universal, useful and desirable gift for newlyweds. True, you can forget about originality here - 99% of guests bring this gift modestly and banally packaged in an envelope and patiently wait for their turn to present the next envelope to the young people.

However, if you want your gift to be remembered not only by the newlyweds, but also by all the guests, be creative! Let it be not just money, but the first step towards fulfilling a dream...

Down payment for a dream

Perhaps you know what the bride and groom dream about. About a trip to hot countries? Then attach the bills to your fins and scuba diving mask (optionally, to the world atlas). About the refrigerator? Tie the rolled up money to a stick of smoked sausage with a beautiful ribbon. ABOUT washing machine? Great: pack washing powder decorated with a bow neatly folded from banknotes. And so on. Is the logic clear? Your contribution may not be enough to make your dream come true, but if you add a few more to it...

The most important thing is the weather in the house

Present the newlyweds with a folded large umbrella with wishes for good weather in the house. And then ask the groom to open the gift. The guests will be shocked: it turns out that on the inside of the umbrella, to its spokes, there are many banknotes of different denominations carefully tied with strings! The effect will exceed all expectations.

Money Tree

Buy a beautiful indoor plant. It doesn’t have to be a money tree – a lemon, an orange, or any other plant with beautiful leaves will do. Tie intricately folded banknotes to its branches, add beads, sparkles, satin ribbons... If you try, you will get a very unusual and creative gift.

Glued together by one “chain”...

Carefully glue all the banknotes together with tape - it is enough to “hook” only along the very edge so as not to spoil the banknote. You will get a long ribbon, which can then be rolled into a roll like toilet paper. If you want it to be even funnier, wrap it in toilet paper wrapper on top and present it to the young ones with some funny wishes. Let them rip the wrapper and see what follows... Laughter and jokes are guaranteed!


If you have artistic inclinations, create a unique money picture. This could be a collage of paper bills and coins, which is inserted into a frame under glass and presented to young people. By the way, you can accompany such a picture with a sign: “Smash in the event of a financial crisis.”

Expensive cake

Such a gift is very easy to make, and it looks impressive. Roll each bill into a tube, but not a thin one, but a wide one. Form circles from the tubes - first the big one, then the smaller ones, then the smallest one. Carefully tie each circle with a wide, beautiful ribbon and place them on top of each other. It will almost look like a “wedding” cake!

With wishes for a delicious life

Place “bookmarks” made from banknotes in your cookbook. You can choose the most “delicious” pages.” The bride will certainly be happy with such a gift, and the groom will also have pleasant anticipations...
All you have to do is show a little imagination, taste and creativity - and an original cash gift will surprise and delight your newlywed friends!

The Central Bank warns banks about a new type of banknote fraud. This time the criminals took up scissors and tape. Fraudsters cut nine banknotes into fragments and glue ten of them together, after which they deposit them into the account through ATMs.

The other day I warned credit institutions about a new type of counterfeiting of five-thousand-dollar banknotes. (The letter is available to the portal.) The scammers cut nine banknotes and glue the fragments together with thin matte tape into ten banknotes. The size of the damaged bills is 157x65 mm (usual parameters are 157x69 mm), but they are accepted by ATMs and payment terminals for crediting to accounts and as payments as a standard size.

As a representative of one of the credit institutions explained, the bills are not cut at right angles and there are gaps between the parts. The scammers, he said, used this scheme to solve one of the mathematical problems, which only at first glance seems complicated. During the examination, the Central Bank recognizes nine original banknotes as solvent and rejects only the tenth.

According to Sergei Kovzharov, asset manager of the financial company AForex, criminals borrowed this idea from the United States. True, due to the labor intensity, this type of fraud has not become particularly widespread. In the banks surveyed by the portal, including SB Bank, Absolut Bank, Lanta-Bank, no such cases of fraud were observed.

Whether ATM recognizes such a bill depends on ATM suppliers, says Maria Kokhanyuk, head of transaction and savings products department at Absolut Bank. According to Andrei Shishlo, vice-president of the Leader payment system, their terminals did not receive complaints that they could miss bills glued in this way. “Fraudsters use the features of some not the most expensive bill acceptors. There is only one way out: it is necessary to replace outdated devices with more modern and reliable ones,” advises Andrei Shishlo.

However, after the emergence of another criminal scheme, the ATM supplier needs time to analyze the situation, develop and implement countermeasures, says Maria Kokhanyuk from Absolut Bank. According to her, this is a long process and it lasts at least three to four months. Only after this do banks have the opportunity to put new approaches into practice, which also takes some time.

A security representative from one of the top 10 credit institutions admitted that their ATMs are capable of accepting banknotes glued together in this way. So the letter from the Central Bank forced some banks to take action. For example, the head of the cash circulation department of SB Bank, Svetlana Lopushinskaya, said that the credit institution has scheduled the arrival of specialists servicing billing equipment in the near future to reconfigure all equipment taking into account this type of fraud.

Criminals are constantly inventing new types of scams, says Maria Kokhanyuk from Absolut Bank. Previously, there were cases when two real banknotes were made from one real banknote, and the terminal absorbed both banknotes, says Andrey Shishlo, vice president of the Leader company.

However, these types of scams are quite rare. Color drip-jet and laser printing using computer equipment are mainly used, says Maria Kryuchkova, head of the legal department of Kredprombank. “On such fakes, the images are made using screen and color inkjet printing. The watermarks are imitated by color inkjet printing on the inside of one of the sheets, the security thread and its outputs are imitated by overprints, micro-perforation is applied using an industrial punch,” Maria Kryuchkova described the process.

According to statistics from the Central Bank, counterfeiting of five-thousandth banknotes is gaining momentum. Thus, in the first quarter of 2013, the number of detected counterfeits increased by 31.6% compared to the same period last year: from 5.7 thousand to 7.5 thousand.

In general, in 2012, Russian banks identified 88 thousand counterfeit Bank of Russia banknotes, which is 6.9% less than in 2011. Then, in particular, 33 thousand counterfeit five-thousand-ruble banknotes and 53 thousand counterfeit thousand-ruble notes were discovered. In the first quarter of 2013, the number of counterfeit banknotes detected by banks decreased by 17% compared to the same period in 2012.

The peculiarity of the recently discovered scheme is that it is not so easy to detect, notes Elena Kozlova, chief legal adviser of the department of legal support for retail business of the legal department of Absolut Bank. “Firstly, it is not always possible to identify the person making transactions through or, since the size of the bills and the presence of gluing will not be visible on the video camera recording. Secondly, even if the fraudster is caught by surprise, it will be quite difficult to prove the malicious intent of his actions. After all, he can say that he accidentally cut them or received them as a result of the natural circulation of the money supply,” explains the lawyer.

If the bank discovers that a person is making a payment with damaged banknotes, if there is any doubt about their authenticity, the credit institution has the right to take these banknotes and send them for examination, says Absolut Bank lawyer. If the Central Bank discovers intentional damage, the credit institution can contact law enforcement agencies, who will open a case. If fraud is proven, the culprit will be punished in accordance with the relevant article, says Kozlova. Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Fraud”) provides for up to 10 years in prison, depending on the qualification of the acts, recalls Dmitry Shevchenko, deputy chairman of the board of Lanta-Bank.

Also, according to an Absolut Bank lawyer, the production of new banknotes from different parts can be qualified as the production for the purpose of selling counterfeit bank notes of the Central Bank and the sale of deliberately counterfeit bank notes of the Central Bank.

Probably everyone has had a situation where they were quietly given a torn banknote in change in a store. If it is of a small denomination, then it is not so scary. But what to do in the opposite case, because no one wants to take that kind of money back? To ensure that this trouble does not take you by surprise again, we will tell you how to glue a bill so that it is not visible that it was previously torn.

What to do with torn banknotes?

If you accidentally tear or find a torn bill in your wallet, you should first contact the bank.

Important! According to generally accepted norms and legislation, banks are required to accept banknotes whose damage does not exceed 50% of the entire area.

The bank employee should explain to you in detail what needs to be done next with the bill and whether it can be replaced. You should also take into account that such bills are solvent and in fact they should be accepted not only in the bank, but also in stores.

Important! When contacting a bank with a request to exchange money, be sure to have a passport or other document confirming your identity.

The most common way to exchange damaged money is through ATMs with a cash in function or quick self-service terminals. All you need to do is carefully glue the bill together and transfer the money to your bank account.

Basic methods of gluing torn banknotes

In order to glue a torn banknote, there are several simple but quite effective ways.

Method No. 1

In this situation, the most ordinary stationery tape will come to your aid. It should be used if the defect is small. In the opposite case, such a repair will look quite rough and conspicuous.

To make the seam look more neat, you must follow the following procedure:

  1. Place the banknote on a flat surface.
  2. Measure the length of the break.
  3. Cut a piece of tape equal to the length of the tear in the bill.
  4. Apply tape to the torn area. This should be done very carefully so that creases do not form.

Important! Today, in office supply stores you can purchase special tape for repairing banknotes.

Method No. 2

In this case, you will only need a glue stick:

  • Take a glue stick and run it only along the ends of the tear.
  • Let it dry a little. After 2-4 minutes, this operation should be repeated again.
  • Place two parts of the bill on the paper. Connect them carefully.

Important! Make sure that the top and bottom edges match, as well as the design on the front side.

  • Using a stationery brush or cotton swab, apply a little dust (talc, starch or chalk) to the gluing areas.

Important! This is necessary so that the bill, while in the wallet, does not stick to its surface or other money.

  • Leave for half an hour for the glue to dry. After the specified time has passed, you can safely go shopping, since the junction is almost invisible.

Important! You can use not only a glue stick, but also Moment glue or PVA.

Method number 3

Despite the fact that this method takes longer than the previous ones, thanks to it the seam remains invisible. In order to glue a banknote in this way, you will need:

  • PVA glue;

Important! Always pay attention to the consistency of the glue. It should be quite thick, in no case liquid.

  • Glass bottle;
  • Iron.

How to proceed:

  • To begin with, glue should be applied to the torn end of the bill. This can be done with a match or a toothpick.

Important! If you accidentally go overboard and smear glue on a bill, you can always wipe it off with a dry cloth or napkin.

  • Place the bill on the bottle and connect the halves end to end. Try to match the pattern exactly and avoid overlap.

Important! You can use wax paper instead of a bottle.

  • Fix the joints and go over them with the tip of a hot iron.
  • Wait a few minutes for everything to cool down.

That's it, the money is ready for you to spend!

  • If a banknote breaks up not into two, but into three parts, and its series and number were affected, unfortunately, it can no longer be glued together and loses its solvency.

Important! If the numbers are saved, then it is better not to glue such a bill together, but to immediately take it to the bank.

  • If the banknote has split into two parts: one large and one small, you can safely glue it together or take it to the bank.

Important! In this case, you have the right to bring only one - the larger part - of the banknote for exchange.

  • When gluing, try to do everything slowly and very carefully.
  • It is best to dry the banknote after gluing it in a vertical position.
  • It is better to place large money carriers in a safe to dry.
  • To avoid tears, try to carry money in a wallet or purse.
  • Always check the money you are given in change.

Video material

As you can see, gluing a bill together is quite easy. And if you have such a problem, and careless sellers refuse to accept it as payment, you can “fix it” yourself without any problems. The most important thing is to do everything carefully and slowly. Only in this case will you get an even seam that even an experienced bank employee will not be able to see.

Money is the most common gift for any celebration, including a wedding ceremony. Some people will find the banal presentation of an envelope boring. We have collected a lot for you interesting ideas how to give a cash gift for a wedding. A carpet made of money at a wedding looks original and is made very simply and quickly. In addition, you will find many other methods of giving a cash gift.

Original ways to give money for a wedding

Below are the most interesting and bright ways to give money to newlyweds for a wedding:

  • A carpet made of money at a wedding will become creative gift young. To do this, you need to insert banknotes between the layers of film, stitch the spaces between them, and attach fringe along the edges.
  • Money tree is an ornamental plant decorated with money. To do this, buy an indoor flower/tree, and banknotes and coins are attached to it with tape. It looks original if the money is different: euros, dollars. Such a gift also needs to be presented in an original way: place a pot of soil in front of the bride and groom and ask them to plant a coin. Then the young ones close their eyes, and you quickly change the pot to a prepared money tree.
  • An endless source of money - glue the bills together with weak tape so that the tape can be removed without any problems. We prepare a gift box that can open and close. Wrap the tape around the toilet paper holder. Place the gift inside the box, pushing the edge of the ribbon through the slot.
  • Wedding Money Pillow – Use paper bills as filler for a beautiful decorative pillowcase. It is allowed to dilute the money filler with dried flowers.
  • The cash gift is exchanged in small bills and placed inside a velvet bag. When presented, guests wish that the money could not be counted.
  • Fill the piggy bank with money and give it to the newlyweds.
  • We put the bills in a photo frame in the form of an abstract design, fan, flower or other shape. A seal is placed under them so that the money remains in the required position. Write congratulatory words on the seal itself.
  • Money nesting doll - put the bills in an envelope, then in a bag, then in a small box, then in a large box. Wrap each package beautiful paper. When presenting a gift, wish the newlyweds enough money, despite the fact that it is obtained the hard way.
  • Savings book - we put the bills inside several envelopes, on each we write the purpose of the deposit. We make a cover from beautiful cardboard with the inscription “Savings book”, insert envelopes inside, and sew it together.
  • An original idea is an umbrella with money tied to its spokes. The umbrella is given closed, and the young people must open it. Say the words while opening the umbrella famous song“The most important thing is the weather in the house.”
  • Treasure Chest – Purchase a chest from the gift shop. Exchange your cash gift with coins and fill your chest with it. In addition, add beautiful stones that are sold in flower shops. This way the gift will look like a real pirate chest.
  • Jar with money - an inscription is pasted on a three-liter jar - greens with vegetables, dried greens, cauliflower. The jar is filled with money and given to the newlyweds.
  • Money balls - the newlyweds are given a huge box wrapped in wrapping paper. It must be opened immediately. When the box is opened, helium-filled balloons fly out with money attached to them or they are placed in the balloon itself.
  • Money bouquet - banknotes are rolled into tubes, roses and carefully inserted into the finished flower bouquet.
  • Money cake - all bills are rolled up into tubes and secured with rubber bands. The cake is built on a stand. He's tying himself up beautiful ribbons to keep its shape.
  • Casket – purchase a large casket with several compartments. Folded bills are placed inside.
  • Magic chest - a cardboard chest is made, decorated with ribbons, inscriptions, photographs, and other little things at your request. The chest is filled with several chiffon scarves tied together. The bride and groom open the chest, take one handkerchief, and pull out a whole chain several meters long. Beneath them, at the very bottom, is a cash gift.
  • A real mini-safe is ordered from a specialist and presented to the young couple along with money and the keys to it. Upon delivery, offer to store all savings in this safe.
  • Buy a decorative sailing boat at the gift shop, insert banknotes instead of sails.
  • Kinder surprise - buy a large chocolate egg, carefully separate the halves of the egg, take out the toys. Place rolled up banknotes in a box, place them in a chocolate egg, and place them together. Run a heated spoon along the seam of the chocolate. Wrap it in packaging and give it to the young ones.
  • Money vase – line the inner walls of a beautiful vase with money. Secure on top with foil. Fill the vase itself with sweets so that the entire structure does not fall apart during the holiday.

How to make a carpet out of money with your own hands

A wedding carpet made from money is an original and fun idea. It will be useless in the household, but such a gift will bring a lot of pleasure to the young couple. The bills are laid out in rows, chaotically, in some kind of pattern. It is better to use bills of different denominations so that the pattern looks varied. To make a carpet out of money, place banknotes on fabric and cover with film. Sewing each piece of money by hand or by machine.

Necessary materials

To create a carpet for a wedding from money you will need:

  • needle;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • fringe;
  • rectangle of fabric measuring 100x120 cm, 80x100 cm, size depends on the number of bills;
  • the money itself;
  • transparent film the same size as the fabric. It should not be very thin, otherwise it will tear due to the puncture, but it should not be too thick so that you get tired of sewing it.

Schemes for crafts

Before you start sewing, you need to think about the order in which the money will be placed. Lay them out on the fabric in several ways and see how it looks more original. Lay out the money in order or in the form of some kind of pattern. Carpets in which bills are arranged in sections look very interesting, for example, six bills together, arranged in a square, followed by another similar square after a short distance. The distance between the money squares is decorated, for example, with ribbons.

How to trim edges with fringe

When you have covered all the money, let's start decorating with fringe. Cover the top and sides with wide braid, and the bottom with fringe. It is not forbidden to completely decorate all edges with fringe. When you attach the braid, bend it in half, because it should be on the film and fabric side, so the edges will look much neater. It is better to sew on the fringe by hand, as some machines chew on the film and as a result the product will be damaged.

Options for congratulatory poems for a cash gift

To this an original gift A wedding, like a carpet of money, requires original accompanying wishes. Come up with your own suitable speech for a monetary gift that will reveal the essence of the gift, show your imagination: for example, if the newlyweds have moved into a new apartment, give money with words for new equipment or furniture. It is not forbidden to use ready-made wishes in poetic form. If you find it difficult to remember, write the verse on greeting card and peek.

Absolutely everyone knows -
There is never too much money!
That's why I'm giving you an envelope
With a sum of money for you!
I know what a gift it is
It will give you pleasure.
Feel free to spend on anything!
Money is a profitable business!

This cash gift
Take it from me now!
There is not much and not little here,
And literally just right!
They say money doesn't buy happiness,
But it’s sad to live without them.
Enjoy spending them
Buy everything you want!

To celebrate a happy occasion
There is a surprise to live without vicissitudes!
I wish you well,
Pleasure, health and joy!
Keep some big money as a gift,
Buy yourself any beauty with them,
Looking from the depths of the windows, golden,
Their sorrows drove away the darkness.

Everything in life can be useful,
And the plot on the Moon could be good for something,
True, in order to achieve something,
It takes a lot of hard work!
To make a great start
We give you a little and a lot,
To “where to live?” no question arose
We will give you this first payment for the apartment!

Everything in life matters:
Shopping, budget, fun!
On your wedding day, we will give you money,
And the choice of gift is yours!

We give money to young people!
Here's some copper money for you,
So that you are not poor!
Here's some silver for you
So be it, good luck to you!
Here's paper money for you,
So that you are important!

We thought and wondered for a long time,
What to give you.
So, to be original,
Unconventionally, from the heart.
What could be more unconventional?
And be more original
Than the thing that you yourself chose
And decided to buy one for yourself?
So our creativity
Appreciate it from the heart
Accept cash quickly -
And don’t delay the purchase!