Sport style. Project "sportswear" Presentation on the topic of sportswear

“Udmurt clothes” - Everyday dresses. Kut (bast shoes). Women's casual outerwear - zybyn. Cheptar Durham. Ashshet (apron). Kutchan (shoes). Camisole. Festive. Decorations. Everyday. Kuriskis (priest) also wore a shot-derem. Zaka (bib). Kizie Durham. Cloth. Apron. Quam Durham (woven dresses). Setyk (boots). Dress.

"Fashionable Swimwear" - Avoid strong contrasts in colors. Monochrome swimsuits. What should you observe when choosing a swimsuit? When choosing a swimsuit, take only your size. Practical and fashionable - this is exactly what a beach set should be this season. What are the most beautiful swimsuits of the new season? Don't buy swimsuits with narrow straps, avoid thongs and low waists.

“Making a dress” - I took a silk ribbon 50 cm long and 4 cm wide. I sewed the threads from the bottom - in my hand I held the wrong side of the ribbon. To make my dress, I chose artificial fabric (crepe-satin). Economic assessment. Lowering the foot, continue sewing in a new direction. Decorative design. Allowances for a loose fit: 1. Pt = 1 cm 2. Pb = 1 cm 3. Pg = 5 cm 4. Pshs = 1 cm 5. Pshg = 1 cm 6. Pshgor = 0.5 cm 7. Pdst = 0.5 cm 8. Pdtp = 0.5 cm 9. Pspr = 2 cm.

“Fashion and Model” - Sleep disturbance. And only at the age of 42 does he achieve success. Christian Dior. Then a psychiatrist is required, not a surgeon. Bulimia, like anorexia, is a mental disorder. Luisel Ramos. About diet. “Progressive weight loss. The name Dior becomes a symbol of elegance and beauty. And finally... What can you say about anorexia and blimia? -You have strange questions. *laughs*.

“Fashion of the 20th century” - In any case - no more corsets under the dress! History of clothing of the 20th century. 60s fashion. Women's fashion of the 10s. All decoration is laconic, clean geometric shapes. 50s fashion "femininity". Dream girl of the 60s: hairstyle - bouffant cut, slightly wavy hair. Small hats, small bags and gloves are very popular.

“Types of fabrics” - Natural fur. Natural fur: mink, jungle cat, sable, fox. Padding materials: non-woven fabric, padding polyester, dublerin, lining. Glue method. Combined method. Knitting, stitching and adhesive method. Decoration Materials. Faux fur is made on a knitted or woven basis.

There are 11 presentations in total

MBOU Bondarskaya Secondary School Project “Sportswear” Prepared by: 4th grade student Nikolay Umrikhin Supervisor: primary school teacher MBOU Bondarskaya Secondary School Prokopyeva E.V. Relevance of the project Relevance of the project Nowadays, most people have poor health due to a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition. To improve the health of the nation, standards for passing the GTO were introduced, and sports activities were promoted. Naturally, in order to play sports you need comfortable sportswear. Problem

  • The main and important problem today is that the requirements for clothing have not been established. In this regard, it was necessary to develop special requirements, taking as a basis the existing requirements for special and sportswear
  • Determining what properties and qualities sportswear should have and what material is best to buy sportswear from
  • learn the history of sportswear;
  • describe the properties of clothing;
  • compare materials for making sportswear;
  • conduct a survey;
  • draw a conclusion
Progress of the study
  • Read books and find Internet sites about the origins of sportswear.
  • Ask your mother and sister about sports and the properties of sportswear.
  • View sportswear in the store.
  • Compare material quality for sportswear.
The emergence of sportswear
  • The introduction of sportswear into fashion was driven by the focus on health and fitness in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and the popularity of tourism and travel.
  • Sportswear is developed taking into account ergonomics, low temperature conditions and other adverse effects, and the need to protect the athlete from injury.
  • All sportswear should be made from artificial material that will evaporate moisture as quickly as possible. Natural materials, unlike artificial ones, will absorb moisture, and the evaporation process will be very long.
  • Thermal conductivity of clothing. This property of the fabric directly depends on the porosity, the method of weaving the fibers, and the structure of the fabric. High ventilation capabilities.
  • Water resistance. Clothing purchased for sports must protect from precipitation.
  • Wear resistance of materials. For sports, you need clothing that can withstand prolonged physical activity. It is important that when playing sports, your clothes fit well and securely, and do not fall off during exercise. Such functions will be provided by the elasticity of the fabric. Also, you should not use wrinkleable types of fabric for sports; they have low wear resistance.
  • . Antibacterial. Many modern manufacturers, when sewing sportswear, impregnate them with a special substance that will kill bacteria and prevent the appearance of an unpleasant odor. This property is not mandatory for sportswear.
Cotton or synthetic? Cotton
  • There is no doubt about the positive qualities of natural cotton. It is very light, perfectly breathable, allowing the skin to breathe, pleasant to the touch and does not cause allergic reactions. It would seem, what else is needed for a sports outfit? However, pure cotton is not used for the production of sportswear. The fact is that this material is quite capricious: it does not like washing, wears out quickly and loses its shape. Therefore, a T-shirt made from natural material is usually a cotton product, that is, made from natural material with the addition of artificial fiber.
  • Synthetic fiber is a product of the chemical industry. Modern Synthetic fabrics are not only harmless and hypoallergenic. All modern sportswear is made from fabric with the addition of breathable microfiber.
  • Increasingly, products made from synthetic fabrics with special antibacterial impregnation are found on the sportswear market. This impregnation destroys pathogenic microbes that appear on our skin while we train hard. And professional athletes have long been using clothing with built-in sensors that are capable of transmitting complete information about a person’s biometric parameters to special monitors.
  • I concluded:
  • it turns out that synthetic fabrics are significantly superior to natural ones;
  • they are stronger and more durable, hold their shape better, are not afraid of regular washing, do not lose color and do not wrinkle. In addition, synthetic fabrics breathe well, keeping you warm and cool when needed.
  • I decided to make sketches of different tracksuits myself.
Sportswear should be
  • Convenient
  • Elastic
  • Made from good material
  • Beautiful
Criterias of choice
  • During the research, I learned which fabric is best to buy sportswear from, and also became acquainted with the basic properties of sportswear.
Information sources
  • Rozanova E.A., Moskalenko N.G., Nomokonova N.N. DEVELOPMENT OF A STRUCTURE OF CLOTHING QUALITY INDICATORS FOR EXTREME SPORTS // Modern problems of science and education. – 2013. – No. 6.;
  • URL:

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Sports uniform for physical education and sports classes. Fominykh Oksana Vladimirovna Physical education instructor MBDOU No. 18 “Ryabinka”

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What are sportswear for? The selection of clothing and footwear affects performance. Sportswear maintains optimal thermal balance of the body during physical exercise and sports. Provides effective sports activity, protection from injuries and mechanical damage.

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What should it be like? Lightweight, comfortable, do not restrict movement, correspond to the height and fullness of the child Materials must be breathable, hygroscopic, soft, and elastic

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Air permeability: Air permeability ensures the maintenance of thermal balance with the environment and the removal of moisture and skin secretions from the underwear space. The breathability of clothing provides the necessary ventilation of the underwear space. With insufficient ventilation, well-being and performance deteriorate. Porous, cloth, and knitted fabrics have good breathability.

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Hygroscopicity: Hygroscopicity is the property of fabrics to adsorb vapor from the surrounding air on their surface, absorb sweat and moisture. This is especially important to ensure normal heat exchange. The high hygroscopicity of the materials allows you to absorb evaporating sweat from the surface of the skin during sports exercises, while simultaneously maintaining a sufficient level of heat-protective properties. Knitted products made from natural fibers also have good hygroscopicity.

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Softness and rigidity The softness or rigidity of a fabric is of great hygienic importance. The degree of bending rigidity is estimated by its inverse value - flexibility. The flexibility of fabrics depends on the weave and density. Knitwear has the greatest flexibility, since the threads of the fabric are not fixed and are movable relative to each other. Modern sportswear, as a rule, is made of elastic fabrics with high breathability, which absorb sweat well and promote its rapid evaporation.

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Sportswear: Consists of a cotton T-shirt, shorts and socks. The sports uniform is stored in a separate fabric bag and must be signed for the convenience of children and teachers. The parent is obliged to monitor the cleanliness of the child’s sports uniform and wash it in a timely manner; this is important from a hygiene point of view. It is unhygienic to use sportswear in everyday life.

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Sports shoes: Hygienic requirements for sports shoes largely coincide with the requirements for sportswear. Sports shoes must be comfortable, light, durable, soft and elastic. Shoe materials must be durable, with good breathability. The design and material of shoes when worn must provide an optimal microclimate around the feet. child

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The shape of sports shoes is important. They should fit the foot evenly, fix its shape, and not squeeze the soft tissues of the foot; do not cause pain both at rest and during movement; do not limit movement in the joints, and also ensure maximum freedom of movement. Sports shoe materials must be able to take and maintain the shape of the foot under the influence of external influences without significant changes in the internal shape and appearance. Sports shoes should have a minimum weight. It is very important that the shoes fully correspond to the size of the foot. Thus, limiting the mobility of the toes in shoes with a narrowed toe section leads to greater effort when running and a decrease in stability. Insufficient shoe length leads to bending of the toes and rubbing of the toes by the shoes. In excessively loose shoes, the foot loses stability and may be subject to damage to the ligaments and joints.

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Parents need to take into account that children grow quickly, and if at the beginning of the school year the child’s shoes were just right for him, then six months later, the shoes, sneakers or sneakers may become too small for the child and will cause great discomfort when moving. Dear parents, remember that it is strictly forbidden to buy slippers, sneakers or sneakers “for growth”, as this can lead to improper formation of the foot and even posture, and can also lead to injuries.

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Sports uniform is an important factor in the safety of children during exercise. Sports uniform does not constrain or limit the movement of children. It does not create situations that are dangerous to the health of children during joint activities. Properly selected sports shoes will keep your child’s feet healthy and also protect him from falling on a smooth floor. Having a uniform allows the child to feel comfortable psychologically. By putting on a sports uniform, the child tunes in and internally prepares for the upcoming activity, which increases the effectiveness of physical activity. A sports uniform helps a child socialize and feel involved in a common cause. Thanks to a tracksuit and sports shoes, the child gets the idea that special clothing is necessary for certain types of activities. And if these clothes are also beautiful, neat and tidy, this creates the prerequisites for the development of aesthetic perception of joint activities.

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Dear parents! Be more careful when choosing sportswear and shoes for your children, because not only the aesthetic appearance of children, but also their health depends on this, and this is the most important thing. Good luck to your children in physical education classes!

Sportswear and footwear are clothing and footwear specifically designed for various sports. They are part of individual equipment.

Sportswear and shoes should provide favorable conditions for the functioning of the body during intense physical exercise and sports in various meteorological conditions. In this case, the specific features of sports and the rules of competitions must also be taken into account. The design features of clothing and shoes must not only take into account sports and technical requirements, but also comply with hygiene rules.



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Slide captions:

Hygiene of sportswear and shoes

Sportswear and footwear are clothing and footwear specifically designed for various sports. They are part of individual equipment. Sportswear and shoes should provide favorable conditions for the functioning of the body during intense physical exercise and sports in various meteorological conditions. In this case, the specific features of sports and the rules of competitions must also be taken into account. The design features of clothing and shoes must not only take into account sports and technical requirements, but also comply with hygiene rules.

Hygienic requirements for sportswear Sportswear must maintain optimal thermal balance of the body during physical exercise and sports, provide effective sports activity, protection from injuries and mechanical damage. It should be light, comfortable, not restrict movement, and correspond to height and fullness. Modern sportswear is characterized by a high degree of fit to the body, without allowance for loose fit, which is associated with the better aerodynamic properties of tight-fitting elastic clothing.

Air permeability ensures the maintenance of thermal balance with the environment and the removal of carbon dioxide, moisture and skin secretions from the underwear space. The breathability of clothing provides the necessary ventilation of the underwear space. With insufficient ventilation, well-being and performance deteriorate. Porous and thick woolen, cloth, and knitted fabrics have good breathability. Products made from lavsan and chlorine allow air to pass through well. Products made from dense cotton and linen fabrics, nylon and other synthetic fibers have low air permeability. Fabrics coated with various waterproof materials, as well as rubberized clothing, do not have pores and, therefore, completely eliminate air exchange. Such clothing protects well from wind and rain and should only be used in such cases.

Vapor permeability is the ability to pass water vapor both from the inside and outside. It depends on the thickness and porosity of the material and must ensure the preservation of normal heat exchange and the release of gaseous waste products. Volatility is the ability to release moisture through evaporation. Thin and smooth fabrics dry faster. Wool loses water more slowly than cotton fabric, and therefore cools the body less. This property is especially important to consider during sports activities in conditions of high air temperature. Water capacity is the ability of a material to retain moisture. When clothing gets wet, its thermal conductivity increases. The thermal conductivity of wetted woolen fabrics increases by 1.6-2.2 times, and that of cotton fabrics by 3-4 times, so clothing after rain or soaking then cools the body more strongly. Wet fabric becomes less breathable. Thick underwear allows almost no air to pass through, while knitwear reduces air permeability by only 30%.

Creaseability is an important property of fabrics. It reflects the degree of elasticity of the fabric, its ability to maintain its appearance after mechanical stress. Clothing made from wrinkle-resistant materials retains its original appearance for a long time. Wrinkles that form when wrinkled not only worsen the appearance of clothing, but also accelerate its wear, especially on the folds. During operation, the properties of materials deteriorate. This phenomenon is called wear. Wear resistance is the ability of a material to maintain its appearance and properties unchanged during operation, or, in other words, wear resistance.

The clothing of a physical trainer and athlete usually consists of a T-shirt, shorts, and a cotton or woolen knitted suit. During winter sports, sportswear with high heat-protective and windproof properties is used. Usually this is cotton underwear, a woolen suit or sweater with trousers, and a hat. In strong winds, wear a windproof jacket on top. Various types of sportswear made from synthetic fabrics are recommended to be used only for protection from wind, rain, snow, etc. It is unhygienic to use sportswear in everyday life.

Hygienic requirements for sports shoes Hygienic requirements for sports shoes largely coincide with the requirements for sportswear. Sports shoes should be comfortable, light, durable, soft and elastic. It must have good water resistance, sufficient ventilation, and after moistening it must not lose flexibility and not change shape and size. Sports shoes must be suitable for weather conditions and the characteristics of various types of physical exercise and sports.

Shoe materials must be durable, have poor thermal conductivity (for winter shoes), good breathability, and protect from dampness, cooling, frostbite and mechanical stress. The design of shoes must ensure the timely removal of decay products from the space inside the shoe, i.e., have sufficient ventilation to prevent overheating of the feet and sweating. All of the above hygienic requirements are interrelated and can be combined into one comprehensive requirement - the design and material of shoes when worn must ensure an optimal microclimate around a person’s feet: temperature 21-33 ° C, humidity 60-73% (in shoes made of genuine leather - 64. 3%), carbon dioxide content 0.8%.

The design of shoes should help remove static electricity charges. The shape of sports shoes is important. It should fit the foot evenly, fix its shape, and not squeeze the soft tissues of the foot; do not cause pain both at rest and during movement; do not limit movement in the joints, and also ensure maximum freedom of movement. The length, width and height of the toe part of sports shoes should allow free movement of the toes. The underarch of the shoe must correspond to the longitudinal arch of the foot and have shock-absorbing properties. The heel part of the shoe should create a nest for the heel and cover it evenly, which ensures a stable position for it. Sports shoe materials must be able to take and maintain the shape of the foot under the influence of external influences without significant changes in the internal shape and appearance. Sports shoes should have a minimum mass, and their bottom should have shock-absorbing ability, i.e., weaken the force of impacts when moving: when the load is absorbed, part of it should be absorbed, and part of it should be dispersed over the area of ​​support. It is very important that the athlete’s shoes fully match the size of the foot. Thus, restricting the mobility of the toes in shoes with a narrowed toe section leads to greater effort when running, decreased stability, and rapid cooling due to poor circulation (especially in winter). Insufficient shoe length leads to bending of the toes and rubbing of the toes by the shoes. In excessively loose shoes, the foot loses stability and may be subject to damage to the ligaments and joints.