The baby moves in the stomach all the time. What to do if the baby is pushing in the stomach? If the movements are intense

From time immemorial, expectant mothers listened with anxiety, joy and hope to the movements of their unborn baby. And today, in the 21st century, despite the wide choice of modern methods for studying the intrauterine state of the fetus, movement remains the main indicator of the child’s well-being, confirming his viability.

In order to better understand the “language” of fetal movements, let us recall some stages of the baby’s development in the mother’s womb, scientifically the stages of embryogenesis.

In the human embryo, the first heartbeats appear on the 21st day of development. Elements of skeletal muscle begin to develop due to early contractile activity. Rhythmic contractile activity of primary muscle fibers is observed even before the nervous system of the embryo begins to take shape.

At the end of the embryonic period (end of the 8th week of pregnancy) and the beginning of the fetal period (from the 8th week of pregnancy), the fetal nervous system begins to develop, which is responsible for motor activity. By this moment, there is already muscle tissue, there are nerve fibers that “send” impulses to the muscles, ensuring their contraction. Motor reflexes caused by excitation of nerve endings have been established since the end of the 8th week of pregnancy. The first reflexes in response to irritation of the perioral zone (near the mouth) - the mandibular (buccal) and maxillary (maxillary) branches of the trigeminal nerve occur in the fetus at 7.5 weeks of pregnancy.

From the 10th week of pregnancy, reflexes appear caused by irritation of the areas of the skin to which the spinal nerves go. In a word, the baby begins to move in the uterus quite early. True, these movements are not yet coordinated and not conscious, and the relative sizes of the embryo and amniotic sac are such that the embryo floats freely in the amniotic fluid and rarely touches the wall of the uterus so that the mother can feel it.

already from the 10th week of pregnancy, having encountered the wall of the uterus, the baby can change the trajectory of movement;
from 9 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus can swallow amniotic fluid, and this is a complex motor process;
at 16 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus begins to experience motor activity in response to sounds (primarily the mother’s voice, and changes in its intonation);
at 17 weeks the fetus begins to squint;
at 18 weeks - he fingers the umbilical cord with his hands, clench and unclench his fingers, touches his face and even covers his face with his hands when there are sharp, loud and unpleasant sounds.

In order for the fetal brain to develop and function normally, a variety of stimuli and a sufficient level of their intensity are necessary. The perception of specific sensations has already been formed, and now the baby learns to respond to them with movement.

The date of the first fetal movement is very individual for each woman. Classical obstetrics indicates approximate periods for primigravidas and multigravidas (20 weeks and 18 weeks, respectively). But all women are different, everyone has a different threshold of sensitivity, etc. The baby is still small, and in order for you to feel movement, he needs to “break through” the thick uterine wall. So don't worry in advance. Soon you will begin to feel it. If this does not happen in the next one or two weeks, to “calm down” your soul, you can do an ultrasound and make sure that everything is in order. There's just a time for everything.

The main task of the fetus is to develop. To do this, he needs food and a lot of incentives. If there is not enough nutrition and oxygen, the fetus begins to move more actively and thereby massage the placenta in order to receive a sufficient portion of blood during uterine contractions, and with it nutrition and oxygen. Or, let’s say, the mother lies on her back, thereby squeezing the largest vessels of the body (the inferior vena cava and the bifurcation of the aorta) with the pregnant uterus. The fetus will immediately respond with violent movements and force the mother to change her body position, so pregnant women are recommended to lie only on their side. If the fetus presses against the loops of the umbilical cord, it also begins to actively move and changes its position.

In the first trimester, the child has already formed ideas about comfort. They help the baby navigate what the intensity of various external stimuli should be. The fetus discovers that by moving, it can regulate the intensity of stimulation (for example, move away from loud sounds); it becomes the “creator” of its life.

How does the expectant mother feel? Everyone describes the first movements differently. They can be similar to the splashing of a fish, the fluttering of a butterfly, or, simply, the peristalsis of the intestines. According to most pregnant women, this is one of the most exciting periods in their lives, and from this moment on, the mother becomes the most accurate and error-free “sensor” registering the condition of her baby. Many women, from the first tremors, begin to perceive the fetus as their child.

At first, the fetal movements are quite timid and uncoordinated, but gradually they are ordered and acquire a certain meaning and meaning. Within half an hour, a 5-month-old fetus can make from 20 to 60 kicks, sometimes more, sometimes less. In general, the pace, rhythm and strength of movements change depending on the time of day.

By 24 weeks of pregnancy, fetal movements resemble those of a newborn. From this age, the baby actively “talks” to his mother in the language of movements about his anxiety, joy, pleasure and his well-being. In turn, the fetus reacts very sensitively to changes in the mother’s emotional state. For example, when the mother is worried or happy, the baby may move more actively or, conversely, calm down for a while.

Excessively violent, painful movement of the fetus indicates a problem in its condition. Sometimes the baby's movements cause pain to the mother. In this case, the woman needs to change her body position. If fetal movements remain painful for a long time, for several hours, the pregnant woman should definitely inform the doctor about this. Most women notice some pain in the hypochondrium in the third trimester of pregnancy - and this is not a deviation from the norm.

What do fetal movements indicate?

You need to listen to the child's movements. A complete cessation of physical activity for 12 hours or more is a very alarming signal. Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the fetus should move on average 10-15 times per hour, it can sleep for 3 hours and still barely move. However, if the baby is too active for several days or, conversely, for several days his activity has decreased, the pregnant woman should contact her obstetrician.

There are situations when it is necessary to constantly monitor the child’s movements. In any case, if you do not feel fetal movements within 12 hours, you should consult a doctor. To independently stimulate the movement of the fetus, you can do several physical exercises, breathing exercises with holding your breath, and eat sweets.

Fetal movements can change their nature and intensity even during the day, and this is normal. Sometimes you may not notice them as these movements can be quite delicate. In order to assess the activity of the fetus in the 4th - 5th month of pregnancy, you need to do the following:

Treat yourself (and your baby) to a light breakfast (or afternoon snack). A mug of sweet tea with cream and toast (muffin, cookies, etc.) will do.
10-15 minutes after this, lie down on the bed or sofa and spend an hour or two lying quietly. Typically, such a “calorie investment” followed by motor rest on the part of the mother encourages the fetus to demonstrate its own presence.
If the attempt was unsuccessful, try again a little later (maybe last time you violated the “daily routine” and boldly tried to force the baby to do physical exercises during his “quiet hour”). If during the day the fetus does not detect motor activity, despite all your attempts to feel it, then it is advisable to consult a doctor. Listening to fetal heart sounds or a few seconds of ultrasound scanning will immediately clarify the situation.

Sudden, very active movements of the fetus may be the result of an uncomfortable position of the mother - a position in which the fetus receives less oxygen, for example, when a woman sits cross-legged or lies on her back. In this case, it is necessary to change the position. If movements remain unusually active for several hours, you should consult a doctor. So, sluggish and weak movements or overly active ones also indicate an unfavorable condition of the fetus.

In any case, there is no reason to panic. In medicine, there are cases where the expectant mother did not feel the movements of the fetus for several days, and this did not have any terrible consequences. Although, of course, it would be safer to play it safe and contact a specialist. Advanced obstetricians strongly recommend taking “control” of the motor activity of the fetus, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy. At this stage, fetal movements are an indicator of its well-being. Control is carried out twice every day - in the morning and in the evening.

This is the D. Pearson "Count to Ten" fetal movement test. On a special card, the number of fetal movements is recorded daily from 28 weeks of pregnancy. The counting of movements begins at 9:00 and ends at 21:00. Start counting fetal movements at exactly 9 am, write down the time of the 10th movement in a table or graph. A small number of movements (less than 10 per day) may indicate oxygen deficiency in the fetus and is a reason to consult a doctor.

The assessment is done as follows:
Mark the start time of counting.
Record all the baby’s movements (turns, pushes, kicks, movements, including slight ones).
As soon as you have noted ten movements of the baby, record the end time of the counting.
If 10 - 20 minutes have passed from the first to the tenth fetal movement, then the baby is quite active.
If it’s a little more, then it’s probably time for him to rest, or your baby is not initially a highly active person.
If an hour has passed, then have a snack as indicated above and repeat the control count.
If the fetus takes an hour again, then an emergency consultation with a doctor is required.
There should be no panic. Instead, there must be a conscious, attentive attitude towards one’s own pregnancy. As for the strength and nature of the fetal movements, you should not base any predictions on the baby’s health on these signs if the tests described above are normal. If necessary, a competent doctor will be able to extract useful information from the nature of fetal movements, but most often this is not particularly necessary.

If twins are developing, it may seem that fetal movements are felt everywhere and are very intense. An ultrasound can dispel doubts if it is confirmed that two fetuses are developing in the uterus.
The maximum increase in fetal motor activity is observed from the 24th to the 32nd week of pregnancy. Then it gradually decreases; This is especially noticeable at the time of childbirth. By the end of the third trimester, the number of movements may decrease somewhat, but their intensity and, one might say, their strength remain the same or increase.

It is also interesting that towards the end of pregnancy the most active movements are felt at the location of the fetal limbs. So, if the baby lies head down (this happens in the vast majority of cases), then movements are clearly felt in the upper parts of the uterus; if the pelvic end is adjacent to the exit from the uterus (breech presentation), movements are more distinct in the lower sections. Counting the frequency of fetal movements for 30 minutes in the morning and evening shows that in healthy pregnant women it increases in the evening. The motor activity of the fetus characterizes its condition.

What does the baby’s unusual “behavior” mean?

If there is a deviation from the normal rhythm, frequency and nature of movements, listening to heart sounds, ultrasound, and CTG (cardiotocography) are necessary. What kind of intrauterine suffering are we talking about when we talk about disturbances in the motor activity of the fetus? Most often, intrauterine fetal suffering is caused by hypoxia (oxygen starvation).

Causes of hypoxia:
pregnancy complications,
various diseases (anemia, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc.),
fetoplacental insufficiency,
prolapse from the uterine cavity and pressing of the fallen umbilical cord loops by the fetal head,
Fetal diseases (Rh-conflict, fetal infection).

Acute oxygen deficiency can be diagnosed by auscultation (listening) to fetal heart sounds. In case of chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia, cardiotocography indicators (recording heartbeats using a special device) are more informative. When the fetus moves, the heart rate normally increases by 10-15 beats per minute.

In the initial stages of intrauterine hypoxia, restless fetal behavior is noted, which consists of increased frequency and intensification of its motor activity. With progressive hypoxia of the fetus, a weakening and cessation of its movements occurs.

A reminder to expectant mothers: the baby’s first movements are not only an indicator of his condition, but also unique sensations that a woman can experience only in this short, but such a happy period of her life.

Truth and falsehoods about baby movements?

Is it true that an unborn child can recognize the father's voice, feel the mother's mood and have likes or dislikes for music? Is he able to react to this with movement?

Is it true. It has been proven that starting from the 20th week of intrauterine development, the child reacts to external noises. A study found that unborn babies prefer Mozart and calm, slow music: it soothes them and they fall asleep in their natural cradle. But if a pregnant woman comes to a motorcycle race or to an apartment where renovations are underway, she will most likely feel nervous tremors in her stomach.

Is it true that a child, while in the womb, can distinguish between day and night: he is active during the day and sleeps at night? If the expectant mother lies down to rest during the day, does the baby begin to push and squirm vigorously?

Not true. The baby still does not distinguish between day and night. He has his own sleep pattern, which may not at all coincide with his mother’s. As for strange tremors, the baby may hiccup or cough. This is completely harmless, many women are delighted with the “knocking” inside themselves that they feel when the baby hiccups or coughs: they say that it is felt much more acutely than when he simply turns around.

Is it true that you can determine his temperament by the movements of a baby?

True, even an unborn child is already a person and has the right to his own temperament. One baby is quite active in the womb, while the other is calm, and the expectant mother, having listened to the advice of “experienced” mothers, begins to worry that she has little sense of her baby. Under no circumstances should you listen to “authoritative” statements from friends about the baby’s beginning to move. And, of course, all women perceive such sensations differently. The period at which a woman feels the first movements of the fetus is from 16 to 25 weeks, and this depends on many factors, such as: the location of the placenta, the experience of the mother, the character of the baby. A calm child is not so bad, is it? But this is a joke. But seriously - if the doctor says that there is no need to worry, then everything is in order. After 28 weeks, the baby should make itself known at least ten times a day. This can happen not only while you are awake, but also when you are asleep.

Is it true that all the movements and movements of the baby can always be seen through the stomach?

Not always, it's all about the location of the placenta. During one pregnancy, the placenta is positioned so that all the baby’s movements are visible, but if the placenta is located closer to the anterior wall of the uterus, this does not happen, and the tremors are felt weaker. The placenta weighs about a kilogram and is about four centimeters thick. So it is not surprising that with this arrangement it serves as a kind of shock absorber for fetal shocks. When the placenta is located closer to the back wall of the uterus, nothing prevents the baby’s movements from being transmitted along the abdominal wall.

Dear expectant mothers, the baby’s first movements are not only an indicator of his condition, but also unique sensations that a woman can experience only in this short, but such a happy period of her life. We wish you and your baby health

The baby is actively moving in the stomach - is this good or bad? Should we consider this a feature of the baby’s temperament or a sign of some pathology? Let's speculate.

Pregnancy is the most delightful period in the life of any woman. But along with pleasant emotions, many fears and questions often arise. Expectant mothers are concerned about how the baby feels in the womb, and its too active turning and pushing can become a cause for great concern.

How actively should a baby move at different stages of pregnancy? On average, a woman begins to feel fetal movements starting at 20 weeks of pregnancy. After 24 weeks, movements become stronger, and by the end of pregnancy the baby’s activity decreases.

We can name the following reasons why the baby is actively moving in the mother’s tummy.

1. Reaction to external factors. With active movements, the baby can show his dissatisfaction with his mother’s posture, loud sounds and music, and bright light aimed at the stomach. Try changing your body position, dimming too bright lights or turning down the music, and your baby will calm down.

2. Mom’s mood. Your baby's restless movements may be a reaction to your anxiety, worry, or fear. Try to be less nervous so that your baby doesn’t worry along with you.

3. A certain period of pregnancy. From 24 to 32 weeks, the child’s activity is periodic. This is due to its rapid growth, development and desire to understand the world around it, which is so far limited to the walls of the uterus.

4. Daily routine. Sometimes the child pushes hard in his mother’s stomach. After all, he lives according to his own specific regime. Active tremors are observed during wakefulness, and lulls occur during sleep, which lasts about 3 hours in a row.

5. Hiccups. Sometimes the baby's frequent movements can be confused with hiccups, which occur during pregnancy due to the baby swallowing amniotic fluid. Hiccups are an absolutely normal, recurring phenomenon. It should not be a reason to worry about the health of the baby.
After 24 weeks of pregnancy, the norm is 10-15 movements per hour (excluding sleep time).

Sometimes it pays to be extra vigilant. For example, if the nature of the child’s movements has changed, they have become stronger and more intense, the baby actively moves without a break for sleep. This may be a sign of a lack of oxygen, that is, hypoxia. In this case, you should definitely consult a doctor who will prescribe cardiotocography (a method of counting the heart rate and fetal movements per hour) or Doppler ultrasound, which is performed using a special ultrasound machine. If indirect evidence of fetal hypoxia is received, the doctor will most likely recommend hospitalization and prescribe treatment to improve the condition and health of the baby. But it is more dangerous if the child does not actively move; this almost always indicates oxygen deficiency and intrauterine growth retardation.

Before contractions, the baby usually calms down inside, movements become rare and less intense. Therefore, they say that labor is approaching if the baby stops moving a lot. When at 40 weeks the baby actively moves, this is rather an exception to the rule, since there is very little space in the uterus for the baby. The baby will most likely roll over, straighten his legs and arms, but, for example, he will not be able to roll over.

Active movement of the fetus before birth can sometimes indicate oxygen starvation or some kind of discomfort. Try taking a walk in the fresh air and then listen to your baby's behavior. If active movements have not stopped, then it would be advisable to visit a doctor just in case, since hypoxia is dangerous at any time.

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Every woman who is going to become a mother remembers for the rest of her life the moment when she felt the first movements of her child.

If until this time pregnancy was perceived more as a source of various restrictions and a growing belly, now it becomes clear that a new life is growing inside. Any movements are perceived as the main evidence of the child’s normal functioning.

First fetal movement

Women do not recognize the first movements as manifestations of the child’s activity; they may think that it is just a grumbling intestine or an itchy stomach. The child begins to move as early as the seventh week of intrauterine development, but at this time he is so small that it is impossible to feel his movements. Most often, the first movements can be noticed at about 20 weeks of pregnancy.

If it is a woman’s first pregnancy, then this sometimes happens at 22-24 weeks, and if it is the second or any subsequent one, then movements are felt already from 17-18 weeks. Perhaps this is also due to the fact that experienced mothers listen to themselves more clearly and already know what signs to pay attention to. This phenomenon is also explained by the fact that the uterus of a multiparous woman is itself more sensitive.

Also, the timing of the first noticeable movement of the baby also depends on the build of the expectant mother, since obese women, due to the shortcomings of their figure, can only detect fairly noticeable movements of the baby, and this is typical already at 22-25 weeks of pregnancy.

If a woman is expecting her first child, then she may simply not know what sensations to expect and what indicates the normal development of pregnancy or some abnormalities. At first, the baby’s movements bear little resemblance to kicks or blows, which are usually talked about, since there is still enough space for him and a lot of space where he can move freely. That is why if a woman thinks that something is wrong with her, it is better for her to see a doctor, but her stomach continues to grow, but there is no reason to worry.

Sometimes it happens that a delay in “movements” may be due to incorrect movements. In this case, you can consult several specialists and go through. If the mother leads an active lifestyle, then she may also not notice the movements of the fetus, since she simply does not have time to pay attention to the “light stroking” from the inside.


Fetal movement activity

The baby's peak activity in intrauterine development will occur around the beginning of the third trimester. At this time, the child has already grown enough for the mother to feel him well, but he does not yet experience any special tightness inside the abdomen.

Experts have even developed a special calendar in which expectant mothers should mark periods of activity and rest for their child. These data make it possible to assess the condition of the baby in intrauterine life and sometimes even prevent the development of certain pathologies.

Indicators of fetal motor activity - norm and deviations

During the day, the fetus inside the mother has periods of wakefulness followed by periods of sleep - motor activity varies accordingly, which is why gynecologists who monitor the development of pregnancy recommend taking into account the baby’s motor activity over a sufficiently long period of time.

The number of movements also directly depends on the duration of pregnancy - at the end of the first half, at 18-20 weeks of gestation, the first movements felt by the expectant mother are limited to 200 movements in 24 hours, while by the beginning of maternity leave (30-32 weeks) the number of movements increases up to 600.

There are factors whose influence can enhance fetal movements. These include:

  • time of day - the baby is more active in the evening and at night, which in some cases prevents the expectant mother from resting normally;
  • the woman’s condition – severe stress (psychological) stimulates motor activity, while the woman’s physical activity has a calming effect on the child (the baby is more active when the mother is resting);
  • food intake - with a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the serum (slight hunger in matter), movements intensify. A rapid increase in glucose concentration after eating sweets has the same effect;
  • – they can enhance or slow down motor activity;
  • prolonged stay of the mother in an uncomfortable position.

In an hour, a woman usually feels 10-15 pushes while the baby is awake; doctors consider the absence of fetal movements for 3-4 hours in a row (during sleep) to be normal indicators.


When assessing the motor activity of the fetus, both the child’s excessively violent tremors and weak, rare movements are taken into account - both of these symptoms may indicate the development of acute and chronic oxygen starvation. These conditions require the mandatory attention of a doctor, and the successful outcome of pregnancy may depend on the timeliness of treatment.

In addition, slower movements may indicate, and the feeling of pain accompanying the child's kicks becomes the first manifestation.

Today in medical practice the following methods are used to assess the activity of fetal movements:

  • Pearson method - a pregnant woman should count the kicks and movements of the baby for 12 hours in a row at rest. Initially, the scale marks the start time of observation (the first movement of the fetus), and then the expectant mother must count the number of movements and mark the time of the 10th movement on the graph. A normal indicator is considered to be a result when less than 60 minutes pass between the first and tenth fetal movement. If the time interval is longer, then doctors advise the woman to use any method that helps stimulate the motor activity of the fetus. In the event that none of these methods gives the expected result, an in-depth examination of the pregnant woman is necessary.
  • The Cardiff method evaluates fetal movements over 12 consecutive hours, but the woman can choose the time of the study independently. The graph (table) shows the start time of counting, as well as the time of every 10th fetal movement. If a woman marks more than 10 movements on the graph during the entire observation period (12 hours), then the motor activity of the fetus is considered normal. If the expectant mother does not register 10 fetal movements during observation, an immediate consultation with a gynecologist and an in-depth examination are necessary.
  • The Sadowski method evaluates fetal movements after the expectant mother has eaten dinner– at rest and with an increase in glucose concentration, motor activity normally increases. It is usually advised to choose a time from 19 to 23 hours for observation. If during any hour of this time period the fetus makes 10 movements, then further observation is stopped. In the case when a woman registers less than 10 fetal movements in two hours in a row, immediate additional instrumental studies (tocography, ultrasound, Doppler) are necessary.

Before using any of the methods for assessing the motor activity of the fetus, the gynecologist prescribing such a test must tell the woman what signs she should pay attention to and if any symptoms occur, she should immediately seek help from the medical staff of the clinic (call an ambulance) ). These signs include:

  • obvious change in the mode of fetal movement;
  • complete absence of fetal movements felt by the woman for 6 hours in a row.

These signs indicate the development and progression of fetal hypoxia - only timely medical intervention can correct the situation and save the child.
During the examination, the doctor will auscultate the fetal heartbeat using an obstetric stethoscope (normal heart rate is 130-160 beats per minute).

In addition, a cardiotocographic study will be carried out in a hospital setting - simultaneous recording of fetal heart rate, motor activity and uterine tone remains one of the most reliable methods for detecting hypoxia.

Many mothers are frightened by situations when the baby is very active at first, and then remains silent for a long time. In this case, doctors advise stimulating the baby to calm your own nerves. To ensure the desired effect, you can drink a glass of milk or eat something, and then lie down to rest. Usually, the entry of new food into the mother’s body causes the baby to move actively, especially if the mother has eaten too much and the food is now putting pressure on the baby.

However, you should not rely only on your own strength. If periods of calm are repeated quite often or, conversely, the child is too active, then you need to inform your doctor about this, as this may indicate a risk of developing hypoxia and strangulation by his own umbilical cord. Gynecologists consider a normal phenomenon to be a decrease in the child’s activity before birth, as he is preparing for birth.


When the baby begins to move in the mother’s tummy, this is a very important moment. For all expectant mothers, this topic is in great demand. After all, every time you worry about whether the baby started kicking at the right time and whether he is active enough. To dispel all worries, it’s worth dotting all the i’s. I would just like to stipulate right away that each woman has her own physiology, and there are no strict standards in this matter.

When, at how many months does the baby start kicking in the first and second pregnancy?

This period cannot even be compared with anything. It is at the moment when the child pushes his tummy for the first time that you fly into seventh heaven with happiness. And after that you begin to realize that there is a new life inside you. Yes, believe me, many (especially young mothers) do not immediately understand all the responsibility and, in general, what is happening to them. And up to five months, for most, the tummy may be barely noticeable.

When this happens:

  1. Let's just say that the baby is alive and moves the entire time it is in the tummy. This is natural and normal. The fact is that in the early stages the baby is so tiny that any of his tremors are not felt. Yes, and it is located behind so many protective layers (meaning the placenta, uterus and amniotic fluid). And it also does not reach the walls of the uterus itself.
  2. The baby is growing up and the movement of the leg towards the mother’s tummy becomes noticeable. This happens on average 20 weeks during the first pregnancy.
  3. During the second and subsequent pregnancies, this important moment will come a little earlier - at 18 weeks.
  4. But! It happens that the mother begins to feel the baby’s movements as early as 16 or even 15 weeks of pregnancy. And there are cases when the baby begins to kick only at 24-25 weeks. There is no need to worry in either the first or second case (pregnant women should not be nervous at all). Better enjoy every minute of your special position.

To avoid any unanswered questions, let's take a closer look at this nuance. Why do babies kick at such different times and what is the norm:

  • The first reason is weak perceptibility and, perhaps, not even awareness of what happened. After all, the baby pushes very weakly in the first stages. Let us immediately answer why this happens a little later during the first pregnancy. For the second time, the expectant mother knows all the sensations and what they should be like.
  • The weight of the fetus plays an important role. Yes, you will feel the leg of a larger baby faster.
  • Also, the weight of the expectant mother makes its own adjustments. Slender girls will quickly feel when the baby begins to kick. And those who have a greater thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer will naturally feel movement a little later.
  • And, of course, the sensitivity threshold. Every woman has her own. Therefore, this is such an individual question that doctors set such a long period within the normal range. But, of course, no later than 25 weeks. Otherwise, you should definitely consult your doctor.
  • It also affects the activity of the young mother’s intestines. Sometimes, due to its increased work, the movement of the fetus can be overshadowed.
  • Also, the temperament, character and routine of the future baby are already evident.
  • The amount of amniotic fluid also plays a role. The more there are, the less expressive the sensations will be. And with their small number, naturally, the opposite is true.
  • Also, the location of the placenta plays a role. Those in whom it is adjacent to the back wall of the uterus will feel fetal movements a little earlier.
  • Well, of course, the baby’s health status has something to do with it. I think there is no need to go into this topic in detail.
  • By the way, the fact of whether the child is desired also has a great influence. As a rule, mothers feel the tremors of planned and long-awaited children faster.

How a baby kicks in the stomach: sensations

Words cannot convey such sensations, they must be felt. Any mother will say this, especially to her unmarried friend (who is about to have her own children). Yes, it's a really nice feeling. But, rather, not physically, but spiritually.

The sensation of how your baby kicks will change as he grows. And this is natural:

  • In the very first stages, somewhere up to the 15th week, it was already stated above that the movements were simply not noticeable. Rumbling in the stomach even gives more signals. There are cases when mothers claim that they hear the baby (especially young ones who want to quickly feel it for themselves). Sometimes, indeed, in the early stages one can faintly notice its movements, but they are often confused with normal intestinal activity. Especially considering the fact that pregnant women have increased gas production.
  • After 15 weeks the sensations are already more noticeable and understandable. That is why most mothers begin to feel the baby kicking. Naturally, they can be different for each mother. But on average, the shocks are pleasant, barely noticeable, reminiscent of a kind of gurgling. Some compare it to the fluttering or even the touch of a feather. But over time, this feather will show which bird is sitting in mom’s tummy.
  • After 20 weeks, movements become obvious. You can catch some of his movements. By the way, he can still turn and somersault. Therefore, it is still difficult to understand whether he kicked with his hand or his foot. The sensation is a little like a fish swimming. She splashes in the water, and her movements are even pleasant. The movements become like a push. For example, he could touch with his leg. But they are very tender and light. By the way, during this period the baby may hiccup and the mother will be able to understand this. These will be rhythmic twitchings within yourself. They will be especially noticeable in a lying position.

  • Closer to 24 weeks the tremors can no longer be confused with anything. Sometimes even kicks or fist bumps can make it difficult to fall asleep.
  • 25 week are considered the peak activity of the baby. He still has room to spare and is strong enough for long stays. On average, there should be at least 10 tremors somewhere in a day. By the way, you need to take into account that each baby has his own regime. Babies also sleep in the tummy, which means they are not active. It feels like real shoving.
  • TO 28 weeks the child assumes a head-down position. The thrust of the leg or the blow of the cam is already becoming noticeable. But, if the child has not yet accepted this position, then there is no need to be afraid or worry. He still has 8 weeks left. That is, closer to 36 weeks the baby will take the correct position.
  • As a rule, after 32 weeks the baby’s kicking is no longer very pleasant. Often expectant mothers complain that the baby kicks hard to one side or interferes with normal lying. That is, he already indicates an uncomfortable position. If mom is lying down incorrectly, the baby will immediately let her know about it by kicking her in the side. And as soon as you change your position, the child calms down. The leg can already be clearly seen or even felt with your hand (when he put it out). Every day the baby becomes more and more cramped in his home and his mother clearly senses any of his movements.

Why does a child kick strongly and painfully in the stomach very often?

Mothers are interested in this question mainly in later stages. The baby is still too weak in the early weeks and has enough space so as not to cause discomfort to the mother. But any changes in your body should be discussed with your doctor. Especially those aspects that make you uncomfortable or worried. Let's look at those cases when you need to urgently go to the hospital, and when this is within normal limits.

  • The most common reason why a child pushes hard or too actively is that the mother is lying uncomfortably. Yes, as soon as you roll over to the other side or change the sitting position for too long, the baby calms down.
  • Also, the baby can express his dissatisfaction. Already at this age, the baby can show his character. Maybe he doesn’t like some external odors or the taste of food. Or maybe mom listens to music too loudly (or her tastes just don’t match). Naturally, you need to change the situation.
  • And it may sound strange, but the baby may not like what his mother is doing. Especially if the activity takes a long time. For example, a mother sits for a long time in an uncomfortable position for the baby and embroiders or watches TV. Well, you just need to change the type of activity. Or at least just to warm up after sitting for a long time.

  • Everyone knows that a child experiences all her emotions with his mother. Therefore, take a closer look at yourself. Perhaps you've been a little nervous for a few days or haven't been sleeping well lately, and your baby senses your tiredness. In this case, you should drink tea with chamomile or mint, calm down or fall asleep.
  • By the way, you also need to be careful when it comes to food. Sometimes too sour or spicy foods can provoke overly active behavior in the baby.
  • While the baby is in his mother’s tummy, he hears perfectly everything that is happening outside. Listen, maybe your child is just glad to hear dad come home after a long day at work.
  • But what to do if everything is fine with nutrition, the posture and activity have changed, everything is fine with the nerves, but the baby just won’t calm down. You need to inform your doctor about this as soon as possible. It happens that the baby lacks oxygen. And such a problem can only be solved with drug treatment. The main thing is not to let the issue take its course and do not self-medicate.

Why does a child kick in the stomach on one side, in the left, right side, in the lower abdomen?

The timing of his thrusts can be completely different, as can the intensity of the kick. We have already figured out what is considered the norm above. But most mothers are confused by the fact that the baby pushes only on one side.

  • This is more than normal. Our arms and legs are on one side (more precisely, they bend in one direction). That is, you don’t feel the shocks on the side where your back is. This is the first plus - it means the child’s development is fine.
  • The second plus is that he does not change his position or does it extremely rarely. This means there is less chance that the baby will decide to turn his head up before giving birth.
  • On the left or right side, most likely, it simply indicates which way the child turned. That is, if he kicks on the left side, then the back is on the right side. And more often than not, the stronger blows come from the leg.

  • By the way! There is such a sign - on which side the baby kicks more often. If the main tremors are on the right side, then it will be a boy. If in the left side the baby most often reminds of itself, then it is a girl.
  • If the baby kicks in the lower abdomen, then this is not a reason to panic. Yes, the baby has turned over and his legs are down. But nothing bad happened. If this happens after 36 weeks, then you should be wary. After all, in the future it will be very difficult for the baby to roll over. Although, there are times when the baby turns over almost just before birth (this happens in both the correct and incorrect position).

How often should a baby push in the stomach?

Many expectant mothers are worried about this, to put it mildly. There are even mothers who try to rouse the baby by gently pushing their belly. And there are also children who are not allowed to sleep peacefully even at night.

  • I would like to immediately note that there is no need to focus too much attention on this. Believe me, when you start to calculate his thrusts, you only find another reason to be nervous. No, you don’t need to leave this matter to chance either. Just listen to your baby's behavior.
  • On average, a child should push his mother at least 10 times a day. If the period is short, then there are naturally fewer movements. For example, at 20 weeks there are up to 4 strokes.
  • But! This is the average. It happens that someone’s baby is too active and makes much more pushes. But for some, the child is more passive and may not reach 10.

  • Sometimes it happens that the baby is tired and was not very awake today. Naturally, this depends on the mother’s regime. Maybe she walked a lot today or stood for a long time. You need to lie down, rest and let the baby relax.
  • It is believed that the 10th movement must occur before 5 pm. But practice shows that each baby has his own regime. Some just woke up for a night of dancing or football. And there are those who wake up their mother at 4-5 in the morning by kicking her.
  • Therefore, take into account your individual regimen (more precisely, your baby’s). Be sure to tell your doctor when your peak activity occurs. But, if all the indicators and tests are normal, you and the baby feel well, then there is no reason to be nervous.
  • An alarming signal will be that the baby moves little and feels pain (sharp or aching) in the lower abdomen. This is a reason to immediately go to the hospital.

Does the baby kick before birth or during contractions?

Often expectant mothers, especially young ones, do not pay enough attention to the baby’s movements before giving birth. And if a rapid birth occurs, then there is no time for that at all. Perhaps this is due to the excitement that awaits the baby and mother the day before. But often this fact can serve as a signal.

  • Immediately before birth, even before contractions begin, the baby stops kicking his mother so actively. It is not always possible to catch this signal. After all, the baby was most active in the evening and was born in the morning.
  • By the way, first-time mothers are often admitted to the hospital long before the important moment. And the expectant mother is in anticipation and even slightly excited. This is fine. Therefore, the baby's movements are often missed.

  • If the baby becomes less active or stops kicking his mother in the side altogether, then contractions will begin soon.
  • During the matchmaking itself, the baby is also preparing for birth. And the pain is so strong that it is impossible to catch his movements. There’s simply no time to count how and how many times the baby kicked.
  • No, the baby is moving. It’s just that now his actions are directed in a different direction. After all, he also participates in the birth process. Therefore, some argue that childbirth should take place without anesthesia. Thus, the mother fully feels the baby.

That is why doctors (or a special device) are connected to check the baby’s heartbeat. Especially if the birth is slightly delayed.

Video: How does a baby push in his mother’s belly?

Babies are different, and the nature of their movements directly depends on their temperament. For example, an active baby will always move more, but a calm child makes his presence known only from time to time. In this article we will tell expectant mothers what rate of fetal movements is considered normal.

The activity of the baby's movements can fluctuate significantly. Although the baby moves almost continuously in the womb, only some of the baby's movements are so strong that they can be clearly felt. Some may be undetected due to the position of the fetus in the direction of movement: they may be directed inward rather than outward. Or because of the mother's activity: walking, walking often acts as an inducement to sleep. It is also possible that you are sleeping when your baby's movements are most active, especially when this happens at night.

What affects fetal movements

Studies have shown that even in the tummy the baby reacts to stimuli: to external sounds, light. Their strength or intensity affects the activity of the child’s movements. It has also been proven that the frequency of movements is influenced by both the mental and physical state of the expectant mother.

For example, the intensity of movement increases due to the release of hormones into the blood when the expectant mother is nervous or in a state of stress. The state of wakefulness and rest can change in the fetus within every hour. This happens in accordance with the rhythms (biorhythms) of its intrauterine development, which are different for everyone. Some children may be more active in their mother's warm belly, while others may behave more moderately.

Even in the mother's womb, children have days of special activity and periods when they want to rest, and they behave calmly. Sometimes fetal movements can be caused by the body touching the inner wall of the fetal membrane, from which it moves away.

Perhaps not enough oxygen is supplied to him through the blood through the umbilical cord. When it moves, its position changes, blood flow increases and oxygen supply increases.

Strong kicks and movements of the baby in the stomach: is this normal?

The number of fetal movements increases as pregnancy progresses. Rhythmic beats in some cases become regular and are repeated at constant intervals, while in others the fetus pushes spontaneously and variedly.

The greater activity of the fetus in the mother's womb does not mean at all that after birth it will be more restless than those babies whose movements were less intense. The biological clock, character, temperament and other personality traits of the unborn child are influenced by dozens of parallel factors, from the process of childbirth to the peculiarities of the daily routine.

Although, there are different interesting points of view regarding the secrets of life in the womb. Here are some of the most striking examples:

A) Professor Hugo Jung believes that fetal movements can be regarded as a language of signs given “for the purpose of subconsciously expressing well-being and development.” The more complex, differentiated movements of the fetus, the better developed its ability to perceive tactile sensations.

B) The Dane Franz Beldman called the technique of establishing contacts mother - fetus, father - mother - fetus through touch haptonomy (from Greek - hapto - touch).

By stroking the pregnant woman's belly, gently tapping it, and speaking kind words, many achieve feedback from the baby in the form of reciprocal pushes and movements. You can reduce fetal anxiety by stroking the abdomen and changing the position of the pregnant woman's body, leading to relaxation of the abdominal muscles. You can stimulate the movements of the fetus, thereby training its muscles. The results of the observation showed that such activities can change for the better the attitude of the future father and mother towards their child.

Test: how to check movement activity

1. Treat yourself (and your baby) to a light breakfast (or afternoon snack). A mug of sweet tea with cream and toast (muffin, cookies, etc.) will do.

2. 10-15 minutes after this, lie down on the bed or sofa and spend an hour or two lying quietly. Typically, such a “calorie investment” followed by motor rest on the part of the mother encourages the fetus to demonstrate its own presence.

If the attempt was unsuccessful, try again a little later (maybe last time you violated the “daily routine” and boldly tried to force the baby to do physical exercises during his “quiet hour”).

Warning signs associated with your baby's movements

If during the day the fetus does not detect motor activity, despite all your attempts to feel it, then it is advisable to consult a doctor. Listening to fetal heart sounds or a few seconds of ultrasound scanning will immediately clarify the situation.

In any case, there is no reason to panic. In medicine, there are cases where the expectant mother did not feel the movements of the fetus for several days, and this did not have any terrible consequences. Although, of course, it would be safer to play it safe and contact a specialist.

Monitoring fetal movements

Advanced obstetricians strongly recommend taking “control” of the motor activity of the fetus, starting from the 28th week of pregnancy. At this stage, fetal movements are an indicator of its well-being. Control is carried out twice every day - in the morning and in the evening.

The assessment is done as follows:

1. Mark the start time of counting.

2. Record all the baby’s movements (turns, pushes, kicks, movements, including slight ones).

3. As soon as you have noted ten movements of the baby, record the end time of counting.

If 10-20 minutes have passed from the first to the tenth fetal movement, then the baby is quite active. If it’s a little more, then it’s probably time for a “smoke break”, or your baby is not initially a highly active person. If an hour has passed, then have a snack as indicated above and repeat the control count. If the fetus takes an hour again, then an emergency consultation with a doctor is required.

So, these are the most exciting, interesting, and, of course, important moments associated with fetal movements. I sincerely hope that, armed with this knowledge, the expectant mother will be more confident in herself and will avoid unnecessary fears and worries, and sometimes even real panic. And may God grant every woman, throughout her pregnancy, to feel the sweetest movements in the world - the movements of her unborn baby!