About the wedding dress competition. About the competition of wedding dresses House 2 wedding for a million dresses of participants

Participants of the project House 2. Wedding for a million 11/21/16 are in full swing preparing for the first stage of the competition and sewing wedding dresses. Ivan Barzikov did not succeed in sewing shorts and today he is ready to start sewing a dress, as Liza Polygalova wanted. But in the process, the girl began to give too much advice to Vanya, which infuriated him and Lisa was rudely pushed out the door. A little later, Barzikov apologized for being rude and invited Lisa to a picnic.

There is joy in the Rapunzel house - stolen jewelry was found in the bathroom behind the washing machine. The participants believe that Olga herself hid them, and demand that she now apologize to Sasha Artemova for accusing her neighbor of stealing. But Olga is relentless. It is strange that everyone forgot how yesterday she had already apologized to Sasha at the frontal place. In addition to Dmitry Dmitrenko, everyone has general amnesia, but oh well, this is not the first time we have seen such “blunders”. Orgs said - to spread rot on Rapunzels, so the guys are trying as best they can.

In the clearing, Gozias and Ivanov are arguing over sewing a dress. Sasha suspects that Kostya is not going to sew anything, he just wants to staple everything together. Ivanov admitted to the participants that this is a creative contest, and he will sew as he sees fit, while Gozias dreams of a chic real wedding dress.

Under the terms of the competition, grooms must sew dresses for their brides. Even those participants of "House-2" who had previously announced their parting with their halves sat down for needlework.

// Photo: Instagram

In the reality show "Dom-2", apparently, a new wedding boom is just around the corner. The project announced the contest "Wedding in a Million", and even those couples who were already in a hurry to announce their separation rushed to participate in it. The desire to win a round sum of money for the celebration has not yet been canceled.

The first competition started the other day, according to the terms of which, grooms must sew wedding dresses for their brides with their own hands. Even those who had previously announced that they did not intend to start a family, at least in the near future, sat down for needlework.

The participant of "House-2" Ekaterina Korol, whose profession is a fashion designer, conducted an introductory briefing for the guys, and they set to work. Andrey Chuev was one of the first to demonstrate the intermediate results of his work. In the competition, he and his girlfriend Marina Afrikantova participate at number 10. A young man is sitting on a bench with a piece of white cloth on his knees, trying to turn him into wedding attire for Marina Afrikantova.

// Photo: Instagram

“Such a bore, but there’s nothing to do, the millionaire wants to,” a member of Dom-2 commented on a photo in which he is depicted at work. In another picture, the happy bride Marina is already trying on what her betrothed has sewn for her.

Fans of the project remember how a real wedding boom covered the TV set closer to spring. Five pairs of "House-2" announced their decision to create families at once. However, the organizers themselves cooled the love ardor, saying that they would not finance the celebrations. The second wave of activity of potential newlyweds was noticed during the days of the start of the traditional contest “Person of the Year” on the project. Some people wanted to use the wedding as an attraction to themselves, and as a result, to get additional votes. However, for the duration of the competition on the reality show, a moratorium on marriages was announced. As a result, the wedding boom not only subsided, the reverse process began on the project - seemingly strong unions began to crumble. By the end of the year, there were no couples left on the TV set who were ready to start families. Quarreled Victoria Romanets and Andrey Cherkasov, Igor Tregubenko and Ella Sukhanova, Andrey Chuev and Marina Afrikantova. However, the announced competition should correct this situation.

Well, I made an offer to Marina. Because a very greedy and stingy man cut a ring out of a pear, because I don’t give a damn about Marina and it’s convenient for me and Marina to be on the project, and most importantly !!! Because the competition, and I'm ready for anything for the sake of money !!! And, also because I am a swindler and Marina does not understand anything)))@ Mahé, Seychelles

There is nothing better than starting a beautiful December morning with a dip in the Indian Ocean. Everyone Good morning, I'll start with myself))

Andrey Chuev:

I can be quick-tempered and sometimes wrong, this is my character and my disposition, I tell you sorry and thank you, you make me and my life beautiful ..

According to rumors, Marina Afrikantova's mother flies to the Seychelles after December 16th.
Marina Afrikantova's mother about Andrey Chuev

Maybe give Andrey Chuev such Piggy - he screams at Marina like a real boar.
now we feel sorry for Marina no one screamed at her at home like that!
Now she called, says that they have peace and peace now - they are waiting for me to visit.
His grandmother told Marina that he would scream, and after a few minutes she asked her grandmother for forgiveness. There are such people - there are many of them.
Of course, no one should get into his debts - I only wanted to say by this that he does everything so that he has the money that Marina has and he alone is going to decide where to spend it in the first place, and everyone has debts first queue. His reaction was aggressive and obviously he did not like the topic. Here you seem to be right!
Thanks for support! Well, if so! So I'll go, I'll be there and take a closer look at their relationship. I, like a mother, think that they treat each other well, but real Marina’s tears upset me so much that my emotions paralyze me and I’m ready to go into battle, and later I calm down and just think maybe this is a game ?! Is that how Marina can play, probably she is not aware of a larger game?!

I will fly to the island after December 16, and then I don’t know what will happen. Events change at the speed of light.



Before cauterizing the stigma of a fool and a scoundrel, I believe that you need to see the pope of Africa and understand the home situation.
I knew wealthy families where the word of a woman was perceived only when she, modestly clinging to the door frame, quietly asked: "Do you want to eat?" Even in bed, her opinion was not interesting to anyone, she was frankly used ...The arguments were: "You live in luxurious conditions, eat sweetly, sleep softly, what else do you need?" "Indeed," a woman is a cow, fed, milked, walked and into the stall! ...
How many such mrazin chuevs yell about their significance and viability, not perceiving the Woman as a man? Freaks! This is how the father of Africa can be, for many years he has killed his mother's sense of self-respect so much that he considers terrible insults towards his daughter a joke!
Chui is a bastard, and there is nothing to talk about! This gap-toothed, constantly yelling face only disgusts me. And the mother, and even Africa, have an animal fear - for one as an inevitability, and for the other on a subconscious level. True, there is one significant difference - the eldest completely lacks a maternal instinct, which should work and tear the offender of the cub to shreds ... She does not have it ... So, just a FOOL!

(Nathan 70) a selection of the Avoska club.

The first week of the "Wedding in a Million" contest has passed. Six guys sewed dresses for their girls all week. Kostya Ivanov presented three outfits at once to the jury, which consisted of former participants Andrei Cherkasov, Timur Garafutdinov, Mexico, Masha Bukhun and Yulia Teplovoy. In the first outfit, Ivanov reflected his vision of relations with Sasha Gozias, and since he often has to calm his girlfriend, he sewed a straitjacket. Model Helen came out in a shirt. The next outfit was sewed by Sasha herself, it came out tender and airy, Maya showed the dress to the participants and spectators. The third outfit was sewed by Kostya for Sasha, it was a compromise on Kostya's part. Ksenia Borodina suggested that Gozias pass the test, hold a stool on which there was a glass of water by two legs and compliment Kostya, Sasha did it. Andrey Chuev presented his canvas dress, which he sewed double-sided, and it turned out two outfits, one wedding, the other New Year's. Andrei decided to immediately sell the dress and donate the money to charity. Bidding began with 1000 rubles. As a result, Mexico bought the outfit for 30 thousand, the project added 100, Timur another 20 thousand and all 150 thousand will go to the children. Evgeny Kuzin relied on simplicity, and did not even sew up the seam on the back. Timur from the first three designers liked Chuev's dress. Cherkasov is a fan of Kuzin, but in this competition he scolded Zhenya. Valery Blumenkrants came out in a military suit, helmet and metal pants, as family relationships associated with martial law. Ksenia Borodina checked the metal pants, they were not very strong and Valera felt a kick. Tate's dress was sewed by Marina Tristanovna, it turned out very beautifully. Marina Tristanovna explained that Valera suffered so much, all his ideas were rejected by Tata, and she decided to come to the rescue. Tata said that her mother did everything so chic that she felt like a real bride. Dima Dmitrenko put his soul into the princess dress for Rapunzel. Olya was very Nice dress, very neatly sewn with stones, bow and flowers. Rap was given a test, she had to sing with a guitar. Olya coped with the test, although she does not know how to play the guitar. Vanya tried to sew a sports outfit for Lisa and even started sewing shorts, but Lisa wanted a dress with lace and Barzikov did his best. Liza had to squat with full buckets and compliment Vanya. The girl completed the task, and then Vanya squatted along with Lisa on his shoulders and buckets. Cherkasov gave Valera a deuce, and Marina Tristanovna a five for the dress. Andrei really liked the dress that Dima made for Olya. Yulia praised Vanya and Kuzin. Ksenia Borodina announced the results of the first week of voting and named the top three couples. These are Kuzin with Sasha, Tata with Valera and Gozias with Kostya. For the next week, the guys cook, clean, iron, do women's work, and the girls earn money.

In your opinion, which dress is the best?

Build your love! - the motto of House-2. And he works. Already many girls participating in House-2 met the main day of their lives in magical bridesmaid dresses. One dress is better than the other, every bride is unique. Watch and enjoy.

Original in everything. She even chose a unique day for her wedding - 08/08/2008. But, unfortunately, neither the unusual wedding dress (gold!), nor the auspicious date made Ksyusha's marriage strong, but her happy. One thing pleases - in this marriage, the daughter of Ksenia Borodina, Marusya, was born - smart, beautiful and a complete copy of her mother.

The youngest bride of the reality show Dom-2 was Rita Agibalova. Her wedding with TV project participant Yevgeny Kuzin was promising. Very soon after the wedding, a wonderful baby Mitya was born - the first child of a television project, whose life goes under the cameras. The bride Rita Agibalova was gentle, beautiful, mysterious ... but this marriage turned out to be a marriage in the truest sense of the word and ended in divorce.

Another pregnant bride is Elena Bushina, and, perhaps, this is doubly beautiful. Lena has always been stylish girl, and about her wedding dress can be said in one word - chic. Lena's son Mark is the second year old, he is a smart, quick-witted kid. Lena is trying to build her career on television. And once it all started with the Dom-2 project and a beautiful wedding dress.

One of the brightest and most beautiful participants in the project got married, having already left the project. Alena is growing up now little son Bogdan. And Alena's wedding dress was light, flying, mischievous.

The most ideal couple of the project - Sergey and Daria Pynzar - played beautiful wedding and continue to live just as beautifully. Already three of us with my son Artem. Dasha has always been a style icon, so her wedding dress was amazing. A pair of Pynzareys has many fans on the Web, they are called the best, they want to be like them. The children receive many messages of appreciation. Here is what user Vera Petrovna writes: “I am a pensioner. I always admire you. Well done boys! Keep it up!".

Fashionista Masha Kruglykhina was the owner of a small shop during the project and continues her business even now. Therefore, the wedding dress of Marya, the mistress, chose a breathtaking one. They played a wedding with Sergey Adoevtsev, a participant in the Dom-2 project, in Odessa. The guys are doing well, they are happily married.

Charismatic Nelli Ermolaeva, together with her fiancé Nikita Kuznetsov, also a participant in the Dom-2 project, chose Italy for their wedding. Maybe the magic Italian air, saturated with the aroma of love, is to blame, but the guys are doing great in all areas of life. They are still in love, they are successful and beautiful. Nelly is extraordinarily pretty in her wedding dress!

The wedding of Olya Agibalova and Ilya Gazhienko is called the most luxurious wedding of the Dom-2 project. AND wedding dresses Olya also had more than everyone else - as many as two. For them, she specially flew to Chelyabinsk. The guys live together, and Olya in both her dresses was just an amazing bride.

The road to the registry office was difficult for Yulia Kolisnichenko and Tigran Salibekov. But, having made such a decision, the guys began to treat each other more carefully, to value their feelings more. Their wedding was very recent. They will have a baby in February. Check out Julia's luxurious wedding dress.

The last wedding of the TV project Dom-2 was with Katya Tokareva and Ventseslav Vengrzhanovsky. The guys, like Ksenia Borodina, chose the golden color for their outfits. Therefore, their wedding is called "golden". Katya's dress is very original, not like the dresses of other brides.

Family life, which comes to the newlyweds after Mendelssohn's march, has many charms. The guys live together, but continue to participate in the life of the team. They are always nearby, but you can relax in different ways: someone in the gym pumps the press, and someone on the Internet plays in the casino, because there are more than 300 games of chance.

The press often writes that society is condemning the Dom-2 project, that it does not give anything, that they play love there. But let the editors of "Know Everything" disagree with such arguments. We have repeatedly written about the wonderful couples that Dom-2 connected. The project is currently experiencing a wedding boom: three weddings in a row in just the last few months. We hope that the strategy of the project management will not change. Let loving hearts find each other! Let in such happy families desired children are born!
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We decided to recall the 10 main wedding dresses of its participants, remembered by all fans of the project!

Aliana Ustinenko

Despite the voluminous wedding dresses that are still popular in Russia, Aliana Ustinenko decided to abandon them in favor of the “mermaid silhouette”, choosing a model according to the figure. The TV star completed her outfit with a fur coat.

Liber Kpadonu


But Liber, on the contrary, decided to combine several seasons and trends in her wedding look at once. In 2014, the girl married Evgeny Rudnev in a magnificent wedding dress, a fur coat and a flower wreath in her hair.

Alena Vodonaeva

For a wedding with businessman Alexei Malakeev in 2009, one of the brightest stars of the project, Alena Vodonaeva, chose a stylish outfit that emphasized her feminine forms. The highlight of the dress was a long openwork train.

Olga Buzova

Olga Buzova did not choose the original style or color of the wedding dress - in 2012 she married football player Dmitry Tarasov in a classic puffy dress, which she complemented with a snow-white veil and a delicate bouquet. Unfortunately, a perfect wedding is not the key to a happy marriage.

Ksenia Borodina

Ksenia Borodina married twice. In 2008, the TV presenter became the wife of a businessman Yuri Budagov - the girl chose a silk dress of a golden hue. And in 2015, Ksenia became the wife of Kurban Omarov and this time decided to abandon fashion experiments in favor of a traditional white dress and veil.

Victoria Karaseva

In 2008, Victoria became the wife of another participant in the reality show Vyacheslava Dvoretskova also chose an outfit with an original detail for the wedding - an airy peach bow around her neck.

Rita Agibalova

The wedding of Rita and Evgeny Kuzin took place right on the project - the girl married her lover in a white dress, complemented by a veil and pearl jewelry.

Daria Pynzar

Daria and Sergey Pynzar got married in 2010 and are still together. For the wedding, the girl chose a classic wedding dress with fluffy skirt and veil.

Ekaterina Tokareva

One of the most unusual weddings of "House-2" took place in 2011 - Ekaterina Tokareva married an eccentric Wenceslas Vengrzhanovsky. The guys decided to surprise everyone and arranged a weddingin royal style. The bride was dressed in a golden dress, and a crown flaunted on her head. However, the "royal" marriage did not last long - a year later the couple broke up.