Declaration of love sachet in your own words. Declaration of love to the girl Sasha. Alexander Krivoshapko declaration of love.VOB

You'll never guess what it's about, I'll tell you now! Let's talk about...about nonsense. Do you know how to distinguish nonsense from important things? Nonsense is something that surrounds us everywhere, plays an exceptional role in life, filling space. How would we live if every thing around us was vital? We wouldn't live, we would survive. But there is saving nonsense, it’s convenient. There is no need to strain yourself, show her attention, or waste time on her. You can generally forget about nonsense. It’s possible, but it’s not necessary... A caustic word spoken, in a rush, without even noticing that it can injure, if not kill, what does that mean to us? Nonsense of course! Word and word, just think! But no. You say it, you won’t notice, but someone will hear it! But someone can take it to heart and become forever disappointed in you and in people in general. Next - a fleeting glance. This is nonsense for you, but someone might misunderstand, imagine that some girl is unrequitedly in love with you, she can misinterpret your every glance, she wants you to look at her with loving eyes and she will see exactly this, she will think that you are interested in her, and then she will see you going to a meeting arm in arm with someone else and she will be hurt. The look is nonsense, ugh, but someone hopes, suffers. SMS, it seems that there is no more nonsense thing at all! Just think, I didn’t respond to the SMS, so what’s wrong with that?! But someone waits, doesn’t sleep all night, racks their brains - “Why?”, draws in their imagination terrible pictures, one worse than the other: broke a leg, ended up in the hospital, lost their mobile phone, forgot, found another... But you never know, there are options thousands! Well, this is nonsense, a completely useless thing - SMS. Inattention. “I don’t have time, oh I’m busy, another time, I don’t have time for her now!” So, now imagine that they think of you like this, like an unnecessary thing. Nice, isn't it? So, is nonsense important or not? What are the important things? What's important in modern world? Money, fame, party, prestige... Think about it, do you need money if you can’t use it to buy the love of the girl you love? Slava - Do you need the recognition of all the girls, their love, if there is only one next to you, but beloved and loving not for a person glorified in the media, but for the fact that you exist and for the fact that you are independent and the best, not for thousands, namely for her. Party. Do you need the company of avid party-goers, paparazzi, glossy silicone bounties, if she is not there? That beloved and loving one. Do you want to expose your relationship to human judgment, so that indifferent, stupid faces, deprived of their own personal life, will discuss you? So that they wash your bones for the hundredth time, or, for example, look at the charms of your beloved? What rightfully belongs only to you, what is intended only for you? Do you want this? And prestige – prestige – it’s all this in a complex. Do you want prestige? So I proved that important things in the modern world are nonsense, and even the kind on which spending time is disgusting and harmful. The truly important things are life (the fact that you were simply born is the greatest of miracles), family (I mean mom and dad, etc.) and... love. Tell me, am I wrong??? Sasha, I’m glad that you exist at all, and that you are in my life. You are the best for me. I don’t promise: partying in clubs all night long, a prestigious successful businesswoman as a wife or mistress (it can’t be worse than love for one night secretly from everyone), a rich, enviable bride, I don’t promise you a place in a harem either. What can I give you? I can give myself to you. Isn't it enough? I can give you love. Only for you. Few? I promise fidelity. Few? I promise tenderness. Few? I promise to say “I love you” more often, and you know how hard it is for me! Few? I have nothing more to offer you... Sasha, my dear, the best boy in the world, the most important person for me... Sasha, I want to tell you a very important thing - SASHA, I LOVE YOU!!!

in love with a girl", "Hide")">Video: declarations of love for a girl

Declarations of love to a girl in verse

“You illuminate my world with happiness”

You illuminate my world with happiness,

And I live, loving you -

And this is a valuable wealth

I'll carry it through the years!

I love you, my dear!

And this is happiness for me

I live and dream of you,

Hurry up and hug you!

“As you wish, you play with me”

As you wish, you play with me:

You promise sweet caresses,

Then with a harsh word you wound accurately.

My princess, you are a flirt!

One day, without even believing it,

You can easily awaken the beast in me.

Why, you ask, do I endure everything?

Yes, I just love you!

“I fall asleep and dream about you”

I fall asleep - I dream about you,

I wake up and you’re in my thoughts again.

I always want to be with you,

There is no such beauty in the world.

How sweet and how beautiful you are,

I'll tell you without further ado:

I love you, now it's clear to me

How deep is my love!

“Spring lives in my soul”

Spring lives in my soul,

Let it be another time of year

Today I see from the window -

But in the heart there is May weather.

And this is your fault,

Sasha, you are my gift,

Why did you deserve this?

This is just unreal -

You're so perfect

There are no other people like me in the world

I would not have found or met,

You are my angel, so beautiful

I'm just scared without you!

“Sasha, you are incredible!”

Sasha, you are incredible

Fell in love with you forever

It’s nice to be with you, my love,

I will never forget!

Believe me, you are the best in the world,

You are so beautiful my baby

My love for you is like the wind

Believe me, you won’t extinguish it.

"Sasha, you charmed me"

There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,

You can conquer anyone

With the glance of your magical clear eyes

Make you forget about everything.

Only, Sasha, you charmed me

Femininity, gentle simplicity,

Only you bewitched me

Unreal, bright beauty.

“Sasha, you are incredibly cute”

Alexandra, you inspire admiration,

Smiling magical beauty,

I love you so much, you know it

And I am always happy with you alone.

Sasha, you are incredibly cute,

Gait, and figure, and soul,

You broke my usual way of life,

You are good for me, dear!

"My dear Sasha"

You, Sasha, are so original,

So amazingly sweet

I loved you initially

Like no one ever.

I always bathe in your eyes,

Ready to worship you

I smile only at you,

To always love you.

"Sasha, I love you!"

"Sasha, I love you!"...

It seems like four words

But when I tell them to you,

I'm turning cherry!

There is magic in them, I know

If everything comes from the heart,

The word takes on meaning

Will open any door.

"Dear Sashulya"

You are like fresh air to me:

It's only you that I breathe.

To you, beloved, sweet, gentle,

Sashulya, I’m in a hurry every day.

With you happiness is limitless,

You are truly ideal.

How sad, gray and ordinary

I lived when I didn’t know you.

“Tell me, Sasha, what’s wrong with me?”

You are my medicine and my poison,

Magical paradise and terrible hell.

Cold ice and hot heat!

Tell me, Sasha, what’s wrong with me?

When poetry is suddenly written,

And my thoughts are only full of you,

And my heart jumps in my chest,

So what is this thing called?

What stirs our blood so much?

I heard this word somewhere...

Oh, I remembered! This is LOVE!!!

“I want to confess my love to you”

I want to confess my love to you,

You, Alexandra, are simply a miracle,

I want to stay with you forever,

I won't forget your smile.

The radiance of your beautiful eyes,

And damn your charm.

I love you, my dear -

You are simply the best, I know.

“You won’t find anyone like Alexandra”

You won't find anyone like Alexandra,

I can go around the whole planet,

Believe me, I won’t meet anyone like you -

Let the whole earth know about it,

I truly love you alone,

I will keep my love and loyalty to you,

You are incredibly beautiful, good -

Your soul is pure and devoted.

“You, Sasha, are so insanely good”

Alexandra, you are like a sweet dream,

Love and beauty merged in you,

You, Sasha, are so insanely good,

Face, figure, pure soul.

People like you cannot be met, cannot be found,

And even the earth can be walked around,

To finally draw my conclusion -

I can only be happy with you!

"My love and tenderness"

You are my love and tenderness,

Your gaze gives me vastness,

You are insanely unreal

Nice and sexy.

I adore you, Sasha,

I don't know others like this

And I will tell the whole world -

You are beautiful, no doubt!

"Beautiful Alexandra"

Sometimes things happen in life,

Love comes quickly and unexpectedly

I, Alexandra, am happy to be with you -

So beautiful and long-awaited.

Insanely good, easy, smart -

Your advantages cannot be listed,

You are always my favorite,

Only one word and thought about you.

"Beauty - Alexandra"

Alexandra, by your beauty

I'm always ready to admire

I'm incredibly happy with you

I didn't think it was possible to fall in love

So much. I want to wish

We will always stay together

Problems will never be known

And meet you more often.

“Sasha, I can’t forget you”

Sasha, I can’t forget you,

And I don’t want to forget you,

I can't love another

I'm ready to kiss your hands,

Please stay with me forever,

And you won’t exchange it for another,

We will be together for many years

With you, dear, just know that!

“I love Alexandra days and nights”

Alexandra, very affectionate,

I love you days and nights

And without you I'm sad

Like a flower, I'm fading.

Please don't forget me -

Water with your love,

After all, you are capable of being with me!

Please give your love.

“Sasha, you are my love!”

Sasha, you are my love,

Your tender smile

Made me crazy and will drive you crazy

It will take me to love.

Sasha, you are my dream,

You have both intelligence and beauty,

You are precious to me

I love you madly!

“Alexandra, you’re just perfect!”

Alexandra, you are just perfect!

Your appearance is beyond all praise,

And your soul is beautiful,

I say this out of love.

You are insanely, wildly good

I look at you without breathing,

And I want to tell you quickly -

Please be mine, please.

“Sasha, you are beautiful!”

Sasha, my dear,

I love you very much

When I first met -

I fell into the pool of your eyes.

You are beautiful, no doubt

Let the whole world know

That beauty is with me,

And I don't need another one.

"Beloved Alexandra"

There can be no halftones in love,

You either love it a lot or you don't.

I'm ready to confess my love to you,

Darling, let the whole world know

Why, Alexandra, only love you?

I always want to remain faithful,

I want to be happy with you,

And without you, it’s hard for me to smile.

"My dear Sashulya"

My dear Sashulya,

Coquette, my beauty.

I love you endlessly

I'm ready for anything for you.

I will become a hero, I will become a knight,

Just to protect you.

I'll never get tired of you

I am pleased and surprised.

"You are the very creature"

You are the most beautiful creature

Which was born on Earth.

And every meeting we have with you

Brings unearthly happiness to me.

You, Sashenka, are more precious than anyone in the world,

You are dearest to my heart.

And because you and I are together,

I envy myself.

Declaration of love to your girlfriend mp3 music free

Ooohuuu yehaaa ... sea.. sou.. jhonn macarron.. yeah macarron nooon Chacarron, Chacaron, Chacarron, Chacarron, ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualauusualulus, alsualualauusualulus Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron Chacarron, n", ali luliron, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron Ualuealuealeuale ualuelaellaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus alsualsualualauusualulus Ualuealuealeuale ualuelaellaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus alsualsualauusualulus Refrain Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron, Chacarron, ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaella lea, alsualsualauusualulus, alsualsualauusualulus Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron, Chacarron, n", Chacarron, aliluliron , Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron Aluealuealeuale ualuelaellaellalea, alsualsualauusualulus, alsualsualualauusualulus ...ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualualauusualulus, alsualsualauusualulus Chacarron, Chacarro (3x) Dududadede dudadade do guduguda dubu Chacarron Bana blue Macarrun... Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron , aluealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualauusualulus alsualsualualauusualulus ...ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea, alsualsualauusualulus alsualsualauusualulus Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron, Chacarron Chacarron, n", Chacarron, aliluliron, Chacarron, Chacarron Chacarron, Cha carron Chacarron, Chacarron, Ualuelaellaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus, alsualsualualauusualulus ...ualuealuealeuale ualuelaelaellalea . uelaelaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus alsualsualualauusualulus Dududadede dudadadedo guduguda dubu Chacarron Bana blueendubu tu Macarrun is a ro Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron, Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron, aluealuealeuale ualuelaellaellalea, alsualsualualauusualulus alsualsualauusualulus ...ualuealuealeuale ualuelaellaellalea, alsualsualauusualulus alsualsualauusualulus Chacarron, Chacarron, aliluliron, Chacar ron, Chacarron, n", Chacarron, aliluliron, Chacarron, Chacarron

Happy day Alexander in verse, SMS to Sasha

Sashka, Sasha, Sashok

We give you a flower pot.

We give joy, we give light

Let's pour health into a glass for a hundred years

To shine, to be ready

Repel any enemies.

Well, why are you pulling, pick it up...

And treat everyone to cake!!!

May every day be a gift to you

There are no blemishes in life

The strings sound happiness

And good luck fireworks in the sky for you.

Happy Birthday to You…

Alexandru with a pure heart... Signed all your friends!

Alexandru on this day

We give leather belt

To run around for ten years

You didn’t know sadness or trouble in it...

To be forever young, strong, cheerful

For health - be healthy...

Just super and everything is great

Happy birthday, our friend!

Let life be high

And by luck you are barefoot...

You ran and enjoyed

Don't stay behind

He left his dust for everyone

Well Sanya, I love you from the bottom of my heart!

I sit and think what I would wish for Sasha...

Probably to dance to the rhythm of happiness.

So that spring in the soul and heart

So that life with a piece of pepper...

To knee-deep

So that luck sings loudly

So that a smile on your face

So that the sun is on the porch

So that everything is as you want

Alexander, for you! Accept flowers @>-

This one is for Alexander

I composed under the oleander...

Happy Birthday, my friend

I wish you a hundred girlfriends

I wish you a thousand tons of happiness

A strong house and a sea of ​​bucks!

This toast is for Alexander

Furniture for the house made of rosewood!

Summer at sea with a spacesuit

Sail through life with happiness in a boat

Well, dear, shall we drink a glass of vodka?

Happy birthday my friend Sanya...

Plenty of money to always have in your pocket

A bright sparkle in the eyes

Huge health in your pants

Let everything be as you want...

And may all your dreams come true!

Friends, let's drink it all down

After all, it’s Sashka’s name day...

Look at him…

Everything shines like glass.

Everything sparkles and shines

Sanya, friend, the whole world is worth it to you

The sun is shining for Alexander today

And this can be seen in the smile; it is impossible not to notice.

And for her I will tell you congratulations

Smile more and let life be as sweet as strawberry jam!

Let the sun's ray be bright

And overhead without lead clouds

May life's cup full of bliss

Will water fate and heart...

May this day change everything in your life

And may your plane Sanechek fly higher every day!

I wish you luck with orange juice

It poured straight into your destiny, my dear man

And also happiness in the guise of honey

It stood ready in ten-liter buckets.

And to taste what's on your lips

Carried on airy clouds

Sasha, from the bottom of my heart I love you

Kisses, you are my eternal love!

Alexander, Sanechka, Sanechek

I wish you a big piece

Take love and happiness from life...

And hide behind the horizon from bad weather.

Everyone gets what they want

May the world be cheerful and white for you!

Happy birthday!

Happy birthday dear!

Always keep your tail straight

Carry joy in your back pocket

Congratulations Sanya!

Don't get sick or sneeze

Invite me to visit more often...

In general, that's it, keep your heels

Let the lights in the sky be just for you

The table is already set and everyone has arrived

And only for you the lights burn in the cake

The sun is only for you today

She let out her ray of light in the window...

Only for you, our dear Sasha

The world has made all this mess...

Life on earth is only for you

In short, happy birthday! Let everything around you be like creme brulee

Let's drink vodka for Alexander

And on this cheerful note

We wish you a ton of laughter

Let your life be fun

Let everything be easy for you

And all the flights are high

Let everything be smooth and smooth

Well, Sashulya, accept the gifts!!!

I want to be number one.

I wish there is always a fireplace at home

Your dear hearth burned and warmed

And your flag of happiness is always high!

I wish you a sea of ​​joy and smiles

And so that there are a minimum of mistakes in life!

Happy birthday to you

Alexander, I dedicate this verse only to you!

Declaration of love to a girl named Alexandra – No. 251

Alexandra, I feel for you the most real and at the same time tender feelings, without which a person simply cannot live, but simply can exist... This feeling is called LOVE!

For me, you are the most important and beloved person in the world, you are the one for whom I am ready to do anything that a man who truly loves you can be ready for. I want you to be truly happy, and I will be doubly happy if you allow me to take part in this.

I love you, Alexandra!

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A wonderful selection of declarations of love to Alexandra in beautiful verses. Genuine feelings, lively emotions and bright lines for the dearest beloved women named Sasha.

My love for you, believe me, is immortal,
She is the strongest of all the strong forever!
Every day I rush to you without fail
And I dare never be late!

I dedicate to you, Alexandra.
All the rhymes in the world are from sincere poems!
I adore you very much!
To love forever, every moment is ready!

I don’t dare shout about my love,
I can only say it in verse!
I love you, Sasha, as best I can,
And I’ll call you sweetheart more often!

I strive for you with my heart and soul,
I want to quickly press my lips to yours...
And this time I won’t hide it from you,
That I’ll give my life for you, if necessary!

I will not speak in vain,
You yourself know about bright feelings...
I will say that you are akin to a great miracle,
I admit, you have a lot of virtues!

You, Alexandra, are a gentle creature,
You are the only ideal in the world!
I am writing to you alone a declaration of love,
I'm glad that you and I are together now!

My love for you is getting stronger and stronger,
After all, I love you, Sasha!
You cause a storm of trepidation in the heart,
When we sit next to you!

I'm head over heels in love with you, of course.
It’s so sweet for me to talk about love!
I am writing my confessions now from the heart,
To please you, dear!

With you, Alexandra, I am happy,
After all, you are more beautiful than anyone else in the world!
We live with you like one family,
I am very glad that I was able to meet you!

I love you as much as it happens once,
I adore you more than life itself!
And crazy about the cutest eyes!
I didn’t know and don’t know any others like them!

You and I walk on the same Earth
And together we live life with you...
Beautiful angels on their wings
We dedicate days to each other for happiness!

I'm happy that I can love you,
Ah, Alexandra, lovely creation!
Your image is tenderly cherished in my heart,
What to see him every moment!

Love you! And this is forever!
This feeling, believe me, will last forever!
I can never stop loving
After all, I adore you from the bottom of my heart!

Heartbeat... very gentle beat...
You are now forever responsible for him...
Ready to endure a hundred thousand torments,
Overcome a huge headwind,

Ready to endure hardship and need,
To go against fate and life...
Ready for anything! Now I’m going to do anything
To be with you, Sashenka, until the funeral feast!

I love you and you know it
You feel it day and night!
You are the ideal of an exquisite dream!
I'm always glad to see you in person!

My soul trembles with tenderness,
When you are near me, my dear!
You are my best, most prophetic dream,
I feel very good with you, Sasha!

And therefore my declarations of love
I want to send you as often as possible!
And tender, gentle kisses
I want to turn you into hugs forever...

You are my sunshine, you are a gentle angel!
I have been looking for you for so long in the world!
You lit a bright torch in my chest,
And I made you even happier!

With you I forget about everything
And the whole world immediately loses its meaning!
I adore you, Alexandra!
And every time the soul flies up,

When you call me beloved
And you take my hand very gently...
You, my dear, have no idea
What happiness you give me!

Adversity is not terrible for you and me,
We can survive all problems!
Let's arm ourselves with pure love,
Then we can win everything in the world!

SMS declaration of love to Alexandra, be brave and send it! In a matter of seconds it will be delivered to your loved one’s mobile number.

And how can you not love Alexandra? Her name can be deciphered as “protector, protector of people.” Yes, purposeful Alexandra is more like a “general in a skirt,” and it’s not easy for men around her. Fragile at first glance, Sashenka is actually an active leader in life. She demands that everyone and everything obey her. Possessing a pure soul, Sasha cannot stand deception and has amazing intuition.

It is very likely that a good relationship a woman named Alexandra can get along with Yuri, Peter, Ivan, Andrey, Victor. Even if your name is not on this tiny list, don’t despair! Change your destiny with nice sms declarations of love to Alexandra!

Alexander's declaration of love

(mosimage)Alexandra! Zaya, I love you very much and I want to say that you are the most beautiful in the whole world! You are the only one in the whole wide world for me, the one and only, the most unique, the most affectionate, gentle, and the most beloved!

I can't imagine what I would do without you. I'm so glad I have you!

I think about you constantly. Morning, afternoon, night, and maybe even in your sleep!

you once asked me “why do you love me?” ... because just your gaze gives me goosebumps all over my body, and when I see your smile, it takes my breath away! You can turn an ordinary activity into a fun, exciting game!

I've been waiting for you, I've been waiting all my life! I will never have enough words to describe the feelings I have for you!!

I'm sorry that I'm so far from you, but soon everything will change and we will be together.

Alexander Krivoshapko declaration of love.VOB

Alexander Krivoshapko declaration of love

Even though we are far from each other now, you are with me in my heart and thoughts!

Alexandra, I love you madly!

Declarations of love - in poetry, in prose, from the heart - the best for Valentine. A public declaration of love adds reciprocity.

With love...

Declarations of love to Alexandra on mobile

"My dear Sasha"

If you take all the beauty of a rose,

Add to it the tenderness of lilies,

Fragility, modesty from mimosa -

It would still be bad

So that this can be compared with you,

My dear Sasha.

No one even dreamed

How I adore you!

“I love you madly, Sasha!”

You, Sasha, are simply amazing!

So unusual, so smart,

All your whims are forgiven,

I want you to be next to me.

I love you madly, honey,

I'm proud of you with all my heart,

Always smiling, beautiful,

Please always be with me.

“Sasha, you captivated me”

Sasha, you captivated me

And I surrendered voluntarily!

You just fell in love with me

I've loved you for a long time.

Let everything be with you and me,

Like in a fairy tale, very good

We'll give birth, I'll build a house,

And, of course, there is also a tree. :)

"Alexandra, you are tender"

Alexandra, you are tender,

You give me light like the moon

Lights the way at night,

Not wanting to deceive.

I want to tell you -

You won't find anything better in the world.

You are incredibly good -

Both figure and soul.

“I can’t forget Alexander”

Alexandra, I won’t forget you,

After all, only you know how to love like that.

After all, our happiness is to be together with you,

And believe in endless love.

I want to say thank you -

I began to decorate my world with myself,

I can't live in the world without you,

I always want to love you alone!

“I fell in love with Alexandra”

What could be more beautiful in a lady,

What do intelligence and beauty have together?

I'll tell you, Sasha, straight away,

Why am I crazy about you?

Always beautiful, multifaceted,

Like an amazing diamond

And it would be strange not to fall in love

Into the shine of your beautiful eyes.

"Sasha, you are my gift"

Sasha, you are my gift,

Why did you deserve this?

This is just unreal -

You're so perfect

There are no other people like me in the world

I would not have found or met,

You are my angel, so beautiful

I'm just scared without you!

“Sasha, you are incredible!”

Sasha, you are incredible

Fell in love with you forever

It’s nice to be with you, my love,

I will never forget!

Believe me, you are the best in the world,

You are so beautiful my baby

My love for you is like the wind

Believe me, you won’t extinguish it.

"Sasha, you charmed me"

There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,

You can conquer anyone

With the glance of your magical clear eyes

Make you forget about everything.

Only, Sasha, you charmed me

Femininity, gentle simplicity,

Only you bewitched me

Unreal, bright beauty.

“Sasha, you are incredibly cute”

Alexandra, you inspire admiration,

Smiling magical beauty,

I love you so much, you know it

And I am always happy with you alone.

Sasha, you are incredibly cute,

Gait, and figure, and soul,

You broke my usual way of life,

You are good for me, dear!

"My dear Sasha"

You, Sasha, are so original,

So amazingly sweet

I loved you initially

Like no one ever.

I always bathe in your eyes,

Ready to worship you

I smile only at you,

To always love you.

"Sasha, I love you!"

"Sasha, I love you!"...

It seems like four words

But when I tell them to you,

I'm turning cherry!

There is magic in them, I know

If everything comes from the heart,

The word takes on meaning

Will open any door.

"Dear Sashulya"

You are like fresh air to me:

It's only you that I breathe.

To you, beloved, sweet, gentle,

Sashulya, I’m in a hurry every day.

With you happiness is limitless,

You are truly ideal.

How sad, gray and ordinary

I lived when I didn’t know you.

“Tell me, Sasha, what’s wrong with me?”

You are my medicine and my poison,

Magical paradise and terrible hell.

Cold ice and hot heat!

Tell me, Sasha, what’s wrong with me?

When poetry is suddenly written,

And my thoughts are only full of you,

And my heart jumps in my chest,

So what is this thing called?

What stirs our blood so much?

I heard this word somewhere...

Oh, I remembered! This is LOVE!!!

“I want to confess my love to you”

I want to confess my love to you,

You, Alexandra, are simply a miracle,

I want to stay with you forever,

I won't forget your smile.

The radiance of your beautiful eyes,

And damn your charm.

I love you, my dear -

You are simply the best, I know.

“You won’t find anyone like Alexandra”

You won't find anyone like Alexandra,

I can go around the whole planet,

Believe me, I won’t meet anyone like you -

Let the whole earth know about it,

I truly love you alone,

I will keep my love and loyalty to you,

You are incredibly beautiful, good -

Your soul is pure and devoted.

“You, Sasha, are so insanely good”

Alexandra, you are like a sweet dream,

Love and beauty merged in you,

You, Sasha, are so insanely good,

Face, figure, pure soul.

People like you cannot be met, cannot be found,

And even the earth can be walked around,

To finally draw my conclusion -

I can only be happy with you!

"My love and tenderness"

You are my love and tenderness,

Your gaze gives me vastness,

You are insanely unreal

Nice and sexy.

I adore you, Sasha,

I don't know others like this

And I will tell the whole world -

You are beautiful, no doubt!

"Beautiful Alexandra"

It happens at different times,

Love comes quickly and unexpectedly

I, Alexandra, am happy to be with you -

So beautiful and long-awaited.

Insanely good, easy, smart -

Your advantages cannot be listed,

You are always my favorite,

Only one word and thought about you.

"Beauty - Alexandra"

Alexandra, by your beauty

I'm always ready to admire

I'm incredibly happy with you

I didn't think it was possible to fall in love

So much. I want to wish

We will always stay together

Problems will never be known

And meet you more often.

“Sasha, I can’t forget you”

Sasha, I can’t forget you,

And I don’t want to forget you,

I can't love another

I'm ready to kiss your hands,

Please stay with me forever,

And you won’t exchange it for another,

We will be together for many years

With you, dear, just know that!

“I love Alexandra days and nights”

Alexandra, very affectionate,

I love you days and nights

And without you I'm sad

Like a flower, I'm fading.

Please don't forget me -

Water with your love,

After all, you are capable of being with me!

Please give your love.

“Sasha, you are my love!”

Sasha, you are my love,

Your tender smile

Made me crazy and will drive you crazy

It will take me to love.

Sasha, you are my dream,

You have both intelligence and beauty,

You are precious to me

I love you madly!

“Alexandra, you’re just perfect!”

Alexandra, you are just perfect!

Your appearance is beyond all praise,

And your soul is beautiful,

I say this out of love.

You are insanely, wildly good

I look at you without breathing,

And I want to tell you quickly -

Please be mine, please.

“Sasha, you are beautiful!”

Sasha, my dear,

I love you very much

When I first met -

I fell into the pool of your eyes.

You are beautiful, no doubt

Let the whole world know

That beauty is with me,

And I don't need another one.

"Beloved Alexandra"

There can be no halftones in love,

You either love it a lot or you don't.

I'm ready to confess my love to you,

Darling, let the whole world know

Why, Alexandra, only love you?

I always want to remain faithful,

I want to be happy with you,

And without you, it’s hard for me to smile.

"My dear Sashulya"

My dear Sashulya,

Coquette, my beauty.

I love you endlessly

I'm ready for anything for you.

I will become a hero, I will become a knight,

Just to protect you.

I'll never get tired of you

I am pleased and surprised.

"You are the most beautiful creature"

You are the most beautiful creature

Which was born on Earth.

And every meeting we have with you

Brings unearthly happiness to me.

You, Sashenka, are more precious than anyone in the world,

You are dearest to my heart.

And because you and I are together,

I envy myself.

Declaration of love named Alexandra – No. 251

Alexandra, I feel the most real and at the same time tender feelings for you, without which a person simply cannot live, but simply can exist... This feeling is called LOVE!

For me, you are the most important and beloved person in the world, you are the one for whom I am ready to do anything that a man who truly loves you can be ready for. I want you to be truly happy, and I will be doubly happy if you allow me to take part in this.

I love you, Alexandra!

Personalized SMS declarations of love to Alexander

Personalized SMS declarations of love will help you confess your love if it suddenly turns out that you don’t know how to do it using a regular mobile phone. What’s good about SMS declarations of love from this section is that they are addressed specifically to Alexander, and maybe because of this they carry a special positivity and maybe a little more warmth than ordinary declarations of love. But you may also like universal confessions more. The choice is yours. But, as experience shows, people prefer to be addressed by name rather than something vague. This is a huge plus personalized SMS in love to Alexandra.

SMS declarations of love to Alexander, Sasha

Do you dream and unusually confess your love and want to make your declaration memorable and original? This good idea, because your favorite Alexander worthy of the most beautiful words. Collected in this section SMS declaration of love to Alexander will help your relationship become even more romantic and close.

Don't be afraid to be the first to talk about your feelings. Love confession via SMS to Alexander will help indecisive and modest girls take the initiative into their own hands. But you need to think about the words you put in the SMS. Let the message be laconic, but it must be romantic and touching.

In ancient times, men and women conducted love correspondence in which they talked about their feelings. Today it is unfashionable to write, and it takes a long time. The Internet and mobile phone come to the rescue. But I want it to love confessions Alexandru reached the recipient and touched his heart. An SMS card will be a great addition to other creative ideas for declaring your love:

  • talk about your feelings during a football match,
  • ask the concert host to voice your declaration of love from the stage,
  • order your loved one a song,
  • perform a song in his honor at a karaoke bar,
  • Spend a romantic evening by the fire and talk about your feelings against the backdrop of bright stars.

As soon as I remember you,
And the heart is immediately happier.
My Sasha, I love you so much,
That even life is no dearer to me.
I love your laughter, your eyes,
Everything, everything that is connected with you.
And beyond the Earth
You are no better, dear.

Let the storm rage outside the window -
It doesn't matter to me.
Among the elemental chaos
Support, Sasha, you are mine.
My love for you cannot be measured,
Can't be expressed in a stream of phrases.
I can only assure you
That you are the diamond of my soul.

Sasha, you caused me excitement,
A whirlwind of wonderful, vibrant feelings,
My love will cast away all doubts,
And, my beloved, will bring us happiness.
My love is the only true one,
I loved you with all my soul,
I probably pray to God for one thing,
May we be happy with you forever.

Your tender kiss is always
Reliably warms me,
For very long years
I loved you, I know.
I want to say from the bottom of my heart,
My love, like the sun, is eternal,
I, Sasha, will respect you
And admire endlessly!

Alexander, you conquered me,
You gave me your love.
I love you so madly
And I want to confess today.
The depth of your tender eyes
Believe me, I remembered it more than once.
I love you my dear,
The bravest and strongest!

I call you beloved
Sasha, I love you so much
And I wouldn't trade it for anything
Your kind smile.
I want you to always laugh
To give me joy more often,
And smiled endlessly
And I forgot about all the bad things.

Let them say that it is not proper for a lady
Send declarations of love to a man,
But times change and morals change,
And I want to say to Alexander -
I love you like the waves love the sea,
How the sea loves velvet sand,
I am with you both in joy and in sorrow,
So don't let you be alone!

Alexander, let them say
These people are around whatever they want.
I love you my dear -
Lucky to meet you.
May our love only grow
Let it bloom in your heart,
It will take root and stay there,
Forever and in spite of all enemies.

Dear, beloved Sasha,
My golden man
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
And your character is holy,
The horizon is boundless,
You are a master at everything...
But I love you, my dear,
Not for anything - just like that.

Alexander, my hero,
I love you immensely.
I only want to be with you
I only want to be faithful to you.
I love all of you:
From toes to hair.
That's all I dream about,
May we succeed.

With you I become a girl
A little reckless, reckless.
Jumping like a bunny with happiness,
I'm flying to meet you, Sashka.
And I don’t care about everything in the world,
When I look at you.
Nobody loves on the planet
As much as I love you.

You are caring, gentle and cheerful,
Beautiful, kind, dear to my heart!
We've known each other since school,
Since then I haven't needed anyone else!
I, Sasha, fell in love with you so much,
The moment you said “hello” to me,
And my heart immediately began to beat faster,
And let it be like this for many, many years!

Dear Sasha, you made me fall in love,
Charm won the heart.
And I don’t want to look for anything better -
It’s simply impossible to meet!
You are the biggest man,
I am attached to you with all my soul.
Believe me, I want to love you always,
To be with you endlessly.

Alexander - you are just ideal,
I want you, my love, to know -
My love knows no boundaries
And it never fades.
I want them to be together forever,
They truly loved each other
And they never betrayed
And they hugged and kissed.

I found the love of my life -
I found happiness with you.
You, Sasha, are the best around,
You made your friends jealous.
I want to always be with you
And to love you alone,
And don't forget me,
Love, kiss and hug!

Sasha, a real man,
You are my pride and love,
Believe me, you deserve happiness
And your happiness is me. :)
I will always love you,
I can't betray you
I won't forget your smile
And I will kiss you on the lips!

Alexander is smart, strong,
In life, an eternal champion,
I'm lucky to have you
I feel like I'm in a dream all the time.
I can neither eat nor sleep,
I will dream about you.
You have to try really hard
To confess my love.

We started communicating with you,
When I look into your eyes,
Every time I want to confess
To you, my dear, in Love.
My Alexander is a ray of light,
What lights up my life,
Let the whole planet know
About how much I love you!

Is your beloved young man's name Alexander? Do you love him very much and want to confess your feelings to him? Then this section is for you!

Names are collected here declarations of love for Alexander. All confessions are written in verse in a romantic style. Some in a humorous way. Choose your favorites and send them to your beloved Sasha!

"Alexander, I love you so much"
I call you beloved
Sasha, I love you so much
And I wouldn't trade it for anything
Your kind smile.

I want you to always laugh
To give me joy more often,
And smiled endlessly
And I forgot about all the bad things.

"Sasha, I love you!"
I found the love of my life -
I found happiness with you.
You, Sasha, are the best around,
You made your friends jealous.

I want to always be with you
And to love you alone,
And don't forget me,
Love, kiss and hug!

“There is no one more beautiful than you in the world”
Dear, beloved Sasha,
My golden man
There is no one more beautiful in the world than you,
And your character is holy,

The horizon is boundless,
You are a master at everything...
But I love you, my dear,
Not for anything - just like that.

“There is no one better than Alexander!”
Alexander - you are just ideal,
I want you, my love, to know -
My love knows no boundaries
And it never fades.

I want them to be together forever,
They truly loved each other
And they never betrayed
And they hugged and kissed.

“Sasha, you move my heart!”
Sasha, you caused me excitement,
A whirlwind of wonderful, vibrant feelings,
My love will cast away all doubts,
And, my beloved, will bring us happiness.

My love is the only true one,
I loved you with all my soul,
I probably pray to God for one thing,
May we be happy with you forever.

"I love you my dear!"
Alexander, let them say
These people are around whatever they want.
I love you my dear -
Lucky to meet you.

May our love only grow
Let it bloom in your heart,
It will take root and stay there,
Forever and in spite of all enemies.

“Alexander, you conquered me!”
Alexander, you conquered me,
You gave me your love.
I love you so madly
And I want to confess today.

The depth of your tender eyes
Believe me, I remembered it more than once.
I love you my dear,
The bravest and strongest!

“May you not be lonely!”
Let them say that it is not proper for a lady
Send confessions of love to men,
But times change and morals change,
And I want to say to Alexander -

I love you like the waves love the sea,
How the sea loves velvet sand,
I am with you both in joy and in sorrow,
So don't let you be alone!

"You are my support"
Let the storm rage outside the window -
It doesn't matter to me.
Among the elemental chaos
Support, Sasha, you are mine.

My love for you cannot be measured,
Can't be expressed in a stream of phrases.
I can only assure you
That you are the diamond of my soul.

"Beloved Sasha"
Dear Sasha, you made me fall in love,
Charm won the heart.
And I don’t want to look for anything better -
It’s simply impossible to meet!

You are the biggest man,
I am attached to you with all my soul.
Believe me, I want to love you always,
To be with you endlessly.

“My Alexander is a ray of light”
We started communicating with you,
When I look into your eyes,
Every time I want to confess
To you, my dear, in Love.

My Alexander is a ray of light,
What lights up my life,
Let the whole planet know
About how much I love you!

“With you I become a girl”
With you I become a girl
A little reckless, reckless.
Jumping like a bunny with happiness,
I'm flying to meet you, Sashka.

And I don’t care about everything in the world,
When I look at you.
Nobody loves on the planet
As much as I love you.

“My Sasha, I love you so much”
As soon as I remember you,
And the heart is immediately happier.
My Sasha, I love you so much,
That even life is no dearer to me.

I love your laughter, your eyes,
Everything, everything that is connected with you.
And beyond the Earth
You are no better, dear.

"Alexander's kiss warms me"
Your tender kiss is always
Reliably warms me,
For very long years
I loved you, I know.

I want to say from the bottom of my heart,
My love, like the sun, is eternal,
I, Sasha, will respect you
And admire endlessly!

“I fell in love with you so much, Sasha!”
You are caring, gentle and cheerful,
Beautiful, kind, dear to my heart!
We've known each other since school,
Since then I haven't needed anyone else!

I, Sasha, fell in love with you so much,
The moment you said “hello” to me,
And my heart immediately began to beat faster,
And let it be like this for many, many years!

“I will dream about you”
Alexander is smart, strong,
In life, an eternal champion,
I'm lucky to have you
I feel like I'm in a dream all the time.

I can neither eat nor sleep,
I will dream about you.
You have to try really hard
To confess my love.

"My hero"
Alexander, my hero,
I love you immensely.
I only want to be with you
I only want to be faithful to you.

I love all of you:
From toes to hair.
That's all I dream about,
May we succeed.

“Sasha, a real man”
Sasha, a real man,
You are my pride and love,
Believe me, you deserve happiness
And your happiness is me. :)

I will always love you,
I can't betray you
I won't forget your smile
And I will kiss you on the lips!