Crushed oatmeal. Favorite rolled oatmeal! Healthy combination of products

Detailed description and usage:


It is believed that the birthplace of oats is Mongolia and China. In Bronze Age Europe, oats were found in wheat and barley crops as a weed. It began to be used as a seed crop at the dawn of mankind. The cultivation of oats began in the 2nd millennium BC, and in Russia - presumably in the 7th century AD. Today, oats are cultivated in many areas, in particular in the Kuban, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan.

The most common oatmeal dish is. Healthy oatmeal jelly was very much appreciated, but unfortunately, it is not so popular in our time.

Oatmeal for adults and for children is prepared differently. Moreover, they use different grains. For “adult” porridge, whole, uncrushed and uncrushed grain is suitable. Children, with their delicate oral mucous membranes, do not perceive hard and steep mass well, so for them porridge is prepared from crushed grain and oatmeal.

Oatmeal goes well with onions, chopped eggs, meat, fruits and nuts. Spices suitable for oatmeal: turmeric, allspice, shamballa, cloves, asafoetida, curry, chili, green dill.

Interesting things about cereals

* It is believed that by regularly eating oatmeal you can lose weight. Oatmeal is definitely a super dietary product. That is, it is very useful and has virtually no contraindications. But you can lose weight with oatmeal if you cook it in water or skim milk with virtually no added sugar. Only oatmeal grains soaked overnight, not boiled, contribute to weight loss.

* The first porridge that did not require cooking was produced in the 80s of the 19th century in England. Of course, it was oatmeal, and its taste was so unique - “no” that they joked: such a dish could only take root among the British.

* The first instant porridge in history - oatmeal - was made in Russia, in the northern provinces: oats were soaked for 24 hours in water, then simmered in a Russian oven, the swollen and highly heated grain was dried until browned, and then ground in mills or manually pounded in mortars, turning into aromatic fluffy flour - oatmeal, which was simply poured with hot milk, infused in the oven and eaten.

It turns out that from ordinary seeded oats, “camouflaged” by scientists with a sonorous Latin name Avena sativa, you can cook excellent sexual stimulant. Evidence of this is the product “Natural Sex” that has gone on sale. "Natural Sex", produced separately for men and women. The fair sex has to pay a little more for it, and the reason for such discrimination is understandable. "Its effect on women is so strong that we weren't sure whether it should be marketed at all."“, said one of the creators of this tool. And it’s true, you can imagine what happens to a woman who spent about 3 dollars more than a man (it turns out that it’s not without reason that we like to repeat that “oats are expensive these days”)... They say that during testing of the drug, women experienced incredible attraction to oral sex and literally pounced on their husbands at the most inopportune time and (yes, you guessed it!) in the most inopportune place. The creators explain this by saying that oats increase the level of totestosterone in the body, a hormone responsible for sexuality.

This statement is confirmed by recent scientific research, which has shown that oats (and, for some reason, unripe ones) stimulate sexual perception and prolong orgasm, and desire increases in both men and women. This fact is confirmed by the recently released “super aphrodisiac” on the market. Ultimate Sexstasy, one of the main ingredients of which is unripe oats. It is quite difficult to translate the name of this product into Russian - something like “Maximum Sexstasy” (most, of course, figured out the advertising idea of ​​the creators to combine the concepts of “sex” and “ecstasy” in one word). This drug in men "causes sexual stimulation, strengthens erection, prolongs the act of love and expands erotic sensations", and in women "increases desire, stimulates orgasm and heightens perception". All this is quite tempting, and modern doctors right and left recommend water extracts and other preparations from oat straw as stimulants for insomnia, mental exhaustion and physical fatigue, and juice from fresh and green oats as a tonic for nervous exhaustion, sleep disorders, and also in the absence of appetite.

By the way, they knew about the strengthening properties of oats in pre-revolutionary Russia - the word “gabersup” (from the German Hafer- oats) was the name for oatmeal soup that was fed in hospitals. The trustee of charitable institutions, Strawberry, from Gogol's The Inspector General, lamented this: “The sick were ordered to be given gabersup, but I have such cabbage wafting through all the corridors, so just take care of your nose...” Find a way to "get oats" and you'll be there - fortunately, this cereal is not too expensive these days and is often added to American breakfast cereals cereal, today widely advertised as the basis healthy eating (the real reason you and I already know). And do not forget that in Rus' (especially in the northern regions) oatmeal was especially respected - it is not at all difficult to prepare. If you trust Western remedies more, try cooking " " ( porridge) - traditional Scottish porridge.

T Atyana Solomonik, Sergey Sinelnikov, Ilya Lazerson. "LOVE AND HUNGER"

I order oatmeal from iHerb very often and it’s different - for all occasions. I really like crushed. But in the morning you want to cook porridge quickly, and then flattened porridge comes to the rescue. It's better quality than from the supermarket.

USDA and QAI certified organic. 100% whole grain. Good source fiber.

Oatmeal is the leader among cereals in fiber content, and therefore improves intestinal function, helps normalize metabolism, prevents gastrointestinal diseases, and normalizes cholesterol levels. In addition, cereals contain a lot of vitamins and microelements.

Oatmeal is made from whole grains. The grain is cleared of husks and the hard shell is removed. Then they are subjected to hydrothermal treatment (steamed) and flattened using rollers to the state of thin plates. This product retains all the taste properties of oatmeal. The thinner the plates, the less time required for cooking.

The packaging is very convenient - made of cardboard and equipped with a plastic lid. The rolled flakes are all light beige in color, with no debris or tough husks sometimes found in rolled oats. I don’t throw away the boxes when the cereal runs out, but use them for cereals, dried herbs and mushrooms.

The porridge is prepared quickly - within 3-5 minutes, all useful substances are preserved.

I cook on the stove, usually with water, or water plus milk. To get a creamy consistency, pour the flakes into cold water, bring to a boil and stir until cooked. Well, naturally, I add a little salt. In the finished porridge I add coconut oil, fruits or dried fruits, if desired. You can even cook porridge in the microwave.

McCann's Irish Oatmeal, Rolled Oats, 16 oz (454 g)

Steel cut oats are different from rolled oats. Because of this, it is worth ordering from overseas. The porridge turns out very tasty and healthy. And the secret is all in the technology: the outer rough shell is removed from the kernel and the oat grain is cut crosswise. Do not steam or expose high temperatures. They are crushed with steel knives so as not to harm the product by oxidation. As a result, we have on the table porridge with an unforgettable taste and texture, with beneficial properties unprocessed whole oats.

Everyone cooks porridge differently. You can do it with water (it’s healthier), or you can do it with milk. You can add salt and sugar.
You can add sweeteners to the finished porridge. Or berries and fruits - as you like.

Approximate scheme for cooking porridge (recipe for 4 servings):
1. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil.
2. Add 1 cup Irish steel cut oats.
3. Reduce heat and cook, stirring thoroughly, for about 30 minutes.
4. Serve with milk or cream, brown sugar, agave or maple syrup, honey or butter.

You can speed up the process and make the housewife’s life easier by boiling the porridge for just one minute, cover with a lid and leave in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, it will take about 10 minutes to prepare the porridge.
You can also simplify the process by using a slow cooker.

I advise you to try Irish oatmeal - you won’t regret it.

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15-02-15. Views:22240. Comments: 0.

Glycemic index (GI) – 35.

The calorie content of grain is 303 kcal (porridge with water – 73 kcal, with milk – 102 kcal).

Oatmeal is considered one of the healthiest. Produced from whole grains, without the use of special technologies or steaming. It differs from oatmeal not only in substance, but also in composition, medicinal properties. Uncrushed oat grains contain more useful elements; they are twice as rich in fiber and calcium as rolled oats, and have almost three times more potassium. Another benefit of oatmeal is that it contains less carbohydrates and starch. Unlike flakes, cereal is recommended for daily use. After cooking it has a different substance, more similar to wheat or rice.

Beneficial features

Oatmeal, unlike processed oat flakes, has more microelements and vitamins. Whole grains are rich in niacin (PP) and folic acid(B9), also in increased proportions are vitamins choline, beta-carotene, A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, E, H. Nutritional value of oats: proteins (11.9 g), carbohydrates (54.1 g ), fats (5.8 g), fiber (12 g), starch (52.6 g), ash (3.3 g). There are 26 types of mineral compounds in oat grain, while rolled oats have only 14. In terms of the amount of silicon (1000 mg), it is the leader among all cereals. There are strontium, zirconium, tin, titanium, nickel, vanadium, selenium, iodine, etc. Hercules, in comparison with oatmeal, is called an “empty product”.

Satisfying the daily requirement: dietary fiber by 40%, phosphorus - 46%, molybdenum - 56%, silicon - 3335%, vanadium - 500%, cobalt - 82%. Vitamins: H – 30%, B3 – 20%, PP – 20%, B6 – 15%, choline – 23%, B1 – 32%.

How oats affect the body

Oatmeal is used in the form of porridge, which normalizes metabolic processes, cleanses the body of cholesterol, toxins and waste. Stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, accelerates motility, increases protective functions, normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of developing gastritis, ulcers, cardiovascular diseases, and oncology. Prevents dermatitis, development of atherosclerosis, improves condition skin, promotes rejuvenation, normalization of the musculoskeletal system and musculoskeletal system. Oatmeal improves blood flow, blood composition (viscosity, hemoglobin), activates cell growth, eliminates pain syndromes in the intestines and stomach, and prevents bloating.

Oats have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, enveloping effects. Increases performance, restores strength, tones the nervous system, promotes weight loss. Has a positive effect on mental activity. An experiment was conducted in Great Britain age group from 30 to 80 years. After a week of daily consumption of oatmeal, everyone’s brain function, emotional sphere improved, and vigor appeared.

How to choose correctly

The quality of oatmeal is determined visually. The minimum amount of broken grain, husk and foreign impurities indicates good quality goods.

Storage methods

The shelf life of oatmeal is 10 months. Must be kept in a dry place, in a closed jar.

What does it go with in cooking?

Oatmeal is intended for preparing porridges that are boiled in water or milk. The cereal is used for stuffing poultry, kulebyak, and tripe. Added to first courses, pilaf, stew. Serves as a side dish for meat, mushrooms, fish. Casseroles, cereals, and pancakes are prepared from boiled grain. Oatmeal is combined with butter, dried fruits, sour cream, nuts, cream, cottage cheese, jam, honey.

Healthy combination of products

Nutritionists say that oatmeal is the healthiest of cereal products. Dishes made from oats get rid of toxins, stimulate fat metabolism, improve intestinal function, replenish the body with important substances, and improve digestion. It is useful to combine with kefir, yogurt, fresh berries and fruits: raspberries, black currants, grapefruit, apples, pineapple.

Oatmeal does not contribute to weight gain, since the complex carbohydrates included in the composition do not increase sugar levels and provide satiety and energy. To easily lose weight and look good, it is recommended to do it twice a week. fasting days on oatmeal. To do this, the porridge must be boiled in water, washed down with rosehip decoction or green tea. Such a monthly diet can take away 5-8 kg.


Dishes made from oatmeal can be harmful in cases of kidney and heart failure. Not recommended for gluten-related digestive disorders (celiac disease).

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Oatmeal is recommended for removing salts heavy metals and toxins, is of particular relevance for residents of large cities and industrial zones. Oatmeal decoction is prescribed for cleansing. Intestinal colic, pancreatitis, and poisoning are treated with an infusion of crushed grain. For hypertension, swelling, and heart problems, it is recommended to drink a glass of decoction twice a day. Therapeutic jelly relieves inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Oatmeal jelly recipe: water and grain (1:1), rye bread, yeast. Leave to ferment for 12 hours, then boil for 20 minutes.

In cosmetology, crushed grain is used in scrubs. Based on the decoction, masks and compresses are prepared that tighten pores, tone, improve composition, nourish, and rejuvenate. The steamed grain is used to make puree for applications. This method enriches the skin with useful elements, eliminates wrinkles, accelerates regeneration, and improves structure. Washing with oatmeal broth normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, relieves inflammation, and makes the skin smooth. Hand baths soften the skin, relieve irritation, and strengthen nails.

Oat groats– a product obtained by processing oats. Mongolia and China are considered to be the birthplace of oats. Today, other countries are also cultivating this crop.

Depending on the technology used, rolled and uncrushed versions of oatmeal are distinguished. In the first case, it looks like flattened petals (see photo). The color of this product should be gray-yellow with slight tints.

In order for the cereal to retain its consumer properties for a long time, it should be stored in a closed jar. This will prevent moisture and insects from entering. It is best to place the container away from direct sunlight. To protect the cereal from moths and other insects, place a few cloves of garlic and a sprig of mint next to the jars.

Production of different types of cereals

Production different types oatmeal is processed in accordance with GOST 6584-73. The main problem that arises during the processing of grain crops is that it is quite difficult to obtain whole grains. It is because of this that different equipment must be used during production. To reduce the amount of crushed grain, hydrothermal treatment is used, which includes several stages:

  • preheating;
  • steaming;
  • drying

Thanks to this sequence, the grain loses all unnecessary moisture, becomes strong, and most importantly, maintains its integrity.

There are two main types of oat cereals:

  1. Uncrushed (whole). For this option, the grain is steamed, hulled and ground. There are the highest, first and second grades of this cereal.
  2. Steamed flattened (flakes). For it, they use the first version of cereal, which is flattened. The kernels are corrugated, which is achieved by passing them through rollers. Steamed rolled cereal is also available in 3 varieties.

The quality of cereals is also regulated according to GOST 3034-75. Separately, it is worth mentioning the popular oatmeal Hercules, which are made from grains through special processing. It includes cleaning, degerming, steaming, flattening and passing through rollers.

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of oatmeal are due to the presence of numerous natural antioxidants in its composition, which help the body resist the negative effects of various irritants. Considering the presence of methionine, the product has a positive effect on the work nervous system. This product contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium - minerals that strengthen and restore bone tissue. It is recommended that people with anemia include oat cereal in their menu, as it contains iron.

Due to the presence of enveloping and anti-inflammatory properties, oatmeal is useful for bloating, as well as for pain in this area. Since it contains fiber, if consumed regularly, you can cleanse the intestines of toxins and various breakdown products. All this has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and reduces the risk of developing cancer in this part of the body, as well as ulcers and gastritis.

Oatmeal is an easily digestible product, which allows it to be consumed by people who are watching their weight or want to lose weight. The high energy value determines the use of cereals for preparing breakfasts, which makes it possible to get rid of the feeling of hunger for a long time.

According to recent scientific experiments, it was possible to determine that oats contain beta-glucan, a substance that helps reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood. In addition, this product normalizes blood sugar levels. Oatmeal contains biotin, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and reduces the risk of dermatitis.

Use in cooking

Oatmeal is used in cooking to prepare porridge, which is not only tasty, but also a healthy dish. She is loved in many parts of the world, but is especially appreciated in the UK. For the British, oatmeal is the best breakfast. To vary the taste, various spices, fruits, honey, etc. are added to it.

You can make soup and jelly from it - dishes recommended for consumption if you have problems with the digestive system. Based on the cereal, you can make delicious and dietary cookies, as well as pies and other baked goods. Often, aromatic and healthy bread is prepared from it. Uncrushed cereal is used as a filling for soups, since it does not boil over for a long time. Followers proper nutrition They like to combine cereals with natural yogurt and fruit. It is used in recipes for various desserts. In addition, oat cereals go well with salads, first and second courses. It is also used as a filling for stuffing, as well as for making meatballs and cutlets. In general, a little imagination - and you can prepare an incredibly tasty and healthy oatmeal dish that all family members will appreciate.

How to cook at home?

There are several ways to cook oatmeal at home:

  1. Traditionally. Pour in the cereal hot water for about 6 hours at the rate of 1 tbsp. oats for 2.5 tbsp. liquids. Then bring to a boil, and then cook for half an hour until tender. Add some salt vegetable oil. If desired, you can add dried fruits.
  2. In a slow cooker. It is very simple to prepare oatmeal in this way: just pour the oatmeal with water in the directions indicated in previous paragraph proportions, select the “Porridge” mode and set the timer for 30 minutes.
  3. In a steamer. In this case, the cereal will cook for 40 minutes.

You can cook oatmeal not only in water, but also in broth and milk, which ultimately diversifies the taste of the dish. Uncrushed cereal cooks for a long time, about 90 minutes, and its volume practically does not increase.

The benefits of oatmeal and treatment

The benefits of oatmeal and treatment based on it have been used for a long time in folk medicine. Due to its general strengthening effect, it can be used in the treatment of tuberculosis, as well as during the recovery period after surgery.

Can be cooked oat broth. For this you need 1 tbsp. cereals pour 5 tbsp. water and steam it over low heat for 4 hours. Then rub everything through a sieve. As a result, you will get a mixture whose consistency will be similar to jelly. You need to drink 1 tbsp of the decoction. in a day. It is recommended to use it in the presence of gallstones, liver problems, as well as allergic diseases. Kissel, prepared on the basis of oatmeal, is recommended for people with low acidity of gastric juice, as well as for constipation and bloating. You can also make a poultice out of it to help relieve skin inflammation.

Oatmeal for weight loss

Oatmeal is beneficial for weight loss complex carbohydrates, which break down for a long time and release the energy necessary for the body. That is why a huge number of nutritionists recommend eating oatmeal for breakfast. Desserts, such as oatmeal cookies, can be used as a snack.

There is a diet that is based on eating oatmeal. Many consider it the safest for the body. It is not recommended to use a mono-diet for more than 7 days. The quantity of porridge is not limited. Depending on your initial weight, you can lose up to 5 pounds in a week. extra pounds. Cereals should be cooked only in water, without using salt or sugar. It is permissible to add some dried fruits. It is important to drink at least 2 liters of water. Do not use this diet more than 2 times a year.

Harm of oatmeal and contraindications

Oatmeal can cause harm if you have an individual intolerance to the product.

It is worth considering that The porridge contains phytic acid, which inhibits the absorption of calcium in the intestines.