Celebrating Chief Accountant's Day. International Accounting Day (Accountant's Day). When is it celebrated in other regions?

Without which person can no company or enterprise exist? On whose shoulders does all accounting rest - from income and expenses to wages? This irreplaceable, extremely important person in the work of any company is an accountant. We will tell you when Accountant's Day is in 2018 and how best to congratulate specialists in this profession.

Accountant's Day is a professional holiday, that is, dedicated to representatives of a certain profession. Paradoxically, this holiday is not on the official list of professional holidays in Russia. But at the same time, the holiday is regularly celebrated by accountants themselves, as well as by members of their families, and by the heads of companies in which specialists work.

Historically, Accountant’s Day in our country is celebrated on November 21 - the date was determined in honor of the signing of the Law “On Accounting”,

Regional holidays

In some regions of our country, Accountant's Day is celebrated especially. At the regional government level, their own celebration dates have been adopted - for example, in the Volgograd region Accountant's Day is celebrated on November 1. And Yaroslavl decided to move the holiday to spring - in the region, Accounting Worker's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday in April. Tatarstan celebrates the Republican Day of “Accounting Workers” on the last Friday in November. Both Moscow has its own Accountant Days – November 16th, and St. Petersburg – November 15th.

Holiday in Russia

Attempts to introduce Accountant Day at the federal level have been made for more than fifteen years. The first such attempt was made in 2000, when the Second All-Russian Congress of Accountants and Auditors took place. Those present decided to appeal to the government with a proposal to include Accountant's Day in the register of professional holidays. Unfortunately, the fate of this proposal remains unknown.

More active progress in the issue of official approval of the holiday was made in 2014. An appeal from the initiative group of the Union of Accountants and Auditors of Russia reached the Ministry of Finance. Representatives of the department promised to bring the issue of a new holiday. At the moment, a discussion is underway about the possible date of the holiday - whether to leave the date of November 21, which has already been customary for many years of unofficial celebration, or whether it would be more reasonable to join the international community in this matter and set November 10 as the date of the holiday.

International holiday

The merits of accountants are recognized not only in our country. On November 10, the whole world celebrates International Accountants Day, a holiday adopted by the UN on the recommendation of UNESCO. The date of the holiday was the day of the birth of the first book on accounting - the work of Luca Pacioli “The Sum of Arithmetic, Geometry, Relations and Proportions”, published already in 1405. Yes, accounting can safely be called one of the oldest disciplines that has survived to our time with an almost unchanged base - if we take the end of the 15th century as a starting point, then this discipline is already more than five hundred years old.

Luca Pacioli (sometimes spelled Pacioli) is an Italian scientist, mathematician, and a man who created the foundations of accounting as a clear system. In essence, his Summa was a textbook and collection of problems in algebra and geometry, which set out as a basis a guide to the accounting systems adopted at that time in Italy. An attempt to combine into a single system all the accounting skills that were adopted in different regions of the country, the creation of a table of coins, a summary table of weights and measures, became Pacioli’s significant contribution to the development of accounting.

Few specialists can boast of the existence of a periodical with the same name as their profession. But chief accountants are not one of them. The Glavbukh magazine, the first issue of which was published on April 21, 1994, is the flagship in covering taxation and accounting. The publication enjoys authority among economists, is an assistant in the routine work of accountants, and the solemn date of Chief Accountant Day in Russia was chosen in its honor.

The organizers of the holiday call for gratitude for the hard work of the chief accountants. After all, the type of activity of these specialists is really not simple. There are sociological data according to which the profession of accountants in general and chief accountants in particular is placed on a par with pilots, law enforcement officers and firefighters in terms of danger. Although economists do not have to contend with the elements, open criminal behavior, or withstand large physical exercise, their field of activity and big money attract adventurers, swindlers and robbers. And it is accountants, sadly enough, who are most often accused without reason of forgery, theft and participation in fraudulent schemes.

With all this, the bulk of the chief accountants are ladies. According to statistics, over 80% of chief accountants are women. They accept all the dangers of the profession, are collected, methodical, responsible, attentive, organized and precise. It is for these qualities that workers in such a difficult field should be thanked on Chief Accountant Day.

Among the famous people who became famous in other fields of activity, there are those who began working as accountants and clerks. The name of Karl Marx in this regard is not surprising; he was a famous economist. But Herbert Wells, O. Henry and Mikhail Zoshchenko are not perceived as anything other than accomplished writers. However, their biography contains episodes of making a living in the field of accounting.

The profession is ancient. The need to take into account the movement of material assets, be it a coin, a head of livestock or a bag of grain, arose along with natural exchange. The amount of resources was recorded according to time - on clay tablets, birch bark, paper.

With the development of civilizations, the science of accounting also developed. The most significant contribution to the development of accounting is considered to be the contribution of Venetian merchants, who introduced the rule of double entry in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries. This method turned out to be so successful that it is still used today, having undergone significant improvements, but remaining fundamentally the same. The well-known mathematician Luca Pacioli streamlined the double accounting system, structured it and thereby facilitated the work of economists of his time. It's a rare accountant who doesn't know this name.

There are not many who have not heard the song of the group “Combination”, which tells about an accountant as a simple bookkeeper and not a prestigious employee. The days in which this respected profession was emasculated are over. Now the chief accountant is a valuable employee, the right hand of the general director, the owner of confidential information and a decently paid specialist.

February 29, 2020, in , there will be a welterweight fight between two professional American boxers: Jesse Vargas and Mikey Garcia.

We tell you where it will take place, what time it will start and where to watch Garcia vs. Vargas boxing on February 29 (March 1), 2020.

The meeting of the fighters will be the final one during the boxing evening, which will be held at the Ford Center with a capacity of 12 thousand spectators, part of the Zvezda complex ( Ford Center at The Star), located in Frisco, Texas (USA).

What time does the Garcia-Vargas boxing start:
The start of the event, which includes nine fights, is scheduled for 18:00 local (Eastern) time on February 29, 2020, which corresponds to 02:00 am Moscow time on March 1, 2020.

The most anticipated boxing event The Garcia-Vargas fight will begin at approximately 7 a.m. “Moscow time” on March 1, 2020 (Sunday morning), after completing 8 previous fights.

By the way, in the second fight of the evening (out of nine) the Uzbek boxer Israil Madrimov will compete against Charlie Navarro. Also, the tournament was originally scheduled for a fight between Russian Murat Gassiev and Jerry Forrest, which was later cancelled.

Where to watch the Garcia-Vargas fight on February 29 (March 1), 2020:

IN live Garcia-Vargas meeting will show "First channel. Start of live broadcast from Ford Center - 06:55 Moscow time.

And on the Channel One website the fight can be watched online and recorded.

Since ancient times leap years various beliefs and traditions were associated. Today we will talk about What can a woman ask a man on Leap Day, February 29, and he has no right to refuse?.

There is an old European custom, according to which once every four years - on February 29 - a woman can ask for the hand (offer to marry her) from a man, and not vice versa. AND a man does not have the right to simply refuse from this proposal - he must either agree or “pay off” (pay a “fine” for refusal). In monetary terms, the “fine” is equal to the cost of 12 pairs of gloves. It is believed that this is how many pairs of gloves a woman will need to hide the absence of a wedding ring until the next leap day.

This tradition originated in Ireland in the 4th century AD, when St. Patrick, who spread Christianity in the country, allowed women to make marriage proposals to men once every four years. This was done in order to “balance” the roles of men and women in society, just as Leap Day on February 29 balances the calendar.

In the Middle Ages in a number of European countries this rule was even approved at the legislative level. For example, in the 13th century in Scotland, when young knights were dying en masse in battles and many girls could not find a mate, a law was passed according to which on February 29 a woman could propose to a man, and if he refused, he was obliged to pay a fine . Similar laws were passed in different time in England, Denmark and other countries.

And even in Rus' there was a similar tradition. Only “our” girls had the opportunity to call a loved one as their husband not for one day, but throughout the entire leap year. The leap year was called the “year of the bride,” and it was forbidden to send matchmakers to the girls, because they chose their future husbands themselves. Since then, in Russia, a leap year has been considered unlucky for weddings, since men did not have the opportunity to choose their own bride.

Every company or enterprise, regardless of its form of ownership, has a person without whom it is difficult to imagine their existence. He keeps records of all cash receipts, monitors expenses, is responsible for paying taxes and even for the timely payment of salaries. Of course, we're talking about about an accountant. It is clear that such a person enjoys great respect not only among management, but also among ordinary workers. However, few of them know when Accountant’s Day 2018 is and what date they can congratulate this important person for any company.

When is Accountant's Day celebrated?

Any person spends a significant part of his life at work. For some people, work colleagues become members of a second family. It is not surprising that professional holidays have special significance in this regard. Thanks to them, people are proud of their chosen profession and unite more tightly into a single production team.

If we talk about accountants, then in our country there is still no single professional holiday dedicated to this important profession. At least there is no day dedicated to accountants in the list of professional holidays.

At the same time, this does not mean that such respected people are ignored. They, like other workers of any team, are congratulated, awarded, etc. True, this does not happen on professional day, but on November 21. It was on this day that the Law “On Accounting” was adopted in Russia. In 2018 it will be Wednesday.

The truth is that everything is ambiguous here. The above law was published on November 25, which means it came into force on that date. In this regard, in some organizations Accountant's Day is celebrated on November 25, citing the fact that tax authorities celebrate their holiday on November 21.

What is the prospect of the holiday

Attempts to establish Accountant Day have been going on for about fifteen years. The first attempt was made in 2000 at the Second All-Russian Congress of Accountants. Then the delegates turned to government bodies with a proposal to establish Accountant Day at the federal level and include it in the appropriate register. However, the appeal remained unheeded. This issue began to be promoted more actively in 2014. The Russian Union of Accountants made a corresponding appeal to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Department officials promised to raise the issue of a new holiday at a meeting of the Government of the Russian Federation.

Today there is information that a corresponding bill is being prepared to establish All-Russian Accountant Day. Currently, the date of the holiday is allegedly being discussed. There is an opinion that the date that is already familiar to all accountants - November 21 - will be approved the fastest. Although, there are also supporters of celebrating this professional day together with the entire world community. Time will tell what the final decision will be. The main thing is that this issue has moved forward.

Celebration at the regional level

Some regional governments in our country have decided to solve this problem in their own way. In a number of regions, legislative acts were adopted on the celebration of accountant's day in the territory of a particular region. Moreover, in each region the date is celebrated on different dates and months:

Moscow 16.11
Petersburg 15.11
Krasnoyarsk region 12.11
Tatarstan last Friday of November
Krasnodar region first Sunday in December
Volgograd region 01.11
Yaroslavl region first Sunday in April

International Accountant's Day

Abroad, representatives of this profession also enjoy honor and respect. It is no coincidence that there is International Accountants Day. It was established by the UN in accordance with the recommendation of UNESCO. The date of the holiday is November 10th. It was on this day in 1405 that the work of Luca Pacioli was published: “The Sum of Arithmetic, Geometry, Relations and Proportions.” Even though it was a simple textbook with problems in algebra and geometry, this book laid the foundations of accounting. In the work of the Italian mathematician, a system was created that systematized knowledge of bookkeeping, various tables of measures, weights, and coins that then existed in Italy. Since then, accounting has practically not changed its basis and is therefore one of the oldest disciplines.

Celebration traditions in Russia

Despite the fact that Accountant’s Day in Russia is not included in the list of professional holidays, representatives of this profession celebrate this day quite widely:

  • various thematic conferences and congresses are held;
  • ceremonial events are organized at which heads of firms and companies speak and thank accountants for their dedicated work for the benefit of the prosperity of their enterprises. At the same time, the most experienced specialists are awarded valuable gifts, cash bonuses and certificates.
  • Numerous partners of enterprises and companies do not forget about congratulations to accountants.
  • accountants celebrate their holiday with their families, where congratulations are also sent to them.

In order to become an accountant, you must complete your studies at the appropriate secondary or higher educational institution. Currently, you can also find relevant courses for training accountants.

In order to become a highly qualified specialist, and especially a Chief Accountant, you must undergo training at a higher specialized educational institution.

After graduating from university, a young specialist is first sent to work in one of the accounting departments. There he is assigned to deal with a specific area: payroll or tax calculation. Only if a specialist shows good results is he entrusted with more complex work and can count on career growth.

At the beginning, the accountant's salary corresponds to the salary provided for in the staffing table. Only then, with the acquisition of experience, can an accountant count on additional allowances, bonuses, etc. Usually, wage An accountant's qualifications are directly dependent on the length of service, experience and prestige of the higher institution from which he graduated. Additional bonuses are provided by:

  • knowledge of foreign language;
  • experience working with international financial documents;
  • Computer skills and especially knowledge of accounting programs.

That is why every accountant is obliged to take an interest in economic news, familiarize himself with changes in legislation and improve his professional level.

In Russia it is customary to celebrate a professional holiday - Accountant's Day. It is dedicated to all specialists whose activities are related to calculations and reporting. Therefore, employees of related professions are often classified as accountants. Let's find out what accompanies this significant day.

Origin story

Since tracking changes in legislation, keeping records and preparing reports is not an easy task, it was decided to introduce a new professional holiday. It is especially important for employees who have worked in the organization for a long time. What day is Accountant's Day?, today almost everyone knows. But how did he appear?

The emergence of a significant date was associated with the publication of a new law on accounting. The day of the official signing of this legislative act by Boris Yeltsin in 1996 has traditionally become significant in Russia.

Later, at a meeting of the executive committee in 2000, the issue of legitimizing this event was discussed. It was decided to apply to the Ministry of Finance to establish a professional holiday.

The event was successful, but there is one caveat: it is impossible to set a specific day for an accountant for all regions of Russia. The reason is that the mentioned normative act was adopted in different regions at different times. For this reason, the date of celebration is different. But experts must know the number exactly. Let's look at this issue in detail.

How to celebrate and what can be given as a gift

The holiday - Accountant's Day - is usually celebrated among colleagues, relatives or friends. Much depends on the tradition of the company. You can organize a celebration right in the office at the end of the working day or get everyone together. For example, in a cafe or outdoors.

Since the majority of representatives of this profession are women, you can give flowers, sweets, and cards on this day. Male accountants are given souvenirs, diaries, and leisure accessories.

The main task for everyone is to be able to create a friendly atmosphere and prepare beautiful congratulations.

When Accountant's Day in 2019 in Russia

Most Russian specialists celebrate this holiday on November 21. Although the date has not been set at the federal level. She crosses paths with someone else professional holiday– Day of the tax authority employee. Since the activities of both areas are interconnected and have much in common, joint celebration is possible.

The second reason why April 21st became a significant date is the publication of the first issue of this magazine. The organizers hope that over time the holiday will receive official status in Russia.

International Accountants Day

There is another holiday that you need to know about - International Accounting Day. It is celebrated annually on November 10 by all specialists related to accounting and reporting.

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Residents of Russia do not have an officially approved date, so some arrange a feast on the 10th, others prefer to wait until November 21st.

The origin of the holiday is associated with the appearance in 1494 in Venice of the first book containing information that became the basis for the development of accounting regulations. The author and “father of accounting” was recognized as the Italian mathematician Luca Bartolomeo de Pacioli (Luca Bartolomeo Pacioli). It described the features of accounting in Venice. The book was published on November 10, 1494, so that date was chosen for the international celebration.

Where to get funny congratulations and cards on Accountant's Day

Target gala event– increase the prestige of the profession, express gratitude and significance of work that is of great importance for the economic development of the country. Colleagues give each other gifts, postcards, and take photographs as souvenirs. But at the holiday there must be beautiful toasts and wishes.

Don't know where to get it cool congratulations happy accountant's day? We will help you solve this problem! First of all, decide on the form of congratulations.


Do you want to find a greeting that is suitable for people with a sense of humor? Then you should visit Fosik.ru. An example is shown below:


Cool SMS greetings are available on the “Privet People” website. Among them are those addressed to a colleague or friend. You will find funny, with good wishes, with an assessment of professional abilities. Here are some of them: