Natasha's real name is Queen Singer. Famous husbands of Natasha Queen. Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev

Almost thirty years ago, Natasha Koroleva was a rising star. Her song about yellow tulips sounded from almost every radio and television. Then there were other songs and its popularity grew. Spectators were attracted to her by her unconventional appearance, sparkle in her eyes and perky character.

Almost three decades later, nothing has changed in this girl, the same sparkle in her perky eyes, loud voice and incredible hard work. She has no plans to slow down, despite the fact that she has an adult son and has been married twice.

Natasha Koroleva is incredibly grateful to each of her husbands. The first - for making a star out of her Russian stage, and to the second - for a wonderful son and a happy life.

The composer's muse

The singer’s first husband was the famous singer and composer Igor Nikolaev. This man needs little introduction. Even those who are not fans of popular music are probably familiar with the songs performed or written by this artist.

The composer's acquaintance with the then-beginning singer began quite banally. She came to Moscow from Kyiv for a competition of young talents, and the chairman of the jury was Igor Nikolaev. Natalya was accompanied to this competition by her mother. After the results of the competition were announced, the girl realized that she did not make it to the next round and was very upset about this.

But the girl’s mother decided to talk to the composer so that he would give her daughter another chance. And she succeeded. As Nikolaev himself later admitted, Natalya did not make much of an impression on him with her voice. But he noticed potential in her and a great desire to work. This story became the beginning of their ten-year relationship.

Unbeknownst to themselves, the aspiring singer and composer fell in love with each other. Natalya was afraid of this relationship and restrained herself in every possible way. Firstly, Nikolaev was still married at the time they met, and secondly, the girl was embarrassed by the age difference, which was almost 12 years. But the man was so courteous and attentive to her that it was impossible to resist.

The only condition for the continuation of relations between them on Natalia’s part was to officially legitimize the relationship. Igor thought about this for a long time and finally decided to get a stamp in his passport. The wedding was quiet and literally took place at home. To sign the newlyweds, the registry office workers came straight to Natalya’s home.

Period family life Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev can be called the most fruitful in terms of creativity for both of them. The composer created his hits, and the singer performed them.

This creative and family tandem lasted for about 10 years. Then, unexpectedly for everyone, the couple announced their separation. Natalya named the reason for this decision. These were constant betrayals of the spouse. Already at that moment ex-husband Natasha Koroleva chose to leave this event without comment.

Love at first sight

A lot of time has passed since the divorce of Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev, but there is still an opinion that it was the singer who chose the composer over a younger man. Many still believe that the reason for the breakup of the family was betrayal on Natalia’s part.

Interesting notes:

To prevent these rumors, the singer herself repeatedly told the story of meeting her future husband. After her divorce from Nikolaev, she was very worried about this. It was a difficult period during which she chose to devote herself to work. Natalya recorded new songs and filmed videos.

So, according to the director’s idea, strippers participated in the filming of one of the videos. Once on the set, Natalya immediately singled out one of the dancers for herself. He was a charming blond with a wide smile and a wonderful physique. During the filming of the video, Natalya met him: the guy’s name was Sergei Glushko, and on stage he performed under the pseudonym Tarzan.

Very quickly, communication developed into a romantic relationship, and after the first night spent with Sergei, Natalya found out that she was expecting a child. Natasha Koroleva's husband was very happy about this news and looked forward to his birth. Natalia and Sergei had a son, whom they named Arkhip.

Happy together

Artists have long and happy marriages rarity. One of the partners cannot stand the glory of the other or cannot put up with his busyness. Such conflicts never arose in the family of Natasha Koroleva and Sergei. Sergei does not hide that his relationship with the artist added to his popularity. They recorded several songs together. He tried himself as an actor on the theater stage and starred in several TV series.

But information appears in the press every now and then that the couple is on the verge of divorce. The main reason for this, naturally, is the husband’s alleged infidelities related to his work. But time passes and these rumors are not confirmed. The couple says they are tired of paying attention to this stupid news and asks that their family be left alone.

Name: Queen Natasha

Age: 46 years old

Place of Birth: Kyiv, Ukraine

Weight: 52 kg

Height: 1.6 m

Activity: pop singer

Family status: Married

Natasha Koroleva is a talented singer, a woman who was born to conquer other people's hearts. Years of creativity have made the artist so popular that today it is difficult to find a person who would not be interested in the biography of the Queen.


The future singer Natasha Koroleva was born in Kyiv in 1973, now the girl is 45. Considering her age, she looks great and is in excellent physical shape - with a height of 160 cm, she weighs only 52 kg.

Interesting! Natasha's real name is Rush, Queen - her stage name.

The girl’s parents were people associated with art, so it is not at all surprising that from childhood she was in an atmosphere of creativity. Dad led the choir, and mom worked as a conductor.

Natasha Koroleva in childhood

Koroleva’s first stage performance took place when the girl was only three - together with the Big Choir she performed the composition “Cruiser Aurora”.

From the age of seven, the future artist went to music school to study piano. In her free time from studying, she danced. One of the most significant and memorable events of that time for Natasha was her acquaintance with V. Bystryakov.

Natasha Koroleva with her parents and older sister

Thanks to her good vocal abilities, the Queen was a regular participant in school concerts. She repeatedly took part in vocal competitions - she performed as part of the group “Mirage” and others. In the late 80s, the girl made her debut on television, and also hosted the TV show “Kiev Beauty”.

Interesting! The queen was noticed by music editor M. Mogilevskaya, whose acquaintance in the future helped the girl in developing her career.

The girl always dreamed of becoming a famous artist and performing on the big stage, but constant employment became an obstacle to entering the circus school. However, Natasha’s perseverance and perseverance bore fruit - she soon became a student at the department of pop vocals.

The Queen in her youth - her first steps on the big stage

At some point in her career, the Queen decides to get a specialized higher education, becomes a student and in 2003 receives a diploma from GITIS.

Natasha Koroleva with her sister and Ksenia Sobchak


The singer's musical career developed rapidly. At the age of 15, the Queen could often be found on stages not only in the CIS countries, but also in the USA, where she went as a soloist of a children's group.

Queen and Nikolaev

Interesting! Thanks to her brilliant performance, Natasha was offered to continue her studies at one of the US universities, but the girl preferred Moscow to a distant country.

The young talent goes to audition for the famous composer I. Nikolaev. The competition was not great; out of three contenders for the place, Igor chooses Natalya. Despite the fact that the girl did not make much of an impression, Nikolaev wrote the song “Yellow Tulips” for Koroleva, which became the first real hit of the aspiring artist.

After the release of the hit, the artist’s popularity began to go off scale, she packed halls and stadiums, and fans showered her with bouquets of “harbingers of separation.”

After “Tulips,” Nikolaev and Koroleva recorded a new hit, “Dolphin and the Mermaid.”

And in 1994, her first solo album was released, and Natasha went on tour throughout the Russian Federation, Israel, Germany and the USA. A year later, another album was released, which included new hits “Little Country”, “Confetti”, etc.

Stills from the video for the song “Little Country”

Interesting! At the same time, the girl discovers her talent as a writer - she writes the words to a song about blue swans.

By the end of 1997, Koroleva had millions of fans, a world tour, three albums and thirteen videos for the most popular compositions.

The break with Nikolaev is reflected in Koroleva’s work. Her repertoire includes songs recorded in a duet with Tarzan, as well as new albums that brought the artist stunning success.

Today Natasha continues to record new compositions, shoot videos and release records. The artist stopped mass concerts, focusing on self-improvement. The Queen entered the American Academy of Film Arts, where she received a new profession as an operator-editor. The girl also tried on a new dramatic image - surprising fans in the video for the song “Standed and Cried.”

The Queen in the video “Standed and Cried”

In 2015, a new album “Magic L...” was released. In 2016, the singer celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of her creative activity with a large concert in the Kremlin, where she performed not only her favorite hits, but also new compositions.

Natasha pleased her fans with her appearance in the show “Secret to a Million”. The Queen shared details about her biography, personal life, and also talked about her relationship with her husband.

In 2017, the singer took up a new job - she became the producer of the promising project PopaBend.

Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev

Natasha's upbringing did not allow the girl to cohabit with a man. Therefore, the couple decided to get married.

Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev

Interesting! Nikolaev was against a lavish wedding with a large number of press and guests. The Queen easily solved the problem - together with her parents and a registry office employee, she came to Igor’s home, where their relationship was formalized. There was no white dress or wedding bouquet.

Married life was full of romance. However, the cloudless happiness did not last long. Ten years later, the couple separated. Natasha cites her husband's infidelity as the reason for the divorce. Friends of the family claim that the Queen also added “fuel to the fire” because she too often arranged scenes of jealousy for her husband. The couple had no children.

Interesting! After the divorce, the Queen did not speak to Nikolaev for eight years.

Personal life

A year after the divorce from Nikolaev, it became known that Natasha was pregnant, but from another man. The Queen's chosen one was Sergei "Tarzan" Glushko, who works as a stripper.

Interesting! The future spouses met during a business meeting. Sergei negotiated the amount of the fee for his team for performing at Natasha’s concert.

Natasha Koroleva and Sergei Glushko

Despite the fact that their romance developed very quickly, many people around Koroleva were sure that for Natasha this was just a fleeting affair that would help soften the bitterness of parting with her husband. However, these people turned out to be wrong. Soon information appeared about the singer’s pregnancy and her upcoming wedding. A few months later, Natasha gave birth to Sergei’s son.

Natasha with her son and husband

The wedding took place in 2003. The lovers still feel for each other today warm feelings and are completely happily married.

Wedding of Natasha and Sergei

Interesting! Periodically, rumors appear in the press about adultery Tarzan. But the couple perceives them with humor, and even did a photo shoot where the Queen allegedly catches her husband with another woman.

Spicy incriminating evidence

In the biography of Natasha Koroleva there is another very piquant fact concerning her personal life.

In 2015 The Internet literally “exploded” due to the appearance of photographs online in which the Queen appeared naked. Two main versions immediately appeared to explain what happened. According to the first, the singer’s smartphone was hacked and all the girl’s racy photos were posted on the Internet. The essence of the second version was that Koroleva’s gadget was not hacked, but stolen by ill-wishers, and this is how intimate photos of the artist appeared online.

A little later another version appeared. Someone thought that Natasha could have posted such racy photos on the Internet herself. Among them was one of the deputies who proposed depriving the Queen of the status of an Honored Artist due to her absolutely unethical behavior. True, after some time the man apologized for his words, because the scandalous case with photographs of Koroleva took a new turn.

The court found that the singer’s phone was indeed stolen, and before uploading racy photographs of the celebrity online, the attackers demanded a huge amount of money from Koroleva. Natasha and Sergey did not cooperate with the blackmailers and refused to pay the money. This is exactly how photos of the singer appeared on the Internet, in which she is depicted in what her mother gave birth to.

All these events became a great test for Natasha - Koroleva began to show signs of depression, and she had to turn to specialists for help. The artist was very worried that her grown-up son would not come across photographs posted by intruders on the Internet.

  • For the first time in her life, Natasha earned money on her own when she was 11 years old. The girl participated in " Christmas trees"in the Palace "Ukraine". The Queen earned about 16 rubles a day. She spent this salary on a jacket and boots.
  • From an early age, Natasha knew exactly what she wanted to become when she grew up. The Queen dreamed of being on stage and, unlike most children, loved to give short concerts in front of her relatives, climbing on a chair.
  • The Queen enjoyed going to school, but the years kindergarten remembers with horror. Every morning she threw her father real hysterics about this.
  • The artist sometimes has prophetic dreams.
  • The Queen prefers to be called Natasha rather than Natalya, because, as the singer herself admits, she still looks at many things like a child.
  • As a child, the future artist was called “small” by her classmates because she stood last in physical education.
  • The Queen loves white wine.

Natasha Koroleva (real name Natalya Vladimirovna Poryvay) is a pop singer who received popular love after the release of the album “Yellow Tulips”, recorded jointly with Igor Nikolaev. Among her songs are such hits as “Little Country”, “A Little Bit Doesn’t Count”, “Blue Swans” and dozens of other lyrical ballads and fiery dance compositions.


Natasha Poryvay, who was born in Kyiv, grew up in a creative family: the girl’s father was a choirmaster, and her mother, Honored Artist of Ukraine Lyudmila Poryvay, conducted the Svetoch choir. My 5-year-older sister, Irina, was a musically gifted child and subsequently performed solo under the pseudonym Rusya. It is not surprising that already at the age of 3 Natasha Poryvay made her debut on stage together with the Big Choir of Radio and Television of Ukraine, performing the song “Cruiser Aurora”.

At the age of 7, the girl was enrolled in a music school for piano class and, at the same time, in the choreographic studio named after Grigory Verevka. An important event that predetermined the baby’s fate was her acquaintance with the composer Vladimir Bystryakov, who took the gifted Natasha under his wing. At the age of 12, she began performing with his songs (“Where did the circus go”, “World of miracles”), thanks to which she quickly became the star of all city holidays: children's matinees, government congresses, New Year's lights, city days - every event was accompanied by the clear voice of Natasha Poryvay . In 1987, the girl became a diploma winner of the Golden Tuning Fork folk music competition.

In the same year, Natasha made her first appearance on television, in the “Wider Circle” program (a kind of prototype of the “Minute of Fame” show), which gave a ticket to fame to many aspiring performers: Dmitry Malikov, Leonid Agutin, the group “Secret”... But for real A significant event for the young singer was her performance at a vocal competition in Evpatoria. She did not take any prizes, but attracted the attention of Elvira, the assistant of the famous Moscow television producer Marta Mogilevskaya. Natasha gave the woman a cassette with her own material, not knowing that this act would later play a huge role in her life.

Natasha Koroleva in the program “Wider Circle” (1986)

Some time passed, but no news came from Moscow, and Natasha continued to build a career in her native Ukraine, entering the Kiev Variety and Circus School to major in “Variety Vocals.” In the summer of 1989, she went on tour to the States.

The vocal girl made a strong impression on American vocal teachers, who invited her to become a student at the Eastman School of Music at the prestigious University of Rochester. But Natasha, who by that time had been contacted by representatives of Martha Mogilevskaya, rejected this tempting offer and set off to conquer Moscow.

Casting Natasha Koroleva

Dolphin and mermaid

In the fall of 1989, Marta Mogilevskaya advised Igor Nikolaev, Alla Pugacheva’s former arranger and an aspiring singer who was in a creative stupor, to find a suitable girl to record together. The choice fell on Natasha for two reasons: firstly, her vocal abilities were an order of magnitude higher than those of the other contenders, and secondly, the short girl looked ideal next to the 172-centimeter singer.

At the first meeting, Igor was quite skeptical about this idea: the 16-year-old plump “Khokhlushka” did not look like a spectacular pop diva, and besides, she was embarrassed by the singer, who seemed to her like a king and a god of music. However, after listening, he was pleasantly surprised and soon wrote the song “Yellow Tulips” for the young protégé, which became the title track of the album of the same name, released in 1990. On the cover of the record there was an inscription: “Natasha Koroleva sings the songs of Igor Nikolaev.”

Natasha Poryvai turned into Koroleva in a completely natural way: the pseudonym was invented by Nikolaev, who was sure that the audience would not be able to remember the surname “Poryvai”, and it sounds somehow plebeian, another thing is the proud, impressive “Koroleva”.

After the release of the album, Natasha Koroleva’s popularity began to literally go off scale. “Yellow Tulips” brought the girl to the finals of the country’s main music competition, “Songs of the Year.” The stadiums and concert venues were overcrowded, fans brought armfuls of yellow tulips to their favorite artist, and when Natasha, who had broken her leg, took a short time out, admirers of her work asked to carry the plastered girl onto the stage.

“Song of the Year 1990”: Natasha Koroleva – “Yellow Tulips”

In 1991, Natasha Koroleva graduated from the Variety and Circus School. In 1992, the album “Dolphin and the Mermaid” was released, and the creative tandem of Igor and Natasha went on a grandiose tour of the cities of Russia with the program of the same name, which over the next three years conquered not only remote corners of our homeland, but also major cities in the USA, Israel and Germany.

In 1994, the singer released a solo album called “Fan” (the music and lyrics were still the credit of Igor Nikolaev). However, she had to win the trust of listeners who did not want to believe in the end of “The Dolphin and the Mermaid” and recognize Natasha as an independent creative unit. Thanks to long hard work, the singer was able to regain the public's favor. For example, in the spring of 1995, she held three charity concerts in the Far East as a show of support for victims of the devastating earthquake on Sakhalin.

In 1995, Koroleva’s second exclusively solo album, “Confetti,” was released, consisting of eleven songs. Among them was the composition “Little Country,” which soon conquered federal television and radio airwaves, turning into an immortal hit for children and adults who continue to believe in the fairy tale.

Natasha Koroleva: “I’m a random person in show business”

At this time, Natasha Koroleva made her debut as an actress in the musical “Old Songs about the Main Thing,” where she played the daughter of the chairman and, together with Lada Dance and Alena Apina, sang the song “Someone Came Down the Hill.” Over time, she appeared in the next three parts of the musical film: in the second, she parodied the image of the heroine Svetlana Svetlichnaya from “ Diamond hand", in the third she sang a duet with Chris Norman, and in the final one - with Alexander Tsekalo.

In 1997, Natasha was cast in the role of Malvina in the musical “The Newest Adventures of Pinocchio” (it is noteworthy that Pinocchio himself was played by Kristina Orbakaite). In between filming, Natalya worked on new material, and in December of the same year, Koroleva’s fans greeted her new album, “Diamonds of Tears,” with jubilation. Many listeners noted that Natasha had changed both externally and spiritually - from the cover it was no longer a girl who looked slyly at the buyers, but a fully formed lady. The lyrics have also become more mature: the “small country” has been replaced by “a girl dreaming of big love.”

With the new program, she went on a world tour, during which she was applauded by the auditoriums of London, New York, Berlin and Athens, and in 1999 she went on tour again with Igor Nikolaev and the concert program “The Dearest”.

In 2000, the Queen thought about specialized education and entered the acting department of GITIS, which she graduated from three years later.

New creativity

In 2000, the union of Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev broke up both creatively and personally. The singer lost the support of her loved one and the help of a talented composer. The album “Heart”, released shortly after the breakup, did without Nikolaev’s participation. Natalya was helped by composer Alexander Konovalov and songwriter Vladimir Vulykh - they wrote the iconic composition “It Was or Wasn’t.”

In 2002, the singer released a collection greatest hits, entitled "Shards of the Past." It included 14 of Koroleva’s hits, as well as a new song “A Little Bit Doesn’t Count.” “What has become of me now? But life goes on,” was heard from every radio in the country.

Natasha Koroleva – “A little bit doesn’t count”

Natasha Koroleva's next album was recorded together with her new chosen one Sergei Glushko, also known under the pseudonym Tarzan. The record was called "Believe it or not." Three years later, the couple presented another joint work called “Heaven Is Where You Are.” The album of the same name was released with the support of the Dream Crystal jewelry house, whose face Natasha has been since August 2006.

In 2008, Natasha was invited to the show “Dancing with the Stars,” pairing the singer with choreographer Evgeniy Papunaishvili. Behind short term The queen had to learn many complex dance steps, but her efforts were rewarded only with third place.

“Dancing with the Stars”: Natasha Koroleva and Evgeniy Papunaishvili

And the next year, Natasha presented her writing debut, a largely autobiographical novel, “Male Striptease.” The singer’s experiments did not stop there: she soon became the owner of a beauty salon, which was called “Natasha Koroleva’s Beauty Salon.”

In the summer of 2010, the singer, together with Oleg Gazmanov, went to a festival of Russian culture in Germany. All proceeds from the sale of tickets to the star's concert were transferred to the Red Cross charity fund. In November 2013, the star announced the termination of touring activities.

From 2012 to 2014, Natasha, together with her mother, Lyudmila Poryvai, hosted the program “Time for Lunch” on Channel One. The show compared home and restaurant kitchens - ordinary housewives challenged professional chefs.

Personal life of Natasha Koroleva

It cannot be said that the so-called “natural chemistry” was discovered at first glance between Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev. However, while working on the “Dolphin and Mermaid” program, the man fell in love with the girl, which grew stronger every day, turning into something more intimate, inspiring him to create melodic, slightly sad ballads.

Natasha’s acquaintances noticed that, although she desperately denied it, she also fell in love with Nikolaev: she caught his every word with her mouth open, copied his gestures and manner of speech. They began to live together, but Natasha, brought up in strictness, immediately confronted the singer with a fact: no civil marriage, only legalized relationships: “I had very strict rules and believed that everything should only happen after the wedding. True, now I have changed my mind - I think that you should first check your partner, and then marry him... When I realized that Igor’s courtship was going too far, I said: “Either officially, or not at all.” He had to think..."

Still, the musician did not want the relationship to be made public, so Natasha had to take everything into her own hands and make a cunning knight move. She and her parents came home to Nikolaev and invited the registry office employees there - no feasts, magnificent dresses and rings, only stamps in the passport.

In 2000, Natasha Koroleva left her husband. According to the singer, the reason for this was Nikolaev’s constant betrayal. Although the separation occurred without scandals and scenes of jealousy, both took this break very hard.

In an attempt to distract herself from the oppressive wound in her heart, Natasha plunged headlong into work. For one of the performances, she invited a group of dancers of the “original genre”, in other words, strippers. Among them was the blond, broad-shouldered handsome Tarzan, who was to discuss with Natasha the details of future payment.

Arkhip, the first-born of Natasha and Tarzan, was born in February 2002, and in August 2003 the lovers officially got married. This time everything was for real: the bride dressed in White dress, a noisy group of guests was being driven along the Neva by a motor ship, doves were being released into the sky, and Natasha’s unmarried friends were catching the bride’s lush bouquet.

The public received the news ambiguously. Not everyone was able to rejoice at Natasha’s happiness, reproaching her for “the broken heart of the maestro [Igor Nikolaev].” Tarzan himself commented on the situation like this: “I didn’t take Natasha away from him. When we started our relationship, she had already been living separately for a year, he had his own life. As a creative person, I relate to him very well, I like his songs.”

In 2008, Igor Nikolaev, who for several years ignored all the girl’s creative successes and called his former protégé exclusively by her real name, took the first step towards reconciliation with his ex-lover. Natasha accepted the apology, and since then the former partners began to communicate as close friends.

A short time later, they appeared on stage together again to please their loyal fans. original performance"Dolphin and Mermaid"; Nikolaev also wrote a new song for Natasha (“Dream Crystal”).

Natasha Koroleva and Alexander Marshal - “I am defamed by you”

Natasha Koroleva, née Poryvay, was born into a family of musicians. Her mother Lyudmila Ivanovna is a professor, Honored Artist of Ukraine, and conductor of a choir. Her father Vladimir Arkhipovich is the choirmaster of the academic choir.

At the age of three, Natasha Koroleva made her debut on stage as part of the Big Children's Choir of Radio and Television of Ukraine. At the age of seven she began studying at music school. In 1985, she met composer Vladimir Bystryakov. She recorded his songs “A World Without Miracles” and “Where the Circus Went,” after which the young singer gained wide popularity.

In 1987, she took part in the filming of the “Wider Circle” program. In 1988, she became the host of the “Kiev Beauty” concert program, as well as other events. In the same year she entered the Kiev Variety and Circus School, from which she graduated in 1991.

Since 1990, the collaboration between Natasha Koroleva and Igor Nikolaev began. Together, the musicians recorded many songs that brought Koroleva fame not only in Russia, but also abroad. In 1992, Natasha Koroleva married Igor Nikolaev. In subsequent years, she released a dozen video clips and also recorded many popular compositions.

After her divorce from Nikolaev, Natasha Koroleva released several albums and also worked as a TV presenter for various concert and television programs. In 2012, she hosted her own show “Time for Lunch” on Channel One. The show was canceled in 2014.

Now Natasha Koroleva continues to perform and is also involved in business: in 2009, she opened her own beauty salon in Moscow.

Hobbies: dancing, acting, literature Personal life: In 1992, she married musician Igor Nikolaev. Their marriage lasted until 2001. In August 2003 she married Sergei Glushko. The couple has a son, Arkhip (born 02/19/2002). Scandals\interesting facts\charity In 2008, she developed her own jewelry collection “Mothers and Daughters”. Natasha Koroleva is the author of several books. In 2015, one online publication published personal photographs of Natasha Koroleva and her husband Sergei Glushko.


Dancing, acting, literature.

Personal life

In 1992 she married musician Igor Nikolaev. Their marriage lasted until 2001. In August 2003 she married Sergei Glushko. The couple has a son, Arkhip (born 02/19/2002).

In 2008, she developed her own jewelry collection “Mothers and Daughters”.


The most beautiful age is from 30 to 40. This is the coolest decade in a woman’s life. When you are smart and experienced, you have already formed your own view of the world, when you have already achieved something. At the same time, you are in perfect health and in harmony with the entire Universe. You are sexy and attractive... Exactly from 30 to 40

If you know how to accept the challenge of life, reboot correctly, amazing things begin to happen to you. You discover new possibilities in yourself and look at the world with different eyes. You gain motivation again. This is probably especially important for women.

There is no promiscuity in me, I do not believe that I have the right to some things that other artists with star status easily allow themselves. I like the understanding that I'm not a star. I work as a star. It’s my destiny to work as a star. But I clearly distinguish - work is work, and life is life.

People have always been interested in watching the biographies of famous people and what new things are happening in their lives. They get married, get divorced, give birth to heirs, record albums and act in films. Today we will find out what happened to Natasha Koroleva, last news and significant events that happened in the life of the popular performer.

Biography of the artist

Natalya Koroleva was born on May 31, 1973. From early childhood, the girl developed a love for singing. The girl performed on stage for the first time at the age of three. A little later, the talented girl began recording and performing children's songs.

The girl studied vocal skills at a pop school for three years. After completing her studies, the young singer began touring. A few years later, the Queen moved to the capital of Russia and began to actively participate in various television projects and television competitions. The hit “Yellow Tulips” brought the aspiring performer incredible fame and recognition from fans. In a marriage with the famous musician Igor Nikolaev, a second album was recorded under the name “Dolphin and the Mermaid”, with which Natalya toured the Russian Federation.

For the second time, Natasha tied the knot with the popular stripper Sergei Glushko. Together with her husband, the girl performed on a project called “Two Stars”. The singer took part in the project “Dancing with the Stars”. The Queen wrote the book “Male Striptease” and released a line of jewelry.

What happened to Natasha Koroleva?

During a rehearsal for a new concert show, the singer suddenly developed a headache. The singer heard noise in her ears and her heartbeat suddenly increased. A little later, Natalya broke out in an icy sweat, and she began to choke. Colleagues on stage immediately called ambulance. Arriving doctors measured my blood pressure, and the tonometer showed 220/110. The artist was urgently hospitalized; a blood vessel could burst at any second.

If a vessel in the performer’s brain had burst, there would have been a stroke, a myocardial infarction in the heart, and Natalya could have died.

Koroleva has long had serious health problems and high blood pressure. Today, the singer has a colossal load on her body, as she is recording a new album and starring in a comedy series. According to doctors, depression and extreme fatigue lead to hypertension. And 43-year-old Natalia works very hard. The next day after the attack, she wanted to be discharged from the medical facility, citing the recording of the album, but the doctors did not let her leave the clinic.

  • Go on a strict diet;
  • Eliminate table salt from your diet;
  • There are black currants;
  • Take medication.

Is Natasha Koroleva seriously ill?

According to doctors, the famous performer is undergoing irreversible changes in her body. Since childhood, Natalya has suffered from a severe allergy to pollen and, unfortunately, the allergy gets worse every year, and medications do not have a positive effect.

Doctors diagnosed the singer terrible diagnosis: immune system disorder, which can subsequently lead to autoimmune diseases.

Doctors forbade Natasha Koroleva:

  • Visit night clubs;
  • Eating junk food;
  • Drink alcoholic beverages.

If the singer does not take her health seriously, then soon her body will begin to produce so-called killer cells that will begin to destroy healthy cells.

According to one publication, doctors forbade the singer from eating the following foods:

  1. Carrot;
  2. Oranges, tangerines, lemons, limes, grapefruits, pomeloes, citrons and tangerines;
  3. Apples, mangoes and pomegranates;
  4. Smoked;
  5. Roast;
  6. Sweet.

The artist was very scared and began to strictly follow the doctors’ advice. She completely excluded from her menu harmful products nutrition and started running in the morning. But soon Natalya again began to eat unhealthy foods, drink alcohol and stopped running every morning.

Natasha Koroleva was given a puppy

The singer's older sister gave her a purebred puppy as a gift. The artist was incredibly happy when she picked up the dog. Natalya thought for a long time about what to name her dog, but in the end she settled on a fairy-tale name Malvina.

Now Malvina is the singer’s constant companion; she takes her to numerous events:

  • Concerts;
  • Social events;
  • Tour;
  • Rest;
  • Fashion shows;
  • Meetings with friends.

Natalya often takes her pet to the hairdresser, where she is washed, cut and pedicured. The Queen also buys her dog clothes from famous designers.

Is the singer expecting a baby?

Information has repeatedly appeared in all sorts of printed publications that the artist is expecting a child, but, unfortunately, each time the information turned out to be false. The singer herself has repeatedly stated in numerous interviews that she dreams of becoming a mother of many children.

Quite recently on my Instagram page the artist shared the good news with her fans, saying that she would soon become a mother for the second time. According to rumors, N. Koroleva and her husband, Sergei Glushko (“Tarzan”), will give birth to a girl, whom Natalya wants to name Lyudmila, in honor of her mother.

As the singer herself admits, for many years she dreamed of getting pregnant a second time, and now it finally happened. The woman will go to Miami to give birth with her husband and eldest son Arkhip.

Natasha Koroleva filed for divorce

After thirteen years of happy family life, the artist filed for divorce from her second husband, Sergei Glushko. The singer did not hide from the press and fans that the reason for the divorce was adultery.

Recently, Natasha was horrified to learn that her husband had been cheating on her for several years now. She more than once saw intimate photographs with other girls on his phone, but for the sake of her eldest son she endured everything. Sergei often did not spend the night at home, deceived his wife, and sometimes even raised his hand to her.

Now at Sergei's new girl, according to rumors she is a fashion model who came from St. Petersburg. And, despite the fact that Natalya is expecting her second child, she decided to file for divorce from her husband. Now the Queen is supported by her mother, elder sister and son Arkhip.

Significant events often occur in the lives of famous people. Simple people want to know what's going on in the lives of their favorite artists. Today we found out what happened to Natasha Koroleva, the latest news from her stellar life, and also what happened to the artist over the past time.

Video about the life of a star