How to wash a white shirt collar at home

An integral part of dress code, white shirts can cause a lot of inconvenience. They get dirty surprisingly quickly and are quite difficult to wash. In hot weather, traces of dirt and sweat form on the shirt collar, which strongly eat into the fabric, leaving visible dirt. These recommendations will help you remove the yellow stripe from your shirt collar without ruining its shape.

Returning the original color to the collar of a white shirt should be approached separately. Often, if you don’t pay enough attention to it, you can find that after washing there are traces of grease or other contaminants.

  • Try not to wear shirts for more than one day. Despite their visual cleanliness, during wear they absorb traces of dirt and sweat; dirty shirts are much more difficult to wash and have an unpleasant odor.
  • Before washing, sort items by shade and texture of fabric. If you do not know how the fabric behaves when washed and whether it fades, wash such items separately. Clothes that are similar in color, if they do not fade, can be washed together. So, by turning off the spin function, at a low temperature you can wash the blue shirt from dirt along with the white one.
  • Don't shy away from surface cleaning; rub the shirt with a brush to remove dead skin and external dirt.
  • When washing, follow the recommendations on the label.
  • Delicate fabrics are best cleaned without using a washing machine.
  • Before washing, it is necessary to wash the white collar from visible traces of dirt and soak the clothes briefly.
  • When soaking clothes, try to completely immerse them in water, otherwise there is a risk of streaks.
  • Pay attention to what exactly you plan to wash your clothes with. You can bleach the collar of a white shirt at home using a variety of means. Today, modern manufacturers offer a large selection of different household laundry products; make sure that they are suitable for the required color and fabric.

How to wash a white shirt collar

  1. The most common option for removing stains on a shirt is to use stain removers. Professional cleaning products are made taking into account the characteristics of the fabric and perfectly remove traces of any dirt from clothes.
  2. Laundry soap is also excellent for hand washing and soaking.
  3. White or bleach will help you wash the collar and cuffs of a white shirt. Unfortunately, they are not suitable for all types of fabric.
  4. Dirt on the collar can be easily washed off from white items using folk remedies. Baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, citric acid, or even dishwashing detergent will help you cope with this task.

Household chemicals

First, make sure that using your cleaning product will not damage the fabric. To do this, read the washing instructions written on the tag.

Clothes made from delicate fabrics and synthetics should not be cleaned with chlorine-containing or bleaching agents. Oxygen-based whitening is suitable for these purposes. Apply a small amount of this bleach to the yellowed areas of the collar and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Then wash the shirt.

Sweat and excess sebum form the main stains on the collar. Regular shampoo can remove them. Dilute a little shampoo in warm water and apply the solution to the stains. After 20 minutes, the shirt can be washed in any convenient way.

For particularly difficult stains, use special means, such as Antipyatin soap. Apply it to dirty areas and leave for half an hour, then rinse the item thoroughly.

To clear fresh pollution You can use detergents to wash dishes. Using a sponge and warm water, whip up foam, apply it to the stain and apply lightly, then rinse under running water.

Available means

When for some reason you cannot use special household chemicals, you can make do with improvised means:

  • Ordinary lemon juice will help you easily clean your collar. Wipe the dirt with a slice of lemon and after 10-20 minutes, rinse it in running, warm water. This will help get rid of visible dirt.
  • Such products as talc, starch, baby powder mixed with table salt will help clean stains. The proportions should be one to one, and the amount should be sufficient to cover the stain completely. A few hours before washing, treat the collar of your shirt with it; immediately before washing, you need to clean the desired areas from the mixture with a brush.
  • Using a soft cloth or piece of cotton wool, apply table vinegar to the collar, and after 10-20 minutes, rinse it under running water. With its help, you can easily remove greasy stains from a shirt. You can also add a little vinegar to the washing machine drum during washing, it will soften the water.
  • A solution of water and hydrogen peroxide in equal proportions is excellent in combating stains on the collar. Using a soft cloth, apply it to the dirt and after 5 minutes rinse with water.

Features of removing various contaminants

When removing stains for greater efficiency, you should also take into account the type of specific stain and remove it in the best possible way:

  1. Wash the collar on a white shirt from greasy stains Products containing acids will help.
  2. Bleach will cope with most stains, provided that their use does not damage the fabric.
  3. Traces of food can be removed with a simple washing powder or laundry soap.

If there is particularly heavy soiling, it is necessary to soak the shirt, having previously washed away the stains on it.

Removing old stains

When it was not possible to clean the shirt in time and the dirt has become embedded in the structure of the fabric, it is much more difficult to remove yellow stains on the collar.

We offer several of the simplest and effective ways fight old stains:

  1. Grate a quarter of a piece of laundry soap and dissolve them in warm water. Treat the stain with soap or toothpaste, then soak the shirt for several hours in the prepared solution. Wash and rinse the item until dirt and soap traces are completely removed.
  2. This method is only suitable for white shirts made of non-delicate fabric. To do this, prepare a solution containing table salt Together with ammonia, ammonia perfectly removes dirt from white things, but it can have a strong effect on the structure of the fabric.
  3. The required proportion of salt and alcohol is 1 to 4. Wash particularly strong stains with the solution, then rinse the item thoroughly. It is necessary to dry clothes after such washing in the fresh air.

How to wash sweat from a collar

A collar yellow from sweat can be washed off quite simply using household chemicals or folk remedies. But, if you only need to remove sweat stains (they can also be on the armpits or other places).

Mix baking soda and 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide, dilute the mixture with half a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent. Moisten the dirty area and apply the resulting paste onto it. After 10-15 minutes, wash in a way convenient for you.

How to remove makeup stains on a collar

Baking soda and lemon juice will help remove traces of makeup from cuffs and collars. Cosmetics, especially high-quality ones, are strongly absorbed into the fabric. First, wash off such stains with laundry soap, then mix baking soda and lemon juice to a thick porridge.

Rub the resulting mixture into the stain until traces of cosmetics “float”; when the stain begins to spread, shake off the old mixture and apply a new one. Repeat the process until the item is completely clean. After which you need to do normal washing.

Turpentine will help dissolve even the most stubborn makeup. Apply a little turpentine to a rag and work the stain on the back of the garment until it begins to spread. Use a dry napkin to blot the stain from the front side, transferring some of the cosmetics onto it, and change the napkin as it gets dirty.

Before washing white items, get rid of stains, otherwise there is a risk that traces of cosmetics will “transfer” to other items.

How to maintain the look of a collar

  • Remember that shirts are worn for no more than one day.
  • Before washing your shirt in the machine, fasten all zippers and buttons.
  • Always make sure to properly wash and iron your shirt according to the manufacturer's recommendations.
  • Ironing is safer on the reverse side.
  • When washing, add a little vinegar or water softener.

Lovers of white clothes know how carefully they need to be treated so as not to spoil their visual appeal and extend their service life. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. Even the lightest dirt is noticeable on light-colored shirts, so many housewives are faced with the problem of how to wash the collar and cuffs of a shirt without damaging the structure of the fabric. We bring to your attention effective recommendations to solve this problem.

How to wash a shirt collar

No matter how careful a person is, there will always be marks on his clothes from contact with the body. Collars especially suffer from this. There are a number of ways to help remove contaminants.

  1. How to wash a collar using table salt? Take 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, pour 4 tbsp. spoons ammonia and add 100 grams of cold water. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the contaminated surface from the inside for half an hour. Then rinse the item with clean water and wash by hand.
  2. How to wash a greasy collar with raw potatoes? Cut a medium potato in half and rub it over the problem area until it is completely moistened, then work it with a well-soaped brush. Then wash it in a convenient way.
  3. Detergent or shampoo is also effective at removing dirt. Apply one of the products generously to the stain, leave it in this form for 15 minutes, then wash in soapy water and rinse thoroughly.
  4. How to wash collars men's shirts using vinegar? Soak a cotton pad in vinegar and apply it to the stain. It is important not to overdo it as the acid can damage the color of the fabric.
  5. Sweat marks can be removed with a brush and simple soap. Apply a little soap to the collar and brush, and rub the stains in a circular motion. This way, the soap will deeply saturate the fabric, and the brush will thoroughly remove the dirt.

Now you know how to wash collars using available products.

How to wash a collar on a white shirt

As a rule, white shirt is a mandatory part of the wardrobe for many office workers, so it will be useful to know how to remove traces of sweat and other contaminants from it.

  1. How to wash a white shirt collar using aspirin? Dilute two tablets per 100 grams of warm water and mix thoroughly. Soak a cotton pad in the solution and apply it to the stains, starting from the edges and ending in the middle. Then wash as usual.
  2. How to wash a white collar with hydrogen peroxide? Take 4 tbsp. spoons of peroxide, 2 tbsp. spoons of highly concentrated dishwashing liquid and 2 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. Everything is thoroughly mixed and generously applied to the stains for 5-10 minutes (depending on the degree of contamination). The shirt is then washed as usual.
  3. How to wash a greasy shirt collar? Laundry soap and a plastic bag will solve this problem. Wet the shirt with hot water, wring it out well and treat problem areas with soap. Then put the shirt in a bag, wrap it as tightly as possible and leave for 90 minutes. Then wash the shirt by hand in warm, well-soaped water. This method will be effective if you don’t know how to wash the cuffs on a white shirt.
  4. How to wash a collar on a white shirt using talcum powder or baby powder? To do this, sprinkle the stain with a thick layer of talc or powder and leave for 8 hours. Afterwards, shake the item thoroughly and wash in soapy water. This method is also effective against greasy collars.
  5. How to wash the cuffs on a shirt if they are stained with ink? An effective remedy would be ordinary pharmaceutical alcohol with a concentration of at least 70%. Wet a cotton pad, apply to stained areas and leave for 10 minutes. Then wash as usual.

Now you know how and with what to wash the collar of a white shirt, so you are no longer afraid of any stains.

In order for the above tips to give the expected result, you need to consider the following:

  • To choose the right method, study the shirt label.
  • Brush the collar and cuffs to remove any skin particles.
  • Try to remove stains immediately on the day they appear.
  • Having chosen a certain method, test it on a fabric similar to your shirt.
  • It is advisable to wash by hand, in warm water and with a special powder for white items.

To have information means to be armed, but it is still better to avoid heavily soiling white things. Do not wear the same shirt for two days in a row, wash it immediately, dry it in a closed, sunny room, and then you will not need to resort to bleaching.

It is not always possible to perfectly wash the collar of a light shirt, especially if the item is beloved and often worn. There are many ways to make your collar look fresh, but be prepared to do a little work. So, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work!

Choosing methods

The collar and cuffs of a white shirt are the most vulnerable places, so they will have to be restored to their whiteness by special washing and soaking.

  1. Modern bleaches and stain removers will help you wash greasy areas. For example, Vanish, beloved by many housewives, will cope with this task perfectly. Just follow the instructions and never try to experiment with household chemicals. Otherwise, you will be in your favorite thing at the dacha to harvest.
  2. Generously rub the dirty areas with laundry soap and leave for a couple of hours for the dirt to acidify. Many experienced housewives successfully use Antipyatin instead of laundry soap. Then you can safely machine wash using normal detergent. To be on the safe side, go through areas where dirt accumulates with a clothes brush before washing. Just be careful not to rub too hard so as not to damage the material. If you are not very confident in the power of laundry soap, try washing off dark streaks with dishwashing gel, because its intended purpose is to dissolve all kinds of fats. And dirt on the collar is nothing more than sebum mixed with sweat and dust.
  3. Moisten the fabric, sprinkle the collar with talcum powder, and try washing it in the morning. True, this method is effective only for minor stains.

Before washing, treat with a special solution:

  • Mix a tablespoon of salt with 4 tablespoons of water, add the same amount of ammonia. The mixture for removing greasy spots from shirt collars is ready.
  • Hydrogen peroxide can restore snow-whiteness to the collar. Before processing, add 4 tbsp to 50 ml of peroxide. spoons of concentrated solution of laundry soap (grate, dissolve in hot water). Half an hour after application, you can wash the shirt as usual.
  • Just moisten the material with vinegar, leave for 15 minutes, then begin to wash the entire product.
  • Before choosing a treatment product, be sure to pay attention to what material the item is made of and how and with what it can be washed. This information can be easily found on a special label sewn on the collar of the shirt.
  • First, brush the dry but still dirty collar with a clothes brush to get rid of dead skin particles. Due to the friction of the material against the skin, a kind of peeling occurs; the released scales of the epidermis are comfortably placed between the fibers of the fabric, collecting sweat, dust and forming unsightly dark stripes. It is these that every housewife strives to wash by any means.
  • Try to change light-colored shirts every day to prevent the collar from becoming greasy. But if you wash too often, unsightly pilling may appear on the fabric.
  • To prevent the cuffs from losing their usual appearance, first turn the entire sleeve inside out and fasten the buttons. Pull the cuff onto a solid container that matches its size: a bottle of shampoo or shower gel. And only after all this try to wash the worn out places.

A few minutes of proper washing or soaking - and your shirt collar will definitely shine white!

A man's shirt is business card his wife and, of course, matching appearance stylish business look. How to wash a shirt collar, because it is the one that gets dirty in the first place, and over time it acquires a persistent yellowish tint. At the same time, this part of the shirt cannot be wrinkled or crumpled - it must retain its shape. We will tell you how and with what help you can tidy up your shirt collar.

How to wash a shirt collar?

Even if you change such clothes every day, specific marks will still remain on them. If you pay attention to them in time, it is very easy to get rid of them.

You will need:

  • vinegar;
  • potato;
  • talc;
  • hard brush;
  • salt;

Important! Due to the variety and availability of these effective means, caring for your clothes is easy - you can wash the collar on your shirt in a couple of minutes. Having prepared everything you need, start working.

How to clean the collar on a shirt?

There are several ways to daily care behind this piece of clothing.

Method No. 1

You will need laundry soap. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. Rub the collar with soap.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash the entire product in a way that is convenient for you.

If marks on clothing are not removed, use an additional brush:

  1. Wet the brush and rub it with soap.
  2. Carefully brush the desired areas.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Wipe again, wash the item.

Important! Rub quite intensively, but at the same time try not to damage the fabric so that it does not become matted and permanent creases and pills do not form on it.

Method No. 2

“Fairy” type dishwashing detergent does an excellent job of removing grease not only on dishes, but also on clothes. With its help, you can clean even a heavily soiled collar if you follow these steps:

  1. Wet the desired part of the clothing with warm water.
  2. Apply the product and rub gently.
  3. Leave the cleaner to work for half an hour.
  4. Rinse under running water.

Method No. 3

Vinegar is a natural solvent, antiseptic and is almost always available on the household. It will easily remove any stains on your clothes, including helping you quickly and surely wash your shirt collar if you apply it like this:

  1. Take a cotton swab and soak it in vinegar.
  2. Wipe all collar fabric.
  3. Rinse off the remaining product along with the dirt with clean water.

Alternative solutions for those who like to experiment

There are several more effective options for dealing with greasy collars.

Method No. 1

The juice of raw potatoes will clean your clothes in a matter of minutes and you probably have at least one tuber in your house. Therefore, if you don’t want to rub the fabric for a long time, feel free to use it to wash your shirt collar:

  1. Take fresh potatoes.
  2. Cut it into two parts.
  3. Thoroughly wipe all dirt with half a potato until the fabric is completely wet.
  4. Wait until the juice dries.
  5. Wipe it off with a brush.

Method No. 2

Talcum powder or baby powder can return your collar to its original appearance. To do this, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Sprinkle the product generously onto the contaminated areas.
  2. Leave for one night.
  3. In the morning, wash as usual.

Important! You can also get rid of deodorant and sweat stains in the same way.

Method No. 3

For old and difficult to remove stains, there is an effective mixture of ammonia and salt. If you have all these ingredients on hand, try this effective option:

  1. Mix 4 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. salt.
  2. Dilute this mixture in 4 tbsp. water.
  3. Stir thoroughly and apply to shirt collar.
  4. After 15 minutes, wash as usual.

Important! Remember that in order to look beautiful and presentable, things must not only be clean, but also correctly selected in the set. If you have problems with this from time to time or you are not inclined to follow fashion trends on your own, read our articles, which contain only useful tips by choice of clothing:

A man’s shirt is his wife’s calling card and, of course, matches the appearance with a stylish business image. How to wash a shirt collar, because it is the one that gets dirty in the first place, and over time it acquires a persistent yellowish tint. At the same time, this part of the shirt cannot be wrinkled or crumpled - it must retain its shape. We will tell you how and with what help you can tidy up your shirt collar.

How to wash a shirt collar?

Even if you change such clothes every day, specific marks will still remain on them. If you pay attention to them in time, it is very easy to get rid of them.

You will need:

  • vinegar;
  • potato;
  • talc;
  • hard brush;
  • salt;

Important! Thanks to the variety and availability of these effective products, caring for your clothes is not difficult - you can wash the collar on a shirt in a couple of minutes. Having prepared everything you need, start working.

How to clean the collar on a shirt?

There are several ways to care for this piece of clothing on a daily basis.

Method No. 1

You will need laundry soap. Instructions for use are as follows:

  1. Rub the collar with soap.
  2. Leave for 30 minutes.
  3. Wash the entire product in a way that is convenient for you.

If marks on clothing are not removed, use an additional brush:

  1. Wet the brush and rub it with soap.
  2. Carefully brush the desired areas.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes.
  4. Wipe again, wash the item.

Important! Rub quite intensively, but at the same time try not to damage the fabric so that it does not become matted and permanent creases and pills do not form on it.

Method No. 2

“Fairy” type dishwashing detergent does an excellent job of removing grease not only on dishes, but also on clothes. With its help, you can clean even a heavily soiled collar if you follow these steps:

  1. Wet the desired part of the clothing with warm water.
  2. Apply the product and rub gently.
  3. Leave the cleaner to work for half an hour.
  4. Rinse under running water.

Method No. 3

Vinegar is a natural solvent, antiseptic and is almost always available on the household. It will easily remove any stains on your clothes, including helping you quickly and surely wash your shirt collar if you apply it like this:

  1. Take a cotton swab and soak it in vinegar.
  2. Wipe all collar fabric.
  3. Rinse off the remaining product along with the dirt with clean water.

Alternative solutions for those who like to experiment

There are several more effective options for dealing with greasy collars.

Method No. 1

The juice of raw potatoes will clean your clothes in a matter of minutes and you probably have at least one tuber in your house. Therefore, if you don’t want to rub the fabric for a long time, feel free to use it to wash your shirt collar:

  1. Take fresh potatoes.
  2. Cut it into two parts.
  3. Thoroughly wipe all dirt with half a potato until the fabric is completely wet.
  4. Wait until the juice dries.
  5. Wipe it off with a brush.

Method No. 2

Talcum powder or baby powder can return your collar to its original appearance. To do this, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  1. Sprinkle the product generously onto the contaminated areas.
  2. Leave for one night.
  3. In the morning, wash as usual.

Important! You can also get rid of deodorant and sweat stains in the same way.

Method No. 3

For old and difficult to remove stains, there is an effective mixture of ammonia and salt. If you have all these ingredients on hand, try this effective option:

  1. Mix 4 tsp. ammonia and 1 tsp. salt.
  2. Dilute this mixture in 4 tbsp. water.
  3. Stir thoroughly and apply to shirt collar.
  4. After 15 minutes, wash as usual.

Important! Remember that in order to look beautiful and presentable, things must not only be clean, but also correctly selected in the set. If you have problems with this from time to time or you are not inclined to follow fashion trends on your own, read our articles, which contain only useful tips on choosing clothes: