Interesting facts about blacks. The fattest, very plump, “fatty” people on the planet. How do they live on earth? What do people think about the biggest and fattest

So, the female cattle-negros are black. I will tell you using the example of the Ass of the World, Sierra Leone. However, in Ghana and Liberia, and throughout West Africa, the situation is similar. In Southern Africa it’s a little different, but more on that another time.

“Intelligence and outlook” (i.e. figure) are for the most part good, compared to Russia or any non-Negro country in general - and simply excellent. Here, however, it is necessary to take into account that our ideas about the beauty of the female figure are different from those of cattle blacks. For them, the ideal is a hefty ass and chest to the waist. But in our understanding, there are at least 60% of good figures here, and not 20, as in Moscow)) However, it is better to feel the breasts before the final removal - everyone’s butts are natural, but there may be cotton wool in the bra.

The face is worse with this. Muzzles Faces, to my biased taste, are quite ugly for the most part. Although some people like it. You also come across cute faces, but much less often than cute figures.

Skin Leather. It is widely believed that cattle blacks have excellent skin (they say that economists of the Third Reich planned to establish the production of high-quality leather goods after the occupation of Africa). In fact, they usually have all sorts of scars, pockmarks, ulcers, etc., they are just hard to see against a dark background. So you need to be careful))

Hygiene is really bad with this. First of all, you need to remember that 95% of black women wear wigs, because their natural hair, at any significant length, looks... uh... doesn't look good, in general, let's say so. So, they wear these wigs without taking them off for weeks (and in general they are difficult to take off). Given the local heat, dust and humidity, you can imagine how they smell. If you can't, I'm telling you - it smells bad. Local ladies also rarely and reluctantly take baths. If you just send her to take a shower before using it, she will just wet her face, that’s all. So I am a supporter of personal control over this process. Again, taking a shower together can be fun... Brushing teeth here is also not particularly customary, so I have a duty toothbrush for black girls, and after use I boil it.

Acquaintance. Doesn't pose any problems. Compared to Russia, for example, it doesn’t represent any at all (see ")").

Price. I don’t use “professionals”, but you need to clearly understand that when you fuck a girl in a poor country, you have to give her money. This is how it is done here, even if she talks about how passionately she fell in love with you at first sight. Prices range from 15-20 bucks per night (cheaper in rural areas). The price, although it is inconvenient, is better to negotiate in advance. Otherwise, in the morning you may be hysterical trying to shake down 100 bucks.

Precautions: usual in such a situation. Remove everything valuable, hide your money, don’t give out your phone number (otherwise they’ll bother you later).

Somehow like this...

Negro (from Spanish negro “black (color)”, obsolete Russian arap, until the beginning of the 20th century Moor) is the main name in Russian for people of the Negroid race.

In much of Europe and North America, words derived from the Spanish negro, akin to the Russian negro, which were previously the standard designation for race, are now often viewed as offensive and racist.

In 1882 (33 years before Malevich’s “Black Square”), at the “Exposition des Arts Incohérents” exhibition in Paris, the poet Paul Bilot presented the painting “Combat de nègres dans un tunnel” (“Battle of Negroes in a Tunnel”). True, it was not a square, but a black rectangle.

The I.Q of American blacks is from 15 to 20 points, on average, lower than those of White Americans.

The legs of a black woman who is the same height as a white-skinned woman will be three centimeters longer.

In the 19th century, some zoos placed blacks in a pavilion with monkeys, presenting them as a transitional link from animals to civilized white man.

The brain of a black person is on average 20% smaller than that of a white person. The Negro skull, in addition to having a smaller brain volume and thicker cranial bones than the White one, is prognathic; that is, the lower face projects forward, like the muzzle of an animal.

The dark color of black skin is created by the pigment melanin, which is common in all levels of the skin and is found even in the muscles and brain.

The Pentagon has twice as many toilets as are actually needed. The Pentagon was built in 1940, when Virginia still had a law requiring separate bathrooms for whites and blacks.

Many people believe that representatives of the Negroid race have enormous masculine virtues. But this is not true at all. Their penis length at rest is longer, but when erect it is the same as that of representatives of the white race. This is due to the fact that they have less elasticity of the long-tissue vascular bodies of the penis.

Blacks have longer arms relative to body height than those of Whites. This feature, coupled with their much thicker cranial bones, gives the Black athlete an advantage over the White athlete in boxing. The skeletal and muscular characteristics of the blacks gave them considerable success as runners.

African slaves were first brought to British Virginia by English colonists in 1619. Although Congress banned the importation of new slaves from Africa in 1808, the practice continued for at least another half century. Slavery was abolished during the American Civil War in 1863 by a proclamation by US President Abraham Lincoln, which was confirmed by the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution, which was adopted in 1865.

46% of black immigrants aged 16 to 62 refuse to work, preferring to live on benefits.

Abram Petrovich Hannibal is a Russian military and statesman, the great-grandfather (maternal) of the poet Alexander Pushkin was a black man.

Incredible facts

1) Too fat to kill

Newly surfaced evidence reveals the surprising truth behind the story of one woman who previously perjured herself in a murder case.

She was found not guilty only on the grounds that her incredible obesity would never have allowed her to commit the crime.

In March 2008, 31-year-old Texas resident Mayra Rosales told police that she killed her 2 year old nephew Eliseo the Younger accidentally crushed him while she was sitting with the baby.

Due to the woman's weight of almost 500 kg, her story seemed plausible. However, doctors soon found out that the boy could only have died from a blow to the head. Then the main argument of her defense lawyer was the fact that she is so big that she cannot move her arm.

However, after a certain time, Myra confessed and told the truth. It turns out that she made up this story in order to protect her sister Jame, who that same day hit the boy several times with a hairbrush in different parts of his body.

Fat people in the world

2) Too fat to go to jail

A man was deemed too fat to be jailed for an altercation in a pub. Claude Jackson was ordered to perform community service for breaking a glass glass over a man's head on January 14, 2007. As a result of the incident, the victim, Tim Kirkman, received a 4-centimeter wound on his neck and received the necessary treatment in hospital.

Jackson pleaded guilty to initiating a fight and recklessly causing bodily harm.

A medical report presented in court said Jackson, who weighed 190kg, had previously suffered three heart attacks, arthritis, sleep apnea and a number of other weight-related illnesses.

He also emphasized that he once weighed 234 kg, and that morbid obesity accompanies him throughout his life. The medical report also stated that a prison sentence will create big problems for his health.

Very reluctant to talk about the incident, the 21-year-old said he deeply regretted what happened and has since stayed away from such kind of trouble.

Life of fat people

3) Too thick to work

The total weight of this family is 523 kg, and they demand £22,000 for their upkeep, citing that they "too fat to work". Incredibly, the family requires so much money to support their calorie-laden lifestyle.

When asked why they don't just go on a diet, the unemployed Chawner family, known to their neighbors as the Teletubbies, say they don't have time.

Philip Chawner, 53, and his wife Audrey, 57, weigh 150kg each. Their youngest daughter Emma, ​​160 cm tall, weighs 108 kg, and her older sister Samantha, 175 cm tall, weighs 115 kg. They haven't worked for 11 years, claiming that their weight is due to a hereditary disease.

Instead of working, the family spends time watching TV, borrowed from a friend. The family say they spend £50 a week on groceries, including buying chocolate, crisps and pies. Everyone consumes about 3,000 calories a day.

4) Too thick to carry out a death sentence

An Ohio inmate who weighs at least 218 kg has asked for a stay of his death sentence, saying his excess weight will make his death painful and long.

Ronald Post, who shot and killed a hotel worker in northern Ohio more than 30 years ago, said that because of his weight, difficulty accessing veins and several other medical problems, the execution of the death sentence will be accompanied by serious problems.

Plus, Post's lawyers say he's so big that a death sentence might not work. 53-year-old Ronald Post was sentenced to death for the murder of 53-year-old Helen Vantz, whom he had previously robbed and then killed with two shots to the back of the head.

Post tried to get rid of the extra pounds, but knee and back problems prevented him from exercising properly. The man was pardoned by the state governor, but died in July 2013.

Stories with the fattest people

5) Too fat to be a father

The 163kg father claims he lost custody of his two sons after a doctor told his trial the man was too overweight to care for them.

A 38-year-old man from Ottawa, Canada, lost a year-long legal battle to gain custody of his sons, ages 5 and 6.

The court decided to give the boys up for adoption, and the father must devote all his strength to the fight against excess weight. The judge came to the conclusion after a doctor found the man would be unable to look after his energetic children due to a health assessment being carried out as part of the trial.

The boys were placed in foster care when the man's ex-wife was hospitalized for mental health problems and a suspected overdose. The man, whose name has not been disclosed, has not seen his children for more than a year. Since then, he claims to have lost 68 kg.

6) Too fat to fly

Kenlie Tiggeman is an overweight passenger who gained national attention in May 2012 after a travel agent allegedly told her she was too fat to fly. She decided to sue the airline.

Tiegeman, who lives in New Orleans and blogs about weight loss on her website, filed the lawsuit alleging that a company employee, instead of following established policies, chose the path of discrimination and humiliation of her in the face of airport onlookers.

SouthWest airline policy states that a passenger must buy another ticket if they cannot fit into one seat, which is 43cm wide.

The girl emphasized that she was not asking for monetary compensation from the airline and filed the application on her own, without legal representation. She said she wants to standards have been adjusted, and so that it is not the service personnel who decide on departure whether or not to buy a second ticket for a full passenger.

7) Too fat to wear a wedding dress

Having decided on her wedding date, Claire Donnelly was excited to start choosing her wedding dress. So the 31-year-old signed up to By Design, a bridal salon in Gloucester.

However, after a salon worker allegedly told her she was too big to fit into any dress, the young woman was devastated. Claire felt humiliated, when the employee said that there were no dresses at a reduced price for her.

The life of the fattest (overweight, fat) people on earth. What is she like anyway? Is it difficult for them to “live” on our planet? To find out, read the article! Enjoy your acquaintance!

How do they live?

John Minnoch(photo) weighed six hundred thirty-five kilograms. With a height of almost two meters! He wasn’t interested in anything special, because he devoted all his time to trying to lose weight. He managed to lose twenty kilograms. He didn't have time to lose any more weight. Cause: death due to stopping breathing (in 1983).

One man from Britain weighs so much that he cannot move. A whole team of medical brothers from the Ambulance helps him. The man weighs three hundred and fifty-eight kilograms. He told reporters that he began to gain weight when he was a teenager. His beloved mother died. And this apparently affected his weight. He often gets depressed because they don't make clothes that fit his size. And he hasn’t had a woman for a little over twenty years. He escapes depression with the help of food. And he eats a lot. His breakfast is eight or nine hot dogs. This person's name is Keith Martin(photo).

Georg Zholitzoeur(photo) is considered the fattest prisoner on the planet - 272 kg. And he was arrested because he ordered food in restaurants, ate it, and did not pay for his orders. He was arrested in 2007 when he failed to pay fifty dollars for beef, insisting it was covered in mold. But he was not sent to prison, since the costs of keeping Jolisser behind bars were accurately calculated. But he did not go unpunished: he was sent to a nursing home and then subjected to house arrest. The maintenance there is much cheaper. By the way, the prisoner weighed almost two hundred and eighty kilograms.

One of the fattest women - Rosalie Bradford. Photo. She was born in 1944. In 1989, her weight was recorded as 478 kilograms. But that was not the limit! Her weight reached 544 kilograms. And no one would have believed that she weighed 147 kilos when she dropped out of college and took up a completely different activity. She was an (exercise) instructor. She could run eleven kilometers three times a week. Soon her previous weight began to return. In 1977, she got married, gave birth to a son, and her weight reached 227 kilograms. The woman became famous for the fact that she could easily eat three (huge) pizzas, mixing them with diet soda. Rosalia took up two entire beds. People were surprised and horrified by the size of the fat bags on the hips (ninety centimeters) and the volume of the breasts (two hundred and fifty centimeters). When guests came to the woman and sat down on the bed, they did not notice at all that they were not sitting on the bed, but on Rosalia. Somehow she was persuaded to go on a five-year diet. The woman doubted for a very long time, but decided. And she won, reaching 136 kilograms!

Patrick Dewell(photo) worked as a restaurant manager. Then he began to gain weight very rapidly, and he had to give up his favorite activity. He weighed almost four hundred and ninety kilograms (height – 180 centimeters). For more than six months he could not get out of bed. And for a very long time he looked for a hospital where they could help him get rid of at least a few hundred kilograms. The nearest one flatly refused to treat him. It was so hard for him to live with the weight that he couldn’t even roll over on his own. And he had a lot of “illnesses”: diabetes, arthritis, problems with the thyroid gland, and so on. The surgery to remove the fat was incredibly expensive, but they paid for it. The administration of the hospital that “took on” him. He weighed two hundred and eighty when he left the hospital. I came home and found the strength to lose another fifty-five. He plans to lose more weight, because he feels how easy it has become for him when he lost a little weight.

There was also such a man - a fat man who lived in an official marriage five times. He had even more children than wives. Twenty-one children! Mohammed Naaman Weighed 480 kilograms! Photo. Thanks to the fact that he learned to drink tea without milk, he lost up to three hundred and fifty kilograms. And, of course, there was weight loss in the waist. Years of life 1946 – 1989

Don't think that the lives of fat people are monotonous. There is a known woman who even went to play bingo. In the hall intended for this game, a special chair was even equipped for it (according to its weight and parameters). But she stopped playing this game as soon as her beloved husband died. Depression took her prisoner. She became depressed and gained weight. For five years of her life she did not leave her trailer. She didn't get out of bed at all! She only got up when the hurricane hit and firefighters pulled her out to save her. Carol Haffner died at the age of fifty-nine (from heart failure).

Fat man's breakfast

You have a unique opportunity to find out about what kind of breakfast one of the fattest people has every morning.

And here he is, in fact:

  1. A huge bag of crackers.
  2. Taco (12).
  3. Large pie (homemade).
  4. Cocktail (1).
  5. Bacon (half a kilo).
  6. White bread, in pieces (6).
  7. Soda (two liters).
  8. Ham and cheese sandwich (3).
  9. Salad (with cheese, bacon and chicken).
  10. Ice cream (eight scoops).
  11. Fried potatoes (large portion).

Did you feel scared? Don't be afraid of food! Food is something that anyone can refuse. If the willpower is present, and not a drop has dried up. If it’s exhausted, develop it so that fats don’t develop in the body and on its surface!

What do people think about the biggest and fattest?

Popular thoughts and opinions

Pauline:“There is no doubt that I am in shock. I feel sorry for such people. They need to pull themselves together. Urgently!".

Vera: “Many things surprised me. It didn’t cause admiration, but it definitely surprised me! I know for sure that I won’t let myself go like that.

Tamara: “It’s easy to say if your build allows you not to let yourself go. But don't forget about individuality! Don’t “measure” everything by yourself.”

Daria: “They are poor... It’s good if there are those who could help them at least a little. My heart is out of place from what I read. Let everything be fine with them! The main thing is to fight for your health. And I don’t understand doctors who abandon their patients.”

Do not miss. . .

Continuation of the full topic, switch:

How does he live with so much weight?