Dramatizations of New Year's oriental tales. Graduation. Download video and cut mp3 - we make it easy

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Barkalova Yulia Aleksandrovna – Musical director of MBDOU No. 206, Krasnoyarsk
Date of submission of work to the competition: 01/19/2017.

Scenario New Year's party For senior group preschool educational institution

Main characters:Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Scheherizade, Sultan, Robber.

Props:2 Screens depicting palaces of the east, pillows for the Sultan and Scheherizade, a box with snowballs. Magic snowflakes according to the number of people in the group. Airplane carpet, canvas for dancing. Gifts for the robber.

"Eastern Tale"

1. Round dance of snowflakes again (We go into the hall and sing a round dance song)

Children sit down at the end of the song

Leading:Our cozy bright hall sparkles with golden fire

The Christmas tree invites us into the circle, the hour for the holiday has come

Our Christmas tree is decorated, the time for the holiday has come

We will have fun with you, it will be good for all of us!

Readers come out

1) A holiday has come to us today

Dreamer, joker, prankster,

He calls us to a round dance

It's a holiday

(All in unison) -New Year

2) He will give songs, fairy tales

Everyone will be whirled around in a noisy dance

Smile, wink

It's a holiday

(All in unison) - New Year

3) Happy New Year

Everyone who came to this hall

Let's start, let's start

(All in chorus)New Year's carnival

4) We are admiring the Christmas tree today

She gives us a delicate aroma

And the best New Year's holiday

(All in chorus) Comes with her to kindergarten

The readers sit down

Leading:They say on New Year's Eve

What you don't want

Everything will always happen

Everything always comes true.

Guys, do you want to get into a fairy tale?

Children: Yes - yes!

Host: Okay, then close your eyes, and let’s all say it together magic words

Sim - salabi fairy tale come to us

All together:Sim - salabi fairy tale come to us.

Light effects (ball) lights go out, magic music sounds. And then 2 screens with the image of palaces of the east come out (the screens are put forward by the Sultan and Scheherizade

2. Dance East (6 Girls)

After the dance to the music, the Sultan and Shaherizade come out

Sultan:Oh, Scheherizade, the light of my moon, my soul, I feel sad!

Scheherizade: What happened, my great Sultan? Why aren't you happy? What's worrying you?

Sultan:I want to hear a new, amazing fairy tale about beautiful countries where I have never been!

Scheherizade:Okay, I'll tell you a new fairy tale about a beautiful northern country, where it is very cold and there is a lot of snow.

Sultan:(speaks with an accent) Snow? What is this Snow?

Scheherizade:(laughs)Snow is rain that has frozen and become light, fluffy and cold. But I’m not the only one telling you this tale! The guys from our palace will help me!

3. Winter rondo with instruments

Sultan:Which wonderful fairy tale. I want to see this wonderful country.

Scheherizade:Now this country is celebrating a wonderful holiday!

Sultan: What holiday?

Scheherizade:It is called New Year, on this holiday the people of the northern country dress up a large beautiful tree called the Christmas tree, organize a masquerade with dances and songs around this tree!

Sultan:Dancing? This is what I love! Everyone in our palace dances beautifully. Come out my friends, show your oriental dances.

4. Oriental dance

Scheherizade:The dances of our people are beautiful! But in that country they dance round dances around the Christmas tree, and Father Frost and his Granddaughter Snegurochka always come to them for the holiday and they congratulate everyone and give gifts!

Sultan:Let's go to this beautiful country!

Scheherizade:But how do we get there?

Sultan:We'll go there on a carpet plane.

5. Flying on a carpet airplane

(All the children gather and sit on the carpet, the lights go out, the ball spins, music sounds, at this moment the screens are taken away!)

During the Flight, Scheherizade comments on how they fly over oceans and seas, deserts and forests, very soon we will fly to Siberia

Scheherizade:Well, here we are in the fabulous country of Sultan.

Sultan:Yes, I feel it, I'm already cold. And here is the beautiful Christmas tree. So we will have a holiday.

Music sounds and 2 robbers come out.

Rogue:And ha ha, they wanted a holiday! There will be no holiday for you!

I led Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden astray, confused the road, they will never reach you! No holiday, no gifts, no fun. Come out, my robbers, my helpers.

6. Dance of the Robbers

Sultan:We flew here specifically for the holiday, from distant Bakhristan, and you planned to ruin it for us!!!

Rogue:ok, I will return Santa Claus and Snow Maiden to you if you beat me in the competition!!

Leading:Well guys! Can we cope with the robber?

Children: Yeees!!

Leading:Well, begin your tests!

Rogue:Explains the rules of the game

7. Nimble mitten (2 teams roll a snowball)

Rogue:Well, in the next competition you won’t beat me (explains the rules of the game)

8. Competition

Leading:We defeated you twice, return to us the Snow Maiden and Santa Claus

Rogue:No, it seems to me that you deceived me and cheated!

Leading:Shame on you, you were the one who cheated and deceived us, and now you want to ruin our holiday!

Rogue:Yes, I'm not a very honest robber!!!

Leading:Well, if you do! Guys, grab the snowballs and throw them at the robber.

9. Snowball game (throw snowballs at the robber)

Robber: Stop it, stop throwing ouch, oh, okay, I give up!!! And I will return Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

The robber is leaving!

Leading:Let's guys collect snowballs with you! And we’ll sing a song about Santa Claus, he will hear that we are waiting for him and will immediately appear. Suddenly the robber deceived us and will not bring Santa Claus to us.

10. Hello Grandfather Frost (song)

Children sit down

Music sounds and horses gallop

Leading:Do you hear guys? This is Santa Claus hurrying to us

The music sounds, and Father Frost and his granddaughter Snegurochka come out one after another.

Father Frost:Hello guys, hello guests

I am sincerely glad to see all the guests and all the guys.

Happy New Year, I wish you a snowy winter!

So that the sleds can roll you around, so that you can make snowballs,

So that snowstorms sing their songs to you,

So that weren't afraid of the frost to grow and harden.

Snow Maiden:Happy New Year to you friends!

I'm very glad to see you!

Of course you're all here

In the New Year's bright hour

We haven't met for a whole year

I miss you!

Hello my friends

Children answer: Hello!

Father Frost:I see guys, we have overseas guests at the holiday today! Hello

Shaherizade and Sultan: Hello Santa Claus, Hello Snow Maiden.

Sultan:We flew from distant Bakhristan. To see your wonderful country, snow and New Year's holiday.

Father Frost:That's good, we love guests! Well, how do you like our snow and the Christmas tree?

Sultan:It’s very beautiful, but they told me that your Christmas tree is all lit up with lights?

Father Frost:So we’ll fix this now, and the guys will help me. Yes guys?

Children: Yes!

Father Frost: And for this we will say the following words: (Santa Claus speaks and looks at the Christmas tree and hits the tree once, twice, three times with his staff)

Well, the Christmas tree, perk up,

Well, Christmas tree, smile

Well, the tree is one, two, three

Shine with joyful light!!

The tree doesn't light up

Father Frost:What is it really like, maybe the children are getting sick? Or didn’t you eat enough porridge? Let's all get together guys

Well, what about Elka... Etc.

The tree doesn't light up

Father Frost:Why are the parents silent? Come on, dear guests, help Grandfather and the Children!

All together: Well, wake up the Christmas tree...

Shine with joyful light

The melody of magic sounds

The Christmas tree is lit

Father Frost: Yes, our tree is good,

So fluffy and slim!

It lit up, sparkled,

Playing with lights!

Let's go around the Christmas tree,

Let's sing a sonorous song.

11. New Year's song (round dance)

Grandfather Drops Mitten

Sultan:It’s very beautiful here in Siberia, thank you for showing me such a holiday. But it’s time for me to return to my country, it’s too cold here. And Scheherizade and I are already frozen

Scheherizade:Goodbye guys and guests

Sultan:Congratulations on your holiday, goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Leading:Guys, our holiday continues, Grandfather Frost, play with our children.

Father Frost:Why not play! Only I lost my mitten somewhere!

Leading:We have your mitten grandpa, try to catch up...

12. “Game of catching the mitten”

Snow Maiden:Grandfather Frost. Why are our guests and parents bored? Maybe we can play with them too!

Father Frost:Let's play, Snow Maiden, guys, run out from behind the Christmas tree and play with your parents.

Leading:And our dear parents, get up on your feet, let's dance a little in your seats.

13. We will hang the balloons.

Father Frost:Oh, the guys are tired, I’m a little tired, Let me sit down, sit and listen to poetry.

Leading: Have a seat, Grandfather Frost, the guys have prepared so many interesting poems for you.

13. Poems 4pcs

Snow Maiden:Grandfather Frost, how many beautiful poems the children told, it’s impossible to count.

Father Frost:Yes, granddaughter

Now it's time to go.
Goodbye, kids.
It's really hot for me here.

Snow Maiden:Grandfather. Where are the gifts?

Father Frost:Present?
Leading : Yes, Grandfather Frost, the guys were waiting for you with gifts!

A robber suddenly appears from behind the scenes.

Rogue: What about gifts for me?

Father Frost:And you came here as a prankster!! Why did you lead me and the Snow Maiden astray, did you want to ruin the children’s holiday?

Rogue:Forgive me, I have such a nasty nature, but I’m kind! I won't offend the guys anymore.

Snow Maiden:Well, guys, this is our holiday, maybe we’ll forgive the robber in honor of the New Year?

Children: I'm sorry

Snow Maiden:Grandfather Frost so and where are the gifts??

Father Frost:Oh, oh, oh, I forgot the gifts! He has become completely old, what should I do?

Snow Maiden:Grandfather, you are the greatest wizard, let’s create magic and gifts will appear!

Father Frost: Clever granddaughter, now we’ll do some magic. Where are my magic snowflakes? But the Snow Maiden gave them to you?

Snow Maiden: Here they are grandpa

Father Frost:Guys, get up quickly in front of the Christmas tree, Hand out the snowflakes, Snow Maiden. Guys, take snowflakes in your palm, let's do some magic.

Snow Maiden:Now you and I will say the magic words, and then we will blow on our snowflakes, and they will fly to the Christmas tree and a miracle will happen!

Snow Maiden and Father Frost:

Snow, Snow, Snow!

Ice, ice, ice

Let a miracle happen

(Knocks with staff) One, two three

Turn snowflakes into gifts quickly

The lights go out, the ball spins, the sound of magic (At this time, the bag with gifts is carefully placed in the corner of the hall)

Leading:And where are the gifts, Santa Claus??

Father Frost: Let's look around, they should appear

Snow Maiden:Yes, here they are guys!

Leading:Let's all sit down guys and Grandfather Frost will give gifts to everyone

Robbers:Will there be gifts for us?

Father Frost:On such a holiday there will be gifts for you too!

Gift distribution

Father Frost:Happy New Year!

Snow Maiden: We wish you happiness and joy!

Rogue:Don't sneeze or get sick,

Have good health!

Snow Maiden:Don't be afraid of Santa Claus

Father Frost:Sing songs, play, laugh!

All together: Well, it’s time for us to say goodbye!!! The heroes leave


1 Output “Round dance of snowflakes again” (song)

2 Dance (Girls 6 people)

3 Winter Rondo with instruments

4 "Oriental dance"

5 Flying on a carpet airplane!

6 Dance of the Robbers

7 Competition

8 Game

9 Snowballs

10 Hello Grandfather Frost

11 Song “The Christmas tree is burning”

12 I'll freeze

13 Game - dance with parents.

14 Poems (4 pcs.)

Flatbread trader

Our blessed city is Baghdad!
Entering it, O traveler, be surprised a hundredfold:
You won't find such miracles anywhere -
Neither in Bukhara nor in Karaganda.
The main miracle is the bazaar,
Where you can find any product.
Oranges turn golden in the sun,
And next to it are melons, figs and olives.
A little further there is a row of carpets:
Persian carpets are in great demand here.
But there’s a whole heap of Indian shawls,
To the right they sell weapons and gunpowder,
To the left, women's jewelry sparkles,
And they cook the pilaf straight - well, it’s simply delicious!
And if you want to know the news,
Stop by our market without delay.


SULTAN: Almighty, oh, what torment!
I was bored again.
I can’t sleep and I don’t eat well,
I've already lost a lot of weight.
Hey, Leila, why are you standing there?!
Bring sherbet, halva, sultanas.
(The servant Leila enters with a tray in her hands.)
LEILA: My lord, try the sweet melon,
It is tasty and contains many vitamins.
Here are oranges with vitamin C,
We picked them in the garden in the palace.
There is also fragrant persimmon...
SULTAN: These vitamins will drive me crazy!
I only asked for halva, and here’s some sherbet.
LEILA: But the doctor banned sweets.
Sweets made you sick of boredom,
And he ordered everyone to take vitamins.
SULTAN: So eat for your health - I don’t forbid it,
Leave me the halva, I beg you!
(Vizier Jafar enters.)
SULTAN: Jafar! Well, where are you all the time?
They tell me that you are building something...
I remembered, intrigues.
JAFAR: There are a lot of evil tongues wagging!
I was looking for a cure for melancholy.
LEILA: Will the Sultan get better? Oh, how glad I am!
JAFAR: Tsk, woman! You should be silent.
SULTAN: Well, where is the medicine? Get it!
JAFAR: Here, just don't open your mouth!
I brought a host of beautiful odalisques.
Look, but don't come close!
(Dance of oriental beauties.)
SULTAN: Well, well, the girls are good,
They dance beautifully, from the heart.
But you know, Leila is no worse for me:
Sings, dances and cooks dinner.
JAFAR: May Allah preserve your abode!
You have become picky, my lord,
But I still have gifts for you.
Celebrate the art of brilliant play
On this wonderful instrument!
SULTAN: Wait, wait! Are you talking about the flute?
JAFAR: The instrument is too big for a flute,
But it is no less rich in sounds.
They will crumble in front of you like a trill.
SULTAN: What is the name of the instrument?..
JAFAR: Oh, cello.
(Musical number on cello.)
SULTAN: No, I can’t hear this trill
On the instrument, what's it called...
JAFAR: ...Cello.
SULTAN: I’ll miss him even more,

Night has fallen on the streets of Baghdad,
The residents took refuge behind a stone fence,
And the glorious city fell into sleep.
Only those who are truly in love do not sleep,
And the one whose heart is full of malice,
And in whose soul it has long been black and black.
Although everyone fell asleep: both young and old,
But Vizier Jafar is not sleeping in the palace.

JAFAR: How quickly the poor man settled down here,
But he didn’t take into account that he had an enemy.
It was in vain, young man, that you contacted Jafar,
After all, they don’t call me a black sorcerer for nothing.
And no one can stop my spell,
The witch Fatima will help me with this.
(Fatima enters.)
FATIMA: Why did you send for me, Vizier?
You look somewhat pale, my dear.
JAFAR: I turned white with rage, I guess
And now I can neither eat nor sleep.
We got one funny guy
From Bukhara, his name is Aladdin.
Our Sultan dotes on him,
Jasmine doesn't notice me at all.
FATIMA: Why has the Sultan stopped being bored?
After all, it was you who cast the spell.
JAFAR: It's all Aladdin's tricks,
He amused the ruler.
What should I do, I have no idea?
FATIMA: Well, my dear, I’ll give you a hint.
In the mountains, in a lonely cave
The diamond “Star of the East” lies.
And who will take possession of this diamond,
He will be able to rule the world over everyone.
If Aladdin is so lucky in life,
Let him bring a magic diamond.
If it disappears, then good luck to you!
JAFAR: And if not?..
FATIMA: You and Jasmine will get the diamond in addition.
JAFAR: How much intelligence is hidden in you,
Oh, moon-faced Fatima!
FATIMA: Goodbye! I already see the sun rising,
The people of Baghdad will take to the streets.
And if you need me again,
You will find me everywhere. (Leaves.)
JAFAR: Well, Aladdin, whatever one may say,
You can't leave me.

(Aladdin comes out with a lamp in his hands.)
ALADDIN: Who put the idea into the Sultan's head,
How can I get a diamond?!
Vizier, of course! It's definitely him -
Insidious, cunning, black scorpion.
I need to think about what I should do next,
How can I get a magic diamond?
I definitely have to find him.
But an old lamp might interfere with my journey.
(Throws the lamp to the side, smoke comes out of it. Santa Claus appears.)
SANTA CLAUS: I can’t tell where I ended up at all.
How can you stand such and such heat!
ALADDIN: Grandfather appeared from a copper lamp!
With a big beard, old and gray.
Tell me, venerable sir, are you probably a genie?
Let's introduce ourselves, I'm Aladdin.
SANTA CLAUS: How strange you called me.
Genie - I think you said?
I have a different name.
Santa Claus was called until now,
I lived in the northern forests,
And now - here are miracles! –
I found myself in hot countries,
Hidden in an old lamp.
ALADDIN: Very nice picture!
Santa Claus is here instead of a genie.
What should I do with t
SANTA CLAUS: And you take me with you.
Just give me some water to drink,
I'm already dripping with sweat.
ALADDIN: Here, drink, but not all at once!
SANTA CLAUS: Eh, good!
ALADDIN: Let's go for the diamond!


And in the snowy mountains, under an overhanging rock
The cave gaped like a black hole.
A magical diamond was kept in the cave.
We will now tell our story about him.

(Aladdin and Santa Claus come out and stop at the entrance to the cave.)
ALADDIN: You strain your strength,
Help me open the cave.
As soon as we get inside,
Let's take the magic diamond.
SANTA CLAUS: My magic is powerless here.
Is it just a blue haze
I can envelop this door.
Nothing will work out, believe me!
ALADDIN: No! What use are you to me?!
You are neither a genie nor a prophet.
You can't even open the door
Again you can't help me.
I have to do everything myself!
What spell? (Picks it up.)
Oh, open up, sesame!
(The door to the cave opens. There is a Diamond in the center.)
ALADDIN: Everything worked out. What a miracle!
You will need to remember the words.
Here it is - the “Star of the East” diamond,
Like the waters of a pure source!
SANTA CLAUS: Yes, he sparkles like a snowflake,
And it looks, well, like a piece of ice!
(Looks around the cave and disappears behind the curtain.)
(King Cobra appears.)
COBRA: He decided to kidnap Diamond, you are a human son!
Tell me your name, despicable one.
ALADDIN: Aladdin!
COBRA: Well, Aladdin, the last hour has come.
And the light of life dimmed, the fire of love went out.
ALADDIN: You know, I'm not going to die,
I will try to live as long as possible.
(Cobra fights Aladdin. Aladdin wins. Santa Claus comes out.)
SANTA CLAUS: Why is Snake Gorynych so bony?!
Yes, and he’s also single-headed!
ALADDIN: I'm tired of fighting, I have no strength at all.
Tell me, grandfather, where have you been?
While I was here fighting King Cobra?!
SANTA CLAUS: At that time I was eating fruit behind the curtain.
You could call me too, of course.
But you did it alone too.
DIAMOND: Oh, my young lord!
Take me with you.
I have been since time immemorial
Endowed with magical powers.
I am called the Star of the East,
I undertake to fulfill wishes.
ALADDIN: I am glad to express my desire:
Bring us back to Baghdad as soon as possible!

And it's time for us to return to Baghdad
And plunge into the life of the capital.
Who knows what awaits everyone now,
After all, there is a coup in the palace!
The Sultan suddenly had a stroke -
Vizier Jafar seized power.

(Jasmine comes out, followed by the vizier.)
JAFAR: Become my wife, I ask you!
You will save the Sultan and yourself.
JASMINE: Go, Jafar, get away from here!
JAFAR: Don't you want to help your father?!
Or maybe you're waiting for Aladdin?
He disappeared long ago in the desert.
JASMINE: I don’t believe a word of it!
JAFAR: Well, this is not new to me.
(Claps his hands.)
(The guards lead the Sultan.)
JAFAR: So, my former master,
Is the dungeon a glorious abode?
JASMINE: Father, tell me, are you healthy?!
JAFAR: Maybe call the doctors?
SULTAN: Just wait, Aladdin will return...
He's practically like a son to me.
JAFAR: Since when did you become so sweet,
(laughing) Why did you adopt a poor man?
Waiting in vain for Aladdin
He will not return, word of the lord.
(Aladdin enters.)
ALADDIN: It’s not good to throw words to the wind,
Which you cannot contain!
JAFAR: Aladdin?!
JASMINE: Aladdin!!!
(Rushes towards Aladdin, but Jafar intercepts the princess.)
SULTAN: I will give you my daughter - Jasmine,
Just save us, Aladdin!
ALADDIN: Well, well, in war it’s like in war!
May the magic diamond help me.
(Takes out a diamond.)
JAFAR: I didn’t waste my time either,
That's why I became a black magician.
I would ask any wise man -
Diamond is powerless against me.
Don't flatter yourself with vain hopes,
It will never be the same as before.
You won't see the princess
You have lost this fight!
ALADDIN: No, wait! There is a proposal.
JAFAR: So speak, I'm impatient.
ALADDIN: I exchange jasmine for a diamond.
SULTAN: For me, the exchange is just right!
And don't forget about me.
ALADDIN: Well? Have you thought of anything?
Diamond will fulfill all your wishes,
You will become the ruler of the universe.
JAFAR: Jafar agrees to this exchange.
Give me a diamond, take Jasmine in return,
And grab the Sultan to boot.
Truly, today is a lucky day!
With a diamond if I want
I will take over the world!
JASMINE: What to do?! By the power of your spell
Vizier Jafar will destroy the world!
(Santa Claus comes out.)
, Aladdin, how beautiful it is in the palace!
I listened to Peacock, he sings so wonderfully.
Yes, you've disappeared somewhere,
I looked everywhere for you.
ALADDIN: Oh, Santa Claus, we're in trouble!
You came here in a hurry in vain.
JAFAR: My mind still hasn’t comprehended
Where did you come from, old man?
I order everyone to be seized,
Put it in a cold zindan!
SANTA CLAUS: Grab it?! Yes, I'll show you!
I'll swirl you around like a snowstorm or a blizzard.
Hey cold winds!
It's time for you to fly free.
Spin it, spin it
And take away the villain
You are in a distant country,
Better to go straight to the moon.
(Jafar is carried away by the wind.)
SULTAN: Oh! Yes, this is a white magician!
SANTA CLAUS: Did I do something wrong?
ALADDIN: Grandfather, you were beautiful in anger!
Jafar is no longer a threat to us.
You saved all of Baghdad from him,
And I am very happy about this.
SULTAN: I’m glad, but I don’t know!
I'm running the country again.
Well, then, glorious Aladdin,
You deserve my Jasmine.
ALADDIN: I will treasure it!
JASMINE: The two of us will live in harmony.
SANTA CLAUS: I hope no one will mind here?
I called my granddaughter on the carpet, on the plane.
She is bringing my gifts for you.
SULTAN: How good!..
SANTA CLAUS: It's just very hot.
(The Snow Maiden enters.)
Well, I was in time for the holiday,
Arrived by plane.
Oh, grandpa, I missed you so much
And I didn’t know where to look for you.
SANTA CLAUS: My friends invited me here,
They asked for a little help.
SULTAN: Well, if everyone is gathered here,
So sing, dance and have fun!
Hey Leila, why are you standing there?
Bring sherbet, halva, sultanas.
Don't forget about vitamins:
Persimmons, nuts, oranges.
Call the people here quickly,
We are glad to see all our friends!
(Games, dancing, entertainment are held.)

Oksana Odnoburtseva

The woman Gina from the jug, Princess Budur and her Vizirikha, a flight on a magic carpet to the glorious city of Baghdad, a meeting with oriental beauties and young drummer sultans, Father Frost, the Snow Maiden, magic tricks, the miraculous appearance of gifts from a huge box and much more. If our holiday has become interesting to you, then I offer a photo report and script.

The Snow Maiden leads the children into the hall to the song "White Snowflakes"

Snow Maiden

Hello my friends! I'm glad to see you all!

Both big and small, nimble and remote!

I, Snow Maiden, and all the children have been friends with me for a long time,

I love frost and wind and snowstorms in winter!

Also, I love it when there is a lot of snow in winter. Do you like snow? Then let's sing a song about snow.

Performing a round dance "First snow"

Snow Maiden

All the guys here are good

Let's dance from the heart.

Execute “Right hand forward.”

Snow Maiden

In our hall, you found out, there is a lush Christmas tree,

The only problem is, guys, the tree doesn’t light up.

To light a Christmas tree, you need to read poetry to it.

Guys, whoever is brave here, come out and read poems to the Christmas tree!

Children's poems

Hello, New Year's holiday, hello, beautiful Christmas tree!

Hello forest Christmas tree, silvery, thick,

You came to us for the holiday and brought joy to the children.

We're having fun today, we invited guests,

And they hung the balls on their Christmas tree.

We'll start a merry round dance at the Christmas tree,

Let the Christmas tree celebrate the New Year with us!

Our tree is tall, our tree is big,

Taller than dad, taller than mom, reaches the ceiling.

How her outfit shines, how the lanterns burn,

Our tree congratulates all the children on the New Year.

Snow Maiden

Guys, the tree is waving its branches, she liked the poems,

Now, let's shout: “Our Christmas tree is on fire!”

Children repeat 3 times.

A musical effect sounds, the Christmas tree lights up

So the Christmas tree woke up, smiled at all the children,

Let’s start a song together and sing about the Christmas tree.

Execute “Beads sparkle on the Christmas tree.”

After the song, the Snow Maiden puts the children on chairs.

Snow Maiden

Well, guys, let's continue the celebration...

(picks up a jug from the floor) Just who threw this old jug here... (rubs him)

A musical effect sounds.

Snow Maiden

I don’t understand what is written here...

Outside the door you can hear someone sneezing and smoke pouring out.

Music sounds and Gina comes out and dances.

Snow Maiden

Who are you? And from where?


I am the wisest eastern sorceress, my name is Gina.

And this is my jug, I live in it.

But it is so dark and cramped, and completely uninteresting.

And it’s so beautiful here, everything sparkles, it’s just amazing

And who are you, the light of my eyes?

Snow Maiden

I am the Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of Father Frost.


I know Princess Budur, I also know Scheherazade.

Little Blue Maiden, I don’t know you, but you are also beautiful!

Do you want to look at oriental beauties? Here they are!

Girls come out and read poetry


I am Princess Jasmine, beautiful and gentle,

Dates and persimmons grow in my country.

I have a brave friend Aladdin

He is the only one in the east.


I arrived with the eastern caravan,

Bactrian camels brought me here.

There are peacocks in my country,

There are even fabulous Genies.


Who is this? (walks and looks at the tree).

Wow, wow, how many years have I been living in the world, but I have never seen such beauty!

I am telling you this, the wisest and most powerful Genie.

Such beautiful tree not even here in the East.

And what juicy fruits it bears, (takes off the ball and examines it)

Tell me, Little Blue Maiden, are they delicious? I really want to try it! (bites)

Snow Maiden

Dear Jin, these fruits are not edible,

They decorate the Christmas tree on the New Year's holiday.


What the New Year's holiday? I haven't heard of him at all!

Snow Maiden

Guys, let's tell our guest what New Year is.

Children read poetry

New Year is a wonderful holiday, it brings joy to children,

And our Grandfather Frost gives gifts to everyone.

With Santa Claus in winter holiday you can make friends

Dancing, singing and having fun near the Christmas tree.


What does it mean to sing and have fun? Teach me guys, show me.

Performing a round dance “Christmas tree, Christmas tree, thin needle”


Guys, I liked it so much that I am ready to fulfill any of your wishes. But first, let's dance something else.

Performed in pairs "Polka"


Attention, attention, please hold your breath.

To everyone's delight and surprise

I'll arrange a fabulous trip for you!

Let's go to an oriental fairy tale.

The carpet is being laid out and oriental music is playing.

The children are still “flying on the carpet” and repeating Gina’s movements. Then they get off the carpets and follow Gina like a train around the Christmas tree. Gina brings the children to their chairs and sits them down.

The decoration doors open. A picture of an eastern palace appears. Princess Budur and the Vizirikha enter, dance, and sit down on the rug and pillows.


Oh, how tired I am of everything, how bored I am of living in our palace.


Come on, Princess Budur, I read fairy tales to you every evening.


No, that's not it. I want fun, songs, dances.


Then I will tell you a fairy tale about a beautiful country where there is magical holiday New Year, when they decorate the Christmas tree, Father Frost and Snow Maiden come. And many children dance in a circle and sing songs.


Yes, this must be a very fun holiday. But how are we going to spend it in our palace, are we going to dance in a circle together?


Why together, we have a lot of oriental beauties in our palace.


So come on, call them, let’s start the holiday, let them dance with me.

Girls perform "Dance of Eastern Beauties"


And now, you, Vizirikha, dance for me, lively... Call the drummers quickly.

Boys perform "Drummers Number", The viziriha is dancing.


You see, princess, how many people have gathered in the palace.


But this is still not enough for me, I want a real tree and a new year.

Snow Maiden

The guys and I will help you. We invite you to our kindergarten for a holiday. We have everything there - a real Christmas tree, and Santa Claus will come soon. Let’s all spin around in place and say loudly: “Come on, get up, Christmas tree!” Kindergarten show up!”

A musical effect sounds.


Wow, what a beautiful Christmas tree, how glad I am, now I will have a real New Year. Let's have fun soon.

Performing a round dance "Little Christmas tree"

Snow Maiden

Well, now let's call Santa Claus loudly and unanimously.

Children scream 3 times

Fanfare sounds and Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost

Hello all the kids, girls and boys!

I am cheerful Santa Claus, your New Year's guest,

Don't hide your nose from me, I'm kind today.

Last year I was with you, I didn’t forget anyone,

They grew up and became big, but did you recognize me?

I'm still the same gray-haired, but just like young,

And I’m ready to start dancing, with you right now.

Come on, guys, sing a song about me.

Execute “Santa Claus was walking through the forest”

Snow Maiden

Santa Claus, we have been waiting for you for so long,

Play a game and amuse the kids.

Father Frost

There is one game for you called “Snow Mess”.

Eh, snow, ice, chaos, hello Zimushka - winter.

Attention - stand up in pairs and freeze your palms!

(knees, hair, shoulders, backs, hugs)

Wow! Well frozen! This is how strong my frost is, as soon as it freezes, it freezes! Now I’ll knock with my staff, I want to unfreeze everyone!

Father Frost

The yard is white, white, there is a lot of snow,

Let's play snowballs, whoever is brave here, come out!

The heroes distribute snowballs to children.

Music is playing, Santa Claus is playing snowballs with the guys.

Father Frost

Oh, I'm tired, I'll rest, and you guys all sit down,

And I’ll look at you all and listen to your poems.

Children read poetry

A snowball flies outside the window, falls, does not melt,

Our kindergarten is celebrating the New Year today.

And our Santa Claus is gray-haired, with a long, white beard,

He sits and smiles, we really like him.

Father Frost! Father Frost!

It has grown to our eyebrows, it has crawled into our felt boots.

They say he is Santa Claus, but he plays pranks like a little boy.

He ruined the water tap in our sink.

They say he has a beard, but he plays pranks like a little boy.

He draws stars, palm trees, and balls on the glass.

They say he is 100 years old, but he plays pranks like a little boy.

Father Frost

Oh, well done guys, what good poems they read to me,


You guys sang and played, but you haven’t danced for a long time,

I invite you, friends, to a fun dance!

Execute "Dance of the Little Ducklings"

Snow Maiden

Grandfather Frost, the children sang and danced,

And they read poems to you, it’s time to reward the kids,

And give gifts!

Father Frost

Oh, I love to be generous and give gifts!

Bring my New Year's bag here quickly.

The Snow Maiden brings a very small bag.


Grandpa, is this your gift? But he's so small!

How are we going to divide it among all the guys?

Father Frost

Oh, that's really not enough. Now a miracle will happen, put the bag in the magic box.

They roll out the boxes.

Music is playing.

Santa Claus shows a trick - he takes out a large bag of gifts and distributes them to children.

Father Frost

Guys, I congratulate you on the holiday and present you with gifts!

So the New Year's fairy tale has ended,


And it’s time for us to say goodbye to the Christmas tree, hopefully not for long,

We will remember your holiday for a very, very long time!

The heroes say goodbye and leave.