High school graduation game online. High school graduation game online Games for girls dress up prom

Dress up for prom is a very important mission of the game for girls. They begin to prepare for it almost a year in advance. They walk around, choose dresses and cosmetics. Then they doubt what they have chosen and again walk, choose and think. In general, on the one hand, it’s wonderful to understand that you’ll soon graduate from school, but on the other hand, it’s a little sad. When you leave school and go into the adult world. But today everything is different. The participant wants the babes to enter the prom dress up game and help her with the preparations. The baby is in a very bad situation, so she asks for help. The fact is that tomorrow is her graduation party. She prepared for it for a whole year. And then yesterday a very bad event happened. The dress she was expecting did not arrive. It came from America itself, and apparently someone lost their luggage. In general, no one knows where it is. Then the heroine lost her beautiful shoes because she forgot to pick them up at the park. And then when I returned, I couldn’t find it.

And in the evening the makeup artist called her and said that she urgently needed to leave for another city, so she apologized very much. Well, that’s all, the little one thought. Now the whole ball is ruined. But then she remembered her friends, the players, who, not for the first time, came to the aid of the characters. And now the heroine desperately asks them to help her. They must put on beautiful makeup, dress her in a beautiful dress, and come up with a hairstyle and haircut. In general, there is a lot to do. Therefore, all dress-up game lovers should go to our free game and have a great time. The heroine is already ready and waiting for her assistants. She prepared a wonderful game for them with fun and beautiful music. If they don’t like it, the little ones can turn off the melody at the bottom of the screen. A fun and funny game awaits its first participants.

I wonder which of them will come up with the most beautiful image? At the end, the little ones can go back and redo their look if they don't like it. You can also print it on a printer or save it on your computer. Bright and incredible images will win the hearts of all little girls. They had never seen such a game before. If little ones like dolls, then this game is especially for them. They are also able to find similar applications on this site or on the Internet. On Graduation Day, the creators come up with something new and chic. And all in order to please the cute girls. Our history. This is a great opportunity to try yourself as a designer or fashion designer. And also learn how to paint. Clothing and cosmetics are very expensive and imported from foreign countries.

Free Online Games Prom Dresses

Fabulous prom dresses. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to do amazing creativity. Together with our heroine Audrey, you will transform out-of-fashion outfits into fabulous prom dresses. Not bad? Of course, not bad! And most importantly, it’s instructive and interesting! And you can do all this using a computer mouse. Good luck!

Fabulous prom dresses

Ellie is getting ready for prom. Game for girls and girls! The last exam was successfully passed. It would seem that it’s time for Ellie to calm down! But today is her graduation and her soul is not in the right place. And all because at this evening the girl dreams of looking not like a princess, but a real queen. Girls, if you can imagine how impressive our heroine needs to look, then rush to her aid. First, give her a gorgeous evening make-up. And then choose the girl’s hairstyle, evening dress and accessories. Don't forget the main rule. Makeup, prom dress, hairstyle, jewelry, accessories - everything should fit perfectly together. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Ellie is getting ready for prom

Disney's Royal College graduation ceremony. Game for girls and girls! Disney's Royal College graduation ceremony. Disney princesses are entering adulthood. Tonight Snow White, Aurora, Belle and Ariel will have fun until the morning. And no one will reproach them for this even with a word. And so that against the backdrop of the general holiday the mood of the princesses is not overshadowed by anything, you, girls, now try to dress them in the brightest, most stylish prom dresses. Good luck! Play with the Mouse.

Disney's Royal College graduation

Disney Princess Vintage Prom Dresses. Game for girls and girls! Queen's College students Snow White and Cinderella are graduating today. Girls, help your friends prepare for this cool event. Just keep in mind that girls want their prom dresses to be in a vintage style. Play with the mouse.

Disney Princess: Vintage Prom Dresses

Jessie: Prom dress. Game for girls and girls! Jesse's graduation is today. Like all girls in the world, our beauty dreams of looking stunning at such an important event. Girls, you are stylists and you will help her with this. Pay special attention to the evening dress for prom. And don’t forget: makeup, hairstyle, jewelry - next to the dress - should look perfect. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Jessie: Prom Dress

Queen of the Sparkling Ball in a sparkling dress. Game for girls and girls! Disney princesses - Anna, Elsa, Ariel and Cinderella - are preparing for the prom. According to the decision of the organizers of the celebration, all princesses must appear at the ball in sparkling dresses. Shiny dresses are a trend that has held a leading position as an outfit for balls for several seasons now. Girls, you will find a lot of such outfits in the wardrobes of princesses. For each of them, choose the one that, in your opinion, suits her best. And, of course, match it with elegant shoes, jewelry and hairstyles. One of the princesses will be able to become the queen of the sparkling ball. And who... Use the mouse to control the game.

Queen of the Sparkling Ball in a shiny dress

Prom dresses in spring and summer colors. Game for girls and girls! The end of spring, the beginning of summer is the time of balls for graduates of schools, gymnasiums, colleges, and universities. Disney princesses - Ariel, Jasmine and Rapunzel - still remember how worried they were about their prom dresses back in the day. And they, the young princesses, so wanted to be the most beautiful at the ball! Now that Ariel, Jasmine and Rapunzel have taken up designing women's clothing, old memories inspire them to create an annual collection of chic prom dresses. In the coming season, the princesses have prepared for the show a series of stunning evening dresses for prom in the most delicate colors of spring and early summer - soft pink, soft lilac, soft green. Girls, this is something!!! Rather, arm yourself with a mouse and help each princess demonstrate her role.

Prom dresses in spring/summer colors

Princess Belle: Prom photo shoot. Game for girls and girls! Today is Princess Belle's graduation. Of course, such an important event will end with a prom photo shoot for the princess. But first, Princess Belle needs to be prepared for the photo shoot. Girls, you will do this in your SPA salon. In order for the princess to look perfect at an industrial photo shoot, you will have to perform several necessary SPA procedures for hair and face care. And when her hair and skin become flawless again, you will decorate her face with stunning makeup, choose her hairstyle, accessories and, of course, choose the most spectacular evening dress for prom. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princess Belle: Prom photo shoot

Makeup and dresses for a glamorous party. Game for girls and girls! Tonight our heroines go to a glamorous party organized in honor of graduation from school. Due to their young age, such nightly activities were not available to them until recently. Girls, it’s your task to make sure that their first outing “in public” is perfect. Start with their makeup and hairstyle. Then move on to prom dresses, jewelry, and accessories. Don't forget about their compatibility. Good luck! Play with the mouse. Good luck!

Makeup and dresses for a glamorous party

Moana, Ariel, Rapunzel: Prom Dresses. Game for girls and girls! There's a graduation ceremony at King's College. Well, who doesn’t dream of looking stunning on this day! On this memorable day, the Disney princesses - Moana, Ariel and Rapunzel - tried on a dozen dresses, but still could not decide which one to wear to prom. Girls, you have to solve this problem. Good luck! To control the game you will need a mouse.

Moana, Ariel, Rapunzel: Prom Dresses

Modern Disney Princess Prom Dresses. Game for girls and girls! Modern Disney Princess Prom Dresses is the best game for girls from the series of games about princesses - Elsa, Belle, Jasmine, Ariel, Aurora and Cinderella - to dress up in prom dresses. College graduation. Girls, join the Disney princesses and help them prepare for this wonderful event. Only today you will have to do it in a special way. You will have to dress the princesses in modern prom dresses. To make your princess looks perfect, choose hairstyles to match your dresses and apply beautiful, festive makeup. Don't forget about an important graduation attribute - a ribbon with the inscription GRADUATION. Play with the mouse.

Modern prom dresses

Elsa, Mulan, Merida, Jasmine: Prom. Game for girls and girls! Disney's college graduation. Bravo! Princesses Elsa, Mulan, Merida, Jasmine graduated with honors! Now they are preparing for prom. Girls, in order to look amazing on this day, the princesses decided to trust you. First of all, you must choose gorgeous prom dresses for each of them. It is equally important to add to this the attributes required in this case - a graduate’s gown, a confederate cap and a ribbon with a unique inscription. Good luck! A computer mouse will help you.

Elsa, Mulan, Merida, Jasmine: Prom

Earning money for a prom dress. Game for girls and girls! Elina's graduation party is coming soon. The girl went to the store to buy a dress and other accessories for the prom. But, as it turned out, the money she managed to save was not enough for purchases. And now, girls, you have to help the girl Elina earn money at a car wash. The more she earns, the better purchases she will be able to purchase. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Earn money for a prom dress

Heir to the Villains: A Dress for Mel. Game for girls and girls! The Auradon School, where the heirs of the Evil Queen and Maleficent study, will soon have a graduation ceremony. Their daughters, Mel and Evie, are best friends. Evie is a great craftswoman. She is great at sewing clothes and therefore agreed to sew a prom dress for her friend Mel. But before Evie can get to work, you girls have to find all the supplies she needs for her work, and then clean up her workshop. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Descendants of the Villains: A Dress for Mel

Promo outfit for Elsa and Anna's graduation. Game for girls and girls! On the occasion of their college graduation, Elsa and Anna are invited to the college prom. Girls, you must take care of a decent promotional outfit for beautiful princesses. Feel free to look through the most hidden places of your wardrobe to find the best prom dresses for Elsa and Anna, in which they will be guaranteed success at the ball. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Promo outfit for Elsa and Anna's graduation

Princesses Anna, Ariel and Cinderella at the prom. Game for girls and girls! Now it's time to say goodbye to college! Today the cute princesses Anna, Ariel and Cinderella will receive their diplomas, and then the college graduation will take place. Girls, this time you have an important mission. Find stunning prom dresses, shoes and jewelry for our beauties. And then make your contribution to the coverage of current events by posting photos of the princesses on the social network. Play with the mouse.

Princesses Anna, Ariel and Cinderella at graduation

Disney princesses at the prom. Game for girls and girls! The school year is ending. It's time to say goodbye to college. Its graduates: Disney princesses Elsa, Anna and Rapunzel - choose a dress for the prom. Girls, help them choose the most elegant dresses for this event. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney princesses at prom

Disney princess shopping for prom. Game for girls and girls! Disney princess prom shopping is the best game for girls to dress up princesses Rapunzel, Cinderella, Aurora. Well, what else can our beloved princesses dream of if not to look like royalty at the prom. Girls, you are not wizards, but you can help them with this. To do this, we invite you to go shopping with the princesses in our luxurious salon with a magnificent selection of fashionable shoes, accessories, jewelry and chic prom dresses. Among the huge variety of brands and styles, you girls will have to choose for each princess that one dress and jewelry in which they will really look like real queens at the prom. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney Princess Prom Shopping

We sew a dress with Aliska. Game for girls and girls! Little Alice has a friend who goes to school. My friend's graduation party is coming up soon. For this occasion, Aliska decided to sew her a beautiful dress. But Aliska is still a very small child, so you girls will help the little one. Start by choosing a dress style. And then follow the recommendations of the game, step by step doing the necessary work: taking measurements, cutting, sewing. To make your friend’s look complete, immediately select her hairstyle, jewelry and accessories. Good luck!

Sew a dress with Aliska

Dressing Princess Elsa for the prom. Game for girls and girls! In this game, events take place in a time when the entire royal family was still alive and happy. Princesses Elsa and Anna attend school. And in a few days Elsa has her graduation party. Girls, your task is to prepare your princess for the prom and help her become the queen of this ball. Considering that in the future she will rightfully become one, this is so symbolic! When helping the princess, start with promo makeup. At the same time, concentrate on her beautiful eyes. And once you’ve done your makeup, choose a gorgeous evening dress for her. Carefully! Don't overdo it with jewelry and accessories. Good luck! Play: with mouse.

Dressing Princess Elsa for prom

We sew an exclusive dress for prom. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will have to take a direct part in creating a stunning prom dress. It is almost impossible to buy a ready-made exclusive dress, but our little girl dreams of wearing a dress for her holiday, which will be there in a single copy. So let's get to work, girls! First of all, you need to decide what kind of dress you will sew. Now comes an even more important step. Take measurements, choose fabric and cut it. Well, dear craftswomen, try to finish the work on the machine as efficiently as possible. All that remains is to decorate the dress with frills, bows and add appropriate accessories. The exclusive dress is ready.

We sew an exclusive prom dress

White dress. Game for girls and girls! The time is not far off when you will have to say goodbye to the walls of your native educational institution. The heroine of the game is thinking in advance about choosing an outfit for prom. Having an elegant, snow-white prom dress is her long-time dream. But their choice is so great and good that the girl is not able to make a choice. Girls, follow us. We will show you one lovely place with a magnificent collection of perfect white dresses. Here you will certainly find something that our heroine will like. Play: with mouse.

White dress

Yellow prom dresses. Game for girls and girls! Cool online game for girls about yellow prom dresses. Exams passed. Goodbye, school. Tomorrow is the ball. Our heroine dreams of appearing at the prom in a beautiful, original dress, unusually yellow, and becoming, at least for an hour, the center of the entire universe. Girls, having seen in your store a magnificent collection of elegant yellow dresses made of silk, chiffon, guipure from famous world designers, a variety of styles and all unimaginable shades, our beauty was confused. They are all so good! Girls, join in. Help our fashionista choose a dress, and also choose a hairstyle, shoes, and jewelry to match it. Good luck!

Entertaining games have always been the most favorite among children. Girls and boys always want to have fun and play something. And if boys are given shooting games, action films, and adventures, then girls love dancing, cooking, parties and balls. Especially when girls go to school, they start dreaming about graduation. When someone invites them to a dance and they can wear a ballgown. After all, graduation for many is the brightest event that you will always remember. Therefore, so that the girls could carefully prepare for the future ball, they came up with cool games for them - “Graduation”. Here you can find out the history of these events, their rules and interesting facts. And all this will be told in fun games. Together with the heroes, get ready for prom, order dresses, learn new dance moves and don’t forget to find a partner. For each level you complete, you will receive pleasant bonuses. Join the prom games and feel like a prom queen. Good luck!

Free Online Graduation Games

Ellie is getting ready for prom. Game for girls and girls! The last exam was successfully passed. It would seem that it’s time for Ellie to calm down! But today is her graduation and her soul is not in the right place. And all because at this evening the girl dreams of looking not like a princess, but a real queen. Girls, if you can imagine how impressive our heroine needs to look, then rush to her aid. First, give her a gorgeous evening make-up. And then choose the girl’s hairstyle, evening dress and accessories. Don't forget the main rule. Makeup, prom dress, hairstyle, jewelry, accessories - everything should fit perfectly together. Good luck! Use the mouse to control the game.

Ellie is getting ready for prom

Disney's Royal College graduation ceremony. Game for girls and girls! Disney's Royal College graduation ceremony. Disney princesses are entering adulthood. Tonight Snow White, Aurora, Belle and Ariel will have fun until the morning. And no one will reproach them for this even with a word. And so that against the backdrop of the general holiday the mood of the princesses is not overshadowed by anything, you, girls, now try to dress them in the brightest, most stylish prom dresses. Good luck! Play with the Mouse.

Disney's Royal College graduation

Disney Princess Prom: Blondes vs. Brunettes. Game for girls and girls! Disney's Royal College graduation ceremony. Its organizers organized a magnificent entertainment program for the princesses. The competition for the title of the most stylish team is what worries the most princesses from two teams today - the blonde team and the brunette team. The blonde team is represented by princesses - Elsa, Cinderella and Aurora. Team of brunettes - Moana, Snow White and Jasmine. Girls, join the princesses and help them choose the most stylish dresses, spectacular hairstyles and accessories for prom. To control the game you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Disney Princess Prom: Blondes Prot

Fashion Studio: Prom Dresses. Game for girls and girls! It's time for graduation parties. Every girl needs a special dress. No one else should have dresses like this. So, dear designers, open your fashion studio and start creating. The mouse will help you sew such exclusive dresses. Good luck!

Fashion Studio: Prom Dresses

Hairstyle for prom. Game for girls and girls! The girl is having her graduation. The magnificent dress for the ball is ready and waiting in the closet. But our heroine has gorgeous hair and, of course, she needs a spectacular hairstyle for prom. This, girls, is what you will do now. Do you want to give a girl’s hair a special, festive chic? Then perform some simple SPA hair care treatments for her. Now you can start styling your hair into a beautiful hairstyle. Your mission will not end here. You will also need to pay attention to the necessary traditional attributes for graduation - an academic cap, gown and ribbon with the logo of her educational institution. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Hairstyle for prom

Kardashian sisters' graduation. Game for girls and girls! There is not a person who does not know the Kardashian family. Having started starring in the reality show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” in 2007, the huge family gained worldwide fame. And although the careers of the Kardashian sisters have long been established, they continue to achieve more and more success. So the younger sisters Kourtney, Khloe, Kendall and Kylie just completed additional education and today they are graduating. In this regard, girls, you have the honor of working for famous sisters as their personal stylists. Choose the most spectacular evening dress for each sister and, of course, pay special attention to the traditional attributes necessary in such cases - an academic cap, gown and ribbon with the university logo. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Kardashian sisters graduation

In Equestria, Canterlot High School is graduating. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, Canterlot High School is graduating. The Pony girls - Twilight, Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash - must take the honorary stage of their educational institution for the last time to receive their diploma of education. Of course, on this memorable day, every Pony girl wants to look her best. Girls, if you are ready to help them, arm yourself with a mouse and explore their wardrobes without any embarrassment. We are sure that you will find everything you need to dress them there. But the main attribute of clothing for today’s event should be a black robe and a confederate cap, indicating successful completion of a university. Good luck!

In Equestria, Canterlot High School graduation

Princess Belle: Prom photo shoot. Game for girls and girls! Today is Princess Belle's graduation. Of course, such an important event will end with a prom photo shoot for the princess. But first, Princess Belle needs to be prepared for the photo shoot. Girls, you will do this in your SPA salon. In order for the princess to look perfect at an industrial photo shoot, you will have to perform several necessary SPA procedures for hair and face care. And when her hair and skin become flawless again, you will decorate her face with stunning makeup, choose her hairstyle, accessories and, of course, choose the most spectacular evening dress for prom. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princess Belle: Prom photo shoot

Cat Angela is having her graduation. Game for girls and girls! You can't argue with Angela's talking cat abilities. She is talented in everything. She managed to give birth to children and has already graduated from law school. And today is Angela’s graduation and our glamorous beauty is ready to trust you, girls, completely. Give her a nice little face, give her a fragrant bath, and then pick out a cool outfit for her. Good luck!

Cat Angela's graduation ceremony

Belle, Ariel, Jasmine: Princess college graduation. Game for girls and girls! Today is Disney Princess College's graduation. Diplomas were awarded, and in the evening there will be a farewell ball. A joyful and at the same time very sad event! A joyful event - because the educational institution has been successfully completed and a diploma has been received. It’s sad because with this composition the princesses will probably gather for the last time. Princesses Belle, Ariel and Jasmine want to look great on this day, but they are so excited about the events that are happening that they may miss something in their image. Girls, take on the role of stylists and help each of them choose the most beautiful outfits. To do this you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Belle, Ariel, Jasmine: At Princess College

Elsa, Mulan, Merida, Jasmine: Prom. Game for girls and girls! Disney's college graduation. Bravo! Princesses Elsa, Mulan, Merida, Jasmine graduated with honors! Now they are preparing for prom. Girls, in order to look amazing on this day, the princesses decided to trust you. First of all, you must choose gorgeous prom dresses for each of them. It is equally important to add to this the attributes required in this case - a graduate’s gown, a confederate cap and a ribbon with a unique inscription. Good luck! A computer mouse will help you.

Elsa, Mulan, Merida, Jasmine: Prom

Princess school graduation party. Game for girls and girls! The school where the Disney princesses study will have a prom tonight. The headmistress Lady Treyman took upon herself the organizational concerns for the ball. Although, girls, you will help her with choosing a theme for the ball. But you will have to take full care of the outfits for the Disney princesses - Cinderella and Jasmine. In accordance with the chosen theme of the ball, help them choose gorgeous outfits and accessories. Don't forget: the princess whose image perfectly matches the theme of the ball will become its queen. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Princess School Prom

Princess Elsa's graduation party. Game for girls and girls! Today is an unforgettable day for the Disney princesses! Girls, today is their prom. Are you ready to help your beloved princess Elsa prepare for this magnificent event. Choose the most elegant dress and hairstyle for her. Perhaps on this day you shouldn’t skimp on bright colors for her makeup. And instead of a tiara, it is best to decorate her lovely head with fresh flowers. To make this holiday unforgettable, you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Princess Elsa's Prom

Earning money for a prom dress. Game for girls and girls! Elina's graduation party is coming soon. The girl went to the store to buy a dress and other accessories for the prom. But, as it turned out, the money she managed to save was not enough for purchases. And now, girls, you have to help the girl Elina earn money at a car wash. The more she earns, the better purchases she will be able to purchase. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Earn money for a prom dress

Disney Princess: Glamorous Prom. Game for girls and girls! The happy school years are over. The Disney princesses - Rapunzel, Cinderella and Ariel - will have their graduation in a few days. Each of the girlfriends dreams of looking like a real glamorous lady on this day. To have such an image, you must, first of all, have perfect experience as a stylist. The princesses did not want to take risks and decided to entrust the creation of a unique image of a glamorous lady to you, girls. Choose suitable outfits, hairstyles, and makeup for the girls. You can use ready-made glamor style outfits. But if they do not suit you, you can combine individual parts of the outfits, change their colors, shape, models, length. In addition, to decorate the outfit, you can use different, cute things, with the help of which you can add charm to their naiads. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Disney Princess: Glamorous Prom

Heir to the Villains: A Dress for Mel. Game for girls and girls! The Auradon School, where the heirs of the Evil Queen and Maleficent study, will soon have a graduation ceremony. Their daughters, Mel and Evie, are best friends. Evie is a great craftswoman. She is great at sewing clothes and therefore agreed to sew a prom dress for her friend Mel. But before Evie can get to work, you girls have to find all the supplies she needs for her work, and then clean up her workshop. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Descendants of the Villains: A Dress for Mel

Cinderella and Charming: First kiss. Game for girls and girls! The time has come to say goodbye to college, but not to friends and lovers. Today the college is holding a prom, and Prince Charming has invited Cinderella as his girlfriend to finally confess his love to her and give her his first, tender kiss. Cinderella's friends are delighted with this situation. Girls, rejoice for Cinderella too. Be her stylist during this time and help her choose the most elegant outfits for this occasion. To control the game "Cinderella and Charming: First Kiss" you will need a mouse.

Cinderella and Charming: First Kiss

Ever After High. Raven Queen is graduating. Game for girls and girls! There is graduation at the School of Happily Ever After High. All the students are searching. Oh, how difficult it is to choose hairstyles, outfits, accessories. Especially if you are applying for something original and unique! Girls, Raven Queen is waiting for your help. Help this beauty manage her gorgeous hair. Then take a good look at her wardrobe and find a great dress for her. Take your time! The main thing: the royal heiress should look amazing. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Ever After High. Raven Queen's graduation

Princesses Elsa, Ariel, Jasmine, Anna are having their graduation. Game for girls and girls! The years of study have flown by! Disney princesses - Elsa, Anna, Jasmine, Ariel - today say goodbye to the walls of their educational institution. Girls, help the princesses get ready for prom. Choose charming ball gowns for them, decorate their heads, necks, and ears with accessories. And take special care about the traditional attire of graduates - the confederate dress and robe. Play with the mouse.

Princesses Elsa, Ariel, Jasmine, Anna have

Puzzles. Barbie is having her graduation. Game for girls and girls! First school, and now prom is behind us. In a beautiful ballgown, Barbie and her friends step outside the threshold of their home school. On their faces we see joy and anxiety at the same time. What's ahead? Girls, look carefully at this photo. Then, choosing any difficulty option, divide the picture into separate fragments. Now start collecting the picture. This time you have no limited time. Good luck!

Puzzles. Barbie's graduation

It's graduation from Monster High. Game for girls and girls! Prom is coming up at Monster High, and our three cuties still haven't decided on their outfits. Girls, give them a helping hand. Be their stylists, make-up artists, fashion designers... Whatever! If only these beauties would shine like stars at graduation. Fortunately, you have great opportunities for this. Game technologies will allow you to do this with ease. Good luck! Play with the mouse.

Monster High graduation

We sew a dress with Aliska. Game for girls and girls! Little Alice has a friend who goes to school. My friend's graduation party is coming up soon. For this occasion, Aliska decided to sew her a beautiful dress. But Aliska is still a very small child, so you girls will help the little one. Start by choosing a dress style. And then follow the recommendations of the game, step by step doing the necessary work: taking measurements, cutting, sewing. To make your friend’s look complete, immediately select her hairstyle, jewelry and accessories. Good luck!

Sew a dress with Aliska

Dressing Princess Elsa for the prom. Game for girls and girls! In this game, events take place in a time when the entire royal family was still alive and happy. Princesses Elsa and Anna attend school. And in a few days Elsa has her graduation party. Girls, your task is to prepare your princess for the prom and help her become the queen of this ball. Considering that in the future she will rightfully become one, this is so symbolic! When helping the princess, start with promo makeup. At the same time, concentrate on her beautiful eyes. And once you’ve done your makeup, choose a gorgeous evening dress for her. Carefully! Don't overdo it with jewelry and accessories. Good luck! Play: with mouse.

The graduation party in honor of graduating from school is a big and solemn holiday. This is a unique event where girls are still schoolgirls, but are already entering adulthood and turning into girls. In the game Highschool Prom you will meet three best friends who carried their friendship through the years of study and hope to maintain it in the future. In the meantime, the girls have pleasant chores ahead of them - preparing for the graduates' ball. With the long hard academic years and exams behind us, you can relax for a while and enjoy your vacation. Girlfriends arrived at your salon with the firm intention of going out in new beautiful outfits, completely ready for the ball. In our Highschool Prom game we have a wide selection of different models of ball gowns of different lengths and colors. They include a variety of accessories: shoes, handbags, capes, flower hairpins and traditional floral bracelets. The girl’s outfit should be both formal and not too pretentious, so that the girl does not turn into a prim lady and does not become visually ten years older. Dress each beauty individually, do her hair, pay enough attention to everyone so that the images turn out perfect. Let the girls be satisfied with their choice and not worry about their appearance while having fun and relaxing. The Highschool Prom game will appeal to girls and will bring practical benefits to those who are preparing to graduate from school this year and will participate in the prom. Preparing in advance will give you more choice and more time to think.