What is sweetie and how to eat it. How to choose ripe sweetie? Methods for peeling fruit

We continue to analyze citrus fruits, but as always we do not go over the top, but dig deeper and look for the most little-known fruits that are full of various beneficial properties, their unique taste, color and interesting applications in life. Today we are talking about sweetie or oroblanco, or pomelite (as if it were a disease). In general, it doesn’t have many names, but the underground fruit itself is translated from Spanish as “white gold.” Which already says something. But now we will engage in a detailed study of sweet fruit, what it is and where it lives.

How and where it grows

The history of the creation and breeding of the fruit goes back to the recent 20th century ( exact date we won’t tell because we are afraid to deceive). After crossing grapefruit and pomelo, this miracle came out. The fruit has a sweet taste, hence its name “sweety”.

The fruits grow on a bush-like tree 5-10 meters high. When the fruits bloom, they have white and very pleasant smell. Later the color changes to green, more like light green. The size of the suite, which is already more or less ripe, is 10-12 cm.

Today, sweetie grows mainly in Italy, Spain, India, Israel, China, and Japan.

How to choose a suite

Here, the most important thing is to know what exactly ripe fruit looks like. Yes yes, nothing surprising. Usually the sweats are bright green in color, without any dark spots, is able to restore its shape when pressed. It is always better to rely on the heavier fruit, because it has more pulp and less crust.

Pay attention to the shine of the fruit. Sometimes the fruits can be coated with wax, so they need to be washed VERY thoroughly before eating.

It is also important to pay attention to the smell. It should be bright and rich; the higher this indicator, the cooler the specimen itself and it will be much more pleasant to eat.

How to properly clean and eat sweetie

Before you start peeling the fruit, you need to rinse it with water. We have already understood that sometimes fruits are covered with wax, which gets clogged into the pores of the peel and can get into the pulp when peeling the fruit. After that, it’s up to your discretion: you can make 4 cuts from top to bottom and easily separate the peel from the pulp with your hands, or simply halve it with a knife and use a tablespoon. Be careful when cleaning the sweets; if the essential oil contained in the pulp gets on your clothes, greasy stains may remain.

Composition and calorie content of the fruit

Oroblanco is not very high in calories. This is explained by the fact that it consists of almost 80% water.

Per 100 grams of fruit there are:

  • carbohydrates - 9 grams;
  • fat - 0.2 grams;
  • proteins - 0.6 grams.

The calorie content of the fruit is about 60 kcal. Citrus contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B9, E. It also contains the following minerals: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium.

Useful properties

Sweetie is a hybrid fruit, which means it beneficial properties quite similar to pomelo, about which. However, there are also independent studies on the benefits of sweetie and its juice.

Reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood

Back in 2004, Dr. Shela Gorinstein conducted a clinical study on 72 patients who suffered from high cholesterol. They were divided into three groups and for 30 days, one of the groups received 100 ml of sweetie juice, the second 200 ml, and the third did not take anything.

As a result of the experiment, it was revealed that patients who consumed greatest number juice received the most benefit. The level of soluble proteins in their blood increased and the amount of insoluble proteins, which can cause blood clots, decreased.

Thus, adding this citrus to the diet will help avoid cardiovascular diseases or serve as a preventive measure against complications.

Fights against diseases and infections

The fruit contains many vitamins. But most of all it contains vitamin C - as much as 45 mg per 100 g. The vitamin gives sweetie antioxidant properties. One whole fruit will fully cover the daily requirement for vitamin C. At the same time, it will strengthen the immune system and help fight infections more effectively.

To treat a cold, you can add the pulp and peels of the fruit to tea - this will help cure your throat.

Supports bones and teeth

In addition to vitamins, the fruit also contains many minerals, such as:

  • calcium - 25 mg;
  • phosphorus - 18 mg;
  • sodium - 12 mg;
  • potassium - 182 mg;
  • magnesium - 11 mg.

Maintains water balance

Sweetie contains a lot of potassium, which in turn maintains water balance in the body and is necessary for metabolism and muscle function.


If you have already dealt with this fruit, then you have probably noticed that its peel makes your hands oily. This is due to essential oils, which are considered natural antidepressants. A bath with fruit peels will help you feel new strength and make your skin more elastic and fresh.

Harm to the fruit

Be careful if you are trying this fruit for the first time - you should not eat more than half. Digestion may not be the best in the best possible way react to an unfamiliar exotic fruit in the diet. Everything is good in moderation.

And if you are allergic to citrus fruits, then you are more likely to be allergic to sweeties too.

Reduce the consumption of this fruit in your diet if you suffer from diseases such as gastritis, gastric ulcer, acute and chronic diseases pancreas, pancreatitis and other inflammatory processes of internal organs.

Sweetie during pregnancy

There is such a disease - preeclampsia. This is a complication of pregnancy in which blood pressure levels are disrupted. Sweetie prevents the development of this disease and helps keep the pressure on normal level. Mainly due to its high potassium content and anticoagulant effect on the blood.

Sweetie will increase the oxygen content in the mother's blood. It will also fight various types of edema, even the most dangerous - hidden ones.

When losing weight

One of the goals of breeding this fruit was to make grapefruit sweeter. And they succeeded! Sweetie will be an excellent substitute for candy and other unhealthy sweets. And its calorie content is significantly lower than that of a chocolate bar, for example. You can not be afraid to eat it at night and include it in your diet with complete confidence.

Sweetie is a unique fruit that appeared by crossing pomelo and grapefruit, and received its second name “white gold”. This fruit has an incredibly pleasant smell and sweet and sour taste. Despite the fact that sweetie is a fairly new fruit, experts through research have identified its beneficial qualities and the ability to use it not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology.


A fruit with a chic secondary name “white gold” contains a variety of substances that have positive influence on the human body:


  • Vitamin A, which improves vision and strengthens nails.
  • Vitamin B-6, which helps the body absorb protein and fats.
  • Vitamin B-9, which improves and supports the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems.
  • Vitamin C, which protects the body from the penetration of viruses and bacteria.


  • Iron, which ensures tissue respiration.
  • Magnesium, which turns food into energy.
  • Copper, which is required to convert iron into hemoglobin.
  • Silicon, which is involved in the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Sodium, which promotes the transport of various substances to cells.
  • Calcium, which helps improve the strength of bones and teeth.
  • Fluoride, which reduces the ability of caries bacteria to produce acid.
  • Phosphorus, which maintains a normal state of mental and muscle activity.
  • Potassium, which regulates the body's water balance.

Antioxidants suppress and delay oxidation. Thus, slowing down the aging process of the body and the occurrence of various age-related diseases.

Essential oils
This is an excellent remedy for calming, relaxation, massage and beauty treatments.

Enzymes that break down fats
Enzymes such as lipase, amylase, maltase, lactase help break down complex substances that enter the gastrointestinal tract along with food.

Beneficial properties of the fruit

The varied and rich composition of the sweetie fruit allows it to perform many beneficial properties:
  • antiseptic;
  • antivirus;
  • wound healing;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating;
  • antihistamine;
  • stimulating tissue metabolism and regeneration processes.

However, to get the maximum effect, you need to choose the fruit wisely when purchasing. First, examine the peel of the fruit itself; it must be whole, even and smooth. If everything is fine with the peel, then look at the color of the fruit, it should be green and bright, which indicates its ripe state. Also remember that only the pulp can be eaten.

You can store the fruit for a month and a half in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

Application in medicine and cosmetology

Thanks to its unique composition and beneficial properties, the sweetie fruit has become popular in the field of medicine and cosmetology. It can have a positive effect on the human body:

  1. Sweetie is a dietary product, so it will become an indispensable assistant in losing weight.
  2. Helps fight swelling of varying degrees.
  3. Remove many harmful substances from the body.
  4. Helps maintain physical fitness.
  5. Prevents the development of cancer.
  6. Perfectly moisturizes the skin, saturating it with beneficial substances.
  7. The unique aroma of sweetie essential oil helps fight various diseases of the nervous system.
  8. Improves memory and boosts immunity.
  9. Improves tissue regeneration, thereby slowing down the aging process of facial skin.
  10. Is a great assistant in the treatment and prevention of upper respiratory tract diseases.
  11. Thanks to its taste and aromatic qualities, it lifts your mood, thereby improving appearance faces.
  12. Able to stimulate cognitive abilities in a child.
  13. Normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  14. Accelerates the healing process of wounds, abrasions and bruises.
  15. Helps improve concentration.
  16. An excellent helper in lowering blood pressure.
  17. Helps fight gallbladder diseases.
  18. Normalizes liver function.
  19. Sweetie helps remove cholesterol from the body.

Despite the huge list of beneficial properties, before consuming this fruit for medical and cosmetic purposes, you should consult a specialist. Also, if you are eating this fruit for the first time, do an allergy test. To do this, put a few drops of sweetie juice on the inside of your wrist, and observe the body’s skin reaction to this fruit for twenty minutes. If the skin does not react negatively to the effects of the juice, then you can safely consume this fruit, both for medical and cosmetic purposes.


Sweetie fruit is indicated for use by people of any age, gender and preferences. It perfectly helps to cope with various diseases, both as a separate natural remedy and as an additional component in treatment. This fruit will be especially useful for people suffering from absent-mindedness, constant depression, vitamin deficiency, obesity and problems with the cardiovascular system. However, like any other citrus fruit, Svitia also has some contraindications to its use:


  • Increased stomach acidity.
  • Presence of cholecystitis or colitis.
  • Use caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Individual intolerance to components.
  • Gastritis disease.
  • The presence of jade in complex forms.
  • The period of exacerbation of allergies.
  • Prohibited for stomach ulcers.
  • The presence of enteritis and hepatitis.

Children under 8 years old, after reaching this age, should use sweetie with caution.


It is important not only to know about the benefits of the sweetie fruit, but also to be able to prepare it correctly in order to cure or carry out prevention various diseases internal organs and skin. We have collected 2 examples of recipes on how to use sweetie internally and externally:

Preparing a rejuvenating face mask

  1. Grind the rice flour using available means and pour it into a special glass container.
  2. Then add bergamot oil and freshly squeezed sweetie fruit juice to the container.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly until you obtain a homogeneous consistency without lumps.
  4. Cleanse your facial skin of impurities and cosmetics, and then apply the mask along the massage lines.
  5. The mask must be kept on the face for at least a quarter of an hour, and then washed off with clean warm water.

Preparing juice to combat gastrointestinal diseases

  • Wash the fruit thoroughly in water at room temperature.
  • Peel the sweets from the peel and partitions.
  • Place the fruit pulp into a juicer.
  • The resulting juice should be drunk immediately after preparation.

Video: what are the benefits of sweetie fruit?

Despite the fact that there are dozens of citrus species in the world, in the 1970s, scientists from the University of California (USA), using all the capabilities of modern genetics, gave the world another one. Their goal was to obtain a sweet variety of grapefruit. To achieve this goal, breeders crossed pomelo and white grapefruit. The resulting plant began to bear small, sweet fruits and had all the properties inherent in the Citrus family. American biologists did an excellent job! In 1981, the experimental laboratory of the University of California received a patent for the plant.

The scientists named their brainchild in the Spanish manner - “oroblanco”, which means “white gold”. In 1984, Israeli breeders came up with a new name for sweet citrus - “ sweetie» ( Sweetie), translated from English language like "sweet". This name quickly spread across the planet, displacing the name given by its “parents”. True, in some countries the fruits of the sweetie are called pomelite.

Much time has passed since the 1970s, and today it is obvious that, despite its sweetness, the sweetie fruit has not surpassed the bittersweet grapefruit in popularity. Most likely, the secret of failure lies in the large amount of “waste” - like the pomelo, the sweetie has a thick and inedible peel. However, this circumstance does not prevent Sweetie from being successfully cultivated in Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, India, Hawaii, Israel and Central America.

Useful substances in the composition of the suite

Sweetie contains more vitamin C (about 45 mg per 100 g of pulp). This puts the exotic fruit on a par with the most effective medicines used to treat colds. In addition to ascorbic acid, sweetie contains magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, potassium, B vitamins (1, 5, 6), folic acid and natural enzymes that help break down proteins and fats. This “mineral wealth” allows Thai doctors to use Sweeti to restore patients after suffering debilitating illnesses and severe operations. Sweetie helps normalize blood pressure, stimulates normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, relieves swelling, facilitating kidney function and restoring water-salt balance in the human body. Just like pomelo and grapefruit, sweetie lowers blood cholesterol levels. And great content essential oils turns sweetie into a good antidepressant that copes well with apathy, nervous exhaustion, bad mood, and depression. Regular consumption of fruit improves brain function.

Sweet juice, especially freshly squeezed, perfectly tones and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive organs, gall bladder and liver. Mask made from crushed peel and pulp exotic fruit nourishes and moisturizes the skin well.

Harmful properties of sweetie fruit

Despite the healing properties of the sweetie fruit described above, not everyone can eat it. The fruit is contraindicated for people with high acidity of gastric juice, as well as those suffering from duodenal ulcers, gastritis, colitis, enteritis, nephritis, cholecystitis, hepatitis and intestinal inflammation. People prone to allergies should be careful when planning the amount of sweetie they eat. Sweetie in cooking

In Thailand, sweetie pulp is widely used in cooking. You can eat it raw. The fruit is added to salads, sauces, drinks and ice cream. Tender and aromatic sweetie goes well with poultry, vegetables, seafood and champignons. In terms of calorie content, the fruit pulp does not differ from the pulp of grapefruit. That's why sweetie fruit often recommended for inclusion in dietary menus.

How to choose the right sweetie fruit

The secret to choosing the “right” fruit is to buy a fruit with a shiny, smooth skin, heavy for its low weight (ripe sweetie has a high density). The color of the peel of even the ripest sweetie is green.

Sweetie is a hybrid of pomelo and white grapefruit. When scientists developed this variety of citrus fruit, they set themselves the task of making grapefruit even tastier and sweeter. The experiment was a success, since sweet fruit is a fairly sweet product that is valued for its taste and medicinal properties.

The fruit is considered one of the most effective antioxidants, and ascorbic acid present here helps fight many colds. In addition, Sweetie is ideal for those people who want to lose weight and always remain in impeccable physical shape.

Sweet fruit: beneficial properties

This product contains the same amount of vitamin C and calories as grapefruit, while experts say that sweetie reduces blood cholesterol levels much more effectively and better than grapefruit.

The beneficial properties of sweet fruit are not limited to the fact that it has excellent taste. The contents of the fruit may surprise every admirer of this product:

  • Ascorbic acid, which makes sweetie a preventative against colds.
  • Fiber and dietary fiber.
  • Vitamins of group C.
  • Macro- and microelements: potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, etc.
  • Various essential oils.

What are the benefits of sweet fruit?

  1. Stimulates the heart and normalizes blood pressure.
  2. Strengthens human immunity and relieves depression.
  3. Helps improve memory and sharpen a person's attention and concentration.
  4. Allows you to quickly get rid of overweight, and the result remains for a long time if you continue to diet and adhere to proper nutrition.
  5. This product is even recommended in small quantities for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

Is sweet fruit good for the digestive system? Of course, yes, because regular consumption of it normalizes intestinal function, so you should not be afraid of disorders or any other unwanted side effects.

Sweet fruit: contraindications

Pomelo or sweetie is a hybrid of grapefruit, which means that its use should be treated with caution by those people who suffer from high acidity of gastric juice.

Sweet fruit's contraindications are as follows:

  • Contraindicated for gastric ulcers.
  • Not recommended for use in case of duodenal disease.
  • Harm from sweet fruit should be expected during exacerbations of intestinal diseases, as well as nephritis.

Overuse of this product may lead to food poisoning and allergic reactions. That is why young children and pregnant women should consume the fruit in limited quantities.

Now it’s no secret to you what the benefits and harms of sweet fruit are, all that remains is to consider its beneficial properties for weight loss and how to use it, which will be discussed further.

Sweet fruit and weight loss

Sweetie is a dietary product that is optimal for weight loss. Despite the fact that the fruit is quite sweet, it contains few calories and is not dangerous for people with overweight, on the contrary, helps them lose unnecessary pounds.

Sweet fruit for weight loss is useful because it contains many vitamins and microelements that help break down fats. Plus, eating just a few fruits will help you feel full, which will prevent you from eating extra calories.

How to lose weight with sweet fruit?

  1. You can eat the fruit every day for breakfast. In just 1-2 months you will see an excellent result - minus 8-10 kg.
  2. You can use the product before bed with the same effectiveness. A salad based on this fruit is good.
  3. You can make a delicious diet cocktail from sweetie, the recipe for which you will learn later in the article.

It is worth noting that for weight loss you need to choose only ripe and fresh fruits; they can be stored in the refrigerator, but not for too long, otherwise they begin to lose their beneficial properties.

Losing weight with the help of sweet fruit is quite possible; for this you do not need exhausting and “hungry” diets, heavy physical activity etc. It is enough to eat right, adding in daily diet such a healthy and tasty product as sweetie.

Methods and volumes of using sweet fruit

  1. Arrange a fasting day for yourself on a salad with sweetie fruit. Mix the following ingredients: sweetie pulp - 350 g, 1 tbsp. l. spinach, 20 g of boiled shrimp, 25 g of chopped peanuts and a little onion. The result is a dietary salad suitable for a fasting day.
  2. Sweetie cocktail. Squeeze the juice from half the fruit, add 200 ml of water and 1 tsp. honey, mix thoroughly and drink the cocktail before bed.
  3. You can organize a complete diet based on this product. For breakfast, eat half a sweet fruit and drink 1 cup of unsweetened tea or coffee. For lunch, vegetable salad or light soup. The afternoon snack will consist of half of the sweetie fruit. For dinner, prepare a boiled egg, boiled or stewed cabbage, half a sweetie.

Sweet fruit during pregnancy

Is it possible to eat sweet fruit during pregnancy? Yes, if you use it in limited quantities and if you do not have stomach diseases. The fact is that the product is useful for pregnant women with the following properties:

  • it reduces stress levels, which is especially important during pregnancy;
  • has a beneficial effect on the general health of the expectant mother;
  • is an excellent preventive agent for cardiovascular diseases;
  • Sweet fruit during pregnancy prevents the appearance of edema.

Sweet fruit should be consumed with caution during pregnancy, and at the slightest symptoms and suspicion of side effects, stop consuming it and consult with your gynecologist.

The universal love for citrus fruits, as well as modern breeding capabilities, allowed scientists to create an amazing hybrid - sweetie. By crossing white grapefruit and pomelo, breeders got a small, sweet citrus that has all the beneficial properties inherent in the fruits of the Citrus genus.

Sweetie is also called “oroblanco” in Spanish, which means “white gold”, as it was called by farmers in the USA who began to grow this hybrid for commercial purposes.

No matter what this fruit is called, its beneficial properties do not change. And the health benefits of sweets are far from small. Many doctors and nutritionists recommend introducing sweetie into your regular diet; the beneficial properties of this fruit are significant and valuable.

Pursuing the goal of creating a “sweet grapefruit,” Israeli breeders decided to cross a white grapefruit variety and a fruit called pomelo.

The end result was an unusual citrus variety, Oroblanco (also called pomelite), characterized by a uniform green and almost complete absence of seeds. In Europe, the fruit of this grapefruit-pomelo hybrid is better known as pomelo.

The taste of the “new grapefruit” acquired a really sweetish note, which was added to the list of positive factors.

In 1984, Israeli scientists submitted the original Oroblanco variety to the University of California to obtain a patent for the cultivation and sale of evergreen citrus (it is worth noting that the peel will not change its color even when the product is fully ripe).

True, the American city of Riverside intercepted the product from Israel for its own laboratory experiments. Therefore, today few people know that Israel, and not America, should still be considered the true homeland of the retinue.

Considering that Sweetie was obtained by crossing tropical fruits, then this tree is a resident of the tropics and warm countries. Sweetie grows in many European countries, in Asia, in India, where the conditions for its growth are favorable.

As an agricultural crop, sweetie is grown in Portugal, Spain, Italy, southern China, Japan, and Central and South America. Of course, there are pomelite plantations in Israel.

Suite composition

Sweetie, like its close relative grapefruit, contains a large amount of useful substances. First of all, it is one of the most effective antioxidants – ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is this important component that turns sweetie into a wonderful product that prevents and cures flu and colds.

Sweetie, due to antioxidants, has a rejuvenating effect on the cells of our body. Vitamin C destroys free radicals and prevents them from damaging cells, as a result of which wrinkles appear at a later age.

If you have problems with the cardiovascular system, one fruit a day is enough to reduce the risk of heart attacks, hypertensive crises, strokes, etc.

100 g of sweetie contains only 50-60 kcal, the nutritional value of the product is as follows: it contains 11.6 g of carbohydrates, 0.6 g of fat, 0.4 g of protein.

The fruit contains many trace elements and essential oils. It contains special enzymes that easily break down proteins and fats, making sweetie considered an excellent dietary product.

It is included in the diet of people who are overweight and those who are trying to stay in good physical shape. The phytonutrients contained in the peel of the fruit reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Due to the high content of ascorbic acid, the fruit is recommended:

  • For those who feel the first symptoms of infectious diseases;
  • People who abuse alcoholic drinks and smoking;
  • Pregnant and lactating;
  • People with long-term chronic diseases;
  • For those who work a lot on the computer and have visual impairments.

Regular consumption of citrus juice normalizes blood pressure, has a positive effect not only on heart function, but also cardiovascular system Overall, it lowers cholesterol levels.

Sweetie restores water balance in the body and eliminates swelling. The fruit lowers blood sugar levels, so it is included in the menu of diabetics to reduce insulin doses.

Among other things, sweetie is an excellent antidepressant; its regular use helps get rid of depression, depression and apathy. The fruit lifts your mood, improves memory and awakens interests in life.

Systematic consumption of sweetie juice tones all life support systems of the body, normalizes the condition of the liver, intestines and gall bladder. The pigment beta-cryptoxanthin prevents lung cancer and prevents the onset of rheumatoid arthritis.

The beneficial substances contained in sweets help remove toxins from the body, so it is advisable to eat citrus for those who work in hazardous industries or live in areas with difficult environmental conditions.

Sweetie is contraindicated for patients with gastritis with high acidity. Since the fruit has an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, it is not recommended for use for intestinal inflammation, enteritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, nephritis, cholecystitis and hepatitis.

How do sweeties eat?

The best way to eat sweetie is to eat it fresh. True, culinary experts consider the only drawback of the citrus fruit to be “sweet grapefruit” most of waste.

After all, you have to remove not only the top peel that covers the entire fruit, but also the white films located on top of the pulp (the latter process is especially labor-intensive). And this, in turn, makes up at least 50% of the total mass of the fruit.

Sweety fruit tastes sweet compared to grapefruit, orange or tangerines and is juicy. Sometimes the fruit is bitter, but this bitterness comes from the film of the fruit segments. Once you clean them well, the bitter taste of the sweetie will go away.

Only the pulp is edible. As a last resort, the juice is squeezed out of it, which is consumed separately or added to sauce for meat (including poultry) and fish dishes.

Pomelite is added separately during stewing and frying of mushrooms, vegetables and seafood. The aromatic zest is traditionally added to desserts and baked goods.

Currently, there are recipes that allow you to make jam from sweetie and make candied fruits from it.

Pomelite slices become an ingredient in many fruit and vegetable salad recipes.

Everyone knows that the key to getting all the benefits from a food product is its correct choice, which gives confidence in the quality of the product.

If consumers have already learned to choose most citrus fruits, then a completely unfamiliar fruit leads to some concerns.

Therefore, when choosing a quality suite, you should pay attention to the following:

  • saturated green peels (riper fruits may have a golden hue, although these can only be found in their native countries);
  • smooth, shiny peel (there should be no dents, any damage or distinctive dark brown spots on it, indicating the process of rotting or freezing);
  • relatively large weight of the fetus compared to its volume.

The use of sweets in cosmetology

Cosmetologists did not remain aloof from the new hybrid of the citrus fruit, sweetie, and quickly began to use it in their products. Indeed, in terms of its properties and beneficial composition, it is not inferior to other similar fruits. And the advantages are obvious - it is not so sour.

In the field of cosmetology, sweetie pulp, oil and juice are used for:

  • creating anti-aging face masks (a mixture of pulp and olive oil is applied to give the skin elasticity, firmness and remove fine wrinkles);
  • cleansing the pores of the facial skin with high oil content (it will be enough to crush the pulp into a “puree”, apply to the skin and rinse after 20 minutes with warm water);
  • body massage: preferably use the usual massage oil, where pomelite oil is additionally introduced (according to the observations of cosmetologists, such an oil mixture gives a more effective result for cellulite, but subject to regular massage sessions).

Possible harm to the suite

As a citrus fruit containing the maximum amount of ascorbic acid (or vitamin C), the relatively sweet taste of sweetie may well cause harm to humans.

  • allergy to citrus fruits (after all, it is still a provocateur of a negative reaction);
  • from increased acidity of gastric juice;
  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal system (for example, peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum);
  • who have enteritis and colitis of the colon (pomelitis acts as an additional irritant to the mucous membrane).

Of course, consumption of pomelite is completely prohibited during periods of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in the presence of gastritis.

According to the results of recent studies, fruit consumption is strictly prohibited for cholecystitis, hepatitis and nephritis.

True, there is one more nuance, which is to control reasonable dosages. The acceptable norm is to eat only one fruit per day. When consumption standards are exceeded, a person intensively develops intoxication, leading to a feeling of quite strong poisoning.

How does the sweetie fruit grow?

Since the sweetie was obtained by crossing trees, the result also resulted in an evergreen spreading beautiful tree. Its height is usually about 4 meters. But there are specimens up to 10 meters high.

The tree blooms with relatively large flowers, which can reach a diameter of up to 5 centimeters and with a pleasant, delicate, delicate aroma.

The sweetie fruit itself looks more like a pomelo, the size of a grapefruit, but sweeter. How to choose a fruit

When choosing a fruit, certain features must be taken into account. The skin of the fruit should be shiny and smooth. Sweetie should also be quite heavy.

It should be eaten after cutting it in half and removing the films and crust.
The fruit ripens early, but remains fresh on the tree all season. The fruits are harvested from the last days of October to April.

  • Sweetie can be used to make an excellent face mask. For this purpose you need to take 2 tbsp. l. fresh fruit juice, bergamot oil, rice flour. The flour must first be ground in a coffee grinder, then add the rest of the ingredients. The mask gives the skin elasticity and cleanses it. The mask should be left on the face for 10 minutes, then rinsed off with warm water.
  • Pomelit juice improves liver function, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates the gallbladder, and is an excellent tonic. You should drink freshly squeezed juice.
  • Vitamin salad: you need to take 1 red tomato, sweetie (1 piece), feta or cheese, red bell pepper. The suites are cleaned and the film is removed. Then chop all the ingredients and mix. Refueling olive oil. You can decorate with olives or herbs.


This fruit should be consumed with great caution by those who have too high acidity of gastric juice. In addition, this fruit can irritate the intestines and stomach, as well as the kidneys.

So it should not be used by those who have diseases of the duodenum and stomach, as well as gastritis with high acidity, colitis, enteritis and inflammatory bowel diseases in the acute phase. In addition, sweetie should not be eaten if you have hepatitis, cholecystitis, or acute nephritis.

How to grow sweetie

Sweetie is an artificially bred hybrid of pomelo and grapefruit, which appeared in Israel in 1984. Sweetie is believed to be a variety or the same fruit as oroblanco, a hybrid of pomelo and grapefruit previously developed in the United States, although they differ in appearance. At home, you can try to grow sweetie from seeds.

You will need

  • sweetie bones;
  • sphagnum;
  • humus;
  • river sand;
  • leaf soil;
  • turf land;
  • drainage;
  • charcoal;
  • peat;
  • complex mineral fertilizer.