What should a man do to conceive a girl? The best ways to conceive a daughter. Nutrition for having a girl

When planning a pregnancy, many couples are interested in the question of what needs to be done to conceive a girl. There are several techniques that are highly likely to help answer this question. We will talk about them in the article.

Best ways conceive a daughter

Many married couples want to plan to conceive a girl for various reasons: for example, some have sons who are already growing up, while others want to raise a little helper and housewife. The important thing is that with the development of science, there is a real chance to influence the choice of a child’s gender at the planning stage. There are several methods in the world that help plan the sex of the unborn child with a high degree of probability. Following them has already helped many parents conceive a girl naturally.

However, it is worth mentioning that these methods do not provide a 100% guarantee. The female body is individual, and even the calculation of ovulation can sometimes be inaccurate. But if you follow the instructions on how to properly conceive a girl, your chances of success will increase significantly. So, the main methods that will help you are the method of calculating ovulation and conception by blood renewal.

1. How to conceive a girl by ovulation

Conceiving a girl through the ovulation cycle is one of the most effective methods. Sperm containing the X chromosome, responsible for conceiving a girl, are slower, so they cannot overtake the fast sperm with the Y chromosome, responsible for conceiving a boy. However, the first type of sperm lives 1-2 days longer (namely 3-4 days) than the second. This allows us to answer the question of how to conceive a girl by ovulation.

First of all, you need to accurately calculate your cycle and ovulation date. To do this, it is better to use a special calculator or keep your calendar. To conceive a girl, the last sexual intercourse should be 3-4 days before ovulation. In this case, sperm with Y chromosomes will die by the day of ovulation, and sperm with X chromosomes will have a real chance of reaching the egg, since they are able to “wait” in the fallopian tube.

Many couples are interested in how to get pregnant with a girl after ovulation? If sexual intercourse occurs on the day of ovulation or after it, a boy will most likely be conceived. Therefore, on the day of ovulation, you should use protection or stop sexual activity for a while. These recommendations on how to conceive a girl by ovulation are not 100 percent effective. There is about an 80 percent chance that the ovulation method will help you. However, this indicator is quite large, and therefore deserves a primary role when planning the sex of the baby.

2. How to calculate the conception of a girl based on blood renewal

The next way to plan the sex of your child is to calculate the conception of a girl based on the renewal of the parents' blood. The human body is constantly renewed, and accordingly, the circulatory system of men and women is also updated. And blood cells carry genetic information, including that which is transmitted to the embryo and determines its sex.

A woman's blood is renewed once every three years, a man's blood is renewed less often - once every 4 years. The blood renewal method works as follows: the gender of the child will be determined by the parent whose blood is currently younger, i.e. recently updated. However, it is necessary to take into account not only the birthday of each parent, but also operations, blood transfusions, donations in both partners, as well as childbirth, miscarriages and abortions in the woman. In this case, the moment of blood renewal is calculated from this day of blood loss.

To conceive a girl by blood, we offer you a special calculator. Take the number of completed years of the mother and divide them by 3, and divide the age of the father by 4. If one of the parents gets an integer, it means his blood has been renewed recently and his gender is most likely to be inherited by the child. If there are no integers, then it is necessary to compare the remainders: whose division remainder is smaller, the baby will inherit the gender of the parent. To conceive a girl, ensure that the mother's blood is renewed recently, this will increase your chances of success.

Using this method, please note: to conceive a girl when negative rhesus mothers, the results of the method should be interpreted the other way around, i.e. the father's blood must be younger.

There is also a table for conceiving a girl according to the blood type of the parents. However, her data raises doubts, because both sons and daughters are born to the same parents. Therefore, if you are thinking about how to conceive a girl based on blood type, you can familiarize yourself with the table presented. But we recommend that you follow the blood renewal method or ovulation method.

3. How to accurately conceive a girl the first time

We have already written about how to get pregnant with a girl the first time, using methods for calculating ovulation and updating the parents’ blood. Researchers believe that the first method gives the probability of planning the sex of the child within 80 percent. Therefore, none of the specialists guarantees 100 percent how to conceive a girl or a boy, because the female body is changeable and ovulation may not occur exactly on time. The blood renewal method, according to certain estimates, works in 50 - 60 percent of cases when planning the sex of a child. The reason here is that future parents may not take into account one of the cases of blood renewal, and, as we have already written, there are many of them.

Therefore, if you are looking for a 100% way to conceive a girl the first time, and do not want to make a mistake, then you can only use the artificial insemination method, only professionals can help you with this.

4. Poses for conceiving a girl

If you have already calculated your ovulation or decided to use the blood renewal method, it would be a good idea to find out which position is best for conceiving a girl. It is not surprising that even this moment plays an important role when planning the gender of the unborn child. First of all, you need to choose those positions that will allow sperm to fully penetrate the woman’s vagina. This generally increases the chance of getting pregnant.

The second rule when choosing a sex position to conceive a girl is to refuse experiments and give preference to the classics. In this case, deep penetration of the penis should be avoided. This is explained by the fact that the more “shallow” the position is, the longer it will take the sperm to get to the egg. And, as we have already found out, it is spermatozoa with the female chromosome X that are slower and tenacious. In addition, it is not recommended for a woman to have an orgasm, as this increases the activity of the Y chromosomes. How often to have sex to conceive a girl? Let us remind you that this should be done 3 - 4 days before ovulation, every day, perhaps several times a day. The main rule is protection or abstinence 2 days before, during and after ovulation.

So, let's look in detail at what positions you can get pregnant with a girl.

Missionary position for conceiving a girl

The best position for conceiving a girl is missionary. This is a classic sex position, the most effective and does not involve deep penetration. It is believed that it is in this position that the maximum volume of sperm is released, which freely enters the uterus. In this position, the girl lies on her back, the man is on top. After the end of sexual intercourse, the girl is recommended to lie quietly, pressing her knees to her chest, or raise her legs up.

Spoon pose

Another answer to the question in what position to conceive a girl is a horizontal position called “spooning”. In this position, the woman lies on her side, the man on his side behind her, pressing closely. In this way, the man can get as close as possible to the cervix, and the sperm will remain in its cavity longer.

Pose "man from behind on top"

The third option on how to have sex to conceive a girl is to choose a position in which the woman lies on her stomach and the man sits on top. This way, penetration remains shallow, and sperm with the X chromosome have many opportunities to reach the egg and give birth to a girl.

How to conceive twin girls

Many brave parents wonder how to conceive twins, because it is very convenient: one pregnancy, one birth and two children at once. When answering this question, it is worth noting that the greatest likelihood of conceiving twins exists when choosing the IVF method. If you are wondering how to conceive twin girls naturally, we will give you some tips:

  1. Most effective way- abrupt discontinuation method contraception. After taking hormonal drugs for a long time (more than a year) and abruptly stopping it, the chance of becoming pregnant with two or more fetuses increases significantly. This is due to the fact that hormones that were previously blocked begin to be intensively produced, which can lead to the formation of several eggs at once and multiple pregnancy. However, the method also has a significant disadvantage: after discontinuation of hormonal drugs, egg production may stop for several months.

Nowadays it is very fashionable to plan the sex of the child using dietary nutrition, folk signs, posture, etc. The French studied families who planned children using special diets, and found a relationship between the foods consumed by the parents and the gender of the unborn child. Based on the results of their research, products can be divided into 2 categories - and those that promote the conception of girls.

First of all, no matter what gender of child you want to give birth to, the body should be prepared. 3 months before conceiving a child, both parents should consume the following foods/drugs:

  1. Fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, especially those that... It will cleanse the parents’ body, energize them, and give them strength.
  2. Folic acid tablets (). Folic acid is a very important element when planning pregnancy; it prevents the development of congenital neural tube defects and ensures the correct formation of the placenta. Eat foods rich in folic acid, – milk, meat, herbs and green vegetables.
  3. A drug containing, most often it is Iodomarin, and, walnuts which serve as a source of iodine. Iodine deficiency can cause miscarriage early stages, negatively affect mental capacity child.

Women are advised to normalize their weight and lose a little weight. It has been proven that it is easier for women who are slender or thin to become pregnant with a girl. By the way, women who are on a low-calorie strict diet give birth to girls more often.

What to eat to conceive a girl

A vegetable salad without added salt will successfully complement the diet of a woman who wants to become pregnant with a girl.

In order for the egg to attract sperm with the X chromosome, you need to eat foods that are rich and avoid salty foods. It will be just wonderful if you switch to a milk-egg diet with the addition of boiled meat, fresh vegetables and, of course, sweet desserts.

  • Girls with a sweet tooth get pregnant. Please note that most of your sweet-toothed friends give birth to girls. Therefore, chocolate, sweets, marmalade - all this will benefit you now.
  • As was written above - a dairy diet. This means that milk should be present in cereal porridges and purees, added to hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa), or you can simply drink milk with cookies. For pancakes and pancakes, choose cheese and cottage cheese filling, serve this dish with sour cream. Pamper yourself and your beloved spouse with glazed cheeses, yoghurts and curds.
  • . Be sure to prepare egg dishes - fried eggs, soufflés, omelettes. Add eggs to batter for pancakes, pastries, dumplings, etc.
  • Bread and pastries. In this diet bakery products are welcomed in abundance. If you bake on your own, then add milk and eggs to the dough, but you should not use salt and yeast.
  • Almost anything can be done from vegetables - eggplants, bell peppers, green peas, beans, onions, lettuce and other greens. Vegetables are best eaten raw or boiled; pickled vegetables contain a large amount of salt.
  • For fruits, give preference to apples, pears, grapes, citrus fruits, you can eat berries - raspberries, cherries, strawberries.
  • As for drinks, pay close attention to calcined waters and drinks based on milk and whey.
  • For parents who want to give birth to a girl, it is better to take raisins and nuts (cashews, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts) from the dried fruit department. Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and bran are rich in magnesium.

What you shouldn't eat if you want to have a girl

Salt and all salty foods. In addition to the sodium it contains, which prevents the conception of a female fetus, salt interferes with the absorption of calcium necessary for a girl.

Animal fats are lard, fatty meat and even in large quantities butter.

From dairy products: salted cheeses, salted butter, vegetable cream spread.

Ready-made meat products containing salt - smoked, raw smoked sausages, ham, meat rolls, pates, canned meat.

You need to eat fish less often. Avoid dried red fish and all types of salted, smoked and dried fish. Canned fish is strictly prohibited.

From vegetables: you should not eat pickled vegetables, you should limit the amount of potatoes and pumpkin. Don't eat mushrooms. Well, if you really want to, then prepare fresh lightly salted champignons.

Fruits and Berries: Limit your intake of stone fruits (apricots, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines), bananas, avocados, melons and pineapple.

Meat. Of course, you need to eat meat, but not more than you should daily norm, i.e. for two people per day 220 g will be enough. It is better to eat lightly salted boiled or steamed meat.

Fish. It is better to eat fish no more than 1-2 times a week, and it is better to replace it with shrimp, squid, crabs and caviar.

You should also limit the consumption of foods that slow down the absorption of calcium: carbonated drinks (especially Coca-Cola), strong black tea and coffee; oxalic acid from sorrel and spinach also interferes with the absorption of calcium.

After conception, you should quit the diet and eat whatever you want before toxicosis sets in, which is much more common and much stronger during pregnancy with a girl than when pregnant with a boy. A woman’s body must receive what it lacked during the diet, usually these are the foods that were prohibited, and they give up sweets and milk for fish and sausage with a slice of bread and a tomato.

Remember that diets do not give a 100% guarantee, but they allow you to bring your cherished dream closer.

Heir or heiress? Who cares, just let the long-awaited child be born healthy! This is how the parents of their firstborn respond. But what should parents do if a future man or several boys are already growing up in their house? Many
parents simply dream of having a girl.

It is believed that a daughter in a family will stay close to her parents longer. The girl is gentle, attentive and caring, and for her mother she is also a friend. Discuss new fashion trends, go to a beauty salon together or dress up in beautiful dresses and going out into the world - many women dream of such a prospect. The combination of a boy and a girl in a family is considered exemplary.

What should a couple do if they have set themselves the goal of having a girl? Accept and love whoever God sends, trust chance, or find a way to argue with nature or correct its choice? You can try to swing the scales
side of your dreams! But strategists-parents should keep in mind that the listed methods do not guarantee an exact result.

How to conceive a girl 100 percent?

Women who want a “sweet daughter” to appear in their family never stop looking for and trying all sorts of methods to help conceive a child of the desired gender. But the probability of having a son is always greater, since a uniform sex ratio with a numerical predominance of boys has been maintained for centuries.

There are several ways to predict the sex of a child. Only one of them is scientifically based and is used during natural conception. The woman herself decides which method to trust.

It is almost impossible to see the differences between male or female genital organs before the 16th week of pregnancy. It is also impossible to determine the sex of the child during an ultrasound at 10-12 weeks.

How to conceive a girl by blood?

  • The method of conceiving a girl by blood is not scientific. It is based on the theory of the existence of certain cycles during which the blood of the parents is renewed. IN female body blood is completely renewed in 3 years
  • In the male body, the cycle lasts 4 years. The method is based on the fact that the child is born of the same sex as the parent, whose blood was newer at conception. But how can we determine which parent’s blood has been renewed and which has not?
  • This is simply done by dividing the age of the woman who wants to become a mother by 3, and the age of the father by 4. If the remainder after division is greater, then the blood of the parent will become determining
  • For example, at the time of fertilization, the mother is 23 years old and the father is 25 years old. Dividing 23 by 3, we get 7, and dividing 25 by 4, we get 6. Based on the calculations, the mother’s blood is “newer”, so conception will lead to the birth of a girl. In case of blood loss in the past, blood transfusions should be counted not from the date of birth, but from the date when the blood loss occurred

How to conceive a girl by ovulation?

  • Determining the sex of a child by the date of ovulation is a scientific method and is called the “Shettles method.” It was developed by Harvard University colleagues Lendgram Shettles and David Rorvik. Scientists collaborated on family planning research
  • The method allows you to calculate which days of the cycle are most likely to conceive a child of the desired genotype. The method is considered the most effective and is based on the fact that conception occurs 2-3 days before ovulation. The fact is that sperm is able to survive in the vaginal environment at a certain temperature. An increase in ambient temperature above 28 degrees has a negative effect on male cells
  • Once in the reproductive tubes, sperm remain viable for three to four days, and if a male cell with a Y chromosome does not meet an egg within 24 hours, it will die. Female cells in sperm are able to remain in the fallopian tubes for a long time until they unite with the egg.

On what days can you conceive a girl?

Knowing when ovulation occurs, you can predict the gender of the unborn child. How to do it? A woman should keep an ovulation chart in which she will record changes over a long period (three to four months, no less). basal temperature. Basal temperature is determined in the early morning hours.

Before measuring it, a woman should not get out of bed or leave the bedroom, otherwise the temperature readings will be unreliable. Sexual intercourse that
occurred two days before ovulation, means that a girl will be born. Sperm with a female chromosome will not lose viability until this moment and will take part in fertilization. You can determine ovulation even more in a simple way. Pharmacies sell special ovulation tests. The jet test is the most reliable.

How to conceive a girl calendar?

  • The lunar calendar will also help a young couple dreaming of a daughter. All phases of the moon pass in 28 days, and the average woman's menstrual cycle is also 28 days long. A girl is born if conception occurs on the day when the Moon is in a female zodiac sign
  • Women's zodiac signs are even: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces. But accurately calculating the moment favorable for conception is not easy, since the lunar phases change daily. A couple who decided to take advantage Lunar calendar for planning the gender of the child, can count on the result with an accuracy of up to 50%
  • When dreaming of twin or twin daughters, the expectant mother needs to do it in advance (six months before the planned
    pregnancy) start taking folic acid

How to conceive a girl: table of conception and determination of the sex of the child

The Chinese table also allows you to plan the gender of the child. Surveys among happy parents of girls who used this table show that the percentage of matches is high.

The tables were compiled by ancient Chinese sages taking into account the fact that each day of the month corresponds to the birth of a descendant of a certain gender. You only need to know the exact age of the mother before the expected day of conception and the month in which it will occur. The intersection of two values ​​will answer the question of who will be conceived on this day.

The Japanese calendar, by which you can find out the gender of the unborn child, includes two tables: a table with the mother’s age, with the father’s age, and a table for determining the code number. How to understand these tables? The code number is determined by the intersection of the parents' birth months.

Having received the code number, you need to move on to the next table. At the top of the table you need to find the received early code number. From this number, draw a straight line down to the estimated or planned date of conception. A greater number of pluses indicates the baby’s gender.

Calculate the sex of the child by date of conception

Add the result to the day of the month when the birth occurs. Getting an even number guarantees a girl, an odd number guarantees a boy. You can also use the following formula: 49 - (3 × Zch - M + 1), where “Zch” is the date of conception; “M” is the full age of the mother. Here everything is the other way around: an even number is a boy, an odd number is a girl.

How to conceive a girl: calculator

Among other ways to determine the sex of a child is a calculator, which indicates the date of the start of menstruation, takes into account average length menstrual cycle and duration of menstruation. Using the calculator, you can easily determine the start date of ovulation online.

How to conceive a girl 100 percent? Reviews

Intensity of sexual life, foods consumed future mom, postures during sexual intercourse - all this, as popular wisdom says, matters in determining the gender of the unborn child. Scientists will argue for a long time about the accuracy of methods for conceiving a child of the desired gender for the parents. But, as numerous reviews indicate, in 80% of cases these methods achieve the desired result. For example, those couples who used the Japanese method and planned a pregnancy by carefully calculating the birth dates of both parents were able to give birth to a child of the gender they wanted. May you be ancient too
Eastern tables will not let you down!

Video: How to calculate the sex of a child?

Since ancient times, people have been interested in the question of what methods there are to influence the gender of an unborn child. Almost all of them are based on prejudices and superstitions. But there are also interesting studies, and, in addition, statistical information that you should not turn a blind eye to. So we will not decisively declare that the sex of a child cannot be planned.

It has been statistically established that boys are born more often during the first birth and fewer during subsequent births. The younger the future parents, the greater the likelihood of having a boy and vice versa. In people with gout, the offspring are dominated by girls; There are more boys in the offspring of bald representatives of the stronger sex.

In addition, it has been established that similar children tend to be of the same gender. If the interval between births is approximately 3 years, then mostly children of different sexes appear. If you get pregnant soon after an abortion, you have a greater chance of having a girl.

Male and female chromosomes

Many people dream about how to conceive a girl. Girls are beautiful, gentle and obedient. As a rule, they are closer to their father and mother than boys.

It has been established that a woman’s egg contains only one type, X (X). And sperm are divided into 2 types: X and Y (X and Y).

So, the sperm reaches the egg and determines the sex of the child: XX (egg and sperm) combine - a girl is born, XY combine - a boy is born.

It seems like nothing can change. But it is possible to influence sperm. Let's look at the methods on how to properly conceive a girl in more detail.

Features of sperm

Determines the conception of a girl: X-sperm. There are fewer of them in sperm, they move more slowly, but their duration of existence and strength are greater.

Determines the conception of a boy: Y-sperm. They are more mobile, there are more of them, but their life expectancy and strength are shorter.

So, you want to get pregnant with a girl. In order for X-sperm to reach the egg directly, provide all the necessary conditions.

We focus on sperm quality:

  • you need to reduce the amount of sperm;
  • changing the vaginal microflora;
  • the time up to ovulation must be the maximum permissible for conception (so that the Y-sperm are killed and the X has time to reach the egg in a timely manner).

It is important to know how to get pregnant with a girl. If a girl has a normal monthly cycle lasting 28 days, then ovulation, as a rule, begins on the 14th day.

In order to understand how to conceive a girl by ovulation , you need to use a method for measuring basal temperature. The rule in two words: a few days before ovulation, the temperature decreases, then a jump is observed (0.5 degrees) - this period will become the day of ovulation. In order to understand when the ovulation period will occur, make a plan by measuring your temperature for several months.

Basal temperature measurement

If you don't know how to conceive a girl, an ovulation calendar will undoubtedly help.

  1. Have unprotected sex a few days before and before ovulation. Boy sperm will not survive until ovulation.
  2. During the period of ovulation and the next day, use protection or stop having sex; abstain for another 2 days after ovulation. Otherwise, the X chromosomes will get ahead of the Y chromosomes.
  3. It is advisable to beware of orgasm for the fairer sex, since during orgasm a substance appears that kills X-sperm. Limit affection and excitement.
  4. It was previously said that the acidic sphere increases the possibility of becoming pregnant with a girl. For this purpose, you need to perform a vinegar rinse right before sex: dilute two tablespoons of vinegar in 1 liter of boiled water.

Dishes must be disinfected. Use the solution immediately, no later than 2 hours after preparation.

There is another way, but it is not scientifically confirmed. It is believed that in order to conceive a girl, you need to eat foods high in magnesium and calcium: cheeses, cottage cheese, milk, nuts, cereals.

For a way to get pregnant with a girl, the table will come in handy. You need to know the month of birth of a man and a woman, and the intersection will determine the number of the couple.

Couple Birth Month Chart

The possibility of a child of a certain gender being born is higher if there are as many X's as possible. Your goal is to find out in which month to conceive a girl. For example, a girl was born in January, a representative of the stronger sex - in May. Their couple number is 5. This means that it is possible to get pregnant and have a girl. , high in May.

There is another method when it is better to conceive a girl - This is a special conception calendar.

Everything is elementary: the girl finds her year (vertical) and month for conception (horizontal). If the intersection indicates M, a boy will be born, if D, it will indicate the month when you can conceive a girl. Use the fertility chart.

Calendar of conception of a girl by month

Conceiving a girl by blood

It is well known that people's blood is renewed. For girls this occurs once every 4 years, for representatives of the stronger sex once every 3 years. It works like this: which of the spouses has younger blood during the period of conception will determine the sex of the child (mother-girl, father-boy).

Now let’s look at the method of conceiving a girl using blood renewal. We divide the mother's age by 4 (don't forget, there is new blood every 4 years). To the remaining part we add the number of all months from the date of birth of the mother to the period of conception. Sample: mother is 24, divide by 4, it turns out 6.5. The remaining part 5. The mother was born, suppose, in November, and conception occurred in March. From November to March there are 5 whole months. 5 (the remaining part) + 5 (the number of months from the month of birth to the month of conception) = 10. Do not forget this is the age of the mother’s blood.

We calculate the father's age using the same method. Sample: father is 25. Divide by 3 (new blood), we get 8.3. The remaining part 3. The month of birth is August. From August to March (conception period) 8 months. We add 8 to the remaining part, we get 11.

Result: the mother’s age is 10, the father’s is 11. This means that if the mother’s blood is younger, you can get pregnant with a girl.

In what position to conceive a girl

A woman's orgasm is not necessary here. This is explained by the fact that the “girl” chromosomes last longer. However, they move much more slowly than Y-spermatozoa, for this reason, on a relatively long journey, the possibility of fertilizing an egg directly on the X-chromosomes is significantly greater. The most effective period for conceiving a girl the first time is 2-3 days before ovulation. At the same time, it is not recommended to have sex during the period of ovulation and for 2 days after.

Optimal placement of spouses involves a position of least penetration. The best poses for this:

  • missionary pose;
  • "spoon";
  • the husband is on top, and the wife is below with her back to him.

Other ways to conceive a girl

The well-known method of Doctor Shettles involves the use different methods to determine on what days to conceive a girl. The task is to establish the maturation period of the egg, namely, to plan a sexual relationship in 2-3 days.

Also, in addition to everything described above, a man who is thinking about how to get pregnant with a girl quickly needs: a few months before conception, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, walk more, lead a dynamic lifestyle, and eat well. This guarantees healthy children.

Video: How to determine the gender of the unborn child, 98% accuracy

Folk methods of conceiving a girl

  • have sex only during the day;
  • you need to have sexual intercourse on even days of the month;
  • the girl must be the initiator of the sexual act.

Conceiving twin girls

The chances of conceiving twin girls increase if you start planning at the same time as canceling oral contraception. This is due to the fact that sometimes at such moments the ovaries produce more than one egg in one cycle. Finally, it should be noted that previously written recommendations To There is no guarantee that girls can get pregnant with twins. For this reason, do not be sad if the ultrasound shows that you are expecting a child of the wrong gender. How to conceive twins, the video is presented below.

Video: How to conceive twins

How to conceive a boy?

Do you prefer a blue tone and love cars scattered around the house? Then you thought about the question of how to conceive a boy.

Experts have determined that the sex of the child depends on the type of sperm found in the egg. When fertilized, the embryo inherits the genes of both its father and mother. In this case, the “culprit” of the child’s gender appears to be directly the representative of the stronger sex, whose composition of Y (boys) and X sperm (girls) is approximately the same in the sperm. Despite the approximately equal chances of having children of one sex or the other, long-term statistics indicate that, as a rule, slightly more boys are born than girls (106 to 100).

Most doctors say that they cannot influence the sex of the child in any way. However, there are a number of folk methods that increase the possibility of conceiving a boy.

  • Shettles method.

Shettles' method is based on the concept of conceiving a boy by ovulation. X and Y sperm move along reproductive routes at different speeds and live there for different times. “Boys” sperm travel faster to reach the egg, but live less. For this reason, to conceive a boy by ovulation, calculate 12 hours before or during the period of ovulation and have sex. Sex position is also of great importance. For this purpose, the recommended position is from behind with the greatest penetration.

Ovulation calculation

  • Special diet.

There is a belief that in order to conceive a boy, you need to follow a special diet a number of months before birth. According to the laws of this diet, which is focused on changing the pH balance in the body, it is supposed to give preference to salty foods, reddish meat, eggs, zucchini, mushrooms, corn, bread and fish. It is not recommended to consume dairy products. Recently, researchers have determined when it is best to conceive a boy - maintaining the same level of glucose in the blood (constant meals).

  • Chinese moon calendar.

The Chinese lunar calendar is a special table made by Chinese healers more than 700 years ago, and then found in one of the crypts of the Chinese emperor. The method is related to the age of the mother and the month of conception. Or rather, you just have to cope with the table and the boy will be there. In fact, there is no evidence of the correctness of this table. But it’s still worth a try, because no medicine in the world can still answer with certainty how to conceive a boy with a guarantee.

  • Find the right time.

Since “boy” sperm are the most energetic, you should not have sex for a number of days before ovulation, but enter into sexual intercourse right before it. On what days will special ovulation tests help you conceive a boy?

  • Choose a pose.

The best position in which to conceive a boy is considered to be , which can guarantee more complete penetration. This is necessary due to the fact that sperm with the male gene (Y chromosome) are very exposed to the external environment and have a short lifespan. For this reason, in order for fertilization to occur, the path to the egg must be reduced as much as possible. Let us emphasize that the “boy” chromosomes do not tolerate high temperatures. This means that when preparing for conception, it is not recommended for a man to overheat (go to saunas, steam baths).

What else do they do to conceive a boy? It is also important that a woman experiences orgasm together with her husband or a little earlier, since during orgasm a special liquid is released that increases the existence of sperm containing directly the “boy” chromosomes. It is well known that the possibility of conceiving a boy increases on the eve (12-24 hours).

Poses for conceiving a boy

  • doggy style;
  • "general";
  • missionary position (if there is a pillow under the woman).

In Vitro Fertilization

This is a highly reliable and expensive method to acquire a boy. In order to extract the desired sex from sperm using a laser or special substances, XX (girls) and XY sperm (boys) are separated separately. After selecting the right pair, the egg is fertilized with IVF support (in vitro). This method is sometimes dangerous and will require significant expenses.

The scientific way to conceive a child

Among the most scientific and reliable methods, there are methods for extracting sperm fractions with a large presence of X and Y sperm. Using a laser, sperm are separated into X and Y. Such sperm are used in IVF. Depending on what gender is needed, the egg is fertilized. The share of luck varies depending on gender: 91% - girls, 75% - boys. So, at present there is a possibility of “making an order” to a geneticist. Although, in this case, you will have to conceive with the help of doctors and today's reproductive technologies.

Conceiving a child according to biorhythms

There is also a way to calculate the sex of a child according to biorhythms. Special combinations of mother and father biorhythms have been identified at which a child is conceived. Understanding these combinations, it is possible to create a personal calendar for this married couple in which month to conceive a boy. The biorhythmic method does not in any way deny other methods, since all movements in the body are performed cyclically and are subject to these or other biorhythms.

You need to remember that the methods listed above, for example, is it possible to get pregnant with a girl, will not provide you with a guarantee. A most of these methods are more fiction than truth. Therefore, do not be upset if a child of the wrong gender is born, because a healthy child is already a great joy.

Video: How to conceive a girl and a boy?

Planning a child is a crucial period in life married couple. Some of them will be happy to have a baby of any gender, while others take a responsible approach to conception in order to plan the gender themselves.

Almost every woman dreams of having a girl, because raising a daughter means putting all your feelings into her.

To conceive a girl 100 percent, you need to adhere to a certain strategy.

As you know, infrequent sex is a direct path to planning a female child. However, this factor is not always true.

Let's look at the basic tips and ways to calculate the birth of a baby based on ovulation:

American scientists conducted a study, where it was proven that at the moment stressful situations Men produce fewer male sperm.

Because of this, more girls are born during global disasters. But you shouldn’t equate planning a pregnancy with risk; it’s better to use these tips.

The best positions for conceiving a girl

As you know, sperm with a female chromosome move longer than male ones. On the other hand, they are able to survive and not die in the internal environment. Planning for a girl should be accompanied by sexual intercourse with certain positions.

note! It takes two people to decide in what position to conceive a girl.

The best options will be those where the man penetrates the woman shallowly. So the female chromosomes will slowly but surely reach the finish line.

Male sperm will die faster than female sperm can fertilize the egg.

Below is a table describing a selection of positions for conceiving a baby:

Pose Description
Missionary The likelihood of having a baby during intercourse in this position increases. The man lies on the woman facing her, leaning on his hands.

The essence of the pose is that the penetration is shallow, which means that female chromosomes will not die in an acidic environment and will successfully reach their intended goal.

Such an unchanging classic was considered the only decent option for sexual intercourse in Soviet times. It is also considered the most optimal position for pregnancy.

Spoon To perform this position correctly, a woman needs to lie on her side. The man lies down behind her, as if hugging her.

Penetration in this version is also shallow. In addition, the partner may not control the process, since he will not experience tension.

A woman feels protected, so relaxation comes naturally

Lotus A position common in the East helps to completely influence the conception of a baby.

The man sits on his knees, the woman sits facing him, wrapping her legs around him. In this case, it is better for the partner to hold his beloved by the waist to maintain balance.

A man helps his partner move, controlling the process

Traditional methods

In addition to standard ways to conceive a female child using an ovulation calendar, there are several methods of folk use.

They were invented by grandmothers and, according to observations, were passed down by inheritance. Let's look at the basic tips and traditional methods planning:

  1. Before performing sexual intercourse, you must tie your little finger left hand with sewing thread.

    When a girl comes to bed with her husband, it is worth putting a female object in the bed. This could be a comb, a scarf, an apron.

  2. Planning to get a girl pregnant a week before intercourse You need to drink a glass of plum juice at night. If you are allergic to the fruit, replace the juice with apple juice.
  3. Some couples are interested in what time is most suitable for conceiving a baby.

    Superstitious grandmothers believed that winter was the most relevant period. It is better to have sex on Wednesday, Sunday and Friday.

  4. Ancient methods helped to calculate the most relevant months for conceiving girls.

    If a woman’s age consisted of even numbers, then conception can only occur in the same months of the year. The same was done with odd numbers.

  5. It was possible to calculate the month of birth of the daughter using a different principle. It is recommended to add up your age and the planned month of sexual intercourse. If the number is even, it will be a girl.

You shouldn’t completely rely on traditional methods., she acts as a secondary one when independently planning the appearance of the baby.

For the first birth, it is better to use traditional methods of calculating the days of ovulation.

Important! Sometimes you can determine the sex of a child by the blood of the parents. In women, blood is renewed once every 3 years, in men once every 4 years.

Whoever is the last to have new blood before conception will pass on the sex to the heir.

Don't forget about special nutrition for your daughter's planning. It is worth introducing foods containing magnesium and calcium into your diet, as well as limiting your intake of sugar and salt.

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