What to do if your nail polish has thickened? Various ways. How to dilute nail polish: the best ways

Regardless of price and quality characteristics, all varnishes thicken and dry out over time. Some types of varnishes become unsuitable for painting nails already a month after use, while others remain in normal condition for up to six months, but eventually also dry out.

How and with what to dilute dried nail polish?

Of course, having discovered that your favorite nail polish has thickened and it is no longer possible to paint your nails with it, many will think about whether it is possible to “reanimate” it. After all, sometimes choose a varnish the desired shade It’s not so easy, and it’s a shame to throw away dried varnish if it’s only been used a couple of times. Fortunately, “extending the life” of varnish is quite easy, and this can be done using simple and affordable means. Let's look at them.

Acetone and nail polish remover

This is an old and rather harmful method of thinning varnish, which our mothers and grandmothers used. Naturally, using this method today is not recommended, because it is known that any have a destructive effect on the nail plates.

Hot water

Naturally, the varnish cannot be diluted with water. This method involves immersing a tightly closed bottle of varnish in a container of hot water for several minutes. This allows you to improve the texture of the varnish, making it a little thinner for a while. This procedure should be carried out immediately before painting your nails.

Special product

A special product – nail polish thinner – can give your nail polish a “second life”. This method is especially relevant if a problem arises with how to dilute acrylic varnish or. Lacquer thinners can be purchased at the store. Using these products, which do not contain acetone, you can restore the varnish to its normal consistency without changing its shade. But the quality of the varnish will improve only for one month, after which it will thicken again and can no longer be used.

How to prevent varnish from thickening quickly?

To ensure that the varnish lasts longer without changing its texture, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  1. The varnish should be stored in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
  2. The bottle of varnish must be tightly closed with a lid.
  3. The neck of the bottle in which the varnish is located must always be clean, without dried deposits.
  4. It is best to purchase a varnish that has special balls in the bottle, which, when shaken, allow you to effectively break up the clumps of varnish that form over time.

Parquet chemicals are a group of products used to protect and decorate wooden floor, wall and ceiling coverings. This includes varnishes and paints, primers and putties, stains and tinting, adhesives, antiseptics, solvents and thinners. Most store-bought wood varnishes are usually liquid, ready-to-apply mixtures. The question arises: is it possible, and how, to dilute the varnish if it is too viscous?

When diluting varnish, it is important to maintain the correct proportions

To answer this question, you need to consider several factors. First, we pay attention to the basic composition of the mixture. Secondly, we select the desired solvent. Thirdly, when mixing, we maintain proportions so as not to reduce the quality of the material. Let's take a closer look at how you can dilute thickened varnish and how to do it correctly? And also, what should I use to remove the old protective coating from wood and how should I care for the tool?

Dilute, dilute or dissolve

At first glance, there is no difference. Using a special tool, we bring the varnish substance into “working condition”. A solvent is a liquid that dissolves dried varnish, bringing it from a solid to a liquid state. We use a thinner if we need to change (reduce) the viscosity of paints.

Some types of organic eluents perform both roles, but some may be effective in one task and completely useless in another. For example, white spirit can be used to dilute compositions of polyurethane, alkyd and oil groups. But if the varnish has dried, it will not be possible to dissolve it with white spirit.

White spirit can be used to thin some varnishes.

But shellacs, on the contrary, are equally dissolved and diluted with denatured alcohols. But let's not go into such subtle details.

If you need advice on what to thin varnish or what to use for thinning paints, it is better to consult with specialists in this field.

We propose to consider in detail which solvents need to be used in specific cases.

Polyurethane mixtures

Polyurethane varnishes, paints, primers, adhesives, etc. contain polyurethane - a modern polymer. The totality of its properties surpasses such well-known materials as rubber, plastic, rubber, and metal. To obtain high-strength paint and adhesive solutions, in industrial production it (polyurethane) is mixed with special chemicals.

A lot of polyurethane varnishes are also water-based. This parquet chemistry is environmentally friendly and non-toxic.

If it is necessary to make the substance more liquid, you can use the following as a diluent for polyurethane compounds:

  • toluene;
  • xylene;
  • acetone;
  • eluents such as R-4, R-5.

Acetone - good remedy for diluting polyurethane varnishes

Alkyd mixtures

Alkyd compounds have good adhesion, moisture resistance, insensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, and strength. They can be used for external and internal work. Alkyd mixtures contain a main component, organic solvents, driers (for faster drying), and additives. The main component may be:

  • pentaphthalic resin;
  • glypthal resin with cotton oil;
  • a mixture of melamine-formaldehyde and alkyd resins.

To enhance the properties of materials, elements of alkyd resins are often included in multicomponent varnishes, paints, and enamels. The traditional thinner here is white spirit.

Bitumen mixtures

Bituminous varnish is a mixture of a special grade of bitumen, various resins and oils. After drying, a durable black film is formed on the surface, moisture-resistant and impervious to chemical attack. It is considered a fairly new material in household use. Belongs to the inexpensive category. It is often used as an anti-corrosion protective layer.

For wooden surfaces it is used when there is no need to emphasize the natural texture of the base (instead of paints). Bituminous material has found application as a decorative coating for the effect of aging surfaces (patina). Another unique feature of bitumen mixtures is cold gluing. The bitumen solution is diluted with white spirit.

To prevent it from thickening during storage, the container must be airtight. The storage location should be dark (without direct sunlight), with moderate temperature and humidity.

Bituminous varnish protects the surface very well from moisture and chemical influences, diluted with white spirit

Yacht varnishes

It is one of the most effective means of protecting natural wood surfaces. Already from the name the features of the area where it is used are clear. At the same time, the yacht composition is excellent for woodworking inside and outside of any objects (not just boats, boats, yachts). It is impervious to moisture, temperatures, and aggressive environments.

Yacht varnish. Basic properties:

  • high degree of protection of wooden structures;
  • physical and mechanical immunity to the influence of external environments;
  • durability, extending the life of wood.

To achieve such results, toxic chemical elements (toluene, xylene) are used in the production of the material. There are several production technologies:

  • alkyd yacht (based on the organic solvent white spirit);
  • urethane-alkyd yacht (the eluent is the same, but in smaller quantities);
  • alkyd-urethane yacht (solvent additives are highly volatile);
  • acrylates (water-based compounds).

Dilutes yacht varnish with white spirit, no more than 5% of the total volume. The solvent acts on the substance only in its fresh form. After drying, the varnished parquet coating will become impervious.

Varnish for yachts, boats, boats has high wear resistance and can also be diluted with white spirit

How to remove dried varnish

The above basically lists ways to improve the consistency if the varnish has thickened. What should you do to remove varnish and paint from painting tools? Can synthetic material be removed from wood after application?

Old furniture or wood just won't work. Typically, scraping or grinding is used where possible. For non-mechanical removal, the type of solvent is selected individually. The main composition and Chemical properties varnishing.

The simplest way to remove an unusable parquet protective coating is to use a special remover. The substance is a chemical mixture. You can use liquid, gel or powder. Acetone copes with the simplest types of paints and varnishes. Denatured alcohol is more suitable for removing shellac.

First, a liquid, gel or powder is applied to the varnish surface. Then you need to wait until the film softens. To speed up the process, it is recommended to cover the treated surface with polyethylene. After some time (from 40 minutes to 4 hours), old varnish will begin to swell and darken. What to do next?

To remove softened varnish, it is more convenient to use a spatula. You need to work carefully so as not to damage wooden surface. What to do if the old protective coating is not completely removed the first time? If necessary, the treatment can be repeated.

To remove residual substances from painting tools, use:

  1. Water-based parquet varnish is washed off with a warm water-soap solution;
  2. White spirit, kerosene, turpentine are suitable for most paints and varnishes based on organic solvents. The remaining substances are rinsed well, then the instrument is washed with some household chemical and rinsed thoroughly in water.

When choosing the type of eluent for diluting paint and varnish mixtures, it is important to carefully study the composition, as well as use the manufacturer’s recommendations indicated on the packaging.

Don’t forget about personal protective equipment, especially if you have to work with strong-smelling, quick-drying compounds. Ventilating the room during and after work will protect against poisoning by toxic fumes. These materials should be kept away from children.

Acrylic varnishes are very popular today, as they are inexpensive, dry quickly, are easy to apply, and look very attractive. The varnished layer is very strong and durable and can only be removed with a special solvent. Acrylic varnishes are usually sold ready-to-use, but there are situations when they become very thick or are sold in the form of a paste, which requires a special thinner. In this case, the question arises, what and how to dilute acrylic varnish? This article will look at how different types of these compounds are diluted, and how to work correctly with varnish solutions.

Acrylic varnish is a high-quality mixture of acrylic resin, driers and solvents; this composition is used to protect and decorate wooden, concrete, brick, and other surfaces. After drying, a very strong and elastic film is formed, which provides protection from adverse factors and mechanical stress.

This material has excellent technical and physical characteristics:

  • withstands temperature changes well;
  • is resistant to ultraviolet rays;
  • at joints it has a good strength indicator;
  • has good mechanical stability.

Types of varnish compositions

They produce several varieties of acrylic varnishes, which are usually clear liquids that either have a strong odor or are odorless. Acrylic can be dissolved in ethanol, chloroform, water, and diethyl ethers.

Several types of acrylic varnishes are made, which differ from each other in the substance used as a diluent. Water or some organic solvent can be used for dilution. If the composition contains a solvent, the solution can be used for varnishing wood, metal, stone, brick, concrete and glass. And if the varnish is water-based, then it is not suitable for every material.

Acrylic-based water-dispersion varnishes

These varnish products are environmentally friendly and safe for human health, therefore they are mainly used for indoor varnishing. Such mixtures emphasize the natural texture and pattern of wood if applied to wooden parquet, furniture sets, caissons, wood panels, etc. Water-based varnishes are very easy to apply, dry relatively quickly, and have excellent adhesion to wood. The varnished coating has good durability, is resistant to abrasion, physical activity and chemicals, perfectly decorate surfaces.

Many people are interested in whether it is possible to dilute acrylic varnish with water? It is possible only if the mixture already contains water, that is, if it is a water-dispersed solution. It is necessary to dilute the varnish composition with water if it has thickened too much or if it initially had high viscosity. It is allowed to use aqueous thinner in a volume of no more than 10% of the varnish mass. If you use more thinner, the characteristics of the paint and varnish material will deteriorate.

Water-dispersion solutions should not be mixed with other types of varnishes. In addition, it is prohibited to add white spirit, acetone, drying oil, gasoline, and other organic thinners as a thinner.

Varnishes with organic solvents

Such acrylic products are diluted with ketones, esters and aromatic hydrocarbons, and in some cases plasticizers are added. After drying, varnish compositions with organic solvents form a very durable protective layer that does not turn yellow and can be applied to various materials.

These solutions have excellent adhesion to various surfaces, are applied in an even layer, and after drying form a moisture-resistant protective coating. These mixtures can be used for both internal and external finishing work. The disadvantage of organic solvents present in the composition of the varnish solution is the characteristic sharp, bad smell. However, when the varnish layer is completely dry, the smell disappears.

How can you dilute varnish that contains organic solvents? A similar organic solvent can be used as a diluent for such an acrylic solution. In many cases, a universal eluent, turpentine, white spirit or toluene, is suitable. In any case, what can be used to dilute acrylic varnish should be indicated in the instructions or on the packaging.

It is advisable to apply varnish materials with organic solvents in two or three layers. When applying the first coat, thin the mixture by approximately 30 percent with a suitable thinner. This will increase the wear resistance of the protective varnish coating. One-component and two-component acrylic compositions are produced. If the solution is two-component, then before using it you need to mix both components, located in different containers, with each other.

What is the difference between solvents and thinners

There is a big difference between these two products: the solvent affects the hardness of the varnish solution, and the thinner affects its viscosity. It is important to know what exactly can be used to dilute the varnish mixture - an organic solvent or water.

Water-based varnish materials are diluted with glycol ether or plain water. And these compounds are dissolved using xylene or a combined solvent composition. Those varnishes that are based on an organic solvent can be diluted with the solvent material that is already contained in the composition.

  • Before you start varnishing, you need to stir the solution well, especially if it contains any pigment;
  • Before starting work, you must wear personal protective equipment such as gloves, goggles and a respirator. These products are needed even if an odorless water-dispersed material will be applied;
  • the varnished surface must be dry, clean, without greasy stains and crumbling old material;
  • the air temperature should not exceed 25 degrees, and the humidity should not be more than 50%;
  • to apply the mixture, you can use a spray bottle, roller or brush;
  • water-dispersion mixtures are diluted with clean water, and white spirit, xylene or toluene is added to varnish solutions with organic solvents as a diluent, in a volume of no more than 10% of the volume of the varnish;
  • the paint and varnish material must have the same base as the primer, tinting, or other chemicals applied to the surface.

Nail polish can be found in any girl's makeup bag. There are always several fashionable color schemes: for work, a party, for a meeting with the parents of your loved one. But preparations for one of these events can be overshadowed, because the varnish tends to thicken. This is mainly due to poor handling. Most often, it is enough to loosely close the jar. As a result, sediment falls to the bottom and is almost impossible to use. It is not always possible to purchase the same shade of varnish again, and it is expensive to buy a new one every time due to your own carelessness.

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How to dilute nail polish at home?

The very first and proven way to dilute thickened varnish is to use acetone or nail polish remover based on it. But, unfortunately, few people know how to choose the right proportions. As a result, the varnish may turn out to be too liquid or begin to crumble.

In order to dilute correctly, you need to estimate how much of it is left of the total volume. If the bottle is almost full, then a small amount of varnish will have to be removed (literally 5% of the total volume). If half is left, add 10-12 drops of liquid or acetone (to avoid spilling, it is better to drip through a pipette). When about a third of the varnish remains, 5-7 drops will be enough.

How to dilute gel nail polish at home

Attention! Be sure to pay attention to the brush. If the villi have hardened, there is no point in saving it. Unfortunately, the best solution would be to buy a new one. Or you can use a brush from another polish after cleaning it first.

What else can you do if the varnish has thickened? For example, use a solvent. This product can not only “revive” thickened varnish, but also preserve its original shade, which is not what you should expect from acetone. True, using a solvent requires more care and caution. It is imperative to use a respirator and gloves, otherwise one careless movement can leave a burn on the body or an unpleasant headache for the whole day. Please note that after using the solvent, the specific smell of the varnish will increase significantly.

Attention! Do not use solvent for varnishes containing shimmering glitter (sparkles). It will nullify the shine of the particles or they will completely dissolve.

These are the main ways to restore nail polish at home. Sometimes girls use cologne, alcohol or water, but this does not give any results. So don't waste your time.

It happens that due to low room temperature (less than 17 degrees), the composition may thicken even if storage conditions are met. To do this, don’t be lazy and rub the bottle of varnish in your palms for about five minutes. Increasing the temperature accelerates the process of diffusion of acetone into the varnish. It is equally effective to place the bottle in warm water or lean it against the battery for 2-3 minutes.

So we told you how you can dilute your nail polish if it has thickened. All these tips are relevant regardless of the manufacturer. cosmetic product or its shade. By following them, you can easily update your favorite polish and won’t spend a penny on it!

Every girl, when creating a manicure at home, is faced with the fact that the varnish coating becomes too thick over time. Most women throw away such special coatings, because using thickened products creates beautiful manicure It's getting hard.

But you can save it by using proven methods for dissolving varnish at home.

Causes of thickening

Before you begin to solve this problem, you should familiarize yourself with possible reasons thickening of products.

The main reason for the drying of varnish and its thickness is the constituent element formaldehyde it contains. It is added without fail, because it is necessary so that the varnish dries faster when applied to the nail plate. Expensive varnish coatings contain a smaller amount of this fixative.

There are other reasons why varnish can thicken quickly.

  • Frequent use. When creating a manicure, the bottle with decorative products is left open for a long time, which leads to the evaporation of the solvent component, resulting in thickening of the varnish coating.
  • Rare use of varnish. In the case of rare use, delamination of the constituent components occurs, as a result the consistency of the special coating becomes thick. At the same time, low-quality products under such conditions can thicken within 30-60 days.
  • Improper storage. In a room where it is very warm and there is a lot of sunlight, the varnish may thicken. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a suitable place for storage.

Traditional methods

To cope with the problem of thickening nail polish, girls resort to traditional methods. There are a huge number of life hacks that can restore thickened coating at home. Let's look at popular products that can be used to dilute decorative products in a matter of minutes.

Clear nail polish

To dilute dried products, manicurists recommend the most gentle method. As a solvent element, you can use a regular transparent varnish. When mixed, the colorless special coating attracts the colored components from the decorative varnish, and after application, fixes them on the nail plate.

This method of dissolving varnish is enough for only a few stains, so in the future it will need to be repeated constantly. The disadvantage of using a colorless special coating to dilute dried products is that when mixing the ingredients, the color saturation is lost.


The most popular method of thinning varnish is to use special products containing acetone. These include nail polish remover, which can be purchased at any specialty store. It is enough to pour a little of this product into the tube with the product and shake well.

Some women thin the decorative coating using acetone in pure form, only in this case it is necessary to strictly observe the amount of addition of this ingredient. There is a risk of damage to the skin and nail plate, and intoxication of the body from exposure to chemical vapors may also occur. If you use this coating for a long time, your nails may turn yellow and will peel and break.

Add ¼ of acetone to ½ of a bottle with decorative coating. The same ratio will be with the use of nail polish remover, which does not contain acetone.

Before using the above methods for dissolving varnish, several factors should be taken into account. When adding products with acetone, the applied product will be erased quite quickly. short term, and the drying time will increase. Also, if the ratio of special coating and solvent is incorrect, there is a risk of product damage, because gaps will form during application.

other methods

The above methods for dissolving special coatings are not very practical, because when using them, certain proportions must be observed. There are also other variations of varnish dilution at home.

  • Micellar water. The thick consistency of the decorative nail coating can be diluted with micellar water. In this case, 1 bottle of coating will require 1 teaspoon of water. Mixing must be done using a brush. After thorough mixing, the bottle should be closed and left for 8-10 minutes so that the water has a final effect on the consistency of the product. The advantage of using such water is that it is harmless, and it does not affect the color saturation of the decorative coating.
  • Hot liquid. In order for the dried decorative product to acquire a liquid consistency, it can be heated. To do this, you need to pour water into a container and lower the bottle there for 1-2 minutes, after which you immediately need to start applying a special coating to your nails. Once the varnish has cooled, it will need to be heated again. It is strictly forbidden to immerse the bottle in boiling water; it may explode under the influence of high temperatures.
  • Metal balls. Some manufacturers place special balls in a bottle with a decorative product, which, when shaken, allow the contents to be thoroughly mixed. Only this action must be performed constantly so that the coating does not stagnate.

Special means

The best option for diluting decorative coatings is to use specialized compounds made by manufacturers. Basically, each manufacturer of a certain model of varnish also produces a reducer for this coating.

Such solutions are very convenient to use, and results can be expected within a few minutes., besides, this product does not change the color saturation. Therefore, when purchasing varnish, many experts recommend immediately purchasing a restorative agent, so as not to resort to radical measures in the future. By the way, the thinner can be used both for gel products and for decorative coatings based on acrylic.

Specialized mixtures for diluting decorative products are equipped with dispensers and also include detailed instructions by use. Basically, one bottle of varnish will require a few drops of solvent.

If, after thorough mixing, the product does not reach the desired consistency, you can add a couple more drops of diluent. An excessive amount of thinner will not dissolve the varnish, but, on the contrary, will ruin the varnish coating, because it will turn out to be too liquid.

The specialized thinner should be stored in places where there is no direct sunlight or exposure to fire, since the product contains alcohol. You should not store products in the refrigerator, otherwise the solution will eventually lose its ability to restore the special varnish coating.

Preventing thickening

It is quite difficult to return the original state of the varnish, so to prevent this problem, Certain rules and recommendations must be followed.

  • Correct storage conditions. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures, the consistency of the decorative nail coating will become thick. Therefore, it should be stored in rooms where there are no such conditions.
  • Before closing the tube it should be saturated with oxygen, that is, blow into the bottle. This way you will extend the life of the varnish.
  • Cleaning the cover. After using the varnish for a long time, a large amount of coating accumulates on the lid, which dries out over time. As a result, a gap is formed that allows air to penetrate inside the bottle, which leads to rapid drying of the contents. Therefore, after each use you need to clean the lid and brush with specialized products or acetone.
  • To prevent the decorative coating from drying out, it needs to be shaken periodically for two to three minutes. This procedure should be performed before each use.
  • Buy products High Quality , because it contains less formaldehyde, which means that it will last a long time. You shouldn't buy large bottles if you won't use it regularly. It is better to buy a small tube of varnish, which is used in a short time, which means it does not have time to dry.
  • Product storage should only be carried out in a vertical position.

If you follow all the rules described above and the recommendations of specialists, you can avoid some problems with the varnish coating, as a result of which you will not need to resort to traditional methods of diluting decorative special products.