Biography, personal life and children of Svetlana Loboda. Svetlana Loboda: biography, creativity, personal life Loboda family life

One of the brightest people in Ukrainian show business and a favorite of the Russian public for many years now is the former lead singer of the Via gra group Svetlana Loboda.

Bright, shocking and very charismatic Svetlana Loboda captivates not only with her chic and attractive appearance, but also with her boundless talent.

Svetlana Loboda has already achieved the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine, and is not going to stop there, continuing to actively work and develop herself as a creative person.

Singer Svetlana Loboda began her solo career after a very successful, albeit short, experience in the Via gra group.

There, Svetlana Loboda harmoniously and quickly fit into the team, amazing the audience with her bright vocal abilities and fiery dances, which Svetlana Loboda demonstrated during filming and tours.

Now the singer is already over thirty (year of birth - 1982), but despite this, Svetlana Loboda looks great, has a daughter and is very happy.

In addition to the fact that Svetlana Loboda is a wonderful singer, the star has shown that she can very successfully realize herself in other creative professions. Svetlana Loboda has already tried herself as a designer, creating her own brand “F*ck’ n’ macho”. Svetlana Loboda gained excellent experience both as a presenter and songwriter.

Today, singer Svetlana Loboda is loved by everyone and in demand in the world of show business. Fans idolize her, Svetlana Loboda tours a lot, and fans of the star eagerly await new songs and videos.

Not the most successful stage in the star’s career was participation in Eurovision 2009, where singer Svetlana Loboda took only 21st position.

Musical composition “Be My Valentine!” did not bring victory to the celebrity, but Svetlana Loboda did not despair, commenting that for her this was only a competition, and it would not in any way affect her desire to continue working and give her fans new songs and videos.

Singer Svetlana Loboda - creativity and career

The Via Gra group was not the first stage of Loboda’s creative activity. Initially, solo singer Svetlana Loboda sang in the Cappuccino group, performing jazz music.

Svetlana Loboda, whose creative potential was enormous even at the “Cappuccino” stage, decided to perform solo, taking for herself the high-profile pseudonym Alicia Gorn.

The popularity of the Alicia Gorn project seemed a bit small to Svetlana. And although Svetlana Loboda earned a lot of money from performing under a pseudonym, the girl decided that she wanted something more.

In 2004, Svetlana Loboda got into Viagra by participating in a casting of thousands.

Svetlana Loboda immediately attracted the producers, charming not only ideal forms, but also amazing vocals.

The new lead singer of the group Via Gra did not please the public for long with her participation in the group.

A few months later, Svetlana Loboda leaves Viagra with the hope of starting a solo project.

And, to be honest, Svetlana Loboda stood out from the other participants, she was active and improvised a lot, which the producers of the group did not really like.

Svetlana Loboda as a solo performer

Svetlana Loboda began her solo career, performing in famous Moscow clubs, where the organizers of the performances gladly invited her.

Svetlana Loboda begins to actively record new musical compositions. All Svetlana Loboda's songs really sound new.

They are imbued with the singer’s charisma; each song, as Svetlana Loboda has repeatedly said, passes through her soul.

The first solo video that Svetlana Loboda shot after Viagra was the video “ Black and white winter».

Feeling that the audience appreciated the new video, singer Svetlana Loboda continues to work, developing as a solo performer. New video works followed, each of which demonstrated not only Loboda’s singing talent, but also her acting abilities.

“Showmania”, “40 degrees”, “Clouds”, “Forbidden City”, “Under the Ice” - these and other clips did not hide the boundlessness of the star’s talent, and with each new job became more interesting and original in concept and acting.

Svetlana Loboda manages not only to write songs. Singer Svetlana Loboda tried herself as a judge on the children's show “The Voice. Children".

The celebrity liked this practice, because it was very interesting to teach children creative skills on the project.

Singer Svetlana Loboda - personal life

Like most stars, singer Svetlana Loboda tried to hide her personal life from prying eyes.

Svetlana Loboda was always the center of attention of journalists, although the girl did not quite like such a stir around her person.

However, Svetlana Loboda’s personal life is now declassified. The famous artist has a growing daughter, Evangelina, who was born in Loboda’s civil marriage with choreographer Andrei Tsar.

My daughter is almost six years old. Singer Svetlana Loboda loves to spend time with her daughter, although she does not always succeed, because Svetlana has a busy work schedule.

Now Svetlana Loboda has recorded a new spring album, H2LO, which her fans have been waiting for more than five years.

In a matter of days, the new album blew up all the iTunes charts, confidently occupying the first line of ratings not only in Ukraine and Russia, but also in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, and Kazakhstan.

Each song from the new album, as Svetlana Loboda herself says, can become a musical sensation in the world of music, because in H2LO there are no songs that are left in the bins. All compositions are worthy of attention and will certainly become hits.

And now we bring to your attention Svetlana Loboda’s new videos for everyone’s favorite musical compositions. Let's watch and listen...

Svetlana Loboda - new video Not needed: video

Video Svetlana Loboda - It's time to go home

Svetlana Loboda - Your eyes: watch video

Svetlana Loboda and video clip - To the tune of love: watch online

Svetlana Loboda - photo

Not long ago, 36-year-old Svetlana Loboda was admitted to the hospital. The singer, who is actively preparing for the upcoming concerts in Moscow, became ill right during the rehearsal. The star lost consciousness, after which she was urgently taken to the Botkin Hospital, where she was diagnosed with kidney obstruction and hastily operated on. A day after the operation, Loboda got in touch with fans and said that she felt pain and resentment due to the need to postpone the planned concerts until next year.

Fortunately, Svetlana Loboda quickly recovered. A week later, the star was discharged from the hospital, and the singer literally immediately began work. She also decided to give a long interview to Andrei Malakhov for his talk show “Live” in order to be extremely frank with fans. Svetlana openly spoke about the surgery she had undergone, her current condition and, of course, touched on the topic of her personal life.

Let us remind you that the leader of the group Rammstein took Svetlana from the Botkin hospital Till Lindemann, who is rumored to be the father of the singer's second daughter Tildes. As a number of media reported, upon learning of Loboda’s hospitalization, the 55-year-old rock musician immediately flew to Moscow. After being discharged, Svetlana and Till, together with the performer’s eldest daughter Evangelina, went to a restaurant, where they were photographed by paparazzi.

By the way, Loboda will soon start a tour of Germany. The singer will give concerts in all big cities, including Berlin and Hamburg. It is noteworthy that all tickets were sold out two weeks before the start of the tour.

It is worth noting that the operation hit Svetlana Loboda’s pocket hard. The fact is that tickets for all the grandiose SuperStar shows on the stage of Crocus City Hall, which were supposed to take place on October 25, 26 and 28, were sold out. 22 thousand people were supposed to come to Loboda’s concerts. The rent of the concert venue alone cost the singer 6 million rubles. In addition, Loboda had to perform with a team of 40 dancers, whose tickets from Kyiv to Moscow are estimated at more than 250,000 rubles. And finally, the rental of one of the Glavkino pavilions, where the artist rehearsed, cost 52,000 rubles. Thus, the total amount lost by the singer is about 10 million rubles.

Svetlana Loboda - biography, photo, personal life, songs

Svetlana Loboda is a singer familiar to viewers as the ex-soloist of the popular group VIA Gra. Now Loboda performs solo, in addition, Svetlana works as a presenter, writes song lyrics and launched her own scandalous brand of designer clothing.

One of the most original stars Russian show business Svetlana Loboda was born in Kyiv on October 18, 1982. The craving for music, as the singer herself says, appeared in her childhood: Svetlana constantly performed in front of relatives and family guests and already received standing ovations at a young age.

The development of the girl’s musical abilities was helped by the efforts of her parents and grandmother, and in past years, an opera singer. Lyudmila Loboda hoped that her vocal granddaughter would be able to reach the heights that she herself, once a promising performer, had given up for the sake of her family. It was her grandmother who motivated little Sveta to continue her studies at music school even when it got boring.


Of the entire range of educational institutions that taught vocals and stagecraft, Loboda chose the pop-circus academy, specializing in pop-jazz vocals. Svetlana quickly found simple studies too boring, already in her first year she began a pop biography and joined the musical group “Cappuccino”, led by Viktor Doroshenko.

Svetlana Loboda in the group "Cappuccino"

Soon the group made a name for itself in Ukrainian show business, and the girls (including Tina Karol) began to tour the country. After some time, Loboda realized that this was not the format she liked. The singer was constrained by the contract, under which she was forced to work at Cappuccino for another two years.

Svetlana found an eccentric way out. On the advice of a friend, she changed her image and began singing in the role of a “foreign star” who never takes off her dark glasses and carefully hides her non-stage life. She named her alter ego Alicia Gorn. Svetlana gave several dozen concerts in clubs before the need to constantly hide began to tire the girl.

Three days before the onset of 2004, a new team called “Ketch” was founded. Loboda herself thought out both the repertoire and stage images, and she became the main vocalist and producer of the group. At one of these concerts, Sveta was noticed by Konstantin Meladze. And then events flowed at a breakneck speed.

Having argued with a friend, Svetlana came to the casting of Meladze’s next project, where she easily made it to the top twenty finalists. Then the girls were informed that this was not a simple casting: it was about replacing one of the vocalists of the VIA Gra group.

Svetlana Loboda in the group "VIA Gra"

The VIA Gra team at that time had already established itself with popular songs and the defiantly attractive appearance of the participants. But Loboda also had not only excellent vocal abilities, but also no less outstanding external abilities: model height (at 174 cm, the girl’s weight is 48-49 kg), chiseled figure and an interesting, pretty face. Sveta won this fight and took the place of the departed Anna Sedokova.

Life in the group turned out to be tense. Loboda later admitted that she felt like a cog in a huge machine. She saw how tired Vera Brezhneva and Nadezhda Meikher were and understood that she herself was holding on only due to her enormous internal resource.

In just a week, all the songs were rewritten taking into account the singer’s voice, but such efficiency was not a consequence of attention to the performers, but of the “flow” of what was happening, which practically excluded rest. Loboda had to work within tighter limits than ever: the terms of the contract severely limited both the girl’s improvisation on stage and the artist’s behavior in front of the cameras.

The producers grumbled that Sveta was starting to stand out too much from the other participants. The girl herself gradually came to the conclusion that the vice in which she found herself was too constraining for her and could not continue like this. After filming the musical film “Sorochinskaya Fair”, Loboda decided to leave the group in November 2004. The producers agreed that it would be better for everyone.

The daring singer was predicted to die soon, but the expectations of spiteful critics did not materialize, and it was her solo career that brought the best songs to the performer. A month after leaving the team, Svetlana presented the public with the first single “Black and White Winter”, and a little later a video for this song, filmed by Alan Badoev.

A year later, the song “I will forget you” was released, revealing new facets of Loboda’s lyrical talent. For this composition, Sveta received her first award: the video won the Portuguese competition for the best foreign videos.

At the end of 2005, the singer’s first album, “You Won’t Forget,” was released. She has finally decided on the image of a performer who does not confine herself to the confines of pop classics: she is erotic, dramatic, and shocking with equal ease.

The artist shot a video for the hit “You Won’t Forget.” However, a month after the premiere, the broadcast of the video was banned, considering the video too explicit.

Svetlana Loboda at Eurovision 2009

In 2006, Svetlana tried herself as a TV presenter: she hosted the Showmania program on the New Channel. A year later, in the same role, Loboda joined the Miss CIS project on the TET television channel. The singer continued to release singles one after another, and each one became a hit. Loboda also began to actively engage in charity work, organizing an exhibition of her own photographs to help children with cancer.

Svetlana Loboda represented Ukraine at Eurovision 2009 in Moscow. At the opening ceremony, the artist appeared in bandages and with numerous injuries. The frightened press learned that Loboda’s appearance was ensured by makeup, and with this act the singer drew attention to her social campaign “Say Stop to Domestic Violence.” French performer Patricia Kaas later joined this action.

At Eurovision, Svetlana performed the song “Be My Valentine” (Anti-crisis girl!). In her performance, the singer relied on the popular theme of the crisis, on her memorable and cheerful image. Svetlana took first place at preliminary concerts in Paris, London and Amsterdam, became one of the most talked about participants of that year, and the recording of the artist’s performance on the Eurovision YouTube channel took third place in the number of views. Unfortunately, the singer did not even make it to the top ten finalists.

In 2010, Svetlana registered the trademark and stage name LOBODA and continues to perform under this pseudonym today. Soon Svetlana recorded the song “The Heart Beats” in a duet with Max Barskikh, with whom Loboda had an unpleasant incident just a couple of years before. Max, then still a member of the Star Factory, cut his wrists right on stage, declaring his love for Svetlana. The incident ended without tragedy, and the musicians subsequently established a working relationship.

In the same year, a video clip was released for the song “Heart Beats,” which became one of the most expensive videos in the entire history of Ukrainian show business.

In 2011, Svetlana’s new solo album was released, some of the singles from which the artist dedicated to her newborn daughter.

In December 2012, Loboda became the only representative of the Ukrainian pop scene at Alla Pugacheva’s “Christmas Meetings”. The singer performed a new composition “40 degrees”, which Ukrainian fans heard back in the summer of the same year.

In June 2013, Svetlana Loboda received the title “Honored Artist of Ukraine,” one of the highest proofs of a performer’s success.

In 2014, Svetlana Loboda recorded the track “Looking at the Sky” together with singer Emin. A year later, Loboda and Emin received the YUNA 2015 award for this song in the “Best Duet” category. The singer also recorded the singles “Not Needed” and “City Under Ban,” for which she received the “Song of the Year” award.

In 2015, Loboda’s song and video “It’s Time to Go Home” were released. The stars of the popular tourist show “Heads and Tails” Lesya Nikityuk, Andrey Bednyakov, Zhanna Badoeva, Regina Todorenko took part in the filming of the video clip, and the video was directed by Natella Krapivina.

In the fall of the same year, the singer organized a tour of the same name through the cities of Ukraine. During the “It’s Time to Go Home” tour, Svetlana performed new songs “Fuck Love,” “Your Eyes,” “Angel” and “Don’t Love,” which were released as singles after the concerts in 2016. In addition, as part of the tour, the singer presented a social art project dedicated to the problem of violence against women. The artist dedicated the presentation to International Day protection of women from violence on November 25.

In December 2015, Svetlana Loboda was recognized as the most popular woman in Ukraine. In 2016, the singer and the artist’s singles were nominated for 13 prestigious music awards. At the same time, the girl was awarded the Golden Gramophone trophy for the composition “To hell with love.”

Personal life

For a long time, the singer lived with her common-law husband Andrei Tsar, a choreographer who worked with Svetlana Loboda’s ballet. In 2011, the couple had a daughter, Evangelina. Loboda's family boat was wrecked in 2014.

Svetlana broke up with Andrei Tsar quietly and without scandals; perhaps the fact that the couple lived in a civil marriage and no legal procedures were required for divorce also played a role in this.

The press linked the artist's divorce with an affair with another dancer, Nazar Grabar, but both Svetlana and Nazar deny these rumors. The young man has a beloved girl, whom he does not hide from anyone, and the guy has a purely business relationship with Loboda - Nazar works as a backup dancer for the singer.

Loboda claims that he wants to devote himself entirely to work, his sister, his parents and raising his daughter. The singer’s Instagram only confirms this: the artist’s account is full of photographs of work moments, which are sometimes diluted by touching shots with her daughter.

In the spring of 2018, information appeared in the press that Svetlana Loboda was pregnant with her second child. The artist carefully hid her father’s name. However, after some time, journalists found out that the singer was having an affair with the leader of the German rock band Rammstein, Till Lindemann. The man already has two children and a grandson. And the artist was married twice. The public is sure that he is the father of Loboda’s unborn child.

The couple first met at the Heat festival in Baku in the summer of 2017. A chance acquaintance in the VIP area grew into a relationship. However, neither Svetlana nor Till gave official comments about the affair that happened.

Svetlana Loboda with her daughter

On May 24, 2018, Svetlana Loboda gave birth to her second child. The baby was born in one of the clinics in Los Angeles. The girl's name is still unknown.

A day after giving birth, the singer shared a touching photo with her newborn on the Instagram microblog. Followers immediately congratulated their favorite star on the new addition.

After the start of her solo career, drastic changes in her image gave rise to many questions from fans who wondered whether the changes in the singer’s appearance were the result of the work of plastic surgeons. But numerous collections with photographs of the young performer in comparison with photos from the period of her solo career (amateur analysis of the artist’s image “before and after plastic surgery”) show that plump lips, and Svetlana had a straight nose back in adolescence, modern medicine has nothing to do with it.

Over time, the singer began to be suspected of being interested in corrective age-related changes plastic surgery, but Loboda does not comment on these guesses.

Svetlana is a fan of the work of American musician Lenny Kravitz. The girl dreams of singing a duet with her favorite singer.

Svetlana Loboda now

On February 14, 2017, Loboda took part in the Muz-TV concert in the Kremlin dedicated to Valentine's Day. The singer attracted attention: Svetlana appeared on stage in a short translucent dress, forcing the media to write that Loboda appeared in the Kremlin almost naked.

A month later, on March 8, the performer gave a concert at the Sports Palace. The show lasted three hours. Loboda presented to the audience a new album “H2Lo”, work on which lasted five years. In this program, the artist competently combined old and new compositions. The public heard “Paris”, “Bride”, “Random”, “Bitch” and others.

The day after the presentation, the new album reached the first line of the charts in seven countries: Ukraine and Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

In the same year there was loud scandal with the participation of the singer’s security guards and journalists from the 1+1 TV channel, who invaded Svetlana’s private territory in order to obtain exclusive and compromising materials. This story was covered in the “Let Them Talk” program.

In December 2017, Loboda, together with Alexander Revva, became the host of the “star” edition of the “Heads and Tails” program.

In the spring of 2018, the performer presented to the public a new composition called “Fly.” The sensual song delighted fans. This hit served as the soundtrack to the Russian film about evil spirits “Gogol. Viy." A little later, the singer presented a video.


  • 2005 – “You Won’t Forget”
  • 2006 – “Black Angel”
  • 2006 - “Wait, Muschina!”
  • 2008 – “Not Ma4o”
  • 2009 – “Anti-Crisis Girl”
  • 2017 – “H2Lo”

Loboda Svetlana Sergeevna is a long-known, popular and incredibly shocking singer, appearance which is treated either with bewilderment or with outright admiration. At the same time, there are few who are indifferent to her work, highlighting something important and sincere for themselves, although many also criticize the lyrics.

Svetlana Loboda is not only a singer and Eurovision 2009 participant from Ukraine, but also a sought-after designer. Collections of her frankly youthful clothes from the “F*ck the macho” line were timed to coincide with the release of the album of the same name in 2009. At the same time, they were constantly nominated for various awards and became their laureates.

Fans never cease to be interested in parameters such as the singer’s height, weight, and age. How old is Svetlana Loboda (singer) - a query also popular on the Internet and in social networks, since many call Loboda a woman without age, who maintains this condition through sports, travel, meditation and the possibility of plastic surgery.

Svetlana Loboda was born in 1982, so she is already thirty-five years old, however, this parameter is constantly changing, and not less. According to the zodiac circle, Svetlana received such a sign as caring, changeable, calm, creative, reasonable Libra.

At the same time, the eastern horoscope endowed Loboda with character traits characteristic of a Dog, including friendliness, resourcefulness, curiosity, prudence, and smiling.

The stunning beauty is one meter and seventy-four centimeters tall, and Loboda weighs no more than forty-eight kilograms.

The biography of Svetlana Loboda (singer) indicates that she achieved everything on her own, since her parents had nothing to do with creativity. Sveta was born in the capital of the Ukrainian SSR, she was very vocal from birth, so in the maternity ward she was immediately dubbed an opera singer.

The girl screamed loudly throughout her early years, and as soon as she began to speak, she began to sing simple songs, and she did this literally without stopping. It was this ability and an accurate ear for music that determined the baby’s future, as she was sent to a music school.

At the same time, Svetlanka not only studied vocals, but also mastered the art of conducting and playing the piano. The girl was not enthusiastic about studying musical notation and constant training, so she voluntarily skipped classes and ran away to her friends. However, the grandmother strictly monitored attendance at the music school, so she constantly brought her granddaughter back to the instrument, telling her that her future depended on it.

In addition to playing the piano and singing, Loboda first sewed clothes for dolls, and then stage costumes for her beloved. Talented in all respects, Sveta was noticed and sent from the music school to the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy, where she studied with excellent marks, without making significant efforts.

Already in her first year at the academy, Loboda began to notice that she lacked self-development and money, so she went to look for a job. Sveta ended up in the Ukrainian jazz group “Cappuccino”, which successfully toured throughout Ukraine and performed in large casinos and small eateries. Exactly what work exhausts, but does not give impetus for creative development, prompted the talented vocalist to leave this musical group and secret solo performances under the pseudonym Alicia Gorn.

At the same time, Loboda played in the musical “Equator” and created her own musical group “Ketch”, for which she wrote compositions and sewed costumes. Spring 2004 brought Svetlana a winning project, as she was selected for the VIA Gra project, which became mega-popular. The girl traveled with him to many countries in Asia and the CIS, starred in videos and the New Year's musical “Sorochinskaya Fair”.

The most interesting thing is that, having beat out more than five hundred contestants at the casting, the girl got into the team on a bet with her friends at the circus academy, and they argued, by the way, for a red convertible. However, in order to become the owner of a car, Sveta had to sing in a group beautiful women no less than six months, but the girl lasted only four months.

Loboda argued that the Meladze brothers imposed too strict restrictions, including on the birth of children, personal life, improvisations, and unauthorized interviews. Svetlana decided to part with the project and start a solo career, where no one would limit her in anything, even if because of this she would not win the bet.

Already in 2004, she became a TV presenter, who was actively invited to popular show programs, filmed videos and constantly toured. At the same time, after five years, Svetlana registered the brand name LOBODA, and also entered Eurovision from Ukraine, but took international project only twelfth place, and her hit was harshly criticized for being unformatted.

In subsequent years, Sveta radically changed her image, she performed at the Diva’s Christmas meetings, recorded singles for Euro 2012, and also became a mentor for the “Voice. Children". She constantly occupies the top lines of chats with her hits, and also develops herself in the modeling industry, releasing her own line of youth clothing.

Loboda loves to travel and photograph the cities she has visited, then organizing personal exhibitions in support of children with cancer.

The personal life of Svetlana Loboda (singer) has always been stormy and incredibly bright, while the beauty constantly attracted the attention of people of the opposite sex. However, the woman skillfully learned to hide her novels from journalists so that the secrets would not leak into newspaper articles.

Currently, many fans admire how easily Svetlana breaks up with her men, while remaining comrades with them, and also leaving fans on her team. For example, one of her fans, a businessman named Alexander Shirkov, became Svetlana’s concert director and remained so until the terrible events.

Sasha did not support her at the moment when Loboda was deprived of the opportunity to perform her concert compositions, and also sued her. The woman was left alone with problems and litigation, she was threatened by bandits who threatened that they would take her to the forest and kill her there. At the same time, the concert director and loved one said that he had nothing in common with her and asked her to give up her songs. After which Loboda fell into depression and for a long time could not recover from the betrayal.

Loboda was credited with an affair with choreographer Dmitry Kolyadenko, but he said that in 2013, on the contrary, they had a conflict on the show “The Voice. Children” when Sveta offended Tina Karol. He clarified that he had never thought about starting a relationship with this scandalous woman.

By the way, Svetlana talked about the fact that she needs not so much strong men, as those who will swim with her on the same wave, even being under her control. Recently there was a rumor that Loboda had a relationship with a young talent - model and dancer Nazar Grabar, who periodically appears in her videos, but few believe this, considering the conversations to be ordinary PR.

The family of Svetlana Loboda (singer) is quite unusual; ridiculous rumors are constantly circulating about its members and legends are formed. The fact is that her parents were the most ordinary Soviet workers.

Father - Sergei Loboda - worked at the Kiev aviation plant, where he was part of the ramp service.

Mother, Natalia Loboda, works in one of the Kyiv companies as an energy saving specialist.

In addition to Sveta, the family also included her ten-year-younger sister Ksyusha, who has now graduated from the prestigious Taras Shevchenko National University. She lives in the capital of Ukraine, loves Paris, is very similar to Svetlana, but, alas, is not married yet.

At the same time, the grandparents of the famous singer and TV presenter deserve special attention, since her paternal grandfather, Vasily Loboda, was a police officer and a member of the State Security Committee. He constantly wandered around the world, and in 1958 he even lived in the Cuban jungle and helped Fidel Castro lead a revolution. By the way, Sveta was proud of her grandfather, although she did not know him, since he died when the girl was still little.

But my grandmother, Lyudmila Loboda, was a famous opera singer who traveled to most countries of the world. She performed at the Kyiv Opera House and was even its soloist. The woman showed great promise, she was invited to the world's leading operas, but left everything for the sake of her family and beloved husband. When Lyudmila saw the talent of a singer in her granddaughter, she did absolutely everything to develop it and help her feel like a real star.

The children of singer Svetlana Loboda are her little secret, which she does not want to tell the public about. The fact is that the exact number of Loboda’s children was not known for a long time; it was rumored that she secretly gave birth to a son many years ago, either from an unknown admirer or from a famous businessman. At the same time, no one had ever seen the boy, which gave rise to even more sophisticated rumors and ugly gossip that the boy was abandoned in one of the Kyiv maternity hospitals.

At the same time, journalists did not get tired of coming up with more and more stories, now about Loboda’s daughter, whom she did not show in public. Svetlana was calm about the rumors, which she did not comment on.

The girl says that she only has a beloved daughter, whose father she hid for a long time. Svetlana showed off her beauty only recently when she appeared with her at a charity fashion show in support of orphans and children suffering from cancer.

Currently, Loboda does not hide her daughter’s face; she constantly posts photos and videos about her successes and rejoices at her achievements.

The son of Svetlana Loboda (singer) - Sergei - never existed, despite numerous rumors about him. The fact is that a long time ago the woman told viewers of the “Let Them Talk!” program. about the fact that he is not against giving birth to a son from Andrei the Tsar and calling him Seryozhka.

However, a little girl was born, so the dreams of a boy who would receive his grandfather’s name as a gift remained dreams. By the way, Loboda would like to give birth to a smaller, blue-eyed copy of her own common-law husband, Andrei Tsar, whom the woman simply idolized.

The woman has not yet found that one and only beloved man, but she carries a baby under her heart and claims that if a little boy is born, he will receive the name Seryozhka.

The daughter of Svetlana Loboda (singer) - Evangelina Tsar - was born back in 2011, that is, she was already seven years old. At the same time, the woman carefully hid her pregnancy from fans, relatives and stage partners. She tried to wear loose-fitting outfits that easily hid her significantly rounded belly, but it was her style, so no one noticed anything.

Svetlana was able to hide her feelings for a long time interesting situation only because no one knew that she had a young man. The woman carefully hid the fact that she began a whirlwind romance with choreographer, dancer and DJ Andrei Tsar, which gradually developed into a civil marriage.

That is why they began to say that Loboda simply gained weight and allegedly stopped watching her weight. The secret that Svetlana Sergeevna would become a mother was revealed to the public only on the eve of the birth, frankly shocking many fans and partners in the world of show business.

By the way, already in the last weeks the pregnancy became noticeable, but the famous singer and TV presenter behaved so openly and naturally at social events that no one tried to ask her unnecessary questions about her interesting situation.

Loboda claimed that she felt so easy during pregnancy, and doctors did not diagnose any complications, that she could lead a normal life. The woman performed on stage, went on tour around the country and the world, flew abroad on vacation, swam in the ocean and simply meditated, and also took an active part in many creative and social projects.

By the way, Svetlana gave birth to little Evangelina and after a couple of weeks she performed on stage in a dress that favorably emphasized her slightly changed shape.

The baby was named incredibly beautifully, but she is simply called Eva, so as not to stand out among her peers. The girl bears the surname Tsar, although it is just a sonorous pseudonym for her father, and Evangelina could well have become Loboda or Onishchak, however, her mother decided in her own way when registering.

So, the famous mother kept Evangelina Tsar in the strictest confidence for a long time; she did not even try to hire a nanny or governess for the baby, so that they could not take pictures of the beauty for the paparazzi. Little Eva was raised by her grandparents, but when she was five years old, her mother took her to her luxurious Kyiv apartment. And already in 2015, she showed off her own daughter’s cute face for the first time, walking up with her to the podium of a charity catwalk, all proceeds from the fashion show at which went to support children with cancer.

Little is known about the baby, for example, that she communicates a lot with her dad, but does not live with him, and also that the girl is incredibly similar to her mother both in appearance and in character. At the same time, she is more friendly with boys, since she grows up purposeful and persistent, but hooligan.

Evangelina wants to become like her star mom, but is not going to continue family tradition, since she prefers the career of a figure skater to a model, choreographer and singer. At the same time, she is a sporty girl who has been engaged in figure skating for a long time in one of the Kyiv Ice Palaces. She has already participated in competitions, so she has awards, which further encourages the ambitious babe to train.

Evochka is a very active and inquisitive child, she loves to read and learn something new every day, so the girl with the last name Tsar is an excellent student. She studies music and vocals, and also draws and dances well.

The ex-husband of singer Svetlana Loboda, Andrei Tsar, appeared in her life in 2010, when he began working as a choreographer on her team. At the same time, Andrei Onishchak was five years younger than his chosen one, and was also her subordinate. The guy worked not only in the ballet of his beloved, but also worked as a DJ, sang and collaborated with the famous dance group"Freedom". The Tsar staged show programs for Hvorostovsky and participated in the production of music videos for many Ukrainian and Ukrainian stars. Russian stage which he is incredibly proud of. He was the leading choreographer of the famous Star Factory project.

Evil tongues never cease to say that Andrei would have been nothing if not for the support and money of his famous wife, who believed in his talent and idolized him, although many considered the guy to be an ordinary gigolo.

Sveta and Andrey began to live in a civil marriage, but the guy was directly financially dependent on his employer. He didn’t want to do anything other than dance, so he received little money, but he plunged headlong into meditation and yoga classes. Andrei traveled the world, doing spiritual practices for the money of his common-law wife, which irritated her greatly.

Already in October 2014, Svetlana realized that her relationship would never develop into an official marriage; she terminated her relationship with the Tsar. At the same time, the young people parted as friends, and Andrei Tsar still works as a choreographer for all the videos and concert programs of his now ex-wife. The guy takes an active part in raising his little daughter and simply adores him; he has not yet married.

Svetlana Loboda and Till Lindemann: dating, pregnancy, photo

Svetlana Loboda and Till Lindemann: dating, pregnancy, photos - all this news appeared on the front pages of tabloids and leading Internet resources, however, they immediately attracted the attention of fans.

At the same time, many did not immediately believe that Russian and German pop stars had something. The thing is that Till and Svetlana have different levels on the world Olympus.

The lead singer of the Rammstein group appeared in the life of the beautiful and outrageous singer when the celebrities met at the Baku music festival “Heat”. For some time, young people appeared in public arm in arm, they hugged and behaved like a couple in love.

After this, the German singer and musician returned to Germany, and incredible news appeared online that Loboda was pregnant from Till Lindemann. At the same time, Svetlana herself does not say a word about what kind of relationship she had with Till, and is also not ready to comment on who the father of her unborn baby is and is preparing to become a single mother. Most likely, the star mom will give birth in May-June of this year; she stubbornly does not advertise the gender of the baby.

Nikolai Baskov reported about Svetlana’s interesting position before the singer herself did, but the star beauty was not at all upset about this, but only confirmed her interesting position.

Photos of singer Svetlana Loboda before and after plastic surgery appeared on the Internet as often as photographs of the singer without makeup or a naked beauty. The fact is that many of the candid photographs turned out to be real fakes, and the photo without makeup showed a similar girl, whose appearance was significantly spoiled using Photoshop.

Svetlana Loboda never commented on rumors that she went under the plastic surgeon’s knife several times, and also did not refute the facts that she corrected her shape with silicone and Botox.

However, the fact that Svetlana Sergeevna did not confirm her plastic surgery, indicates that it is just a rumor or an absurd speculation. The point is that it depends on which parts of the body famous singer changed, all her many fans watched, pointing out the slightest changes.

It was noted that Svetlana Loboda’s face and body looked completely different during her childhood and youth. Currently, she has a more prominent face with sculpted cheekbones, as well as slightly sunken cheeks. The woman's nose shape changed significantly after rhinoplasty, as it became straighter and thinner.

Svetlana’s lips in her youth and now have changed quite a lot, since they have become more plump and attractive, thanks to silicone injections, the diva also does not comment on the introduction of them. Many plastic surgeons say that the lips may well have been corrected using hyaluronic acid injections.

At the same time, the girl can boast of expressive eyes and wide eyebrows, which were made for her by the best makeup artists in the country, but they were not touched by plastic surgery.

Rumor has it that rhinoplasty could be performed without surgery, but simply by introducing fillers into it, which have to be renewed every six months. It is worth noting that many fans say that the appearance of their favorite has changed beyond recognition, so they ask Loboda to stop with changes in appearance.

Instagram and Wikipedia of singer Svetlana Loboda have existed in official form for quite a long time, and the information in them is corrected and updated on time. Its reliability allows you to use the data when preparing articles or reports.

From the Wikipedia article you can learn about family, childhood, education, spouse, personal and family life, children and participation in projects of the singer and TV presenter. Separately, you can find a block dedicated to creativity, solo career and participation in musical projects, as well as about Svetlana Loboda’s awards.

At least 2,000,000 people have subscribed to Loboda’s Instagram page, and approximately 1,500 more are awaiting their fate in getting their subscription approved. At the same time, on the page Svetlana constantly posts posts dedicated to her creative and personal life, providing them with photos and videos from her own archive.

The famous pop diva has been performing solo for more than 10 years. Svetlana Loboda's Instagram account is constantly updated with new photos from concerts, as well as family photos of children. Her biography and personal life are filled with ups and downs, which the singer is not afraid to talk about.​


Born on October 18, 1982 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Her passion for creativity manifested itself at a very young age. The girl loved to act out scenes in front of her family and friends.

Little Sveta’s fate was influenced by her grandmother, who in her youth was an opera singer. Lyudmila wanted her granddaughter to be able to reach career heights, which she had to forget about for the sake of her family. It was her grandmother who became the true motivator for Svetlana.

Having received a certificate, she went to enroll in the pop-circus academy to major in pop-jazz vocals. However, she quickly got tired of studying. As a freshman, she became a member of the musical group “Cappuccino,” organized by Viktor Doroshenko.

Carier start

Soon the name of the group gained fame in Ukrainian show business, and Svetlana and other soloists began touring the cities of the country. Working in a given format, the girl felt uncomfortable and wanted to leave. But before doing this, she worked for another 2 years.

By advice good friend, the future pop star radically changed her image. On stage she now looked like a mysterious “foreign diva” in dark glasses, performing under the pseudonym Alicia Gorn. After the first 10 club concerts, she got tired of constantly disguising herself.

Svetlana Loboda, unlike her peers who wanted to quickly find a husband and have children, thought only about the stage. Therefore, she decisively pushed her personal life into the background, devoting herself entirely to her career biography. Even her accounts on social networks then contained only photos from concerts and presentations.

A few days before the New Year 2004, the musical group “Ketch” was created. Svetlana personally came up with the characters, repertoire, in general, produced the group and was the main vocalist.

Group "VIA Gra"

Svetlana, having learned that she was casting for her project, decided to try her luck and not in vain. She easily managed to be among the twenty finalists. The competition was tough, since the place in music group just one.

At that time, VIA Gra was already popular thanks to its attractive soloists and hits performed by them. The girl fit all the criteria: beautiful, slim, talented. Later, in an interview, the singer said that she felt like an instrument of a huge machine that was in continuous motion.

The team faced a difficult task. It was necessary to rewrite all the songs within a week, taking into account the voice of the new soloist. There was simply no time for rest.

Meladze has repeatedly said sternly that Svetlana stands out too much among the girls. And she herself began to gradually understand how difficult it would be for her to continue working in the conditions provided. Therefore, in November 2004, she decided to leave the group. Chief producer Konstantin Shotaevich did not object.

Solo career

Most colleagues were sure that Loboda’s stage biography could be given up. In their opinion, the beauty will not be able to achieve significant success without the support of a wealthy husband. She didn’t have a personal life then, much less children.

After a month of free swimming, she presented the composition “Black and White Winter” to the audience. In 2005, she again reminded herself of herself with the song “I will forget you.” The video won first place in a Portuguese competition. At the end of the year, she released the album “You Won’t Forget.” True, the clip was taken off the air a few weeks later. The main reason: too explicit scenes.

In 2006, she began working as a presenter on the New Channel in the TV show Showmania. A year later, viewers saw her in the Miss CIS project, which was broadcast on the TET channel. At the same time, she released hit after hit and participated in charity events. To help children with cancer, the singer organized an exhibition of her own photographs.

After 2 years, she went to Eurovision 2009 in Moscow, representing Ukraine. Loboda performed the song “Be My Valentine”. At preliminary concerts in Amsterdam, Paris and London, a spectacular performance secured prizes. But, unfortunately, they did not help us get even into the top ten finalists.

A year later, Svetlana started registering trademark and stage name LOBODA. Soon fans heard the new song “Heart Beats,” which she performed in a duet with. Around the same period, a video was released on TV screens, which became the most expensive in the history of Ukrainian show business. Thanks to constant development, the pop diva:

  • in the summer of 2013 she was awarded the title of “Honored Artist of Ukraine”;
  • in 2014, for the song “Looking at the Sky,” recorded together with Emin, she received the YUNA 2015 award, being nominated for “Best Duet”;
  • won the “Song of the Year” trophy for her new hit “Banned City” during the same period;
  • at the end of 2015, the artist was recognized as the most popular woman in Ukraine;
  • a year later she was nominated for 13 music awards, one of which was the Golden Gramophone for her next hit, “To hell with love.”

The artist has a song and a video in her collection, in which all the main presenters of the TV show “Heads and Tails” starred. In the fall of 2015, she gave concerts in major Ukrainian cities and presented a social project dedicated to the problems of violence in families.

    Do you like the work of Svetlana Loboda?


Loboda tries not to advertise her life off stage, believing that everything personal should be kept secret. Even on the star’s Instagram, 90% of photos and videos are only from rehearsals, concerts, and social events. But despite this, the press still learns details from the idol’s biography, about her affairs, common-law husbands and children.

It is known that she met with Spaniard Enrique Lopez, presenter Gennady Popenko, producers Mikhail Yasinsky and Alexander Shirkov. In the spring of 2017, in one of the episodes of the TV show “Let Them Talk,” Svetlana spoke about the litigation with the latter.

It all started in 2009 even before performing at Eurovision 2009. It turns out that the man did not want to put up with the departure of his beloved and tried in every way to keep her. He intimidated and hired people to damage the singer’s property.

After the release of the “Heart Beats” video, many rumors arose around the Ukrainian pop diva and Max Barsky. But they both did not give any comments. At the end of 2009, it became known about Svetlana’s relationship with Andrei Tsar, a dancer who worked as her backup dancer for a long time.

For about 4-6 months, their romance was kept out of the sight of journalists. Later, the singer officially announced that she was in a civil marriage with the Tsar. After some time, she found out about her pregnancy, but did not stop giving solo concerts.

On April 9, 2011, Svetlana gave birth to a daughter, she was named Evangelina. In 2015, fans saw a photo of the girl for the first time. She starred for one of the magazines with her star mother, whose biography and personal life have been under the camera's guns for many years. Loboda did not plan to have any more children with her common-law husband, since after the baby’s appearance the relationship began to crack. Soon the star couple broke up.

In the summer of 2017, the media were in full swing about the pop singer’s new lover with Till Lindemann, the leader of the group Rammstein. The chosen one is 22 years older than her. And in the early spring of 2018, it became known about Svetlana’s interesting situation.

Being pregnant, even at a decent stage, I decided not to leave the stage. She toured a lot, giving concerts in major cities of Ukraine and Russia. Initially, she did not want to reveal the gender of the child, but her eldest daughter ruined her plans. She posted a short video on Instagram where she hinted that she would have a sister.

Svetlana decided to give birth abroad. In one of the clinics in Los Angeles, a girl was born weighing 3 kg and height 48 cm. The name of the newborn is still kept secret.

But I already posted the first photo with my daughter. By the way, Loboda does not plan to go on maternity leave. 2 weeks after giving birth, she returned to the stage. This is all the information so far about the biography, personal life, children and common-law husband of the singer.

In March 2018, all the media started talking about Loboda’s pregnancy. The singer was already in her seventh month when she was first seen with a rounded belly. Before this, the artist masterfully hid her interesting position. Rumors about the child's father excite the public: many journalists believe that this is none other than the lead singer of the Rammstein group. Now the singer left the stage for several months and settled in America.

The future popular singer was born in Kyiv in 1982. Started singing from early age. She studied vocals at a music school and also studied piano and conducting.

In her youth, the girl gained confidence in her artistic future. She began studying in the vocal department at the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy. Studying was very easy for Svetlana, the teachers never complained about her. Already in the first year of study, the young artist decided that it was time to become independent and need to work. Sveta began her first work in the Cappuccino group, which toured Ukraine with a jazz repertoire. Soon the singer decides to leave the group due to vague prospects.

After the release of the musical “Equator,” people started talking about the girl as a new rising star. Soon Sveta begins performing in her created group “Ketch”. At one of the concerts, Loboda was noticed by the head of the VIA Gra group, Konstantin Meladze.

The singer passed the selection and began performing at VIA Gre in May 2004. The producers greatly limited the singer’s creative life and her self-expression and individuality, therefore, after not even working for six months, Loboda left the team and decided to pursue a solo career.

In 2004, the first video was released as a solo performer called “Black and White Winter”. She acted as the host of some music programs on television.

In 2009 Ukrainian singer represented her native country at the Eurovision Song Contest. She took only 12th place. The jury considered this composition “unformatted.” Critics also did not appreciate the singer’s attempt. A year later, Svetlana officially launched a brand called LOBODA, and also radically changed her image. Now the artist’s solo career has begun to gain momentum.

Loboda took part in A. Pugacheva’s “Christmas meetings”. In 2012, the artist recorded a composition for the European football championship. In 2014, she won “Song of the Year” for the single “City Under Ban.”

In 2016, Loboda released a hit track called “Your Eyes,” which lifted herself to the top of the music charts. She was nominated for many awards from top music channels. Afterwards she released several more popular compositions, for example, “To hell with love” and “Random”. Svetlana wrote many of her songs herself.

The singer is full of creative plans. She continues to actively record new songs and release videos. In March 2018, she announced a short break due to the birth of her second child. From civil marriage with choreographer Andrei Tsar, Svetlana already has a 7-year-old daughter.

News about pregnancy

At the beginning of March, reports began to appear in the press that Loboda was pregnant in 2018. At one of the music awards, the singer, who usually prefers to wear tight-fitting outfits, appeared in a loose blouse and a large jacket. When performing the composition, Svetlana moved very calmly, without sudden movements.

By the way, before going on stage, Nikolai Baskov revealed the star’s secret and announced that the pregnant Svetlana Loboda would now appear on stage. The singer herself did not comment on this news. The question of who the father of the child is also remained open.

After some time, at one of the performances in mid-March, the artist addressed the audience. From the stage she announced that she was leaving the stage for several months to prepare for a happy event - the birth of a child. The singer noted that she was incredibly happy about the new addition; for her it was a gift from heaven. Svetlana also assured fans that she would slowly prepare for her new concert show, which will premiere in October.

Who is the child's father?

After the pregnant Loboda announced at one of her performances in March 2018 that she was going on maternity leave, the press began to publish information about the possible father of the unborn baby.

Increasingly, there is evidence that the lead singer of the German rock band Ramstein, the notorious Till Lindemann, is Loboda’s new lover and, accordingly, he is the baby’s father. However, there is no reliable evidence of this.

The artists met last summer at the Zhara music festival. Sympathy immediately arose between Svetlana and the 55-year-old rock musician. They were not embarrassed by the cameras, showing off their hugs and kisses. Some considered this an ordinary PR stunt, a game for the public. Other journalists noted that there was a romance between the stars. Loboda did not give any comments regarding these rumors, she only said that she became very friendly with the wonderful person Till Lindemann.

However, many fans are sure that the singer is pregnant from the lead singer of the German group. What the “happy father” himself thinks about this is still unknown. It is also unclear whether this romantic story will continue.

Svetlana Loboda's father told reporters that his daughter still has not introduced her new boyfriend to her parents.

“Sveta tried not to advertise her pregnancy, she wanted everyone to find out as late as possible. But now there is no point in hiding, the time is already long. We are very happy, and my daughter dreamed of a second child. We already have a granddaughter Evangelina, who is now 7 years old, now we dream of a grandson! Sveta has not yet introduced us to the father of the child, but I approve of any choice of my daughter! IN maternity leave the artist will not be around for long. He'll last a maximum of two months without work, then he'll be eager to get on stage again. – the star’s dad continues. “She’s a big worker, she constantly wants to surprise, perform, and, in general, do something. And we will help in raising the child in every possible way - feeding, walking, and babysitting. Moreover, I already have experience,” the singer’s father told reporters.