Life energy - where to get it and how not to lose it? Five reasons for losing vital energy How not to lose energy

As many people think, this is when someone, waving their arms, takes away our power. This is too primitive an idea that was formed in us thanks to cinema. From the point of view of energy attacks, everything looks much subtler and more sophisticated.

Let's start with the simple things. What is an attack? An attack is any action or statement that aims to deprive a person of psychological or energetic integrity. In order for this to happen, the action or statement must be accompanied by the release of a flow of energy so powerful that the protective shell of the person being attacked cannot process the received energy.

Scandal, altercation, insults, have you noticed what happens to you at such moments? At first you become heated like a “heated iron”, and then your strength simply leaves you. That's it, you fell for the attacker's cunning trick. Depending on the strength of the impact, this can be expressed in a depressed state or a violation of the integrity of the field, which causes the attacked person to experience a feeling of discomfort.

There are a huge number of options for energy attacks and you can go on for a long time and list sophisticated methods of how you can get hurt. I think I've already said enough for you to understand. You need to protect yourself, your loved one. You need to get rid of negative programs.

We will look at where we dissipate the energy of our shell
In addition to the qualitative characteristics, the biofield has a quantitative characteristic, and the more energy we retain, the more strength we retain for action. This means that the greater the energy potential, the greater our chances of survival. There are many techniques for increasing energy, but in this chapter we will look at the channels through which we lose energy in everyday communication situations.

Knowledge of these processes in itself contributes to the accumulation of energy. Energy, as we know, moves behind our attention to the object to which our feelings are directed.

Situation one - rudeness

This happens everywhere, especially in public transport, or on the street. Have you ever heard remarks like: “Where are you going, you cow!” And. etc. With the help of knowledge about the work of energy, you can avoid rudeness. A boor is a person who instinctively probes the edge where elements of fear arise in order to receive energy recharge (gain strength). If the fear inside you is triggered, the boor is filled with power. People who have no fear very rarely encounter rudeness towards themselves. If you are indifferent to fear, without in any way showing the boor your fear, if you exclude fear from under the sternum, the boor will immediately leave behind.

You can master this technique: when they are rude to you again, try to imagine yourself like Buddha, with an even look detached from emotions, unchanging facial expressions, no fuss in your movements and complete calm inside. If you learn to do this, you will witness an amazing phenomenon. You will feel how the boor begins to fidget, not understanding what is actually happening, since he is deprived of energy supply. He'll just have to squirm and walk away in disbelief. It looks very funny. In general, all methods of internal energy blocking are very funny.

One of my students mastered the method of influencing traffic police officers, maintaining the vibration of cold conviction that he was right, not allowing doubt and the energy of the guard into himself. After some time, the guard himself, deprived of recharge, understands that it is useless to talk to this person. My students carried out many other experiments that I did not approve of - entering the theater without a ticket, entering the subway without a token, entering respectable restaurants without a seat, and the like. The root of this technique is the same - holding one’s own vibration as the only true one, blocking the emotional channel that everyone instinctively uses to get to the bottom of the truth. The opponent always probes you with his feelings, but if you do not allow his energy to feel anything, or you act out emptiness or cold indifference to him, the opponent falls out of the usual coordinates of interaction. People who threaten you have only one goal - to scare and capture your energy. If you don’t react inside, the effect is amazing.

Some respond to rudeness by using the cold air technique, feeling the cool air moving freely down the front of the body, over and over again. A bully or a boor is already accustomed to intimidating a person and receiving a portion of new bioenergy, but if you are already rooted in your fearlessness, the bullies will stop pestering you. Because, before hitting you, every boor probes the threshold of your fear.

I've had a lot of funny situations using these techniques. One day, when I was walking through the park, I saw a crowd of drunken hooligans ahead. There was nowhere to turn, so I continued on through them. Immediately one, acting according to the algorithm he had already gone through, sharply grabbed me by the chest, looked into my eyes and... And saw nothing in them: He froze for a few seconds, and then let me go, retreating. I encountered such sudden freezing of people attacking me many times, until I completely got rid of the fear of rudeness.

I was about seventeen, and one night, returning from a trip, I was walking along the station square with my mother. And we saw an unforgettable sight: two microdistricts staged a real Battle of Kulikovo. A huge crowd of people hit each other with anything at a very fast pace. And I found myself in an extremely difficult situation: on the one hand, I needed to protect myself, and on the other, my mother.

The situation was such that we could not get around the crowd any other way. And I remembered the story of the Indian mystic S. Aurobindo about how a brick falling from a building selects a victim. His students conducted such an experiment, finding out that if there is no fear of a brick in the head, then the brick will not fall on the head, that is, if there is no connection between an object and its content in the mind, then these objects will never meet.

In a fit of youthful romanticism, I renounced all emotions and imagined that these fighters were in no way connected with us, that they did not feel us, and we did not see them, and that in general my mind was pure. I remember how we walked through them, hearing the dull sounds of blows, their falling, but we passed through this teeming mass, and no one touched us. I was incredibly happy and, remembering the wisdom of Aurobindo, relaxed. And then I saw that two more were following us, and were walking relentlessly at 20 meters, turning behind us into a pine forest, and since there were knives and everything else in use there, I became a little wary and with renewed vigor began to free myself from internal fear, from thoughts of pursuers. A few minutes later they turned in the other direction. That is, there was no emotional connection between us, through which they could intimidate us to begin with, and then rob us both literally and in the energetic sense.

What is fear in general? - it has positive side: warn you of danger. Fear is a clot of destabilized energy aimed at correcting the situation that caused it.

You must remember - if you are not afraid of a boor, he will lose interest in you. This way, energy is conserved in provoking situations.

Situation two - envy

When we see a successful person, new thing, a successful fate, we begin to envy. Envy is a return of energy.

Everyone we envy receives our energy. Some people unconsciously dress better and use expensive jewelry and accessories to gather as much energy as possible. People who want to achieve something in life do not envy, but do it. That is, they give money and energy, investing it so that it returns, rather than accumulating it. A narrow-minded person is characterized by envy.

Situation three - sympathy, compassion, pity

This is also an emotion of energy flow, when you not only give away your energy, but can also capture the disharmonious energy of others. If you turn on pity and compassion, then turn on 0.01%, otherwise you give away energy. Often friends and acquaintances, in moments of mental weakness, call or come to you to receive your compassion.

This is their intuitive request for additional energy from you when you open up and allow them to pour out your soul. It's up to you to decide how it should be done. If you teach your acquaintances to constantly show sympathy on your part, then I am afraid that as a result you will give birth to a vampire. Remember that you yourself need energy to keep luck by the tail, and your constant potential supports all the things that happen in your life. Such processes are especially intensified if you and your friend drink alcohol. Let me give you a simple example that will seem unusual to a person who has not developed vibrational awareness.

This example is the result of a significant reduction in energy potential. One businessman worked hard all day. He was tormented by employees, non-payments and other problems, and he finished work, as usual, after midnight. Just as he was about to leave the office, a friend called and in a very sad and worried voice said that he was having problems with his girlfriend. It seemed that his friend was exhausted and evoked all sorts of sympathy. Then our entrepreneur accepted an invitation to come to him for a cup of tea, as a result of which they shared their problems until five o’clock in the morning, having tasted half of the bar. Returning home exhausted, our entrepreneur lay down to sleep for an hour before the morning trip. He woke up, drank the strongest tea and went with the goods to another city. But what happened: the car started to act up and broke down. They had to freeze in the cold, all plans were thwarted. For an ordinary person, this is just a machine breakdown; for a person conscious at the vibrational level, this is the result of energy exhaustion. The energy was depleted because he spent it not only on employees until late at night, but also on a friend all night and on accelerating the release of energy - alcohol in the third.

Situation four - conscience

Conscience is the property of the psyche to compare the amount of energy consumed and given. We always want the energy and attention that we give to a person to return to us. And if he does not reciprocate our feelings, we believe that he has no conscience, that is, he took energy, but did not give it back or gave much less. This is a deep internal mechanism. It is necessary to give no less than you receive, then balance will be maintained and harmony will remain inside.

Situation five - gossip

Gossip is a subconscious desire for energy from the person being gossiped about. If this person is a creative and vulnerable person, such gossip in a team can destroy his shell, and he will get sick. If he forms a bank of faith in his positive qualities among friends, family and friends, then it will be more difficult for gossip to break through his shell. Therefore, people who have a strong family, good friends, succeed much more and feel stronger in life - they have something to rely on: the thought forms of loved ones, as a rule, are aimed at the positive qualities of the individual and faith in his strength.

Situation six - man and woman

a) A family can accumulate energy in the case of strong emotional and mental relationships, in the absence of dissipation of energy outside (to lovers) - such a union will have a huge energy boost for both spouses. Especially if they are in tune with each other. Such a union will give both spouses real happiness and joy of life. Faith supports this connection. Each other’s energy is enriched by passing through the marital ring of mutual attention.

b) For example, a husband finds a mistress, and his wife loses faith in him, then this closed system stops working, as energy spills out. The husband, instead of enriching his wife with energy, gives energy to his mistress, expecting return energy and attention, respectively, from his mistress and not from his wife. That is, the husband has a ring with his mistress, and the wife remains de-energized. If she does not have the patience to wait for her husband to leave his mistress, then, not receiving the energy of attention, she will be forced to look for nourishment in another man or consider marriage inappropriate.

c) If both spouses have lukewarm feelings for each other, or even enter into a relationship under the pressure of relatives or chance, then such a marriage, although it proceeds without problems, is also completely useless from the point of view of accumulating energy. They do not enrich each other with energy by creating a ring of mutual attention, but maintain their relationship through artificial, speculative goals.

d) The husband loves, but the wife stops loving. In this case, the husband saturates his wife with energy. And the wife wastes energy on others, without having any of her own. Of course, this will exhaust the husband to a critical point, which will lead to a break in the relationship. He simply does not want to give energy to a woman who simply gives it to others.

e) The husband loves, but the wife experiences only negative feelings towards her husband. In this case, both of them will experience a loss of energy and acquire a lot of unnecessary illnesses if they do not separate. Because the fact that she contains subconscious aggression inside will provoke her husband’s aggression.

f) It happens that either through cowardice or stupidity, a wife simply absorbs energy. It is unable to either reflect it or enhance it - then the effect of a black hole is formed.

g) The wife makes a friend. This situation dramatically weakens loving husband(if he is not able to rebuild his psyche and find another wife, then there are monogamous people). Her husband appears to have the traits of all her lovers. He begins to rock, earn money, get modern haircuts and adopt any other given characteristics of his lover. Because sometimes it takes years to understand the rudeness of a loved one and break up.

He cannot realize that she loves not him as he is, but the qualities of a lover he has adopted. This is all an artificial union. It is worth noting that such a woman, the wife of a man strong in emotions and intelligence, is a tasty morsel for weaker men. (According to research by V. Ivanov.)


If you encourage rudeness in people, flatter people, have compassion and accustom people to undeserved compliments and other bio-feeding from yourself, then they will become impudent and confuse their own and someone else’s, turning into energy vampires in a matter of weeks.

You need to understand that strong man itself generates healthy strong energy of emotions and mind.

How to protect yourself from wasting energy when communicating?

Everyone likes to feel comfortable and confident when communicating with people.
How to build harmonious relationships in communication and protect yourself from wasting energy when communicating with people we don’t like?

According to the classification of Grigory Kapitsa, there are different energy types of people, as well as their behavior patterns and methods of defense during interaction.

-- "Energy leeches" -
Most often, these are the people with whom a person is forced to communicate constantly: colleagues, acquaintances and even relatives. “Leeches” exist only because there is always a donor for them. They always try to be nearby and “stick to each other.” Ways of protection and how not to become one of them, this is -
Spiritual self-improvement. Rejection of everything negative, the ability to forgive. Since a person who is unable to get rid of a grudge loses energy and protective forces, his field shell “looses” and he becomes accessible to energy-informational influence. His energy “goes to the side.” Don't let this happen!

-- "Energy sticks" -
When meeting someone, without waiting for questions, they begin to throw out a stream of negative energy, laying out all the ins and outs. They do not take energy directly, like "leeches". Invading a person’s living space, they try to stay there for a long time, strive to always be nearby, call, write letters, constantly remind about themselves, ask for advice, talk endlessly about themselves. And then they will try to blame you that this happened because of your advice. It can be difficult to avoid communicating with them.

Stop attempts to get closer, so that later you don’t have to suffer from “unnecessary friendship”, try not to give advice and talk less about yourself. Protect yourself!

-- "Energy Samoyeds" -
Samoyeds can become fixated on certain experiences. Having once experienced a negative event, they constantly “chew” the details of what happened. They withdraw and consciously refuse to communicate with other people. They create negative energy within themselves and then inflate it to enormous proportions. And they cannot intelligently redistribute energy within themselves.

Ways of protection and how not to become one of them, this is -
Bioenergy exchange with clean energy sources, with nature. Walking in the forest (trees that take and give energy), water procedures, communication with pets, physical and energy practices.

-- "Energy pacifiers" -
“Energy dummies” have virtually no energy-information exchange; they do not want to share energy and do not know where to get it. And they replenish it mainly through food or contemplation of things that belong to them. But every person, at least once in his life, has had moments of emptiness in his soul, when his strength is gone, he doesn’t want anything, doesn’t want to sleep, doesn’t want to eat and doesn’t want to move. The main thing is not to fall into this consciously.

Ways of protection and how not to become one of them, this is -
Here someone needs to “shake up” such a person, call him along, “throw him in” interesting idea and strength to return. And if there is no such person, recognize and classify a similar condition in yourself. And this is already half the solution to the problem, if you understand what is happening. Rest, gain strength and consciously get out of this state.

-- "Energy intermediaries" -
The “transfer” of negative energy from them occurs because they have a very good energy-information exchange. They are able to accept energy, but are weak to resist negative effects. For example, a person talked about some unseemly act, energetically “shifting” part of the guilt that oppresses him onto a friend. And he, having received this energy information, realizing that he cannot cope with it himself, passes it on to someone else.
Also, a person cannot remain silent for a long time about some pleasant event, significant energetically, which is difficult to cope with.
Many people are “energy intermediaries” to one degree or another.

Ways of protection and how not to become one of them, this is -
Here, ways to utilize negative energy come to the fore. And conscious redistribution and energy-information exchange of positive energy with the external environment.

-- "Energy filters" -
Most often, due to circumstances, “energy intermediaries” become “filters”, capable of passing through themselves a huge amount of both negative and positive energy. Often these are workers in various social services and similar professions who have to delve into various situations.
The received information is processed and returned in a processed form to its source. The original energy now carries a different charge, due to the fact that the negative remained on the “filter” and positive energy was added. “Energy filters” often find themselves in stressful situations.

Ways of protection and how not to become one of them, this is -
The first is to understand that not everyone is capable of becoming filters (changing jobs, etc.).
It is necessary to develop immunity to the spread of “energy residue” through your energy channels.
Constant cleansing is necessary, since spontaneous splashing out of negativity on others is very dangerous. Any filter gets clogged and a person, even one resistant to external influences, has a limit.
An emergency way of cleansing is to wash your face with cold water, drink hot sweet tea, “talk” with trees that consume energy (poplar, spruce, willow, aspen, etc.)

-- "Energy Lost" -
Where do we lose energy? This includes unproductive communication and “empty” TV shows, magazines, chatter, books that do not provide any food for thought, but only take up time and energy. This also includes laziness (not to be confused with the need for rest).
Representatives of this energy type act either as a donor or as an acceptor, depending on who they “run into”. They are usually curious. And they themselves “run into trouble” by asking “unnecessary” questions, causing anger and bewilderment.

Ways of protection and how not to become one of them, this is -
Obviously, the first thing you need to stop is the loss of energy in empty pastime. And start taking actions that have a purpose and produce results.

-- "Energy absorbers" -
Both donors and acceptors can play this role. These are very sensitive people, with accelerated energy-information exchange. Those who like to get involved in other people's lives, influence other people's bioenergy, with a desire to help. There are two categories of this type.
The first type are people who try not to miss a drop of any energy, neither negative nor positive. They are easily and strongly offended, quickly forget the grievances, etc. Another category is that they lose a lot of positive energy and take on a lot of negative energy. Actively delving into people's problems, aligning other people's biofields - theirs accelerated exchange turns against them.

Ways of protection and how not to become one of them, this is -
Classify this type of energy and remember that you can influence someone else’s bioenergy only for the purpose of self-defense. Manipulations sooner or later turn against the person himself, and then it won’t seem too bad. Since it is difficult to save a person from the constant absorption of negative energy attracted by the principle of similarity.

-- "Energy walls" -
Such people are often called “impenetrable”; troubles simply bounce off them. These people “reflect” troubles. The problem is that the bounced negative energy does not always reach the person who sent it. And to those who happen to be nearby, it is dangerous to be friends with them.

Ways of protection and how not to become one of them, this is -
Classify the situation and keep it under control, do not get caught in the crossfire. And in order not to become like this, do not isolate yourself from the world, from nature, balance your energy exchange.

-- "Energy mirrors" -
Positive and negative energy directed to the person “mirror” returns to the one who sent it. This property of certain people taught us to use this technique consciously to protect ourselves from directed flows of negative energy.
But with people “mirrors” it’s not so simple. For them, all information leaves its mark and tends to accumulate. By how the “mirrors” treat us, we can judge what we are like.

Ways of protection and how not to become one of them, this is -
Classify the situation and keep it under control. And in order not to become like this, do not isolate yourself from the world, from nature, constantly cleanse yourself energetically, balance your energy exchange.

Well, in general, understand that we live in a world of free will, no one will take anything away from you until we agree with this.

In order for any defense to work, you just need to remain calm.

And the main rule on how to avoid becoming an acceptor is to never allow negative emotions manage you.
And if you are still devastated by energy-informational interaction, you need to quickly regain your strength. Take a contrast shower, imagining that all negative energy is being washed away from you along with the water.

Technique - Removing a communication channel that arose during the energy-informational interaction of a person
Calm down, relax, you can close your eyes.
Imagine a communication channel in the form of two tubes. According to one, the energy “leaves” from you to the acceptor, according to the other - from him to you. Mentally cut both channels with the edge of your palm (mental scissors, etc.). Close your two ends to yourself and mentally insert them into your body. Throw the other ends towards the imaginary acceptor.
This will remove the energy bond with the acceptor and stop the loss of energy.
Wash your hands up to the elbows with cold water. And sit quietly to balance yourself.
Drink hot tea and go for a walk in a nearby park.

Few people today argue with the fact that each person has his own energy. It’s not for nothing that they say that here’s who - then the energy is good, but who has- that's bad. But that's not all - our happiness, quality of life, success, relationships with people are directly proportional to the quantity and quality of our energy. How to avoid wasting energy? And how to learn to replenish it?

One day an amazing epidermis happened to me. After a year and a half break from fitness due to a sharp drop in energy as a result of overload caused by professional activities, I returned to my favorite gym. I accumulated energy, improved my health with the help of acupressure and constant support from Master Ji, and “took up the old stuff,” that is, dumbbells and exercise machines.

A couple of days after returning, I came to the teacher, all radiant from muscle pleasure and pleasant tone. Xiaogang looked at me intently and suddenly asked with worry in his voice: “What happened to you?” And I experienced wonderful bodily joy and, as a result, brain excitement. “Nothing,” I say, “nothing bad happened. Everything is fine with me!” However, the master did not let up: “What happened? Your energy has changed. It’s not even clear what this strange transformation is!”

Still would! Transformation wow! I couldn’t lift a dumbbell for a year and a half, because enormous energy was spent on creating seminars, writing books and articles, answering dozens of letters every day... And then a miracle happened - energy again filled a significant part of my personal volume, and this gave me strength not only work tirelessly and energetically without losing yourself, pump up a large audience of seminar participants, but also save yourself a “piece” for good physical activity.

It was this “stash” that I decided to use, holding the “hardware” in skillful and experienced hands. After all, 20 years of regular training is no joke! And suddenly - such a reaction from the teacher! It seemed to me that the master encroached on the sacred! Although, to be honest, of course, I overdid it with the load for the first time and splashed out a fair share of the precious energetic contents from a full glass.

But everything that happens in the life of the writer Lisa Piterkina is not a problem, but a theme! That’s why I decided to talk to the master about what circumstances affect energy status, and what are the main causes of energy losses. Since I, as the author, at that moment was concerned with the problem of the influence of the hara or lower energy center, located in the area behind the navel, on the general state of energy, the conversation was precisely about this important foundation of our energy structure.

By the way, from the Japanese point of view, the lower energy center, the hara, is not only a certain anatomical localization of vital energy, but also a certain quality of life.

A developed character ensures a person’s success in all areas of his or her implementation. We can say that the level of wealth depends on the hara, both in the spiritual and material sense. Accordingly, the weaker the hara, the less chance of achieving success and fulfillment as a person.

Once I had the opportunity to talk about the hara with a student of Ji Xiaogang, vice-president of the Wushu and Qigong Federation Nizhny Novgorod region Evgeny Voronin. A coach with many years of experience observed different groups of people realized in different professional niches, and noticed that in any field there are so-called “naturalists,” that is, people with a high level of energy, inherent in them by nature from birth.

Such specialists become the best in the profession; they usually manage to achieve results that seem unattainable and impossible for colleagues with the same experience and education. The same thing happens to people who received a powerful hara as a gift from the Creator. They can confidently be called lucky.

Those individuals who are much less fortunate with the power of the hara have the right to choose: increase their natural strength or squander the little that they got. Since the vast majority of “users” of their own lower energy center have no idea either about its existence or about the “rules of operation” that guarantee the long-term effective operation of this battery vitality, expenditure prevails over income, and vital energy fades over the years.

And along with fading energy, success, both social and personal, fades away. This loss becomes especially dramatic for women, who, due to loss of energy, become less interesting to men, and even strong marital relationships begin to be seriously tested. More the more difficult it is mature women who, for various reasons, found themselves abandoned by their lovers and embarked on the path of searching for new happiness, being no longer young ladies.

If you want to look and feel energetic, stay energetic, loved and in demand even in the most mature age, I suggest you take advantage of the recommendations of Tao master Ji Xiaogang. We will outline five reasons for a significant drop in energy levels and its leakage through the lower body, and also outline several ways to maintain and increase your own energy balance.

First of all, let us clarify that not only the lower energy center is responsible for healthy and full-fledged physical activity, but also the internal organs that fall into the “lower compartment” of our body.

Of the five Wu Xing, a system consisting of five dense organs, responsibility for our well-being is primarily taken by the kidneys as the main accumulator of vital forces, and in addition, the liver and spleen. These three organs of the famous Chinese pentagon are one way or another dependent on nutrition.

The first reason for the loss of energy is the lack of food culture and the destruction of traditions that have historically developed in a particular country.

This applies not only to Russia, but also to the situation in the world as a whole, with its attraction to various forms of fast food and a large amount of fried, fatty, salty and sweet foods. The ritual of meals is being replaced by new traditions of filling the stomach with food of dubious quality and low energy value. When we talk about energy value, we do not mean the calorie content of food, but rather the amount of vital, vital energy contained in it. For example, millet porridge cooked in water contains more useful energy than a piece of meat, although the calorie content of meat is higher.

Food imbalances significantly affect not only digestion processes and filling the body with energy. Paradoxically, food affects our character. For example, excess salty foods affect the functioning of the kidneys, and weak kidneys give rise to fears, worries and pathological anxiety.

Too much sugar in the diet is no less a dangerous factor; sugar destroys the spleen, and disruption of the activity of this organ leads to soul-rending doubts that poison existence and inhibit personal growth, affecting the dynamics of success. Alcohol abuse destroys the liver, and problems in the liver give rise to anger and aggression.

In modern psychotherapy, there is a belief that the lack of skill to restrain aggression, the inability to cope with one’s fears and anxieties, the inability to clearly express one’s feelings and emotions is often associated with certain dysfunctional behavior that arose as a result of incomplete solution of various developmental tasks in early childhood.

Without detracting from the importance of quality living at all stages of personality formation, we would like to note that psychotherapy does not consider the possibility of a relationship between individual personality traits and the nutritional system.

Of course, such a connection may seem absurd to representatives of Western science, but the centuries-old practical experience of the Ancient East has no less right to exist and be used in modern methods of therapy than the most promising modern theories, some of which are based, by the way, precisely on ancient Eastern culture .

It is surprising that the very theory of Gestalt therapy, one of the youngest but most effective areas of psychotherapy, has a lot in common with Zen Buddhism or Chan Buddhism, if you follow the Chinese transcription. So, in principle, all promising teachings, whatever one may say, have Eastern roots or are closely related to the philosophy of the Ancient East.

The second reason for loss of energy is a violation of the daily routine and lifestyle in general.

In Taoist philosophy there is a theory of twelve channels. The theory is based on the fact that each organ has a specific system, energy channel, which passes throughout the body. Impact on these channels helps to normalize the functioning of a particular organ, cope with an emerging disease, or significantly improve well-being.

The intensity of the channels is not the same and depends on the time of day, month and time of year. During the day, each channel is active for 2 hours. Violation of the daily routine, which is considered universal in both Western and Eastern medicine, leads to disturbances in the functioning of organs and a weakening of their energy.

For example, from 23:00 to 01:00 is the working time of the gallbladder. If you don't fall asleep before 11 p.m., your attempts to quickly go to Morpheus may end in complete fiasco, because this is the time of natural increase in activity. But after 01.00 you need to try to fall asleep, since from 01.00 to 03.00 it is time for the liver to work. The liver is responsible for the condition of the blood, so a person’s well-being is closely related to the ability to give the liver complete rest and rest at this time. Otherwise, the quality of blood gradually deteriorates, and regular failures occur in the entire system, leading to premature aging and frequent illnesses. Adequate sleep is especially important for women who lose a certain amount of blood every month and need the efficient functioning of the hematopoietic system.

No less important is the lifestyle in general, the proportional alternation of rest and work, complete relaxation after prolonged stress and mandatory vacation once a year. Equally important is switching from one type of activity to another. Personally, I noticed for myself that even alternating periods of preparing seminars and working on books has a beneficial effect on well-being.

And if you switch to creating completely different creative products, for example, works of art, stories or poetry, then fatigue does not set in at all, because different processes replace each other even before fatigue from monotonous work accumulates. But even with such an environmentally friendly approach, we must not forget about completely disconnecting from professional activities at least one day a week and at least a couple of weeks a year.

The third reason for energy loss is physical inactivity, lack of necessary physical activity.

Let’s not overload your consciousness with information about this problem of the twenty-first century; you are probably already quite aware that sedentary work seriously undermines your health. The insidiousness of physical inactivity is that it causes slow damage, causing virtually no trouble. Your health simply fades away, even if you follow a daily routine and work-rest schedule and at the same time eat right.

As a fitness center goer and fan different types aerobic exercise, I often observe the movements of women during dance aerobics classes. It seems that under their bright sports uniform they have iron armor that rigidly fixes the lower part of the body, not allowing it to move freely.

By the freedom of movement in the pelvic area, one can easily judge the sexual emancipation of young women. Not about licentiousness and vulgarity, but about the absence of tightness. Stiffness in movements is a symptom that the energy in this area is blocked, therefore sensuality is also reduced, as a rule.

A simple way to combat physical inactivity is dance breaks with an emphasis on “wagging your butt” in different directions, left - right and forward - back. At a party, such wild dances may not always be perceived adequately; they will most likely seem like inviting and provocative dances of sexually horny human females, but away from male eyes it is quite possible to allow yourself to move as nature suggests.

The more obscene these movements look, the more natural and sexy they are. And if you attend aerobics classes in the strip dance or Latin style, then the apparent vulgarity will develop into grace and seductiveness, and your sexual energy will increase. In general, don’t pinch yourself from below, let the energy fill your most erotic parts of the body! However, do not bring yourself to that stage of excitement that leads to loss of energy instead of filling.

The same emotions in limited quantities can be healing, but in excess they can be devastating. Energy must remain under control and not flow out through natural openings, and for this, the tone of the intimate muscles must always be at its best.

In this part of the conversation with Master Ji, the secret of going to the gym was revealed to me. It turns out that working on machines or with dumbbells is for the most part still a loss of energy for the sake of muscle tone. The goal is noble, the path to it is unreasonable from the point of view of ancient Chinese medicine, which advocates long happy life and maximum conservation of energy given by nature. It is common for youth to waste energy thoughtlessly, without realizing the consequences that such generosity can lead to in adulthood. But sooner or later, a healthy shell may turn out to be “empty,” like a brand new computer model with a battery that has no charge left.

I received several recommendations from the master that will help me maintain muscle tone, but not be untimely de-energized. Firstly, it is better to train outdoors. The optimal type of aerobic exercise is jogging. If you can't run, just walking vigorously is enough.

Of the dynamic forms, squats are especially useful, but not just any kind, but only at a slow pace and while maintaining balance in the center of the body. This technique requires a special description, so we do not recommend that you experiment without knowing all the secrets. This is exactly the case when the most important meaning lies in the details.

The fourth reason for energy loss is women performing functions not provided for by nature

The forced assignment of male roles by women has a detrimental effect on the balance of energies. In order to exist organically in the male world, one inevitably has to use yang, active, hot energies much more than prescribed in the “instructions for the safe use of women” written by the Creator.

It is impossible to restrain progress, and if the female social role becomes more and more significant, one should simply not forget that violating the laws of nature entails certain, not always positive, consequences. But you shouldn’t be afraid of this, it’s only important to remember that no one has canceled the yin-yang balance, and it’s important to balance the yang energy with the yin energy.

Set the proportions of this “mixture” yourself, to your taste, depending on how important it is for you to remain a woman, loved, desired and in demand by men, depending on how important conservative values ​​are to you - a happy marriage and no less happy motherhood.

The list of reasons for our energetic devastation “from below” is crowned with dramatic news: sex is harmful! Yes, yes, this is not a joke.

The fifth reason for energy loss is unrestrained sex without understanding the laws of working with energy

After an act of mad love, the same one that happens “crazyly,” that is, without the slightest awareness of the meaning of the process, most often leads to fatigue. Fatigue is a symptom of energy expenditure without replenishing the balance.

Basically sexual relations - great way gather energy and fill yourself with strength, but for this it is absolutely not necessary to connect some bulges with some more or less suitable or completely inappropriate cavities. “Sex” is an English word and denotes the behavior of an individual in accordance with belonging to one of the two sexes. "Sex" is "gender".

But intimate relationships between a man and a woman are special behavior in a certain situation, which has a certain sacred character. In general, what sexual relations had become by the beginning of the 20th century is far from a sacrament. Sex is no longer a science worthy of study and careful preparation for practice. Therefore, one cannot expect any gains from this interaction, only waste.

On this sad note, we will end our study of the ways in which the greatest treasure given to us by nature disappears. But, as usual in the philosophy of Tao, every phenomenon has yin and yang, an internal and an external side. The Yin side of the issue is a sad list of the reasons for our rapid aging and loss of vital juices, which turn a certain creature into a full of life, charming woman who, like a magnet, attracts men.

In the same way, thanks to the stored energy, the creature turns into the man of a woman's dreams. And if a creature is not aware of the laws described above, it transforms into a gray shadow, which even the most love-deprived woman, on the verge of sexual despair, does not notice.

The Yan side of the problem is our opportunity to radically change everything for the better. It is enough to simply stop the leakage of precious energy. Great news - now you know exactly how to do it. So, go ahead to an energetic and happy new life!