Morning exercises for the brain. Brain exercises: morning brain exercises and neurobics principles Development of mental abilities

Almost everyone knows that morning exercises (a set of gymnastic exercises) have a beneficial effect on our physical well-being and readiness for the work day after waking up.

Some people know that evening exercise (more precisely, discharge) helps us relieve physical stress and relax before bed in order to sleep better and gain new strength. (otherwise, as they say, “I went down like a log and stood up like a log”)

But few people know that the best morning exercise is not only a set of physical exercises for charging and discharging, but also psychological gymnastics for the mind (psyche).

Psychological exercise in the morning prepares our psyche for the daytime stress, worries and worries that abound in the modern world.

And evening psychological relaxation (mental relaxation) removes the emotional negativity, stress and unexperienced worries accumulated during the day.

Everyone wants to be physically and mentally healthy, emotionally satisfied and mentally happy.

Why then do you take the slightest care of your body - morning, noon and evening, but completely forget about your psyche (soul)?

But the soul and body are one whole, and one cannot exist without the other...

Today you will learn how to do morning exercises and evening exercises correctly - both physical exercises for the body and psychological gymnastics for the mind.

A set of exercises for morning exercises and evening exercises

It is clear that not everyone does morning physical exercises, much less evening exercises to relax and unwind the body. What can we say about exercises for the psyche and gymnastics for the mind?!

But almost every person cares and takes care of their body in one way or another - including in the morning and evening..., especially women.

In the morning, for example, everyone washes their face, brushes their teeth, and does other bodily hygiene. She feeds her body, dresses her..., men shave their faces, women apply makeup, comb and style their hair - they decorate themselves in every possible way...

No one goes to work or on errands naked, unkempt and hungry... (marginalized people don’t count)

In the evening, also, everyone takes care of their body - showers, washes, does hygiene, frees themselves from restrictive clothes and shoes... feeds them dinner...

But for some reason a person forgets about his second, perhaps more important part - his soul (psyche) ...

But maybe, in the morning does the psyche also need to be dressed and washed, fed and charged with a positive attitude for the coming day?

A In the evening— to undress the psyche (discharge and relax), wash away the depressive and stressful dirt accumulated during the day from the soul, feed it with emotional positives for the night?

Exercises for morning psychological exercises

Psychological morning exercises for men and women of all ages will set you up for the coming day, to withstand stress and to prevent neuropsychic burnout and the arrival of a nervous breakdown, depression and exhaustion of the nervous system.

Do these exercises for morning mental exercises - after waking up, and for evening release of emotionality and to relieve accumulated stress - before bed.

During the day, for psychological relaxation, you can use the method of proper breathing

The best exercises for morning exercises of the psyche and its evening release

Here are links not only to the best exercises for morning exercises (evening relaxation), but, most importantly, to really working methods used by many people around the world who lead a healthy lifestyle and want to live a long, high-quality and happy life.

  • Psychotraining Silva - the best method for psychological morning exercises (evening relaxation)
  • An excellent relaxation technique - perfect for mental gymnastics
  • A technique for relaxing the soul and body - suitable for both morning exercises and evening relaxation of the mind
  • Additionally - self-hypnosis for health

If you already have a stress disorder, then the exercises listed above will help you work off accumulated emotional negativity

Exercises for morning physical exercises

This morning exercise is suitable for men, women and children...

In order to feel a surge of energy in the morning and bring your body to full readiness for the start of the working day, you should do morning exercises - gymnastics for the body.

We present to your attention a set of exercises for morning exercises that will help you solve breathing problems, normalize metabolism and remove decay products from the body that have accumulated in it overnight.

If you make it a rule to perform these simple physical exercises every morning, you will improve blood circulation, strengthen the nervous and cardiovascular systems, stimulate the productive ability of the brain, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, cope with physical inactivity, and improve your health in general.

The best morning exercises for men and women

  • Exercise 1.
    Walking in place or moving, with sweeping hand movements with squeezing and unclenching of the fingers.
  • Exercise 2.
    Place your feet shoulder-width apart, left hand to the side and up, right hand behind your back, bend and stretch, inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale. Change hand position and repeat.
  • Exercise 3.
    In the same starting position, rise on your toes, arms to the sides and up, bend over, inhale. Return to the starting position - exhale.
  • Exercise 4.
    Get into the starting position with your feet apart. Left hand - up, right - on the belt. Springy tilt to the right. Repeat the same on the other side.
  • Exercise 5.
    Starting position standing. Swing your left leg back, swing your arms forward, relax your hands, inhale. Return to the starting position – exhale. Repeat the same with your right leg.
  • Exercise 6.
    Take the same starting position. Rise on your toes, spread your arms to the sides, inhale. Lunge with your right leg, lean forward, touch your hands to the floor, exhale. Return to the starting position, inhale. Do the same action with your left leg.
  • Exercise 7.
    Sit on the floor, hands to your shoulders, make three springy bends forward, holding your shins with your hands, exhale. Straighten up, hands to shoulders, inhale. Gradually increase the bends without bending your legs. Raise your torso and straighten your shoulders.
  • Exercise 8.
    In a sitting position, rest your hands on your back. Bend over, go to the back position, bend your right leg forward, repeat the same thing, bending your left leg. Pull your toes back as you perform the exercise.
  • Exercise 9.
    Take the starting position, standing, legs apart. Extend your arms forward, interlace your fingers. Turn your torso to the left, inhale, return to the starting position, exhale. Bend back, hands behind your head, inhale, return to starting position, exhale. Repeat on the other side.
  • Exercise 10.
    Starting position: standing, hands on your belt. Alternate jumps on the right and left legs. Breathing is voluntary.

Before doing morning exercises, you should consult your doctor.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers! In order to effectively use the intellect, it is necessary to maintain its tone every day, without giving the opportunity to relax. And if your work does not involve constantly solving problems or searching for non-standard solutions, then brain exercise is exactly what will help you.

general information

Thanks to the brain, humanity survived in the process of evolution, because you had to be smarter than the victim in order not to die of hunger. I had to remember the way to the hidden caves where the family lived after a long chase of some prey. We had to stay warm during the Ice Age, survive during droughts... Because of all these difficulties, modern man is exactly the way he is. He is able to speak several languages, perform complex operations and invent robots.

But as soon as it stops, stops using the cells of its nucleus, it will begin to degrade. And why this should be scary, you can find out.

This happens because cells that are not used begin to “wither.” There is no proper blood circulation and neurons stop exchanging information with other cells. It is impossible to revive this process, so it is better to take care to prevent such a situation, and the simplest thing you can start with is solving puzzles and riddles.

Top exercises


There is a technique called neurobics and it involves connecting all the senses to activate the brain. There is nothing complicated, you just need to do things that are familiar to you in unusual ways. For example, make coffee by changing your dominant hand or perform morning routines such as washing your face and brushing your teeth with one hand.

It's fun and effective, at least try walking around the house with a blindfold on. The seemingly familiar environment will turn out to be new and unfamiliar in spatial perception. Or guess small objects by touch, such as coin denominations. And if you take a shower with your eyes closed, you will find your other senses heightened. A creative approach will provide you with the formation of new neurons, and doing everyday things with a little change in approach is not difficult at all.


Creativity will again help us improve our memory in order to remember a large amount of information. For example, there are 10 words, the sequence of which must be precisely remembered, and even reproduced in reverse order. Not easy, right?

But there is one trick that will help the material be stored in long-term memory. You need to come up with a story in which you will include the entire set of words one by one, and the more illogical and funnier it is, the better it will be digested.

For example, the words elephant, purple, car. An elephant was walking down the street, and for some reason its trunk was purple, it waved it from side to side and blew loudly. Probably because it was difficult for him to walk, because there was a car tied to his tail.

3. Cities

Remember the children's game "Cities"? A great way to develop intellectual abilities. If there is no company, take a notebook, write a long word and for each letter that it consists of, come up with at least 10 new words. Or, to complicate the task, 5 male and female names. You can also write down only those items that fit in the bottle.


Morning physical exercise will have a positive effect on thinking processes, especially activating logic and the ability to solve complex problems.

You should lie on the floor with your knees bent and your hands under your head, fingers interlocked. Now, as if you were pumping your abs, lift your body and rotate it first to the right, keeping support on your right elbow and without unclenching your fingers, and then to the left. At least 20 times. A toned stomach will be a pleasant bonus.

5.Motor skills

Fine motor skills activities increase intelligence. It’s not for nothing that they are the main activity of babies from six months of age. For their development, they simply need to be given objects that are different to the touch, because this is how they learn about the world around them. And this is true at any age, so it would not be amiss to study Braille (people who cannot see can read and write with its help) or sign language.

You can also play finger twister, the effect will be the same, plus the bonus of flexibility of the hand and fingers.

6.Physical activity

In general, any physical activity increases blood circulation, increases the production of protein, thanks to which new neurons appear and old ones survive, and also helps the hippocampus grow, which is responsible for the “transfer” of material from short-term to long-term memory. So run, swim, walk outdoors and meditate. After all, it not only heals the body from various diseases, but also helps to advance mentally in its development. You'll write about her.

7. Mindfulness

Play a game, namely, turn on the timer for an hour, and during this period, when communicating with other people, avoid using a specific and frequently occurring word or pronoun, for example, “I”, “good”. But it’s better if there is some harmful word, for example “I want.” As a bonus, you can set yourself a task to do 10 push-ups for every mistake. I once set myself such a task, albeit for 3 days. As a result, I did more than 1000 push-ups, my fists were worn out, and I mastered the exercise. In combination with push-ups, it also trains awareness. For girls, abs will do. By the way, I don't say that word anymore

You can practice with a loved one, but then the conditions will be more complicated. Those. do push-ups not only for yourself, but also for your teammate. By the way, the conditions are also the same for him. I guarantee efficiency.


Improving mental abilities and increasing vocabulary will be ensured by the habit of daily learning the meaning and meaning of at least one previously unfamiliar word. It is only important to consolidate the material at least 5 times in your speech when communicating with someone.

9.Phone numbers

An interesting method and very useful in the modern world - study your phone book. Yes, per day by number, and at the end of the week give yourself a test exam. And then, in addition to the fact that it will become much easier to remember numbers, if your gadget is lost or broken, you can easily restore the necessary information if it was not previously synchronized.

10. “Roman Room Method”

Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to come up with a room, the interior of which will consist of objects associated with data that is important to remember. A very interesting method, because at any moment, even if a lot of time passes, you can remember all the nuances and details by mentally returning to this room and carefully examining it.

11. These exercises will help you wake up and get ready for work.

  • Standing with a straight back, you need to simultaneously draw a figure eight in the air with both hands, only in different directions. At first, the task will seem impossible, but over time you will become convinced that you are used to it and are already doing it without thinking. Therefore, change directions back or change the shapes, depicting, for example, a square with your left hand and a circle with your right.
  • Close your eyes and imagine that a felt-tip pen is attached to the tip of your nose. Try to “write” some phrase in the air for them or draw various figures.

13.Change your usual rhythm of life

Each person has his own pace, some do work very quickly, sometimes making mistakes, do not like to waste time and even walk briskly, as if they are constantly in a hurry. And there are people for whom it is important to pay attention to every detail, take a leisurely walk and take a good look around. At what pace are you moving? Try to pause and slow down twice if you are used to driving headlong, and, accordingly, on the contrary, speed up your actions if you are slow. This is actually very resourceful and requires maximum concentration.

Every day our brain processes tons of information: we need to concentrate on daily activities, perform new tasks, learn something, and we also need to maintain good memory and reaction speed of the nervous system. In order for all these processes to occur smoothly, our main organ needs to be constantly trained.

Fitness for the brain

Agree that even the intelligence, attentiveness and concentration given by nature must not only be developed in childhood, but also maintained in good shape throughout life. It is important to know how our mind is biologically structured and operates: the work of the brain is built on special connections between its cells - neurons.

These connections, called synapses, can be formed, strengthened, and weakened depending on how often you use them.

Just as we train the muscles of the body by tensing them, synapses are strengthened through conscious efforts - this results in a kind of fitness that is beneficial provided it is done regularly and conscientiously. But how do you know when it's time for you to do it? Check yourself with checkpoints.

10 signs you need a brain boost:

  • when reading regular text, you have to go back often to catch what you read;
  • a new acquaintance has just been introduced to you, and you have already forgotten his name;
  • loved ones remind you of their requests, although you are sure that this is the first time you have heard about it;
  • finding yourself on a street you haven’t been on for a long time, you get confused and can’t find your way;
  • In the morning you find it difficult to get involved in the new day, you are distracted and don’t understand anything;
  • you haven’t had new ideas for a long time, because a swarm of the same problems and thoughts is swirling in your head;
  • it’s difficult for you to express a thought - the right word is on the tip of your tongue, but you just can’t remember it;
  • you write to-do and shopping lists, but still forget to look at them;
  • try to multiply two two-digit numbers in your head in 30 seconds - most likely you won’t succeed the first time;
  • you don’t remember a single poem by heart and confuse family dates, unable to remember your mobile number.

This is an approximate description of a rather unpleasant condition - absent-mindedness, weakness of thinking and memory, from which anyone will experience significant discomfort. But don’t be upset, you have the power to correct the situation.

Exercises to Charge Your Brain

To awaken hidden reserves within yourself and train your consciousness, it is recommended to often resort to a simple method - updating your daily rituals. Our everyday movements, thoughts and decisions follow a well-trodden track; we actually live in autopilot mode - hence the fatigue of some areas of consciousness and the underdevelopment of others.

How does energizing the brain work? It's enough to turn on your creativity and reboot your daily activities.

7 creative ways to exercise your brain:

  • walking in the dark in a well-known room (not by touch, but mainly by memory);
  • performing routine movements with the left hand, for left-handers - with the right;
  • turbo mode: set a timer for 20 minutes and during this period of time try to do normal things, but twice as fast;
  • new routes for old destinations: on foot or by transport, get home from work by a different route;
  • game “Forbidden Word”: set a timer for 60 minutes and during this period do not use any frequently spoken word in communication (I, mine, mine, well, or why);
  • the use of non-standard answers to template questions (such as “how are you doing” or “what are you doing”, “are you busy”, etc.). The trick is to constantly monitor the communication while our minds filter out such insignificant phrases;
  • changing the lighting in the room or completely rearranging the furniture.

Thus, your consciousness will be actively involved in work in unusual situations, which will have a beneficial effect on attentiveness and memory. From methods that develop thinking, let's move on to physical exercises, which also help maintain the tone of the nervous system.

How to do exercises for brain vessels

Body training not only keeps your figure in order, but also has a positive effect on the state of the body’s vascular system, improves blood supply to the brain and prevents sclerotic processes in it. Exercise at a time convenient for you, the main thing is regularity and a gradual increase in load.

The optimal time is around 9 am, but if you work, then it would be more rational to move this workout to the weekend, and on weekdays to do it immediately after waking up or an hour before going to bed.

Complex for improving vascular function:

We wake ourselves up with brain exercises in the morning

There is a humorous expression “ wake up - they lifted up, but forgot to wake up" If the hardest thing for you in the morning is getting yourself to turn on, don't torture your body with three cups of coffee and an ice cold pour. A special warm-up will help you wake up in the morning.

So, when you wake up and do your usual morning activities, for example, in the shower or in the kitchen, preparing yourself breakfast, do the following::

  • count from 1 to 20, then count down;
  • count from 1 to 20, naming only odd numbers in your head, the same in reverse order;
  • say a few tongue twisters;
  • make a mental list of immovable things in your house, after waking up, mentally list them in a strictly established order, check yourself by looking at the objects;
  • look out the window and find 10 stationary objects and 10 passers-by, focusing on being aware of what you see;
  • create in your mind a sequence of hand movements that resemble conducting an orchestra, perform these movements, monitoring coordination and accuracy of execution;
  • tickle yourself, ruffle your hair;
  • Describe with your gaze the contours of several objects that surround you - from a large closet to a small figurine on a shelf.

These simple techniques will invigorate the main parts of the brain responsible for sensory sensations, motor skills, memory, speech and others. It will be much easier to start the day after such a warm-up!

What else can you do to tone up your nervous system?

A selection of classical music, sounds of nature, ethnic melodies and good jazz works great. Create your own playlist on your computer or in a player, record it yourself, or buy a disc with ready-made lists. Scientists consider charging the brain with the energy of music to be almost the first way to improve thinking, recommending listening to melodies daily, sometimes changing the repertoire.

A productive day begins in the morning, and without waking up your brain, you will not be able to use all its resources during the day. A simple morning exercise for the brain will help mental activity, reaction speed and even the development of intelligence. Spend 15-20 minutes a day on simple exercises and you will see that your brain is ready to solve complex everyday problems with renewed energy!

If you use several games to exercise your brain, your mind will thank you. But we offer several more ways to “wake up” the brain.

Exercise for the brain: several effective exercises

These exercises can be performed without getting out of bed. Or you can combine them with your daily morning routine - do them in the shower, while walking the dog, or while preparing breakfast.

  1. Count out loud from 100 to 0 as quickly as possible.
  2. Say the alphabet, coming up with a word for each letter (A - apricot, B - drum), and as quickly as possible. Don’t think for long - if a word starting with a certain letter doesn’t come to mind for more than 30 seconds, just move on.
  3. Choose one letter of the alphabet and name 20 words starting with it, numbering them (and again as quickly as possible): 1 - frost, 2 - mother, 3 - molecule... and so on.

Neurobics - aerobics for the mind

Another option for exercising the brain is neurobics (from the words “neuron” and “aerobics”). It uses different parts of the brain, forcing them to work quickly and smoothly. The basic principle of neurobics is try to diversify your morning routine with new sensations that involve at least one of the senses. After all, a familiar morning ritual, as a rule, may not change for years and be performed completely automatically, with virtually no participation of consciousness. Any change will make the brain “turn on” and become an excellent exercise.

For example, try changing the route you take to work every day. Eat something new for breakfast. Buy a new perfume. All this not only develops the senses, but also helps the brain.

It will also be an excellent exercise for the brain doing habitual actions in an unusual way. For example, brush your teeth while holding the brush in your left hand if you are right-handed. Write a few lines with your right hand if you are left-handed. The simplest actions, brought to the point of automaticity, must be performed with your eyes closed (this, of course, does not apply to driving a car). Such exercise helps the brain to shake itself up, because, like the body, any routine becomes boring to this organ of ours.

Lessons in the psychomotor development of children help improve brain function, stimulate interhemispheric interactions, and develop coordination of movements. Using such exercises will help your child adapt to school more easily.

Lessons in children's psychomotor development help improve brain function, stimulate interactions, and develop coordination of movements. Using such exercises will help your child adapt to school more easily.

“Gymnastics for the mind” does not mean riddles, riddles and puzzles, but specific physical exercises that help improve brain function.

The physical and motor development of a child goes in parallel with mental and mental development. If you look at the development of a child from the newborn period, you can see that the child first begins to hold his head (he is in the horizontal plane), then learns to sit (transitioning to the vertical plane), then crawls (horizontal), stands up and walks (vertical) . Each stage of development occurs sequentially after the other. And it is impossible to teach a child to walk first and then hold his head up.

At each of these stages of motor development, a leap in brain development occurs. In movement, the child receives information about the world around him through the senses, gains life experience, which gives impetus to the development of attention, memory, thinking and other higher mental functions, as well as speech and intelligence.

If any stage of motor development subsides or does not progress sufficiently, the child will have problems in further mental development. A child with severe cerebral palsy who cannot even sit will have mental retardation (if left untreated). But it is possible to correct motor development, and the sooner you start exercising, the more you can catch up in mental development. The brain completes its rapid development at approximately 9 years of age. After 9 years, it is very difficult to do anything with a child, so it is better to work with a preschool-age child.

Specialists working on this problem have developed special gymnastics, which I want to introduce you to.

Now I will show you several exercises that you will do at home with your children.

All exercises are performed daily, counting, at a calm pace. If the exercise is not clear, do not perform it, but consult a specialist.

I.P. - initial position - the position that is taken at the beginning of the task.

1. Breathing exercises. I.P. - lying on his back. Arms along the body, legs not crossed. We breathe while saying “inhale-exhale.”

« Ball" Inhale through the nose, exhale through a wide open mouth. When you inhale, you inflate your stomach, when you exhale, you “deflate.” While breathing, the back is pressed to the floor, the abdominal muscles work. For control, the left hand rests on the stomach. Inhalation and exhalation are smooth, without jerking. Up to 5 times.

2. Leg exercise. I.P. - standing, legs together. On 1 – we stand on our toes, our heels rise, on 2 – we lower ourselves on our heels, and raise our toes. Both legs at the same time. Execution time – 1 – 2 minutes.

3. Stretching exercises.

« Rocking chair" I.P. – lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Wrap your hands around your knees, each hand on your knee, do not clasp your hands. Bring your head to your knees. We sway to the count of “one, two.” Up to 8 times.

« boat" I.P. - lying on his stomach. Arms extended forward, straight. The legs are not crossed, joined together, straight. Straight arms and legs simultaneously lift off the floor. Count 1 – raise your head, arms and legs together, 2 – lower your head, arms and legs. Up to 8 times.

« Icicle" I.P. - lying on his back. Straight arms are extended above the head, lying on the floor. Straight legs are not crossed. Counting 1 – we tense our arms and legs (we pull our toes towards ourselves), 2 – we relax our arms and legs. The parent checks the tension and relaxation of the arms and legs. You can achieve relaxation by bending your leg or arm at the joint and shaking it slightly. Up to 8 times.

4. Crawling exercises. We crawl 5 – 10 minutes a day. If the room is small, then back and forth several times.

    We crawl on our stomachs without the help of our legs, pulling ourselves up with our hands.

    We crawl on our stomachs without using our hands. Hands are clasped behind your back. We push off with our feet alternately. Remember when your children were little, how you taught them to crawl by putting their hand under their leg. Now you need to do this. The adult offers his hand to the child, the child pushes away from the hand.

    Exercises to develop fine motor skills

    « ring" Alternately and as quickly as possible, the child moves his fingers, connecting the index finger, middle finger, etc. in a ring with the thumb. The test is performed in the forward (from the index finger to the little finger) and in the reverse (from the little finger to the index finger) order. At the beginning, the technique is performed with each hand separately, then together.

    Clasp your hands. Clap your palms.

    Hands in the lock. Raise and lower your fingers simultaneously on each hand and in turn.

    Rub your hands and shake.

    Goat and kids. “Goat” - put your index finger and little finger forward, tuck the remaining fingers. “Kids” - put out your index and middle fingers. The exercise is performed with both hands simultaneously. Then a goat is shown on one hand and at the same time a kid is shown on the other hand.

    Frog. Slap the table with both hands at the same time. Moreover, on one hand the fingers are clenched into a fist, and on the other they are straightened. The position of the hands changes with each clap.

    Fist, rib, palm. Slam the table with your fist, the edge of your palm, or your palm, first with one hand, starting with the leading one, then with both hands at the same time.

Good luck!