Facial care masks: home beauty salon. Little secrets of facial skin care at home

Our skin is the most exposed part of the body, which is constantly exposed to external influences. Weather conditions, anthropogenic stress, and various types of pollution can create problems for the skin. Skin care, is a term that carries different meanings for different people, hence to understand skin care tips and adhere to the chosen care regimen, you need to know your skin, know what functions it performs, which will certainly help you take care of it in the best possible way.

Skin structure

The skin consists of three layers: epidermis, dermis and hypodermis. Detailed description will help us understand what important functions each layer of skin performs and how they interact.

Epidermis layer, consists of five layers of cells that are responsible for various functions of the skin as a whole. Also, the epidermis layer contains melanin, which is responsible for darkening the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays, for skin coloring.

Dermis layer, consists of connective tissue and, in fact, represents the skin. Sweat and sebaceous glands, nerve endings and receptors, blood vessels, and hair follicles are located in the dermis. It is in this layer of skin that most of the processes associated with skin aging occur.

Hypodermis layer, or sub-dermis, or subcutaneous fat, the main function of which is to store and accumulate necessary nutrients.

Sweat glands are responsible for the elimination and partial removal of water-soluble waste from the body. Sebaceous glands secrete fats that lubricate the surface of the skin, which prevents its excessive dryness and cracking. Blocks and congestion in the operation of these processes are considered the main causes of our many skin problems.

The need for skin care

Skin care, this is a set of procedures that are aimed at maintaining and strengthening the skin. Skin care exists at different levels in everyone's life. It may vary by use plain soap and creams, to more significant treatments such as anti-aging therapy.

Skin Care Tips are of great interest to many different groups of the population. Everyone wants to look good and be confident in their attractiveness.

Facial skin care procedures

The most popular and effective skin care, which gives the maximum positive result, includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing and using sunscreen.

Step 1: Cleanse

Cleansing is the most important aspect of skin care. It is carried out primarily to remove makeup and cleanse skin pores.

In this case, you need to find a good cleanser that your skin will respond well to and stick to in the future.

Can use cleansing cream, without using water. You can choose a combination option: remove makeup with makeup remover and use a little cleanser with water. Use only warm water. Never wash your face with hot or very cold water, as this can negatively affect the functioning of the capillaries.

Morning cleansing includes light washing with warm water. This is usually enough to remove excess overnight moisture from the skin.

Step 2: Exfoliate

Scrub work is aimed at removing the top layers of dead cells, which usually give the skin a dull color. Most cosmetologists are of the opinion that skin peeling once a week, keeps your skin glowing all year round.

Most people often skip exfoliation, but if you start... exfoliate your skin properly, you will notice the difference very quickly. According to Ron Berg, one of the reasons why men's skin looks younger than women's is because men shed some skin every day when they use a razor.

There are several ways to exfoliate your skin: microdermabrasion, chemical peeling.

Use gentle scrubs with small grains. Large grains in cheap scrubs can tear your skin and do more harm than good. One of the best microdermabrasion kits is made by Lancome.

Chemical peeling is aimed at exfoliating the stratum corneum of the skin using various chemical agents. Superficial peeling is carried out once a year. Average peeling is from two to six times throughout your life. Deep peeling – up to three times over the entire period of life.

Step 3: Moisturize

The basic law of skin beauty says that regardless of its type, the skin must be moisturized. Even if your skin is oily, it also needs hydration. The only exception is acne. How much hydration is needed? Your skin will tell you when and how much moisture and nutrition it needs. However, be careful, if you overdo it, it can lead to clogged pores.

Do you need to nourish the skin around your eyes? The skin around the eyes does not contain fatty tissue and is therefore very thin and susceptible to wrinkles. Special creams for the skin around the eyes seem to “thicken” this area. This is why some beauty experts highly recommend using eye cream.

Step 4: Use sunscreen

Many experts recommend using sunscreen. O Magazine published an article with an interview in which leading dermatologists took part. Each of them said that sunscreens are an important part of skin care.

One of the causes of wrinkles, age spots and other skin problems, according to experts, is exposure to sunlight, so it is important to use sunscreen from an early age, even in winter and on cloudy days. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.

Healthy eating . A healthy diet leads to healthy skin.

Dream. You should sleep for eight to ten hours every night because the skin repairs itself while you sleep.

Cleansing the body . Eliminating toxins helps keep skin healthy.

Emotions . Negative emotions may cause rashes and red spots on the skin. Therefore, smile more often.

Exercises. Deep breathing exercises are beauty treatments, especially when you fill your lungs with clean and fresh air. Oxygen is a vital element for the skin.

Skin care should be carried out comprehensively and regularly, according to an individual scheme for you.

Basic facial skin care at home Usually divided into several standard stages: determining your skin type, daily washing and cleansing your face, toning your skin, using moisturizers, and adjusting your diet. Such a simple step-by-step plan will allow any woman to always look well-groomed, shine with health and impeccable beauty.

Step-by-step basic instructions for facial skin care

Standard instructions on how to bring your facial skin to ideal condition consist of 5 main points. Let's take a closer look at each stage.

Determining your skin type

This stage comes first for a reason, because it is especially important and becomes the basis of the entire care complex. Right choice cosmetic products, the use of home care treatments - all this depends on the type, because dry skin should never be over-dried with tonics or lotions, and oily skin does not need increased nourishment. .png" alt="Facial skin types" width="450" height="336" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/img-2016-12-22-22-42-27-450x336..png 621w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Determining your type is not difficult:

  1. Dry type is a delicate and delicate skin prone to rosacea, skin rashes, and acne. Despite the fact that at a young age this type can be called the standard, closer to 30 years a number of problems arise that require special care. A characteristic sign is due to lack of moisture, rapid withering, flabbiness and increased sensitivity to external factors.
  2. Fat type It has a dense texture, an unattractive oily sheen, increased production of subcutaneous sebum, and enlarged pores. Despite so many shortcomings, those with oily facial skin do not age for a long time, this is due to the natural protective film. makes it almost ideal and protected from harmful external factors.
  3. Combined type causes many problems for its owners, because such skin has a full list of both positive and negative qualities of oily and dry facial skin. The T-zone often has an oily sheen, the skin in the cheeks and forehead is dry and requires careful moisturizing.
  4. Normal type can be called an exception to the rule, because skin without flaws is extremely rare.

For more information on how to determine your facial skin type, watch the video:

Washing and cleansing your face

Beautiful skin is the main weapon on the path to perfection, therefore, when the question arises of how to put it in order, the answer immediately arises - wash and cleanse the skin every day. During the day, the face is exposed to great stress, from city dust that clogs pores, weather conditions, and ending with tactile touches.

Washing is the initial stage of facial skin care; it will not make those with oily or combination skin types worry; for gentle washing it will be enough to use non-alkaline cleansing cosmetics (foam,). But owners of dry skin will have to work hard to find a soft cosmetic milk or cream. .png" alt=" facial skin cleansing" width="450" height="206" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/img-2016-12-22-22-46-51-450x206..png 630w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

The main purpose of washing and cleansing products is quick release from dirt, dust, decorative cosmetics, keratinized areas of tissue. They are applied according to the standard scheme: carefully spread around the entire perimeter of the face with gentle clockwise movements, avoiding contact with the eyes, after which they are washed off with running water or a damp towel. This procedure must be carried out at least twice a day.


This process can be considered a continuation of cleansing, because thanks to the unique properties of a tonic or lotion, you can not only soften your facial skin, but also eliminate remaining cleansers. This procedure is carried out immediately after washing; it is best to use alcohol-free formulations to muffle the increased secretion of subcutaneous sebum. What functions does toning perform:

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Toners should be applied to the skin of the face in the same way as creams, avoiding the eye area, using a sponge or gauze.

Hydration - life-giving moisture for the skin

The next stage is moisturizing the skin, which is vital for dry and combination skin. The most popular are night and day creams, as well as those prepared with your own hands. nourishing masks, because the moisturizing process also involves effective impregnation. This will allow you to tidy up your skin at any time of the day and increase its elasticity and velvety feel. The invisible film protects the face from harmful external factors and can serve as an excellent base for makeup. .png" alt="moisturizing facial skin" width="450" height="203" srcset="" data-srcset="https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/img-2016-12-22-22-56-43-450x203..png 768w, https://kozha-lica.ru/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/img-2016-12-22-22-56-43.png 808w" sizes="(max-width: 450px) 100vw, 450px"> !}

Recharge for dry and combination skin

It is these skin types that especially need nourishment. The most convenient care product is a night cream, which restores the skin, activates metabolic processes, and has a satiating property. It should be applied to the face approximately 60-90 minutes before bedtime.

Famous people who are in the public eye all the time and simply have to look impeccable, movie and show business stars are increasingly declaring in interviews: “My facial care is based on natural ingredients.” This means that even they often choose folk recipes masks. Why, after all, they can afford any cosmetologist and any of the most modern procedures? The answer is simple - natural remedies much healthier for the skin and allow you to achieve amazing results, albeit more slowly.

List of the most effective folk methods:

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Diet for beauty and health of facial skin

You need to take care of your skin every day; an integral part of care is proper nutrition, filled with vitamin and nutritional complexes. According to dermatologists, there is a list of certain products that are simply necessary for the beauty of facial skin.

Useful products for facial skin that can fill it with beauty and health are:

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In order for your facial skin to look flawless, you need to take care of it every day. After all, the main criterion of beauty in our time is well-groomed, and only properly selected facial care products for sensitive skin, oily, dry or combination, will help achieve first-class results. By sticking to simple ones, as well as taking a selective approach to food, beautiful skin will be provided to you for many years.

Many women pay special attention to their face. Going to salons and cosmetology centers is very expensive, but good and fresh-looking facial skin is what women want, regardless of their age. Using special products that are found in almost every home, you can achieve results no worse than those achieved by frequent trips to cosmetology centers.

The secret of facial skin care at home consists of several simple steps:

  1. Skin cleansing stage. Removing makeup, dead cells, dust, sweat.
  2. The stage of skin toning, in which we remove inflammation on the skin.
  3. Moisturizing stage. Supports balance and fluid exchange in the facial skin.
  4. Skin nutrition stage. This includes procedures that support the regeneration of skin cells and the protective mechanisms of the skin.
  5. Protective stage. Actions aimed at preventing damage to the skin of the face by external factors: snow, temperature changes, hot sun, etc.

By following these tips you can keep your face in great shape. Facial skin care depends on the amount of fat and moisture in the cells. Based on these criteria, the following skin types can be distinguished:

  1. “Oily” facial skin. It is characterized by a lot of secretion of subcutaneous fats, and acne or pimples often form.
  2. Dry facial skin. For this type of skin, wrinkles, dehydration and peeling processes are not uncommon.
  3. Problem skin. There is a lot of redness, inflammation and acne.
  4. Combined covers. The distribution of subcutaneous fat is not uniform. Oily skin problems are typical for the nose, chin, and forehead areas. The remaining areas are dry.
  5. Normal skin. Very sparse skin, no problems of inflammation, subcutaneous fat and water balance.

Care for “oily” skin

For this type of skin, the most important step will be the cleansing step. It is recommended to clean your face at least 3 times a day. You can use water and soap. The tonic properties will help get rid of the following problems - inflammation and acne. If you use various creams to maintain the freshness of your face, watch out for their oil content; you should not use very oily creams. Watch the amount of cosmetics - the abundance clogs the pores of the skin and worsens its protective mechanisms. The best remedy care for such skin are masks.

  1. Take 50 gr. honey, 25 gr. yogurt and lemon juice(about 18 gr.). Mix all ingredients and apply the mixture to your face. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask.
  2. Take 1 egg, isolate the protein and add 10 drops of citrus juice to it. Mix the mixture and make a mask out of it for 20 minutes.
  3. Make a decoction of calendula (take 20 grams of calendula flowers and steam in boiling water). Apply compresses to your face for 10-20 minutes.
  4. In 100 ml. add 20 grams of boiled warm water. dill. Boil the broth for 5 minutes, add beaten egg whites to it and apply the mask in layers. After the procedure, wash it off.

"Dry skin

Dry skin is explained by a lack of vitamins C and A. If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should change your diet and add fruits and vegetables that are rich in these vitamins. Monitor the amount of fluid you drink per day. You need to drink at least 2 liters. water. The use of soap and alcohol-containing products is contraindicated. It is recommended to use creams and gels with high fat content to nourish the skin. You should be careful about external factors: sun, wind, frost. They have a negative effect on dry skin. For skin of this type, moisturizing masks are used.

  1. Take 1 apple, 10 gr. sour cream and 5 gr. olive oil. Chop the apple, add butter and sour cream to it. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.
  2. Take 20 gr. honey and the same amount of cottage cheese. Mix the ingredients until smooth. The mask is applied for 15 minutes, after which it should be washed off and a moisturizing, nourishing cream should be applied.
  3. Mix yarrow flowers, calendula and oatmeal in the same proportion. You need to grind the mixture (for example, in a coffee grinder) and add warm water. This mask is applied for 20 minutes.
  4. Boil 3 cabbage leaves in water (about 2-3 minutes). Cool them and apply to your face. Before this, your face should be smeared with vegetable oil. After such a mask, which is done for 20 minutes, you need to wipe your face with chamomile infusion.

Skin of this type most depends on the person’s age and over time, care will only become more complicated.

"Problem" skin

If this is your skin type, the main thing to do is to remove factors that may affect your skin. These include: stress, smoking, alcohol, various diseases of human organs. If you constantly have acne and inflammation on your skin, you should cleanse your face of bacteria, dust and dirt as often as possible. Do not squeeze pimples, as this can cause infection and scarring. If you suffer from “blackheads” or acne (blackheads) on your face, use special “deep” creams. Meanwhile, the following actions will help you:

  1. Take white clay and dilute it in water to obtain a consistency that looks like sour cream. Cover your face with it and wait for it to dry.
  2. Take kefir and dilute 20 grams with it. yeast (dry). Using a special spatula, apply the paste mixture to your face for 20 minutes.
  3. Remove the white from the egg, mix it with 30 g. chopped sorrel. Apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with a swab soaked in water.

Skin of this type is also characterized by more complex cases - age spots. If you encounter such a problem, this will help you:

  1. A mask made from a glass of kefir and 1 t. aspirin (the tablet should be crushed into powder). This mask is applied for 10 minutes before bedtime.
  2. Squeeze aloe juice from 3 leaves. Soak a cotton swab in it and apply it to the stains; cover them with polyethylene. The procedure time is 30 minutes.
  3. Take 1 cucumber, 10 g. sour cream and 4 drops of citrus juice. After cutting out the cucumber pulp, chop it and mix with the rest of the ingredients. The mask is applied for 15 minutes
  4. Mix honey and onions in equal proportions. Apply the mask for 20 minutes and wash off with a cotton swab dipped in water.

"Combination" skin

The most common skin type. There is a T-zone (forehead, nose, chin), which contains a large number of sebaceous glands. We apply care for “oily” skin type to this area of ​​the face. Despite the T-zone, the remaining parts of the face (the area around the eyes, cheeks, cheekbones) have the properties of “dry” skin with possible flaking. For faces with this type of skin, creams with fruit acids are most often used. For the T-zone, light gels are used that improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands. For dry skin areas - moisturizing creams. Film masks will help, removing layers of dead cells from the face and moisturizing the skin.

  1. Take 10 g. oatmeal, chop them. Pour boiling water over, wait 10 minutes. Take a spatula and apply the mixture to your face for 15 minutes.
  2. You'll need cereal again. Take 30 gr. flakes, mix with 40 gr. fruit juice and add 20 gr. honey Long-lasting mask, you need to leave it on for 30 minutes.
  3. Remove the white from the egg and add 30 grams to it. semolina and beat until smooth. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.

"Normal" skin

“Normal” skin types are not characterized by “ordinary” problems of other types. The difficulty of care, in this case, lies in its regularity. Follow all the steps we talked about at the beginning of the article. Clean your skin every day to remove dirt and dust. Do toning and moisturizing procedures at least 3 times a week. External factors pose a separate danger. If it is very sunny outside, you should apply creams that contain SPF to your face (read the composition of the creams). If it’s cold outside, apply the cream before going out so that it has time to be absorbed (at least 30 minutes before). Masks won't hurt either:

  1. Separate the yolk of a boiled egg and grind it into powder. Add 5 ml. fruit juice. Apply the mask for 15 minutes.
  2. Take a banana (ripe) and milk. Grind the banana along with the peel, add milk to the mixture. The mask is applied for 15 minutes.

Care according to age

As we grow up and age, the intensity of the human body's work changes accordingly, and this also applies to the properties of the skin.

Facial care after 30 years

It is at this age that signs of a weakening of the body’s regenerative abilities become noticeable. Traces of stress, lack of sleep, proper nutrition. At this age, restorative gels and creams are the first place to use. If you notice formed, permanent wrinkles, start using creams to smooth them out. Pay attention to the area around the eyes - it suffers the most at this age. Anti-aging masks will also help:

  1. Mix 10 gr. flour and 10 gr. milk. Add to the mixture egg yolk. The mask is applied for 15 minutes.
  2. Take the same amount of currant leaves, linden flowers, plantain, strawberries and chop them. Pour boiling water over them and stir. Do this mask for 20 minutes.

At this age, lifestyle is of great importance - sleep more, eat normally. Anti-aging masks should be done more often.

Facial care after 40

The first priority is to use a night cream before bed. Such a cream should contain vitamins E, F, C and retinol. You should not use film masks - they injure and stretch the skin. The following masks will help:

  1. Mix honey, glycerin, water and ground oatmeal in equal proportions. Apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes.
  2. Take 35 gr. beer (light) and heat it in a steam bath. Add 10 grams to it. olive oil and 30 gr. honey Wait until it all dissolves. Take a cotton swab and apply the mixture to your face. Wait 10 minutes. Rinse off the mask with water.
  3. Prepare very thick semolina porridge and apply it on your face. Wait 20 minutes and wash off the mask with a swab. To rinse, use water and soda.

Facial care after 50 years

At this age, the aging process begins in full swing. Use rejuvenating and supportive treatments. A haphazard approach to facial skin care is unacceptable. The main task is to restore the protective functions of the skin. Protect your skin from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, avoid stressful situations. It will help you:

  1. Grind 3 apricots and a banana into a paste, add 20 g. cream. Using a brush, apply the mixture to your face and décolleté.
  2. Take 30 gr. cottage cheese, 10 gr. olive oil and 10 gr. honey Mix the ingredients and apply to your face. Remove after 20 minutes by rinsing with water.
  3. Mix 10 gr. butter and 10 gr. cream. Add 10 gr. citrus juice. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Removed with a cotton swab dipped in a mixture of water and dry white wine.

Video lessons

First you need to determine what type of facial skin you have. Only after this can you begin to choose care products for her.

There are three main types of facial skin:

dry– creates a feeling of tightness, characterized by narrowed pores and frequent appearance of various peelings;

fat– has enlarged pores, is often shiny and is characterized by the presence of constant inflammatory reactions (in the form of pimples or acne);

normal skin– does not flake, does not tighten, does not have a greasy sheen.

It is very rare to find in pure form any of the skin types, often all of the above characteristic features various skin problems are added, which provoke the following classification according to facial skin types:

  • sensitive skin that reacts to any external factor the appearance of irritation or redness;
  • aging skin, characterized by wrinkles and sagging;
  • with the constant presence of pimples or acne;
  • couperous skin characterized by visible networks of capillaries.

After determining your skin type, you need to try in every possible way to eliminate this or that problem. To do this, you should follow a certain number of rules for facial care at home.

Home facial skin care, which is simply necessary for any skin type, consists of certain manipulations:

1. nourishing the facial skin (you need to apply a nourishing cream twice a day, and a mask once a week),

2. (you need to wash your face at least twice a day and drink plenty of liquid),

3. cleansing (use scrubs once a week).

Rice mask to moisturize and nourish aging skin


2 tbsp. spoons of rice grains,

1 tbsp. spoon of sour cream,

1 teaspoon of liquid honey.

How to cook:

Grind the rice grains using a coffee grinder, mix the resulting flour with sour cream and add liquid honey. Apply the mask to previously cleansed facial skin for 15 minutes, then remove with sufficient warm water.

There are also universal home cosmetical tools that help care for any skin type.

Strawberry scrub for cleansing skin of any type


3 tbsp. spoons of strawberry pulp,
1 tbsp. spoon of powdered milk,
3 drops each of tangerine and chamomile essential oil.

How to cook:

Take strawberry pulp, mix with dry milk, add essential oils of tangerine and chamomile. Use the resulting mass to cleanse your facial skin using gentle massaging movements. The procedure can be performed within 7-9 minutes, during which time the keratinized part of the skin will be perfectly removed, and the exposed delicate skin layer will be moisturized.

Potato mask for the skin around the eyes

Clean, unpeeled potatoes grated on a fine grater will help tone the skin around the eyes.


1 tbsp. spoon of grated potatoes,

1 tbsp. spoon of milk,

1 teaspoon of flour.

How nicetovite:

Mix grated potatoes with milk and flour. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin and leave for 7-15 minutes. This mask effectively smoothes out fine wrinkles and moisturizes the delicate skin around the eyes.

See the story on how to care for the skin around your eyes:

Oatmeal cleansing gel for all skin types


1 tbsp. spoon of oatmeal,

1 tbsp. spoon of string,

1 tbsp. spoon of calendula,

1 tbsp. spoon of lavender,

8 tbsp. spoons of boiling water,

2 teaspoons of liquid soap,

2 teaspoons olive oil,

4 drops of bey essential oil.

How to cook:

Take a mixture of oatmeal, string, calendula and lavender, pour boiling water over it. Boil, cool slightly, rub through a sieve. Add liquid soap and olive oil, as well as bey essential oil. Wash your face with the resulting gel twice a day. Thanks to this composition, the skin of the face is perfectly cleansed and nourished.

A woman’s face is perhaps the most unprotected part of the body; it is susceptible to almost all external influences. In addition, internal problems of the body are immediately reflected in her condition and become visible to others. That is why facial skin needs careful daily care, which will help restore its healthy and radiant appearance, give it elasticity, and preserve youth. Like any cosmetic procedures, home care should not only be systematic, but also correct.


Determining your skin type

To select the right care and cosmetic products, you need to know your skin type in order to direct your care in the right direction, solving a specific problem. It wouldn’t hurt to consult a cosmetologist who will not only determine but also tell you how to properly care for a certain type of facial skin. However, this can be done independently, knowing some features:

  1. Dry skin is caused by narrowed pores and tightness; it is prone to premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles, so it needs intensive moisturizing.
  2. Enlarged pores and oily shine accompany oily skin, subject to inflammation, the formation of acne and comedones. Proper cleansing will help avoid many problems with such skin.
  3. Normal skin is characterized by the absence of these shortcomings, but it also requires daily care. The wrong selection of cosmetics can provoke various skin diseases.
  4. Sensitive skin reacts to any external or internal influence with redness and peeling. Special products for sensitive skin do not contain aggressive substances, fragrances or other components that can lead to such manifestations.
  5. Combination skin type is considered the most difficult in terms of choosing skin care products. Here it is important to correctly differentiate problem areas and select cosmetics in accordance with the identified problems. It should be remembered that products labeled “for combination skin" is just a marketing ploy.

In addition to the above, we can highlight such a problem as the manifestation of a capillary network, which reveals weak blood vessels. Cuperosis is not just a cosmetic defect, but also a serious disease; if you discover it, you should consult a doctor. Loose or aging skin is not only an age-related problem; it is quite common in women after 30 years of age with improper or irregular care. Timely measures will restore elasticity to the skin.

Video: Advice from a cosmetologist on determining skin type and selecting cosmetics.

Principles of proper care

The rules for daily home care are based on cleansing, moisturizing, toning and nourishing the skin. Only such an integrated approach will achieve desired effect and will prolong the youth of the skin, preserving it and protecting it from negative influences - both external and internal.


The first and, perhaps, main stage in facial skin care is daily cleansing. During the day, dust settles on the skin, harmful substances accumulate from environment, sebum. Let's add here Foundation, powder, other decorative products. This cocktail not only clogs pores, leading to inflammation, the formation of blackheads, comedones, acne and other troubles, but is also perfectly absorbed by the skin, causing its intoxication. That is why facial skin cleansing should be correct and regular.


Before washing, makeup and dirt accumulated during the day are removed with special skin cleansing products. This could be lotion, milk or micellar water. For lovers of natural home remedies, there is a recipe that many actors use when removing makeup. Any vegetable oil Heat slightly, apply a thin layer, after a minute remove it from the face. The oil will not only cleanse the skin, but also moisturize it.

For direct washing, it is better to use purified water, since the skin tends to absorb substances contained in the liquid. Ideally, use rain or melt water, but filtered tap water will also work. At the same time, cosmetologists advise abandoning soap, since the alkali it contains has a detrimental effect on the water balance of the skin. Give preference better than gel, milk or foam for washing.


Once or twice a week, peeling is carried out with a specially selected scrub. This procedure is designed to exfoliate dead cells, smooth out the surface, and deeply cleanse the pores. Scrubs are applied to damp skin and rubbed in with light movements, without much pressure. It is worth remembering, however, that in case of severe rosacea, severe inflammation or irritation of the skin, the peeling procedure is contraindicated.

It’s easy enough to make homemade face scrubs. To do this, use fine sea salt, sugar or ground coffee, mixed with thick cream or sour cream in equal proportions.

Honey also has a cleansing effect. To do this, apply it to the face with light massage movements, and after thickening, remove it with a damp cloth or cotton pad soaked in a warm herbal decoction. This procedure removes dead skin cells and softens the skin. In addition, this peeling is indicated for inflammation, unlike store-bought scrubs, because honey is a natural antiseptic.

Cleansing masks.

Mandatory in home care cleansing face masks, which should also be done once or twice a week. Before applying the mask, experts advise taking a steam bath using essential oils or herbal decoction. This procedure will open the pores and remove toxins. However, some skin problems, among which rosacea ranks first, are a contraindication to such a procedure.

The most effective in cleansing is a mask made from cosmetic clay. When choosing clay, skin type is taken into account. Thus, white clay is chosen by those with mixed skin types, blue and green by oily skin types, and red clay is ideal for dry skin.

After applying the cleansing mask, the skin is soothed with toner. It will remove any remaining product, close pores, and give your face an even color and a fresh look.


After cleansing, the skin needs hydration, which can be achieved special creams, selected according to skin type and age. For young skin, a light gel with a moisturizing effect is preferable. For more mature skin It’s better to choose not just moisturizing, but comprehensive care, where nutrition and giving the skin elasticity will play an important role. Moisturizer is usually applied in the morning.

Moisturizing masks are much more effective. Use them 1-2 times a week. It should be borne in mind that store-bought masks, in addition to useful components, contain undesirable substances such as preservatives, flavors, and dyes, which are also absorbed by the skin. You can avoid their adverse effects by using homemade masks for facial skin care.

During the day, toners or, more recently, thermal water, are used to further hydrate very dry skin.

However, it should be remembered that hydration is not only about using moisturizers, but also about drinking enough liquid. You may notice that dehydrated skin becomes thinner and wrinkled, and begins to peel. In this case, establishing a drinking regime will help.


Tonics and lotions help take care of your facial skin. How to use these products correctly can be found in the instructions on the packaging of each of them. It is better to choose such products on a natural basis, without alcohol. Some women prefer products from the children's series. There are advantages to this: baby care products contain only natural ingredients, they are hypoallergenic and non-addictive. You can make your own lotion from a decoction of herbs. This product is stored in the refrigerator and slightly warmed before use.

Skin toning procedures include home cryotherapy, which helps restore freshness and elasticity. To do this, just wipe your face in the morning with an ice cube made from a decoction of herbs: chamomile, nettle, sage, thyme and others. This procedure perfectly tones the skin, eliminates swelling and signs of fatigue, and tightens pores. Sharp cooling promotes microcirculation and strengthens blood vessels, which is an excellent prevention of the appearance of capillary mesh. The skin becomes more elastic, and small wrinkles are smoothed out quickly.


Any skin, especially mature skin, needs nutrition, which it receives, as a rule, from creams and nourishing masks. Nutritious cream Apply at night; before use, it is advisable to warm it slightly in your hands. After 10-15 minutes, excess cream is removed with a napkin, otherwise pores may become clogged, leading to the formation of comedones.

As in other cases, nourishing masks can be purchased in the store. However, most women prefer self-prepared masks. Thus, products such as egg yolk, honey, sour cream or cream, potatoes, cucumber, aloe pulp and others have excellent nutritional properties. The composition is selected depending on the skin type and the desired effect. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes, washed off with running water or a decoction of herbs. After the mask, you can wipe your face with an ice cube.

Facial skin needs not only proper care, but also in seasonal protection, because the sun, frost, wind, temperature changes significantly affect its condition. So, before going outside during the day, even in winter, it is better to use a day cream with UV filters that will protect the skin from the influence of sunlight, leading to the appearance of age spots. In summer, the protection index should be higher - at least 30, while in winter 15 is enough. If you cannot buy a day cream with high UV protection, you can additionally apply sunscreen before going outside.

At low temperatures use a protective cream that will prevent the harmful effects of frost. You should use moisturizers in winter at least an hour before going outside.

Video: Proper protection of facial skin in winter in E. Malysheva’s program “Live Healthy!”

Any cream is applied along the massage lines with light tapping movements, avoiding strong pressure, which leads to stretching of the skin and the appearance of premature wrinkles. After a while, if the cream is not absorbed, remove the excess with a napkin, simply blotting your face.

Vitamins play a great role in nourishing the skin, improving its appearance and general condition. Vitamin complexes taken orally and food enriched with minerals will help restore her health and beauty. In addition, you can enrich any cosmetic products with “vitamins of beauty and youth” - A and E, adding a drop to a cream or mask before applying to the face. B vitamins and the most powerful antioxidant, vitamin C, are also important.

As you can see, maintaining the beauty and health of your facial skin requires a lot of effort and time, but the results will not be long in coming. Shining appearance and admiring glances will be a worthy reward.