How much blood should come out during menstruation? How much blood a woman loses during menstruation - the individual characteristics of the female body. What is the menstrual cycle

A woman's first menstrual blood appears in adolescence when she goes through puberty. The age at which menstruation begins is from 12 to 20 years, and it can vary depending on many factors. Scientists have proven that people living in warm southern climates experience puberty faster. Whereas girls of northern peoples and cold latitudes do not see their menstrual blood until about 18–20 years of age. Also of great importance is physical development, the appearance of primary sexual characteristics. Where does blood flow during menstruation, why is this process vital for the body, and how much does a woman lose during menstruation?

Even at birth, a girl’s body already contains a huge number of eggs - about 120,000. When she becomes capable of reproduction, every month one of the eggs increases in size and exits into the fallopian tube. This process is called ovulation. The period of ovulation is considered the most favorable for conception, because the body preparing to bear a child is transformed to meet the needs of the future fetus. The inner mucous membrane of the uterus, the epithelium, increases in size several times. If normally its value is approximately 1 mm, then during ovulation it can reach even a centimeter. The entire epithelium becomes one nutrient medium with an abundance of blood vessels, ready to receive the embryo and support its life throughout pregnancy.

Where does blood come from during menstruation?

Of course, blood during menstruation is only released from the vagina, but does not appear in it. When the swollen egg does not wait for the sperm to be fertilized, it is simply rejected by the body. The same thing happens with a greatly enlarged endometrium, the nutrients of which are not required for the development of the fetus.

Loss of blood during menstruation only signals a wound at the site of the exfoliated endometrium, as well as the exit of the endometrium itself from the woman’s body. Many people think about why blood loss during this period is associated with mucous secretions and pieces of mucous tissue. Everything is explained very simply - when mucus and clots come out during menstruation, the uterus is just being cleansed of an unnecessary nutrient layer. Over time, fewer and fewer clots come out, then menstruation stops. This happens every month until the onset of menopause - a physiological change in the body associated with the end of the reproductive period in a woman’s life. In very rare cases, for some reason, women’s regula continues throughout their lives - doctors cannot yet explain this.

How much blood does a woman lose during menstruation?

If you think about where blood comes from during menstruation, it becomes not entirely clear why there is so much of it. The fact is that during ovulation, the endometrium is completely penetrated by a network of blood vessels, which are destroyed when the endometrium itself is rejected by the uterus. How much blood will be lost during menstruation depends only on the characteristics and physiology of the body itself. Normally, doctors call the figure 50 ml, and we're talking about about pure blood. For some reason, women think that much more blood comes out, but this is not so. The basis of menstrual flow is mucus.

The largest amount of pure blood comes out on the 2nd–3rd day of menstruation - at its peak. Most women use pads or tampons with a high degree of protection during this period, as their periods become more profuse.

It is impossible to say exactly how much blood each person loses, because some have meager regulation, while others have very intense ones. Approximate time menstruation - from 2 to 8 days, but 3–4-day menstruation is most common. Many girls are interested in why the time of their periods can vary so much. The doctor will not be able to answer this question, because everything depends only on the physiology of the female uterus and the degree of its development.

Causes of heavy or scanty discharge

If you find a significant deviation from the norm in 50 ml of blood and you think that your period has become bleeding, you should urgently be examined by a doctor.

There can be any number of reasons for bleeding - from overload and stress to pathological pregnancy, which is why you shouldn’t delay making a diagnosis. The time of your period also plays a big role - if it lasts more than a week, but previously it was only 3-4 days, then it’s also worth thinking about. This is quite an alarming signal from the body that you need to listen to.

Some girls, especially those with an unstable cycle, do not understand why their periods are always scanty. In fact, in the first year of menstruation, when the cycle is just establishing itself, there is no need to worry at all. The body is just beginning to establish the optimal balance of hormones and their jumps in one direction or another are possible.

If menstruation is scanty already at reproductive age, this most often indicates insufficient production of the hormone estrogen. Often this situation occurs before menopause, otherwise it also requires an immediate visit to the doctor. However, it happens that less blood comes out after overwork or a strict diet for weight loss.

You should not get attached to standards and try to calculate the amount of blood coming out during menstruation - this is very difficult to do. It would be much better to regularly visit a gynecologist, who can determine whether any pathologies are present in the body or whether everything is happening within normal limits. Of course, it’s worth monitoring your health yourself, but don’t get carried away with self-diagnosis and self-medication. The health of the female reproductive system is very important, because it directly affects the ability to have children.

Lyubov Rogunova

During menstruation, the endometrium is removed from the uterus. This process is inevitably accompanied by rupture of small blood vessels, so the normal color of the discharge is bloody, that is, red or brownish. In addition to blood, clear mucus and other elements from the vagina and cervix also come out.

What is menorrhagia

How much blood does a woman normally lose during her period? Everything is individual. But on average - 40-60 ml per day. This is approximately two tablespoons. IN in this case only blood is meant. If blood loss is 80 milliliters or more, it is worth talking about too much menstruation (menorrhagia).

The amount of blood that comes out during your period will impress the uninformed. Its volume is 250 ml (that is, a glass) per cycle. Over the course of a lifetime - from menarche to the onset of menopause - up to 90 liters of menstrual blood are released. But don't be scared by these numbers. If blood loss is not higher than indicated, the body is able to restore it without harm to itself.

How to measure loss volume

Technically, measuring the volume of your menstrual flow using spoons and glasses is quite difficult. This can be done using hygiene products. What kind of pads do you usually buy?

The number of allocations can be:

  • Barely noticeable, in which two drops of blood are found on the only pad of the day. This corresponds to 5-6 g per day.
  • Very light. It is enough to replace the hygiene product once or twice a day. Blood flows out 6-9 g per day.
  • Light. The pad or tampon is changed four times a day. This is 9-12 years.
  • Moderate. Tampons or pads of average absorbency (normal) are wet every four hours. In this case, 12-15 g of blood comes out per day.
  • Strong. Bulk (super) hygiene products leak in three to four hours. In this case, 15-18 g of blood leaks per day.
  • Very strong. Super absorbent tampons or pads are blotted every one to two hours. Here, the volumes of excreted secretions cannot be counted, but this condition definitely requires medical attention.

What is important is the number of discharges for the entire period, not per day. That is, if your period lasts four to five days, but only one of them is devoted to constant replacement of pads (every two hours), and on the remaining days you balance in “light” or “moderate” modes, this is normal - the total volume of blood released does not exceed 250 ml.

What does menorrhagia lead to?

Often, women who have very heavy periods doubt that their blood loss is great. This misconception is especially typical for Russia. If blood loss is more than 250 ml per cycle, the patient can shrug her shoulders and say: “Yes, I have normal menstruation, like everyone else.”

Now, with universal literacy and access to the Internet, any woman understands that excessive blood loss leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. And it is this “extra knowledge” that makes many people put off visiting a doctor. It may seem to you that if, during very heavy menstruation, hemoglobin is normal, then there is no reason to panic.

But a decrease in hemoglobin is a late diagnostic sign. It appears only when there is a complete disorder of iron metabolism in the body. A decrease in hemoglobin indicates already developed anemia. In the earlier stages preceding it, there is iron deficiency, but the body still maintains a normal concentration of hemoglobin Ў and returning to normal is much easier.

With heavy and very heavy menstruation, it is imperative to be examined for the presence of a latent form of iron deficiency anemia, and then determine the cause of too heavy menstruation.

What you usually attribute to lack of sleep, excess work and household chores, may actually be a sign of iron deficiency: fatigue and drowsiness, sentimentality or irritability, reduced immunity (susceptibility to infections), decreased mental activity and labor productivity.

How to react to blood clots

Almost everyone has seen blood clots on a sanitary pad at least once. For some this is a unique occurrence in their lives, for others it is a regular occurrence. To the question of why clots form, only a doctor can answer in each specific case. The most common reasons: a sedentary lifestyle, a congenital or acquired septum in the cervix, hormonal imbalance, the body's reaction to intrauterine devices, polyps in the uterus, uterine fibroids.

Do not delay visiting a doctor if there are a lot of blood clots during menstruation and they are not small in size, and the menstruation itself has become more abundant and prolonged.

How is it treated

It all starts with a visit to a gynecologist or endocrinologist. The specifics of treatment will depend on the results of the examination: functional impairment, gynecological disease, hormonal imbalance, iron deficiency anemia and other blood diseases. Treatment is aimed not at eliminating menorrhagia, but at neutralizing the factors that caused it and restoring the level of iron and hemoglobin in the blood.

The nature and regularity of menstruation directly depends on the general health of the woman. Their quantity is different - abundant, scanty or average, while the discharge can be scarlet, red, pink or brownish. It is difficult to say exactly how much blood a woman loses during menstruation, because each case is individual. However, the rate of recovery of the body and the woman’s ability to bear children depend on the volume of blood released. Now you will find out which indicators are normal and which indicate the need to visit a doctor as quickly as possible.

Why do I get my period?

Many women are interested in the question - why is blood released during menstruation and why is this characteristic exclusively of the female gender? The point is that only in the female body is conception and further development of the fetus possible. And menstruation ensures complete cleansing of pathogenic microorganisms, thus protecting the unborn child from infections.

Menstruation occurs in women once a month, 10–14 days after completion of the ovulation process (the release of the egg from the follicle). The formation of the menstrual cycle occurs during puberty at approximately 11–14 years of age, and depends on several factors:

  • The work of organs that produce sex hormones (ovaries, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, etc.).
  • Food quality.
  • Weights.
  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • The presence of chronic pathologies.
  • Transferred viral diseases.
  • The climatic conditions in which the woman lives.
  • Degrees of maturity nervous system.

The laying of eggs in the ovaries in girls occurs even when intrauterine development. Their number varies from 40 to 50 thousand. During puberty, these eggs begin to mature, resulting in an increase in progesterone levels in the body. The maturation of germ cells occurs alternately and is cyclical. It is for this reason that women experience menstruation with a certain regularity.

At the same time menstrual cycle is divided into two phases:

  • Follicular, during which the level of estrogen in the body increases, which is responsible for the growth of follicles containing eggs.
  • Luteal, the maturation process is completed and under the influence of progesterone, the germ cells leave the follicle (ovulation is observed, during which a woman can easily become pregnant).

And speaking of where uterine blood comes from during menstruation, it should be noted that during the period of increased estrogen in the uterine cavity, its walls thicken, which ensures reliable protection of the zygote from injury. If fertilization does not occur, the egg dies and the uterus begins to reject the overgrown epithelial layer. During the rejection of the epithelium, the vessels with which it was penetrated are damaged, which is why blood is released.

Blood volume during menstruation

As already mentioned, it is difficult to answer this question precisely, since each organism is individual. However, there are certain limits established by doctors, exceeding which already indicates bleeding, requiring immediate treatment.

It is believed that ideally, a woman should have no more than 80 milliliters of blood in the first few days of her period. Moreover, this is not pure blood, but an admixture of blood with cervical mucus and rejected uterine epithelial cells. Menstrual discharge may also contain remnants of a ruptured follicle and dead eggs.

After a few days, the volume of blood released decreases. The so-called daub begins, which can last only 2–4 days. But, in general, menstruation does not occur for more than a week. If blood continues to be released after this time, then this is already considered a deviation and indicates heavy menstruation, which requires medical intervention.

Heavy menstruation

Heavy menstruation is said to occur when blood loss exceeds 80 ml per day or bleeding occurs for more than seven days. The danger of such menstruation is that it provokes metabolic disorders and the development of anemia, in which the cells of the body experience oxygen starvation.

There are many reasons why a girl or woman may experience large blood loss during menstruation. Among them are:

  • Hereditary predisposition (in this case, heavy menstruation is the norm).
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system.
  • Hormonal disorders characterized by a deficiency or excess of sex hormones.
  • Inflammatory diseases affecting the reproductive organs.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system.
  • Psychological factors (stress, lack of sleep, emotional fatigue, etc.).
  • Presence of an intrauterine device.
  • Taking oral contraceptives.

As a rule, heavy menstruation is accompanied by:

  • Abdominal cramps.
  • Dizziness.
  • Weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Decreased appetite.
  • Thirst (due to large loss of fluid).

How to distinguish menstruation from bleeding?

Uterine bleeding is a dangerous condition that poses a serious threat to life. Therefore, all women, without exception, need to know exactly how to distinguish between normal periods and bleeding.

The main sign of uterine bleeding is excessive bleeding. There is so much of it that you have to replace sanitary pads every 1.5 - 2 hours. In this case, a woman can leak up to one liter of blood per day, she begins to feel unwell, severe weakness appears, and even fainting is possible.

Important! If bleeding occurs, the woman needs emergency hospitalization. You cannot take any hemostatic drug on your own or make other attempts to stop blood loss! This can only make the situation worse.

When blood begins to pour out of the body in large quantities, it experiences a lack of fluid. And during this period it is very important to make up for the deficiency in order to prevent dehydration. Therefore, when uterine bleeding begins, the woman must be provided with plenty of fluids.

After blood loss stops, the body continues to recover for about 4–6 days. And during this period, it is important to protect him from stress and provide him with the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Scanty menstruation

Scanty menstruation (hypomenorrhea) is a period in which the amount of blood released does not exceed 50 grams per day. As a rule, they arise against the background of hormonal insufficiency, which develops due to disruption of the pituitary gland, ovaries, poor nutrition or metabolic failure.

If a woman experiences hypomenorrhea for several cycles a year, she should definitely visit a doctor, as in this case, hormonal therapy may be required. If scanty periods appear for the first time and have a dark tint, then this is also a reason to visit a specialist, since such menstruation may signal the development of a frozen or ectopic pregnancy.

It should be noted that hypomenorrhea has two forms - primary and secondary. Primary occurs after the end of puberty, when the menstrual cycle has not been fully restored. Secondary appears in the background various diseases leading to hormonal imbalances in the body. After eliminating the root cause, periods should return to normal.

If the formation of the menstrual cycle is just beginning, then having scanty periods is normal. In this case, the girl may experience pain in the lumbar region, swelling, nausea, increased irritability, etc.

Low blood loss may also occur during menopause or when there are tumors in the uterus or cervical canal. In the latter case, the neoplasms do not allow blood to leave the uterus, which is why it accumulates inside the organ, causing inflammation of the endometrium. The consequence of this may be severe abdominal pain, fever, weakness, etc. If blood accumulates in the uterus for a long time, this will lead to stagnation and the occurrence of purulent processes.

Minor blood loss can also be observed after surgical or gynecological procedures on the pelvic organs, leading to depletion of the endometrium of the uterus. For example, removal of tumors, cauterization of erosion, etc.

Menstruation can also be scanty as a result of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as tuberculosis, since these pathologies also negatively affect the maturation of the uterine endometrium.

If during menstruation a thick bloody exudate is released from the genital tract, depleting unpleasant aroma and causing irritation in the intimate area, this already indicates the development of infectious processes requiring antibacterial therapy.

In any case, to install the real reason hypomonorrhea, will need to be treated full examination. If its occurrence is associated with pathological processes in the body, then to normalize menstruation you will need to undergo a special course of treatment. Otherwise, serious problems arise in the reproductive organs, which can result not only in infertility, but also in the occurrence of conditions that pose a serious threat to life.

Representatives of the fair sex at one time think about how much blood a woman loses during menstruation. Scientists give mixed answers to this question. Much depends on age, body composition, hormonal state of the body, nutrition, climatic conditions, heredity and other factors.

Menstruation begins in girls between the ages of 11 and 18 years. The onset of the first menstruation depends on many characteristics: the state of the reproductive system, anatomical features. The cycle also depends on this. The end of it varies from 45 to 55 years. Everything is individual. But there are rare cases when women retain reproductive capacity until 65-70 years of age. Scientists cannot say why this happens.

Menstrual cycle

How much blood a woman loses during her period speaks about the internal state of her body and the health of her pelvic organs. Blood flows out every month at approximately the same time, but its amount varies from cycle to cycle. The structure of the reproductive system largely determines certain gynecological indicators.

Already in a newborn baby, at a certain period, the reproductive program starts. It is known that over the course of a lifetime, the female body produces more than hundreds of thousands of eggs. A girl who gets her period for the first time can consider this the beginning of a very serious period in her life.

During the cycle, one of the eggs grows and leaves the ovary, entering the fallopian tube. This process was called ovulation. Within a couple of days during this period, you can conceive a baby. If the process of conception does not occur, the egg is released and menstruation begins.

Their duration ranges from 3 to 7 days. The largest volume of blood comes out in the first 2 days. During this period, the distribution of secretions occurs unevenly. They go on continuously: sometimes more, sometimes a little less. When a girl has heavy periods throughout the entire period, it is worth contacting a gynecologist and undergoing an examination to find out the reason for this manifestation of menstruation.


Factors influencing the process

Many women will not understand why any amount of blood comes out. As soon as the egg is not fertilized, with a strong increase in the endometrium and cell rejection, the mucous membrane is injured. The uterus gets rid of unnecessary substances, and mucus and blood begin to come out of it through the vagina. The decrease in the amount of blood occurs due to the gradual healing of the injured mucosa.

How much blood does a woman lose during her period? This or that blood flow is released for various reasons. Let's look at a few of them:

  1. If as contraceptive a woman uses a spiral; it is believed that this measure helps to increase the volume of menstruation. Menstruation becomes quite painful. With a spiral, a week-long period of critical days is quite normal.
  2. Upon admission hormonal pills My periods are not too heavy. But at the same time, for some women, critical days increase slightly, for others they decrease.
  3. If a woman decides to conceive a child during this period, her periods come naturally.

They may be affected by:

  • hormonal background;
  • diseases that currently exist;
  • hereditary factors;
  • constitution and physique (frail women have scanty periods);
  • climate;
  • nature of nutrition;
  • quality of products;
  • instability of the nervous system (women who develop neurasthenic conditions during menstrual periods suffer from heavy discharge);
  • age (at 16-17 years old, the blood volume during menstruation is much less than that of an adult who has given birth);
  • being overweight.

The color of the discharge also says a lot. Light colors are a sign of the development of some pathology. If the color of the blood is too dark or thick at the very beginning of these days, this is normal, but when the color is brown, you should consult a specialist. If there is a lot of blood, it can be assumed that there are problems with the endometrium. But only a doctor can help identify the causes.


Individual characteristics

Everything is individual, but on average, every day the female body “says goodbye” to 25-40 ml of blood during menstruation. This volume decreases towards the end of critical days. But every second woman will doubt any of these figures. At first glance, it seems that the body is losing a significantly larger volume of blood.

Scientists have an answer to this. The main component of the discharge is mucus, which mixes with the blood, making it seem as if only the latter is coming out. Therefore, the above figures are close to real indicators. During the first time after menstruation, all blood loss is restored. Constant replenishment and renewal of blood has a very beneficial effect on women's health. Women have no problems with this, with the exception of those patients who suffer from blood diseases.

A very small amount of blood is lost by women whose cycle is just beginning to establish or who are on the eve of menopause. If a representative of the fair sex is on a strict diet, periods may sometimes not appear at all or pass almost unnoticed, in the form of several blood spots within 1-2 days. In this case, you need to consult a doctor and try to adjust your diet, since the reproductive activity of the body depends on this.

Impurities at the end of menstruation with yellowish or brown tints may indicate problems in the gynecological area. Especially if suspicious discharge lasts for a long time.

In women who suffer from inadequate development of the hormonal system or disturbances in its functioning, menstruation with slight bleeding can last for a long time (up to 20-25 days). In this case, the blood loss is small, but the situation itself should alert the woman. Such manifestations of critical days are possible if a representative of the fair sex has any infection. After it is eliminated, the cycle is restored again.


You need to closely monitor your health and visit a gynecologist periodically. The doctor asks about the abundance of menstruation, the cycle, the start time of menstrual periods and their nature. Excessive bleeding is alarming. They can force the doctor to decide to urgently examine the patient to find out the reasons for this situation.

By the nature of the discharge that a woman notices on the hygiene products she uses, one can judge the volume of losses:

  1. Doctors equate one or two drops to 5 ml. In this case, the volume of blood loss is called meager.
  2. Mild blood loss occurs if up to 9 ml per day is released.
  3. Moderate blood loss - when the loss of main fluid reaches 12-18 ml.
  4. Severe blood loss - hygiene products are completely saturated within 2-3 hours or require replacement even earlier.

Each woman has her own volume of blood loss during her period. If menstruation always comes profusely and this does not adversely affect health, then it is considered normal. The same applies to scanty periods.

Symptoms of abnormalities in women's health

If a representative of the fair sex has had heavy menstruation for a long period of time and suddenly they began to decrease, while she has not given birth and menopause is not coming soon, you should consult a specialist as quickly as possible. Such a manifestation, if not normal and constant, indicates the following problems:

  1. Low concentration female hormone estrogen.
  2. Problems of endocrinological type.
  3. Exhaustion.
  4. Overweight.
  5. Impaired functioning of the ovaries.
  6. Congenital pathologies.
  7. Problems with the endometrium.
  8. Uncontrolled hormone intake.

A large amount of blood during menstruation indicates another type of abnormality. If such metamorphoses begin abruptly, doctors first of all refer for examination for fibroids. This is a benign formation that is centered in the uterus, affecting the nature of discharge during menstruation and beyond.

The presence of polyps in the cervix leads to heavy bleeding. A gynecologist can easily determine the presence of one or more neoplasms during the first examination of a woman. In this case, during menstruation, mucus comes out not just in clots, but in bloody formations. Bleeding from cervical polyps is not only profuse, but also prolonged.

Deviations in the functioning of the endometrium no less often lead to heavy blood loss during menstruation. Endometritis is also characterized by severe pain in the lower abdomen during the period when menstruation occurs. If the disease develops intensively, the nature of menstruation can turn into long, tedious bleeding. To identify abnormalities in the functioning of the endometrium, an ultrasound is performed and blood tests are taken.


Malignant neoplasms in the female genital organs can cause severe bleeding.

They can “break through” on those days of the cycle when menstruation should not occur. In such cases, the woman must be immediately examined and the cause of breakthrough bleeding identified. Characteristic of these types of ailments - menstruation increases in volume from cycle to cycle. Critical days are accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, and the discharge occurs with impurities uncharacteristic of menstruation.

How much blood does a woman lose during her period? Perhaps the answer to this question worries almost every representative of the fairer sex. Despite the fact that all women experience menstruation, the amount of blood lost is always individual. After all, what may be familiar to one organism is not at all the norm for every person.

Is there a norm?

Each person is individual. Appearance, manner of communication, physiological data - nature has arranged everything so that each of us is unique and different from the rest. The menstrual cycle, although it is a process familiar to every woman, also directly depends on the characteristics of the body. Its duration, blood loss during menstruation, general well-being - all this is quite individual.

However, it is believed that with the onset of menstruation, the loss of pure blood should not exceed 30-50 ml per day. The total amount for the entire period of menstruation is normally no more than 250 ml. Surely many women are convinced that they lose much more, but in fact, menstrual flow usually consists of several components:

  • blood leaving the endometrial vessels;
  • mucus;
  • endometrium;
  • particles of an egg that has not been fertilized in the current cycle.

When everything is in perfect order with the body, it copes with such losses without any problems. In the first 2-3 days of menstruation, a woman loses the bulk of fluid, after which the intensity of the discharge decreases and gradually disappears.

Nature of bleeding

A girl usually experiences her first menstrual flow between the ages of 13 and 19 years. Specific numbers depend on many individual characteristics and even on external factors. So, for example, those living in warm southern regions get their periods earlier, while women from northern latitudes experience puberty much later.

Why, exactly, is there blood? This phenomenon is completely natural and is caused by the release of the egg from the body. Without becoming fertilized in the current cycle, the swollen egg is rejected, thereby injuring the endometrial mucosa, which begins to bleed. It is this blood that mixes with the rest of the unused contents of the uterus and comes out.

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As the mucous membrane heals, the intensity of bleeding gradually decreases, and a new cycle of egg development begins. Consequently, how much blood a woman loses during menstruation and how quickly it stops depends on how exactly the reproductive system functions.

Scanty discharge

Often, menstrual losses can be quite scanty, which (like excessive bleeding) causes anxiety in the woman. Similar phenomenon It is considered completely natural for girls or young girls who have recently started their periods. Scanty discharge in this case indicates the gradual formation of the cycle and the accompanying hormonal fluctuations.

However, if menstruation is of this nature in much more mature age, a woman should definitely get checked by a specialist and donate blood to determine the level of sex hormones. Possible reasons scanty discharge may be:

  • low levels of the hormone estrogen;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • approaching menopause;
  • severe exhaustion of the body (after physical activity, strict diet or serious illness);
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the reproductive organs.

By how much blood a woman loses during menstruation, an experienced specialist will be able to judge the state of her health, as well as the body’s readiness to bear and give birth to a child.

Heavy discharge

Whatever the differences in the amount of menstrual blood, cycle length and other indicators, it is very important to monitor your own norm. If heavy bleeding unusual for her cycle is detected, a woman should immediately consult a doctor.

The most common causes of intense blood loss during menstruation:

  • hormonal imbalance with a predominance of the hormone estrogen;
  • vascular damage;
  • intrauterine contraception (presence of a device);
  • severe physical stress before or during menstruation;
  • a stressful situation that occurred in the last week before the onset of menstruation;
  • development of endometriosis;
  • early spontaneous abortion;
  • the presence of tumors in the uterus;
  • poor blood clotting.

If how much blood a woman loses during her period per day significantly exceeds her usual volume of discharge, the situation can be extremely dangerous. Whatever your general health, it is very important to distinguish normal menstruation from intrauterine bleeding in time.

There are a number of characteristic signs that allow you to understand that a woman has started bleeding, and not the usual monthly menstruation:

  • excessively large volume of discharge, forcing you to change protective equipment (tampons or pads) more than twice within an hour;
  • deterioration of health. Dizziness, chills, headaches, fever, increased heart rate - all this may indicate intrauterine bleeding;
  • have discharge bad smell, which has never been observed before;
  • discharge is too thin and bright in color. This should be especially alarming in the postpartum period, when lochia comes out naturally;
  • heavy bleeding began spontaneously, and less than 20 days have passed since the previous menstruation.

All these signs indicate that the work female body a failure occurred, or perhaps a dangerous pathological process even began.