Download congratulations on Annunciation Day. Short congratulations on the Annunciation. Beautiful cards for the Annunciation with poems

Happy Annunciation to you
We congratulate you now,
Light, kindness, warmth
We wish you all the best,
Sun, peace, beauty,
Happiness, joy, love,
May God not forsake you
At your most difficult hour!

On Annunciation I wish
Happiness, peace and goodness,
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
After all, the good news has arrived!

I wish you good health,
Keep your soul pure.
The path that life has prepared,
Must be the best!

Congratulations on the Annunciation,
Let your heart flutter
From delight, jubilation,
I wish you peace and prosperity!

May this day be holy and pure
The good church bells sounded,
And the sparkling shine of the bells
Mesmerized by his beam!

Happy Annunciation to you, that’s what I want to say,
I wish to know neither about troubles nor about evil.
May Holy Mary help strengthen faith,
I wish to preserve love and kindness towards people in my soul.

I congratulate you on the Annunciation
And I always wish you only joyful news,
And the brightest and most sincere thoughts,
And warmth in the heart every day.

Let everyone who crosses your threshold
Your home is filled with goodness and peace,
Let all the best in fate happen,
And may happiness find you everywhere!

Arangel Gabriel once upon a time
He brought happy news to Mary,
I need to congratulate you on this,
There is a reason for this.

Good health and happiness,
Let goodness settle in
So that bad weather does not overtake you,
And let there be light in your soul.

Congratulate all your loved ones
On this day you with all your heart,
May the Angel protect them,
Let your thoughts be good.

When everything around comes to life,
Covering the trees with greenery.
Good news has come to earth
Bringing blessings with you.

And brightening our thoughts,
And encouraging souls,
So that we become kinder and cleaner,
May our world become a much better place.

And the bell shimmers
Beautiful ringing, loud and clear
Illumines everyone with grace,
Warmth and radiant joy.

I congratulate you and wish you
So that every day is the brightest,
Let the heart only know joy
Health to you and your children.

So that happiness settles in the house
And so that success comes to you in a hurry.
Love and joy lasted forever
And the Lord kept you from troubles.

Mary heard the good news,
And I wish you only good news,
Let the elements whirl you around with joy,
And the angel will send you responsive guests!

Let smiles surround you more often,
May the heavens protect you from insults,
In the affairs of workers you know no mistakes,
Let the holiday illuminate your home!

good news
Descended from heaven -
Holy life
Born in the womb!

We wish you light
And joy in the soul,
After all, holiness has been given to you
Since birth already!

We remember the good news today
brought by a heavenly angel,
May the Mother of God, Mary the Most Holy
Protects you from troubles and worries.

Let there be only good news
Problems bypass you
May life be filled with wonderful harmony,
And there will be time for spiritual silence.

Let there be no excitement in your soul,
Let yourself stop for a moment,
To feel the touch of the sky,
So that the light of love can shine on you.

At the Annunciation
God promised
Virgin Mary
Birth of Christ.

On this holiday we
Joyful light
I illuminated everyone
Her purity.

Rejoice with us -
Under the clouds
Heralds flock
Flapping its wing!

We release the birds
Congratulations to you,
Wishing everyone the best
In the earthly world! ©

The bird is not building a nest today,
The girl doesn't braid her hair -
We pray at the Annunciation
And the birds must be allowed to fly!

Prayer makes people happy
Calm the soul.
So let Mary the Virgin holiness
Will be with you for life! ©

In the Annunciation, mommy, I wish
So that your life is cloudless!
And so that the long-awaited news, dear,
I made you happy again!

So let's pray with you about that
Holy Our Virgin Mary,
So that she protects us tirelessly
And gave joy and peace to the soul! ©

Annunciation Day with zeal
Everyone is instructed to:
Do goodness and mercy,
And bring good to those who suffer.


Give unnoticed care
Those in need here and there,
Then with your bright prayer
Peace and love will descend upon you. ©

With good news, angel of God
On that day he appeared before the Virgin,
So that today, on a fine day,
The people prayed to the intercessor.

Congratulations on the great holiday
Allow me, my dears!
Let's praise God together
And his earthly mercies! ©

Friend, congratulations on the Annunciation
I want to wish you happiness.
Today we will praise the Message of the Lord,
May you celebrate this holiday with joy!

I hope the Lord will help you -
His mercies will be immeasurable!
The protection of the Lord is more precious to you and me,
There is nothing in this mortal world! ©

Celebrate the Annunciation, all people!
An angel was sent with good news,
That Mary will suddenly become the Mother of God,
And from now on this day is declared a holiday!

Let it be with your heartfelt prayer
The world will rejoice with good news again,
And the Intercessor Mary the Virgin is eternal
He will protect you and calm your soul. ©

Let me congratulate you on the Annunciation, friend,
On this day, let everything around you bloom,
Divine light will pour down to us from heaven,
Reminding everyone of the possibility of miracles.

Every year on April 7, the entire Orthodox world celebrates the Annunciation Holy Mother of God. The great church celebration is one of the twelve and is celebrated exactly 9 months before the Nativity of Christ. The Annunciation consists of two days - the pre-celebration and the post-celebration (the Council of the Holy Archangel Gabriel). The background of the date, described by the Apostle Luke in the lines of the Gospel, is familiar to almost everyone. As is the tradition of congratulating each other on this significant day. But on the eve of the holiday, we recommend that you once again remember the important biblical events that preceded it in order to most successfully select pictures and cards with congratulations, wishes and poems for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2018 for your dearest people. Don't wait until April 7, 2018 to download suitable congratulatory content for Odnoklassniki. Start preparing today.

Pictures of congratulations on the Orthodox church holiday - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2018

The history of the Feast of the Annunciation begins with Gabriel's message to Mary. Appearing to the innocent Virgin, the archangel personally announced the great grace sent by the Lord. Nine months later, the woman was to become the mother of God’s Son, which means she would complete the important work of the Almighty to save the human world. Mary accepted the fate prepared for her with gratitude and humility and trusted in the intentions of the Lord. On this very day, Jesus became incarnate in human form on our earth. The church holiday of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary was not immediately approved Orthodox Church: only from the 5th century they began to celebrate the occasion and congratulate each other kind words, and over time - poems, pictures and postcards. Don’t forget to remind your friends and family about the great religious event - download and send pictures of congratulations on the Orthodox church holiday - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2018.

Collection of congratulatory pictures for the Orthodox Annunciation 2018

Beautiful cards for the Annunciation with poems

On the territory of Rus', paganism and Christianity are closely intertwined. As a result, the celebration of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos is also characterized by an unusual mixture of ancient customs and church dogmas. Lay people still believe that on the Annunciation all prayers are sent directly to the Lord, all requests are heard by heaven, all wishes will certainly come true, and even simple postcards with poems can bring happiness, health and joy for a whole year. The soul of the Almighty is especially open to those who do not violate the strict conditions of Great Lent, despite the glorious holiday. But even those who consciously refused to fast can count on the favor of the Lord. It is enough to pray sincerely and from the heart, congratulate your loved ones with beautiful cards for the Annunciation with poems, ask for forgiveness for your sins and hope for the fulfillment of your brightest desires.

A selection of the most beautiful postcards with poems for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Original pictures of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2018 with congratulations and wishes

Our ancestors had many unique rituals to fulfill desires dedicated to the day of the Annunciation. These include the symbolic release of birds, which relieves failures and illnesses, the reading of incantation prayers to the Archangel Gabriel, the preparation of Annunciation salt, etc. Today, many of these rituals are considered outdated and are gradually being erased from the traditions of Orthodox society. Instead, young people and the older generation en masse send original pictures of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2018 with congratulations and wishes to acquaintances, colleagues, friends and godfathers. Such a gesture is a kind of sign of a caring attitude towards loved ones. The most original pictures with wishes and congratulations on the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary can be viewed in the following collection.

Collection of original pictures with congratulations and wishes for Annunciation 2018

The best greeting pictures for the Annunciation 2018 for Odnoklassniki

On the Orthodox church holiday of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as on other twelve-day celebrations, you should not do certain things. For example, you cannot sew or knit, borrow your own money or ask someone else’s for a loan, put on new clothes and start a new business. But at the same time, you can do other, more pleasant things on Annunciation: go to visit your relatives, have fun with friends, send all your friends the best congratulatory pictures on Annunciation 2018 for Odnoklassniki.

A selection of the best congratulatory pictures for Odnoklassniki for the church holiday - Annunciation 2018

When looking for pictures and cards for Odnoklassniki for the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2018, be sure to look through our selections. Here you will quickly and completely free download the most beautiful electronic congratulations with poems and wishes for one of the main Orthodox church holidays.

With the Annunciation cordially
I sincerely congratulate you!
Let it be easy, carefree
Your life is wonderful.

Our Lady, of course
Let him save you from sorrows.
So that everything is peaceful and successful,
The soul rushed to fly.

Beautiful day of the Annunciation
Came to us in April:
An angel announced the birth
Jesus came to us in time.

May this holiday be joyful
Only brings good things.
May new happiness come to you
And you will shine with a rainbow!

Happy Annunciation to you
Congratulations on a good hour!
The good news will hasten
Let happiness come to your home together!

Smile and have fun -
Life has actually been good.
May joy touch you
Faith will light up in your heart!

With glorious news, the most beautiful
I will congratulate you early today.
Annunciation Day, the most important day,
We will meet you with prayer and love!

The face of the Mother of God, bright and pure,
Let it shine in every family,
The news of the Great, cherished and close,
It will spread throughout the earth again!

Annunciation is a special holiday,
Spend this day with purity,
Try not to work, try not to get angry,
Meet with an open and pure soul.

I wish you well, light,
Let trouble forget your house
Fill your heart with hello
Will lead good news later.

Holy Annunciation is coming to us,
The Orthodox will gather together in the temple,
We all pray to the Mother of God
It will immediately make you feel better!

May this holiday bring happiness
Mother of God keeps us from adversity
And give health to all the sick
And fill our lives with love!

The bright news flies through the window for all of us
The song of the little yellow-breasted titmouse -
And everything seemed to become a little brighter,
And warmth ignites in the heart, as if from a match.

Today I congratulate you on the gift of the Lord!
May kindness and order reign in your family,
Let everyone wish each other well,
He collects fruits from the soul of fertile beds.

May there be no end to your happiness,
As for you, God never lacks love.
And let no one ever judge you for doing good.
Evil has never defeated him and Love!

Good news Archangel Gabriel
He brought it to Mary the Immaculate Virgin:
The Creator made the wish come true
And the God-man was conceived in the womb.

Let this message go to every house of God
Spring, prosperity and luck will come.
Trust in the Lord and think about him.
By faith everyone will be rewarded. Not otherwise.

Let him bring good news
Have a bright March day,
There is good in this world,
May God protect you from troubles!

I wish you great health,
Prosperity, peace and comfort,
Let it be filled with love
Your life every minute!

On this day, the Virgin Mary angel
He spoke the good news -
That two hearts beat inside her from now on,
Well, soon Christ was born.

I wish you sincerely
Many years, wonderful days.
For today, for tomorrow, forever
Only good news to you!

I wish you well in the Annunciation,
May your life be full of them.
Good news warms your souls
And day after day, hearts warm from them!

On the Day of the Blessed Virgin Mary
May the angels be with you
May they save you from troubles
They will give it for many, many years.

Congratulations on the great feast of the Annunciation. May there be a lot of joy and warmth in your life. Never stop believing in a miracle, and it will definitely come true.

Congratulations on the Annunciation!
I wish you peace and joy in your soul.
May the Mother of God help,
Protects from all adversity.

Congratulations on the Annunciation!
Have a quiet life, peace and warmth.
Let the sadness pass, and, without a doubt,
The Lord will protect us all from evil.

Good news is joy for souls,
And purity of thoughts is a reward.
Let the holiday give inspiration
And God's blessing!

Congratulations on the Annunciation
And I wish you more good things.
Let the good, pure, eternal,
It will always be in your souls!

The willows are turning white, the sun is warming,
It’s light from good thoughts.
Let the world become a little kinder,
After all, the Annunciation has arrived!

I congratulate you on the Annunciation,
I wish you only good news,
So that they sound more often,
Warming your days with goodness!

Happy Annunciation, happiness, joy,
A righteous life without fatigue,
So that no one knocks on the house
And everything always worked out!

Happy Annunciation! Peace and sunshine
And harmony, happiness all around.
May you no longer have to grieve,
May joy suddenly come to you.
May God always remain in your heart,
Driving away melancholy and illness.

Harmony, peace, warmth and health,
And God's support in difficult matters.
Live easy, cherish love
And remember the good news on this holiday.

Happy Annunciation! Peace of mind in your home,
More joy, warmth, happy days.
Faith will save us - it will drive away pain from our hearts.
May your life be better, more joyful, brighter!

The Annunciation is a great holiday
I wish you happiness, warmth,
So that in a big, many-sided world
Faith was strong and main,
So that you never go down in your life,
So that love saves you from evil.

The Annunciation has arrived
My heart felt joyful.
On a bright, clear April day
Everything will be fine for you!

Congratulations, congratulations
I wish you peace and warmth.
May the Lord protect from troubles
And the angel will always be by your side!

Pray to the Most Holy Theotokos,
May your heart be filled with goodness
Let a smile shine on your face
And along the way only good things will happen.
Don't be sad on Annunciation,
And let go of your grievances!

I wish you good news
And life gets brighter every day.
Let goodness and prosperity be found in the house.
And with the Annunciation of the Holy Mother of God to you!

Congratulations on the Annunciation!
May the Mother of God protect you,
The house will be joyful, cozy,
Happiness in life every minute.

Happy Annunciation! Happy holiday!
Let sadness go away, goodness win,
The day will be joyful, the sun will be sparkling,
And let a cheerful mood settle in the soul.

Warmth, gratitude, peace, comfort,
May a great miracle happen on a holiday
The strongest health, strength and prosperity,
Joy, happiness, good luck, order.