Proper nutrition will give you health in old age. The benefits of sports nutrition for the elderly have been revealed Sports nutrition for the elderly

Most people over 50 don't even think about exercising. It seems to them that an aging body cannot cope with the stress, that bodybuilding after 50 years can lead to illness, cause arrhythmia, arthrosis, etc. It's not like that at all.

Of course, if there are prerequisites for certain diseases or a chronic disease is diagnosed, it is better to exercise after consulting a therapist. The specialist will determine the amount of exercise that will not only do no harm, but will also help the body cope with age-related diseases, tell you which sports are good for the heart, for musculoskeletal system etc. The doctor will also advise what sports nutrition is best to use, what dietary supplements will help quickly improve your health and increase your tone.

Sports after 50. What sports are useful after 50 years

Sports after 50 years are the prerogative of not only retired professional athletes who do not want to lose shape. Gymnastics, swimming, cardio training, yoga, walking will be useful for almost all people, regardless of age.

Training for those over 50 is a way to improve blood circulation, warm up joints, strengthen muscles, tone the body, and help it cope with age-related changes.

Most often, for older people who are not professional athletes in the past, trainers recommend cardio training. In the fitness club, these include skiing and cycling classes, some types of fitness, aerobics and Pilates, yoga for beginners. Walking is also recommended (especially Nordic walking, since the poles with which athletes exercise help to properly distribute the load and relieve tension from the spine and joints), skiing and skating in winter, and swimming and kayaking in summer. All these activities do not require special training. However, it is very important to know how to train after 50 years without injury, how to maintain healthy joints, cartilage and tendons, how to start training correctly, etc.

First What you need to remember when playing sports at an older age is “do no harm.” Power training after 50 years are available only to those who are prepared. The training plan should be drawn up by a trainer, and if there are diseases, it must be coordinated with a doctor.

Second- Warm-up is an essential component of any workout.
Exercises for those over 50 are quite simple, but effective. And they allow you to quickly prepare the body for more serious stress.

Before any sports activities, the following exercises are recommended for older people:

  • stretching - stretch your arms up as high as possible, stand like that for a few seconds. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times. Stretch your legs by hooking your foot behind your hand and bending your shins;
  • prepare the spine for exercise by bending in different directions;
  • stretch the shoulder region (very carefully, so as not to damage the vertebrae, rotate your hands, arms bent at the elbows, do swings, warming up the forearm).

Warm-up takes only 5-10 minutes. This is enough for the body to “get involved” in its work, blood circulation increases, and lubricant begins to be produced in the joints.

The third thing that professional trainers and doctors advise is proper nutrition and supportive medications. Fitness for those over 50 is not only a way to lose or gain weight muscle mass. Sport at this age helps to maintain health. This is a workout for the cardiovascular system, joints, and ligaments. And for classes to be effective, you need to devote Special attention sports nutrition. This is an appropriate diet, and, of course, bioactive supplements.

Features of sports nutrition after 50 years

The main question that sports activities solve is not how to lose weight after 50 years, but how to stay healthy. That is why the choice of sports nutrition should be approached very carefully. “Chemistry” - steroids and anabolic steroids, can harm even a young body, not to mention older people. Sports nutrition after 50 years it should be as natural as possible. It is best to consume protein in hydrolyzate form. The body absorbs the drug very quickly, making training incredibly effective. Don't forget about the joints. Especially for those who prefer strength exercises.

Recommended by doctors and sports trainers, Collagen Ultra is exactly what will help maintain healthy joints.

Bodybuilding after 50 years is risky because as you get older, cartilage tissue becomes looser and joints begin to deteriorate. And increased loads greatly accelerate this process. To help joints, cartilage, and ligaments, you need to additionally take collagen. This substance is a building material for connective tissue. Even a light workout for those over 50 can result in joint pain if you don't take care of them in advance. Recommended by doctors and sports trainers, Collagen Ultra is exactly what will help maintain healthy joints. As a preventive measure, it is best to take soluble collagen - 1-2 sachets per day. And if your joints are already sore, then ointment and gel from the Collagen Ultra series will help. These products have a warming effect, relieve pain, and also contain medicinal substances that help relieve inflammation of joints and muscles.

Fitness for those over 50 is a must. This is a way to improve your health, be constantly in good shape, and not feel the approach of old age. Sport lengthens life if you approach the process correctly. How to exercise for men after 50, what to do for women to maintain youthful and elastic skin, it is better to get answers to all these questions from specialists in advance, so that sports activities can help and not harm the body.

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Is margarine harmful?

Some people are very prejudiced against margarine. Meanwhile, this type of fat is very promising, since margarine, more than any other fat, can be given any biological and nutritional properties. Margarine in moderation (20 - 25 g) should be used in the diet of older people for culinary purposes. Margarine is a combined fat, including vegetable and animal fats. Combined fats, in addition to margarine, include compound fat and fats used for cooking. Margarine is the most common type of edible fat throughout the world, the production of which is constantly growing. The production of margarine and other combined fats is based on salomas, or hydrogenated fat, which is vegetable oil or marine animal fat, solidified by saturating unsaturated fatty acids with hydrogen and converting them into saturated fatty acids that have a solid consistency. The composition of margarine, depending on its type, includes 50-60% lard, 10-15% refined vegetable oil, 12-16% milk, a small amount of sugar (0.7%), salt (ABOUT 1%), water (0.3-0.8%). Margarine is fortified with vitamins A (1.5 mg per 50 g of margarine) and D (10 mcg per 50 g). The digestibility of margarine is 94-98%, i.e. it is similar to the digestibility butter. Thus, the usefulness of margarine lies in its good digestibility, the presence in its composition of vegetable oil, milk or cream, with all their beneficial properties, as well as high calorie content and good taste and culinary properties.

There are different opinions on the issue of the protein needs of elderly and old people. Most researchers believe that proteins should be present in sufficient quantities in the diet of older people, but somewhat less than in young and middle age. The rationale for the relatively high protein needs of older people is that during life, the breakdown of proteins in their bodies occurs in large quantities, while protein recovery and synthesis are limited. In addition, a fairly large amount of protein is necessary to maintain the constancy of specific proteins that perform vital functions in the body. The quantitative and qualitative constancy of specific proteins in the body is maintained by food proteins. There is evidence that against the background of a sufficient amount of protein, the biological effect of anti-sclerotic substances in the body - choline, methionine, phosphatides, polyunsaturated fatty acids, etc. - is most effective. All this confirms the need for sufficient protein supply in old age. Along with this, it is recommended to limit animal protein in the diet of the elderly, considering this as an element of the prevention of atherosclerosis. Thus, some American scientists believe that “a diet based on grains, fruits and vegetables, with a minimum amount of animal proteins, is necessary for those people who need to reduce blood lipid levels to avoid cardiovascular disease" (Olson, 1962).

The need to use fairly high protein standards in the diet of older people, approximately 1-1.5 g per 1 kg of body weight per day, is quite scientifically substantiated. A protein norm of 1.5 g per 1 kg of weight guarantees both coverage of the need for essential, vital amino acids, and satisfaction of the body’s overall need for protein, which ensures a positive nitrogen balance.

In addition to establishing the quantitative norm of protein, in old age it is important to determine the specific gravity of animal protein in it. Among older people, there are frequent cases of self-restraint of animal protein, especially meat, and adherence to a predominantly dairy-vegetable diet. According to modern concepts, in a balanced diet for the elderly, animal proteins (proteins from meat, fish, eggs, milk) should make up approximately 50% of the total amount of protein in the diet. So, with a protein norm of 100 g per day, half of this amount (50 g) should be satisfied from animal protein. Of this amount, 25 g should be provided by milk protein (300 g of milk, kefir, 100-150 g of cottage cheese, etc.), the remaining 25 g by meat, fish, eggs (200 g of meat or 200 g of fish and 1 egg, etc.). P.). Second half daily norm protein (50 g) are plant proteins (proteins from bread, cereals, potatoes, vegetables and other plant products).

Melt water has been used since ancient times in folk medicine and is endowed with truly magical healing properties. Today we’ll figure out what the actual benefits of melt water are and whether it can be harmful.

Of course, the phenomenon of melt water has been studied in some detail by scientists and they associate its main benefits with its unique structure. When water freezes, it acquires a special structure, which looks like an accumulation of a large number of crystals of the correct shape. At the moment of thawing, its crystalline structure remains for some time. The exact duration will depend on the temperature.

Melt water molecules are smaller compared to tap water, which gives them the opportunity to better penetrate cell membranes and activate metabolic processes. This helps rejuvenate the body at the cellular level. In addition, there are fewer impurities in melt water.

Among the main benefits of melt water are: treatment of allergies, acceleration of metabolic processes, cleansing of waste and toxins, strengthening the immune system, improving digestion processes and even increasing efficiency and improving sleep. In addition, it actively prevents the aging process, which is why it is widely used in cosmetology.

You should drink melt water immediately after defrosting, until its temperature rises above 10 degrees. You can also prepare herbal infusions with melt water, but it should not be heated above 37 degrees.

We are talking about the dangers of melt water when it is used and prepared incorrectly. So you shouldn’t drink only melt water; it needs to be introduced into the diet gradually (to give the body time to adapt). You should not drink melt water made from snow, as its purity leaves much to be desired.

To prepare melt water at home, collect the water in a separate container and let it stand for several hours, then freeze the water in a convenient container. The first crust of ice (usually it appears after 1-2 hours) should be removed, since it contains heavy deuterium. When there is some unfrozen water and most of the ice left in the container, drain the water (it contains harmful chemical compounds). Melt the resulting ice at room temperature, this will be that very healthy melt water.

How to drink protein correctly

Protein is a protein that is very important for the growth of muscle mass, which is why professional athletes and weightlifters most often need its additional intake.

Protein is divided into two main types - quickly digestible and long digestible. It is logical that the fast one almost instantly charges the body with energy, but the slow one acts gradually.

Whey protein is a fast-acting protein, so it should be taken on an empty stomach, a few hours before training, or immediately after active exercise.

Casein protein is a slow-acting protein, so it is taken before bed or as a meal replacement. It satisfies hunger well and does not overload the body with excess fats and carbohydrates.

The rules for taking protein will directly depend on your specific goal.

If you want to build muscle mass, you should drink protein before and after training, but in the second case, the dosage should be 2 times higher. It is best to choose whey protein in hydrolyzed form.

A small dose of protein just before bed will ensure a flow of amino acids to the muscles during the most active period of their recovery - at night. In this case would be better suited casein protein, and it is better to choose protein isolate, since it is better purified and absorbed gradually.

If you plan to take protein for weight loss, then first divide your daily diet into 4-5 meals. It is important that the first one falls between 7 and 9 a.m., and the last one at least 2 hours before bedtime. It is these meals that can be partially or completely replaced with protein shakes.

The morning one is best prepared with whey protein, milk, oatmeal and even ice cream or sweet syrup. But in the evening you can add milk, cottage cheese and some fruits or berries. At the same time, sweets and flour products should be excluded from all other meals, since it is important to create a calorie deficit.

If we talk directly about recipes for preparing protein, then you don’t have to bother and just mix it with water, and if you want to turn protein into a complete meal or dessert, then you can add fruits, vegetables, dairy and dairy products, cereals, sweeteners, etc.

How Chewing Gum and Sleeping Can Cause Wrinkles

Cosmetologists and face experts spoke about the most bad habits that accelerate skin aging and gave valuable advice on how to get rid of them.

The arsenal of modern cosmetology allows every woman to choose her own remedy in the struggle for youth and beauty. But few people know that magic injections, laser procedures and various cosmetics will be practically useless if you are used to frequently using facial expressions or sleeping exclusively with your face in the pillow. So what ages your skin?

You rub your eyes with your hands

The skin around the eyes requires a very careful and careful attitude. It is very tender and sensitive, since it has few sebaceous glands and a subcutaneous layer of fatty tissue. If you do not care for this area properly, the first wrinkles in the corners of the eyes may appear as early as 20-25 years of age. Moreover, with age, these manifestations will only worsen.

After any water procedures It is important to wipe your face with gentle blotting movements. Wash your face better water room temperature, wash off makeup from your eyes as carefully as possible, using smooth movements.

You sleep with your face in your pillow

Wrinkles can also attack you at night. Most often, people sleep in the same positions, and if in youth the so-called “sleep lines” quickly straighten, then with age the risk that they will remain on the face forever is much higher.

If you sleep on your side, wrinkles may appear on your cheeks and chin; if you sleep with your face in the pillow, wrinkles may appear on your forehead and neck. Nasolabial folds will be more noticeable on the side on which you lie most often.

The main insidiousness of “sleep wrinkles” is that they form without muscle contraction, so creams and muscle blockers have no effect on them. There are two ways to avoid such problems: sleep on your back or apply tapes to your face at night.

Remember that another serious enemy of your skin is lack of sleep. If you want to look alert and fresh in the morning, go to bed early.

You often tilt your neck

With the advent of gadgets in our lives, the number of patients with osteochondrosis and diseases of the spine has sharply increased. We spend a lot of time with our heads tilted toward our phones or our necks craned toward the monitor. Under such conditions, the back muscles weaken greatly and wrinkles appear. To avoid this, it is important to always keep your head straight so that the angle between your neck and chin is about 90 degrees. Make it a habit to constantly monitor your posture and try to move as much as possible.

Do you chew gum often?

Another unobvious cause of wrinkles is the love of chewing gum. They provoke excessive tension in the chewing muscles, which puts a lot of stress on the jaw. And this provokes the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth.

Our diet should contain all the necessary nutrients: proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Only then can it be complete and correct.

In this article, we will once again talk about the importance of proteins in nutrition and find out which products satisfy the body’s need for them.

Why do you need protein?

Proteins are the most valuable component of food. In the human body, they perform a variety of biological functions - regulatory (regulate many physiological processes), construction (participate in the formation of cell membranes and cell organelles), protective (support immunity), transport (transport hormones, sugars and other substances), energy (serve as one from energy sources), etc.

Proteins supplied with food in the gastrointestinal tract are broken down into amino acids - a kind of “building blocks” necessary for the creation of new proteins in the body.

Animal and plant proteins contain 22 amino acids, of which 9 are essential, the rest are replaceable. Essential acids differ from replaceable ones in that they cannot be synthesized in the body. A deficiency of essential amino acids leads to inhibition of protein synthesis in the body and a failure in the process of cell renewal.

The main source of essential amino acids are animal proteins found in meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dairy products. In proteins of plant origin (cereals, legumes, vegetables, fruits) non-essential amino acids predominate. Consequently, all plant foods are deficient in the composition of essential amino acids. So, all grains (porridge, bakery products) deficient in lysine and threonine; legumes, all vegetables, fruits - methionine and cysteine. Therefore, if for breakfast we eat porridge steamed in water, then we do not receive two essential amino acids at once - lysine and threonine. Ideally, in order for new proteins to be formed in the body, at each meal the body must receive the entire set of essential amino acids, that is, the dish must be balanced in amino acids composition.

To make porridge cooked with iodine a complete protein product, it must be seasoned with milk, as has always been done in Russia. In Moldova, mamalyga - porridge made from corn flour - is seasoned with pieces of cheese; in Georgia, porridge is eaten with suluguni cheese.

The combination of meat or fish with potatoes, rice, pasta and other starchy carbohydrates is found in the dishes of many countries. From point of view balanced nutrition, such a combination is acceptable, but with one condition: the meat should not be fatty, since the combination of fat and carbohydrates is the main reason for the appearance excess weight. At overweight The best side dishes for meat and fish are starchy vegetables and herbs. But if you are underweight, which is often observed in older people, you can safely combine boiled or stewed meat and fish, meat and fish cutlets with potatoes, pasta, and cereals.

Elderly people also need meat products because meat contains a lot of bioavailable iron. And this is the prevention of iron deficiency anemia, which is often found in the elderly due to age-related changes in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to impaired absorption of iron. It is known that iron is absorbed by the body only from animal meat; it is practically not absorbed from plants and grains. Rabbit meat is the leader in iron content - 3.3 mg%. Beef contains 2.7 mg% iron. But most of this mineral substance is in the liver of animals and birds: in beef - 6.9 mg%, in chicken liver - 17.5 mg%. In general, liver is a rich source of all micro and macroelements, so it should be included in the diet 1-2 times a week.

The daily protein requirement in old age is 0.8-1.0 g per 1 kg of weight. For optimal protein metabolism, it is necessary that the ratio of animal and plant proteins in the daily diet is 50:50.

At Abuse of meat food poses a risk of developing atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke; with strict vegetarianism - cancer and anemia, which leads to oxygen starvation of all organs, especially the heart and brain.

In old age, it is recommended to eat meat 2-3 times a week, fish too 1 3 times a week and spend 1-2 fasting days. The most valuable meat for older people is rabbit, turkey and chicken meat, as it is easily digestible and rich in the very important essential amino acid lysine.

Tips from Japanese chefs

Each amino acid performs its own functions in the human body. For example, lysine promotes the reduction of cholesterol, better absorption of calcium, and improves vision. This amino acid has an antiviral effect.

In addition to meat products, fish also contain a sufficient amount of slime, especially pink salmon, sardines, tuna, sturgeon, and squid. There is another essential amino acid in fish and seafood - taurine More taurine is found in squid, shrimp, and mussels.

Taurine is necessary for the body to transmit signals in nerve cells. It stimulates the regeneration and metabolism of eye tissue and its retina, normalizes blood pressure, reduces blood cholesterol, improves the functioning of the heart muscle, and improves the action of insulin.

There is little taurine in the meat of animals and birds; it is practically absent in vegetables and fruits. Therefore, for older people, seafood is very healthy, especially since it is easier and faster to digest.

However, some nutritionists do not advise older people to consume certain seafood due to their high cholesterol content. At the same time, Japanese nutritionists have proven that seafood containing cholesterol is considered safe if the level of taurine in it is 4 times higher than the level of cholesterol. And in most seafood (squid, shrimp, mussels) there is 11 times more taurine. Moreover, Japanese chefs advise using broths in which seafood is cooked, since taurine dissolves well in water.

More recently, Russian nutritionists have proven that squid is especially beneficial for older people, since in addition to taurine, they contain a lot of copper, which is necessary for the synthesis of hemoglobin. In addition, copper deficiency leads to fragility of blood vessels and hemorrhages. Squid also contains selenium, a powerful antioxidant.

Ideal source of amino acids

Eggs are a traditional and beloved food product. But for almost the entire 20th century, eggs, especially the yolk, were considered far from useful product, and all because they contain a large amount of cholesterol. At the same time, egg white is a highly valuable animal protein; it is completely digested and absorbed by the body by 98%. Eggs are really high in cholesterol - 0.57 g % (for comparison, in chicken meat -0.02-0.03 g %), Moreover, all the cholesterol is concentrated in the yolk; it is not found in the whites of eggs. However, the yolk itself contains many substances that can counteract the adverse effects of excess cholesterol. These are, for example, phospholipids, in particular lecithin. The lecithin content in the yolk is 6 times higher, which is a very favorable ratio and completely negates the negative effect of cholesterol, transferring it to the useful category.

Lecithin is an important factor in regulating cholesterol metabolism. It prevents the accumulation of excess amounts of cholesterol in the body, promotes its breakdown and excretion from the body.

In addition to the lecithin necessary for the body, the yolk of eggs contains more B vitamins, vitamins A and D than the white, but most importantly, it contains quite a lot of choline, this “supersubstance” for the brain.

Choline is part of acetylcholine, one of the functions of which is to ensure the transmission of impulses from one neuron to another. With a lack of choline, by the age of 40, typical senile sclerosis can begin, expressed in forgetfulness and absent-mindedness. Since a lack of choline can cause entire colonies of neurons to die, there is ultimately a risk of developing senile dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

The latest research proves this. that thanks good nutrition With enough choline, seemingly irreparable memory loss can be cured.

In addition to egg hardness, choline is sufficient in the liver of animals and birds, in sprouted wheat grains, oatmeal, cauliflower and broccoli.

Egg white contains neither lecithin nor choline, but it contains a lot of valuable essential amino acid - methionine. methionine is useful because it prevents the deposition of fat in the liver and blood vessels and has a powerful antioxidant effect.

So it is beneficial for a person to eat a whole egg, and eggs should be included in the diet at any age. However, older people are advised to eat quail eggs rather than chicken eggs. They have many benefits: they contain more vitamin A ( egg- 0.25 mg%, quail - 0.47 mg%), more valuable choline (chicken egg - 251 mg%, quail - 507 mg%), as well as more iron, magnesium, copper, selenium and chromium. In addition, the protein of quail eggs is absorbed by the elderly body much better than the protein of chicken eggs.

Products not recommended for the elderly include all smoked products (meat and fish) and sausages. These products are saturated with harmful compounds and provoke the development of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

Advice from specialist Nina Samokhina.

“60 years is not old”

Who eats right today or even knows how to eat right? What is it, the most effective program for our balanced nutrition and effective life?
We don't have a definite answer. There are a lot of diets, methods, programs, directions, and therefore it is difficult to decide which one to give preference to, in order to actively replenish, and not waste your energy capabilities on trifles.

Products give us strength, nourish us with energy, shape our organs - from complexion to figure.
Food is both a building material, a medicine, and a poison. Our whole life depends on the food we eat, and how well it is chosen, how healthy our heart, blood vessels, brain, tissues and other vital organs will be tomorrow, in a month, in a year, in 10 years.

Many of us only know that our food should consist of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, but there are also enzymes, acids and much more. They form the energy base of our nutrition. And both a shortage and an excess of any of them upset this balance and can even be dangerous to health.

In short, there are no fewer questions here than answers. In addition to the fact that our diet should be balanced, it should not contain food hazards. And today there are plenty of them - refined foods, food additives, hydrogenated oils, various kinds of stabilizers, preservatives, fillers, flavors, dyes, surrogates and unpurified water.

The energy base of nutrition consists of proteins, saturated and unsaturated fats and carbohydrates. An excess of any of them (as well as a deficiency) is dangerous to health. They also need to be consumed in certain quantities.

Large protein molecules consist of smaller amino acids, which inside the protein are connected to each other like links in one chain. Some amino acids can only enter the body from outside with food; such amino acids are called essential. Other amino acids are nonessential because they are formed in the body through internal processes.

Therefore, the usefulness of protein products is largely determined by the content of essential amino acids in them.

Rich sources of protein: white chicken and turkey meat, liver and calf meat, fish and fish products, cottage cheese, egg whites.

Vegetable protein products, as a rule, do not contain all the essential amino acids, however, vegetable protein has nutritional value precisely due to the presence of essential amino acids in it. A large number of Protein is found in onion leaves, parsley, watercress, and horseradish.

Organic acids contained in vegetables in significant quantities determine their sour taste (sorrel, borage, lettuce). In many vegetables, citric and malic acids predominate, but there is also oxalic and tartaric acid.

Organic acids actively participate in metabolism and stimulate the activity of the salivary glands.

In most plants, it is not just one substance that is healing, but a combination of substances. In cases where plant foods predominate in the human diet (for example, vegetarians), they have to be artificially enriched essential amino acids in the form of special food additives.

Important note about the quality of protein products

Any methods of preserving protein products (primarily meat) reduce the nutritional value of this product. Repeated freezing and thawing, adding preservatives, etc. destroy the natural structure of fragile protein molecules.

The nutritional value of frozen meat is at least 40% lower compared to the same unfrozen product.

In principle, we must strive to natural products(such as fresh meat, fresh fish, eggs, white poultry), and too intensive processing of such products (for example, deep frying or long boiling) also reduces the nutritional value of proteins.

Thus, a 100-gram piece of beef tenderloin cooked “rare” will be more valuable from a nutritional point of view than 300 g of the same boiled meat or the notorious Bush chicken legs.

You can’t mindlessly consume protein!

So we know that...

1 Natural proteins are the natural building blocks of our body.

We don't know what...

2 Even in the best condition, proteins, if consumed in excessive quantities, can cause serious disturbances in body chemistry.

When a person reaches his maturity, he requires a minimal amount of protein - only to maintain “nitrogen balance”. Therefore, when old age approaches, even this minimum can be reduced.

3 It is believed that dairy products cause great harm to older people. " Most of old people float inside their milk coffins,” Dr. Williams from London wisely joked. If the secretion and bile of the liver are toxic and acidic, the milk curds in the stomach and turns into a hard and viscous substance, like rubber. The whey, forming lime urate, clogs the bile ducts, settles in the gallbladder and contributes to the formation of gallstones. It is lime urate that forms a whitish coating on the tongue and causes bad smell from the mouth (the tongue is a barometer of the liver).

If you have liver disease, you should pay attention to the use of milk as a dietary protein, especially for older people.

4 Different proteins are incompatible during meals, so only one protein should be consumed at a time.

5 Boiled and fried animal protein in the body turns into poorly digestible and therefore rots during the digestion process (90% of diseases are caused by it!).

6 Adding salt to meat, both raw and cooked, always causes severe indigestion.

7 Do not boil or fry egg whites. The longer the protein is cooked, the more putrefactive products there will be in the urine, sweat, and other secretions. It should be lightly cooked (stewed).

Frying and boiling egg whites make them toxic. Egg yolk more nutritious and harmless if eaten raw or soft-boiled.

8 All heavily cooked proteins are difficult to digest and cause blood poisoning, especially pork, veal, fish, poultry, small game, shellfish, and cheeses.

9 Nuts should be thoroughly crushed (for example, in a coffee grinder) and used as an additive to salads, in the form of nut cutlets, smoothies, etc.

Nuts in unprocessed, in kind the stomach is difficult to digest, especially if they are not crushed in the most diligent manner.

10 Even the most ideal protein should be consumed with raw plant foods (salads). In addition, protein is fully absorbed with vitamin C - their ratio should be as follows: 110 g of meat and 1 mg of vitamin C.