Healthy and unhealthy food children's presentation. Presentation “Healthy eating. What do the products from the “black list” have in common?

The healthiest foods Nutritionists around the world continue to stubbornly argue about which foods are the most beneficial for humans. The recent issue of a healthy lifestyle further stimulates scientists to conduct research in this area. This article is not the truth in all instances, but only an attempt to summarize the results of research over the past year, designed to answer the question: “Which foods are healthy?”

According to scientists, berries are the first to earn the title of “healthiest foods.” Researchers especially emphasize the properties of blueberries and blueberries. These healthy foods contain the most antioxidants. In addition, the anthocyanin contained in these berries helps slow down the aging process of the human nervous system. Blueberries and blueberries are very healthy foods for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, and cancer. These healthy foods are irreplaceable for obese people and diabetics, as they can reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Berries

Nuts The list of the healthiest food products also includes nuts, and scientists do not single out any particular type of them - absolutely all of them are healthy. Nuts are a source of large amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and healthy fats. These healthy foods, when consumed daily, are good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, anemia, problems with potency, vision, and the menstrual cycle. It has also been proven that nuts are a healthy food for stress, depression, loss of strength, and general body tone. Nuts

Onions and garlic Onions and garlic are undoubtedly healthy foods, and scientists confirm this. Being a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, beneficial essential oils, these food products have a positive effect on the entire human body. Judge for yourself: onions and garlic are good for diseases of the liver, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and strengthen the human immune system. And, of course, everyone knows that onions and garlic are the healthiest foods for colds. Essential oils and phytoncides contained in onions and garlic prevent the proliferation of microbes and destroy them.

Legumes Next on the list of “Healthiest Foods” are legumes. The large amounts of valuable proteins and coarse fiber they contain make these products truly unique in their kind. Soybeans, beans, beans and peas are healthy foods for patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis, people suffering from obesity, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and liver, and those with a weak immune system. Legumes are the healthiest food for vegetarians, since they are able to supply the human body with proteins without accompanying fat (which is impossible when consuming animal proteins). In addition, the protein contained in legumes (vegetable protein) promotes cell regeneration. Legumes are also useful foods for disorders of the nervous system, because the amino acids they contain ensure calm and balance in a person.

Fruits Fruits - of course, without them the list of the healthiest food products would be incomplete. First of all, these are apples. The list of diseases for the prevention and treatment of which they are especially useful is quite wide. These are healthy foods for the cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, immune systems, skin diseases and musculoskeletal system. By lowering cholesterol and blood sugar levels and slowing down the growth of cancer cells, apples can rightfully be called the healthiest fruit. Other fruits were also included in the list of “The Healthiest Foods”: kiwi and persimmon, pineapple and pomegranate, apricot and banana, avocado and mango. Thus, the more varied your “fruit menu” is, the better.

Vegetables A place on the list of the healthiest foods has also been found for vegetables. The leaders here are green leafy vegetables: spinach and lettuce. These healthy products are multivitamins, good for the intestines, slow down the growth of tumors (especially prostate), have a diuretic effect, and are useful for hypertension, obesity, tuberculosis, and atherosclerosis. Among vegetables, cabbage and carrots also claim the title of “healthiest foods.” Thus, cabbage (especially white cabbage) has a high nutritional value and is useful both fresh and pickled. Cabbage enriches the intestinal microflora and is capable of removing cholesterol from the body. This is a particularly healthy food for patients with gastritis with low acidity, peptic ulcers, hemorrhoids and constipation, and obesity. Carrots are not far behind cabbage in terms of the amount of nutrients they contain. It strengthens the immune system, improves intestinal functioning, has a positive effect on the retina, is used to prevent heart, kidney and liver diseases, and has wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects. These healthy products are especially good when combined, for example, in salads.

Seafood Seafood is certainly a healthy food product. The first place among them is fish. The healthiest fish products are fatty varieties: salmon, tuna, sardines. Having a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, fish significantly reduces the possibility of various heart diseases (including arrhythmia and ischemia), heart attacks and strokes. It is also recommended to eat these healthy foods for people who have problems with the stomach, thyroid gland, or excess weight. Fish helps to activate the brain, speed up the healing of wounds, and prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Eggs Next on the list of the healthiest foods are eggs. It is recommended to consume these healthy products in the amount of five pieces per week. Containing about a hundred useful substances, eggs are able to cleanse the human body, remove cholesterol and other harmful substances from it, break down fats, and egg white is the best “building material” for muscles. Eggs are especially useful food products for gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic pancreatitis, and nervous system disorders. Scientists have also proven the role of eggs in preventing the formation of cancer cells, and in the future, perhaps, eggs will be used as one of the effective ways to combat cancer.

Products made from wholemeal flour Products made from wholemeal flour are also healthy food products. The high content of vitamins, minerals, microelements, and biologically active substances is what gives every reason to add them to the list of “The Healthiest Products.” They are indispensable for every person, but are especially relevant for diabetes, heart disease, weak immune system, and intestinal problems. Products made from wholemeal flour have a positive effect on the skin, preventing its aging, inflammation, and allergic reactions. This is a particularly healthy food for people involved in sports and leading a healthy lifestyle.

>.Calcium contained in milk strengthens bones, teeth and hair. Milk is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, edema, various diseases" title="Milk Milk and fermented milk products are also included in the list of “The healthiest products>>. Calcium contained in milk strengthens bones, teeth and hair. Milk is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, edema, and various diseases" class="link_thumb"> 12 !} Milk Milk and fermented milk products were also included in the list of “The Healthiest Products>>. The calcium contained in milk strengthens bones, teeth and hair. Milk is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, edema, various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric neurosis). Milk has proven itself well against various poisonings and it is not without reason that it is used to prevent various diseases in “harmful work.” As for fermented milk products, kefir and cottage cheese are the healthiest products among them. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines and the digestive system as a whole due to the bacteria contained in them. This healthy food also stimulates appetite, stimulating the secretion of gastric juice, and has an antimicrobial effect. >.Calcium contained in milk strengthens bones, teeth and hair. Milk is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, edema, various diseases."> >. Calcium contained in milk strengthens bones, teeth and hair. Milk is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, edema, various gastrointestinal diseases tract (gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric neurosis). Milk has proven itself in various poisonings and it is not without reason that it is used to prevent various diseases in “harmful work.” As for fermented milk products, kefir and cottage cheese are the healthiest products among them. They are beneficial affect the functioning of the intestines and the digestive system as a whole due to the bacteria contained in them. Also, this healthy food causes appetite, stimulating the secretion of gastric juice, and has an antimicrobial effect."> >. Calcium contained in milk strengthens bones, teeth and hair. Milk is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, edema, various diseases" title="Milk Milk and fermented milk products are also included in the list of “The healthiest products>>. Calcium contained in milk strengthens bones, teeth and hair. Milk is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, edema, and various diseases"> title="Milk Milk and fermented milk products were also included in the list of “The Healthiest Products>>. The calcium contained in milk strengthens bones, teeth and hair. Milk is also recommended for cardiovascular diseases, anemia, edema, and various diseases."> !}

Green tea Green tea is another healthy food product, scientists say. It has long been transformed from an exotic drink into an everyday one, and its medicinal properties are known to almost everyone. Green tea helps strengthen blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. The substances contained in green tea have a detrimental effect on various viruses and microbes. Green tea is an excellent antioxidant, it removes toxic substances and poisons from the body well, and slows down the growth of cancer cells. The list of diseases for which this miracle drink should be consumed is quite wide: atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, thyroid diseases, vision problems, and immune system problems. Finally, by increasing the overall tone of the body and slowing down the aging process, green tea has every reason to join the list of “The Healthiest Foods.” So, these foods are currently the most useful, according to scientists. And you can get the maximum benefit from them if you combine all of the listed components in your daily diet. Be healthy and eat only the healthiest foods!

The most harmful foods All the most pleasant things in this world are either immoral or lead to obesity. You've heard this common joke quite often. Indeed, it often happens that the most delicious foods are also the most harmful. In this article, MirSovetov will talk about foods that are harmful to our body, introduce you to the mechanism of addiction to harmful foods and explain the cause of many diseases caused by poor nutrition.

Sweet carbonated drinks are a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases to quickly distribute harmful substances throughout the body. Coca-Cola, for example, is a wonderful remedy for limescale and rust. Think carefully before putting such liquid into your stomach. In addition, carbonated sweet drinks are also harmful due to their high concentration of sugar - the equivalent of four to five teaspoons diluted in a glass of water. Therefore, you should not be surprised that, after quenching your thirst with such carbonated drinks, after just five minutes you want to drink again. carbonated drinks

Chocolate bars. This is a huge amount of calories combined with chemical additives, genetically modified foods, dyes and flavors. Remember the Snickers boom of the perestroika period. The huge amount of sugar makes you want to eat the bars again and again.

A special feature is the variety of sausages. Even if we imagine that paper is no longer added to sausages, minced mice are no longer used in sausages, all the same, sausages, sausages, and other meat delicacies remain one of the most harmful products in the modern gastronomic assortment. They contain so-called hidden fats (pork skin, lard, internal fat), all of which are veiled by flavorings and flavor substitutes. The development of genetic engineering undoubtedly plays a huge positive role in medicine, but it also has a downside. The negative is that more and more food manufacturers are switching to genetically modified raw materials. So, 80% (!) sausages, frankfurters, and sausages consist of transgenic soybeans. Fats Not only sausages and sausages are harmful, fatty meat itself is not a healthy product for the body. Fats bring cholesterol into the body, which clogs blood vessels, which accelerates aging and increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Mayonnaise. Prepared at home and used, figuratively speaking, by the gram, it does not bring much harm to our body. But as soon as we start talking about factory-made mayonnaise, or about dishes containing mayonnaise, then we should immediately put up a “Danger to Life” sign. Mayonnaise is a very high-calorie product; in addition, it contains a huge amount of fats and carbohydrates, as well as dyes, sweeteners, substitutes, and so on. Therefore, think twice when adding mayonnaise to fried potatoes. A special concentration of harm is in shawarma, generously flavored with mayonnaise, in hamburgers, sandwiches with mayonnaise. Harmful products include not only mayonnaise, but also ketchup, various sauces and dressings, which are presented in a wide range on the shelves of our stores. The content of dyes, flavor substitutes and genetically modified products in them, unfortunately, is no less.

In one place it is worth taking out foods that are generally not edible: instant noodles, numerous instant soups, mashed potatoes, instant juices such as “Yupi” and “Zuko”. All this is pure chemicals that cause undoubted harm to your body. Salt. It is often called the white death. Salt increases blood pressure, disrupts the salt-acid balance in the body, and promotes the accumulation of toxins. Therefore, if you are unable to refuse it, then at a minimum, try not to indulge yourself in overly salty dishes. Increases blood pressure

Alcohol. Even in minimal quantities it interferes with the absorption of vitamins. In addition, alcohol itself is very high in calories. It’s probably not worth talking about the effect of alcohol on the liver and kidneys; you already know everything very well. And you shouldn’t rely on the fact that a certain amount of alcohol is beneficial. All this occurs only with a reasonable approach to its use (rather rarely and in small doses).

What are the consequences of eating unhealthy foods? Poor nutrition is known to be the hidden cause of most human diseases. Eating fatty foods leads to weight gain. The abundance of food containing a large number of substitutes and dyes gradually poisons the body, but also causes addiction. MirSovetov would like to especially draw your attention to the fact that by consuming junk food, the so-called “warning system” about incoming poison stops working in the body. Yes, yes, the effect of many substances added to products by modern manufacturers is comparable to the effect of poisons. Your body receives poisons in small doses, gets used to them and no longer sends alarm signals, expressed by skin rashes, or nausea, or dizziness.

Nomination "Multimedia technologies in the pedagogical process in preschool educational institutions"

The presentation was developed taking into account the beginning of speech therapy work, the psychophysical capabilities of 5-7 year old pupils studying at a speech therapy center with a speech therapist’s conclusion: general underdevelopment of speech of the third level with a concomitant diagnosis of dysarthria.

The presentation is aimed at expanding ideas on this lexical topic, clarifying them, systematizing them, as well as activating passive vocabulary, improving the ability to form words in a suffixal way, and developing speech attention.

The use of computer technology makes it possible to create a favorable atmosphere of trust between the speech therapist and the child, which is important when carrying out correctional work.

The purpose of the presentation is to expand ideas about food, activate passive vocabulary, and correct the grammatical structure of speech.

This multimedia presentation can be used by teachers (speech therapists, educators) in the age group of 5-7 years in order to enrich the pupils’ vocabulary on this lexical topic.

Children with speech impairments gave incorrect answers to the questions: “What are they made of: cutlets, cottage cheese, butter?” The questions were supported by visual material (illustrations). In addition, difficulties arose when forming an adjective from a noun - it was necessary to name the departments in which milk, cottage cheese, meat, sausages, etc. were sold. The task of selecting antonyms-adjectives turned out to be no less difficult, which is associated with an insufficient level of development of passive and active vocabulary.

These problems can be found not only in the group of children with speech disorders, but also in those who do not seem to have them. During the work, it is important to draw children’s attention to case endings, both singular and plural, to the agreement of nouns and adjectives, nouns and verbs.

Almost all the children studying at the speech center completed the task “Correct the mistakes” incorrectly, since the level of ability to concentrate attention on speech material is reduced, in addition, the understanding of the grammatical categories of the language is at an insufficient level of development, which is clearly confirmed by the mistakes made in their own speech ( agrammatism, violation of logic and sequence of presentation of material).

To prevent overwork of students, speech material must be presented in doses: 2-3 slides, while integrating the acquired knowledge into other educational areas.

Multimedia presentations help speech therapists diversify classes, make them colorful, modern, “alive,” and interest children in animation.


  1. Pictures from internet source:
  2. Teremkova N. E. Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP.

Presentation "Food".

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten No. 52


" Food"


Target: expanding the understanding of food products, activating the passive vocabulary, correcting the grammatical structure of speech.


Expansion of ideas on this lexical topic, its clarification. Systematization, activation of passive vocabulary. Improving the ability to form words using a suffix method. Development of speech attention and memory.

The use of computer technology to create a favorable atmosphere of trust between a speech therapist and a child when carrying out correctional work with children with special needs.

Presentations help speech therapists diversify their classes, make them colorful, modern, “alive,” and interest children in animation.

  • Vocabulary development: activation of passive vocabulary, expansion of conceptual vocabulary on the lexical topic “Food”.
  • Development of the grammatical structure of children's speech.

Explain folk proverbs and sayings

  • He who is hungry is cold.
  • Bread warms, not a fur coat
  • Cold, does not tolerate hunger.
  • Skinny belly neither dance nor work
  • The mill is strong with water, and man is strong with food
  • It's not the horse that's lucky, but the oats.
  • What you bite is what you pull.
  • Here's a spoon, here's a cup. Buckwheat porridge in a cup. The spoon was in the cup, the buckwheat porridge was gone.

You can't spoil porridge with oil.

Kissel does not damage teeth.

Without salt it’s like without will: you can’t live life.

Cow butter, eat for your health!

Where there are pancakes, there we are, where there is porridge with butter, there is our place.

Appetite comes with eating.

When I eat I am deaf and dumb

On an empty stomach the song cannot be sung.

You won't be satisfied with just one berry.

Everyone needs both lunch and dinner.

Trouble is trouble, and food is food.

Guess the riddles

Liquid, not water White, not snow. Starts with K Our milk product

You can cook it, or you can break it, If you don't touch may turn out to be a chicken.

Not snow And always white. Even though it flows Not water

Guess easily and quickly: Soft, fluffy and fragrant. He's black, he's white, Tasty even burnt.

Mom cooked it from cereals, Salted and sweetened. Hey, where's our spoon?! So needed for breakfast...

And the soup, and the broth, Cabbage soup, pickle soup - that too. It's pea, cabbage And, of course, very tasty.

We're on bread

let's smear it And add it to various porridges. The porridge will definitely not be spoiled White and yellow pieces.

Sitting on a spoon Dangling my legs.

Name the products in one word

Nature itself has created a unique food product for us - MILK

Milk serum


Curdled milk


List the products, name them in one word

Stewed meat

Liver pate

What does a chef need to prepare food?


Meat products



Equipment - oven, stove...

Pots of various sizes


Name the porridge correctly

Barley porridge

Millet porridge


Barley porridge


Wheat porridge

Rice porrige

Pea porridge

Say the opposite




Guess the filling for the pies

Currant filling

Fish filling

Potato filling

What are you made of pie?

Filling with cottage cheese, eggs and herbs

Liver stuffing

Filling with various types of jam

Carrot filling

Meat filling

Name it correctly


Say it right

One apple. Two … . Five … . Ten … .

What's extra?

1st row

2 - row

3 - row

Correct mistakes

Lena drinking lemon tea

Lena drinks lemon tea. Olya eats chocolate cake.

Olya eats chocolate cake

Sveta loves pea soup

Sveta loves pea soup Vanya cooks vegetables salad

Vanya prepares vegetable salad

Olga Artemyeva
Presentation “Healthy Eating”

Dear Colleagues! Problem health preschooler is at risk. And the reason for this is modern products nutrition, which have a detrimental effect on the child’s fragile body. Modern food "fast food"(English, which means a dish prepared for a quick meal. These products nutrition filled the shelves of many stores. The number of diseases in children is growing every year. And the problem is becoming more and more acute. Lately, I see children who happily eat not only chips and crackers, but also disposable noodles "Rolton" or "Dosherak". It is clear that the problem is with health It arose not in a month, but after some time. Therefore, the idea arose to introduce children to those products nutrition, from which they will benefit, that is health. I present to your attention presentation on this topic.

1slide. Today we will talk about the right nutrition. To always be healthy.

2slide. Vitamins are substances necessary for health. Vitamins from food enter the bloodstream and strengthen our muscles and bones.

3 slide. Guys, you already know that if a person eats junk food, he begins to develop various diseases of the stomach and intestines. Sometimes you even need the help of a doctor.

4 slide. So, tell me harmful foods that people, especially young children, should not consume. (Children express their guess)

Coca-Cola, due to its phosphoric acid content, destroys teeth and washes calcium salts out of bones, destroys our nervous system, and leads to various diseases. It is better not to drink such a terrible drink at all, even on holidays.

5 slide. Look at the screen. What do you see? That's right, chips and crackers, are they healthy? (Children's answers)

In order for the chips to be tasty and crispy and to be stored for a long time, a huge amount of chemicals are added to them. And among other things, the flavor enhancer is monosodium glutamate. Bright, beautiful packaging attracts your attention. But this product is addictive, food addiction. A person gets used to this product very quickly and can no longer be forced to eat regular potatoes. He wants chips!

Interestingly, the manufacturer of one of the largest and most popular brands of chips is a CHEMICAL concern. By the way, let's try to set fire to one chip just for fun. (The teacher sets fire to one chip)

What happened to her? Of course it's burning, because it's all soaked in oil. But notice how it smokes and smells unpleasant. And this is what people eat.

Let's talk about crackers. At first glance, there is nothing wrong with them. Crackers are dried bread. And an original Russian product. But generously sprinkled with flavorings, preservatives, leavening agents, separators, modern crackers have acquired new unsafe properties.

Swedish scientists have identified dangerous carcinogens in crackers and chips.

It is known to damage the nervous system and cause abdominal tumors. Guys, these are very terrible diseases. And it’s better for you and me not to get sick! Ask your mothers to dry pieces of bread or loaf in the oven, these will not only be the most delicious crackers, but also healthy.

6 slide. Food helps you guys grow. Food gives you the energy you need.

A child’s growing body needs energy for the functioning of the brain and nerves.

Nutrition affects a person's appearance. Healthy hair shine is the first sign of the right nutrition. Just like hair, nails and skin require the consumption of vitamins and proteins, their condition depends on the correct human nutrition.

Slide 7 Look guys at this picture, it's called a pyramid nutrition. Pyramid nutrition or food pyramid - a schematic representation of the principles healthy eating, developed by nutritionists. Let's see what we need to eat and in what quantity. Foods that make up the base of the pyramid should be eaten as often as possible, while foods at the top of the pyramid should be avoided or consumed in limited quantities.

8 slide. But not always eating right, the person can stay healthy. And the reason for this, look at the screen, is microbes.

Slide 9 I'm reading a poem.

10 slide. Microbes enter our body along with dirty vegetables and fruits, poorly cooked meat or fish, low-quality and expired products. Germs are found on dirty hands and a handkerchief that a person has already blown their nose into.

11 slide. So, guys, let's talk about how we can get rid of these harmful microbes? (Children's answers)

12 slide. Well done, right. We must keep our body clean. Wash your hands with soap and more than once. Use disposable wipes. And of course, wash vegetables and fruits thoroughly.

Slide 13 Slide 14 Slide 15 Guys, we have received letters. The postman brought it to us today. Let's read who they are from. I read and look at fruits and vegetables that contain these vitamins with my children. So, this letter is from vitamins.

Slide 14 And this is a letter from the girl Masha, that’s what she wrote to us. I'm reading.

Slide 15 And I’m reading this letter from Sovunya.

16 slide. Guys, what is shown on the screen? (Scales).

That's right, scales. What do you think they are showing us? (Children reason).

Today we received a lot of letters. And Vitamins, and Masha, and Sovunya offer us to understand what is harmful for our health, and what is useful and make your choice.

Well, guys, our lesson has come to an end. Today we learned a lot about the benefits and harms nutrition. I really want you all to be healthy, which means ate right. Goodbye.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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3 slide

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Chewing gum These products can hardly even be called food products, because they consist almost entirely of food additives: sweeteners and sugar substitutes, stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, antioxidants (antioxidants) and food coloring.

4 slide

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Chips and French fries are a highly concentrated mixture of fats and carbohydrates, coated with dyes and flavor substitutes. Due to the peculiarities of their preparation, many carcinogens are formed in them - substances that provoke cancer.

5 slide

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Sweet sodas are a mixture of sugar, chemicals and gases. As a rule, they contain aspartame (E951), a synthetic sweetener. But most importantly, soda does not quench your thirst. And sodium benzoate (E211), which is used as a preservative, leads to metabolic disorders and obesity.

6 slide

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Instant noodles It would seem that there is nothing harmful in the noodles. However, nothing useful either. All flavors, dyes and preservatives that the seasoning contains have a negative effect on the human body. Frequent consumption of it threatens diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as gastritis or ulcers.

7 slide

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Popcorn Corn itself does not pose any health hazard, but everything changes when they come - butter, salt, sugar, caramelizers, dyes, flavor enhancers, flavorings. the dose of salt in classic salted popcorn is off the charts, and this is fraught, at a minimum, with increased blood pressure and impaired kidney function.

8 slide

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Slide 9

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berries Berries slow down the aging process of the human nervous system. Blueberries and blueberries are very healthy foods for those who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, and cancer. They are also indispensable for obese people and diabetics, as they can reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

10 slide

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Nuts Nuts are a source of large amounts of vitamins, minerals, proteins, and healthy fats. These healthy foods, when consumed daily, are good for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, anemia, and vision problems. It has also been proven that nuts are a healthy food for stress, depression, loss of strength, and general body tone.

11 slide

Slide description:

Onions and garlic Onions and garlic contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, beneficial essential oils, and have a positive effect on the entire human body. They are good for diseases of the liver, cardiovascular and endocrine systems, reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and strengthen the human immune system. And, of course, for colds. Essential oils and phyntocides contained in them prevent the proliferation of microbes and destroy them.

12 slide

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Legumes Soybeans, beans, beans and peas contain large amounts of protein and coarse fiber. This makes them useful products for patients with diabetes, atherosclerosis, people suffering from obesity, diseases of the digestive system, kidneys and liver, and those with a weak immune system. Legumes are able to supply the human body with proteins without accompanying fat.

Slide 13

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Fruits Apples are used for the prevention and treatment of the cardiovascular, digestive, urinary, immune systems, skin diseases and musculoskeletal system. They reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels and slow down the growth of cancer cells. Other fruits were also included in the list of “The Healthiest Foods”: kiwi and persimmon, pineapple and pomegranate, apricot and banana, avocado and mango.

Slide 14

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Vegetables Spinach, lettuce and cabbage are good for the intestines, slow down the growth of tumors, have a diuretic effect, and are useful for hypertension, obesity, tuberculosis, and atherosclerosis. Carrots strengthen the immune system, improve intestinal function, have a positive effect on the retina, are used to prevent heart, kidney and liver diseases, and have wound healing and anti-inflammatory effects.

15 slide

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Seafood The first place among them is taken by fish: salmon, tuna, sardines. Having a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, fish significantly reduces the possibility of various heart diseases. They are recommended to be eaten by people who have problems with the stomach, thyroid gland, or excess weight. Fish helps to activate the brain, speed up the healing of wounds, and prevent the formation of cancer cells.