My breasts sank at 18 weeks. Eighteenth week of pregnancy: “Mom, you need to sleep at night! Medicines and medical procedures

The 18th week of pregnancy has started, which your obstetrician will designate as the second week of the fifth month. This period is special in that your communication with the baby becomes obvious, you will no longer confuse active tremors with anything, and the child will announce his presence from 4 to 8 times per hour, with the exception of rest hours.

Get ready for the fact that your biological clock may differ significantly, and your baby will drum at night and sleep during the day. I wonder what changes are happening to you, and what the baby looks like at 18 weeks.

Baby development at 18 weeks

Wondering what a baby looks like at 18 weeks of pregnancy? Take a medium bell pepper fruit in your hand; your baby is the same in weight and size: height up to 14 cm and weight up to 200 grams.

At the same time, his face is clearly outlined, his ears have taken their usual place, and even though he still has his eyes closed, he hears you perfectly and will listen to your favorite lullaby with pleasure. Involve dad in communication, and if he is not ready to reveal his vocal abilities, then at least let him talk to the heir.


The baby, in turn, is ready for an active dialogue; at 18 weeks of pregnancy you will feel movements at least 4 times per hour, and in the evening up to 10 times.

  1. Too active and strong movements will indicate to you that the child is dissatisfied; he is either hungry, or he does not like the situation or your mood;
  2. In the evening, the baby is more active. There is an explanation for this: during the day, while you were busy, you simply could not notice the shocks, but in the evening, having relaxed, you are simply more sensitive to the baby’s turns and movements;
  3. Don't panic if your baby is in no hurry to communicate with you. It also happens that a woman complains: “at 18 weeks of pregnancy I don’t feel any movement.” Know that you are not alone. Later, these sensations appear in overweight expectant mothers. And all this time the child is moving and developing, you just don’t notice these movements.

Major physiological changes

Of course, you are interested in the 18th week of pregnancy, what happens to the baby.

  • He grows in size, the proportions of his body are increasingly closer to those of an infant;

Interesting! Having studied the proportions of the size of the foot and the length of the leg itself, we can assume what the size of the child’s legs will be when he is born and grows up. This proportion does not change throughout a person’s life.

  • If you examine the baby’s fingers, you will notice a special pattern on the pads, as well as small thin nails;
  • The baby's skin is bright red and the blood vessels are clearly visible through it. On top it is covered with a white coating - a lubricant that performs a protective function from external irritants; fatty deposits begin to accumulate under the skin;
  • But inside, the immune system is on guard against viruses and other harmful substances. The child already produces interferons and immunoglobulins, and at week 18 lymphocytes are added to them;
  • The brain is actively developing, for example, at week 18, the myelin sheath develops around the nerves of the brain, which is responsible for the process of transmitting impulses.

Baby's gender

Finding out the sex of the baby at 18 weeks is not difficult. If you have a boy growing in your tummy, then any ultrasound specialist will notice his genitals. Please note that although the scrotum is visible, it is still empty; the testicles will descend into it much later, and sometimes this process occurs after the child is born.

Mom's well-being

Your general health in the second trimester, namely the 18th week of pregnancy, can be characterized positively.

Uterus size

The belly at 18 weeks of pregnancy can no longer be hidden from view, and this is not surprising.

  1. During the normal course of pregnancy, you have already gained 5 kg of your initial weight, and your uterus at 18 weeks is the size of an average melon. You can feel its size yourself, just lie down on a flat surface and put your hands on your waist just below the navel, at a distance of 2-3 cm below which is the top of the uterus;
  2. If before the 18th week you have not yet changed your underwear and clothes to special equipment for pregnant women, then it’s time to go to stores where they dress bellies. Tight jeans and clothes with elastic bands can put pressure on blood vessels and cause harm to the fetus.

Pain at 18 weeks

At week 18, you may experience pain in the abdomen and back, possible cramps and swelling, and a headache.


  • At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the size of the fetus and uterus gradually increases, and you may feel pressure on the inside of the navel. This phenomenon is temporary and does not pose a danger (read the article: 18th week of pregnancy: stomach hurts >>>);
  • Aching pain in the lower abdomen may continue, associated with stretching of the uterus and gradual expansion of the pelvic bones. If the pain is moderate and tolerable, there is no need to worry. Another thing is that the stomach pulls at the 18th week of pregnancy, the pain increases and is accompanied by bloody discharge. In this case, you should immediately contact specialists for advice and help;


  1. The cause of back pain is a shift in the center of gravity due to a growing tummy. Pay attention to your shoes. If you still haven’t given up heels, then most likely it was wearing such shoes that caused back pain;
  2. Unpleasant sensations can also appear when staying in one position for a long time. Even if you have to sit at your desk all day, take five minutes at the end of every hour to walk down the hallway;
  3. The cause of pain in the lower back may be problems with urination. When urine accumulates, infections can occur that can cause kidney or genitourinary diseases.


Unpleasant sensations at week 18 associated with dizziness and pain in the temples are explained by a decrease in blood pressure. The reason is the load on your circulatory system, which is now working for two. To avoid fainting, your movements should not be sudden.


In addition to all of the above, you may at times experience increased heart rate and a feeling of suffocation. The cause may be anxiety and fear of childbirth. You need to relax, go out into the fresh air and tune in to a positive wave. Remember, at 18 weeks of pregnancy, what happens to the mother is completely transmitted to your baby.

Bleeding. Discharge

Bleeding at 18 weeks of pregnancy is out of the question. This is a symptom of a threatened miscarriage or frozen pregnancy; you need to urgently consult a doctor. It is necessary to keep control over secretions, since not all of them are harmless and can also signal danger.

  • Normal discharge at week 18 should not have a distinct odor, it is transparent or slightly white, in small quantities. One panty liner per day should be enough for you;
  • White, curd-like discharge with a distinct sour odor is a sign of thrush (important article on the topic: Thrush during pregnancy >>>);
  • Discharge with a yellowish tint or greenish impurities is a symptom of a purulent process;
  • Inexpressive brownish discharge at the 18th week of pregnancy can occur due to erosion of the cervix, which you will begin to treat in the postpartum period.

Please note that discharge and itching may occur due to an allergic reaction to synthetic underwear or hygiene products.

Feelings at 18 weeks

  1. In addition to physiological changes, hormonal changes occur in your body. Hence the frequent changes in mood, increased activity or, conversely, drowsiness;
  2. At week 18, the weather is determined by progesterone, which is responsible for the baby’s comfort. It relaxes the muscles of the uterus, but at the same time causes heartburn and constipation (read the article: Heartburn during pregnancy: how to get rid of it?>>>). Increases the body’s protective reaction to external stimuli, and as a result – an increase in the volume of secretions;
  3. The next hormone - estrogen - is responsible for preparing your body for the upcoming meeting with the baby and, interestingly, it is precisely because of its increase that throughout the second trimester you are full of energy and strength, ready to redo all household chores and happily go for a long evening walk to the park;
  4. But another hormone - oxytocin, in addition to preparing your body for breastfeeding, gives you a feeling of affection and love for your unborn baby. Its second name is the motherhood hormone.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

Despite the fact that the baby is protected by the placenta and his immune system is well developed, you need to carefully monitor your health. A common cold can have negative consequences. so it is better to be careful and take the necessary preventive measures.


  • The norm for your term is considered to be a temperature of up to 37.4 degrees. Of course, it can decrease during the day and, if there is no cough or runny nose accompanying the temperature, there is no cause for concern;
  • Another thing is aching joints, sore throat, runny nose. Most likely you have a cold. By the way, oscillococcinum, which is a homeopathic remedy, is effective and safe against elevated temperature in the 18th week of pregnancy (read the important article: Colds during pregnancy >>>).

Cold at 18 weeks of pregnancy

Colds, in mild forms, do not pose a threat to fetal development at 18 weeks of pregnancy. Another thing is the flu with possible complications, which can cause intrauterine anomalies, placental abruption or even a frozen pregnancy. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the list of approved drugs is small, mainly homeopathy and folk remedies.

To avoid danger, you need to avoid large crowds of people, spend more time in the fresh air, and do not forget about vitamins and phytoncides.


Your good health and hormonal rise could not but affect your sexuality. Sex at 18 weeks of pregnancy is not only not prohibited, but even recommended. The changes only concern the technique itself and the nature of the relationship; you must choose a position that does not cause pain. The hygiene of sexual relations should also be under control.

Alcohol at 18 weeks

Alcohol, smoking, drugs are an absolute taboo during pregnancy. You should know that even a small dose, 30 mg of alcohol, taken no more than 2 times a week, can cause a miscarriage. In addition, alcohol enters the baby’s body through the placenta and, first of all, poisons the liver and affects brain activity. 9 months is not that long and surviving this period without alcohol is quite possible.

Examination of mother and child

Once a month you continue to visit the antenatal clinic.

  1. Blood and urine tests are mandatory to monitor hemoglobin, as well as exclude infections of the genitourinary system (read the article

At 16-18 weeks a second screening is carried out. Unlike the first trimester, screening of the second period of pregnancy begins with a blood test - the “Triple Test”, after which an ultrasound examination is performed. Read more about second trimester screening

Another amazing thing will happen this week - you will feel... baby's first kicks, if this has not happened before.

When? The baby began to move at the end of the second month of pregnancy, but since the baby is still too small and weak, but these tremors were imperceptible to you, and by the eighteenth week of pregnancy the baby is already developed so much that he can reach the walls of the uterus with his arms and legs, the blows become stronger And the woman begins to feel something.

Don't be upset if you don't feel it, everything is very individual:

Some women begin to feel the baby moving earlier, especially if they have a history of childbirth or miscarriage, while other women may feel the baby moving around 24 weeks.

The timing of the sensations also depends on the structure of the female body; as a rule, thin women feel the tremors earlier and more clearly, and plumper ones a little later.

How can it be? Do not expect that you will immediately feel full-fledged tremors, after all, the child is still too weak and it will be more like intestinal peristalsis, a slight movement or gurgling in the abdomen.

Very often, women take reality for what they want, or maybe vice versa, the movement is so weak that the woman cannot immediately understand what exactly is happening.

After two months, you will definitely feel full and very noticeable impacts.

How often? At first it will be rare, but gradually the frequency of strokes and their intensity will increase. It is believed that the frequency of strokes reaches its maximum around the seventh month of pregnancy; in the eighth and ninth months the frequency decreases again, since the child has already grown up and does not have enough space.

About two hundred tremors occur per day, the baby is most active from 8 o'clock in the evening to eight o'clock in the morning, and during the day he is rocked by the movements of his mother. You should pay attention to very frequent or, conversely, a child, after you have already felt them, you should inform your doctor about this.

Where can you feel it? In the fifth and sixth months of pregnancy, movements can be felt anywhere in the abdomen, since the baby still has enough space and turns over freely in the mother’s tummy. In the later stages, when the baby turns upside down, you will begin to feel shocks closer to the center of the abdomen, under the chest or in the right hypochondrium, because, as ultrasound results show, most babies lie with their back to the left. In the ninth month, the baby may feel the hiccups.

Read more about why it is necessary to monitor your baby’s movements.

How a woman feels at 18 weeks

Possible physical sensations

Possible emotional experiences

  1. The desire to redo everything in the house- you want warmth, coziness, beauty, cleanliness and comfort in your home, because your miracle will soon be born. This is absolutely normal, maternal instinct awakens and a woman wants to decorate her nest. Very often, husbands do not understand this desire of their wives and call it the whims of pregnant women.
  2. Relief- as a rule, the most difficult sensations of pregnancy are already behind us, hormonal levels are leveled out and the woman’s mood improves.
  3. The desire to buy everything in the world for a baby - you cannot calmly pass by the window of a children's store, you are touched by the little onesies and suits. You can endlessly surf the Internet, choosing a stroller or high chair, comparing descriptions and prices. This also very often irritates men; they begin to be a little jealous of the unborn baby, because it seems to them that their spouse has begun to pay less attention to them.
  4. Excitement and concern for the child's development- it’s absolutely normal to worry about the baby’s condition, especially since you can’t see him. But don’t worry about trifles, do the tests prescribed by your doctor on time and don’t hesitate to ask him any questions that bother you.
  5. Nightmares in dreams- this happens more often in those women who are overly worried about the health of the child. The most common dreams are that a child is born either dead, or a freak or disabled, that a child is stolen, that a pregnancy appears and in fact is not there.
  6. Increased sexual desire- fears of miscarriage are over and hormones have calmed down, sexual desire returns to normal and you again begin to feel the beauty of making love with your husband.

Feedback from women about 18 weeks:

Olesya: “I enjoy the baby’s movements. Of course, there has already been a lot of evidence of pregnancy and a test, and toxicosis, and the stomach is growing, but this is something special... as if my child is stretching out an arm or a leg to me. I noticed that he wakes up at about 10 pm, I’m already lying there and waiting, he starts pushing, and I start talking to him and forcing my husband, it’s so cool!”

Eleanor: “I feel great, nothing at all, if it weren’t for my protruding belly, I probably would have forgotten that I was pregnant. True, I still don’t feel our little one moving, but the doctor at the appointment said that everything is fine, this could happen.”

Svetlana: “And I’m already like a bun! No one believes that it is probably only the fifth month that the hero is growing! It’s uncomfortable and the muscles below constantly hurt, the skin of the abdomen itches and the stretch marks have become ugly, I bought a special cream at the pharmacy, I hope that it will go away soon.”

Natasha: “My lower back hurts very much, the doctor said that I can already wear a bandage. It relieves back pain and seems to prevent stretch marks. I went to the store, tried it on (I didn’t even know it had different sizes), found the right one and wore it. Of course, it’s very unusual, but it’s really easier on the lower back.”

Julia: “The breasts are very enlarged and hurt, there are already a lot of papillomas, they seem to be small and do not interfere, but they are still annoying, somehow not aesthetically pleasing, in my opinion. I’m still really looking forward to the next ultrasound, there are two weeks left, and I can’t wait to find out what the gender of the baby is, I really want a boy!”

Fetal development at 18 weeks of gestation

Your baby is growing confidently and prettier, his body is becoming more proportional.

The length reaches 13-14 cm, and the weight is almost 200 g .

Although blood vessels are still visible through the skin, the skin gradually becomes thicker and smoother.

Almost phalanges of fingers have formed, a pattern of fingerprints has already appeared on them, the nails are almost like those of adults.

The hearing organs work perfectly, and the visual organs are still in the process of development, but the baby is already distinguishes between light and darkness, you don’t need to think that it’s always very dark inside you, if it’s a bright sunny summer day outside, then your baby can see everything inside your tummy lilac-pink.

Continues to strengthen and improve skeleton child.

Practically the development of the immune system has ended child, it can already protect the child from some infections on its own, as interferon is produced (certain types of protein that are secreted by body cells in response to the invasion of a virus into the body) and immunoglobulin (also a certain type of protein that is responsible for identifying and destroying foreign cells in organism).

At the eighteenth obstetric week of pregnancy, the genitals external and internal child, so if you have to do an ultrasound, a good professional will already tell you the gender of your unborn child.

Continues its development intensively and brain, mass is gained and the structure of its cortex becomes more complex. According to experts, the fetus already has a memory and even its own experiences.

Active development of the endocrine system- the adrenal glands and thyroid gland work so well that if the mother has kidney failure, then the child’s endocrine system already helps the mother’s body.

Fetal ultrasound photo

And in this photo of an 18-week ultrasound, you can see that “it’s going to be a girl”:

Video about 18 weeks of pregnancy

Week 18 is the second week of the fifth month. The second trimester continues, and the woman increasingly feels how a new life is gradually maturing inside her, which very soon will make itself felt with the first long-awaited cry - the cry of a beloved baby.


Sensations at the 18th week of pregnancy very often bring new joy to the expectant mother: it is during this week that fetal movements become obvious. Some women may have felt the first movements even earlier, but usually they occur at 18-22 weeks. Moreover, if the mother does not yet feel the first movements of the fetus, there is no need to worry if the pregnancy is progressing favorably: this means that it is not the time yet. More often, the first movements of the fetus are felt a little later by women who are somewhat plump. While thin young ladies or those giving birth repeatedly can “fix” the baby’s activity a little earlier.

By the way, if the expectant mother has already felt fetal movements, you should pay attention to their frequency: usually the baby is “active” up to 4-8 times per hour. If at 18 weeks of pregnancy the sensations of fetal movements occur more often, most likely the baby does not have enough oxygen. Therefore, by moving, he tries to make the heart beat faster, thus supplying more blood and oxygen. In this case, it is useful for the expectant mother to take care of herself to ensure that the baby has enough oxygen: it is useful to breathe frequently and deeply, walk in the fresh air more often, practice gymnastics or yoga, which will help saturate the blood with oxygen.

Uterus at 18 weeks of pregnancy

In addition to the joy of the first movements of such a beloved baby, the mother may also experience some discomfort in the form of pressure on the navel from the inside. This is the consequence of the fact that the increasingly growing uterus already reaches this level at 18 weeks. The fundus of the uterus at 18 weeks is approximately 2.5 cm below the navel; by placing your hands on your waist and lowering your palms just below the navel to a thickness of two fingers, you can feel the fundus of the uterus. The size of the uterus at the 18th week of pregnancy is similar to a small melon, and, due to its increase, the abdomen is steadily growing.


Yes, yes, you can’t hide your belly at 18 weeks of pregnancy: it has apparently grown, risen and is noticeable to others. The ever-increasing belly at the 18th week of pregnancy is already “responsible” for the shift in the center of gravity, and the mother often now has to slightly tilt her shoulders forward - she develops the peculiar gait inherent in all pregnant women. Now the question of choosing suitable clothing is very relevant: it is advisable to choose panties or shorts that support the stomach, which will help avoid back pain from increased stress on the spine.

Fetus at 18 weeks of gestation

And while mommy is deciding on the issue of choosing clothes and getting ready for the birth of her baby, miracles continue to happen in her tummy. The fetus at 18 weeks of gestation continues to develop and improve. So, the baby’s arms and legs and phalanges of fingers are already fully formed. A unique pattern, unique only to the baby, appeared on the pads - the so-called imprint. The baby’s genitals are also fully formed.

At the same time, the formation of adipose tissue is in full swing, and the brain is developing. The baby’s immune system continues to develop, but his body is already capable of producing interferon and immunoglobulin - substances that help resist viruses and infections.

Also, the rudiments of the baby’s molar teeth have already formed - they are located much deeper than the rudiments of the baby teeth. Although the baby’s eyes are still closed, the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy is already able to react to the light that penetrates the mother’s tummy. In addition, due to the increasing improvement of the hearing aid, it can already distinguish sounds, and therefore, from now on, sharp and loud noises will have to be avoided. Now you can start singing lullabies to your baby, playing classical music, reading fairy tales, and addressing him with affectionate and gentle intonations.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the fetus is more than 14 cm long and weighs almost 200 g. And yet, there is still enough space in the tummy for it to “freely” move, which the baby successfully uses: he tumbles, twitches his legs and waves his arms , turns over. It is believed that intrauterine movements are exclusively beneficial for the baby, positively affecting the development of the muscular system and brain.


Between 18 and 22 weeks, the woman will be scheduled for a second ultrasound examination, and an ultrasound at 18 weeks of pregnancy is quite capable of showing the sex of the unborn baby. But, first of all, ultrasound is necessary to identify any defects in fetal development: congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system, Down's disease, heart defects. In addition, during an ultrasound examination, the placenta is attached, the risk of developing deviations in the normal course of pregnancy is assessed, and the possibility of their timely correction if necessary. Using an ultrasound at the 18th week of pregnancy, among other things, the circumference of the baby’s head and abdomen, the fronto-occipital size, and the size of the long bones (femur, humerus, forearm, tibia) are studied.


At 18 weeks of pregnancy, only a urine test is mandatory - it makes it possible to evaluate the functioning of the kidneys. In addition, a blood test may be needed to rule out anemia in the first place. A low level of hemoglobin in the mother’s body leads to the baby not receiving the necessary oxygen, which can cause certain pregnancy complications and contribute to the development of anemia in the baby after birth.

In order to detect chromosomal abnormalities in a pregnant fetus, tests may be prescribed at 18 weeks of pregnancy to assess the level of hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the body. The corresponding analysis is part of a comprehensive study called the “triple test”. It received this name in connection with the study of three markers in parallel - in addition to hCG, the levels of AFP (alpha-fetoprotein) and unconjugated estriol (NE) are also determined. Any deviations from the indicators considered normal may give reason to assume that the baby may develop Down syndrome, hydrocephalus and some other defects. However, such tests at the 18th week of pregnancy cannot be considered the foundation for a final diagnosis, but serve only as a reason for further research.

Pain at 18 weeks of pregnancy

Pregnancy at 18 weeks can often be overshadowed by some painful sensations, such as pain in the back, in the lumbar region, and pulling sensations in the abdomen.

There is evidence that almost every woman complains of back pain from time to time during pregnancy. Such pain is already quite common at the 18th week of pregnancy: all due to the shifting center of gravity due to the enlarged uterus and the increasing load on the spine. The nature of back pain can be completely different - the back may only ache slightly, but the pain can also be significant and acute (although such pain more often occurs in late pregnancy). You can prevent or alleviate back pain during the 18th week of pregnancy by: choosing a special support bandage, practicing exercises to strengthen the back muscles, controlling your weight and getting enough rest (you need to “unload” your back by lying down for at least a few minutes several times a day).

For the same reasons mentioned above, lower back pain may also occur during pregnancy. But it also happens that pain at 18 weeks of pregnancy in the lumbar region can be caused by difficulty urinating and the possible development of a urinary tract infection. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control urination and avoid hypothermia.

It is also necessary to be sensitive to pain in the abdominal area. For example, sensations of a pulling stomach in the lateral parts (but not spasmodic, but more of a stabbing nature) correspond to the norm - pain at 18 weeks of pregnancy in this case indicates stretching of the ligaments and tendons of the abdominal wall associated with the growth of the uterus. However, if you experience regular and prolonged abdominal pain of a cramping nature, which, God forbid, is also accompanied by bloody or brown discharge, you should immediately call a doctor: such symptoms indicate a high risk of premature termination of pregnancy.


By the way, about discharge. Normally, discharge at week 18 is still light and of a uniform consistency, but its quantity may increase compared to previous weeks. If the increase in the amount of discharge is not accompanied by a change in its color, there is no itching or burning, there is nothing to worry about. But if green, yellow or purulent, curdled discharge appears, you should consult a doctor and undergo a course of treatment - such discharge indicates an infection. To avoid this, it is recommended to exclude sugar and sweets from the diet, products made from white flour and regularly consume natural fermented milk products.


The issue of nutrition in general should be approached with a great deal of responsibility. It is no secret that nutrition during the 18th week of pregnancy, as, in fact, throughout the entire period of bearing a baby, should be balanced, varied, as healthy as possible and sufficiently fortified. Avoiding sugar and sweets, as well as fatty foods, is also necessary to avoid excess weight gain, as well as to prevent pregnancy diabetes. To prevent calcium deficiency, dairy and fermented milk products are necessary; ideally, low-fat kefir and cottage cheese should be included in the daily diet. Low-fat varieties of meat and fish, which are a source of protein necessary for the normal growth and development of a child, should also be present on the table in sufficient quantities.

To normalize digestion and prevent constipation, you need fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber and vitamins useful for the body growing in the womb. Regarding vitamins: at this stage, the expectant mother needs to take care of a sufficient amount of vitamin C and folic acid, and apple juice with celery will be valuable in this regard. It is also necessary to ensure that iron-containing foods are present in the diet: iron is necessary for the normal process of hematopoiesis, which is already occurring in the baby. Sources of iron are beef liver, buckwheat porridge, tomato juice, apples.

The diet at 18 weeks should be balanced in this way (and should be followed in the future until the end of pregnancy) to avoid edema, which can occur due to sodium retention in the body. First, you will have to significantly limit your salt intake. Secondly, monitor the amount of liquid you drink.

Weight at 18 weeks of pregnancy

By the fifth month of pregnancy, toxicosis, fortunately, remains a thing of the past. It’s no wonder that mommy is now discovering an unprecedented appetite. However, you should be very careful with your diet: the weight at the 18th week of pregnancy may already increase by 4.5-6 kg, and it is imperative to control weight gain. After all, if the weight exceeds the indicated norms, it will be much more difficult for the mother to carry a baby and then give birth to him, and it will also be much more difficult to get rid of extra pounds after childbirth.

Therefore, if the weight at 18 weeks of pregnancy exceeds the “allowed” norm of 6 kg, it is advisable to visit a doctor and discuss a possible diet with him. In no case should you “spontaneously” prescribe diets during pregnancy: the child must receive the required amount of nutrients and nutrients. And a specialist will help you develop a suitable diet that will enable you to provide your baby with all the proteins and vitamins and control his weight.


The second trimester of pregnancy is the most appropriate time to resume intimate relationships, if they were interrupted due to the mother’s not feeling well in the early stages of pregnancy. Sex at 18 weeks of pregnancy can give future parents completely new experiences, bring them even closer together, and contribute to an even better understanding of each other.

The tummy in which their common future baby “lives” is not yet very big; the mother does not experience any ailments associated with toxicosis, and therefore sensuality and the desire for physical intimacy can now increase significantly. And you can surrender to it completely calmly, however, without being overly zealous and “active” too much. Sex at 18 weeks of pregnancy will not bring any problems, unless, of course, the pregnancy is not characterized by uterine tone. And, of course, it is advisable to refrain from intimacy if mommy suffers from some kind of infection.

Other, more rare reasons for temporarily refusing sex for indications may be: low location of the placenta; diagnosis of “recurrent miscarriage”; leakage of amniotic fluid; in some cases - multiple pregnancy.

Frozen pregnancy

A frozen pregnancy is defined as a pregnancy that, at a certain period and for some reason, is accompanied by the death and cessation of fetal development. Moreover, the fetus is not rejected by the mother’s body, but remains in the uterus, and therefore the woman is not even aware of the tragedy that has occurred.

The most dangerous in this regard is the first trimester - the period when the fetus is most vulnerable to the effects of any negative factors. However, the risk of detecting a frozen pregnancy remains at a later stage: according to medical data, the period of 16-18 weeks is considered one of the critical periods.

The reasons why a frozen pregnancy at 18 weeks can occur remain the same: fetal freezing is provoked by bad habits (alcohol, smoking, drugs), genetic disorders, infections, harmful working conditions. Unfortunately, a woman cannot independently diagnose a frozen pregnancy: the pregnant woman attributes the absence of toxicosis and engorged mammary glands to an increase in pregnancy. But over time, these symptoms are accompanied by aching or nagging pain in the lower back, spotting brown discharge. A frozen pregnancy of 18 weeks is also characterized by the absence of fetal movement, which many mothers have already experienced earlier.

A frozen pregnancy of 18 weeks is diagnosed during the next gynecological examination and during a routine ultrasound. And in this case, prompt curettage of the uterus is a necessity, because a dead fetus contributes to the development of inflammatory processes. After a forced abortion, you will also need antibacterial therapy and subsequent abstinence from planning a pregnancy. So, after a frozen pregnancy, it is not recommended to think about getting pregnant again for another 6-12 months.

The 18th week of pregnancy is a wonderful time for a woman. Firstly, most of the ailments disappear. The pregnant woman begins to feel cheerful, active, and cheerful again. Secondly, some mothers may feel the first movements of their baby. Thirdly, the time for active recreation begins. We will look at the well-being of the pregnant woman and the fetus at this stage in more detail below.

18 weeks pregnant: how many months?

It's the fifth week of the second trimester - the most wonderful period of pregnancy. Most women experience symptoms of early toxicosis: vomiting, nausea, fatigue, lethargy, weakness, drowsiness. The appetite returns to normal, “strange” taste preferences rarely arise, and the attitude towards “unloved” dishes is consolidated. The woman returns to her usual lifestyle, can travel, play sports, and swim.

According to obstetric data, it is 18 weeks of pregnancy. If you count from the moment of delay of menstrual days, then only the fourteenth week begins. And in terms of fetal development parameters it ranks sixteenth. To find out the month of pregnancy, obstetric data must be divided into 4 weeks. That is, we are talking about four months and two weeks.

Despite the improvement in the mother's well-being, the fetus is at risk. Poor nutrition, bad habits, excessive physical activity, sports, chemicals and radioactive substances can lead to the threat of miscarriage. Doctors will not be able to deliver the child, since the fetus at 18 weeks of pregnancy is not ready for independent existence.

How does a pregnant woman feel?

Hormonal changes actively affect a woman’s appearance and inner well-being. Hair may become excessively oily, shiny or dry, and its color may change. Most people's skin becomes covered with age spots, pimples, and moles become darker.

Some women have a runny nose. This occurs due to swelling of the nasal septum. Sometimes it protects a woman from unpleasant odors, but it is better to consult a doctor to prevent the occurrence of chronic rhinitis.

Emotional swings also disappear, the woman begins to react more calmly to others. However, at the same time they are very vulnerable. So, when watching a children's cartoon, a woman may cry or be offended by her husband. The entire period of pregnancy passes on such an “emotional” wave, not just the 18th week of pregnancy.

What happens to intimate relationships? Under the influence of hormones, attitudes towards sex change. A woman may become more passionate about intimacy with her husband or become indifferent. Doctors note that activity and regularity of sex are beneficial to the female body. First, orgasm is similar in nature to contractions. Secondly, emotional intimacy between spouses is strengthened. Thirdly, the child feels the love of his parents and receives positive emotions.

Indifference to sex can mean either frigidity or a defensive reaction. If the reason is the first, then both spouses need to see a sexologist. If the reason is the second, then there is a possible risk of miscarriage, so the woman feels apathy towards sexual relations.

A pregnant woman may experience lower back pain, which is associated with a shift in the center of gravity or spinal injuries. Swimming (avoid pools with chlorinated air), homeopathic ointments, light massage, a bandage for pregnant women, a warm blanket, and special exercises will help improve your well-being. Do not forget to consult a gynecologist, as the situation may have more serious consequences than it seems.

The 18th obstetric week of pregnancy may be accompanied by deterioration of vision. If this phenomenon occurs in healthy women, then after childbirth all the unpleasant “neoplasms” will disappear. Pregnant mothers with visual impairment may develop other disorders. For example, retinal detachment (floaters before the eyes). Then the retina will be cauterized, which will in no way affect the development of the fetus.

If you have an incorrect, unbalanced diet and lack of a routine, constipation, heartburn, and increased gas formation will occur. Avoid foods that make your stomach bloat. Eat often, but in small portions at least six times a day. To avoid constipation, drink more water, but no more than two liters (thirty-five milliliters per kilogram of weight). If heartburn persists, consult your doctor for a medicine that is safe for the fetus.

Sometimes at 18 weeks of pregnancy your stomach hurts. Aching, constant pain or cramping may indicate an increase in the tone of the uterus, so go to the doctor immediately. For early signs, treatment can be at home with the help of tablets and suppositories, but if the pain is accompanied by bleeding, then the pregnant woman is hospitalized.

Most often, women may experience low blood pressure. The reason is a decrease in hemoglobin. Here it is important to undergo a blood test to find out the iron content and rule out the occurrence of anemia. If a woman is absolutely healthy, but dizziness remains, then this indicates a lack of clean air. Take more walks in the forest away from polluted areas.

According to external changes, a woman’s breasts and abdomen are enlarged. The chest becomes less painful. At the 18th week of pregnancy, the belly rises, as the mother’s weight gains about five to six kilograms. Although there are thin women whose pregnancy is unnoticeable until the seventh month.

Mothers with a noticeable belly experience discomfort with sleep. If a woman in a dream takes a position that puts pressure on the fetus, she immediately wakes up from unpleasant sensations. But from the fourth month, many mothers can rejoice at the first subtle movements of the fetus. Ultrasound of many parents is pleased with the news about the sex of the child.

The main danger of this period

The fundamental danger remains the threat of miscarriage. The reasons for this are:

  • Hormonal imbalances. When the functioning of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands is disrupted, some hormones become more, others less. More often, with a lack of progesterone, miscarriage occurs.
  • Negative Rh factor. This phenomenon does not always cause a miscarriage or a pathology of fetal development, but tests will have to be taken very often. The 18th week of pregnancy is precisely the period for a repeat ultrasound.
  • Infections of the genital organs. Changing sexual partners can lead to sexual diseases (syphilis, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis), causing miscarriage. Other infections (herpes, thrush) can cause developmental pathologies in the fetus or infect the child during childbirth.
  • Viral diseases. Influenza, pyelonephritis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, viral hepatitis, rubella, appendicitis can also lead to miscarriage or change the normal course of fetal development.
  • Abortion. If before pregnancy there were cases of abortions or miscarriages, then the risk of threat to the life of the fetus increases. This is due to disruption of the ovaries. Therefore, be careful at 18 weeks of pregnancy: the size of the fetus, the number of kicks and other ultrasound diagnostic parameters will help identify developmental abnormalities.
  • Medicines. Preparations with hormones, antibiotics or ordinary herbal teas with nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort, parsley, tansy, and cornflower cause bleeding.
  • Stress. Any strong positive or negative emotions cause hypertonicity of the uterus, which causes miscarriage.
  • Antisocial lifestyle. Alcohol, smoking, and drugs lead to miscarriage or cause abnormalities in the development of the child.
  • Poor nutrition. The lack of a complete vitamin and mineral complex in the mother’s body leads to the threat of miscarriage at 18 weeks of pregnancy. By the time of birth, the size of the fetus may go beyond the normal limits and gain more than four kilograms. Remember that all doctors are wary of large children, attributing to them a bunch of various diagnoses.
  • Sports, heavy physical labor, and sexual intercourse can also cause bleeding.

Lifestyle of a pregnant woman at 18 weeks: nutrition

Meals should be six meals a day, divided into small portions. The last dinner will consist of kefir, which can be drunk at nine in the evening. Meals must be structured so that before one o'clock in the afternoon you eat dishes with proteins and fats (fish, meat), and then prepare a menu of vegetable, dairy or cereal products. These rules do not cause difficulties for a woman, since the “taste” oddities should pass by this period (18 weeks of pregnancy), the sensations become adequate.

Be sure to follow your diet. Do not chew constantly, at least three hours should pass between meals, dinner should be no later than three hours before bedtime, and the night break should be at least ten hours. Discipline not only helps ease the work of the mother’s gastrointestinal tract, but also accustoms the baby to feeding at certain hours.

Pregnant women should always eat freshly prepared food containing nutrients. Do not eat hot foods, drink at least two liters of liquid (by the twenty-sixth week, reduce the volume of water to one and a half liters per day). Remember that poor nutrition not only leads to excess weight in the mother and lack of nutrients for the fetus, but can also cause allergies in the baby.

Gymnastics at 18 weeks of pregnancy

Physical activity is not prohibited during this period. Athletes and trained women are allowed any sports where there is no heavy load on the child. For physically unprepared women, the 18th week of pregnancy is also favorable for playing sports. If necessary, the gynecologist can show you a special set of exercises. Due to this complex:

  • the flow of oxygen to the child increases;
  • the mother's muscles are stretched;
  • the woman is being prepared for childbirth;
  • the occurrence of flat feet is excluded;
  • a woman learns to breathe correctly.

The exercises involve walking on the toes, heels, outer and inner sides of the feet; slow bends; raising and lowering on the feet; light squat; moving the legs to the side and back; Exercises in a lying and sitting position to relieve back pain.

A set of exercises for each stage of pregnancy has its own characteristics. But the main thing is to avoid jumping, active running, deep squats, aerobics, and tension in the abdominal muscles. Despite the favorable period for sports (meaning the 18th week of pregnancy), the woman’s feelings are of primary importance. If you feel unwell, stop all activities. Do all exercises slowly, fluidly, with breathing restored.

Pregnant woman's activity at 18 weeks: travel

The second trimester becomes a rest period for many pregnant women. During this period, expectant mothers accumulate strength before childbirth and possible sleepless nights. It is for this purpose that many couples go on vacation. To do this, you need to remember a few recommendations from experts.

  • Optimal pregnancy period. It is not recommended to travel before the twelfth week of pregnancy, when the internal organs of the fetus are developing, and after the thirty-second week, when premature birth may occur.
  • Transport. You can travel by any type of transport at the optimal stage of pregnancy, the main thing is to create the most comfortable conditions for the mother and fetus. Do not forget to undergo an ultrasound scan at 18 weeks of pregnancy before your trip.
  • Climate. Choose a vacation spot with the same climate zone.
  • Bathing. Swimming in open water is not prohibited unless there are contraindications (infections, placenta previa).
  • A tan. Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from sunbathing or visiting a solarium. Under direct sunlight and hormonal changes, the skin may become covered with pigment spots.

What tests should I take by this date?

The woman undergoes a routine gynecological examination, blood and urine tests. If the tests are bad, the pregnant woman must re-test her urine according to Nechiporenko or for bacterial culture. To exclude bad tests, you must follow the rules for collecting urine in a clean container.

You also need to see a dentist, as many women experience bleeding gums due to lack of calcium in the body. In addition, caries and bleeding gums lead to the fact that the baby is born with underweight, and sometimes infections can lead to premature birth. The best way to protect your teeth from tooth decay is to take fluoride by mouth, so check with your doctor about dosage.

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the baby’s movements can be seen on an ultrasound, which is prescribed until the 22nd week. Ultrasound diagnostics are also prescribed for women with pregnancy complications, with “bad” heredity and older children with congenital defects. This also applies to women whose first pregnancy occurred before the age of sixteen and after the age of thirty-five.

18th week of pregnancy: what happens to the fetus?

By this time, the height of the fetus is twenty centimeters, weight - two hundred and fifty grams. The strengthening of bone tissue and the formation of baby teeth are actively underway, so a mother with calcium deficiency may experience cramps or pain in the joints. Remember that for the full development of a child, it is necessary to consume three hundred milligrams of calcium per day. The fatty layer of the skin consists of folds covered with a special lubricant and fluff. But after a couple of weeks, the baby’s skin will smooth out.

The brain continues to develop. Vision and hearing begin to function. The fetus reacts to bright light and loud sounds. Pregnant women begin experiments with musical compositions and sounds of nature in order to determine the taste of the child at this stage (18 weeks of pregnancy).

What happens to innate reflexes? The baby already knows how to swallow and drinks amniotic fluid with pleasure. The lungs continue to develop, but the baby is not ready for birth. Firstly, the organs of the respiratory system did not take the necessary shape. And secondly, only by the twenty-fourth week will the lungs begin to produce a special substance (surfactant) necessary for independent breathing.

At week 18, you can determine the sex of the baby, since the formation of the genital organs is almost complete. The baby communicates with his parents when he first begins to push and move. Active movement contributes to the development of muscle mass, but hyperactivity may indicate a lack of oxygen.

Ultrasound parameters

How the child develops in utero will be shown by ultrasound diagnostic studies during this period (pregnancy 18 weeks). The fetal photo usually contains the following data:

The intestines continue to produce meconium, which consists of the remains of amniotic fluid and substances from the digestive tract. The process of defecation in the fetus is carried out normally after childbirth. But if a child is born, and the water contains meconium feces, then this indicates fetal asphyxia. It is not yet possible to see the state of suffocation in a child during intrauterine development through ultrasound based on the color and contents of the amniotic fluid. For this purpose, the pregnant woman is referred for an amnioscopy procedure.

The prostate gland begins to form in the male fetus. This is what parents like about the 18th week of pregnancy: the sex of the child allows them to purchase the necessary goods for the newborn.

During the examination, you may find your baby sucking his thumb, yawning, rubbing his eyes with his fists, or moving. Despite modern equipment, the development of the fetal nervous system cannot be studied. His nerves are protected by myelin, which transmits impulses along the nerve trunks. However, the functioning of the brain can be judged by the functioning of the sense organs. By the eighteenth week, the organ of vision and hearing is formed.

Immunity develops, the fetus already produces some substances that resist infections. They are called immunoglobulin and interferon. The child’s health and successful adaptation to public collective places (kindergarten, school) will depend on the immune system. Therefore, ask your immunologist how you can strengthen a woman’s immunity during pregnancy.

Brief conclusions

If there are no prohibitions from the doctor, then a woman in the eighteenth week of pregnancy can travel, swim, play sports, yoga, and swimming. The main thing is to monitor your health. A child at 18 weeks of pregnancy shows his discomfort with jerks. During the second trimester, it is important to gain more positive emotions, spiritual strength, and restore the emotional connection with your spouse and baby.

The antenatal period is one of the most crucial in the life of any woman. At this time, the pregnant woman’s body experiences enormous stress on all systems and organs, because it bears all the responsibility for the development of the fetus. During each week, the fetus goes through different stages of its development and, accordingly, the mother’s sensations also change with them. That is why it is important to pay attention to every sensation, its intensity and severity; this can serve as a sure signal that something is wrong with the fetus or, conversely, that everything is fine. In order to understand this issue and distinguish normality from pathology, our article was written.

The 18th week of pregnancy is the period that corresponds to the second trimester and the second week of the 5th month or the 20th obstetric week. If you have managed to hide your belly before, then the 18th week is the point when it will become very difficult to do this, because your belly is already occupied by a volume that is comparable to a decent melon. A pleasant surprise for many mothers will be the sensation of the baby’s first movements. It is worth noting the relative improvement in the condition of pregnant women, which is achieved due to the normalization of the endocrine system and the stabilization of hormonal levels.

Video - 18th week of pregnancy, what happens in the abdomen, movements, screening, appetite, exercise

Signs, symptoms, sensations of the mother and the mechanism of their occurrence

Active weight gain and intensive growth of the child, leading to the fact that the walls of the uterus are stretched and this gives her discomfort. By this time, the fundus of the uterus is already located not far from the navel, or rather 1.5-2.5 cm above it. Due to its growth, all nearby organs are displaced, more precisely the intestines, stomach, liver and spleen. However, not everything is so bad, so let's start with the pleasant.

4.Feeling of pressure in the navel area

Often this sensation is marked by an enlargement of the uterus, which leads to stretching of the skin, and the cause may also be stretching of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall - the abdominal muscles. Such sensations are observed mainly if the pregnant woman has not played sports and the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall are weak. Such sensations may even be a little painful.

5. Striae or stretch marks

They appear at first in the form of stripes that can have different colors, mainly from crimson to purple. At week 18, the direction of the stripes is longitudinal, that is, from bottom to top. Their appearance is associated with rapid stretching of the skin that the skin does not have time to adapt to it. Two proteins, collagen and elastin, are responsible for the stretching and strength of the skin. Elastin ensures the stretching of the skin to maximum values, and collagen ensures the integrity of its structures. When the reserves of these proteins are depleted, the elastin in the hypodermis breaks down and this leads to the formation of a scar. The precursor to stretch marks often begins as mild itching.

6.Back pain

This sensation occurs in most women, but it begins to actively manifest itself only at 18 weeks, when your baby begins to gain weight. In addition, the action of hormones is aimed at relaxing the ligamentous apparatus in order to ensure adequate breathing for the pregnant woman and stretchability in the pelvic area, but in addition, they negatively affect the ligaments of the spine, which help maintain the weight of the fetus. Also, during pregnancy, the expectant mother's posture changes, which puts even more stress on the spine, especially the lumbar region. In addition, in addition to the weight of the child, the pregnant woman also increases her body weight.

7. Sleep disturbance

The main reasons that lead to sleep disturbances in pregnant women include an increase in the concentration of progesterone in the blood, an increase in the volume of the abdomen, pain in the back, discomfort in the navel, movements of the unborn child, etc. The increase in the abdomen and the weight of the child lead to the fact that it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to find a comfortable sleeping position. This is facilitated by pain, movement and other sensations that can cause discomfort. It is also impossible to exclude changes in the nervous system, because every mother worries about her child, the course of labor, and some, even at 18 weeks, are not ready to get used to the idea that they will soon be mothers. All these phenomena lead to constant stress, which can affect sleep disturbances.

8.Heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen

Increased blood levels of the hormone progesterone relaxes the muscle layer of organs, in particular the stomach. There are valves between the stomach and esophagus, as well as the duodenum, but their functioning directly depends on the functioning of muscle fibers. When a pregnant woman eats food, it passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach. In the stomach, special cells begin to secrete hydrochloric acid and a special enzyme, pepsin, which is responsible for the breakdown of protein. When acid is released, the pH of the environment decreases and these changes are recorded by receptors, which, thanks to the nervous system, cause the valves to close using muscle fibers. This prevents acidic contents from entering the alkaline environment of the intestines or esophagus. In pregnant women, this mechanism is disrupted and often when overeating, the valve does not close completely or cannot hold a significant amount of food. Malfunction of the valves leads to heartburn and pain in the upper abdomen.

9.Changes in the cardiovascular system

The fetus grows, which means the load on the heart increases, because it must provide both the pregnant woman and the fetus with nutrients and oxygen. The first thing that is noticed at such an early stage is a decrease in blood pressure, but don’t worry, this is normal. Thus, the heart adapts to the condition of the fetus’s existence and the increase in its demands every week. Thanks to these changes, the efficiency of the heart increases significantly.

Description of fetal development

At 18 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is actively developing; it is during this period that the peak rate of development of systems such as the musculoskeletal, nervous and endocrine falls. By this time, the child’s height already reaches 13-14 cm, and his weight is up to 200 g.

1.Central nervous system

Myelin protein begins to form around the nerves, which is responsible for the speed of nerve impulses. However, it is worth noting that this process does not end immediately after pregnancy, but continues for a year after it. The cerebral cortex is continuously developing, its area is increasing, and the grooves and convolutions are becoming more and more clear-cut. In the fetus, the blood-brain barrier is just beginning to form, but the vascular system of the brain is already fully formed and can fully supply the brain with blood.

2.Endocrine system

The glands of the endocrine system are already at the stage of completing the formation of their structure, due to which they begin to actively secrete hormones. The adrenal glands and thymus reach the greatest development. The release of hormones by the fetus is so intense that if there is a need or a lack of hormones in the mother, the fetus can completely compensate for this condition by releasing a sufficient amount of hormones for two. In such cases, doctors note an unhealthy tendency that such children eventually suffer from a disease of the same gland, which was under double load during pregnancy.

3. Musculoskeletal system

The final stages in the development of the musculoskeletal system of the antenatal period are noted. The upper and lower extremities are especially distinguished by the degree of development; the formed phalanges of the fingers can already be seen. It is at this stage of pregnancy that with the help of an ultrasound you will be able to see for the first time how the baby sucks its thumb.

4.Touch system

The eyes continue to develop, and the nerve cells of the retina have reached the stage of development that allows them to distinguish light from darkness. The child does not yet distinguish colors. But he is able to distinguish sounds, which is possible thanks to the auditory ossicles in the middle ear, which complete their formation by this time.


The skin of the fetus has not yet formed; it is distinguished by significant thinness and tenderness. It looks wrinkled, the blood vessels are visible through it, which adds a red tint to the color of the skin.


The main principles of rational nutrition for pregnant women with a period of 18 weeks are fragmentation and complexity. Eat at least 5-6 times, but in small portions, this will relieve you of heartburn, provide higher food efficiency and prevent you from gaining weight quickly. As for the complexity of nutrition, you need to make sure that your food is balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The average energy requirement for pregnant women at week 18 is 2800–3000 kcal. The amount of protein in your food should be 3 times less than carbohydrates.

Advantage in nutrition should be given to fruits, vegetables and root vegetables, because they are rich in fiber, which will protect you from constipation. It is not recommended to consume a significant amount of sweets; the maximum amount of sugar that can be consumed per day is 40 g. It is recommended to drink water at the rate of 0.035 liters per kg of body weight.

You should consult your doctor about whether you should take vitamins and other dietary supplements that will provide you and the fetus with all the necessary substances and microelements.

1. Pain in the navel area

If you have pain in the navel area, which can be attributed to weak muscles and stretched skin, you should consult a doctor. In addition to this, the reason may be:

  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • intestinal infection;
  • umbilical hernia.

The presence of any of these diseases can negatively affect the course of pregnancy.

2.Stretch marks

In order to avoid the occurrence of stretch marks, it is worth additionally nourishing the skin. The first thing you should apply is moisturizer. Secondly, a light massage of the abdominal skin will increase blood flow to the skin, which will enhance its nutrition and make it possible to accelerate the renewal of skin cells, which will make it stronger and more elastic. Thirdly, control your weight, because obesity will only worsen stretch marks. Eating too much will lead to the deposition of fat in the thighs, abdomen and chest, which will further stretch the skin.

3.Back pain

If you have back pain, you also need to be on alert, since in addition to pregnancy, such sensations can be caused by pyelonephritis, the threat of miscarriage and other diseases. It is recommended to regularly measure the temperature, also pay attention to the nature of the pain; if the pain is of the muscular type, then this is most likely due to the load on the muscles and ligaments of the back. Acute pain of severe intensity is a sign of the disease. That is why you should be regularly examined by a doctor and not hide any feelings that are bothering you.


You can completely get rid of such a feeling as heartburn by following just a few rules. The number of meals should increase to 5-6 times a day, but its volume will decrease. This will prevent you from overeating, but will also prevent you from starving. After eating, you should never go to bed right away, much less sleep. During sleep, digestion processes slow down, and gastric contents with great pressure put pressure on the valve, which is located between the stomach and esophagus. It is not recommended to drink large amounts of liquid after eating, because by doing so you dilute hydrochloric acid and increase the time it takes to digest food.

5.Communication with the child

As already written above, the child has already formed sensory organs, so it is worth starting to communicate with him from 18 weeks. Experts recommend reading them fairy tales, talking, singing lullabies; you will still have to do this over time. Many people believe that classical music has a positive effect on fetal development. It is worth noting that scientists have proven the connection between communication between mother and child in the antenatal period and the degree of severity of mental abilities.


During this period, you will have another ultrasound examination, which will make it possible to assess the child’s condition. For the doctor, the main points are the location and condition of the umbilical cord. Next, they pay attention to the presence or absence of the most common developmental anomalies, firstly, from the cardiovascular system, secondly, the height and main dimensions of the child are measured to check the timeliness of its development, thirdly, they will examine the gonads and be able to determine gender of the child.

18 weeks of pregnancy - ultrasound ultrasound at 18 weeks of pregnancy