International Day of Older Persons. When was the Day of the Elderly established? Events during the “Month of Pensioners”

Have you heard anything about Pensioners Day? There is International Women's Day, and in some countries they celebrate Father's Day. International Day of Older Persons is also celebrated, but there is also Pensioners' Day. Not everyone knows about this day, because, unfortunately, it is not celebrated in all countries and not even in all regions of Russia.

Place and time of celebration

When and on what date is Pensioner's Day usually celebrated? This is a regional holiday that is celebrated in the Sverdlovsk region annually on the last Sunday of August. This holiday is called "day", but it is celebrated for a whole month, since it gives rise to a 30-day marathon of good deeds dedicated to representatives of the older generation. The decision to celebrate this date was made in 2013. The governor of the Sverdlovsk region came up with this idea, and was supported by residents of the region. For five years now, mass events have been organized to make people pay attention to the invaluable work of pensioners and their contribution to public life. The events are aimed at ensuring that the younger generation pays attention to pensioners, respects and appreciates their work.

Events during the “Month of Pensioners”

Pensioner Day in 2017 was held in the Sverdlovsk region on August 27, opening a whole season of festive events, which lasted until October 1, until the International Day of Older Persons. A huge number of events were held, reaching up to 140. During this month, pensioners can visit exhibitions, museums, and theaters for free. Special consultations are held at which people retirement age can find out answers to their questions. Pensioners can receive medical care. Teams of doctors travel to remote places to examine elderly people. Cultural events are also held, concerts and fairs are organized. Pensioners attend special ceremonial events, at which those who distinguished themselves are awarded badges for various merits.

Class for an hour on the topic “Pensioner’s Day”

Schools organize events to encourage children to take part in the celebration. Classes and concerts are organized on this topic. We offer a short script for Pensioner's Day (classroom script).

  1. To begin with, to focus on the topic, you can read an instructive parable about grandparents. The parable should concern how important pensioners are, how much good and useful they have done so that now the younger generation does not need anything. A touching story should encourage students to start talking. You can ask everyone how he understood this parable. It’s good if a student talks about his grandmother or grandfather - this will start a conversation dedicated to Pensioners’ Day.
  2. You can lead a discussion by asking children a problematic question. Everyone should participate in the conversation. The question could be of this nature: “What would you take out of the house first if there was a fire?” The students' answers will show the values ​​by which they live. The teacher must ask you to justify your answers.
  3. You can watch social videos about modern values, about the attitude of young people towards older people.
  4. It is advisable to offer the children a game: they should compare children and elderly people, say what is common and different between them. Children themselves will quickly come to the conclusion of how to treat their grandparents.
  5. You can find stories about people who became famous in old age in order to focus children’s attention on the fact that “age is not a hindrance in life.”
  6. Students should definitely leave the class not with an empty head, but with the thought of how each of them treats pensioners, grandparents, and maybe it’s worth rethinking and changing their behavior.

What to gift?

Very often, people, thinking about what to give to a pensioner, no matter what holiday, be it Pensioners Day or any other, decide to give them something like a medal “For Labor”, “For Honor” or give them sets of dishes and towels . Often gifts are simply flowers or sweets. Please forget about these gifts! In no case should a gift be a reminder of age or status.

So, on Pensioners’ Day, give the heroes of the occasion something youthful: a bicycle, skates, roller skates, a scooter - don’t let them think that they are no longer capable of anything. Give them a trip not to a theater or museum, but to an incendiary concert, take them to a restaurant of “non-Russian cuisine.” Most importantly, remember that you have no right to forget about our pensioners, not only on their day, but always. A good gift could be a professional photo shoot - let retirees feel like stars, give them a little holiday!

How to congratulate retirees?

Congratulations on Pensioners' Day should be as bright and lively as possible. Of course, you can wish a retired person good health, but you should not focus on this. Wish you success, new ideas and their implementation, a sea of ​​smiles, conquering peaks. Let your loved ones always be there. Wish the heroes of the occasion happiness and love! You can jokingly call a person a “pensioner,” but do not allow him to relax for a second, because a pensioner must be full of energy every day.

Analog of Pensioners Day

Do not think that pensioners are remembered only in the Sverdlovsk region. Since 1990, the whole world has been celebrating Older People's Day. It is celebrated on the first of October. At first, this day was celebrated only in Europe. But very soon other continents picked up the idea of ​​celebrating this date. On this day, charity concerts and events are held in many countries to help older people. Cultural events, exhibitions, and concerts are also organized. On this day, conferences are held that are dedicated to protecting the rights of older people.

Japan is a little different in celebrating this day. There is a Day of Honoring the Elderly, and it is celebrated on the third Monday in September. It doesn’t matter at all what date Pensioner’s Day or Elderly People’s Day is celebrated, what is important is the attention we should give to older people. Life is such that youth cannot be eternal. A person is born, lives and dies, going through stages such as infancy, childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity and old age.

You cannot be a child forever, you cannot always remain young or youthful. Everyone faces the same fate - growing old. Therefore, we need to behave with older people the way we would like others to treat us when old age sets in. People should respect and appreciate their work and simply what they are. Pensioners' Day should not only take place for one day or month, but throughout the year. They deserve it.

The International Day of Older Persons is celebrated in early October. Established by the UN General Assembly in 1990. The purpose of the Day of the Elderly is to focus on solving the problems of the older generation.

Celebrations for Older Persons' Day in some countries are very diverse. These are festivals and various concerts, theatrical performances and charity exhibitions, all kinds of recreational evenings, tea parties, dances, excursions, congresses and conferences in defense of the rights of older people. In developed countries, many, and especially children, everywhere, as best they can, show their respect to people of the older generation. Business representatives arrange discounts for them in stores and on various services. Actions are being taken to support those who can no longer care for themselves. They try to give them something that makes their soul feel good, something that gives them meaning and charm. Everyone is trying to pay attention to our beloved grandparents.

People of respectable age who have lived to old age are worthy of respect even just because they managed to do so by the grace of God. Not everyone is given such a huge achievement and the grace to feel the wisdom of their years. To discount a person who has reached a certain age is completely inhumane. Elderly age person - does not mean at all that he is no longer capable of much; quite the opposite, that he can old man, is rarely able to make one look younger, and it is not at all about the strength and energy that is inherent in the younger generation, but about experience and patience, perseverance and the ability to achieve assigned tasks, mental flexibility and tolerance, which is present in abundance in most older people.

Let us remind you that officially in Italy National Grandparents Day is celebrated on October 2, in Mexico National Grandparents Day is celebrated on August 28, in Estonia this date is on the second Sunday of September, Elderly People's Day in Palau is celebrated on May 5, in Kiribati July 15 is dedicated to this event, in South Sudan on the second Sunday of November, in Poland - January 22. In the United States there is even a Day for Older Persons Diagnosed with HIV/AIDS, which takes place on September 18th. Russia joined the International Day of Older Persons in 1992.

Based on materials from the project website, the International Day of Older Persons, which is what the Day of Older Persons is called, is celebrated annually around the world on October 1. According to history and facts, it arose at the initiative of the UN General Assembly, resolution of December 14, 1990 - resolution No. A/RES/45/106. A year later, the Assembly defined its principles regarding aging citizens, which it decided to enshrine in resolution A/RES/46/91, and the following year a general declaration on aging was adopted, A/RES/resolution 47/5. We celebrated the 10th anniversary of the International Plan of Action aimed at providing social and economic guarantees for the elderly.

But for the first time on the planet, the Day of People of Respectable and Respectable Age began to be celebrated in Europe, in the Scandinavian countries. The initiative was taken up by the United States and by the end of the 80s the holiday had spread throughout the world. This led to the creation of the international day. However, its final official approval at the international level was not due solely to its popularity. One very sad factor was another global event of the century - a decrease in contributions to the UN Special Trust Fund on Aging, against the background of the rapid aging of the population around the world. This is not a paradoxical phenomenon at all, but it clearly signals the decline of moral and cultural values ​​in our society.

The wisest book on earth, the Bible, the Holy Scripture, openly says that our own life expectancy on this earth directly depends on our attitude towards our fathers and mothers. By neglecting the problems of older people, we are sowing our own future problems. The UN General Assembly calls on governments and authorities, civil organizations and business structures, as well as all people on earth to turn and focus their attention on helping to solve the problems of the older generation. Traditionally, on October 1, the UN Secretary General makes an official speech. He steadfastly calls for ensuring and respecting the rights of older citizens. Our society is a society for all ages. This is the basis and purpose of civilization, and time can be considered evil in this sense. Through our common efforts, it is quite possible to ensure that not only do we live longer, but also that our lives are of higher quality and more fulfilling, varied and deeply satisfying.

Happy International Day of Older Persons and may it not be the last!

Interesting facts for the International Day of Older Persons

Growing up is an integral part of life. Over time we change. Our bodies and our perception of reality change.. Read more in the material “Some secrets of older people”, which can be used as a theme or script for an event or evening.

International Day of Older Persons is celebrated annually on October 1 by decision of the UN General Assembly since 1991.

The purpose of this day is to attract public attention to the problems of older people.

According to the UN, there are currently almost 700 million people over 60 years of age in the world. By 2050, the number of people over 60 years of age will reach two billion, making up more than 20% of the world's population. Issues associated with population aging initially affected mainly developed countries, but are now becoming increasingly important in developing countries as well.

The largest and fastest growth in the number of older people will be seen in the developing world, with the Asian region accounting for the largest number of older people and the African region accounting for the largest increase in the proportion of older people.

In 1982, the first World Assembly on Aging was held in Vienna, where the International Plan of Action was adopted, which determined the international community's approach to the problem of aging. That same year, the plan was approved by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA). Continuing such initiatives, the UN General Assembly, in its resolution 45/106, decided to consider October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons. In 1991, the General Assembly adopted the UN Principles on Older Persons (resolution 46/91) and in 1992 the Declaration on Aging.

In 2002, the Second World Assembly on Aging, held in Madrid, adopted the Political Declaration and International Plan of Action, which strengthened the political consensus on aging, focusing Special attention development and international cooperation and assistance in this area.

Since its adoption, the Madrid International Plan of Action (MIPA) has guided the development of strategies and programs at the national level, stimulated the development of national and regional plans and provided an international framework for dialogue.

The goal of the International Plan of Action is to ensure that the world's older population can live in safety and dignity and continue to participate in society as full citizens.

The Madrid Plan of Action proposes three priority areas for action at the national level: the active participation of older people in society and development; ensuring health and well-being in old age; promoting the creation favorable conditions for social development. Each priority area includes priority issues, or problems; tasks and recommendations.

The Madrid International Plan of Action is not a set of universal prescriptions; it is a global framework against which governments have committed to guide the direction and content of national action on ageing. The choice and implementation of these actions depends on the conditions and opportunities different countries. The primary level of action for implementing the MIPAS is national, with national governments having primary responsibility for implementing the broad set of recommendations contained in the Plan.

October 1 is the Day of the Elderly and traditionally in Krasnoyarsk they prepare a number of events not only for older people, but also which the whole family can attend.

This time the organizers tried especially hard; the list of really interesting venues is so large that it won’t fit on this newspaper page. Therefore, we chose the most basic ones, and you can view the full program on our website By the way, the events begin not on the same day, but today, September 27.


Exhibition – business center"Siberia", st. Aviatorov, 19 - September 29 – October 1 at 13.00

Exhibitions and master classes

“Things of my youth”, All-Russian Society of Disabled People of the Zheleznodorozhny District, st. Ozernaya, 30/6 - September 27

Master class for the older generation “Amulets for the home”, All-Russian Society of Disabled People of the Zheleznodorozhny District, st. Ozernaya, 30/6 - September 29

Open event of the women's club "Transfiguration" on the topic "Lifestyle after 60"

Center social services elderly citizens and disabled people of the Oktyabrsky district in the city of Krasnoyarsk, Totmina, 19 - September 28 at 15.00

Choir gatherings “Songs unite us”

Local organization of the All-Russian public organization "All-Russian Society of Disabled Persons", st. 60 years of October, 59a - September 28 at 13.00

“Days of Golden Color” - an evening meeting dedicated to International Day old people

Krasnoyarsk Regional Specialized Library-Center for Sociocultural Rehabilitation of the Visually Impaired, st. Sverdlovskaya, 53a - September 29 at 15.00

“Let’s shake up the old days” gatherings for members of the “Russian Gatherings” club

Computer Literacy Championship “Advanced Grandmother”

Campaign “Thank you for your caring hands”

In addition, on October 2, People's Artist of Russia Ekaterina Shavrina will perform at the City Palace of Culture. The concert will begin at 12.00, the city administration’s social welfare department said.

And from September 29 to October 1, at the Sibir International Exhibition Center, older people will be able to take part in competitions in playing darts, chess and gorodki.

They will receive discounts on vouchers to sanatoriums, household goods and food products.

Master classes on yoga, fitness and Nordic walking with experienced instructors will also be held here.

The most interesting thing is the “Super Grandmother 2017” competition (September 30 in Siberia). The hostesses will treat the audience with signature pies. All participants will receive valuable gifts. And then they will be able to attend a big festive concert of a brass band, with dancing and favorite songs of past years.

Older Persons Day October 1, 2017: beautiful animations and poems for the holiday. The calendar says October 1, which means today our country is celebrating a very touching holiday. The name of this holiday is the Day of the Elderly.

Today, all people of the older generation will accept congratulations and words of gratitude from their children and grandchildren. It’s great that there is such a holiday. You can once again tell your loved ones how much you love them and how much you need them.

Beautiful animated cards and congratulations in verse will delight the people you love.

Today is a special day -
Day of the wise and respectable,
Day of the experienced and strict,
Day of the kind, smart, prominent.

And let the years pass
This is their nature.
But you have something to remember
In any season.

And maybe memoirs
Write to you in the evenings:
Let the grandchildren read it
How did you start in life?

They will read it and be surprised
What were you like?
Worked, studied,
They were friends and loved.

Be friends and love
Learn today too.
We wish you happiness
And good health.

We wish you a lot:
Live another hundred summers,
Look forward with a smile
Don't worry about the past.

So that the heart does not play pranks,
So that the children take care
So that everything you have in mind
You were able to implement it!

At least by age “over 50”
Still 17 at heart
The eyes shine confidently
You have no reason to be afraid of age!

There is one secret to happiness -
Be kind, don’t hide evil in yourself,
To love the whole world and the light of the sun,
And every day with its sunset!

Special day on the calendar
The month of October begins:
Today the elderly
We sincerely congratulate everyone!

On your strengths and shoulders
Houses and streets grew up.
Without stopping your hands,
They created beauty for us!

You have happiness, strength, kindness, warmth,
Good health and peace.
So that all the important blessings of life
It's enough for your lifetime!


Life goes on, adding age to everyone,
But it’s not really a matter of years.
This holiday is wise and serious,
But with a little sadness in the eyes.

Happy holiday to you, elderly people,
You have more joys than worries.
Let them respect you, honor you and love you very much.
Let every year be successful!

Happiness to you, health, tenderness
Grandchildren, attention to yourself.
May they give you happiness and patience
Dear people are in your destiny.