Methodological development of a “game for getting to know preschoolers.” Lesson summary for the second junior group “Getting to know our group Getting to know the dhow as an educational organization

Subject: Preschool educational institutions in the education system.

Task No. 1 : Acquaintance with a preschool institution - the base of teaching practice.

Kindergarten No. 108 belongs to the education department of the Leninsky district administration. The number of groups in this preschool institution is 13. The teaching staff consists of 21 teachers, 2 physical education directors, 2 music directors. The majority of educators, about 13 people, have higher education, 2 have the highest qualification category, 6 have the first qualification category. The kindergarten has about 253 pupils. Groups are formed as follows:

Task No. 2: Tour of the preschool.

The nursery-garden has an intra-block location, residential buildings are located around the perimeter of the site, and transport routes are located more than one hundred meters from the territory of the nursery-garden. The building has a two-story structure with a ceiling to floor height of 3 meters. During the inspection of the preschool institution, the principle of group isolation is observed: for each group, premises are allocated, combined into a group room with an independent entrance from the land plot. The group room is the centerpiece of the building. The group room includes a reception area, a locker room, play areas, a bedroom, a pantry, and a toilet for toddlers. For preschool children there is a locker room, sleeping area, toilet, and pantry. In the playroom, children play, study, and eat. For activities and feeding, children's furniture is used, which corresponds to the age of the child, as well as sanitary and hygienic standards. The groups have sliding wardrobes and window tables for storing toys. There is a large presence of a variety of educational games. The walls of the group rooms are artistically decorated in the form of bright colorful drawings of animals, cartoon characters, natural phenomena (sun, cloud and rain). The locker room also has an aesthetic design; on the walls you can see photographs of the students of this group, the results of their creative work (drawings, crafts, applications), and a lot of varied and interesting information for parents. A music and physical education hall is provided for conducting gymnastics and music classes. In the gymnasium along the wall there are gymnastic ladders and climbing equipment, there is a large variety of sports equipment: balls, sticks, jump ropes, hoops, etc. in the music room there is a piano, a music center with many music discs and audio cassettes on which, in particular, musical songs are recorded and games. There is a designated area for spectators and provision for children's seats with age-appropriate furniture. The music hall has an aesthetic design with flowers, balloons, and pleasant pink shades.

During the inspection of the territory of the preschool institution, a large number of green spaces were noted that improve the microclimate, reduce gas pollution, and contribute to the aesthetics of the site’s design. The site is divided into group areas, and is located in close proximity to the entrance to the group room. Each playground is equipped with a shady canopy, allowing children to play outdoors in any weather. The playground for toddlers and younger children has sandboxes, swings, and benches. For older groups there are slides, ladders, and labyrinths.

This institution also provides for the presence of a methodological office where the deputy head for educational activities has a workplace. The methodological room is intended to ensure the creative work of teachers in their subject, self-education and improvement of pedagogical skills, as well as to analyze and generalize the experience of methodological work in a preschool institution.

Methodological room equipment:

  • Stands reflecting the organization of educational, educational and methodological work in an educational institution;

  • Funds of pedagogical press, psychology and methods of teaching and education;

  • Samples of educational documentation (private methods, introductory lectures, lesson plans, development scenarios);

  • Information indexes, extracts and catalogs of literature on issues of education and upbringing;

  • Materials from leading teachers on the theory and practice of teaching and upbringing in the form of printed materials;

  • Technical means for viewing and listening to existing teaching materials (player, overhead projector, tape recorder, computer)
All materials located in the methodological room are collected in blocks in the following order:

  1. Normative documents

  2. Educational and methodological support

  3. Visual and illustrative materials

  4. Pedagogical and children's literature, periodicals

  5. Exhibitions

  6. Documentation on the content of work in a preschool educational institution.

The second youngest group educates children aged 3 to 4 years. Some of them are attending kindergarten for the second and third year, and some are coming for the first time. This group has created all the conditions for their speedy adaptation to the new team. The group contains a large number of visual aids for children. A wide range of teaching materials is also provided. During the observation, the presence of a children's store called “Sunflowers” ​​was noted, which has a cash register, scales, vegetables and fruits, and other food products. On the opposite side there is a medical corner “Aibolit”, in which you can see medical items for children, a corner for duty officers, a hairdresser, and a corner for relaxation. Board games of a developmental nature attract a lot of attention: puzzles, pictures with various animals, plants, construction sets, cubes, etc. The visual material is very colorful, interesting and attractive for this age group.

Subject: Organization of group work in the morning.

Task No. 1 : Observation of the work of the teacher and his assistant in organizing routine processes in the first half of the day (morning reception, washing, feeding, dressing, undressing, sleeping, etc.) distribution of responsibilities between them.

The teacher's work begins with the morning reception of children. Children are received in the locker room. The teacher greets each child warmly and treats his parents calmly and kindly. Tries to interest the child, offers toys, and involves him in quiet games. Therefore, all children are happy to join the group.

Before breakfast, morning exercises are organized, which is important both for physical development and for a cheerful mood.

To conduct morning exercises, children and the teacher change into replacement shoes (czech shoes) and go to the gym. Gymnastics is carried out under the guidance of a teacher. Children stand in a semicircle, the teacher recites poems and shows the movements to them, the children repeat the movements after the teacher.

We kick - stomp, stomp

We use our hands - clap-clap.

Movements are carried out according to the content of the text.

We are with our eyes - moment-to-moment.

Hands on the belt. We blink our eyes.

We shrug our shoulders - chick-chick.

Hands on the belt. Shoulders up - down

One - here, two - there

Hands on the belt, deep turns to the right, left.

Turn around yourself.

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up,

Everyone raised their hands to the top.

They sat down, stood up,

It’s as if they became Vanka-vstanka.

Hands pressed to the body

And they started jumping, and then they started jumping, like my elastic ball.

Movements are performed according to the content of the text.

One-two, one-two,

It's time for us to get busy!

Standing still, raise your arms up and down to your sides.

When conducting morning exercises, the teacher sets the following tasks:

  • Development of motor activity in a child

  • Expansion of the child’s substantive and practical activities, which opens up wide opportunities for the formation of ideas about the surrounding reality, as well as interaction with other children.
When performing gymnastics, the teacher provides individual assistance to children who do not have time or cope poorly with the exercises.

Washing process carried out before meals. There is toilet soap in a soap dish on the washbasin; on the opposite side, on the wall, there are clean towels, individual for each child. Under the guidance of the teacher, the children line up in a column of two and go to the washbasin in pairs, while two children wash themselves, the rest wait their turn. After washing, the children head to the group and take their places at the table. All children have washing skills. The washing process is led by a teacher who monitors the order, discipline and correctness of the process. Provides assistance if necessary. During the washing process, vocabulary work is also carried out (short nursery rhymes, sayings on the topic of washing).

After the washing process, nutrition process. Two people on duty are appointed in the group, who put on aprons and, under the guidance of the teacher, set the table: napkins, bread bins, and cutlery are placed on each table. The attendants cope with the task quite well. Children sit down at the tables as they finish washing. Four people sit at each table. On each table there are colorful glasses with napkins. The napkins are neatly folded, the wicker bread bins are all the same. The dishes are served by the teacher's assistant on the table for each child, without delay. Most children eat themselves and with pleasure. For younger children and children who are not coping well, the assistant teacher, together with the teacher, provides assistance (supplementary feeding). The children behave calmly at the table. Before the start of the meal, the teacher wishes the children a bon appetit, and the children thank the teacher in return. During lunch, the teacher makes sure that the children eat correctly and carefully, and shows how to use cutlery and napkins. All children try to eat carefully, and after finishing the meal they thank you for the food. The attendants help the assistant teacher clean the dishes from the tables.

Before serving food on the table, the teacher conducts pedagogical work, tells the children what dishes they will eat, what products they are made from.

After lunch they get ready for bed. The teacher organizes the children in such a way that they place their chairs in a semicircle, each sitting in his own chair, begins to undress. Children undress independently and carefully place all their clothes on the back of the chair. During the process of undressing, the teacher maintains constant control over the children, talking through their every action. Teaches children to be careful with their clothes. For children who are not coping well, the teacher provides assistance.

Children dress with the help of a teacher and an assistant teacher. After undressing, children go to the bedroom, which is separate from the playroom. In the bedroom there are separate cribs for each child, there are dark curtains on the windows, and there are no irritants in the bedroom that interfere with children's sleep.

Children behave calmly and balanced before bedtime. The teacher reads fairy tales to them, and the children quickly fall asleep. During sleep, the teacher is in the bedroom and watches the children.

Children wake up gradually, opening their eyes, they still continue to lie in their cribs, then in small groups they go to the toilet and to the dressing group. After sleep, the teacher carries out hardening procedures, which are a mandatory event in kindergarten. These include:

Air baths

Walking barefoot under normal conditions and on a ribbed path.

The duration is from 2 to 20 minutes, the time increases gradually.

Scheme for recording observations.

The sequence of regime processes, their

allocated for

regime processes

Actual time spent

deviation value (in min)

Conditions for holding

regime processes


children during regime


Interactions in the work of a teacher and an assistant teacher.

Morning reception, games and gymnastics

7.00 – 8.30

7.00 – 8.20

All necessary conditions have been created for conducting sensitive processes

During regime processes, children willingly carry out all the instructions of the teacher and listen to him carefully. The teacher tries to involve successful children in helping children who are lagging behind or who cannot cope with any routine processes, and the children willingly help each other.

Interactions in the work of a teacher and an assistant teacher are manifested in mutual assistance. For example: when returning after a walk, the assistant teacher meets the children, monitors how they undress, creates conditions for the development of independence, and organizes the children’s mutual assistance to each other.


8.30 – 9.00

8.20 – 9.00

Games, preparation for classes

9.00 – 9.15

9.00 – 9.15


9.15 – 10.00

9.15 – 10.00

Preparing for the walk

10.00 – 10.20

10.00 – 10.20


10.20 – 12.10

10.20 – 11.45

Returning from a walk

12.10 – 12.30

11.45 – 12.10


12.30 – 13.00

12.10 – 12.50


13.00 – 15.00

13.00 – 15.00

Task No. 2 : Study and analysis of the features of the organization and methodology of conducting walks in kindergarten.

A walk in kindergarten, in particular in the second junior group, is organized by the teacher in advance, according to plan. The walk takes place after breakfast and a scheduled lesson. During the walk, the teacher organizes observation of the surrounding nature. The walk is carried out in a specially equipped area for this age group. On the site there is a canopy (veranda) with a roof, protected by walls on three sides, in which you can hide from rain and wind and conduct classes at any time of the year, a low slide, small fences, and a table for remote equipment. Outdoor equipment is presented in the form of shovels, buckets, cars and other toys intended for playing outside. Equipment is stored in a specially designated closet and each group has its own. After class, children gather in the locker room to change clothes and go outside. The teacher supervises the dressing process. Under his leadership, children change into spare shoes and put on clothes for the season. The teacher carefully monitors the children’s actions and, if necessary, provides assistance (tying shoelaces, buttoning a jacket, etc.); the assistant teacher also assists the children in changing clothes. Before going outside, the teacher checks the children’s clothes and only after the children have all been examined and collected, do they follow the teacher in a friendly column of two people to their area. During the walk, the teacher constantly communicates with the children, asks them various questions, which the children answer with pleasure, and organizes observations of natural or social phenomena. The children, together with the teacher, looked at the cones that grow on the Christmas trees. The teacher asked the children questions:

What color are the pine cones?

Do they grow high or low?

What is the name of the tree on which they grow?

Then they examined the birch tree, what leaves grow on the birch tree, what color they are. Afterwards they approached the tree on which the feeder hung and looked at it. The teacher explained to the children what a feeder is and what it is intended for.

The children were also asked questions about the season and the weather. Almost all the children answered the questions correctly and in unison. During the walk, children carry out feasible work assignments. Together with the teacher, they remove garbage and leaves from their area. Then the teacher conducted outdoor games, which the children played with great pleasure.

Task No. 3 :Select teaching materials for independent work with children. Make a summary of morning exercises; outline of regime processes; summary of the walk.

summary of morning exercises.

Program content:

  • Strengthen the physical and psychological health of children, promote harmonious development;

  • Promote the development of interest in physical culture;

  • Develop basic skills and knowledge of a healthy lifestyle;
Progress of the lesson.

The teacher gathers the children and places them in a semicircle. He stands opposite, turning his face to the children, and explains to them that morning exercises will now be carried out and that the children must repeat after the teacher not only the movements, but also the words:

Fun Zoo

We are going to the zoo, everyone is happy to visit there!


There are bears and penguins, parrots and peacocks, there are giraffes and elephants, monkeys, tigers, lions.

Turns left and right with arms outstretched.

We all have fun playing and going through the motions.

Hands on the belt. Half squats with turns left and right.

This is a lion. He is the king of beasts, there is no one stronger in the world. He walks very importantly, he is handsome and brave.

Children walk slowly, measuredly, with their heads held high. The step is performed gracefully, with a slight lift of the leg on the toe and a slight turn of the body. Hands are on the belt.

And the funny monkeys shook the vines like that,

Starting position: standing still, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with fingers spread to the side, elbows bent. Children perform small half-squats.

That spring up and down and climb higher than everyone else!

Jumping with clapping overhead.

But a kind, smart elephant

Children place their feet shoulder-width apart, bend their arms at the elbows, lift them and spread them to the sides.

Sends his regards to everyone. He nods his head and introduces himself to you.

The fingers are pressed to the head. children bend their torso forward - to the right, forward - to the left.

Putting paw to paw, keeping pace with each other, the penguins walked together in a row, like a small squad.

Children move with small mincing steps on straight, relaxed legs. In this case, the heel is placed against the heel; socks are spread to the sides, arms are lowered and pressed to the body, the body sways slightly to the right - to the left.

The kangaroo jumps so fast, like my favorite ball.

Children bend their elbows and begin to perform light jumping movements left and right, back and forth.

Right - left, turn, jump back, then forward

Movements match text

Mishka shakes his head, invites him to visit him, he waddles off to dance the covenant with himself.

Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Arms bent at the elbows should be raised to shoulder level. Raising either the right or the left leg, the children sway.

There's a snake, it's scary

Wave-like movements with the right hand.

And he doesn’t let you near him

Wave-like movements with the left hand.

She crawls along the ground, wriggling slightly.

Wave-like movements of the body

Here's a peacock. He is a miracle bird and is always proud of himself, performing evenly and straight. Looks proudly majestic!

Children put their hands behind their backs, turn their heads in one direction, then the other, move gracefully, gently step, with their toes outstretched, from one leg to the other.

The pony runs, frolics, wants to make friends with us. And he will give you and me a ride in a painted cart.

Perform light running movements with high leg lifts.

So the evening comes, our zoo falls asleep, falls asleep until the morning, it’s time for us to go home.


At the end of the gymnastics, children inhale and exhale.

An approximate summary of the regime processes.


Target: teach children self-care and hygiene skills.

Progress of the process

The teacher lines up the children in a column of two. He asks everyone to roll up their sleeves and take turns going to the washbasin. Explains to children that they first need to soap their hands and then rinse them off with water over the sink. The teacher keeps order so that the children do not make noise, do not push each other, wash their hands well with water, wipe their hands and face in their towel and hang it in place. During the process, the teacher asks questions:

What kind of water? Cold or hot

What color is the towel?

What color is the soap?

What is the soap dish made of?

The teacher appoints those on duty and instructs them with various types of activities (lay out napkins on the table, arrange cutlery, bread bins) and monitors their implementation. After serving food on the table, the teacher tells the children the menu and what they will eat. He wishes everyone a bon appetit and the children sit down at the tables and begin to eat. During the meal process, the teacher monitors the children’s posture, in which hand they hold the device, teaches the children to eat carefully, and finish everything to the end. Supplements the babies. Ensures that children do not sit too long at tables and rinse their mouths at the end of meals. Explains to children that they should always be clean and tidy.
Preparing for daytime sleep.

The teacher organizes the children so that they each place their chairs in a semicircle. Each child sits on his own chair and begins to undress. The teacher monitors discipline, ensures silence, and explains to the children how to fold their clothes correctly. If children have difficulty undressing, it helps to cope with them. Creates a calm environment in the bedroom. Reads fairy tales to children before bed.


Walking stages:

  1. Nature observation

  2. Labor activity

  3. Outdoor games

  4. Stand alone games

  1. Observation of nature can be carried out in the following way: ask children questions to which they will answer if they have difficulty helping them. Explain to children certain natural phenomena. We begin our observation by getting to know the flowers that grow in the flowerbed. Questions to ask:
What's growing in the flowerbed?

What color flowers grow in the flower bed?

Do children like them?

Then you should tell what the flowers are called, ask the children to repeat

make sure they remember. Afterwards you can ask questions about the weather:

What is the weather today?

What's the wind like today?

Are there many clouds in the sky?

Do you think it will rain today or not?

Is the sun shining brightly?

Having received answers to the questions, you can proceed to the next stage.


  1. Labor activity can be offered in the form of cleaning the site. Together with the teacher, they remove yellow fallen leaves from their area and put them in one pile. You can also practice removing trash from your property.

  2. Outdoor game.


About the work done

Student(s) gr. No._ 602 specialty 050704 DO

Pozdorovkina N.V.

(Full Name)

on teaching practice in preschool educational institution No._ GBOU secondary school No. 1285 kindergarten unit ____________

since _ 18.03.13 ___________ By __ 14.04.13 __________________

Moscow 2013

1. Pedagogical essay

2. The concept of educational work

3. Self-analysis of teaching activities

4. Teaching materials

5. Feedback from the manager

6. Self-assessment sheet

7. Diary of teaching practice

7.1. Getting to know the preschool educational institution

7.2. Meeting a group of preschool children

7.3. Studying the specifics of a teacher’s work

7.4. Studying the group’s long-term and calendar work plans

7.5. Establishing a favorable atmosphere in the group

7.6. Analysis of regime processes

7.7. Analysis of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills

7.8. The use of literary words in the management of regime processes

7.9. Observation and analysis of the organization of physical education activities of the group

7.10. Observation and analysis of classes with preschoolers

7.11. Observation and analysis of the management of didactic games

7.12. Observation and analysis of walk management

7.13. Interaction with parents

Diary of teaching practice

Place of internship: State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1285, d/s division

Address: Moscow,


Head of department:


Group teachers

Group in which the practice is carried out: 1st junior group No. 1 “Cornflower”.

Children's age is from 2 to 3 years.

The kindergarten operates under the “From Birth to School” Program edited by N.E. Veraksa, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova, one of whose main tasks is to promote the development of cognitive activity, curiosity, the desire for independent knowledge and reflection, the development of mental abilities in the activities that are closest and most natural to a preschool child: play, communication with adults and peers, work. It is in these types of activities, according to the authors of the program, that the formation of such new formations as voluntary behavior, the ability to think logically, self-control, and creative imagination occurs, which constitutes the most important basis for the beginning of systematic learning.

Approximate daily routine

Regime process Time
Reception of children 7.00-8.10
Preparation for breakfast, breakfast 8.10-8.30
Independent activity 8.50-9.20
Subgroup classes 8.50-9.20
Preparing for the walk 9.30-10.00
Walk 10.00-11.30
Returning from a walk, independent activity, preparing for lunch 11.30-11.45
Dinner 11.45-12.20
Getting ready for bed, sleep 12.20-15.00
Gradual rise, independent activity 15.00-15.15
Afternoon snack 15.15-15.25
Independent activity 15.25-16.15
Organized educational activities (by subgroups) 15.45-16.15
Preparing for the walk 16.15-16.30
Walk 16.30-17.30
Returning from a walk, independent activity 17.30-18.30
Reading fiction 18.30-18.40
Independent activity, going home 18.40-19.00


Junior group No. 1 (2 -3 years)

for the 2012 – 2013 academic year

Last name, first name of children Date of birth

Getting to know the preschool educational institution

I, Natalya Vyacheslavaovna Pozdorovkina, did an internship at the State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 1285 of the kindergarten division of Moscow from 03/18/13 to 04/14/13. The head of the institution is……...

There are 10 groups in the kindergarten, which are attended by children from 2 to 7 years old. There are conditions for the provision of additional educational services - an art studio, a checkers club, a swimming pool. The kindergarten is a division of the secondary school and cooperates closely with the school, implementing the principle of continuity, when organizing holidays and other joint events.

In the kindergarten premises there are conveniently located group rooms, large windows, bright rooms with high ceilings, the groups are equipped with children's soft and cabinet furniture, their design corresponds to the age of the children in this group.

The teaching room is equipped with convenient cabinets; there are boxes of handouts, pictures, literature (books, magazines, periodicals) and other aids.

The gym is equipped with wall bars, a rope, hangs, rings, trampolines, exercise equipment, benches, a stand for hoops of different sizes, enough equipment to train all children in the group at the same time, balls of different sizes, skittles, sticks, bags, cubes are available in sufficient quantities for all children.

The music hall is spacious and bright; it has a screen in which there are dolls, costumes and other devices for theatrical performances and celebrations, a piano, a tape recorder that plays discs and cassettes. There are carpets on the floors and the walls are decorated in accordance with the season and holiday themes. The subject-development environment in the preschool educational institution is built in accordance with the principles of constructing a subject-development environment.

Meeting a group of preschool children

The number of children in group No. 1 “Cornflower” is 19. Educational work is carried out on the basis of the Program “From birth to school” edited by N.E. Veraksa, M.A. Vasilyeva, T.S. Komarova.

In the group there is a boy with difficult behavior and some deviations in mental development, which significantly complicates the work in the group as a whole, especially when teaching in the classroom. The group has a tradition of celebrating birthdays and making gifts with their own hands. The teacher’s style of relationship with children can be described as authoritarian-democratic; he interacts closely with parents and involves kindergarten groups in their lives. Children's development proceeds in accordance with the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of early preschool age.

Summary of a lesson on familiarizing preschool children with the world around them, topic “Kindergarten, kindergarten - it is so necessary for children”


Form friendly relationships, develop communication skills in children of primary preschool age.


Foster love for kindergarten and respect for kindergarten staff. Show that kindergarten is like a family; Just like in a family, there are adults who take care of the children. Develop phrasal speech. Understand the meaning of the riddle and find the answer.
Teach children to react emotionally to the world around them, to distinguish between emotional states (cheerful, angry).
Develop gross and fine motor skills.


A sheet of whatman paper with a picture of a house, pictograms, gouache, cotton swabs for drawing, photographs of kindergarten staff.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment “Give a smile”

All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's smile at each other.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the image of the house.

Guys, look, what is this? (house)
- Is the house big or small? (big)
- So, many people live in this house. What kind of house is this? Listen to the riddle:

This house has everything for us -
Fairy tales, song and story,
Noisy dance
Quiet hour -
This house has everything for us!
What a nice house!
We grow in it every day,
And when
Let's grow up
Let's go to school together.


Well done, you guessed it. Of course, this is our own kindergarten. We come to kindergarten every day. But we will now show you what we do in kindergarten.

Game "How do you live"

(Children imitate movements)

How are you living?
How do you exercise in the morning?
How do you dance?
How do you draw?
How do you wash your face?
How are you looking forward to lunch?
How do you wave after?
Are you looking into the distance?
How are you playing pranks?


These are great guys, you don’t get bored in kindergarten. Guys, who in kindergarten takes care of you, studies with you and plays with you? Look, here are the photos to help. I will ask riddles, and you will watch and guess who I will be talking about. Just listen carefully.

First riddle:

Who will teach you how to draw?
Build, craft, play?
Having seated the children in a circle,
Will he read them a poem?
Who will figure it out now?
Why is Anton fighting?

Who is this?

Well done, what are the teachers' names?

(Children find a photograph that matches the riddle and place it in the “kindergarten” house).

Next riddle:

Who will set the table for us?
Sweeping, vacuuming?
Will he wash the windows, walls, floors?
Will you wipe the dust off the table?
Will make sure that here and there
Was everything in place? ...

Right. This is our nanny. Try to solve this riddle:

Rubs on abrasions and wounds,
Wears a white robe
He will give us vaccinations,
And he’ll treat you to a vitamin...
Who is this?

Well done, this is our nurse, she takes care of our health and well-being.

Another mystery:

Who plays the button accordion?
Teaches us songs to sing,
It's fun to dance with her
And play on spoons...
(Music worker)

That's how smart they are. This is our music worker.

Last riddle:

Who do we do exercises with?
We play sports
At least with balls, at least with flags
It will teach us how to manage...

Well done, you solved all the riddles.
Who else works in our garden so that the children have a good time here?

That's how many people live in our kindergarten. Guys, for everyone to feel good and have fun, they need to live together. Right? Let's play the game "Friendship".

Finger game "Friendship"

Friends in our group
Girls and boys
(fingers of both hands are joined into a lock)

We will make friends with you
Little fingers
(rhythmic touching of fingers of both hands)

One two three four five
(alternately bending the fingers on the right hand)

That's how friendly we are. The main thing is that there is always peace, friendship, and smiles in our kindergarten.


It happens that we quarrel and then the mood deteriorates, it becomes sad, but when we make up, it becomes cheerful and we smile. (Pictograms).
- What kind of face is this? How did you guess?
- What is this? Why did they decide this?

Show us what facial expression happens when we are angry? (children show)
- Now show a cheerful expression on your face (children show)

Attention game “Angry, cheerful”

(Children stomp their feet when they see a picture with an angry expression on their face, and clap their hands when they see a “cheerful” face).

Guys, let's draw cheerful smiles on these faces and put them in kindergarten. Let there always be kindness and cheerful smiles in our common home.

(The pictures show eyes and a nose, but no mouth; children draw on a smile with cotton swabs).

Well done, this is how friendly our kindergarten and our children are.
Love kindergarten - your second home!

Children live in kindergarten
Here they play and sing,
This is where you find friends
They go for walks with them.

They argue and dream together,
They grow up imperceptibly.
Kindergarten is your second home,
How warm and cozy it is!

Do you love him, children?
The kindest house in the world!

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film “The Rogue Song,” about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus Mountains, was released in America. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Lessons for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.