Breast massage: women's health and beauty. How to properly massage your breasts while breastfeeding

Beautifully shaped female breasts always attract the attention of men and arouse the envy of some women. It is the most attractive part of the body of the fair sex. It is believed that large breasts are the key to good luck in life. Women, feeling their attractiveness, behave much more confidently, achieve their goals and can easily find a job.

Therefore, there is no need to be surprised that many girls are eager to enlarge their breasts. There are many ways and means. It is worth paying attention to the most harmless, but at the same time effective method - massage.

The main component of the breast is glandular tissue. It is completely covered with lymphatic and blood vessels. Massage, in turn, has many properties that have a therapeutic and strengthening effect on it.

When massaging the chest, any stagnant processes are removed, which is a good prevention of various diseases. The procedure has an excellent effect on the skin of the chest and décolleté area.

It is in these places that it is more susceptible to sagging. And massage techniques restore elasticity, a healthy appearance, and maintain shape.

For those wishing to increase breast size without surgery, techniques in which massage plays a major role are suitable.

The main objects that receive attention during breast massage are:


The end of the water massage is taking a contrast shower. The water temperature is increased for about five seconds, then made cooler. There should be several such approaches.

Advantages of technology

  • The procedure can be performed at any time while taking a bath or washing in the shower.
  • Perform the massage as many times as possible. There are no restrictions. Moreover, everything you need is always at hand and no special tools are required.
  • Not much time is given, no more than five minutes per session.


  • Under no circumstances should the water pressure be maximized, as this can easily damage the skin on the chest.
  • For those who like to wash in hot water, this method is not suitable. High water temperatures will cause your breasts to sag.

Corrective massage

The corrective massage technique requires the presence of a rich cream or oil. It is applied to the skin in a small layer. Three fingers are connected on one hand and the breasts are massaged clockwise for about a couple of minutes, avoiding the nipple area.

Then, for about two minutes, strokes are performed from the nipples to the collarbone and to the shoulder. Afterwards, using two fingers for two minutes, apply sawing movements from the nipples to the outer parts of the breast. The right breast is grasped with one hand, and patting movements are carried out with the other.

Then these actions are performed with the second breast. The massage ends with light stroking from the nipples to the beginning of the chest.

The best time to perform this type of massage is evening. For the greatest effect, it can be done in the morning.



  • Incorrectly performed movements can lead to stretch marks and bruises.
  • This massage will take longer than a water massage, up to about 15 minutes.
  • Cream left on the body may appear as greasy stains on clothing. Therefore, it must be wiped thoroughly, or wait until it is completely absorbed.

Vacuum massage

To carry out this type of massage, you must have a vacuum pad, a pump and a moisturizer. The cream is applied to the chest, then, following the instructions, the nozzle and pump are used to create a vacuum.


  • The result is visible after one procedure.
  • Blood flow occurs and the appearance of the skin improves.
  • The breast sensitivity threshold increases.


  • It takes a lot of time to perform a massage, about 15 minutes per breast. In total, about half an hour for the whole process. Before performing it, you must carefully study the instructions for using the vacuum pad.
  • You have to purchase massage products such as a pad and a pump.
  • It is possible that stretch marks will appear after using a vacuum.
  • The massage only works for one day. To maintain the result, you will have to do it seven days a week.

Japanese massage

For the so-called Japanese massage technique, no additional items are needed. This technique has another name - acupressure.

For a proper massage that will have an effect, you need to know the location of all points. Their number is equal to 17. They are located on the shoulders, neck, and shoulder blades. Press on the points with your thumb for about 5 seconds and take a break of 20 seconds.


  • No additional equipment needed.
  • It doesn't take much time for a massage.
  • Perfect for a young loving couple.


  • The technique involves the help of a partner.
  • If you do not hit the required points, there will be no result. It is very important during the massage to be completely focused and at the same time to be as relaxed as possible.

Chinese massage

The technique is performed using two balls, which are pressed and rotated to stimulate the desired points. The massage is performed for 30 seconds, then there is a break. To perform this technique correctly, it is advisable to take special courses.

Taoist massage

The Taoist technique is quite popular. Mainly used for . The execution is not difficult, you take your chest in your hands and rotate nine times from the shoulders to the chest area.

Then lightly apply pressure on the chest with your hands while holding the nipples. When you exhale, the chest releases. This is repeated nine times, no less.


It is performed in a cryochamber filled with liquid nitrogen, under the supervision of a specialist. At home, you can use ice cubes, which are poured from various herbal decoctions, with the addition of oils and fruit juices.

Many people think that due to the manipulations performed, the breasts will grow significantly, but this is not so. The increase will be about a couple of millimeters. But a toned, aesthetically beautiful shape is the real result of a massage performed at home.


Physical exercises that target the muscles of the neck, arms, and thoracic region can visually make the breasts larger by straightening your posture. After all, representatives of the fair sex who want to have a large bust do not think about her at all.

This desire can be fulfilled provided you straighten your back and constantly monitor your posture. If problems with this exist, a number of exercises that strengthen the back muscles will help. You can also use an orthopedic corset - it will develop the habit of walking upright.

Sports activities such as rowing and swimming will help increase breast volume and tone it. Less effective, but also gives results, is fitness with dumbbells and hand weights. You can make your breasts look more attractive on your own using a set of exercises:

  1. Push-ups. Carry out the exercise, leaning on various surfaces. Starting with a small number of approaches, gradually increasing. You need to do the exercises correctly, without arching your lower back.
  2. Hands are scissors. Crossing and spreading outstretched arms.
  3. Arch your elbows in front of your chest with your arms crossed at the back of your head.
  4. Swing your arms. It needs to be done easily, but at the same time often.
  5. In a lying position with dumbbells in your hands, cross and spread your arms.

Breast enlargement with massage during pregnancy and lactation

During breastfeeding, women naturally experience a deterioration in their appearance. There are many massages that prepare the female mammary glands for feeding.

The main objective of these procedures is to maintain muscle tone and protect against deformation.

The massage is quite simple. Using the cream applied to the palms, take the mammary gland in your hands. One on top, the other hand on the bottom. Rub the cream into the skin with light movements.

An ideal remedy for stretch marks. The massage is performed for a few minutes a couple of times a day. The procedure must be performed half an hour before feeding. A contrast or warm shower will not be amiss.

You can monitor the health and beauty of your breasts at any time and in any situation that arises in life. The result will not keep you waiting if you constantly work on yourself.

Massage to enlarge the bust is an affordable and effective method and improve the appearance of the skin. Benefits include stimulation of blood flow, increased muscle tone and elasticity of the skin.

Breast massage for women is a procedure that allows you to maintain a beautiful bust and elastic skin for a long time. Regular massage movements improve the outflow of fluid from the lymphatic system and increase skin elasticity.

The main advantages of the procedure include:

  • dilation of blood vessels and improvement of blood flow in the mammary gland;
  • increased skin tone;
  • strengthening the pectoral muscles;
  • prevention of breast pathologies.

List of contraindications

Massage for breast growth, regardless of the technique chosen, has a number of contraindications.

  • mastopathy and other diseases of the mammary glands;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • skin disorders;
  • the presence of large or raised moles and other formations on the skin;
  • breast cancer.

Temporary restrictions on special massage include:

  • infectious and colds;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bad feeling;
  • fatigue.

How to enlarge breasts with massage: common techniques

And various massage techniques allow you to give it a beautiful shape. Most of them are aimed at working with the skin and muscle tissue. Only Qi, Shiatsu and acupressure massages differ. They consist in influencing the active points of the female body. The use of massagers or vacuum units in cosmetic clinics is also effective.

Depending on the technique, self-massage can be performed independently or with the help of a partner. According to experts, massage with a partner is more productive. It not only leads to an increase in muscle tone, but also stimulates the production of female sex hormones, which leads to an increase in bust at home.


Breast augmentation using hydromassage is one of the simplest and most affordable methods. The procedure can be performed at any time of the day when taking a bath.

There are two main techniques for performing hydromassage:

  1. With a comfortable temperature. The main requirement in this technique is the use of a stream of water at a comfortable temperature. Excess heat will cause the chest muscles to relax. The skin is stretched. To achieve the effect of tightening the pectoral muscles, the procedure should be carried out with massaging movements in a circular path. Direction - from the nipple to the periphery. Duration - at least 10 minutes for each mammary gland.
  2. Cold and hot shower. Good lifting is achieved by using water of different temperatures. Hydromassage begins with warm water. Then the stream of water is replaced with cool water. It is important that the duration of the exposure to the warm flow is longer than the cold one. Finish the massage with a cold stream of water.

It should be noted that hydromassage does not enlarge breasts. There is an improvement in the condition of the skin and an increase in muscle tone.

Classical technique

Classical or traditional technique falls into the category of hygienic or corrective massages. It is suitable for a girl or woman of any age.

The classical technique is performed in several stages:

  1. Applying cream. Before the procedure, a cream with a greasy texture or oil is applied to the skin. It helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks.
  2. Vertical stroking. Movements are performed vertically, from the bottom point upward. Start from the nipple area and move towards the shoulders. The nipples themselves are not used.
  3. Circular stroking. For massage I use 3 fingers: ring, middle and index. The circle is carried out clockwise.
  4. Sawing movements. The technique is performed with your fingers, moving from the nipples to the outer edge.
  5. Light stroking. At the end, massage the chest with light, stroking movements.

The duration of each stage is 2–3 minutes. Massages help minimize stretch marks and tighten the skin in the décolleté area.

Shiatsu technique

Shiatsu massage for breast enlargement is aimed at increasing the production of sex hormones. The technique involves working out the active points with your thumb.

Shiatsu massage is carried out in several stages:

  1. The first to be worked on are 8 points located on the thyroid gland, near the jugular fossa. Each point is pressed with your thumb at least 5 times. One exposure lasts about 3 seconds.
  2. The second point is located on the back side at the junction of the bones of the skull and the first vertebra. It is exposed for at least 5 seconds.
  3. The third pair is located slightly above the collarbones. Each point is worked for 5 seconds.
  4. The final series of placement points are above the shoulder blades on each side. There are only 8 of them.

Acupressure to enlarge the mammary glands can have not only a positive effect, but also be harmful to health. Negative effects on the body are associated with incorrect study or inaccurate determination of the location of active zones. For this reason, before performing the technique yourself, you should watch a video that shows the location of the active points.

Qi technique

The Chi technique, like Shiatsu, is aimed at targeted treatment of individual zones. It leads to the production of female hormones. Therefore, if we consider the question of whether it is possible to enlarge breasts using this method, then experts say yes. The effectiveness of the procedure and the results obtained directly depend on the regularity of massage sessions.

To carry out the procedure, you should warm up your hands. To do this, they are actively rubbed together, mentally saturating them with positive energy. After this, the fingers are spread apart. Palms are placed on the chest. We massage each gland with rotational movements inward. The number of circles is a multiple of 36.

Massage for breast enlargement will be useful if a number of rules are followed when performing the technique. The main one is related to massaging movements. They are light, superficial, without pressure.

Experts identify a number of general rules:

  • Direction of movement. The massage is carried out from the nipples to the armpits or clavicular area.
  • Time of the procedure. It is recommended to perform the exercises every day in the evening.
  • Consultation with a specialist. Before performing a breast lift massage, you should consult a specialist. The presence of diseases of the mammary glands is a direct contraindication to the procedure.
  • Duration of the course. You can achieve breast elasticity by following the technique for at least 10–14 days. After this, a break is necessary. Further, repetition of the course is allowed.

In addition to the general rules by which self-massage is performed, experts note that a number of useful tips can increase its effectiveness:

  • Combination with physical activity. To get the desired result, it is not enough to just massage your breasts. Self-massage should be combined with a set of exercises, as well as a contrast shower. Three components make the breasts firm, toned and beautiful.
  • The right diet. If you are underweight, your bust can be enlarged by adding 1–2 kilograms in weight. The main task is the correct distribution of fat in the body. This rule also applies to dieting. Dietary restrictions and reduction in body volume can lead to a reduction in the size of the mammary glands.

  • Use of cosmetic products. Cosmetics for the breast will increase the elasticity of the skin, making it smoother, silkier and more attractive.

Using a special massager or the following techniques to enlarge the bust, you can achieve significant results. The breasts will not only become toned and beautiful, but will also increase in size.

Beautiful, firm breasts always attract admiring glances from men and make other women think about their appearance.

In order for your breasts to always look perfect, you need to constantly take care of them, and from a fairly early age: twenty to twenty-five years old. There is an opinion among people that the breasts become inelastic and sag after childbirth and feeding the baby, but in reality everything is a little different: this beautiful part of the body loses its attractiveness as a result of improper care for it, and many other factors:

  • Smoking is the worst enemy of beautiful breasts. Nicotine negatively affects elastin, plus it reduces the synthesis of necessary collagen by almost 50%;
  • poor nutrition: fatty foods, fast food, insufficient amounts of liquid and vitamins lead to weakening of the so-called “natural bra”: fatty and connective tissues;
  • the absence of even basic physical activity will immediately affect the condition of the breasts: tone is lost;
  • lovers of topless sunbathing should also know that direct sunlight can lead to various kinds of diseases, including oncology, plus they dry out tissues, draw out water, thin the skin, which, of course, immediately affects
  • condition of the décolleté and chest area;
  • One of the most common causes of sagging breasts is improper care or its complete absence, either as a result of ignorance of the rules of care, or as a result of ignoring them.

How to properly massage your breasts

One of the most common and simple ways to make breasts attractive and seductive is massage. You need to do it for a fairly short time, which is quite easy to find during the day.

In order for the bust care complex to be complete, it is necessary to perform not just one massage, but several varieties at once, be sure to use creams for stretch marks (breast tightening), eat right and perform basic physical activity.


One of the most effective and popular massages is hydromassage. You need to do it once a day (you can do it in the evening before bed) for just five minutes.

In order to efficiently massage the breasts, stimulate the mammary glands, fatty and connective tissues, you need to know a number of rules that make care easier, making it non-invasive and effective. The temperature of the water in the stream should be low. The pressure is not very intense.

So, having adjusted the pressure and temperature, proceed to the massage itself. It is important to direct the jet from the shoulder, slowly moving it to the chest and then to the armpit cavity from the nipple. After thoroughly massaging this area on each side of the chest, make ten circular movements in a direction that is convenient for you. Particular attention should be paid to the area under the chest; here you can apply a little more pressure. You can also pay attention to the décolleté area.

Scattered jet massage

A massage produced by a diffuse jet is more effective than a regular one, since it affects not only the skin itself, but also all the muscles and nerve endings existing in the area.

The massage should begin with circular movements from the shoulder to the armpits. The only condition is that such a massage must be performed for twenty minutes, after which you get into the shower and just soak under the warm water.

Massage that will enlarge your bust

In order for the massage to be more effective, you first need to do water procedures and circular movements in the chest area with a shower. The result will be greatly improved if you take a contrast shower afterwards. When finished, take a cream for breast elasticity, against stretch marks, or any of your favorite creams and lubricate your hands with it thoroughly.

After this, apply to the chest in a circular motion and massage, gradually rubbing the product into the skin. Pressures should be of moderate force so as not to harm the mammary gland. In the area around and especially on top of the chest, movements should be more intense.

As a result of this massage, the elasticity of the skin significantly increases, the tone of the breast returns, the outflow of lymph increases, blood circulation improves, the function of the mammary glands improves and, accordingly, stimulation of breast growth increases.

Kneading massage

The effectiveness of kneading massage was spoken about by the ancient Chinese, who were well versed (even in those days) in anatomy. In order to properly stretch your chest, you need to place your palms on your chest so that the center of your palm coincides with the nipple.

After a successful position has been found, begin to forcefully make rotational movements with your palms and chest towards each other. The movement must be repeated nine times, and then press your chest towards you quite firmly. Repeat the movement nine times.

Such procedures must be repeated one by one. Completion time is five minutes.

For beautiful breasts, it is not enough to use cosmetics and massage. Yes, they will already significantly improve the situation, but the real result can only be seen by applying physical effort to all this in the form of exercises.

There is no difficulty in performing the exercises. You can make them at home. When done regularly, they become a habit – a very useful habit.

Doorway Exercise

Standing comfortably in the doorway, grab the frames with both hands (firmly enough). Make a move forward. At this point, the breast must be pushed out. Afterwards, return to the starting position. Next, move backward and pull your chest in. Be sure to hold onto the posts firmly. Repeat this exercise 20 times, every day, if possible, increasing the load.

Exercise with a book

You can do it with any convenient load, but for home we’ll take two books that weigh at least a kilogram. Extend your arms forward with your palms facing up. Place a book in your palms. Hold in this position. Afterwards, spread your arms in different directions, also holding the load. You need to repeat the exercise as much as your strength allows.

Exercise while sitting

Prepare a comfortable chair. Sit on it and move both arms behind your back so that your elbows are as close to each other as possible. Next, move them forward and slide them behind your back again. For the first lesson, twenty repetitions will be enough, in the future, the number should be increased.


To get your chest in shape, you can, of course, sign up for a pool and swim breaststroke, but if this is not possible, you can perform simple movements reminiscent of this style of swimming just at home. Find a comfortable position, preferably standing. Swing your arms as if you were swimming breaststroke. Repeat the movement for five to seven minutes.


This exercise received the most positive feedback. Sit or stand comfortably. Place your hands at chest level as if you are about to pray. After this, squeeze your palms with force twenty times with a short break of half a minute.

By following all the basic rules, you will very quickly achieve results that will bring pleasure to you and your loved one. It is important to remember that the result will last as long as you take care of your breasts.

Many fairly conservative ladies who do not dare resort to radical methods, but have long dreamed of a chic bust, are trying to master breast massage to enlarge their breasts. Day after day, devoting time to this activity, but not seeing any tangible results, they ask themselves the question: “Is the method not effective or am I just doing something wrong?” Do you want to learn the correct massage techniques for the bust and find out what effect you can expect? We will be happy to share this information with you.

Professional massage therapists and beauty salons every now and then promise to literally “grow” a woman’s breasts with the help of massage. But should you trust them and sign up for the procedure? If you have free finances and do not expect a significant increase in your bust, yes. Well, if your budget for this month is quite meager, you can do it on your own by studying the most effective methods for use at home.

In addition, it is important to realize that breast enlargement with massage is only possible visually, by improving the shape, increasing blood flow, and increasing the tone of the pectoral muscles. If you want more tangible results, then your best assistant will not be home procedures, but a highly qualified plastic surgeon. In cases where you are satisfied with the “gain” within the same size, you can try combining 2 methods - massage and the use of phytoestrogens-based creams. But don’t forget – the effect will disappear as soon as the ointment in the tube runs out.

Existing techniques

Active demand generates supply. Every second owner of a modest bust dreams of breasts that are “outstanding” in all respects, which is why techniques for enlarging them with the help of massage arose a long time ago, but at the same time new ones are constantly being developed. The most popular techniques:

  1. Eastern:
    • shiatsu massage;
    • Japanese;
    • qi massage;
    • Taoist massage.
  2. "Hardware":
    • vacuum;
    • hydro;
  3. Classic self-massage.
  4. Others: cryo.

Most massage techniques will not only bring tangible physical benefits, but will also help relax the soul, especially with oriental techniques. After all, it is in these places that they know that the main thing is not the physical shell, but how we perceive ourselves, spiritual balance

Let's take a closer look at the most effective ways to enlarge breasts using massage at home.

Eastern techniques

It is in the East that more attention is paid not to form, but to content. Therefore, massage techniques that came from there are aimed not so much at changing the size and shape of the bust, but at achieving harmony. They teach us to love our body in any form and be proud of what nature has given us.


Shiatsu breast massage is a targeted technique; it allows you to work on the main acupuncture zones without resorting to acupuncture. You can increase the effectiveness of the impact on acupuncture zones by adding special exercises that are performed in the intervals between the master’s techniques. Knowledge about all the intricacies of this technique was previously passed on only from mentor to student, and only a few mastered it. Now Internet sites publish articles that describe the locations of the main active points, inviting women to try self-massage. But is it still worth the risk?

During a shiatsu session for breast enlargement, it is necessary to work with points located in the projection of the thyroid gland, medulla oblongata, etc. Without a sufficient level of knowledge and good manual skills, a woman, in an effort to achieve better results, can overdo it and injure important organs and tissues. And by going to a specialist, you are guaranteed to receive not only the correct execution of all shiatsu techniques and quick results, but also complete relaxation, moral satisfaction and relaxation.

Japanese massage

Acupressure for breast enlargement is undoubtedly one of the most popular types of Asian “body work”. At a time when shiatsu did not yet exist, Japanese masters delighted their clients with the technique of teate (literally, laying on of hands). If you trust the professionals, they will “massage” not only your breasts, but also your soul, because the most important thing, according to Eastern philosophy, is self-love, psychological peace, and appearance is a secondary thing.

It is very important to breathe during the session at the same pace as the master - slowly and measuredly. And if you decide to engage in self-massage, then focus on your own sensations and prompts from your body.

It takes 10-15 minutes to massage breast enlargement according to the Japanese method; you need to start by stroking the area that is located at the intersection of the horizontal line connecting the two nipples. After this, stroke the mammary glands in a circular motion in a spiral - from the base of the gland to the nipple (however, you should not touch it). Using the edge of your palm, perform a series of light blows to the chest, moving from the areola to the periphery.

Taoist massage

This technique is not intended to change the size or shape of the breast, but to teach a woman to be proud of her bust, to fill her heart with love and wisdom, because it is in this area that her chakra is hidden. Also, Taoist technique can greatly increase the sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Execution technique

First of all, it is necessary to cleanse the body of negative energies.

There are quite simple exercises for this, one of which is “Cleansing with Love”: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. At forehead level, place your palms together with your fingers pointing down. Inhale deeply with your stomach, and as you exhale, say “Hiii” protractedly, while moving your palms down to your feet, and with them “expel” negative substances from the body into the ground. There should be as many repetitions of the exercise as you need to achieve a feeling of complete inner purity.

Take the most comfortable position, inhale and exhale deeply three times. Rub your palms until a pleasant warmth arises and place them on your chest, 3-4 cm above the nipple areola. Knead the tissues using gentle circular motions from the center up and out in a circle. Perform at least 10 cycles of stroking, constantly adjusting the pressure.


Taoist massage is the best thing a woman who has acquired complexes due to breast defects can do. It is this technique that reminds a woman of the true purpose of the mammary glands (feeding the baby, not seducing men), and makes it clear that any bust is beautiful, regardless of shape and size, when filled with love.


In this group we included those types of breast massage that involve the use of additional devices: shower, breast pumps, etc.

Vacuum massage

You won’t be able to do this type of massage yourself, because for this you need to have a special device consisting of a bowl into which the breasts are actually placed. The air is pumped out of it with a compressor, creating vacuum conditions, which helps improve blood circulation in the tissues. But having enlarged the bust in this way, you need to understand that as soon as the blood is redistributed throughout the body, all the additional breast volume will go with it. This means that to maintain the result, you need to carry out the procedure almost daily. And the prospect of the formation of stretch marks and strengthening of the venous pattern on the chest is also unlikely to add enthusiasm to at least one representative of the fair sex to engage in this dubious method of “cultivating” the mammary glands.


There are two main techniques for hydromassage of the bust:

  1. Scattered stream.
  2. Directed jet.
  3. Their various variations and combinations.

For use at home, the first technique is better suited, this is due to the fact that in the second, only an experienced specialist can select the optimal pressure of the directed jet. If it is excessive, there is a high probability of injury to breast tissue; if it is weak, there will be no effect.

Hydromassage with diffused jet

Point the shower head towards your chest area. Starting from the upper area under the sternum, make circular movements, moving towards the nipple, also repeat on the other side. After this, “massage” the intercostal muscles under the chest. The entire procedure should take about 10 minutes; to enhance the effect, you can change the water temperature every two to three minutes (“contrast shower” for the bust).

Of course, hydromassage will not increase the size of the bust, but it is quite capable of adjusting its shape, tightening it, and improving the condition of the skin. The main thing is patience, because the result will not appear earlier than in 20-30 days.

Classic self-massage

The simplest, yet most effective way to increase bust size is to additionally use a cream with phytoestrogens, because the best breast massager is your hands. The best time for a session is immediately after water procedures, just 5-10 minutes is enough.

Using circular movements from the edge of the mammary glands, move to the center, and from there to the armpits. Carefully monitor the pressure on the tissue, because they are very sensitive in this area.


For this technique, both ice cubes made from ordinary water and herbal decoctions are suitable (you can choose those whose aroma and properties you like most). The best time for the procedure is the first hours after waking up - and it is beneficial for the breasts and recharge with tone and energy for the whole day.

Using light circular movements, move the ice cube from the nipple to the periphery, then make linear movements from the areola to the collarbone. You should not perform this procedure for a long time, because this can overcool the tissues of the massaged area - 1-2 minutes is more than enough.

Breast massage can hardly be considered an effective method of increasing its size. Of course, with its help you can really improve the appearance of your bust - by increasing tone, improving skin condition, etc., but the most important effect that these techniques give is love for yourself and your body. Be charming!

From century to century, seductive breasts are considered the strongest weapon of the female sex.

However, it is one of the most delicate and finicky parts of the body.

Any changes in the female body - pregnancy, sudden weight loss or weight gain, hormonal imbalances - instantly leave their mark on the skin of the breast. Therefore, in order to keep your breasts beautiful and attractive, it is necessary to perform a set of procedures with daily breast massage.
At the same time, it is important to do it correctly so as not to harm and bring maximum benefit to your appearance.

Remember that the skin of a woman's breasts is very delicate and sensitive.
It is strictly forbidden to make sudden movements or use force during the massage. Otherwise you will end up stretching your skin.

You should also purchase creams with which you will massage. One of them should have a tonic effect, and the other a massage effect.

Massage is one of the most effective ways to correct breast shape. A properly performed massage improves blood circulation in the chest, enhances lymph outflow, restores hormonal balance and the functioning of the mammary glands, resulting in stimulation of breast enlargement.

  • Firstly, massaging helps to make the bust more toned, smooth out sagging skin, give it elasticity and maintain a beautiful shape.
  • Secondly, this is a good prevention of many diseases of the mammary glands, and first of all, breast massage is necessary in order to prevent the appearance of benign and malignant formations.
  • In addition, regular massage is a preventive measure against mastopathy, a very common disease among women.

Breast massage

Breast stroking. Start the massage by lightly stroking the chest clockwise and then counterclockwise. Thus, repeat 3 cycles of 8 movements.

Next, in the direction from the nipple, do light tapping with the edge of your palm.
After this, in the direction from the base of the breast to the nipples, lightly pinch the skin, while slightly turning it. There is no need to touch the nipples. Pinching should not be painful.

If you want to enhance the shape of your breasts, apply gentle pressure on the points below using the knuckles of your bent thumbs. There is a widespread belief that acupressure of the breast promotes the production of estrogen, and therefore enlarges the breasts

The next stage is vibration. It is done with your fingertips, the movements resemble tapping.

Finish the massage by stroking your breasts. Start with more vigorous movements and end with light, stroking movements, barely touching the skin.

Eastern medicine has given us several more unique points for corrective breast massage. Perhaps oriental geishas have magical secrets for preserving the beauty and youth of the female body. Acupressure is especially effective in combination with breast oils.

Hydromassage of the chest

In addition to traditional classic massage, there are also types such as hydromassage of the chest, vacuum massage, etc. Breast hydromassage has 3 types: contrast shower, jet massage and water compresses.

For a proper jet massage, you need to draw a bath, completely covering your chest, while your back should not be bent.
Make the water temperature a little warmer than room temperature.
Underwater, direct the jet towards your chest. Please note that the pressure must be strong enough and noticeable under water.

And, of course, breast lift massage can be easily done at home while taking a shower. The pressure should not be very strong. Hydromassage is performed with water at the temperature that is most comfortable for a woman.

First, direct the jet under your chest from left to right (20 times), raise your hand up, then direct it above your chest (20 times), lower your hand down.

Next, massage your chest with a stream of water in an upward circular motion. On each side you need to “draw” at least 10 such circles. Increase the intensity of the massage under the breasts and in the intercostal space, because it is in these areas that the height of the breast is formed.
Then, in the direction from the nipples, make circular movements with a stream of water, each time increasing the diameter (20 times).

In the nipple area, massage should be done very delicately, since the skin in these areas is very delicate and can be easily injured. Smoothly move the stream starting from the upper chest, then to the armpits, returning directly to the chest again.
Complete this type of massage with circular movements around the chest (20 times).

To massage the perithoracic area, the pressure can be increased. When massaging the breast itself, the jet should be less intense. The duration of such a hydromassage should be about 8-10 minutes.

Dry your skin with a towel and apply a special breast cream to it for a greater massage effect.

Remember that your beauty is in your hands. Therefore, take care of yourself and treat your body with care and tenderness.