Therapeutic foot cream. Review and effectiveness of various foot creams. Softening cream “Juniper” from Nevskaya cosmetics

Women's legs are one of the most “details” that attract men's attention, so they should always look perfect. The winding paths of swollen veins can become a serious obstacle in personal and social life women. In addition, they cause discomfort, swelling, pain, fatigue, and heaviness in the legs. If you let the process take its course, varicose veins will spread more strongly, then it will be almost impossible to cope with the disaster. It is important to choose the right cream

Causes and symptoms of varicose veins and leg fatigue

Sedentary work or an overly active daily routine, prolonged wearing of high-heeled shoes, and insufficient care are the main causes of acquired chronic leg strain. An inseparable companion of fatigue is varicose veins. This is a chronic disease in which the functioning of the permeable valves is disrupted, blood pressure in the lower extremities increases, and its outflow becomes chaotic. And the pharmacy will allow you to restore radiance and a healthy appearance.

In addition to being aesthetically unattractive, varicose veins pose a threat to human health and life. Therefore, if any of the following symptoms are detected, it must be treated immediately.

Treatment should be carried out comprehensively: drug therapy, creams, ointments, and in particularly advanced cases – surgical intervention. The first signs of the disease:

  • The appearance of spider veins and spider veins.
  • Burning sensation.
  • Heaviness.
  • Pain when walking and palpating.
  • Swelling in the legs and thighs.
  • Persistent redness or darkening of the skin.
  • Noticeable lengthening of the veins, the appearance of nodes similar to an aneurysm.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the calves.
  • Formation of trophic ulcers.

It will help to restore an attractive appearance and youth.

Varicose veins are a serious disease that brings the patient to the operating table. Both sexes are susceptible to the disease. The average age of patients is 30-40 years.

External treatment

In the first stages of the disease, superficial blood vessels are damaged, then deep ones, which leads to stagnation. You can prevent the development of varicose veins with the help of special creams that are applied to problem areas on the skin twice a day. And it will also help to make your heels soft.

Depending on their composition, they are divided into groups, based on:

  1. Plant components. Relieves tension and pain, strengthens blood vessels. Suitable for pregnant women.
  2. Hormones. They have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine effects.
  3. Heparin. Resolves stagnation of venous blood.
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory analgesics. Used to treat thrombosis. Prevent inflammation.

The active substance has a local effect on the tissue. There is a gradual release of heparin and penetration into the skin. As a result, inflammation decreases, thrombin formation is blocked, and tissue metabolism improves. Price – from 190 rub.

Varicobooster ointment

Varico Booster, a cream for the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, is an innovative drug that is rapidly gaining popularity. It contains a rich bouquet of natural active ingredients, which minimizes possible allergic reactions and intolerance. Does not contain synthetic fragrances, parabens, GMO components. Find out how to use lavender hair oil for healthy and beautiful curls.

The Varicobooster formula has no analogues today:

  • Horse chestnut extract and birch leaves. Improves tone, restores skin structure and veins. Saturate vascular tissue with elastin, enhance tissue regeneration, reduce swelling and pain.
  • Caffeine. Anesthetizes, tones, relieves vascular spasms, accelerates blood microcirculation, and normalizes regenerative processes in skin cells.
  • Honey. Contains a whole complex of vitamins of groups A, B, C, PP, organic and amino acids.
  • Essential oils of coconut, lemon, soy. Moisturizes, saturates the skin with nutrients, reduces sweating and stimulates blood circulation. Neutralizes inflammatory processes due to the abundance of lauric acid.
  • Menthol and nettle. It has an anesthetic effect, normalizes heart rhythms and vascular pressure.
  • Medicinal chamomile and wormwood. Accelerate the healing of microcracks, relieve inflammation, and disinfect.
  • Troxerutin. Reduces swelling, restores capillary tone, eliminating their fragility.

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Varicobooster is quickly absorbed into problem areas and does not leave greasy marks. To prevent the disease, it is enough to rub the cream with gentle massage movements once a day. For treatment, the dosage can vary from 2 to 5 times, depending on the severity.

Gel Lyoton 1000 with cooling effect

The product is approved for lactation and pregnancy (prescribed in the instructions), but you need to consult a doctor. 1 gram contains the highest concentration of sodium heparin among similar drugs for the treatment of varicose veins, an active substance that prevents the formation and accumulation of blood clots. Find out how Schwarzkopf Professional blue hairspray allows you to fix even the most complex hairstyles.

Heparin relieves pain and inflammation, prevents blood from clotting, and stimulates protein. Also in the formula are:

  • lavender oils, neroli;
  • purified water;
  • chemical compounds.

Has a number of contraindications:

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Wounds and inflammations on the skin of the legs.
  3. Poor blood clotting.
  4. Open bleeding.

The drug has a gel-like texture, has a pleasant aroma, and is transparent or pale yellow in color. Available in aluminum tubes of 30, 50, 100 g. The price varies depending on the volume of the medicine. Well, before you start the procedure, evaluate everything.

A day after applying the Lyoton 1000 gel, the therapeutic effect decreases. Heparin breaks down in the liver and is eliminated through urination.

Fly agaric - a remedy for relieving fatigue

"Mushroom series" Russian trademark“Crown of Siberia” has a very rich herbal formula, is distinguished by its effectiveness, low cost and economical packaging. Find out which nail polish lasts long.

In addition to fly agaric extract (absolutely harmless to humans), it contains:

  • Altai herbs (oregano, chaga, verdure, mint and others);
  • rosehip oil, wheat germ;
  • silver citrate;
  • vitamin complex of forest berries;
  • D-panthenol;
  • ascorbic acid.

Apply it to clean, undamaged skin, rub until the drug is completely absorbed 2 times a day. The cream is used very sparingly, it smells nice, it has a minty scent. More often used to prevent varicose veins, relieve fatigue, swelling and darkening.

Price – 175 rub.

Sophia with leech extract for pain and heaviness in the legs

Among the best creams for tired legs is “Sofya” with medicinal leech extract. Also contains:

  • extracts of aloe, arnica, Japanese Sophora, chamomile, rose hips, horse chestnut, green tea;
  • tea tree essential oil;
  • hazelnut, sea buckthorn, cottonseed oils;
  • freshwater;
  • vitamins A and E;
  • hirudin.

In combination, the components relieve swelling, prevent cramps, restore blood circulation and blood supply. A quick remedy for a perfect manicure -.

Treatment of varicose veins should be carried out comprehensively; using only one cream will not provide lasting results. positive result. The course of treatment will be prescribed by the doctor.

Cream for varicose veins Varicosette

The German drug Varikosette is deservedly popular among women suffering from venous enlargement of the veins. Contains:

  • extracts of horse chestnut, witch hazel;
  • sunflower and corn oils;
  • troxerutin;
  • menthol;
  • menthyl lactate;
  • urea.

Relieves all signs of the disease, except for the resorption of blood clots, fights the symptoms of the disease. The course of treatment with Varicosette takes an average of 3 weeks (maximum 60 days), but the effect does not last long. Can be used during pregnancy.

Prices and reviews

The pricing policy of drugs depends on the country of origin, the components and the nominal volume of the tube. The price range ranges from 100 rubles to almost one and a half thousand. A simple solution to 8 problems with nails -.

Name price, rub.
Varicobooster 1190
Lyoton 1000 (volume 50 g) 470
Sophia 130
Fly agaric vs. 170
Varikosette 990

Reviews of women who have tried some of the remedies will help you decide on the choice of drug for varicose veins and leg fatigue.

  • Marina, 28 years old, Izhevsk:“Lioton 1000 was prescribed to me at the antenatal clinic in the first trimester of pregnancy. The work is related to trade, I am on my feet all day, and my legs hurt so much, and due to pregnancy, these unpleasant sensations intensified significantly. The product helped me, the fatigue disappeared as if by hand. But the product is not used sparingly; a tube does not last long. I had to switch to a cheaper analogue – Troxevasin.”
  • Antonina, 24 years old, Gelendzhik:“My husband and I moved to a new apartment and had to spend two days in the car. My legs were swollen terribly; if I touched them with my fingers, I literally drowned in my own skin. It's painful and unpleasant. I remembered the advertisement for Sophia cream and bought it at the pharmacy at a very reasonable price of 115 rubles. I used it according to the instructions. The swelling completely subsided within a day. But the venous network did not go away (it appeared in me even before the move). The only drawback is that it is too liquid and sticky and takes a long time to absorb.”


This video will tell you what doctors think about the use and effects of ointments for varicose veins.

Varicose veins are a disease that causes a lot of inconvenience to a person. There are several types of its treatment, including - special creams. Their action is also aimed at a preventive effect. Find out why Orly nail polish is so popular by clicking on.

In this case, it would be more appropriate to choose a cream from the category of medicinal and cosmetic preparations. Unlike conventional foot cosmetics, medicinal preparations have a more pronounced effect and provide deep care. All products in this category are patented and undergo strict quality control; they consist of natural, medicinal ingredients.

What types of medicated foot creams are there?

Depending on the leading direction of action, there are several categories of medicinal and cosmetic foot creams:

  • regenerating - designed to restore damaged epidermis. Treat cracks and soften calluses. The restorative effect is formed due to the presence of components that exfoliate dead cells and deeply moisturize the skin;
  • refreshing - the leading task of this category of products is the fight against increased sweating and unpleasant smell;
  • decongestants - designed to relieve fatigue and swelling, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, and are effective in the treatment of varicose veins;
  • antibacterial - designed to combat pathogens and prevent the occurrence of skin diseases;
  • antifungal - fight skin diseases;
  • cooling - relieves the feeling of fatigue and burning.

It should be noted that a high-quality medical and cosmetic cream involves performing not one, but a complex of functions that form comprehensive care behind the skin of the legs.

The feet require special attention, they are constantly exposed to stress - uncomfortable, hard shoes, high heels, prolonged exposure to warm boots or shoes. These are unfavorable factors that can cause dryness, peeling, cracks, and fungus. A properly selected foot cream will help you get rid of troubles and prevent their development.

When choosing a medicinal or caring product, you need to carefully study its composition. Any cream contains a base and additives - dyes, extracts, flavors, moisturizer, preservatives.

Fatty vegetable or animal raw materials, gel or emulsifier are used as a base. Fat nourishes and makes the surface velvety and shiny. Popular bases are castor, olive, corn oil, chicken fat, cocoa butter. The gel gives the mass a pleasant consistency and stability. The uniformity of mixing of ingredients depends on emulsifiers.

Manufacturers add panthenol, allantoin, hyaluronic acid. Their task is to ensure smoothness, moisturize, soften roughness, and maintain elasticity.

Supplements are the important part. They can be therapeutic or caring.

Types of creams

There are many foot care products available. When purchasing, you should consider your skin problem and choose the right products.


A remedy that is indicated in cases where there is a dry, rough epidermis, a feeling of tightness, and the heel begins to peel off. A crack appears on it, a corn - a rough callus. It can be used on healthy skin, it helps restore hydrobalance and prevent dehydration. Cosmetics of this type deliver nutrients and moisture to the epidermis.

For a softening foot cream to be effective and give the promised effect, it must include:


Designed to moisturize and soften the skin. Often there are products that have a strengthening effect on the condition of the nail plate.

In addition to the main components in the composition, the moisturizer should include the following useful additives:

  1. Glycerol. It does not provide visible softening, but is used to create a film on the surface that prevents moisture loss.
  2. Shea Butter. One of the best helpers when the foot is dry can become rough.
  3. Jojoba oil. An effective moisturizing product that is well absorbed into the skin.
  4. Urea. The substance penetrates deep into the cells, is absorbed by the skin, and promotes its renewal.
  5. Vitamins B5, E. The first element acts as a softener. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, helps tighten the skin, prevents it from becoming rough and aging quickly.


When rough skin causes a lot of inconvenience, pain, the finger bursts, and the toenail looks painful, turns yellow, ordinary care is not enough, treatment is required. The pharmacy offers a choice of the following categories of medicinal products:

  1. For calluses and corns. Heals, restores, helps soften rough areas, and prevents keratinization.
  2. From sweating. Recommended for people who actively produce sweat and whose feet do not exude nice smell. It is required that the cream or ointment have an antibacterial effect and can cool the skin, preventing it from sweating.
  3. For cracked heels. Its action is based on the ability to accelerate regenerative processes, healing the surface of the heels and preventing new lesions from arising.
  4. From fatigue. Soothes and cools the skin, toning blood vessels.

Many medicinal products contain substances for which there are contraindications for use: pregnancy, diabetes, children or old age.

The drug should be selected especially carefully if the patient is a diabetic. In this case, the limb may become rough due to complications of the disease and a dermatologist should treat the problem.

Review of popular creams

The effectiveness of the drug directly depends on the disease. If you are concerned about a cosmetic defect, professional products that are included in the rating of the best will come to the rescue.

To soften:

  1. Foot Works from the famous Avon brand. The active formula is aimed at softening the skin, moisturizing it, and nourishing it. Gives a feeling of softness, smoothness, and protects.
  2. Daderm "Softening". Fatty creamy composition of intense action containing active ingredients: urea, camphor, menthol, calendula. Has a nourishing, moisturizing effect, protects, and antibacterial effect. The instructions indicate that the cream can be used for diabetes.
  3. “One Hundred Beauty Recipes” offers foot creams that soften and smooth the dermis. Relieves tightness and dry skin; corn and pumpkin oils saturate cells with moisture.
  4. "Currant and Vanilla" from Avon. Quickly revitalizes and fills with energy.

For moisturizing:

  1. “Sage and flaxseed oil” from the cosmetic brand Green Mama. A safe remedy to eliminate peeling, dryness, and lack of nutrients.
  2. Organic Kitchen. Inside the orange jar contains fresh Hawaiian persimmon and mulberry, which intensively care for the skin and saturate it with moisture.
  3. “Moisturizing” from the manufacturer for 5 days. Grape oil extract, which contains berry seed, is responsible for its effectiveness. The drug renews the skin, acts as an antiseptic, preventing infection. Absorbs well and moisturizes.

For treatment:

  1. “Keratolic” from Organic foot care. The therapeutic effect is explained by the urea content. Heel cream helps treat cracks and corns, softening the roughened limb, promoting the exfoliation of dead cells. Strengthens protective functions, relieves irritation. The high fat content of the product does not allow it to be absorbed quickly; the whole process takes 3-5 minutes.
  2. “Plantains and horse chestnut” restorative for men. This liquid balm contains lemon for deodorizing, plantain for healing cracks, vinegar for softening and strengthening blood vessels, thyme, and jojoba.

If store-bought products do not help, you can find a recipe for making homemade cream. Natural ingredients can be used for it: egg, lemon, Vaseline.

Directions for use for dry skin

Correct use of caring and therapeutic agents will help to quickly cope with the problem. How to use:

  1. Make a bath out of hot water with soda, salt.
  2. Remove the keratinized epidermis. Softened heel corns can be easily removed with pumice.
  3. Dry with a towel.
  4. Apply ointment, cream or balm to your heels.
  5. Massage.
  6. Wear cotton socks.

Body care should be comprehensive and complete. If your leg looks smooth and healthy, then you need to keep it in that condition. If tightness is observed, then it’s time to include a cream for dry skin on your feet in your care. And when cracks and itching appear, it’s time to go to the pharmacy for a medicinal drug. Don't forget about the right shoes so that a bump does not appear on the fingers, and spurs on the heels.


The appearance of symptoms of mycosis requires contacting specialists and an integrated approach to treatment. Cheap antifungal ointments for the feet help to cope with the problem, helping to stop the development of infection on the skin of the feet and the surface of the nails. How do antimycotic agents for local therapy work, why can’t you self-medicate? This is discussed in detail in the review of popular means of combating pathogenic microorganisms.

What are antifungal ointments

The most effective is the use of antifungal drugs in the early stages of the disease. After application, ointment for foot fungus quickly penetrates into the depths of the affected tissues and begins to have an active effect. Treatment should be carried out only as prescribed by a doctor, after identifying the type of fungus. Based on the results of the analyzes:

  • infectious agents are identified;
  • antifungal ointments for the feet are prescribed.

There are two large groups of drugs that differ in their effects. Among the antifungal ointments for feet prescribed by dermatologists for the treatment of onychomycosis and skin lesions of the feet, azoles, synthetic mycotics, are popular. These drugs:

  • have a high concentration of active substance;
  • completely destroy fungal spores;
  • require a monthly course of therapy;
  • have a minus - possible intolerance to the components, the occurrence of side effects.

The second group of remedies for foot fungus - allylamines - are used for mycosis of the foot and lesions of the nail plates. Their disadvantage is that a high concentration of the substance is required to completely eliminate fungal spores. Advantages of the drugs:

  • combating yeast infections;
  • destruction of all types of mold fungi;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • deep penetration into the tissues of nails and feet;
  • after treatment there are no relapses of the disease.


Each group of drugs has its own active components that counteract the development of fungal infections. Excipients may vary depending on the drug. The composition of antifungal ointments for feet includes:

  • extracts of medicinal herbs;
  • glycerol;
  • urea;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oils;
  • sodium hydroxide;
  • propylene glycol;
  • polysorbate;
  • purified water;
  • Vaseline oil;
  • wax.

The active ingredients depend on the group of drugs:

  • Allylamines contain one of the hydrochlorides - butenafine, naftifine and terbinafine. Medicines include ointments: Exoderil, Terbizil, Myconorm.
  • The main components of azoles are sertaconazole nitrate, ketoconazole, bifonazole. Among the antibacterial drugs in this group, all drugs have the ending “evil” in their names - Isoconazole, Clotrimazole, Miconazole.

pharmachologic effect

It is important to consult a dermatologist at the first symptoms of damage. At the initial stage, the disease is treatable, even if only one ointment against fungus on the legs is used. The drugs differ in pharmacological action depending on the group:

  • Allylamines – stop the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, cause the death of fungal spores by blocking the biosynthesis of sterols in the skin cells of the feet and nails;
  • Azoles – have a fungicidal effect, destroy the cell membrane of the fungus, spread inward, and stop its development and reproduction.

Antimycotic ointments

The use of antifungal drugs in the form of ointments has advantages - local effect directly on the affected area, a small number of contraindications and side effects, high safety, and affordable cost. To achieve quick treatment results, you must:

  • first make a bath to steam your feet;
  • remove with a file or scissors areas of tissue affected by pathogenic fungi;
  • carry out antiseptic treatment of surfaces;
  • apply antifungal ointments to the skin of the feet.


This inexpensive drug is among the popular drugs that counteract most fungal spores. Clotrimazole treats onychomycosis for short term. When using it is necessary to consider:

  • the drug is contraindicated for children and women in the early stages of pregnancy;
  • the ointment may cause a local allergic reaction to the components;
  • the medicine is applied twice a day in a thin layer;
  • the course of therapy lasts from a month until pathogenic fungi are completely eliminated;
  • the first results are noticeable after two weeks.


Antifungal foot cream blocks the development of fungal infection pathogens - dermatophytes, Candida fungus, and mold forms. The active substance terbinafine in the composition penetrates deeply into the tissues, accumulates in them, providing a long-term therapeutic effect. It is necessary to use the ointment - a cheap analogue of Lamisil - according to the instructions, taking into account contraindications. The product is applied morning and evening until complete healing. The drug helps:

  • quickly cope with pathology;
  • reduce the symptoms of the disease - severe itching, burning, redness;
  • improve your condition in a few days.


This cream for toenail fungus contains the active ingredient ketoconazole. Nizoral helps block various types of fungal infections and is an anti-inflammatory drug that is safe for humans. When applied regularly to affected tissue once daily:

  • acute signs of the disease are relieved;
  • no allergic reactions;
  • the result is observed after 4 weeks of use;
  • The course of treatment is prescribed individually - up to three months, taking into account the form of the disease.


The drug has the active ingredient naftifine hydrochloride and is used for advanced infections in complex therapy together with antifungal antibiotics in tablets. Exoderil is prescribed for skin diseases and lesions of the nail plates. Antifungal cream:

  • has an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory effect;
  • quickly eliminates the symptoms of the disease;
  • applied twice a day;
  • for complete recovery, a course of up to six months is prescribed;
  • To prevent relapse of the disease, it is used for two weeks after the symptoms have resolved.


This unique drug has no analogues; it helps to effectively treat onychomycosis caused by dermatophytes and quickly eliminate the symptoms of nail damage. The medicine kit includes disposable nail files. During treatment it is necessary:

  • remove affected areas of the nail plate once a week;
  • apply the composition daily morning and evening;
  • take a course lasting 4 weeks until a healthy plate grows;
  • take into account contraindications - pregnancy, age under four years, allergies to components, diabetes.


This antimycotic drug contains the active substance sertaconazole nitrate. When used regularly, it destroys all types of fungal spores on the surface of the skin. The drug prevents the development of yeast microorganisms and dermatophytes. When using Zalain, you must consider:

  • presence of contraindications – hypersensitivity to components, lactation, pregnancy;
  • the duration of treatment is up to four weeks;

Broad spectrum ointments

When the infection is in an advanced stage, medications are prescribed that not only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, but also completely cope with the fungal infection. The drugs have an antiseptic effect, reduce inflammation, relieve severe itching, burning, and eliminate redness. The medicine penetrates deeply into tissues and stops the development of fungal spores. Broad-spectrum drugs include ointments:

  • Zinc;
  • Salicylic;
  • Sulfuric.


The use of this product is safe and has no contraindications for use. Zinc ointment has a pronounced antibacterial effect, but as an independent antifungal therapy it produces little effect. Please note when using:

  • It is advisable to use the medicine in combination with other drugs;
  • an allergic reaction is possible;
  • treatment continues for a month;
  • the drug is applied up to four times a day;
  • the best effect is achieved in the early stages of the disease.


This drug has a strong antiseptic effect and contains the active substance salicylic acid. The peculiarity of the antifungal agent is the need for simultaneous use of other drugs. Use of the drug for lesions of the nails and skin of the foot:

  • effective at the onset of the disease;
  • required within three weeks;
  • may cause side effects - peeling, urticaria, itching;
  • has contraindications – age under three years, renal failure;
  • applied by lubricating the affected area and applying bandages.


The main component of the antifungal agent is sulfur. The substance has an antiseptic effect, eliminates itching, but is a strong allergen. When using the drug you must:

  • first conduct a sensitivity test on a healthy area of ​​skin;
  • use the medicine in the complex treatment of foot fungus;
  • apply the composition to the affected areas once a day - at night;
  • carry out a course of treatment for no more than seven days;
  • prescription of drug concentration by a dermatologist in accordance with the severity of the disease.

How to choose antifungal ointments for feet

To quickly and effectively cope with fungal infections, you should not self-medicate. The choice of antifungal agents that help heal the legs should be made only by a dermatologist, taking into account the test results and identifying the causative agent of the disease. The doctor takes into account the peculiarities of the spread of pathogenic microflora and selects special means for lesions:

  • toenails;
  • surface of the foot;
  • skin between the toes;
  • infection accompanied by an unpleasant odor.

For toenail fungus

There are effective remedies for the treatment of onychomycosis - damage to the nail plates. The choice of medication depends on the severity of the disease and the type of pathogen. The course of treatment is at least a month. The ointment has a strong resistance against toenail fungus:

  • Candide is a clotrimazole-based product that kills most microorganisms;
  • Lamisil - the active substance terbinafine, allowed for use from two years of age;
  • Triderm - contains a hormonal component - the corticosteroid betamethasone and clotrimazole, which eliminate itching and inflammation in the presence of severe lesions.

From foot fungus

To cope with a fungal infection, potent medications are used. Ointment for foot fungus is prescribed for a week. If there is no improvement, the drug is replaced. By effective means are considered:

  • Tinedol is a medicine based on natural ingredients;
  • Mycospor – has the active substance bifonazole, which eliminates all types of fungi;
  • Ketoconazole – acts on pathogenic microflora at the cellular level;
  • Ciclopirox – stops the growth of most types of fungal spores;
  • Nizoral - quickly stops the inflammatory process.

From the smell

Shoes made from low-quality materials cause sweaty feet and provoke the development of fungal diseases, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor. There are antimycotic agents that help solve this problem. Efficiency differs:

  • Tinidil - used at all stages of infection, removes burning, itching, yellowness of nails, odor;
  • Lamisil – eliminates fungus on the feet and nails, has disinfecting properties;
  • Salicylic ointment - quickly destroys spores of pathogenic microorganisms, treats infections, and fights unpleasant odors.

Between the toes

The appearance of unpleasant symptoms on the surface of the skin between the toes requires the use of special antifungal agents. It is necessary to identify the causative agent of the infection by a dermatologist and prescribe the correct treatment - medications differ in the active substance. Recommended for use for fungus between the toes:

  • Imazole, Candide - clotrimazole-based creams, applied three times a day;
  • Ketodin, Dermazol - have the active substance ketoconazole, applied once a day;
  • Onabet, Zalain - contain sertaconazole, they cope with the problem in 2 weeks.

Cheap ointments for foot fungus

There are budget-friendly options for medications that can help treat fungal infections on the feet. Systemic drugs with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects help eliminate a large number of pathogenic microorganisms on the foot. It is necessary that the duration of the course and the ointment be prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the type of microorganisms. Among the cheap antifungal drugs prescribed for the treatment of feet:

  • Zinc ointment;
  • Clotrimazole;
  • Zhivin cream;
  • Sulfuric ointment;
  • Mycotrine.

Price for antifungal ointments for feet

You can purchase topical antimycotic drugs at your nearest pharmacy. The main thing is to use them only as prescribed by a doctor. The price of an antifungal drug depends on the manufacturer, trade markup and is in rubles for Moscow:

A drug

Quantity, gram/ml

Price range, rub.


Zinc ointment





Mikozan (set)