Eid al-Adha congratulations in your own words. It’s easy to find worthy congratulations on Eid al-Adha in prose or poetry. Kurban Bayram, what kind of holiday is it, Jewish or Tatar, pagan or state and its meaning, meaning and sacrifices

Published 09/01/17 08:41

Kurban Bayram in Moscow 2017: festive prayer takes place in the Moscow Cathedral Mosque.

Eid al-Adha 2017: what date?

On the first day of autumn in 2017, Muslims all over the world celebrate one of the most important holidays - Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha).

This holiday began to be celebrated under the Prophet Muhammad. The day is the second largest after Ramadan Bayram. It is always celebrated on the seventieth day after Eid al-Adha. Kurban Bayram is a holiday of sacrifice and worship of Allah. On these days, and the holiday is celebrated for three days, Muslims make sacrifices, visit relatives, and pray intkbbach about the dead.

Kurban Bayram: what kind of holiday?

From Arabic, Kurban is translated as sacrifice or sacrifice, and Bayram means holiday. According to Old Testament tradition, when Abraham was preparing to sacrifice his son Isaac to God. Among Muslims, Abraham has the Arabic name Ibrahim, and his son Ismail.

Allah rewarded Ibrahim for his loyalty and devotion by replacing the sacrifice with a lamb at the very last moment. With this in mind, Muslims annually make a symbolic sacrifice - they slaughter lambs or other cattle. However, there are different requirements for different sacrificial animals. For example, a goat must be at least one year old, and a cow must be at least two years old.

How Eid al-Adha is celebrated

Believers begin to prepare for Kurban Bayram 10 days before its onset. Muslims observe fasting, and women carry out general cleaning of their homes.

Early in the morning of September 1, even before dawn, Muslims performed ablution and went to namaz - holiday prayer.

You should not eat before the first prayer on the holiday. After prayer, you can have breakfast and later return to the mosque and listen to a sermon about the history of the holiday and its meaning. During it, the Prophet Muhammad and Allah are glorified, and then the imam explains the origin of hazhd and tells in detail about the ritual of sacrifice. Then the believers begin the main part of the holiday - the sacrifice. It is interesting that the meat of the sacrificial animal is divided into three parts - one is given to the poor or to orphanages, the second is distributed to guests and relatives, and another third is kept for themselves and their family.

The Muslim festive table on Eid al-Fitr includes sweets, homemade bread, pies, flatbreads and biscuits. On the first day, dishes from the liver and heart are prepared, the second day must begin with soups cooked with lamb heads and legs. Meat is also roasted or stewed, and beans, vegetables or rice are used as a side dish. On the third and fourth days, Muslim tables include soups made from lamb bones, fried lamb ribs and, of course, traditional manti, lagman, shish kebab, pilaf, beshbarmak, chuchvara.

On Kurban Bayram, Muslims visit loved ones, pray for the dead, and give alms.

Places to offer prayers on Eid al-Adha

On September 1, 2017, holiday prayers will be held in all mosques in the country. In Moscow, the main sites for prayers will be:

  • Moscow Cathedral Mosque (Prospekt Mira metro station)
  • Historical mosque (Novokuznetskaya metro station)
  • - Memorial Mosque “Shuhada” on Poklonnaya Gora (metro station “Park Pobedy”).

In addition, three additional temporary sites will be open:

  • in the Eastern District, in pavilion No. 2 of Sokolniki Park
  • in the South-Western District, on the site near the Izumrudny sports and recreation complex
  • in the Southern District, on the site near the Southern River Station building.

At all temporary sites, the holiday prayer will begin at 7.00 and last until approximately 8.00.

As Izvestia writes, believers began to take seats in the prayer halls of the Moscow Cathedral Mosque at 4 am. Now all the halls there are filled.

The celebration of Kurban Bayram 2017 began with the traditional address of the head of the Council of Muftis of Russia (CMR) Ravil Gainutdin. From 7.00 after the welcoming sermon there is a prayer.

It is noted that law enforcement officers controlled the passage of believers to the mosque from the Prospekt Mira metro station. Assistance was provided by volunteers of the Council of Muftis who speak foreign languages. They answered people's questions and helped them get their bearings.

On September 1, 2017, traffic in Moscow was partially limited. In total, over 300 thousand people are expected to take part in the celebration in Moscow.

Kurban Bayram 2017 in St. Petersburg

In St. Petersburg, the holiday prayer, which began at 7 a.m., could also be performed at the Cathedral Mosque, located in the Petrogradskaya district (Gorkovskaya metro station). Let us remind you that on September 1, due to the holiday, from 5.30 to 10.30, traffic will be closed on the section of Kronverksky Prospekt from Kuibysheva Street to Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, as well as on adjacent lanes. In addition, on this day the Gorkovskaya station may be closed or entry restricted from 6.00 to 10.00.

The following places for sacrifices have been identified: the village of Novosergeevka, Shushary (Shkolnaya St.), Koltushi (the village of Tokkari), Maloe Karlino.

Kurban Bayram 2017 in Tatarstan: how we relax for the holiday

Eid al-Adha in 2017 is celebrated on September 1. It's Friday. And it was this day that was made a day off for the entire working population for a five-day working week.

As for schoolchildren in Tatarstan, the assembly dedicated to September 1 will take place, and this is not considered any obstacle to the holidays. Immediately after the morning activities in schools, children will go home and can join in the Eid al-Adha celebrations.

On September 1, 2017, Muslims will begin to celebrate one of the most important holidays - Kurban Bayram (Eid al-Adha). This Muslim holiday, which began to be celebrated under the Prophet Muhammad, is the second largest after Ramadan Bayram. It is always celebrated on the seventieth day after Eid al-Adha. Kurban Bayram is a holiday of sacrifice and worship of Allah. On these days, and the holiday is celebrated for three days, Muslims make sacrifices, visit relatives, and pray for the dead.

Kurban Bayram - what is it?

In Arabic, “Kurban” means “sacrifice” (“sacrifice”), and “Bayram” means “holiday”. The holiday itself is based on a story from the Old Testament, when Abraham prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac to God. Among Muslims, Abraham has the Arabic name Ibrahim, and his son Ismail.

As follows from the legend, Allah rewarded Ibrahim for his loyalty and devotion by replacing the sacrifice with a lamb at the very last moment. With this in mind, Muslims annually make a symbolic sacrifice - they slaughter lambs or other cattle. However, there are different requirements for different sacrificial animals. For example, a goat must be at least one year old, and a cow must be at least two years old.

How Eid al-Adha is celebrated

Believers begin to prepare for the Eid al-Adha holiday 10 days in advance. Faithful followers of the Prophet Mohammed observe fasting. During this time, women should do a thorough cleaning of their homes and prepare clean and elegant holiday clothes.

Early in the morning of September 1, just before dawn, Muslims will perform ablution, change clothes and go to prayer. You should not eat before the first prayer on the holiday. After prayer, you can have breakfast and later return to the mosque and listen to a sermon about the history of the holiday and its meaning. During it, the Prophet Muhammad and Allah are glorified, and then the imam explains the origin of hazhd and tells in detail about the ritual of sacrifice. Then the believers begin the main part of the holiday - the sacrifice. It is interesting that the meat of the sacrificial animal is divided into three parts - one is given to the poor or to orphanages, the second is distributed to guests and relatives, and another third is kept for themselves and their family.

The Muslim festive table on Eid al-Fitr includes sweets, homemade bread, pies, flatbreads and biscuits. On the first day, dishes from the liver and heart are prepared, the second day must begin with soups cooked with lamb heads and legs. Meat is also roasted or stewed, and beans, vegetables or rice are used as a side dish. On the third and fourth days, Muslim tables include soups made from lamb bones, fried lamb ribs and, of course, traditional manti, lagman, shish kebab, pilaf, beshbarmak, chuchvara.

Also, during the celebration of Kurban Bayram, it is customary to visit loved ones and pray for the dead. Believers should also give alms.

Places to offer prayers on Eid al-Adha

On September 1, 2017, holiday prayers will be held in all mosques in the country. In Moscow, the main sites for prayers will be:

- Moscow Cathedral Mosque(metro station "Prospekt Mira")

- Historical mosque(metro station "Novokuznetskaya")

- Memorial Mosque "Shuhada" on Poklonnaya Hill(Park Pobedy metro station).

In addition, three additional temporary sites will be open:

In the Eastern District, in pavilion No. 2 of Sokolniki Park

In the South-Western District, on the site near the Izumrudny sports and recreation complex

In the Southern District, on the site near the Southern River Station building.

At all temporary sites, the holiday prayer will begin at 7.00 and last until approximately 8.00.

In the Northern capital, the holiday prayer, which will also begin at 7 a.m., can be performed at Cathedral Mosque, located in the Petrogradskaya district (metro station "Gorkovskaya"). Let us remind you that on September 1, due to the holiday, from 5.30 to 10.30, traffic will be closed on the section of Kronverksky Prospekt from Kuibysheva Street to Kamennoostrovsky Prospekt, as well as on adjacent lanes. In addition, on this day the Gorkovskaya station may be closed or entry restricted from 6.00 to 10.00.

The following places for sacrifices have been identified: the village of Novosergeevka, Shushary (Shkolnaya St.), Koltushi (the village of Tokkari), Maloe Karlino.

Eid al-Adha 2019 (Eid al-Adha) is one of the main holidays in the Muslim religion. Peoples professing Islam know and revere this day as the holiday of sacrifice (the Arabic name translated means “feast of sacrifice”), which marks the end of the Muslim hajj (pilgrimage) to Mecca, their holy city.

This holiday is celebrated on the 10th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. The date is calculated by lunar calendar, and in 2019 it will be August 11 - 14. Concerning greatest post Muslims - the month of Ramadan - then in 2019 it begins on May 5, and it will last until June 3.

On the eve of Eid al-Adha The Day of Arafah is considered to be the last day of pilgrimage to Mecca before the Feast of Sacrifice. For Muslims it is very important religious significance, since without it the hajj to the holy city is considered invalid. And the Day of Standing on Mount Arafat itself is a sacred duty, thanks to which a Muslim will be forgiven of his sins, and he himself will find bliss in the afterlife. On the Day of Arafah, pilgrims gather on the slopes of Mount Arafat and must spend the entire time there until sunset, fasting, praying and listening to sermons.

During Kurban Bayram, Muslims pay tribute to submission and humility to the Almighty, remembering the greatest example of such faith and fear of God, Prophet Ibrahim. He was ready to sacrifice his son Ismail, thereby showing his complete devotion to Allah. On the day of Kurban (sacrifice), the prophet learned that he was ordered to sacrifice a sheep, not a son, and that his willingness to commit this act confirmed Ibrahim’s devotion to the Almighty, and for all believers it became an example of patience and persistence from religion and the commands of the Creator. This example became a lesson for everyone that loyalty to one’s Lord is rewarded by His mercy.

Several days are allotted for Kurban Bayram - the day of the holiday itself and another 3 days of At-Tashriq. Based on this, the festival of sacrifice ends at sunset on the 13th day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah.

How is Eid al-Adha celebrated?

This day is a day off for Muslims dedicated to prayer, relaxation, and communication with loved ones. For 10 days before its onset, believers observe fasting, and begin celebrating in the very morning with ablutions (ghusl), going to the mosque for a sermon, after putting on new, clean clothes. After finishing the morning prayer, believers return home, then, gathering in small groups on the street, they sing and glorify Allah. After this, they listen to the mullah’s sermon, and then go to the cemetery to pray for the dead. Returning home for the sacrificial ritual, Muslims begin to conjure the animal, which symbolizes submission and loyalty to the will of the Almighty.

To be closer to God, human sacrifices are not needed, and the animal world is used for its intended purpose, since it is in the service of people.

The victim is an ungulate. Most often these are rams, bulls, goats or camels. The animal that is being prepared for sacrifice must be more than 1 year old and be healthy, fat and beautiful. According to the ritual, the animal carcass is divided into three parts - from one a treat is prepared for family and friends, the Muslim keeps the second for himself, and the third feeds those in need.

It is the poor and hungry who are invited to a ritual meal, thereby showing an example of mercy and kindness to the weak, as the Almighty bequeathed. On the first day, it is customary to prepare dishes from the heart and liver of a sacrificed animal, on the second day - soup from the head, legs, stew, on the third and fourth days, soups and other treats are prepared from bones. This includes pilaf, manti, and chuchvara. Sweets and homemade cakes also find their place on the table.

On this holiday, Muslims delight their family and friends with gifts, and visiting dear people is generally considered a blessed activity these days.

Differences in celebration in different countries

Despite the fact that this holiday has the same meaning for everyone who professes Islam, some differences in the celebration still exist. Each country brings its own flavor and traditions, which makes the holiday common to Muslims unique for all peoples.

Pilgrimage to Mecca Egyptians It usually lasts 3-4 days, during which time people take a short vacation. The tables are set in the open air, on the street, so that every passerby can try dishes prepared from an ox or camel. It is these animals that are most often sacrificed in Egypt. Morning prayers are held near the two main Egyptian mosques - Al-Hussein and Saida Zainab. At this time, much attention is paid to children - they are treated to sweets and taken for walks to amusement parks.

Residents Morocco To celebrate, they wear national clothes, prepare traditional dishes for their area, and spend this day with their family. Before the sacrifice, which is carried out by men, women apply henna to the head of the animal, which symbolizes the beginning of Eid al-Adha. In addition to traditional dishes, Moroccans always put national sweets and tea on the table. Despite the fact that it is mainly the wealthy segments of the population who share the meat of the sacrificed animal, less wealthy people still try to participate in this ritual too, even if they have to borrow money for this.

IN Turkey for Eid al-Adha prepared in advance, even several weeks in advance. There are differences in preparing the animal for the ritual that are not prescribed by Islam, but have taken root as a tradition in this country. So, before sacrificing an animal, it is first bathed, painted with henna and decorated using bells and ribbons. Now in Turkey there are even special public organizations that accept donations from everyone, stab animals and distribute them among people in need. Among city residents who do not have the conditions to carry out the ritual of sacrifice, it is customary to go to their relatives who live in rural areas for this holiday.

IN Kyrgyzstan in 2017, the largest mosque in Central Asia opened. It is located in Bishkek, its foundation was laid in 2012. It can accommodate about 20 thousand people and covers an area of ​​about 35 hectares. 6 thousand Muslims can pray inside the mosque at the same time.

IN Indonesia most of The population is Muslim, so the weekends last all 4 days - during the Eid al-Adha period. There it is customary to decorate the streets with bright balloons, play drums, set off fireworks and read congratulations to residents through loudspeakers. Busy people can select an animal to sacrifice for the purpose of distributing it to the poor directly from an ATM machine, making the process much easier for them.

A smaller scale of Eid al-Fitr celebrations has been adopted in Russia. It is official in Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Ingushetia, and Dagestan. Since in Russia you rarely see people celebrating on the street, for those who profess this religion this day is even more family-like, warm and reverent.

Whatever the specifics of the celebration, Eid al-Adha for all believers professing Islam is a holiday of unity of people, regardless of their social and financial status, mercy towards the suffering and needy, compassion and love.

What date is Eid al-Adha 2019?
Kurban Bayram is celebrated on August 11-14, 2019.
Eid al-Fitr in 2019.

On the wonderful holiday of Kurban Bayram, I sincerely wish you peace and prosperity, bright sunshine in your soul and bright love for Allah. Let a clean and bright streak in life begin with clean clothes, let the further path from this joyful holiday be kind, happy and joyful.

Congratulations on the holy holiday of Kurban Bayram! I wish that all the best thoughts and good intentions accompany your path all year. Let not only this occasion, but many others, contribute to the unification and cohesion of your large family. I wish you peace, prosperity and bright hopes!

Happy Kurban Bayram! Let a flower with beautiful petals bloom in your life, containing pure love, excellent health, abundance of soul, faith in miracles, prosperity and bright thoughts. Be happy with all the delights of this life and may the skies above you be clear.

Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, we congratulate you on the holiday of Kurban Bayram. Goodness, prosperity, peace to you and your families! Be healthy and rich, do not forget to share your happiness with your loved ones.

On the holiday of Kurban Bayram I send my sincere congratulations and from the bottom of my heart I wish that Allah would reward life with goodness and blessings for righteous deeds and alms to those in need, so that a bright prayer would be heard, so that the joy of the soul would be as pure as the robe on this holiday.

Congratulations on the holiday of Kurban Bayram. Let your thoughts be bright, like clothes on this day, let your bins be rich, like festive table, may people be kind to you, as Allah is kind to all of us, may all your efforts, deeds and donations be rewarded with good health and true happiness.

Happy Eid al-Adha. May the light of your soul illuminate everything around you and give happiness to your loved ones, may a good story about love and peace begin with a new and clean slate, may the path to bliss and joy be paved with strong faith and the blessing of Allah.

On Kurban Bayram, I sincerely wish that Allah sends you abundance of life, grace and health. May your path be good, may your mercy share sadness with the disadvantaged, may your prayer certainly be heard, may your life be a bright and happy story.

“And d mubarak. I wish you a wonderful joyful holiday. For your generous sacrifice, may Allah send health, peace and prosperity to your entire family, may pure thoughts be born in your head, may good feelings awaken in your heart, may happy events happen in your life.

May the mercy of the Almighty be with you. On this day, I wish you spiritual purification, humility and awareness of the truth of existence. Let the true spirit of faith and worship of the Almighty live in your homes. Let your actions not produce sins, but only benefit your immortal soul. I wish you to preserve the mercy of Allah and his forgiveness. May your hearts be open, may the Almighty protect you from being sealed. Remember that everything around you is temporary and hurry to do good deeds.