How do they go to school in winter? How to dress a little schoolchild in winter? Useful tips for caring parents. Hands and feet are an area of ​​special attention

    newmama 09/17/2009 at 21:23:01

    What do first-graders wear in winter?

    I mean outerwear. Those. The jacket is warm, but what about your legs? Slim pants? Even if you put on some underpants (are there such for boys?), it will be cold outside, but hot at school...
    We're going to school next year. And the question arose due to the fact that I am going to buy winter clothes for my son. I always bought separate jumpsuits for 2 winters, but now I’m thinking about it. Well, I think warm pants are definitely not needed anymore, but you can’t wear just slightly insulated ones to school... What do you recommend?

    • Belichek 09/21/2009 at 11:08:47

      I took mine a separate thermal suit

      jacket of course, and we’ll wear pants for school, and at school we’ll take them off and hang them in the closet and walk around in a warm class in school pants and socks and a change of clothes...

      YUK 09/18/2009 at 08:11:19

      Junior School

      uniform trousers, tights underneath, as long as the boy doesn’t mind, then long johns (but my eldest just threw away the tights at one point and wears socks and trousers).
      on the jacket a jacket (it should not have an elastic band at the bottom, but a parka so that the jacket does not feel restrictive)
      In general, fears of cold are greatly exaggerated, IMHO. The uniform trousers are made of wool, they are quite warm and thick. ok, not freezing. Moreover, it’s not a 2-3 hour walk, but to and from school plus a walk near it, no problem, IMHO.

      • Carmen 09/18/2009 at 08:59:03

        1 my boy walked exactly the same way

        while little - in tights, and then just in trousers
        school is 5 minutes walk from us

        Ulasenko 09/18/2009 at 09:27:54

        We tried to dress the child like this, it was VERY hot in the room...

        here you also have to look at how long it takes to get to school.
        we are going, i.e. you have to get to the transport, wait for it, get to school. These are short periods of time, but in the cold morning it’s quite cool in just corduroys... if you were nearby, you’d probably just try to run in your pants.

        • YUK 09/18/2009 at 09:53:11

          Don't know. in my opinion

          semi-combo trousers - sledding, skiing, wallowing in the snow, etc.
          but certainly not moving around the city, including transport, going to the store or to school. and a half-overall with trousers is okay in some northern regions... but here it’s not so cold!
          at school - I don’t know, it’s not particularly hot here. the heating is good, but not a steam room. In addition, the last time of winter - well, for a week or two it could still be cold, like -20 or lower. and -5..-9 typical for winter are not critical at all IMHO.
          My oldest, since the 4th grade (9 years old), has flatly refused to wear tights and underpants, he just walks around in trousers and socks, and he himself goes home from school - by transport, and walks around the city... I also bought winter ones for a year or two, woolen, so you see they bite him! :)) last year I spent the whole year in school Georges, who knows - they are generally cotton + polyester with a coating for durability. I was already trying to get along with these underpants, and so I sent it. and nothing, quite a healthy boy :)
          I really am generally a fan of underdressing rather than overdressing... maybe that’s why.

          • Ulasenko 09/18/2009 at 14:28:24

            In the morning, at -10 and windy, standing at the bus stop and waiting for the bus is actually cool. The child himself decides when to wear a suit. The frames of the suit are very thin + membrane, so it doesn’t sweat. In principle, we don’t buy pants made of synthetic padding or fleece;

            The classroom is VERY warm + plastic windows.
            By the way, wallowing in the snow after school also happens. whoever is wearing trousers just watches, the rest play :).

            • lara75 09/19/2009 at 00:45:09

              Yes, I’ve seen more than once HOW they watch. They lie around like everyone else with the corresponding result.

              On topic: I can’t imagine how to stand and walk without a jacket or pants on top in winter. It all depends on the health and strength of the child.

              I am the mother of a first-grader :) !

              Lesnoy, Shulyavka

    • Ulasenko 09/17/2009 at 22:05:11

      my son walked (and will walk this year) in a Reimatek jacket and overalls.

      underneath are corduroys and raglan.
      I came and undressed (we have a locker room in the classroom, no problems).
      I can’t wear warmer clothes (underpants) because... will cook in class. and it will freeze outside. and so warm and comfortable. All the same, you still need to change your shoes, so putting on the overalls is not a problem.

      • newmama 09/17/2009 at 22:54:34

        and not sweating in trousers and overalls??

        and how does it fit on the pants?

        • lara75 09/19/2009 at 00:41:22

          Sorry, but it made me smile: did you wear winter half-overalls for so many years?

          Did they dress on their naked bodies? And were they tight? What I mean is that the trousers are no thicker than the tights that I think you put under your child’s outer pants.
          If on topic, in winter I also decided to wear our school cotton corduroys on my bare legs, and winter pants on top. They came and removed it and that’s it. But my son has a kindergarten school and it’s hot there. And in ordinary ones it’s cold. Therefore, you will also need to wear underpants (tights, they’ll laugh) under your pants. But even so, I’m sure the outer pants will fit :)
          A friend and her son NEVER wear anything under their jeans. There are some too :)

          I am the mother of a first-grader :) !
          Barefoot shoes 33 size, 40 UAH, leather. In reg.

          Lesnoy, Shulyavka

          The heart has been running separately since 05.24.02

          • Ulasenko 09/19/2009 at 02:14:37

            I find it at least more comfortable and drier than jumping through slush in jeans or wearing tights under them in severe frost (brrrrr). I wear light and short jackets. Let those whose tender feelings I offend by this forgive me, but this is more convenient for me. Moreover, running after children is also a very active sport :).
            The only thing is that my husband and I often unfasten the straps and wear only trousers.
            when the child is not at school, he wears a jumpsuit over his naked body - during active walks he doesn’t need anything else. and when he goes to school, he puts on corduroys out of sheer laziness - this way he spends less time changing clothes.

            • lara75 09/24/2009 at 22:35:36

              Is there anything at all that I wrote newmama? Honestly, I didn't know that

              Technologically, you can wear the reimu on your naked body. Are there any layers needed?

              I am the mother of a first-grader :) !
              Barefoot shoes 33 size, 40 UAH, leather. In reg.

              Lesnoy, Shulyavka

              The heart has been running separately since 05.24.02

              • Ulasenko 09/24/2009 at 23:26:03

                I'm so sorry that I offended you.

                • lara75 09/25/2009 at 17:31:40

                  you did not offend :) Agree, my question newmama has a right to exist.

                  But you didn't answer. I read that reima should be worn in layers. 2 or 3 (for frost) layers, not cotton. etc. I didn’t know it was possible on bare legs. let's try :)

                  I am the mother of a first-grader :) !
                  Barefoot shoes 33 size, 40 UAH, leather. In reg.

                  Lesnoy, Shulyavka

                  The heart has been running separately since 05.24.02

                  • Ulasenko 09/25/2009 at 19:02:48

                    I ANSWER: my son (7 years old) and I wear it on our naked bodies, my daughter (2 years old) wears it on tights. In our winters, we have to put something under the overalls - it’s hot (this is about the frame).

                    the exception is school, but, I repeat, solely for the sake of not having to spend half an hour changing clothes. At first we carried the trousers with us, but he asked us to wear them from home so that in the morning we would have time to run around with our friends in class...
                    My husband wears carbon fiber, also on his naked body. when he goes on a business trip to Siberia, from -15-20 he can pull up his underpants.

        • Ulasenko 09/18/2009 at 00:16:56

          fits fine. The overalls don’t fit well, and the corduroys are narrow. Here's a kid coming home from school:

          sweating - no sweating, the membrane seems to be working...

          • newmama 09/18/2009 at 02:17:17

            Thank you:)

One of the most important questions that parents of all children without exception are puzzled by is: “What should I wear my child to school?” But if the dress code is determined by the school, then things are simpler, but if not, you will have to think about what to dress your child up in. The question is also complicated by the time of year: for warm weather everything is extremely simple, but what will keep your boy warm in winter? It is very important that children's winter clothes for a boy are warm, but do not allow him to sweat too much, because it is known that boys cannot sit still.

Let's look at the mandatory components of winter school clothes for a boy.

Clothes for boys 1st – 5th grades

The most important thing in selecting the necessary clothes is to still adhere to the dress code dictated by the educational institution: since this is the way it is, there is no need to fight, because this is the face and prestige of the school, especially since here you need to be distinguished not by the presence of a huge quantity and quality of clothes , but with their knowledge and academic performance. So, it is best to dress boys in this way: underwear, if the frost is severe - tights or underpants, a shirt or golf, a classic trouser suit or school uniform, and as for outerwear, a winter trouser suit that will not allow you to freeze while moving from Home before school and back is the best option. But during lessons, the child will take off his outer suit and feel comfortable during lessons.

If you are not inclined to buy such a winter outer suit, then an excellent solution would be to purchase thermal underwear, which today is popular not only among adults. Such underwear is the key to your child’s normal body temperature, preventing overheating and hypothermia. It removes excess moisture that is formed as a result of sweating.

Clothes for high school boys

A suit for a high school boy in winter should consist of insulated trousers with a fleece; be sure to choose a woolen jacket. It is better to replace a shirt in winter with a golf shirt, turtleneck or sweater. A wool suit with a vest will look great in cold weather.

The vest is indispensable in the wardrobe. It will turn even the simplest turtleneck and trousers into a stylish look.

If the school is loyal to the clothing of students, trousers can be replaced with classic jeans, but without any special “decorations”: a school is not a place for a fashion show, but, first of all, an educational institution.

During severe frosts, you should wear thermal underwear or underpants under your clothes.

The only taboo for schoolchildren in terms of clothing: you can’t go to school in a tracksuit, even the most fashionable and expensive one! The only exception is physical education class.

Traditionally, before the start of the school year, parents update their child's wardrobe. Most schools do not have a uniform; they simply ask you to adhere to a certain style and look neat.

School clothes for boys do not have many variations: a jacket, a pullover or cardigan, a set of shirts, light trousers and insulated ones for the winter, a vest - these are all the elements of the wardrobe for the school year.

The main rule when choosing things for school is that the child must like them and be quite comfortable.

If your educational institution does not have a strict dress code, then it will be useful for you to read our article and get acquainted with the advice of fashion experts.

How to dress a boy for school

1. It is better to avoid purchasing a black suit for school everyday life, because in an ensemble with a light shirt, it looks too formal.

2. A jacket is a must in a schoolchild's wardrobe; it looks elegant and gives confidence. It is more convenient for a junior school student to use a jacket as a formal option. For normal days, more comfortable clothing is preferable.

3. Give preference to muted dark colors. Variations of gray, brown, and blue look good. For variety, choose a stripe that is not too pronounced, or a strict check.

4. White or light blue shirts are suitable for school. The shirt may have colored cuffs, an interesting insert or stripes on the collar. Such nuances give individuality to the student.

5. A formal suit with a plain turtleneck looks great.

6. A large selection of school trousers allows you to purchase a fashionable model for a boy. Pants must be combined with a shirt or turtleneck.

7. Jeans are clothes intended for everyday wear outside of school. However, there are educational institutions where the administration allows jeans, but this is contrary to business etiquette.

8. Buy trousers and a shirt for the student, and replace the jacket with a cardigan. This is an intermediate option between a strict dress code and an informal denim look.

9. It's good to buy a vest and wear it over your shirt. The vest helps achieve a formal look and is combined with a tie or bow tie, which can be purchased on the website.

10. For cool days, you can choose a sweater with a V-neck, complement the set with a tie.

11. Colorful and bright free-style clothing is not acceptable in a school wardrobe.

12. Sneakers and sneakers are comfortable and practical, which is why teenagers love to wear such shoes. However, they are intended for active recreation, training, and their place is in the gym. Form your son's taste, explain to him that sports shoes look ridiculous with classic-cut trousers. For school, only closed shoes are suitable; for the warm season, perforation is acceptable.

By following the simple rules of stylists, dressing a boy for school will not be difficult. By choosing the right wardrobe elements, you help develop a growing man’s taste in clothing selection and prepare him for adult life.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil

Your child went to school? One of the pressing issues for parents of first-graders is the choice of comfortable and convenient clothes. School “equipment” should not distract the child from the educational process, and also turn the road from home to “light knowledge” into a real test.

Outerwear - practical, comfortable, light!

When getting your beloved child ready for school in the winter, make sure that the road does not tire your child, and that the mood to study does not disappear even at the doors of the educational institution. To do this, choose comfortable children's outerwear. Here are some tips to help you cope with the task:

  • The most popular option is down jacket. Here the choice of parents is limited only by their imagination.
    For boys and girls, we choose colors that are not easily soiled - blue, grey, green, brown, black and their shades. As you know, children can spend time playing active games outside after school. Accordingly, the issue of practicality and convenience comes first. But if you want to see your child in bright colors, be prepared for frequent washing.
    Choose a down jacket with a hood. Russian winters are quite harsh. One hat, even the warmest one, is not always enough to hide from the annoying wind. It is advisable if the hood is framed with natural fur (arctic fox, fox). This will provide the baby's skin with more gentle protection.
  • Buy it for your child in winter two hats- one knitted, the other on synthetic padding or natural fur. Thus, you will take care of the comfortable stay of the little student on the street, both on a cold winter day and during the thaw period.
  • Concerning gloves or mittens, ensure that there are at least two pairs in the student’s wardrobe. It is advisable if one pair is padding polyester, and the other is knitted (wool mixture). For your information, downy mittens can become a nuisance for a child if he constantly touches his face and eyes.
  • Pants or overalls? If we are talking about a girl, then it is definitely more convenient to take pants. Why? Little ladies wear sundresses or skirts to school. To prevent clothes from turning into crumpled paper, give preference to pants. Put the skirt on top, and when you get to school, leave the pants in the wardrobe. For boys, wearing long johns or thermal underwear under school clothes is not the best option! As a rule, in winter, classrooms are well heated and the discomfort caused by multi-layered clothing will distract the young student from serious studies.
    A completely reasonable option is to wear warm trousers with synthetic padding over school trousers, which will be waiting in the wardrobe during lessons. This way you won’t get your uniform wet, and your child will be dressed lightly and comfortably.

School uniform - winter dress code rules

Many parents ask the question: how to dress a schoolchild so that he fully complies with the rules of appearance adopted by the educational institution and at the same time feels comfortable? Choose comfortable school clothes made from natural fabrics.

It is much easier if school uniforms are approved by regulatory documents. In this case, parents of primary school students simply have to comply with the prescribed rules. What if the school has not approved this form? There is a lot of space for activity here!

Go to school only in a great mood!
The most important thing is, when sending your child to school, give him only positive emotions. Prepare clothes in the evening, do not rush the student and do not raise your voice at him when getting ready for classes. A positive attitude is very important in successful learning!

Of course, from the first grade, a child should be taught a “special” style and stick to it. Classic shirts made of cotton, white or bed colors are perfect for both girls and boys. If the shirt is long sleeve, you can limit yourself to a knitted vest over it. It is better to wear a short-sleeved shirt under a jacket or cardigan. This way, nothing will restrict the movements of a little schoolchild.

Also, a light school turtleneck for a girl would be a good option. It will serve as an excellent replacement for a shirt. Choose only cotton fabric. Such a thing will not restrict the child’s movements. A turtleneck for a boy has the same properties. It looks great with a jacket or sweater. The tight fit of the fabric to the body eliminates annoying folds, giving freedom to every movement.

For young fashionistas, you should not choose the narrow knee-length skirts that are popular today. During recess, children zealously release their energy. Uncomfortable clothing will be a serious hindrance in active games.

We recently reminded you students may not attend educational institutions. However, many children go to school, even if the thermometer is shrinking to a point: high school students are afraid that absences will have a bad effect on their preparation for exams, and there is simply no one to leave the kids with at home. What can be done to ensure that children get to school and return home safely?


Dressing warmly is a simple matter. But your child will spend the whole day in a heated school, which means layering is our motto. Think about how easy it is to remove excess clothing, how and where to pack it, and what clothes the child can wear if it’s cool in the classroom. In this regard, a wool vest + jacket is a much more promising combination than a thick, warm sweater, and trousers + ski pants are better than trousers + underpants.

Compatibility with school uniform

In cold weather, many schools make concessions to students who come not in a standard uniform, but in pullovers and warm woolen trousers (this is especially true for girls). If such concessions are not provided, then you will have to rack your brains. You may have to buy woolen leggings for your daughter, leaving the padded overalls for walks, and for the boy, choose a pullover that can be worn under a jacket. If you plan to buy something warm immediately, go to the store with your uniform. Otherwise, it will be a shame to find out at home that the purchase does not fit on/under it

Hands and feet are an area of ​​special attention

Even a warmly dressed child can get frostbite on his feet and hands. This is physiological, because our limbs have a relatively small volume compared to the surface area; there are no large blood vessels there. When hypothermia occurs, the body first turns off the blood supply in the small capillaries of the extremities; nature believes that it is better to sacrifice a few fingers than a heart or brain. If you value your child's full set of toes, then the shoes should be...

  • Spacious. Squeezing your leg means further complicating the blood supply, which is not all right in the cold. Let it be half a size larger than needed.
  • On a thick non-slip sole. The farther from cold ground, the better.
  • With a warm insole. Insoles wrinkle, wear out and wear out faster than the shoes themselves! With the onset of frost, do not forget to check whether the insole has become bald.
  • Dry! Even in the most nasty frost, the foot can sweat; this happens especially often with children. They can also climb into a snowdrift along the way to check its depth. So a shoe dryer is your best friend.

With your hands, everything is simple - no gloves, that's an axiom. Only mittens - waterproof gloves are warmer, but two pairs of woolen down mittens, dressed one on top of the other, are also suitable. Pay attention to how high and tightly the elastic band of the mittens fits: it should not be tight, but you need the mitten to go deep under/on the sleeve of the down jacket.

Thermal underwear

We are freezing because we are... hot. The coldest thing is not in insufficiently warm clothes, but in wet clothes, in underwear that has absorbed sweat.

In this regard, thermal underwear, which retains warm air near the body and removes moisture, is, of course, a godsend. What should you pay attention to?

  • Is it comfortable for a child to wear such underwear at school? Perhaps he is hot, cramped, stuffy?
  • How does a child go to school? Walking quickly along a snowy path? While waiting for a long time for a bus at a bus stop, thermal underwear is not a help; on the contrary, confident in its wonderful properties, parents risk underdressing their child.
  • Most of this underwear is made from modern synthetic materials. Make sure they do not cause allergic skin reactions in your child.

The head is the head of everything

The ideal winter hat is two hats: a wool knitted helmet that covers the forehead, ears and neck all the way to the chest, and a warm cap or hood on top. Actually, this is how parents dress most kindergarteners, but this trick does not work with middle school students, and especially high school students. Therefore, make sure that your ears and neck are covered. Knitwear (even the warmest) is worse protection from frost than fur, so either a knitted wool hat + hood, or a classic earflap hat.

But you can’t cover your nose with a scarf!

The moisture from the breath instantly condenses on the scarf, as a result the child breathes not just cold air, but cold and very damp air, and on his face he has not just woolen fabric, but a wet woolen rag. You need to inhale and exhale freely, and it is better to cover your freezing cheeks with mittens.

Naked in the cold

We all walk around naked in cold weather, at least partially. While we carefully pack our arms, legs, belly, and face with its thin delicate skin, we boldly expose it to low temperatures. Don't forget to take care of it!

In cold weather, it is better to avoid wearing earrings, especially massive metal ones. It might seem like a small thing, but in the cold, touching metal is a cold burn.

A separate paragraph should be devoted to cosmetics, and you need to remind not only children, but also yourself about this. Wet skin is a guarantee of frostbite! Therefore, as a daytime cream, you need to choose a rich cream rather than a water-based cream. Our mothers had a rule in winter to swap day and night creams - and when it’s -25 outside, it’s quite possible to follow it. You need to apply the cream to your face at least an hour before leaving the house, and for kids, buy a rich baby cream (there are special winter brands) and lubricate both your face and hands with it.

Thick and greasy hygienic lipstick is also an essential item in cold weather, both for girls and boys (all that remains is to convince them of this).

If the child still gets frostbite...

White cheeks, nose and fingers are the first sign of frostbite. The child may not even experience any discomfort, because cold is an anesthetic in itself. But normal blood supply needs to be restored as soon as possible! However, this must be done correctly.

What not to do

  • Rubbing damaged skin with snow, mittens, alcohol... it is generally not advisable to rub it. This can lead to trauma to the skin, minor abrasions can get infected, and then it will take a long and unpleasant time to treat.
  • Place the child in a hot bath, apply a heating pad, and generally forcefully warm him up. The skin is not injured, but the blood vessels are completely damaged.

What to do

  • Gentle heat (bath or foot bath with an initial water temperature of about 20 degrees).
  • Warm drinks (eg hot tea).
  • Wrapping up (blanket, rug, warm socks).
  • On the street, you can put your palms (without rubbing!) on your frozen face, and, unbuttoning your jacket, put your frozen hands under your armpits for a short time.

Attention! If, with frostbite (even, in your opinion, mild), the skin does not begin to turn pink after the first aid measures taken, if you notice the formation of blisters, and finally, if the child’s general well-being gives you cause for concern, consult a doctor immediately!

Brace yourself people, summer is coming!