How to thread and sew with a double needle on a sewing machine? The nuances of using a double needle for a sewing machine Why do you need a double needle in a sewing machine

A twin needle is a convenient sewing device that can be used in all machines that provide zigzag stitching. It cannot be installed on Podolsk-type lockstitch machines, since they do not have additional guides and the design does not provide a stand for a second spool.

A double needle can be installed on a Chaika machine if, during sewing, a single needle enters exactly into the center of the hole. Most modern machines, such as Janome, Brother, Juki, initially provide two spool stands. How to sew with a double needle?

Double needle

Installing a double needle significantly expands the capabilities of the sewing machine. When working with knitwear, it can imitate the stitching of a flat-stitch machine; the double needle also allows you to create decorative finishing stitches on other products.

To create an even and neat double seam on a patch pocket or on the trim of a men's shirt, you only need to stitch the product once. In all cases, the use of double needles is mainly intended to create decorative seams, they are not designed for heavy loads.

During sewing, the machine uses only one bobbin thread for both needles, so the strength of the seam is significantly reduced. However, double and triple needles open up wide scope for decorative embroidery of contours; threads can be used for this different colors and even create a shadow effect. Double needles are also used when sewing on braid and creating a gather with an elastic band.

There are several types of double needles. They differ in the distance between the needles; the width of the resulting seam depends on it. The needles are selected according to the maximum seam width of your machine: if you choose them incorrectly, during operation they will touch the edges of the metal plate and eventually break.

Preparing to use a double needle

The first point is setting the sewing machine mode

Before you start working with a double needle, you need to make sure that the machine is in straight stitch mode. If it is set in a zigzag position, the twin needle will simply break when it hits the metal plate. The bobbin thread tension needs to be loosened so that it can be used for both needles.

To get started, you need to correctly install both upper threads. The spools are placed on separate upper spindles; to work with a double needle, it is recommended to select thin threads with high elasticity. To make the stitch even, the bottom thread should be one number thinner than the top threads.

A double needle is placed in a sewing machine in the same way as a regular needle. When installing, the flat of the needle is directed away from you, the round side of the flask is directed towards you. Threads from two spools are passed through all thread guides; they are separated only at the very bottom. If the machine has only one thread guide (such as the Chaika), then one thread is passed through the lower thread guide, and the second is immediately passed through the eye of the needle.

In any case, you need to sew with a double needle at minimum speed, otherwise the threads may begin to tangle with each other.

This device significantly expands the capabilities of the sewing machine when creating decorative stitches for various finishes.

Twin needle sewing methods

Twin needle expands sewing possibilities

There are several main methods of sewing with a double needle:

  • Straight hold, in which the machine creates two even lines parallel to each other. When sewing knitwear, polyester threads are suitable for this; for light fabrics, the thread tension should be weak, for thick ones - medium. To create two straight parallel stitches you will need a zigzag foot.
  • Decorative stitching with the simultaneous creation of two parallel patterns, for which you can use multi-colored threads. For decorative stitching, it is better to use a narrow double needle with a minimum distance between the two needles. Machine embroidery threads are best suited for this stitch. Using dark and light thread tones allows you to create a shadow effect that will look very interesting on the product. For light fabrics, the thread tension should be low.
  • Openwork stitch using a double winged needle. This is a special device that allows you to move the fabric fibers apart and create holes characteristic of openwork stitching. They will be especially noticeable if the stitching is laid across the fabric fibers or diagonally. To create such a stitch, you can use threads that match the color of the fabric for machine embroidery; the thread tension should be normal.
  • Decorative hem imitating a flat seam. This method is very convenient for processing the edges of knitted products; the seam is smooth and neat. The threads are selected according to the fabric; for light material, the tension should be low. The edge of the knitted fabric is folded to the wrong side, after which a stitch is laid along the front side, the distance to the edge should be at least 15 mm. Then you need to cut off the remaining allowance close to the stitching.
  • Sewing on the tape: When creating a double stitch, both sides of the tape are sewn in just one pass. The width of the double needle should be slightly less than the width of the braid itself; a straight stitch is used for stitching. You can use a satin stitch foot for this.

Creating embossed tucks on fabric

Sewing with a twin needle takes practice.

Another way to decorate finished products is to create embossed tucks on the material. For this work, a special foot with grooves on the sole is used. During sewing, the fabric is tightened in them, this allows you to give it an interesting three-dimensional relief.

Grooves of different sizes allow you to get different folds; the wider they are, the more voluminous the relief obtained on the fabric will become. The double needle allows you to create interesting reliefs on fleece and velvet; in appearance they completely copy knitted product. To decorate fabric with embossed tucks, you need to follow several rules:

  1. The upper thread tension should be set to level 7-9, that is, almost to the maximum.
  2. It is very important to make the first tuck even, since all subsequent ones will be lined up along it. To make it beautiful, it is better to first draw a straight line on the fabric.
  3. The needle width for working with light fabrics should be no more than 1.6-2 mm, for working with dense and heavy materials - 4 mm.
  4. On light fabrics, you can use a foot with seven grooves; it is designed for creating small tucks. On heavy fabrics, use a foot with five grooves.

Mastering the techniques of sewing with a double needle significantly expands the possibilities of finishing a variety of products.

Creating a relief with a cord looks very interesting on the material. In this case, select a cord whose width is slightly larger than the width of the double needle. You need to draw a line on the wrong side of the fabric and pin a cord to it at the beginning and end.

After this, the cord is sewn with a double straight stitch, as a result of which a relief pattern. Try learning how to sew with double stitches to create an unusual decorative stitch.

This video will show you how to sew with a double needle:

Hello, dear readers of the blog “site”. Today we'll talk about the delights sewing on a machine with a double needle.

How do you know if you can install a double needle on your machine? If your machine can sew with zig-zag, then you can safely use a double needle. But before you purchase a double needle, you need to measure the size of the gap on the needle plate in order to know what the maximum distance can be between two needles.

How does the sewing process itself happen? Instead of one upper thread, two threads will pass through the tensioner; to do this, you need to install a holder for the second spool (must come with the machine) and thread the second upper thread in the same way as the first.

Using a double needle, you significantly increase your sewing capabilities and make it easier for you to process products with double finishing stitches. After all, most often a double needle is used for finishing pockets, on jeans, on shirts, and at the same time, for two perfectly even lines it is enough to make just one pass with a double needle. Saving time and effort is obvious).

How to sew with a double needle?

In order to sew comfortably with a double needle, you must not only thread the top two threads well, but also be sure to reduce the tension of the bottom thread in the bobbin, since the bottom thread will stretch on the wrong side of the fabric between both top threads. It is also necessary to loosen the tension of the upper threads a little in order to avoid tearing the upper threads from the tension.

If possible, use a thread that you will thread into the bobbin that is one number thinner than the top ones. This way you will create ideal conditions on the machine to produce a high-quality stitch.

When installing the needle, make sure that the machine is in straight stitch mode so as not to accidentally break the double needle.

Double needles for Janome machine

Japanese sewing machines Janome, Juki and Brother and other modern models are equipped with two spool pins and paired thread guides. An additional pin for the coil is installed in a special hole on the body of the machine.

How to thread a double needle?

We have already looked at how replace the needle And thread in sewing machine , but now we need to figure out how to install double needle.

The cut of the needle should be installed towards the back of the machine, and the round part of the needle flask should be directed towards itself. We pass the threads from both spools through the tensioner and through all the thread guides; the threads are separated only at the base of the upper part of the needle. Thread the right thread into the right needle, and the left thread into the left needle.

If you are installing a double needle on a Chaika machine, then pass the left thread through the lower thread guide, and simply pass the right thread next to it, since this model has one lower thread guide.

How to use a double needle?

Surely you already know that double needles differ in the distance between the needles, and the final appearance of the resulting stitch depends on this. Stitches made with double needles of different widths look completely different. This makes it possible to make various finishing stitches on clothes.

Most often, double needle stitching is used when hemming the bottom edge of items made from stretch fabrics, in decorative work, in finishing stitches on pockets and flaps, and in processing seams on jeans.

Twin needles can be of three types:

  1. Denim
  2. Stretch needles
  3. Metallized

When choosing a needle, proceed from the specific task assigned to you, but it is better, of course, to have several types of needles, so as not to limit yourself and choose the best option.

Also, a double needle is in great demand in embroidery work, since a double needle is indispensable for creating parallel lines. And if you also “play” with the color of the threads and the width between the needles, you can get unexpected options with the effects of shadows from the threads, etc.

Watch also the video about the sizes, types and capabilities of double needles:

The double needle can be installed in any sewing machine, performing a zigzag stitch. The main thing you should pay attention to before buying a double needle is the width of the hole (slot) of the needle plate and the distance between the needles.

How to sew, and how to use a double needle, how to thread two needles at the same time? The threads are threaded in the same way as with one needle, only instead of one spool, two will be used. And both threads will go through the same upper thread tensioner.

In this video you will clearly see how to make double stitches using a double needle.

Using a twin needle increases the capabilities of your machine and makes finishing double stitches easier. In addition, when sewing knitwear, you can imitate the stitching of a flat-stitch machine. But most often, double needle indispensable when sewing clothes with double stitching. Decorative finishing stitches on jeans, patch pockets, details men's shirts etc. You can stitch evenly and neatly by making just one seam with a double needle.

1. How to use a double needle

How to use a double needle? Just like with a regular needle, however, you need to correctly thread both upper threads and be sure to loosen the tension of the lower one (in the bobbin). The lower thread in the bobbin will be simultaneously used by two upper threads, “folding out” between them in a zigzag and therefore it must be loosened.
You also need to loosen the tension on the upper threads, otherwise the stitching will tighten and even break. Be sure to adjust the tension of all threads well, and use elastic and thin threads whenever possible. And do not forget that in order to form a high-quality stitch, the bottom thread must be “number” thinner.

2. Twin needles are not suitable for all sewing machines.

Twin needles can only be used on machines that have a zigzag stitch. Straight stitch sewing machines like Podolsk, as in this photo, are not designed for such needles. The needle plate of such machines has one round hole, and to use a double needle, a narrow and wide gap is required, which is also necessary for performing zigzag stitches. In addition, additional thread guides and a stand for the second spool are required.
If you are going to install a twin needle in your Seagull sewing machine, pay attention to how the needle fits into the hole in the needle plate when it sews a straight stitch. The needle must pass exactly in the center of the needle hole. If there is an offset from the center, the double needle may break.

3. The second thread requires an additional spool pin

Modern sewing machines from Janome, Brother, Juki and many others have two spool stands, as well as paired thread feeders and thread guides into which the upper threads are threaded separately.
Each coil must be installed on a separate pin (spool holder); often this requires installing an additional rod on the body of the machine.
If there is only one spool stand on the machine body, then an additional one is usually included in the kit.

Double needle Installs into any sewing machine, just like a regular needle. The flat of the needle (cut) should be directed back (away from you), and the round side of the needle flask should be directed towards you.
The threads from the spools are passed together through all the thread guides, including the upper thread tensioner, and only the lowest thread guides (at the base of the needle) separate them. The left thread is threaded into the left needle, the right thread into the right needle.
If there is only one lower thread guide (like Chaika’s), then the left thread is passed through the thread guide, and the right thread is passed nearby, threaded directly into the eye of the right needle.

5. What types of needles are there and their purpose

As has already been noted, double needle may have different distances between needles. Depending on this distance will vary appearance decorative stitching (narrower, wider) and even triple needles are available.
The different widths between the needles make it possible to choose the width of the finishing stitch and use this for decorative design of clothing. Therefore, it is advisable to have several types of such needles in stock.

With this stitch you can quickly and beautifully complete a finishing stitch on a pocket or flap shirt. However, it must be borne in mind that the use of double needles is more intended for decorative work and seams that do not experience heavy loads. To form a seam, a double needle uses only one bottom thread, so such a seam will not be particularly strong. But, for example, for embroidering two or three parallel contours at the same time, a double needle is simply irreplaceable. This pattern looks especially impressive if the threads are of different colors. Using double needles with a narrow gap between them and different shades or colors of threads, you can create an imitation of shadow in the seam. The threads seem to overlap each other, creating a shadow effect, a three-dimensional image.
In addition to simple finishing stitches, twin needles can be used for sewing on braid, performing elastic gathering, securing tucks and other operations.

6. Incorrectly selected twin needles may break.

When purchasing twin needles from a store for your sewing machine, pay attention to the maximum width of the needle plate opening.
The maximum zigzag stitch width of your sewing machine can also be a good guide for needle size. Incorrectly selected needles may break by catching the edge of the needle plate hole. This is especially important for machines like Chaika, in which the needle is often offset from the center of the hole.

Before you start sewing with a twin needle, check the stitch selection switch. The stitch should not be set to a zigzag or other needle offset, such as that used for attaching a zipper, etc.
The twin needle should only work in straight stitch mode. In any other mode, it will simply break on the needle plate of the sewing machine.

The cause of double needle failure is an incorrectly selected needle. The twin needle should fit freely into the hole of the needle plate without touching its edges. Be careful when using a double needle to avoid accidentally switching the machine's operating mode to zigzag. There is only one mode of operation of the double needle - straight stitching.

Just like a double needle, any foot makes the seamstress’s work easier and increases the capabilities of the sewing machine. If you have ever sewn products from natural or artificial leather, then you probably know how difficult it is to avoid parts getting stuck. And using a presser foot with a roller, you can sew such materials almost without sitting, easily and quickly.

There are different needles for a sewing machine, including double needle. Each type of needle makes sewing a particular material or fabric easier. For example, for high-quality sewing of leather goods, it is recommended to use a needle with a blade; for sewing knitted jersey, use a needle with a blunt point. Read more about what types of needles there are in this article.

When installing a double needle on a sewing machine, it is advisable to select very high-quality, thin and elastic threads. When sewing with a double needle, a sewing machine experiences extreme loads, and in order to ensure that the stitching is skip-free, with the correct tension of both threads in the stitch, use suitable modern threads.

For those who love to sew, there are many useful accessories and devices on sale to make your work easier. All you have to do is buy an inexpensive double needle and it becomes much more convenient to sew finishing stitches, and most importantly, beautifully and quickly. The same applies to pins. Using a certain type of tailor's pins in each case will make your work much easier, making it more convenient and enjoyable.

And the blog site is in touch with you again!

Dear sewing lovers, today I invite you to read my new article about one sewing tool that allows you to further modify your sewing machine.

We will talk about a double needle, some additional option of a modern sewing machine.

And it seems like nothing special. Just two needles “bound” in one holder. And how they significantly expand the capabilities of even the most ordinary sewing machine.

Double needle.

Double needle device.

familiar to each of us who works (or rests, this also happens) at a sewing machine, but only secured in one holder and with just one flask for two.

  1. Thickening (bulb). At the back of the cone there is a flat (flat part of the bulb), which must be turned strictly back when installing a double needle into the needle holder of a sewing machine.
  2. Double needle body. With the help of this part, two almost ordinary needles are soldered into one double one.
  3. Kernel.
  4. Long groove.
  5. Short groove.
  6. Ear.
  7. Point.


The most famous and popular double needles among consumers are produced by SCMETZ, HEMLINE, PRYM, SINGER, etc.

Types of double needles.

At the time of writing, four types of double needles are available.

  1. Universal (UNIVERSAL). Some universal double needles are also used as embroidery needles.
  2. For knitted fabrics (STRETCH).
  3. For working with metallized threads (METALLIC).
  4. For denim fabrics (JEANS).

Different types of double needles are designed to work with different materials. Therefore, the needles differ from each other:

  • Dimensions (thickness of needle rods and distance between needles);
  • Color of the case (holder);
  • The shape of the needle tips;
  • The size of the needles' ears.

We will become familiar with all these differences and “similarities” of double needles throughout the article.

Double needle sizes.

Double needles are made in the following sizes: 1.6 mm, 2, 2.5, 3, 4. As well as double needles with a particularly large distance between the needles - 6 and 8 mm.

The most numerous are universal double needles (7 different sizes).

Like a regular needle, the size of a double needle is also determined by the thickness of the shaft.

The thinnest double needles - for elastic fabrics - have the number 75. The number (size) of the double needle is 80 - for sewing with metallized thread. No. 80, 90, 100 are universal (embroidery) needles. Jeans needles – size 100.

Regarding the double needle body. The cases come in several colors: blue, light blue, white, red (orange), yellow. Some manufacturers produce double needles in housings of only two colors. For example: red and blue. Others, for the same materials, in other colors: blue, red (orange), white, yellow.

So focusing on the color of the body of a double needle as a sign of belonging to a particular group of needles is a false path. Another thing is that on the body of double needles, manufacturers leave us an “important message” to consumers about the distance between the needles of one double needle (1st digit) and its dimensions (through a slash (slash) 2nd digit).

Double needle foot.

There is no special sewing machine foot for working with twin needles. You can simply install and operate a double needle only on those sewing machines that perform zigzag stitching. And this means:

1) what is on the feet of such sewing machines

and 2) on the working surface of the sewing machine, namely on the needle plate

Extended slots are provided for needle movements away from the center.

How to correctly insert a twin needle into a sewing machine?

  1. Using the handwheel of the sewing machine, the needle holder must be set to its highest position.
  2. Then you need to lower the sewing machine foot.
  3. After this, holding a regular needle (if there is one) with your left hand, loosen the fastening screw with your right hand and remove it from the needle holder.
  4. Turn the double needle with the flat part of the flask away from you,

insert it in place of the previous one (if it was there) until the needle with the edge of the flask touches the limiter.

  1. Hold the needle with your left hand and tighten the fastening screw with your right.

How to thread a double needle?

To sew with a twin needle, you will need two spools of thread. To get a neat and even stitch with a double needle, the threads on both spools must be the same (quality, thickness). But the color may be different (according to the model, at will).

Also, the threads from both spools should “come out” at the same speed. To ensure such synchronization in their work, it may even be necessary to wind the threads on two identical bobbins (or small spools) so that they both fit simultaneously on the same thread spool pin.

To sew a stitch with a double needle, the two upper threads are threaded into the sewing machine in the same way as only one of them would be threaded.

Of course, all sewing machines are designed differently. They have different designs, they are “stuffed” with a different number of options, etc. etc. And the threading: the top and bottom are also somewhat different. However, all sewing machines have:

  • thread guides;
  • thread tension devices;
  • guide levers;
  • thread guides, etc.;

“Consult” the instructions that came with your own sewing machine, and thread both threads as you would “lead” one.

Only at the final stage, separate the threads, move them in different directions and thread the tip of each thread separately, one at a time, through each eye of a double needle.

(The bottom thread for sewing with a double needle is threaded into the sewing machine, just like for regular stitching with a single needle.)

Twin needle skips stitches.

Correct operation of a double needle and an impeccable result of “its labors” can be obtained by following a number of simple rules:

  • Use the same threads, “coming” from the same spools, mounted on the same spool pin.
  • Insert the needle correctly.
  • Check that threading is correct.
  • Flawless winding of threads on bobbins and spools.
  • Adjust the thread tension (according to the model, based on the properties of the material from which the product is sewn).

It is precisely in the lack of balance between the tension of the lower and upper thread that the essence of the problem lies when a double needle skips stitches!

Loosen (or strengthen (depending on the situation)) the tension of the lower or upper threads and everything will return to normal.

Sewing with a double needle.

Impeccable sewing with a double needle will ensure that certain requirements are met for those working at a sewing machine:

This trinity must be correctly matched to each other: fabric (thickness), thread (thickness), needle (size and width between the needles of one double needle). (According to the model and based on the properties of the material).

  • The threads must be correctly threaded: upper and lower.
  • The tension of the threads must be correctly set: upper and lower.
  • You need to work with a double needle at a reduced speed of the sewing machine.

If you adhere to all these rules, then we, sewing lovers, will have unlimited possibilities when sewing with a double needle.

Double needle stitch.

Stitches made with a double needle can be sewn, adjusted, topstitched, embroidered, quilted, etc. etc.

For example, using a double needle you can make a wide topstitch hem. Such a delay is at the same time a role decorative finishing along the bottom of the product will perform.

Then two lines are laid with double needles.

The first line should go along the very edge, along the bottom line (the right needle of the double needle “goes” at a distance of 1 mm from the edge).

The distance between two double stitches should be the same as between the needles of a double needle.

Stitching of denim products.

The delay of seams and edges of applied parts is the “highlight” of denim products. Such stitches are most often made with threads that contrast with the main color tone of the product. In addition, as a rule, two lines are laid (sometimes three (according to the model)).

And laying two (or more) finishing lines is two (three) times more difficult. After all, in order for the entire delay to look even and neat, the distance between two lines should be the same along the entire length of the delay, and the stitches of the lines would be good if they were symmetrical.

When doing one line at a time, it can be very difficult to follow all these rules. And if the same distance between the lines can still be maintained (with experience and training), then the symmetry of the location of the stitches of the line is almost impossible.

A special double needle will help you stitch denim perfectly.

Double needle for delaying garments sewn from denim, compared to a double universal needle, has more pointed tips (point). Naturally, such a tip penetrates faster into numerous layers of thick material.

  1. Universal double needle;
  2. Double needle for denim.

In addition, the size of the double denim needle is 100. Such a “fat” and sharp needle will stitch jeans flawlessly.

Topstitch stitch with double needle.

The same difficulty with the symmetry of the stitches of two lines arises when doing.

And here a double needle can also come to our aid.

Double needle for knitwear.

The enlarged photo below shows that compared to the same size universal double needle, the double needle for knitwear has more rounded tips.

With round tips, a double needle for knitwear does not pierce the material it is “working” with, but pushes its fibers apart and penetrates the surface of the fabric without tearing the fibers.

  1. Universal double needle;
  2. Double needle for knitwear.

(When working with dense, thick, low-elastic knitted fabrics, the tension of the bottom thread can be slightly weakened. It’s a different matter with highly stretchy knitted fabrics. They simply need significant stretchability of the stitching made with a double needle.)

Double needle stitch.

A double needle is great for stitching items.

In “one pass” through the fabric, a sewing machine with a double needle makes stitches of material twice as large and faster, and, in my opinion, four times more beautiful.

You can “play” with thread tension, needles, different distances between needles, etc.

Raised stitches (tucks).

Twin needles are very suitable for making raised stitches. For example, some kind of tucks.

Tucks can be straight,

The convexity of the stitching is achieved by increasing the tension of the threads. Either both upper ones or the lower one (according to the model).

Raised stitches with cord.

Using twin needles, you can create amazing relief stitches with cord. But to make such stitches you will need one more tool - a special foot for making stitches with cord (and not only).

There is a groove on the bottom surface of such a foot,

which radically facilitates the movement of the cord under the presser foot during operation.

The thickness of the cord and the size of the double needle (the distance between the needles) must be selected so that the cord passes freely between the needles. The thicker the material on which finishing work is planned, the greater the distance between the cord and the needles should be.

Raised stitches with cord can be the most different forms and configurations (according to model, optional), and the cords for their implementation can be taken of different thicknesses and from different materials.

Decorative stitches.

Using twin needles, you can sew decorative stitches (embroidery). Embroidery stitches are made with universal double needles.

For embroidery, double needles with a distance between needles of 1.6, 2, maximum 2.5 mm are suitable.

Even by laying regular straight stitches with a double needle, you can achieve a decorative effect. For example: due to different colors of threads of one line or laying several lines side by side with different distances between the needles.

But complex decorative stitches are best done with special thin embroidery threads.

And with additional strengthening of the places where the stitching will be done with special adhesive cushioning materials.

Then the effect is truly impressive.

Sewing with a double needle and metallic thread.

Double needle for sewing with metallic threads

differs from the rest of its brothers in its enlarged ear (2 mm) and its special structure. This is understandable. It is not an ordinary thread that is inserted into such an eyelet, but a very specific one - metallized (brittle, hard).

  1. Double needle for sewing with metallic thread.
  2. Double universal needle.

Metallized thread is threaded into a sewing machine and then into a double needle, just like regular thread. (Only top threads can be threaded.)

Embroidery with metallic thread looks very elegant. And even the simplest design, embroidered on inexpensive fabric, gray, in the literal and figurative sense of the word, turns into an exquisite product.

Gathering with elastic made with a double needle.

Using a double needle, you can make some decorative elements (assemblies of small sections of fabric), which can replace small drawstrings, darts, tucks, folds, etc.

The upper threads for assemblies are selected according to the material. Both color and thickness.

But instead of the usual bottom thread, we wind an elastic thread onto the bobbin.

We adjust the tension of the upper and lower threads so that the elastic thread comes out of the bobbin slightly under tension (more or less according to the model).

In the right places (according to the model) we make small lines of 5-10-15 cm.

With ruffles made using elastic thread, you can replace elements that carry a functional load (darts, folds, tucks, etc.)

Or make assemblies as some kind of decorative elements, “scattering” them along the sleeves of the product, along the front or back, along the panel of the skirt, etc.

Gatherings made using a double needle and elastic thread look very good on items sewn from thin fabrics.

Triple needle.

Needle manufacturers are constantly experimenting, creating, creating in order to delight you and me, ordinary sewing lovers, with various innovations from time to time. These include triple needles. Three needles united by one body and one flask.

A triple needle is threaded into a sewing machine, just like a double one (see above in the article). Just like with a double needle, threads are pulled through the eyes of a triple needle. But you need one more coil – 3 pcs.

Triple needles are especially good for decorative stitches.

What do you think, friends, after everything you’ve read above, does it make sense to purchase an “extended set” of different double needles?

... But as for me, with a good tool the work is twice as pleasant. Good luck everyone! Sincerely, Milla Sidelnikova!