How to swaddle your head. How to swaddle a baby correctly - step-by-step photos with explanations. Techniques for freely swaddling a baby: step-by-step instructions in pictures How to swaddle the head

Which has its roots in the distant past. All mothers knew how to swaddle a newborn, and have been doing this procedure with their children since the time of Hippocrates, and maybe even long before that.

But some modern mothers have a different opinion. Increasingly, you can see that from the first days of life, children are dressed in vests and pants, almost completely abandoning diapers. Arguing their choice, women rely on some modern research that suggests that swaddling a newborn is more harmful than beneficial. But is this really so?

Baby in a diaper: pros and cons

The baby stays in the mother’s belly for quite a long time – 9 months. He constantly feels her warmth. But he has practically no free space for movement: the arms, legs and head are in a bent state. Of course, sometimes the baby changes its position, and at that moment the mother feels tremors and can observe how tubercles appear on her stomach.

After birth, a little person finds himself in a huge and unusual world, where he can make any movements completely unhindered. And this new opportunity scares him. In order to create familiar conditions for him, women have been wrapping the child in a large piece of cloth for many centuries.

Swaddling newborns, in addition to simulating the mother's womb, has many advantages:

  • Children wrapped in a diaper sleep much more peacefully, since they do not wake up from their own sudden movements;
  • In contact with the surface of the diaper, the child receives tactile sensations and feels very comfortable;
  • The warmth received from the mother lasts longer;
  • There is an opinion that swaddling a baby helps all his bones and skeleton to form correctly. You can often hear from grandmothers that if you don’t swaddle your baby, he will have uneven legs. But this has not been proven medically;
  • Buying several diapers is much more profitable than buying rompers, since small children outgrow any clothing quite quickly.

But, despite all the beneficial properties, in our time there are many ardent opponents of this procedure.

They justify their position as follows:

  • The baby, wrapped in a diaper, cannot move. Because of this, he will not be able to take a more comfortable position;
  • Swaddling causes muscle hypertonicity;
  • The child overheats very often;
  • Sensory development is impaired.

One can argue endlessly about whether this procedure brings benefit or harm. Each parent will choose their own way of caring for their baby. But those who nevertheless decide to make a choice in favor of established traditions should, before swaddling a child, study all the nuances of this procedure.

How to swaddle a baby: techniques and secrets

Mothers who have given birth to their first baby inevitably face the problem of swaddling. Especially if these are young girls who do not have younger brothers and sisters on whom they could, if not practice this skill, then at least observe how to properly swaddle a newborn.

There are proven methods of swaddling babies that all women expecting a baby need to know.

  1. Tight swaddling.

The use of this swaddling technique involves almost complete restriction of the newborn's movements.

The baby is wrapped in a diaper almost completely. The top part covers the neck, and the bottom part secures the legs and is secured at chest level. The arms are extended parallel to the body, the legs are straightened.

Tight swaddling of a baby in pictures

Another, freer option

Attention! This swaddling technique was popular about 30 years ago. Now it is used extremely rarely, since most pediatricians are of the opinion that the child must be left free to move.

How to properly swaddle a baby video

  1. Free swaddling.

The most preferred method of swaddling infants. It differs from the previous one primarily in that the baby is not wrapped in the fabric too tightly and can move his limbs. If the room is cool, you can use two diapers: thin and insulated.

The swaddling scheme is simple:

  • On the changing table (or other flat horizontal surface) you need to spread a thick diaper, slightly bending the top edge, and then a thin one;
  • A light diaper should reach the child's armpits, that is, the arms remain outside. We fold the edges diagonally, pass them under the back, making sure that no folds appear, and secure them at the top;
  • In the same way, we wrap it in a thicker diaper, but wrapping the arms. There is no need to tighten the edges tightly.

Important! When the baby is awake, it is better not to swaddle your hands. This way you will give him the opportunity to move them freely, which means to develop.

For convenience, you can use ready-made envelopes purchased in the store. They have a special bag for fixing the legs, while the arms remain practically free.

Swaddling a newborn. How to swaddle a baby step by step

  1. Swaddling with the head.

In many maternity hospitals, children are swaddled in this way before being brought in for feeding. And many mothers want to learn how to wrap their newborn babies the way they swaddle them in the maternity hospital, since this method helps to secure the baby’s neck and you can pick up the baby in your arms without fear of damaging it.

However, it should be kept in mind that this is also a fairly tight swaddling and should not be abused.

How to swaddle a baby correctly

  1. Wide swaddling for dysplasia.

Before swaddling your newborn using this method, you should consult your pediatrician because it is only intended for children who have congenital orthopedic problems. It helps correct the situation if diseases such as dysplasia or hip subluxation are diagnosed.

With this swaddling, the baby's legs are spread and bent. This position is most natural for babies.

Wide swaddling in pictures

Important! You can wrap babies in this way up to 6 months of age, and only if this method was suggested by a pediatrician.

Wide swaddling

  1. Swaddling with an envelope.

It is most often used when going outside, since the child’s head is covered, which helps retain heat even in winter. In cold weather, you can use a warm blanket for swaddling; in hot weather, a cotton diaper will suffice.

Attention! You should not use this type of swaddling when preparing your baby for a night's rest, as there is a high probability of overheating, and if he regurgitates, the baby will not be able to turn his head.

How to wrap a baby in a blanket

Every mother decides for herself how to swaddle a newborn baby. This depends on the individual characteristics of the baby, as well as on the weather conditions outside the window and the temperature in the room.

How long to swaddle a newborn

The age up to which diapers should be used for changing has not been established; it all depends on the behavior and well-being of the child. There are babies who, by the age of 1.5 months, get used to the environment and themselves begin to protest against swaddling. Other children, even at 8 months, do not fall asleep until they feel like they are in a cozy cocoon.

If the mother considers that the baby has grown enough, then the diapers should be replaced with onesies. This is especially true for active children who do not like it when their movements are limited and this prevents them from exploring the world.

Some moms skip swaddling clothes because they don't want to learn the science of swaddling, while others just love dressing up their newly born baby in cute costumes. Of course, each parent decides independently how his baby will be dressed. But when choosing clothing or a swaddling method, the baby's comfort should be put first. After all, if he is comfortable, then childhood will become the happiest and most memorable time for both the little person and his mom and dad.

Most maternity hospitals now practice keeping the baby and mother together immediately after birth. Therefore, it is advisable to learn how to swaddle a newborn during pregnancy. Watch, read, master.

It is best to practice on a large soft doll. This is how the relationship between the size of the baby’s body and the area of ​​the diaper is correctly perceived.

What mothers need to know about swaddling

Depending on what, in what position and how tightly to wrap the baby,

  1. Protection from hypothermia (in a warm diaper or blanket).
  2. Treatment of certain types of congenital torticollis (see “how to swaddle your head”).
  3. Limitation of mobility due to increased arousal.
  4. Prevention of the development of diaper rash on the skin.
  5. Treatment of back muscle dystonia, hip dysplasia (wide swaddling and “bundling”).

In children of the first three months of life, the arms and legs at rest are in a semi-bent state. There is no need to bend them, otherwise you will cause severe pain to your treasure.. Moreover, the strength of the flexor muscles of the limbs is so great that the baby will soon “curl up into a ball” anyway. Therefore, you need to swaddle tightly, confidently, but without violence.

Traditional swaddling technique with two diapers

You may ask: “Why two?” . It is usually made from soft, undyed cotton fabric. It is placed so that diaper rash does not form on the skin in the armpits and groin area. . The younger the child, the greater the body surface area from which heat evaporates. Therefore, newborn children are prone to hypothermia. The top wrap can be flannel or even a blanket. This does not change the swaddling technique.

Spread two diapers on a flat surface (table, mattress covered with a sheet). The top one should lie below the outer one by about the height of your palm. Place the doll on them so that the upper edge of the canvas ends at approximately the middle of the neck. For convenience of explanation in the photo, the baby will be swaddled in each diaper one by one.

First (inner) diaper

Grasp the upper right corner of the canvas with your left hand and wrap the doll tightly into it at armpit level, tucking the remaining end under the back. Use the lower right corner to separate the legs so that they do not meet (that is, cover only the right leg) - photo 1.

Wrap the right end of the diaper under the baby's arms

With your right hand, wrap the upper left end of the fabric through your armpits and under the backrest. Mirror the doll's left leg, and gather the rest of the fabric from below (the "tail") into a soft ball and fold it between the legs. This way you separate them even more, preventing the stacks from touching and abrading the skin - photo 2.

wrap also with the left end of the diaper, place the excess from below between the legs

Second (outer) diaper

Wrap the body of the pebble with your left hand into the upper right end of the canvas, passing it through the right shoulder, neck and under the left armpit. Fold the free corner under the back, straightening the folds - photo 3. Do the same (in a mirror) with the upper left end of the fabric - photo 4. Spread the lower ends wide and throw them over the child’s legs. You will get a wide fold in the direction from bottom to top - photo 5. Wrap the free parts of the diaper tightly around the baby's body, placing the corner over the edge of the cloth - photo 6. Done.

wrap the right end over the shoulder - under the back

also wrap over the left shoulder and under the back

straighten the bottom edge of the diaper and wrap it over the baby’s tummy

Fold the loose ends of the diaper into a fold and you’re done.

Technique - how to swaddle a newborn with his head (in a cap)

wrap the baby in an inner diaper from the top of the head, making a fold under the chin. Then place the panel one by one through the armpits from the opposite side under the back. The outer diaper secures this entire structure, as with simple swaddling. But we don’t even show the photo, since the design turns out to be uncomfortable for both the baby and the mother. This creates a lot of folds that tend to pop out onto your face at the slightest movement.

We offer simple and a very convenient option for a diaper hat. It is especially useful to wear it in cases of torticollis or decreased muscle tone, when it seems that the head is literally trying to come off without support.

How to make a hat from a diaper

Fold the diaper in half (lengthwise) and on the fold side make a fold slightly wider than the height of the baby's head. This is approximately the palm of the mother - photo 1. Turn this design “face down”. In the center of the fold, turn half of the canvas the way you used to make an airplane out of paper in childhood - photo 2. Fold the other half in the same way - photo 3. Now fold the bottom edge up to a width slightly less than the height of your child’s neck until you reach the bottom end that wide fold that was made first - photos 4 and 5. Turn it “face up” - and the hat is ready - photo 6.

fold the diaper and make a palm-width fold on the fold side

Bend it in the center like an airplane

Same on the other side

We fold the free edge, creating a future collar

back view of the cap

This is what the hat looks like from the front

How to swaddle a baby with a hat

Spread the outer diaper and place the resulting hat on it. Lay the baby, dressed in a bodysuit, a vest, or already wrapped in the first diaper, as shown in the photo - photo 7. Without raising the baby's head, pull the upper part of the cap over it. Wrap the right end over the neck - photo 8. Now wrap the left end under the chin under the neck - photo 9. If the cap turns out to be very deep, you can undo the beautiful fold. And on the top of the head you get a funny pointed corner. Then swaddle as described for the outer diaper during normal swaddling - photo 10. The upper edge of the cloth will press the resulting collar and will not allow it to quickly unfold. And the baby’s head will be securely fixed - photo 11.

We put it on the baby's hat

Gently pull the cap over your head and wrap it around your neck under your chin on the right.

We also wrap the free left end of the collar

We secure the collar with the outer diaper on the right first

Then we swaddle as usual. Ready.

With this swaddling, the resulting hat will replace the cap if necessary. You can put a warm hat on it, and you can easily wrap the baby in a blanket, making a beautiful bow. How? - read about it.

When we talk about newborns, the image of a cute little bag carefully wrapped in a diaper immediately appears in our heads. Indeed, until quite recently, it was customary to swaddle babies in a set of a diaper and a blanket, or only in a diaper.

How justified this is in our time, when a lot of cute clothes for little ones have appeared, we will discuss below. However, to this day, many mothers and nurses in the maternity hospital are accustomed to wrapping a newborn “the old fashioned way.”

What are the benefits of swaddling for babies and parents?

During his time in the mother's womb, the baby has become accustomed to limited space, and therefore at first he may experience discomfort from the new freedom of movement, and swaddling will help him adapt gradually.

In addition, as practice shows, babies in diapers often fall asleep faster and sleep more peacefully than in diapers.

With sufficient skill, parents can change their baby's diapers to clean ones much faster and easier than changing blouses and pants. At the same time, using a diaper in infancy helps mom and dad save a lot on diapers, which, you see, is a powerful argument in our time.

What is it like?

If our great-grandmothers made do with one type of swaddling - now it is called tight - using a swaddle for this, then modern children are swaddled in different ways: loosely, selectively (leaving arms or legs free) and even in a special orthopedic way.

Tight (classic, soldier, column)

Tight swaddling is now used quite rarely; the child needs to be left a little freedom. However, the basic principle remains the same - the diaper completely covers both the baby’s arms and legs. This method is called simple or classic swaddling.


Depending on the mother's need or desire, the baby can be swaddled freely, leaving room for the legs to move, or even leaving the arms free.

With your head

You can swaddle the baby completely, with his head. If the room where the child is is cool, this can be very convenient. Especially if the baby is not very good at putting on a hat.

We offer an algorithm of actions that will help you swaddle your newborn easily and, most importantly, correctly.

What is needed for swaddling?

  1. Diapers (in hot weather, one thin diaper is enough; in cool weather, a warm, soft flannel diaper is also placed under a thin diaper).
  2. Pampers or disposable diaper.
  3. Any product you choose that you use to treat your baby’s skin under the diaper (oil, cream or powder).
  4. Convenient place for changing.

Is a changing table required?

It is convenient to swaddle your baby on a special changing table. As a rule, it is simply a flat table with a shelf for storing care products.

This table, of course, is very convenient because it has sides to protect the baby, and also allows the mother not to bend over the child too much, easing the load on her back.

However, its presence is not at all necessary. It is quite possible to swaddle your baby both on the bed and on the sofa.

  • An important point when swaddling is to ensure that the baby’s neck and chest are not pulled too tightly.
  • Never leave a swaddled baby on your stomach, as this can lead to suffocation.
  • You should not wrap your baby in a diaper after 3 months, let him move more. If desired, you can leave swaddling only for nighttime sleep.

And most importantly: never leave your child on the sofa or table unattended! If you need to leave for something, be sure to transfer the baby to his crib. It's better to be safe than sorry!

How to prepare your baby before swaddling?

You can wrap your baby in a diaper only after following standard hygiene procedures:

  1. The child needs to be washed and dried thoroughly.
  2. Before wrapping the baby in diapers, put on a diaper or gauze diaper.
  3. Having carefully blotted the skin, treat it under the diaper with oil, baby cream or talcum powder to prevent diaper rash from forming.

How to make a diaper from gauze?

In order to save money when swaddling a baby, you can use gauze diapers rather than ready-made disposable diapers. How to build it is clearly demonstrated by the following diagram in pictures:

How to properly disinfect diapers?

After washing, it is highly advisable to iron diapers for a newborn on both sides with a hot iron. If possible, it is better to use a steamer. Then the fabric will not only be disinfected, but will also become softer.

If you don’t have such a device, you can simply spray water on the fabric while ironing.

Let's get down to business: step-by-step instructions

Previously, even kindergarten children, playing at being daughters and mothers, deftly wrapped dolls in rags, copying their mother’s movements. If you didn’t swaddle toys as a child or are not sure that you know how to do it correctly, we will try to tell and show everything.

Full swaddling

  1. Spread the diaper horizontally on a flat surface. We wrap the top part a little.
  2. We put the baby on the diaper in the middle. One handle can be wrapped in the folded part of the diaper. We fold one part of the diaper onto the opposite side of the baby, tucking the edge slightly under the side. The edge of the diaper goes behind the baby's back.
  3. Now we take the second part of the diaper and also fold it under the opposite side of the child.
  4. Now the top of the baby is completely covered, including the hangers.
  5. We bend the lower part of the diaper forward, covering the baby’s legs. We straighten the diaper and wrap its ends under the top edge of the lapel.

For a better understanding, we offer instructions in pictures:

This method of swaddling is shown in as much detail as possible in the following video clip (video from the maternity hospital):


The principle of loose swaddling is the same as tight swaddling. The only difference: it is performed without strong tension on the diaper, as a result, the baby’s legs and arms remain practically free. In addition, you can swaddle only the baby’s arms or just the baby’s legs in this way.

All actions are performed in the same way as with full swaddling - first one edge is folded, then the other, and finally the lower part is raised and wrapped under the armpits.

Swaddling without handles

If desired, the child can be swaddled only the lower part of the body. In this case, they put a vest or blouse on him, and place him on a diaper not at the level of the neck and shoulders, but at the level of the armpits.

With your head

The algorithm for swaddling a baby's head is as follows:

  1. The baby is placed diagonally on a diaper or blanket, so that one of the corners is above the baby's head.
  2. The corner is wrapped around the head, imitating a hat or cap.
  3. Take turns wrapping one side, the bottom corner, and the other side, as in classic swaddling.

This method is demonstrated in even more detail in the following video:

Wide swaddling: why and how?

Wide swaddling is a means of preventing and even treating congenital dislocation and subluxation of the hip, if it is diagnosed early. In newborn babies, the femoral head easily falls into place if the legs are in the correct position.

When treating congenital dislocation of the hip, special panties are used during swaddling or a folded diaper is simply placed between the legs.

This is done to ensure that the legs are constantly in an extended position. The instructions for wide swaddling are quite simple - the main thing is to leave the baby’s legs in a free position.

The essence of this type of swaddling is that the baby is wrapped in a swaddle only halfway and in the usual physiological position - with legs bent and spread apart. That is, the diaper in the hip area is not tightened tightly, but remains in a loose position.

The sequence of wide swaddling is the same as direct swaddling:

  1. The child is placed on a diaper, one edge is bent to the opposite side diagonally, fixing it under the handle.
  2. Fold the second side of the diaper, leaving the lower part wide and free.
  3. The lower part of the diaper is lifted and wrapped around the child’s waist, making sure that the legs are in a completely free position.

Pros and cons of swaddling babies

Curvature of the legs: fact or fiction?

The idea of ​​our ancestors that by using tight swaddling it is possible to provide a child with slender, even legs is currently untenable. Therefore, pediatricians strongly do not recommend swaddling the baby in this way.

Tight swaddling negatively affects the physiological and emotional development of the child, resulting in problems in the respiratory and nervous systems, the gastrointestinal tract and being one of the causes of rickets.

Simple anxiety or central nervous system problems?

Swaddling “with arms” can provide significant assistance to the baby and parents when going to bed. Indeed, sometimes it happens that children cannot fall asleep, since the chaotic waving of their hands frightens them and wakes them up.

However, sometimes these problems can hide disturbances in the functioning of the child’s nervous system, so it is better not only to swaddle the child for sleep, but also to consult a doctor with the corresponding question.

Simplicity and savings or muscle tone?

As we have already said, after practicing a couple of times, you can swaddle your baby very quickly and deftly. So in some cases this is the easiest and fastest way to dress a child. In addition, let's not forget about saving. Indeed, for the first couple of months the baby is quite comfortable in diapers.

On the other hand, by dressing the baby in pants and a blouse, parents provide him with maximum freedom to move. And we know that any movement improves muscle development and tone.

And, in the end, all these baby clothes are so beautiful! Maybe you shouldn't deny yourself pleasure? By the way, perhaps this is how parents instill good taste in their children from a very early age?

Whether you swaddle your child or dress him in pants and blouses from birth is up to you, the parents, to decide. The main thing is that both you and the baby feel comfortable and comfortable.

Swaddling newborns has become considered a relic of the past, and many maternity hospitals persuade parents against this manipulation. Before abandoning the tradition, you should carefully study the issue, turn to the experience of your mothers and grandmothers and find out why children were swaddled in the past.

You should not use tight swaddling often, as this interferes with the child’s development and exploration of the world.

In our article we will answer these and many other questions, and teach young parents how to properly swaddle a newborn.

Having just been born, children do not yet know how to coordinate their movements; they jerk their arms and legs randomly. These sudden movements are called “throwing up”; the baby may be frightened by such actions, and only calms down when he is pressed to the parent’s body or his arms and legs are held.

Why swaddle newborns? Modern parents very often ask this question. It is necessary that the baby’s arms and legs are constantly in contact with a wide variety of surfaces that are as close as possible to his body, before the baby has time to twitch and get scared.

Is it necessary to swaddle a newborn?

Modern pediatricians, doctors and parents are increasingly discussing the topic of whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby . You can often hear that it does not allow the baby to develop harmoniously, limits movements and inhibits individuality.

It is extremely important to understand that limited movement is not an inconvenience. Indeed, in the last months of development, the baby gets used to the cramped intrauterine space and constantly being in one position.

We should not immediately reject the many years of experience of our grandmothers, who actively used swaddling to facilitate the perception of the baby’s transition from the mother’s womb to a new environment.

How to swaddle a newborn correctly: step by step in pictures?

In order to find out for yourself how to properly swaddle a newborn, you should familiarize yourself in detail with the various methods and determine which one is best suited for your baby.

Closed swaddling

The proposed sequence of actions will help you become familiar with the technique of how to swaddle a newborn baby using the closed method.

To do this, you need a vest, a hat and a rectangular diaper.


  1. Put a vest on your baby so that wrinkles do not appear on the back, otherwise they will cause discomfort to the child and he will be capricious.
  2. put on the hat, then tuck the strings into the diaper
  3. spread the diaper on a flat surface
  4. place the baby exactly in the middle
  5. fold one edge of the diaper over the opposite side of the baby and place it behind the back
  6. repeat with the second side
  7. wrap the remaining free bottom over the top of the baby
  8. secure the edges behind the child

Closed swaddling in pictures

If you find it difficult to figure out how to swaddle a newborn, step-by-step photos will help you do all the manipulations correctly. This is far from the most difficult method, although at first all parents have difficulties - this is normal and natural.

Open swaddling

The open method is used when the child has already grown up, but you do not want to completely free him from diapers yet.

Neither parents nor doctors have yet come to a definite answer to the question of whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby. Therefore, parents should carefully study all the positive and negative aspects and decide together on a decision.

a) wrap the baby first with the short edge of the diaper, and then with the long one; b) fold the bottom part and fix the corner

Unlike closed swaddling, you don’t have to use a hat, because this method is intended for the baby to spend time at home.

The actions are all absolutely similar to the previous paragraph of the article, with the only difference being that the child is placed on the diaper in such a way that its upper edge is slightly lower than the baby’s armpits.

Tight swaddling

There are fierce debates about the use of tight swaddling; only parents can decide whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn using this method. The peculiarity of this method is that the position of the child is fixed in such a way that the baby cannot move at all. The legs are straightened, and the arms are extended evenly along the seams.


  1. fold the diaper into a diamond shape
  2. fold the top corner inward so that the baby fits snugly on the diaper
  3. position the baby so that his neck lies flat on the bent edge
  4. Press the baby’s left arm to the body and wrap it tightly with a diaper, then secure the edge behind the back
  5. press your right arm to your body, lift the bottom edge of the diaper and place it over your shoulder behind your back
  6. Wrap the remaining free edge around the baby and tuck it into the fold formed in front.

This step-by-step video will clearly demonstrate how to swaddle a newborn.

Wide swaddling

This method is very popular due to the fact that it is a prevention of childhood hip dysplasia. This congenital pathology occurs in approximately 30 babies out of a thousand. If such a diagnosis is confirmed in the early stages, wide swaddling contributes to a positive change in the situation and thanks to it, serious complications can be avoided.

We suggest watching a video on how to properly swaddle a newborn in our article. As a treatment method, this method can be used for children, both from the first days of life and up to six months.

a) put special panties on the child and place them on the diaper; b) distribute the bottom corner of the diaper between the legs

Wide swaddling does not limit the baby's movements; the essence of this method is to fix only the baby's legs in a bent and spread position at a certain angle. There are several common methods of wide swaddling, but it is important to remember that self-medication in such a situation is not acceptable, and you should definitely consult with specialists.

c) wrap the remaining corners around the child; d) wrap the second diaper on top

We will consider below how to properly swaddle a newborn using this method. It's very easy to do this with three diapers. The first is folded into a rectangle shape of approximately 15 by 20 cm and placed between the baby’s legs, which are spread apart. The second diaper is folded into a scarf, the corners are wrapped around the hips and the legs are fixed at an angle of 90 degrees to the body. The bottom part of the child is wrapped in the last diaper, the legs are pulled with the bottom diaper upward, which does not allow the feet to be connected.

How to swaddle a baby's head?

The essence of this method is to form a scarf for the baby from a diaper.

How to properly swaddle a newborn in pictures step by step in this way we will analyze in detail below:

  1. before swaddling, place a thin diaper on top of a warm one, but a little higher
  2. Place the baby so that the head is below the top edge of the light diaper
  3. form a scarf from a thin diaper, tucking it at the baby’s temples
  4. wrap the left edge of the diaper around the baby, passing it under the arm and tucking it behind the back
  5. do the same with the right edge
  6. after this, sequentially wrap the baby in the lower warm diaper
  7. then straighten the remaining bottom edge and secure it

Wrap the top of the blanket (diaper) around the baby's head, and then swaddle as usual

This method is optimal for walking if you don’t have a hat on hand. During the cold season, you can use a warm blanket over a hat and a thin diaper.

How to swaddle a newborn in the maternity hospital?

Parents should acquire their first skills in the maternity hospital; the nurse is obliged to advise and show the procedure. The baby should be swaddled tightly enough so that he does not feel the change in environment so sharply. Diapers, in turn, should be made of natural materials, soft and, of course, sterile.

The best way to change is to perform the manipulation on a hard surface; you can use special changing tables, which are now available in a wide range.

First you need to lay out a soft blanket, on which a warm and thin diaper rests. Then a diaper folded into a triangle is placed, its base should be located under the back, and the top should be under the feet.

How to swaddle a newborn is a whole science. The side ends of the diaper are wrapped around the baby's body. Then it is wrapped in a thin one, the upper edge of which should be under the armpits. The arms remain free and the blouse the baby is wearing is dropped over the diaper. The child is wrapped in a warm sheet or blanket, and a cap is placed on his head.

How to swaddle a newborn in the heat?

With the onset of summer, many mothers are puzzled by the question: how to swaddle a newborn in the heat? In such a situation, it is recommended to carry out such manipulation using a broad and free method.

With this method, only the child’s legs are wrapped. The advantage of this swaddling is also the natural position of the baby's legs, which reduces the risk of diaper rash. How to swaddle a newborn, a step-by-step photo with hands will help you understand this issue in more detail.

How to swaddle a newborn: step-by-step video

Having familiarized yourself with such a volume of useful information, it will be most effective to consolidate the result by visually watching the video “how to swaddle a newborn.” A step-by-step video will help you understand the basic principles of a fairly responsible procedure, and armed with new knowledge you can safely begin practical actions.

Until how many months should a baby be swaddled?

At what age a child should be wrapped depends largely on his temperament. A mother should carefully monitor her baby’s sleep, whether he twitches his arms, whether this makes him scared and wakes up, or, on the contrary, he can sleep peacefully only when all his limbs are free.

The child must be given a chance to explore his body on his own, and the parents’ task is to look closely and listen to the signals that their child gives.

It follows from this that it is very difficult to unambiguously correctly answer the question for how long to swaddle a newborn. Some parents stop doing this after the first months of the child’s life, others can continue for over six months. Everything is very individual.

Advantages and disadvantages of swaddling

Many pediatric doctors recommend not chasing fashionable innovations and swaddling children. Young parents are obliged to carefully study this issue, turn to the experience of older family members and weigh the pros and cons. After all, the decision whether to swaddle a newborn baby lies solely on their shoulders.

The arguments against are those given by modern medicine:

  • Stiffness in movement
  • Lack of temperature control
  • Difficulty in carrying out useful procedures (massage, gymnastics)

Positive side:

  • Deep sleep
  • Good mood baby
  • Safe procedures
  • Saving

In conclusion, only one thing should be noted: when deciding whether you will swaddle your baby, first consult with both pediatricians and your loved ones. Parental experience can sometimes provide just as useful advice.

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Is it necessary to swaddle a baby?

The first months after the birth of a child are a great test for young parents. During this period, the baby requires special care. There is an opinion that babies need to be swaddled for normal development. But is it? Many mothers wonder how to swaddle their baby and, in general, whether it is worth doing it.

As practice shows, swaddling allows the child to feel calm. Upon birth, babies go through a difficult period of adaptation to the environment. Just recently, the baby was in the cozy tummy of his mother. In the last months of pregnancy, the fetus takes up almost all available space. Although the movements are constrained, there is an opinion that in this position the baby is most familiar and comfortable.

After birth, the baby often throws up. These are sharp twitches of the arms and legs, they can disturb or even frighten. It is not so easy for a child to adapt to a new environment, but hugging a diaper will help create familiar sensations. If you swaddle your baby in the first weeks of life, the adaptation process will be as easy as possible.
Of course, it’s impossible to say for sure, since children can be completely different. Each child has its own unique characteristics and character. For some, wrapping your head up will only be a nuisance, while for others it is vital.

The benefits and harms of swaddling

For many generations, swaddling a newborn's head was considered mandatory. But in recent decades, opinions have differed significantly. Of course, there are pros and cons of wrapping, which we will now look at.

The benefits of swaddling

  • The little toddler falls asleep faster, his sleep is sound and less disturbing.
  • The newborn is not able to move his arms and legs freely, and uncontrollable twitching ceases to bother him.
  • Wrapping the head tightly in a diaper allows the baby to feel warm, calm and safe.
  • It is easier to hold a baby with his head wrapped up. All movements are limited and cannot cause harm in any way.
  • A sheet is many times more economical than buying expensive clothes for newborns.
  • According to the experience of many mothers, feeding a newborn is much more convenient, since the baby does not spin around and is less distracted.
  • Unlike various blouses and panties, a diaper is a solid fabric that has no seams. A wrapped baby does not experience chafing or other discomfort.
  • It’s easier to swaddle your baby in a cozy sheet than to put on a sweater, twisting the arms.

However, many parents completely refuse, arguing that wrapping it too tightly can cause harm.

Along with this they search and read:

Cons of swaddling

Judging by numerous studies conducted in recent years, wrapping is not only harmful, but dangerous for the development of the child. All over the world, they are abandoning this practice by using bodysuits and rompers.

  • In small children, the bones and joints are not yet strong enough, and tight wrapping increases the risk of subluxation of the hip joints.
  • In addition, wrapping does not allow the child to move, as a result of which there is suppression of freedom, and at the same time, a slowdown in development.
  • Many people know that it is useful for a child to sleep on his tummy and on his side; a swaddled toddler will not be able to change the position of his body.
  • If your baby is swaddled too tightly, it will be difficult for him to breathe. In this case, there is a risk of compression of the diaphragm, which leads to harm to the respiratory system of the body.
  • This process requires special rules and regulations. This is not an easy task, especially for young, inexperienced parents. It will be much easier to dress the little one in his usual blouse and pants.
  • There is a risk of the baby overheating and impaired body thermoregulation, diaper rash and heat rash.
  • If it is not securely fastened, the child will probably free himself from the diaper during sleep and freeze, which will never happen with simple clothes.
  • The tight method in some cases leads to a deterioration in muscle tone and a decrease in the performance of internal organs.

There is an opinion that throwing up arms and legs is the absolute norm. If they are not suppressed by wrapping, the child will quickly learn to control his movements.

As we have already seen, there are both positive and negative aspects regarding swaddling. The most important thing is to find out whether it is suitable for the child. To do this, you need to try several times. If the baby gets used to it and does not experience discomfort with the sheet, then you can safely continue.

Video: Step by step demonstration

How to swaddle a newborn correctly

Every young mother needs to know how to properly swaddle a newborn. Before birth, you can train on special dolls, and after birth, you can ask the nurses at the hospital how this is done.

The main thing to remember is that the process should go through as quickly as possible, since the baby can move and free himself from the sheet. In practice, several methods of swaddling children are used.

Tight swaddling

This method is suitable for babies who cannot sit still from birth. The baby is wrapped with arms, fixing his body as much as possible in a certain position. Let's take a closer look at how to properly swaddle a baby.

  1. Before performing, prepare a new diaper and a clean diaper.
  2. To begin, choose a suitable surface for changing. This is a bed, a changing table, or a regular chest of drawers.
  3. On the surface we place a heated sheet, previously ironed, and on top - a thin chintz sheet.
  4. Take the baby and place it on the surface so that the edge is parallel to the neck. Put a diaper on your toddler.
  5. The child's hands should be in a natural position. There is no need to straighten them along the body, otherwise the baby will not be comfortable.
  6. We will place the lower edge of the cotton diaper between the legs, this will provide reliable protection from chafing.
  7. We wrap the side edge of the diaper behind the back, leaving one handle free.
  8. We take the opposite edge of the sheet and wrap it under the back in the same way.
  9. What remains is the lower part of the diaper, which we cover up to the chest twist and securely fix.

The diaper can be placed either in a square or in a diamond shape, depending on the position of the child. The pictures below show how to swaddle a baby tightly.

Be careful not to overdo it, otherwise it may harm your baby's health.

Free swaddling

This method is approved by most pediatricians, as opposed to the tight one. The hands are completely free, the baby does not feel severe constraint. The child is able to independently choose a suitable position for himself.
For the free-handle method, we will need two diapers.

  1. Place two clean and ironed diapers on a hard surface.
  2. We position the child in such a way that the sheet starts near the chest.
  3. We wrap the side parts of the diaper so that one of them is between the legs, and the second behind the back.
  4. We fix the lower part by folding the diaper under the baby’s legs.
  5. We do the same manipulation with the second diaper, only we wrap the lower part on top.
  6. For greater fixation, the lower part can be twisted (like a mermaid's tail), and only then wrapped towards the top.

Below is a visual image that shows in detail how to properly swaddle a newborn baby.

Wide swaddling

There is a method in which the baby's arms and legs are free. The toddler crosses his arms near his chest and bends his legs towards his stomach. This is a natural position that is familiar to the baby even before he is born.
This method is used if the baby’s muscle tone is impaired. With wide swaddling, the baby is in a comfortable position that does not cause discomfort. This type does not carry the risk of subluxation and disruption of the correct formation of the hip joint. The broad method has a therapeutic effect on mild dysplasia.
In the picture you can see how to swaddle a baby using the wide wrapping method. To do this, you can use a small diaper or special panties. Estimate: (

If you have a baby, then the very first action, after all the procedures, is swaddling a newborn baby. No matter how fashionable the slogans are now that the baby should be free to move, swaddling has not gone away. It remains important for providing the baby with a sense of security. The fact is that mom’s tummy is comfortable and warm, just like in a diaper, if swaddling is done correctly. Today we will try to figure out whether it is necessary to swaddle a newborn baby and how to swaddle him correctly so that he is comfortable and warm? You, in turn, leave information in the comments whether you swaddled your child or not!

A swaddled baby is calmer, because the swaddle also provides him with “hugs” and some limited action, which gives him a feeling of security in the most important - the first days and months of his life. At birth, the baby is frightened by the events happening to him, he becomes scared without a tight hug from his tummy. The mother’s task is to reduce the effects of postpartum stress in the baby and learn different types of swaddling.

Before properly swaddling a newborn baby, you need to carry out all hygiene procedures: wash, wipe, treat the navel and folds, put on a diaper.

Basic requirements for comfort and safety:

1. To properly swaddle a newborn, the diaper must be washed with baby powder and ironed on both sides with a hot iron.
2. Fabric – only soft (cotton in summer, flannel in winter). To soften it, it is useful to iron the diaper with steam.
3. The changing table is the most convenient place for changing. But a sofa, bed or table will also work.
4. All hygiene products, accessories and bottles should be at hand to reduce the procedure time.
5. Leaving the baby alone is unacceptable, even if the table has sides. It can slide down, and you yourself won’t understand how it happened.
6. You can wear a vest under the diaper without seams or ties.
7. Before swaddling your newborn, make sure the room is warm.

Types of swaddling for a newborn baby

1. Tight swaddling. The best way to properly swaddle a newborn is in a tight manner. This will ensure complete immobility of the arms and legs, which after birth are in good shape and involuntarily make movements that interfere with stable sleep. To swaddle a newborn like this, you need to lay out the diaper and lay the baby down. The top edge of the fabric should be in the middle of the baby's neck. Extend your right arm, straighten it and press it lightly towards your body. Cover the tummy and the pressed arm with the left edge of the diaper, straighten it under the back. Press the left handle lightly and straighten it again. Fold the right edge in the same way. Straighten the bottom. It will be wider. Cover the baby with this bottom from above and tie the ends behind the back. It is better not to use pins so as not to accidentally prick the baby. Just tie the ends tightly.

Step-by-step instructions - swaddling a newborn in pictures 2. Swaddle with your head covered. This method is best suited for walking. It is very easy to properly swaddle a newborn this way. You perform a tight swaddling (see above), only you leave the top edge of the fabric not on the neck, but above the head. If you swaddle a newborn in this way, you will get a kind of head cover that will protect against drafts.

3. With your head and blanket. Place the blanket so that the top corner is at the top of a diamond shape. Now we will swaddle a newborn baby as follows: wrap the right corner under the back, completely covering the baby’s arms. Lift and straighten the bottom. Repeat similarly with the left corner. Tie with a ribbon and straighten the blanket over your face. This is how you can swaddle a newborn before going for a walk in the winter. The baby will be warm and comfortable.

4. We give freedom. It is not recommended to swaddle a newborn baby in this way at night, otherwise the hands will wake him up. Loose swaddling is suitable for babies older than a month, but if you decide to swaddle a newborn this way, then do it during the day. Spread the diaper and place the baby on it, dressed in a vest and a diaper. Fold the right edge not from above (as with the tight method) but under the armpit, leaving the handle free. Repeat with the left edge. Lift the bottom and carefully roll it under your back, tying it off.

The doctor shows how to properly swaddle a newborn (video):

5. Wide swaddling. It is characterized by the presence of a pad between the legs. If you swaddle a newborn baby in this way, this will provide the baby with a natural position of the pelvic joints if there are problems with them. How to swaddle a newborn wide? Take 3 diapers or 2 pieces + pad. Place the baby on one (see tight swaddling), place a pillow or folded second diaper between the legs, tying the edges with a triangle in the form of panties. Cover the top with a third diaper and tie them.

6. In the maternity hospital. Usually, after birth, it is advised to swaddle a newborn baby tightly, which gives him additional psychological protection. The medical staff will show you how to properly swaddle a newborn. Take as many ironed diapers as possible to the maternity hospital. Do not use contaminated fabric without washing and ironing.

Baby swaddling diagram in pictures 7. In the summer. To swaddle your newborn baby in hot weather, use organic cotton swaddles to prevent sweating. To sleep in hot weather, it is recommended to swaddle your newborn in a thin diaper and cover with a light blanket on top. How to properly swaddle a newborn baby in the heat so as not to catch a cold and ensure comfort? Use a knitted diaper, and also put on a light hat after swaddling. However, if you feel that your hair is sweating, leave your baby without it.

Step-by-step instructions: how to swaddle your baby before bed 8. Swaddling before bed. It is not necessary to properly swaddle a baby for sleep if the arms do not interfere with his sleep. If you decide to swaddle your newborn, then do it tightly or use a sleeping envelope.

Video on how to properly swaddle a newborn:

Swaddling: pros and cons

BEHIND! The baby does not see the difference between his mother’s tummy and a diaper, which means he feels surrounded by love and protection. If you have learned how to swaddle your baby correctly, without gaps, he will not catch a cold (babies still have poor thermoregulation). Sleep will become more restful, the baby will not be disturbed by body movements.

AGAINST! If the swaddling is too tight, the limbs, which are very fragile in newborns, can become deformed, breathing becomes difficult, and sweating increases. Opt for loose swaddling, which is the golden mean.

Misconceptions about swaddling

1. About the shape of the legs. If you swaddle a baby correctly, it will not always be possible to give crooked legs the best shape. In this case, movement is shown.

2. About a cold. A diaper is not a protection against colds and, on the contrary, can provoke them. It is important not to overheat the baby.

3. About safety. Many are afraid that the baby will hurt himself. However, everything is not so scary. It is enough to trim the nails during the process, remove surrounding objects and protect them from falling.

4. About duration. The longer you swaddle, the better. This is wrong. You cannot swaddle for more than two months; the baby must move and develop.

Video on the topic of swaddling or not swaddling a newborn baby:

Whether to swaddle a newborn or not is up to you. Doctors like Dr. Komarovsky advise sticking to the golden mean - using diapers for up to a month and then switching to loose swaddling, suits or “men”.

Is it necessary to swaddle a newborn baby - Dr. Komarovsky (video):

There are many conflicting opinions about the need to swaddle newborn babies. In modern maternity hospitals, neonatologists and pediatricians are increasingly recommending that parents teach their children to do without diapers from the first days of life, while strict grandparents, on the contrary, insist on mandatory swaddling. In any case, the question of whether a newborn child needs to be swaddled should be decided exclusively by his parents, taking into account the individual characteristics of the little family member.

Two basic techniques for swaddling small babies

  1. Full swaddling. This type of swaddling is also called swaddling with handles. With it, the baby is swaddled completely, only the head remains free.
  2. Incomplete or loose swaddling. In this case, only the newborn’s legs are swaddled, and the arms remain free.

The swaddling process is carried out before each feeding on a special changing table. If there is no such thing at home, then you can use a regular table or parent’s bed. The main thing is that the surface is smooth and moderately hard. Both the baby’s clothes and the diapers used must be clean and ironed on both sides. Since children's skin is extremely sensitive, undershirts and rompers in the first months of the baby's life should be made exclusively of cotton fabric. Thin baby diapers can be made of chintz or calico, and warm ones can be made of flannel or flannel. Before we move on to a direct description of swaddling methods, let's look at how to carry out this process without causing discomfort to the baby.

The most common mistakes when swaddling

  • The swaddling is too tight or too loose. In the first case, circulatory disorders and muscle underdevelopment of the child are possible. In the second, the baby will simply quickly turn around and will have to be swaddled again.
  • Many people believe that swaddling can help straighten a baby's legs. Alas, this is not true. The shape of the legs (as well as the entire human body) is genetically determined and swaddling cannot correct defects. But when the child grows up, physical education will help strengthen the muscular system and eliminate some figure flaws.
  • Putting on several baby vests and onesies before swaddling to keep the baby warmer. Such a “set” of things will only contribute to overheating of the child and provoke the occurrence of prickly heat.

Thus, young parents should independently decide when and why to swaddle their newborn baby in order to create for him comfortable living conditions that promote the active growth and proper development of the little person. And now we directly invite you to familiarize yourself with several methods of swaddling, and the photos will clearly demonstrate this process. Full swaddling Full swaddling significantly limits the baby's motor activity. It is recommended to use it in the first months of a child’s life, when involuntary movements of the arms and legs predominate, and the baby cannot coordinate their work. Very often, the chaotic movement of the hands does not allow the baby to sleep peacefully. This type of swaddling can be done in two ways. Method 1: 1) Before swaddling a newborn, a light diaper is placed on top of a warm one. 2) The baby is dressed and put on a diaper. 3) The baby is placed on prepared diapers.
4) The left edge of the diaper is wrapped around the baby, passing it under the right arm, and tucked behind the back.
5) Then the baby is wrapped with the right edge of the diaper.
6) The lower edge of the diaper is straightened and raised to the level of the children's elbows.
7) The baby is wrapped with a raised diaper edge and secured.
Method II. The essence of this method of swaddling is to form a kind of scarf for the baby from the diaper. 1) Before swaddling, the top thin diaper is applied to the warm one, not strictly along the edge, but a little higher. 2) The baby is placed on the prepared diapers so that the top edge of the light diaper is higher than the level of the baby’s head.
3) A scarf is formed from a light diaper by tucking it on both sides at the level of the child’s temple.
4) The left edge of the light diaper is wrapped around the baby, passing it under the right arm, and tucked behind the back.
5) Then the right edge of the diaper is wrapped around the baby.
6) After this, alternately the left and right edges of a warm diaper are wrapped around the newborn.

7) The lower edge of the warm diaper is straightened, lifted and fixed in the same way as the first method.

Free swaddling

If a baby with fixed arms feels uncomfortable, then in such a situation it is worth trying to swaddle him in a loose way, leaving the arms open. 1) Before swaddling your baby, you should prepare thin and warm diapers and place them one on top of the other. In this case, the flannelette diaper should be on the bottom, and the calico diaper on top. 2) The baby is dressed in a vest with closed sleeves, put on a diaper and placed on prepared diapers.
3) The left edge of the diaper, starting from the armpit, is wrapped around the baby’s chest and tucked behind the back under the right arm.
4) Then the right edge of the diaper is wrapped around the baby from the right armpit and placed behind the back under the left arm.
5) Straighten the bottom edge of the diaper, lift it, wrap it around the baby at waist level and secure it in the usual way.

How to make a cloth diaper?

Currently, almost all young mothers use diapers of the “diaper” type, but not many people know that you can make a baby diaper with your own hands from cotton fabric or gauze, just like our mothers and grandmothers did. Of course, with this method we cannot avoid wet diapers, but we will avoid diaper rash, which often occurs after diapers. Method of making a cloth diaper with your own hands: 1) Fold the diaper or gauze into a “kerchief”.
2) Place the baby on the prepared diaper so that the top of the “kerchief” (right angle) is between the legs, and its longest side is at waist level. 3) The right corner of the diaper is lifted up, covering the newborn’s perineum with it.
4) The sharp edges are alternately wrapped left and right around the tummy at waist level and secured.

Twenty years ago it was difficult to imagine a newborn baby dressed in rompers, a blouse and socks. The little man looked more like a worm tightly wrapped in a diaper. But time does not stand still, and today, when going to the maternity hospital, expectant mothers no longer take with them diapers, but tiny bodysuits and panties for their future babies.

Swaddling options

Before you begin the process itself, it is important to understand how to properly swaddle newborns. Previously, the only correct way was considered to be tight swaddling, in which the baby's legs and arms were straightened, and the whole baby was tightly wrapped in a diaper. Now there are studies proving that this type of swaddling is extremely harmful, since it not only delays the child’s motor development, but also leads to increased nervousness and excitability. Today, free swaddling is considered a priority, when the baby, if desired, can move his arms and legs, even while in diapers. There are several basic ways of swaddling: with handles, with the head, without handles.

This is how babies are usually swaddled for walks. On top of this diaper, the baby is wrapped in a warm blanket or blanket.

  • Helps to calm the baby, serving as a kind of house in which it is warm, cozy and comfortable, and promotes gradual adaptation to the conditions of the new life.
  • Helps the baby sleep calmly and independently, without throwing up his arms from a loud sound and without opening up. The rest of the time, the baby can be in clothes and without diapers.
  • Saves money, because in the first weeks and months, children grow very actively. Diapers are a universal option for the first time, because a few pieces will last for 5-6 months.
  • Not suitable for babies with impaired muscle tone, which is becoming more common in newborns. In this case, the baby actually feels uncomfortable when his movements are constrained.
  • The diaper deprives the baby of the opportunity to sleep on his tummy.
  • Tight swaddling inhibits the development of the baby's motor functions, it can compress the lungs, and as a result, blood circulation will decrease.
  • In the hot season, swaddling your baby can easily overheat him, which can cause diaper dermatitis.
  • May be inconvenient for a new mother who finds it difficult to master the science of swaddling;
  • Diapers deprive parents of access to the body; sometimes, only during sleep can the baby’s nails be cut and other manipulations performed.

Until how many months to swaddle a newborn directly depends on his character and developmental characteristics. If you liked our article and have something to add, share your thoughts. It is very important for us to know your opinion!

It is very comfortable for the baby to be under his mother’s heart for all 9 months. It is surrounded by uterine tissue, which envelops the little belly like a cocoon.

When a child is born, he finds himself in a completely different environment. But he also wants to feel warm and protected. For this purpose, swaddling has been invented since ancient times. Many mothers wonder how to swaddle a newborn.

In America, Indian tribes used rabbit skins and dry grass as ingredients for diapers. The used grass was then thrown away and the skins were dried. So the baby was comfortable and dry. In the second century BC, Europe was already beginning to swaddle babies in cloth as reusable diapers.

Our article will highlight all the nuances of swaddling and answer the question up to what age this simple procedure should be done.

What does the term swaddling mean?

Swaddling is a set of measures aimed at creating a comfortable stay for the baby, retaining waste products and preventing diaper rash.

With the help of diapers, favorable conditions are also created for the baby to sleep peacefully.

The benefits of swaddling

  1. Facilitates the baby's adaptation to the outside world and brings it closer to the conditions of intrauterine life.
  2. Reduces excessive excitability, since the child may involuntarily wave his arms and legs. This can frighten him and interfere with restful sleep.
  3. Keeps you warm. In children of the first months, thermoregulation processes are not fully developed, and swaddling helps them maintain their normal temperature.
  4. Prevents diaper rash. The fabric is breathable, unlike diapers. And mom will replace wet diapers immediately rather than a diaper, which will prevent prolonged contact of delicate skin with a wet surface.
  5. Development of touch. The soft touch of the diaper will allow the baby to develop this feeling.
  6. During the first baths, you can swaddle your baby in a thin diaper. For him, this will be a kind of protection from the outside world, and so the newborn will not be afraid of the bath and water.

Pediatrician Komarovsky E.O.: “Swaddling a child is not harmful. Buying diapers is much cheaper than baby onesies and rompers. But it’s easier for dads to wear undershirts and rompers. Not the kind of dad who is fluent in the art of swaddling.”

Types of diapers

It is important to study the fabric requirements.

  1. Good quality. The diaper should not tear when stretched.
  2. Absorbent effect. The most important property. The diaper should absorb moisture well and at the same time maintain a “breathable” effect.
  3. Correct edge processing. In general, children's clothes are hemmed using an overlocker. This is necessary to avoid tight seams that can rub the baby’s delicate skin.
  4. Be soft to the touch, without foreign odors. Should not fade when washed.
  5. Only natural materials– chintz, flannel, kulirka, linen, footer, knitwear. Avoid synthetics.
  6. Diaper sizes. Very comfortable in the form of a square with a side of 1.2 m. This is enough for you to easily swaddle your baby.
  7. Do not choose fabric with bright colors so as not to irritate the child. The composition of dyes can be harmful to the skin.
  8. Diapers need to be washed regularly baby powder and iron on both sides.

Types of diapers and their purpose

Calico. Must be made of cotton material. They are usually always closest to the newborn's body. Also used as crib sheets.

Flannel. They are swaddled over calico. They are thicker than chintz and retain heat well. They can be used as a bedspread. In summer you can not use it.

Knitted. Appeared recently. They stretch quite well, are soft and gentle to the touch. They are also swaddled under flannel.

Cocoon diapers with Velcro. Modern diapers, which can also be made of knitted fabric. They do not create unnecessary folds. It will not be difficult for a mother to wrap her baby in such a diaper

Disposable diapers. Not intended for swaddling. Necessary for laying on a changing pad or on a bed so that the baby does not stain the surface. Convenient when going to the clinic. Must not contain synthetic materials.

How many diapers should I take?

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. Mom Elena, 28 years old: “I bought 10 flannel and 10 cotton and knitted diapers for my daughter. It was enough, even a little too much. We could have swaddled a couple more babies. A very comfortable diaper - a cocoon, I had only one copy of it. My daughter loved to fall asleep in it.”

Required minimum baby dowry for swaddling

  • flannel - 5 pieces;
  • calico - 5 pieces;
  • Velcro diapers - 1-2 pieces;
  • disposable diapers.

How to swaddle a newborn correctly?

Classic swaddling with handles. Option #1

We spread a cotton diaper on the changing table so that there are no wrinkles. We place the baby in the center of the diaper so that the head lies above the edge of the fabric.

We place our left hand on the baby's chest, and wrap one end of the diaper under the baby's back. We do the same with the right handle, and also wrap the second edge of the diaper under the back.

We straighten the lower corners, cover the baby's chest with the lower edge and place the right corner under the newborn's back, and the left corner over the baby's right shoulder. We tuck a small corner into the fold on the baby’s chest.

The diaper should not crumple or create unnecessary folds. This will interfere with the baby's sleep.

Swaddling with handles. Option No. 2

We spread the diaper. We bend the edge a little at the top. We hide the baby’s right hand in the resulting pocket. Now we place this hand together with the diaper on the stomach and cover the baby’s right side with the diaper.

Then we do the same with the left edge of the diaper. We straighten the bottom edge and bend it under the knees.

Swaddling with handles. Option No. 3

We spread the diaper into a diamond shape. Fold the top corner. We lay the baby down so that his head is above the diaper. We hold the baby's right hand and place the corner of the diaper behind the baby's left side through the armpit.

And the other lower corner is over the child’s left shoulder. We wrap the left corner of the diaper around the baby's body. The free bottom can simply be folded under the legs.

When the temperature is high, you cannot swaddle your baby.

Wide swaddling

Used in the treatment of hip dysplasia and for the prevention of congenital dislocations. This swaddling creates a “frog pose” to unload the joints.

Everything is as usual. We spread the diaper on the changing table. Fold it diagonally to make a triangle.

We place the larger edge of this triangle under the baby’s lower back. It is better to put on a gauze diaper before diapering.

We place the bottom corner of the diaper on the tummy, and place the side corners on top on the baby’s belt. You can wear a vest on top.

Swaddling with head

Favorite type of swaddling immediately after birth in the hospital. We spread the diaper and place the newborn so that the head is below the edge of the diaper. We wrap the baby. First, we bring one edge behind the back, while fixing the handle, then the second. The bottom edge can be placed on the breast and secured.

In this position, the baby sleeps very comfortably; it is difficult for him to even move his head, so unnecessary movements will not wake him up.

Tight swaddling

Back in Soviet times, it was believed that this type of swaddling helped straighten the legs. But, as it turned out, this was an erroneous version.

Tight swaddling prevents the baby from breathing and developing normally, so it has been abandoned lately.

Go for a walk

In cool weather, you still need either a blanket or a warm envelope over the diapers. First, you swaddle your baby in any convenient way. Then spread out the blanket in a diamond pattern and wrap the baby up. The upper corner of the blanket can cover your face from strong winds or frost.

Until what age do we wrap babies?

In general, a child should be swaddled until he is three months old. This is the period when the baby is already starting to roll over onto his tummy, and extra diapers will interfere with his ability to explore the world.

You can swaddle your head only for the first week of your baby’s life.

Pay attention to how your baby sleeps. If he doesn't wake up from shaking his arms or legs, you can swaddle him freely.

Some parents even put on baby vests and rompers almost at birth.

A modern take on how to swaddle a newborn baby

  1. If the baby is calm, then swaddle for up to a month.
  2. Observe your baby's behavior.
  3. The maximum age for swaddling is 4 months.
  4. It is not recommended to swaddle for a long time; it will delay motor development.

The process of swaddling is very important in the life of children. This way it allows the baby to feel his mother’s hands, warmth, and care. And if both parents are doing this, then this will free up a few minutes for mom to relax. Everyone chooses what is convenient for them. And, as it turned out, swaddling is not harmful, but even useful.