How to make soap bubbles recipes. How to make liquid for soap bubbles. How to make soap bubbles at home, recipe

In a family with small children, the issue of buying all kinds of toys that constantly break, break, or are taken apart by clever children is a very pressing issue. Even when it comes to buying soap bubbles, any parents know: a jar of soapy liquid will last an active child a maximum of half an hour. After this, you need to run to the store again to please your baby with multi-colored soap balls. However, you can use a simpler and the easy way Solve the problem by making your own bubble liquid. Most recipes that are suitable for use at home do not contain dangerous or expensive ingredients, the bulk of which can always be found in the kitchen or bathroom. Plus, the liquid for soap bubbles is perfectly stored in the refrigerator, so you should make sure in advance that you always have enough of it on hand.

As children, we all tried to let bubble, using shampoo for these purposes, which had to be diluted with water. The beauty of this recipe was the ease of preparing the soap mixture, which, however, also had its drawbacks. After just 10-15 minutes, the bubbles simply stopped blowing or immediately burst. However, if an extraordinary situation arises, and the child urgently needs to be distracted with something, then this recipe for soap bubbles is ideal. In any case, the baby will be able to calm down and turn his attention to the iridescent balls instead of looking at his broken knee in horror.

Soap bubbles with glycerin

However, experienced bubble blowers are well aware that the main problem is how to achieve the longest possible lifespan. Well, at least the kind that industrially produced liquids can achieve. And in this regard, glycerin is an indispensable assistant, which makes the walls of soap bubbles more durable. As a result, some recipes give a truly amazing effect when bubbles, having successfully landed on asphalt or any other relatively smooth surface, form a hemisphere that does not burst within 10-15 minutes.

You can create several types of soap bubbles using glycerin at home. If it is necessary for them to be small and not particularly durable, then in this case you can take about 100 ml of any dishwashing detergent, mix it well with 300 ml of warm water, then add 30 ml of glycerin. Then you should thoroughly mix all the ingredients again, after which you can safely organize a show not only for children, but also for adults. For those who hope to learn how to blow large and heavy soap bubbles, it's worth taking advantage of more complex recipe preparing the mixture. As a base for it, you can take any shampoo, 100 ml of which should be diluted with 300 ml of water, then add 1 tablespoon of glycerin and the same amount of sugar. Then the mixture must be thoroughly mixed and left in the refrigerator for about 10-12 hours. This soap solution produces excellent soap bubbles, large and not bursting for quite a long time.

Soap bubbles from laundry soap

Those who like small and neat bubbles, but at the same time want them not to burst immediately after blowing, should use a recipe that is prepared based on laundry soap. You need to take about 50 g of it and grate it, add 100 ml of water and heat it slightly on the stove to get a thick, viscous and homogeneous mixture. When it cools down, add another 200 ml of water, 100 ml of glycerin and 1 teaspoon of ammonia, thanks to which the bubbles will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. The resulting composition must stand in the refrigerator for at least 2 days, after which it must be carefully moved, passed through several layers of gauze to remove clots, and again sent to a cold place for 5-7 hours. After this, the solution for bubbles can be safely used without fear that they will burst too quickly.

Soap bubbles from baby shampoo

When we're talking about about small children, then adults often have a question: how to protect them from troubles while playing? Even when ordinary soap bubbles are used, innocent fun can result in children's tears if, for example, the composition gets into the child's eyes. To reduce the risk of such troubles, you can prepare so-called tear-free soap bubbles at home, which are based on baby shampoo. You will need about 100 ml of it, which should be diluted in 200 ml of cold water, then put the mixture in the refrigerator for a day. Before use, the resulting liquid must be mixed and 30 ml of glycerin poured into it.

Soap bubbles without glycerin

If we are talking about soap bubbles for one-time use, for example, during a house party, then you can do without glycerin. In this case, its functions are perfectly performed by ordinary sugar. However, it should be borne in mind that there is no point in storing such bubbles in the refrigerator, since they simply will not be blown out when reused. Absolutely any detergent can be used as a basis for “sugar” bubbles. Experts say that the most ideal is a combination of shampoo and dishwashing detergent, which are taken in approximately equal proportions, and then filled with cold water. Then it is enough to add about 1 teaspoon of sugar to the mixture in order to get fairly large bubbles that do not burst for a long time, at least for several hours. In addition, to prepare soap liquid, you can use a mixture of washing powder, dishwashing detergent and shaving cream, which are taken in approximately the same proportions and diluted with water, to which a little sugar must first be added. Well, extreme sports enthusiasts have long chosen women’s intimate hygiene gels for these purposes, which are mixed with any shampoo with water and sugar, resulting in very large and beautiful soap bubbles.

All children play with soap bubbles with great pleasure. They never get tired of this fun. You can make quite large soap bubbles. The recipe with glycerin is completely simple. This entertainment will also be interesting for adults both on holidays and on weekdays.

In a word, you will definitely love soap bubbles. The recipe with glycerin allows you to prepare them at home in literally a matter of minutes. The main thing is to know how to do it correctly.

Soap bubbles: a recipe with glycerin is very simple

So, first you need to use a special solution. How to make soap bubbles? The recipe with glycerin has several options. In this case, all components are weighed in grams. Let's say one part will be equal to 50 g. You will need distilled water, sold at gas stations or pharmacies. Glycerin is sold in jars of 25 g. Also in any pharmacy.

In general, we use recipe with glycerin No. 1 to make soap bubbles. To do this, you will need distilled water (8 parts), dishwashing liquid (2 parts), sugar (0.5 parts), gelatin (0.5 parts). And, of course, glycerin (1.5 parts).

To begin with, gelatin is soaked in water as indicated in the recipe on the bag. It must be left for a while to swell. After this, the gelatin is filtered and excess water is drained. Next, sugar is added. The gelatin melts along with it. However, there is no need to bring it to a boil. The resulting liquid is poured into distilled water. The remaining elements are added and everything is thoroughly mixed. The main thing is not to foam the water! Otherwise, bubbles will not form.

Let's look at the second recipe. To prepare bubbles, you need to take distilled water (10 parts), thick dishwashing detergent (3 parts), gel lubricant without any impurities (2 parts), glycerin (1.4 parts).

Where to begin? Dishwashing liquid is mixed with gel and glycerin. Hot distilled water is added to the resulting mixture. Everything is thoroughly mixed again. You can use an immersion blender. But, again, it is necessary to ensure that foam does not form on the surface. Bubbles prepared according to the second recipe are especially “tenacious”. They can even “run” on water, driven by the wind.

Bubbles fascinate both adults and children

Not only kids enjoy having fun this way. Their parents also blow bubbles with great pleasure. At home, the recipes are even more simple. Therefore, preparing the bubbles will not take much time.

At the same time, you don’t have to spend a sea of ​​expensive shampoo. By the way, such bubbles are not particularly strong or beautiful. But those made from glycerin last a long time. You can look at them endlessly. This is a very exciting spectacle. Children enjoy playing with them, and adults get an excellent means of relaxation.

Please note that purchased bubbles most often turn out to be of poor quality. That’s why it’s best to do them yourself. By the way, water plays an important role in making bubbles. It shouldn't be too hard. It is not at all necessary to take distilled water. You can just boil the usual one and let it settle.

Checking the quality of bubbles

You can choose more simple recipes. At the same time, the quality is still excellent. So, how else can you make durable soap bubbles at home? The recipes will delight you with their simplicity.

The soap is grated and diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10. Glycerin is added to the solution for strength.

You can simply mix 50 ml of glycerin, 300 ml of water and 100 g of dishwashing detergent. Or you can add it to 300 ml hot water 50 g powdered detergent, 150 ml of glycerin and 10 drops of ammonia. All this is mixed and infused for about three days. After this, the solution is filtered and placed in the refrigerator for 12 hours.

Another option on how to make soap bubbles. The recipe without glycerin is even simpler. To do this, mix 50 ml of water, 50 ml of shower gel and 0.5 teaspoon of sugar.

How to check the quality of the resulting bubbles? Each of them, with a diameter of about 30 mm, “lives” for at least 30 seconds. You can also dip your finger in the soapy water and try to quickly poke the bubble. If it doesn't burst, then you did everything right.

Popular fun

Thus, you understand how to make soap bubbles without glycerin. The recipe without it or with it is very simple. But in the end there are a lot of positive emotions!

Today, there are many different special solutions available on the modern market. This is not surprising, because this entertainment is becoming more and more popular. Nevertheless, most people prefer to create such a “miracle” with their own hands.

By the way, remember Sam Heath, who worked on his brainchild for more than 20 years. As a result, he went down in history as the creator of the largest freely floating soap bubble. You won't need to spend that much time. Just choose the recipe that works best for you and have fun! You will not regret it!

For the lazy

By the way, the recipe for large soap bubbles with glycerin not only does not require much money, but also does not take much of your time. Mix the ingredients in the most suitable container. An empty shampoo bottle, for example, would be perfect.

Try to stick to recipes that use liquid dishwashing detergent. It will be much faster and better quality than grated soap.

In short, making bubbles is very easy. Even this can be done Small child. Once the solution is ready, all you have to do is take a tube or cocktail straw and start blowing bubbles.

Achieve Excellence

Now you know how to make soap bubbles with glycerin. The recipe, however, can lead to different results. The thing is that sometimes you add a little more of something, sometimes less. In addition, the result also depends on the quality of the initial “raw materials”. Therefore, if you want to achieve real perfection, then “play” a little with the composition. For example, if the bubbles are too heavy and therefore refuse to float, add a little water to the composition. If they burst, add a little more glycerin. Accordingly, everyone will be able to independently calculate perfect formula on how to make great soap bubbles. Try it - and you will succeed!

Real creativity

Soap bubbles are not just interesting entertainment. This is real creativity. You and your children will always enjoy repeating experiments with soap and water. Try new combinations. Achieve true excellence in this matter.

Rest assured, these experiments will lift your spirits. They can relax you and your little ones, give you the opportunity to relax and have fun.

The history of bubble creation is connected with the invention of soap. Already in ancient times, children knew how to inflate balloons from soapy water. This is confirmed by wall paintings found in archaeological excavations and thematic works of art. And the painting “Soap Bubbles,” painted by the artist John Millais, was so successfully used to advertise soap by one British company that already in the 19th century, English soap makers began producing a special liquid for blowing bubbles. Since then, the popularity of the “soap” opening has only grown.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the foaming liquid has been sold everywhere and at a very affordable price. Today, a bottle of soap bubbles is one of the most popular and best-selling children's toys. Many parents want to please their children with bright, unusual balloons. Why not? This dream is completely achievable, because making a solution for soap bubbles yourself is not at all difficult.

Main components and what to blow

There are only four traditional components of the solution: soap, water, sugar and glycerin. The main thing is to properly prepare the liquid for soap bubbles, observing the technology and proportions. Then the blown balls will be light, large and long-lasting.

Five tips on how to easily make soap bubbles.

  1. Water. It affects the quality of the foam. Use cooled boiled water, but the best option is distilled, melt or rain water.
  2. Soap base. Choose soap or any detergent with a neutral aroma and a predominance of natural ingredients.
  3. Additional ingredients. To make the balls stable, add glycerin or sugar to the solution.
  4. Density of the solution. Adjust the saturation of the composition: a dense solution is difficult to blow out, and a weak solution, on the contrary, it will be easily blown out even by the smallest ones, but the quality of the bubbles will also be weak.
  5. Cooling the soap solution. It is recommended to keep the solution in the refrigerator until the foam completely settles.

Here are the options for blowing:

  • straw or hollow grass;
  • cocktail straw;
  • long pasta of any thickness;
  • confectionery shaped molds for baking cookies;
  • student pen body;
  • thick paper rolled into a roll;
  • an ordinary plastic bottle with the bottom cut off;
  • carpet beater;
  • wire twisted into a circle or oval;
  • a purchased children's bubble gun.

How to make soap bubbles: classic and cool recipes

A purchased bottle of soap solution usually runs out in an instant. It’s quite possible to make your own mixture for rainbow balls with the same quality as in a store, but with a larger volume. Ordinary soap bubbles are made from improvised materials.

From laundry soap

Peculiarities. Laundry soap is available in every home. Well, glycerin is easy to buy at your nearest pharmacy. An alternative to laundry soap - regular toilet soap based on natural oils(no fragrance). And glycerin in this recipe can be replaced with two tablespoons of very sweet water.


  1. Let's boil two liters of water.
  2. Add one glass of grated soap.
  3. Stir until the chips are completely dissolved.
  4. Pour in a couple of tablespoons of glycerin.

From liquid soap

Peculiarities. Any liquid soap will work for this recipe. And if the child is allergic, then it is better if it is for children, so the baby will not have to come into contact with “dubious” components.


  1. Mix 100 ml of liquid soap and one and a half tablespoons of distilled water.
  2. Place the mixture in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  3. After the foam disappears, add ten drops of glycerin to the base of the bubbles.
  4. Place it in the cold again for a few hours.

"Sweet" way

Peculiarities. Sugar strengthens the walls of bubbles no worse than glycerin. So, if the latter is not on hand, feel free to replace it with a sweet component. If the finished composition is put in a cold place for almost a day, the solution will become clean, without bubble wrap.


  1. Pour half a glass of fairy type product into a bowl.
  2. Dissolve two or three tablespoons of sugar in two glasses of water and pour into a container.
  3. Stir well.

From baby shampoo

Peculiarities. Children love not only blowing soap bubbles, but also popping them right away. Your child will be able to do this completely calmly if they are based on baby shampoo that does not sting the eyes.


  1. Pour a bottle of shampoo for children into a container (usually 200-250 ml).
  2. Add 0.4-0.5 liters of water accordingly.
  3. Let's put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  4. After a day, add three tablespoons of glycerin to the cooled and infused mixture.
  5. Mix well.

Huge Bubble Mix

Peculiarities. Thanks to this composition it will be possible to get giant bubbles. You can take a large basin, increase the dosage of ingredients proportionally and launch large soap balls using a sports hoop or wire twisted in a circle. By the way, in this case there is no need to blow bubbles; they will fly out on their own while lifting the ring from the bowl.


  1. Pour 0.3 liters of water into a half-liter jar.
  2. Let's dilute four tablespoons of sugar and glycerin in it (about two and a half tablespoons).
  3. At the final stage, fill the remaining free space in the jar with dishwashing liquid.
  4. Mix the soap contents well.

Mix to make garlands

Peculiarities. Or you can make sure that the bubbles are blown out in hundreds and woven into real garlands. This is exactly the recipe.


  1. Take one glass each: dish soap, shampoo and shower gel.
  2. Pour everything into one container and mix.
  3. Dilute the resulting mixture with seven tablespoons of water.
  4. If the liquid is thick, dilute it with more water.

Mixture to make pyramids

Peculiarities. Here is a recipe with a special composition. A little imagination - and soap castles, space characters, and fancy designs will appear on your child’s desk. You need to blow such balls onto a smooth, flat surface, piling soap figures on top of each other. It is most convenient to use the case ballpoint pen or a cocktail straw.


  1. Let's prepare three glasses of hot water.
  2. Add to it one ml of ammonia, two or three tablespoons of washing powder, half a glass of glycerin.
  3. Let the solution sit for at least three days in a cool place, then filter it.
  4. Store in the refrigerator.

Mixture to prevent the balloons from bursting

Peculiarities. You can make unpopping soap bubbles without glycerin. Sugar and gelatin will act as fixing components. Therefore, before
How to make strong soap bubbles, make sure you have a few bags of gelling agent at home.


  1. Dilute 50 g of gelatin in a small amount of warm water.
  2. Leave until it swells, and then strain.
  3. Add 50 g of sugar here.
  4. Place on the stove and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  5. Dilute the resulting composition with water (about 0.8 l).
  6. Carefully, so as not to form foam, add 200 ml of dishwashing gel.

Making strong, “tenacious” soap bubbles correctly is not difficult. To ensure that the balls keep their shape well and for a long time, send the mixed solutions to “ripen” in the refrigerator for at least a day.

Secrets of creating colored...

And let's go back to history again. American inventor Tim Kehoe devoted more than a dozen years of his life and several million dollars to realizing his cherished dream - creating colored bubbles. The highlight of his “soap-colored” discovery, which occurred already in the 2000s, is that after a certain time, blue, red or yellow bubbles burst and leave no stains at all.

At home, you can get spectacular multi-colored bubbles by diluting ordinary food coloring in any recipe solution. And to arrange a real color carnival, pour the soap base into several containers and add your own color to each.


The “fragrant” recipe for a solution for inflating soap balloons is very simple. It involves combining one part water with three parts bubble bath. In this case, the bubbles will not only play beautiful tints in the sun, but also smell appetizingly like strawberries, vanilla, chocolate, lemon or pine.

... and frozen balls

Pay attention to the consistency of the composition for hardening balls: it should be at least a couple of times thicker than usual and resemble viscous, transparent glue or strong sugar syrup. These bubbles solidify on contact with the surface and are prepared in four steps.

Let's make a thick sugar syrup. To do this, pour two heaped tablespoons of sugar with one spoon of warm water.

  1. Rub a quarter of a hundred gram bar of soap.
  2. Mix two tablespoons of glycerin with soap shavings.
  3. Combine everything and pour in five or six tablespoons of distilled water (boiled water will do).

Quality control

Taking any of the recipes as a basis, you can safely experiment. The main thing is not to overdo it with certain components. You can check the condition of the finished liquid as follows:

  • blow a bubble;
  • Remove some foam from the top of the prepared solution with your finger;
  • Touch the bubble with your foamy finger.

If the ball bursts, you need to add additional soap, drop glycerin or sugar syrup. The bubble remained intact - the composition turned out to be correct.

Bubbles from the Guinness Book

The art of creating and blowing soap bubbles is very popular and widespread. True professionals in this field not only keep unique secret formulas secret: they have been honing their movement techniques for years, and have a keen sense of the “correct” natural conditions (humidity and wind).

The most phenomenal cases are included in the Guinness Book of Records. For example, the largest soap balloon was inflated in 1996 by Alan Mackay. Its diameter was 32 m. And another record holder, Sam Hist, managed to fit as many as 50 people in a giant soap bubble, measuring 1.5 by 3 m. This extraordinary event happened already in our century - in 2007.

If you think that soap bubbles are exclusively summer fun, then you are mistaken. In winter, transparent balls take on a fabulous look. You already know how to make soap bubbles with your own hands without glycerin. Use this recipe and watch how the frosty air decorates the balls with fancy, lace patterns. The same as on home windows on the coldest winter days. This is guaranteed to please both children and adults, because we wouldn’t mind returning to the bright world of childhood once again.

Soap bubbles are one of the simplest, but at the same time exciting and fun games. It is interesting for children and adults, one person and a large company, at home and outdoors. You can, of course, buy ready-made liquid, but it’s more pleasant to make your own solution for soap balls. Moreover, it is not at all difficult.

The main components of the solution are water, soap shavings, glucose and glycerin. But it is important to observe the proportions when preparing and follow some recommendations.

Useful tips for preparing liquid at home

  1. It is recommended to make a solution based on distilled water, although, in extreme cases, boiled water will do. But you should not use ordinary tap water; due to the impurities it contains, the quality of the resulting composition will be significantly lower.
  2. To make the figures as strong as possible, you should add glycerin. Regular sugar will also help increase elasticity.
  3. Detergents should contain as little perfume additives as possible.
  4. Just be sure not to overdo it with the amount of ingredients, otherwise, due to excessive density, it will be difficult to blow out the balls.
  5. If you are making formula for babies, its density should be slightly lower. The balls, of course, will become less durable, but blowing them out will be much easier.
  6. If possible, it is recommended to keep the finished solution for 16-20 hours. And preferably in a cold place. During this period, unnecessary foam will settle, and the toy will become of better quality.
  7. The foam in the composition forms extra balls at the edges of the soap film, which spoil the blowing process.
  8. Wind and dust greatly interfere with strong balls, but high humidity, on the contrary, helps.

Are you puzzled by the question: how to make soap bubbles at home? It's easy! Follow the indicated proportions and everything will work out. After all, the composition of the mixture is very simple, and the main action that needs to be performed is to mix well.

For small children

  • Purified water – 0.2 liters
  • Glycerin – 20 milliliters
  • Baby shampoo 100 milliliters

Thanks to its safe composition, it is ideal for children. Glycerin can be replaced with 75 grams of sugar.

Classic recipe

  • Dishwashing liquid – 70 milliliters
  • Glycerin – 20 milliliters
  • Purified water – 0.2 liters

After mixing all the components, leave the mixture in a cold place for 16-20 hours. Detergent can be replaced with 20 grams of grated laundry soap.

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, mix purified water and grated laundry soap until completely dissolved. As the process progresses slowly, the mixture can be warmed up a little, just don’t forget to stir it.

Without glycerin

  • Shower gel or shampoo (with a minimum amount of additives) – 70 milliliters
  • Purified water (warm) – 70 milliliters
  • Granulated sugar – 50 grams
  • Dish soap – 70 milliliters

Mix sugar with water until it is completely dissolved, then add household chemicals and let it sit for at least one hour.

Mix with syrup

  • Corn syrup – 70 milliliters
  • Purified water (warm) – 0.6 liters
  • Dish detergent – ​​150 milliliters

Fragrant solution

  • Purified water – 0.1 liters
  • Bath foam – 300 milliliters

Thanks to the fragrances in the foam, the liquid turns out to be very aromatic, you can always choose the scent that is attractive to you.


Recipe for giant soap bubbles

There are several such recipes for self-cooking; they differ in the components and time required for preparation.

Method No. 1

  • Granulated sugar – 175 – 200 grams
  • Dish detergent or soap (liquid) – 150 milliliters
  • Gelatin – 15 grams

Dissolve sugar in a mixture of gelatin and water, after it has cooled to 30°C, pour in detergent. After mixing, you can use immediately.

Method No. 2

It is similar to the previous one, but it also contains glycerin.

  • Purified water (warm) – 400 milliliters
  • Granulated sugar – 50 grams
  • Gelatin – 25 grams
  • Glycerin – 50 milliliters
  • Dish detergent or soap (liquid) – 100 milliliters

Allow the gelatin to swell, stir the resulting suspension with sugar and add purified water, add the remaining ingredients. The main thing is not to shake the solution so that foam does not form.

Video: making huge soap bubbles with your own hands:

Very strong

In order to make a super-strong composition, there are several methods.

Method No. 1

  • Grated laundry soap – 15 grams
  • Purified water – 0.15 liters
  • Detergent – ​​20 milliliters
  • Highly concentrated sugar syrup - 20 milliliters
  • Glycerin – 60-80 milliliters

Mix all components thoroughly. This product can be used to blow shapes of any shape and size.

Method No. 2

It will take much more time, but the soap bubbles will not burst.

  • Purified water (hot) – 0.3 liters
  • Ammonia – 10 drops
  • Washing powder – 25 grams
  • Glycerin – 150 milliliters

After mixing the components, leave them for two to three days. Then filter and put in a cold place for 10-12 hours. A little tedious, but the effect is like that of professional solutions.

Checking the quality of the solution

The check can be carried out using several parameters

  • Blow a bubble through a straw and touch it with a finger previously soaked in the foam; if the ball bursts, the mixture is too watery, there is not enough soap and a few drops of glycerin.
  • If the liquid is difficult to blow out and immediately falls, add a little water to it.
  • Proper bubbles should be easy to inflate, not burst, and be large and colorful.

To prepare multi-colored balls, add food coloring to the resulting liquid, or divide it into parts and add a different color to each of them. And the aroma of strawberry, vanilla or chocolate will give the resulting mixture an appropriate detergent or bubble bath.

A little history

The history of this toy goes back thousands of years. During excavations in the ancient Roman city of Pompeii, archaeologists discovered drawings on the walls depicting small children blowing balloons.

It is unknown who exactly came up with the idea of ​​producing soap solutions. But the first official sales of this liquid are documented in London in the second half of the 19th century. And literally 50 years later, such a mixture could be bought everywhere and at an affordable price.


What are they inflating with?

Now it’s worth considering what they are blown through. Any straw, even an empty reed inside, is considered a classic device for blowing bubbles. It was used several hundred years ago and continues to be widely used today. But what other options are there?

  • A special gun that can be purchased at a toy store
  • Store-bought bottle with stick
  • Ballpoint pen (without refill)
  • Shaped baking molds
  • Funnel, either plastic or rolled paper
  • Cocktail straw cut at the end
  • A do-it-yourself woven wire frame; such a device can be decorated with beads, stones and ribbons. It will look bright and festive
  • For huge figures, a plastic bottle without a bottom is suitable
  • Racket without net
  • Carpet beater

In stores specializing in organizing children's parties, you can find devices of any size and shape for the presented toy. You can blow one large bubble at a time or enjoy the sight of many small balls.

Favorable external factors

If you use the toy outdoors, the main factor influencing the result will be weather conditions. Dry wind, dust, high temperature can spoil the entertainment experience. Higher humidity, on the contrary, will make the quality of the balls higher. The ideal times are considered to be morning and evening after heavy rain.

When playing at home, avoid drafts and operating split systems, dry climates, hot and dusty rooms. And don’t forget, bursting figures leave imprints on surfaces (furniture, wallpaper, suspended ceilings, parquet, etc.).

By the way, at an air temperature below -15°C, bubbles freeze upon contact with the surface of the earth, and at a temperature 10 degrees lower they freeze in the air.


You can blow soap balls not only through a round hole. With the help of the following “tricks” you can diversify your vacation or complement your holiday with unusual surprises.

  1. Technical device for blowing bubbles. A solution is poured into the generator, and the device itself releases strong balls in different directions. Both professional liquids and those prepared independently are suitable for it.
  2. Such entertainment looks very impressive in winter. When frozen, the bubbles turn into a fabulous design of small snowflakes.
  3. You can depict a matryoshka doll. To do this, pour the solution into a saucer, dip the tube and blow out the ball so that it remains in the container. Place the same straw inside it and blow it again. In the middle of the larger bubble, a smaller one will begin to appear. The procedure can be repeated for a very long time.
  4. Blow balls from several containers with multi-colored soap solutions onto a white sheet of paper. This way you can create an amazing and colorful drawing.
  5. And of course, you can just let the balls fly in the bathtub. Run a bath of warm water, light floating candles and blow out soap shapes. In this light they look even more impressive and mesmerizing.

Safety precautions:

  1. Protect your respiratory and vision organs from contact with the solution.
  2. Keep an eye on children: do not taste the resulting soapy water.
  3. Do not blow bubbles towards animals or people
  4. If the product gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with running water.
  5. After using the toy, be sure to wash your hands in clean water.

Video: how to make colored bubbles?

Hi all! More than once I wondered how to make soap bubbles at home. If you just mix water and shampoo, nothing will happen. And recently, I found out that there are several more secret ingredients.

And if you add them correctly, you can even make giant bubbles as tall as a person! Well, the child will definitely fit there. How? I'll tell you now.

I remember how, as a child, my dad made homemade bubbles for me. I just diluted soap shavings and water. Oddly enough, but everything worked out! Now it's a completely different matter. Not just any detergent will do. Therefore, you have to think out and look for those very secret ingredients and follow the rules for preparing a wonderful solution. Here are the main points:

  1. Only boiled water, settled. Or better yet, distilled. Why is it so important? The salts in the composition can upset the balance, and instead of toddler joy, you will get a sea of ​​​​tears.
  2. Only detergent of appropriate quality. So that there are fewer impurities.
  3. If the recipe specifies glycerin, one of the secret ingredients, take the exact proportions. It serves as a connecting link; if you overdo it, the child will make great efforts to blow out the ball.
  4. It is good to keep the composition in the refrigerator for several hours before use.
  5. Good level of hydration great helper for blowing!
  6. A large amount of dust can interfere with the process.
  7. Approximate soap to water ratio: 1/10.

Strive to follow the recipe, but don’t be afraid to experiment, deviating a little from what is specified. Perhaps you can become the author of a unique composition? In the meantime, I will offer you the TOP best selections that parents most often use.

Cheap doesn't mean bad

In principle, any recipe for making bubbles does not cost a lot of money. But these components can be found in any home. Write it down!

  • Laundry soap shavings - a glass.
  • Water 10 glasses.
  • Glycerin 2 teaspoons.

Pour hot water into the pan and add the shavings. Place this miracle mixture on the fire and stir. But don't bring it to a boil! Stir until dissolved and remove from heat. Cool, add glycerin. Ready!

And if you don’t have a good laundry soap, use liquid soap.

With liquid soap

But I tried to make this solution for soap bubbles for my daughter this summer. Surprisingly it turned out very well. But there is one drawback, which for some reason is not indicated in the recipes. I'll open it a little later. In the meantime, I’ll tell you about the components:

  • Liquid soap 50 ml.
  • 10 glycerin drops.
  • Water 10 ml.

First you need to mix the soap and water, add the glycerin base later. Then I kept this mixture in the refrigerator for 10 hours. I did it in the evening, and by lunchtime the next day my daughter was already blowing strong bubbles.

It turned out a lot and it was fun! But then it turned out that traces of these bubbles do not dry on the asphalt. The result was such wonderful greasy stains that did not disappear and could not be cleaned with anything. Was washed off only after heavy rain. There is nothing particularly critical about this. But you need to know about this feature so as not to be surprised later.

The sweetest recipe

  • Sugar syrup 50 grams.
  • 100 grams of soap shavings.
  • 200 grams of glycerin.
  • 400 ml distilled or boiled chilled water.

The recipe does not indicate this, but I advise you to first keep the mixture in the refrigerator and then use it. This way you can blow out different shapes! I think it's worth experimenting. What do you think?

For those who like to tinker

If you want to get a product of the highest quality, without a doubt, I suggest this formula:

  • Pure water 300 g.
  • Glycerin solution 100 g.
  • Ammonia 10 drops.
  • Laundry soap 50 g (shavings).

First, mix the first 3 components, then heat the chips until dissolved, just follow the condition - do not bring to a boil)), combine. It would seem nothing complicated. But you need to let this sit for 3 days, preferably in a cold place. Then strain through cheesecloth and leave for 12 hours in a cool place.

Almost four days, and the solution is ready! And if there is no time to wait and the child urgently requires entertainment, use another option.

Quick recipe

But I warn you right away, the idea is not always successful. Depends on the quality of the detergent and your water supply. A neighbor's boy told us that he succeeded only with a certain shampoo; the child, of course, does not remember the brand. But many advise using the “Little Fairy” series for such purposes. If desired, replace with dishwashing liquid.

So, take ¼ of it baby shampoo, 2 parts water, 2 teaspoons sugar. You can also add dye here, you’ll get a color show! Mix well and blow! But, I repeat, the shampoo must be suitable. This idea didn't work out for me.

Just don't despair. There are a few more interesting options how to make soap bubbles!

With washing powder

Don’t be surprised, because this is also a foaming component. I haven't tried it myself, but I think it should turn out great.

    Powder 25 g.

    Water 300 ml.

    Ammonia 10 drops.

    Glycerin solution 150 ml.

This composition with glycerin and powder is kept in a cool place for 2 days, then filtered and refrigerated for another 12 hours. Now use it!

Huge bubbles

What a show! I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a bubble the size of an adult? Yes, this happens too! Moreover, you can create this miracle with your own hands. And here's what we need:

  • Water 300 g.
  • Dishwashing liquid 100 g.
  • Glycerin 50 g.
  • Sugar 4 teaspoons.

Stir all the ingredients in a bowl or somewhere you can place a large hoop covered with fabric. Don't worry, you won't have to blow anything out! Just dip the hoop in there and move it from side to side. It's better outside when there's a slight breeze. You can place your child in the basin, inside the hoop, and slowly lift the ring up. The bubble wrap will follow, and the child will end up in a tunnel.

Another option with gelatin:

    Water 800 g.

    Detergent 200 g.

    Glycerin 100 g.

    Sugar 50 g.

    Gelatin 50 g.

Here's how to dilute such a mixture: let the gelatin swell well first. Then drain the excess liquid and place on low heat, adding sugar. Let everything melt. Now add the rest of the ingredients. Let it sit for a while, cool well, and go!

These are the kind of home pranks you can let the kids do. Just knowing how to prepare the mixture is not enough for good results. After all, a lot will depend on the tool used to blow.


The easiest option is to use an old bottle. That's exactly what we did. But there are several more ways:

    Wire. Twist regular wire, or colored wire, fasten the handle and decorate it. Best and quick way- bright ribbons. But if you use your imagination, you can stick various pebbles, small buttons, etc. on top. act!

    Cut plastic bottle. Dip your homemade instrument and blow into the neck.

    A tube that you can make with your own hands. It doesn't take long to make: just roll up a piece of paper and blow!

    Are you taking a plastic straw? Cut its tip lengthwise into pieces.

    Tennis racquet. Acceptable with or without mesh.

    For giant balls, wrap the hoop with rag tape. When the fabric absorbs the solution, pull slowly.

    Carpet beater.

Perhaps you can add something to this list? While you're thinking, I'll tell you how you can make a soap bubble show at home.

Entertainment options

And you probably thought that they could only be blown into a small round hole? But no! There are many activities that will delight your little one.

    Special devices. Liquid for the generator is poured in there, which you can prepare yourself, and the show begins. Such balls do not burst longer than usual and fly in different directions!

    Frosty miracle. Did you know that you can blow funny bubbles in winter? Just cool the prepared composition. Then go out into the cold and try. A miracle of small snowflakes will form before your eyes!

    Matryoshka. Pour the soap mass into a saucer, dip the straw and blow it out. Then place the same straw inside the ball and blow again. Another bubble forms inside one bubble. Repeat your actions until you get bored.

    Colorful arts. You will need several glasses. Pour the resulting mass there, add paints or food colorings. Blow from different glasses in turn so that the ball hits a white sheet of paper. See what a colorful miracle will be drawn there!

    Play like this: you make bubbles, and the child touches them with his nose, finger, or shoulder.

How do you like these entertainment options? Maybe you've already tried something? I will definitely do a show in the cold! What recipes do you know? What they were doing? Share your comments! And become blog subscribers. Until next time. Bye!