How to develop creative thinking? Development of creative thinking: exercises for every day

Children are creatures that are very easy to teach something if they are interested in it. By developing creative thinking, any teacher or parent solves several problems at once.

Firstly, it forms in the child non-trivial thinking, devoid of stereotypes, which helps in solving various problems.

Secondly, by developing creativity, the teacher (we will use this word in a broad sense, calling parents as well, since they are also teachers) makes the child’s mind mobile and flexible.

And finally, thirdly, imagination and perseverance develop in parallel with thinking abilities. It’s no secret that if children are captivated by a task, they are able to solve it for a long time.

Creativity is using ordinary things to create something extraordinary.

In general, developing creative thinking in children is useful, good, and necessary. But how? Let's try to figure it out.

Question one: what is creative thinking?

The term “creativity” is close to the concept of “creativity”. Only if the latter is given by nature can a creative approach be developed. It would seem that, creativity- this is a specific talent, and not everyone is given this. But in fact, this type of reaction to problems can be developed even in adulthood. And there’s nothing to say about children’s. You just need to find the right approach and develop certain tactics aimed at developing creative thinking in the child.

Question two: how to develop creative thinking?

Of course, with special exercises and training. The development of creativity, both in children and adults, can be carried out different ways. There are a great many of them developed, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to list them all, but it is possible to identify the main ones.

So, how to develop creativity in schoolchildren and kids?

1. Creative activities

Creativity is impossible without the act of creation itself. And it is better if this act is devoid of any standards. For example, you can do the same appliqué with children, but present it in a completely different form. You can try to create images by pouring different grains onto paper. To teach how with ordinary things, with proper ingenuity and imagination, you can create something unique, inimitable and completely unusual - this is one of the main goals.

2. Setting unusual tasks
To develop creative thinking in children, a problem-based teaching method is needed. What is it? The fact is that the child is given a task, preferably of a practical nature, without offering any solutions. You can give leading questions, but only if your student is unable to cope with the question posed to him at all. Independence in decision making is one of the main conditions for the successful development of creativity.
3. Special exercises
You can't go anywhere without them. Any technique offers a whole range of ways to achieve a better result, particular manifestations of which are various kinds of exercises. To develop creative thinking you can use the following:

  • Take some very ordinary thing (a pencil, for example) and invite your child to figure out how it can be used for other purposes. For example, make an antenna for receiving cosmic messages or as a hairpin to secure a bun of hair. In general, there is an unplowed field here for the development of imagination and creativity.
  • Another exercise: every day add something to your life that distinguishes this day from yesterday or tomorrow. Learn to find new ways to school, try to visit unfamiliar places, bring a new touch to everyday life. This is not an easy task, but it is very exciting.
  • Association games are a very effective way to develop a non-standard approach to life. The associative connection is illogical; it is based not on logic, but on worldview and lived experience, thereby stimulating the imagination and giving birth to incredible images.
  • Inexplicable things must be explained. This is not a pun, but another exercise. Teach your child to explain even what is beyond his understanding. This will help children's thinking go beyond standard boundaries.

So, don't be afraid to develop creative thinking in children. Start as early as possible, and over time you are sure to see positive changes in your child's development.

Creative thinking is necessary for various professions. It allows you to look at solving even the most common problems differently. Knowing how to develop creative thinking is important to success in many areas of life, but first you need to define it. In a general sense, this is the ability to create new, extraordinary solutions that are different from traditional ones. This is the ability to go beyond the system and constantly be in search of original ideas.

In this article we will talk about ways to develop creative thinking. They will help you learn to think not only differently, but also to look at yourself and the world around you from a different perspective. The presented exercises are simple to perform, but they will force the brain to work and develop imaginative thinking.

See the world differently

This very simple exercise will help you uncover something that you have never paid attention to. Go outside. Look at it not the way you usually look, but look at every object, every building, object that you meet along the way.

Notice details that you didn't pay attention to before. This roof has an unusual cornice, and here the colors do not match, and the shape of this house suggests that it was built a long time ago. Look at how the windows in houses are decorated and imagine why people decided to do it that way.

Every day, walking along the same route, we stop paying attention to our surroundings. But if you are asked what color the gate is at house number 8, you probably won’t remember, and maybe you won’t even know that there is a gate there.

Be curious and wonder

As people become adults, they lose this property or are embarrassed to express it. Forget about what others think, be interested in what caught your attention, find out the smallest details. Curiosity helps not only to learn new facts, but also to gain experience.

Try to be a child for a little while, because children are so curious, and their imaginative thinking is just developing. Ask more questions. Ask about any phenomena that attracts you, but don’t just find out the answer, but analyze and apply new fact to different circumstances. This will help develop abstract thinking and learn to think more broadly.

Monotonous work, boring life - and then we stop being surprised, but there are so many interesting things in the world. Wonder is the ability to admire the world around us. Surprise and curiosity often go together, and this is no coincidence. Unable to develop creative thinking without the ability to be surprised and show curiosity.

New use for a common item

This exercise is often used in brainstorming and creative thinking training. Take any object that is in front of you. Come up with the best for him unusual ways use. Record everything that comes to mind.

Additionally, you can figure out how to use this item with other things. For example, from a fruit bowl you can make a bird feeder, a place to store office supplies, or a doll house.

The more unusual the idea, the brighter and more original the result, the more you will develop imaginative thinking.

Destroy stereotypes

We are used to reacting to events in a certain way. Our words, thoughts, reflexes are the same and are repeated in many situations. Such repetitive actions lead to the fact that creative thinking fades away, and it becomes increasingly difficult for us to come up with something new. Try to react differently next time.

Imagine what words you could replace your usual phrases with.

This will give additional stress to the brain and help develop speech. Change your usual activities.

Breaking stereotypes will not only help develop abstract thinking, but will also surprise others with the novelty of your behavior.

Solve puzzles

Start with very simple ones to get used to the new task. Puzzles are great for developing abstract thinking and helping to find logic in the most unusual combinations.

At first, solving even the simplest puzzle will seem like an impossible task, but with each new riddle you discover interesting properties of your brain that help you see things from a completely different perspective.

From the solving stage, move on to creating puzzles, develop imaginative thinking, forcing yourself to come up with something new.


This way to develop imaginative thinking may seem strange, however, it is successfully used by representatives of various professions. First you need to find a comfortable place and relax. We completely disconnect from any thoughts; they will come later.

Now imagine a simple line. We begin to mentally rotate it around its axis. The line begins to expand and turns into a rectangle. Then it takes the shape of a volumetric cube.

The cube spins and becomes a ball, the ball turns into a cone. Present the figures in one color or in changing colors, change their shape. This exercise perfectly develops abstract thinking, improves imagination and the ability to focus on a specific object.

More impressions

Creativity doesn’t come out of nowhere, it needs to be nourished, give the brain a workout, and get impressions.

Visual thinking will help develop visiting museums and folk art exhibitions. Look at what interesting things people invent with their own hands, perhaps there are ideas among them that can be taken as a basis. A simple walk on the river can also invigorate intellectual activity. fresh air, but it should not be aimless wandering.

Look around - what unusual things do you see, pay attention to the changes in shadows and light, imagine how this or that object would look in your home, office or on paper. Constantly train your imagination, because creative thinking is movement.

Write poetry and prose

You may say: I have no ability. This is completely unimportant, because at first only you will see your works.

Choose a rhyme to match in simple words The more you practice, the easier it becomes to do. Try to create unusual poems, for example, consisting of nouns, this is also great for developing abstract thinking.

Write short notes about what you saw today and what impressions you had. Creative thinking does not come out of nowhere; it must be constantly forced to work, fueled by new ideas.


This exercise does not require any developed drawing skills, but it is useful for developing hand motor skills, which in turn affects the functioning of the brain.

Take a pencil or pen. Draw what comes to mind. Supplement them with unusual details, this will help develop abstract thinking. Picture something that does not exist in reality, but you can create it in your imagination. Stop paying attention to quality, the essence of the process itself is important.

Creative thinking is accessible to everyone, you just need to force your brain to work, feed it new information and be able to find interesting and unusual things in the world around them. People of creative professions never stand still, they create, change and enjoy it. It is the pleasure of creativity that will help you develop it and make it a part of your life.

As we have already said, creative thinking is the ability, by combining heterogeneous elements, to create something new (knowledge, forms, solutions) that has a significant socio-economic effect.

Creativity in the modern world

Modern society is involved in the processes of market globalization and increased competition. You need to quickly respond to changes, apply non-standard solutions, generate new ones original ideas. Society needs unusual solutions to familiar problems, new approaches to solving known and seemingly studied problems, as well as new ways of behaving in typical situations. Most professions in modern world need creativity, to activate the creative principle. Creative thinking manifests itself in the modern socio-economic system in various forms. These include scientific discoveries, entrepreneurship, technical inventions, the creation of works of art, relationships with people, and public administration.

Development of creative thinking

The author of the bestseller “The Birth of a New Idea,” American researcher E. De Bono, successfully worked on the problem of developing creative thinking. He developed a comprehensive program for the development of creative thinking and identified the following basic principles:

1. Determination of the conditions for solving the problem, necessary and sufficient to achieve the goal.

2. Willingness to abandon previously gained experience in solving similar problems.

3. Improving the ability to notice multifunctional, universal things.

4.Combining a variety of different, even opposing ideas from a variety of fields of knowledge and using the resulting associations to solve problems.

5. Improving the ability to understand the prevailing idea in a given field of knowledge in order not to fall under its influence.

The formation of creative thinking presupposes, firstly, the unity of logic and thinking; secondly, the unity of positivity, harmony and productivity. The third necessary component is the joy of self-development.

We can identify a number of skills without which one cannot achieve success in the modern world, but which, fortunately, can be developed in oneself. They can be learned:

- Ability to think logically.

- Ability to formulate assumptions.

— The ability to find logical connections between phenomena, objects, facts.

— Ability to overcome stereotypes.

— Ability to make decisions in atypical, new situations.

— Ability to find the necessary knowledge and suitable methods.

Amaystyle T.M. identified three main elements of creativity:

Competence (availability of knowledge base, experience, skills);

Creative thinking (use of creative thinking methods, ingenuity, flexibility, perseverance;

Motivation (internal and external). Intrinsic motivation is personal interest in solving a problem, a persistent desire to apply knowledge, and self-realization. External motivation - career advancement, financial interest.

Technologies and techniques of creative thinking

There are different creative thinking technologies that allow you to effectively generate ideas. Let's look at some of them:

1. “Six Thinking Hats” by Edward de Bono (you can read more about it and other techniques

This technology of creative thinking is good, for example, when conducting any discussion. She's perfect for teamwork, but also suitable for individual use. This technique helps control thinking and switch it. The bright colors of the hats make each of them distinguishable, noticeable, and help set thoughts in the right direction. The technique of putting on a hat for “mental digestion” helps to find inner peace and unhindered concentration on solving a problem: after all, putting on and taking off a hat is not a problem. Such a technique as putting on hats different color, each of which corresponds to a certain angle of view, helps to get away from unnecessary disputes and negative emotions, and to reach agreement. Parallel thinking structures the decision process. This technology of creative thinking develops, regardless of the age of the participants, tolerance, critical thinking, and creative thinking.

2. Brainstorming. You can read more about this technology of creative thinking

This technique allows for the collective discovery of new ideas. Its goal is to obtain the maximum number of different ideas. The generation of ideas and their criticism are divided in time, and the participants in the creative process are divided into idea generators and critics. Voiced ideas are developed through the use of associations and are transformed and modified. Varieties of this creative thinking technology are “Pirate Meeting”, “Shadow Brainstorming”, “Reverse Brainstorming”.

3. “Method of focal objects”

In this technology, new ideas allow us to find a method of attaching signs or properties of randomly selected objects to a given object. Unusual, unusual combinations are obtained through the use of free associations. This method is known as the TRIZ tool (the theory of inventive problem solving).

4. "Synectics"

The main technique of creative thinking in this technique is the construction of analogies. Analogies evoke associations, which in turn stimulate creativity.

At the 1st stage of this technology of creative thinking, analogies serve to clearly define and understand the essence of the problem by participants. Obvious solutions should be consciously abandoned. During the subsequent specially organized discussion, the main contradictions and difficulties that hinder the solution are identified. New formulations of the task are determined and goals are set. After this, with the help of questions that evoke analogies, a process of searching for new ideas and solutions occurs. If there is a need for repeated discussion and development of ideas, then the problem is returned to again.

5. “Method of garlands of associations”

The main technique of creative thinking in this technology is a combination of several stages of working with random words and associations:

1). Constructing chains of object synonyms.

2). Random choice of words (nouns in the nominative case).

3). Combining each element from the synonym garland with each of the random words.

4). Selection of several adjectives for each of the elements of a random choice of words (see 2)). This is how garlands of features are obtained.

5). A combination of elements of garlands of synonyms and garlands of signs. Already at this stage they can be born interesting ideas to solve a creative problem.

6). Free associations are selected for each element of the garland of attributes. There should be as many garlands of free associations as there are elements in the garland of attributes. The tool for forming garlands of free associations is the question “what does the word... remind us of?” In this case, each answer becomes the starting point for the next question. For example: “What does the word blue remind you of?” - “About heaven.” - “What does the word sky remind you of?” - “About the plane.” “What does the word airplane remind you of?” - “About wings.” Thus, the words sky, airplane, wings, ... will appear in the garland.

8). Analyzing the ideas received and making a decision to continue or stop the search. If the search needs to be continued, then the initial free associations are combined with secondary garlands, and their elements are combined with elements of the garland of synonyms. As a result, new ideas may arise.

9). Ideas are divided into rational, interesting and unsuitable. Interesting (that is, good, but with shortcomings) are subsequently again divided into rational and unsuitable.

8. “Little Men Method”

One of the technologies of creative thinking is the “little men method”. There are problematic situations in which part of the object cannot fulfill the requirements of the task. In this case, such a creative thinking technique as breaking the problem into many “tiny people” can help. To do this, they single out that part that does not obey the conditions of the task, cannot fulfill them, and represents it in the form of little people. The next stage is dividing the little men into groups that act according to the conditions of the group’s task. The resulting model is then examined and rebuilt so that the conflicting actions can be performed. In other words, if the perceived problem as a whole seems insoluble, then when it is divided into its component parts, it may turn out that these parts can be regrouped and then combined in any order. As a result, either the problem will become solvable in a new way, or a A New Look on it, or some ideas can be modified in some direction to obtain a solution. It is advisable to move and combine elements obtained by division with each other in various combinations. Just remember that the combination of elements is not a monolithic system.

9. “Test question method”

The main technique of creative thinking in this technology is the use of correctly posed leading questions that will help direct the train of thought in such a way as to better understand the essence of the problem, conditions, and solutions. This will help overcome psychological inertia.

10). "Morphological analysis"

The main technique of this method is the use of special tables, which show all the main components of the object of interest. The method allows you to streamline the analysis process different options solution to the task at hand, it helps not to lose sight of any good option solutions not seen before.

eleven). There are also methods for breaking stereotypes and other technologies of creative thinking, which use a variety of techniques that stimulate going beyond patterns and help creatively solve a variety of problems in various areas of our lives.

Creativity and Creativity

Creative thinking is often also called creative, but creativity and creativity are not the same thing. For a better understanding of the processes, it makes sense to clarify the wording: creativity is always the creation of something new through insight: the receipt of some product of mental activity, in which the emotional and personal qualities of the creator are manifested. Many researchers call creative action uncontrollable, an unconscious act, or unstimulated brain activity, which manifests itself in the desire to get out of the “comfort zone” (Bogoyavlensky D. B.). The act of creativity is characterized by suddenness, spontaneity, which... Knitted with external circumstances and personal experiences.

Creativity is the ability to create, which is characterized by a readiness to generate unusual ideas and solve problems, while going beyond generally accepted patterns. Creativity is one of the independent factors of giftedness. Creative thinking relies on inventive art and discoveries in various fields of knowledge. It breaks stereotypes, boldly combines the incongruous, relies on algorithms and on this basis creates something completely new or solves seemingly unsolvable problems. Without creativity, creativity is impossible. Creativity can be called a technology for organizing the creative process. A creative person can get ahead of the creative process, giving it direction, but does not always accompany it.

Thus, creativity is one of the features of creative thinking. Creativity is always primary, but creativity allows you to achieve a specific goal. A major component of the creative thinking process is some pragmatism. This means understanding at the initial stage a specific goal (why you need to create it), purpose (for whom it is needed), a solution path (how to do it), and, in fact, the subject (what is needed for this).

If creativity plays a decisive role in the process of generating creative ideas, then their perception and implementation depend on cognitive abilities. Thanks to the plasticity of the brain, we can develop our cognitive abilities, train and improve memory and attention, perception and thinking. This may help good help regular classes at .

We sincerely wish you creative discoveries and good luck and, of course, success in self-development.

We are glad to welcome you friends!

In this article you will find practical advice, how to develop creativity and stop thinking in stereotypes. Due to their nature, not everyone is able to think creatively and take an innovative approach to solving important issues. If you wish, this can be easily corrected and, finally, stop waiting for inspiration to come to you on its own.

After reading our article carefully, you will learn a lot useful tips that will help develop creativity, and also understand what exercises need to be done daily to train creative thinking.

The ability to approach problems creatively helps solve a large number of problems, as well as advance your career. It is especially important for those whose profession is directly related to creative thinking (designers, writers, artists, musicians, etc.) to be able to quickly get involved in the process. Often, creative people often delay the completion of work, waiting for the muse, however, inspiration does not always come quickly, and sometimes disappears completely for a long time.

No matter what field you work in, it will still be useful for you to work on your creative inclinations, thereby simplifying your life. We have prepared some of the most effective ways to improve your potential.

4. Rest

Sometimes, in order to tune in to the right wavelength and find inspiration, you need to get a little distracted. If you've been working on your project for a long time, then it's time to switch to something else.

Give yourself a 30 minute rest. Play solitaire, drink coffee, talk on the phone with friends. After that, get to work. This approach will allow your thoughts to relax a little and re-enter the creative process.

5. Start “creating”!

Many writers never published their next masterpiece because they were looking for a muse all this time. Sometimes such searches lead creative people to doping in the form of alcohol or something worse.

However, as a rule, no one succeeds in developing creativity in this way. Don't look for inspiration - start creating now and it will come to you as you work. No wonder they say that appetite comes with eating!

6. Working in a noisy place

Any coffee shop is an ideal place for the creative process. Medium noise levels will help boost your creativity and prompt you to think differently. With an increased noise level, performance, on the contrary, decreases. Therefore, choose a coffee shop you like and work hard. This way, you will distance yourself from home problems and bustle and be able to create.

If you start exercising regularly, you can easily develop your creativity. In this article, we have prepared the most effective techniques that will allow you to become better. Do our exercises regularly and you will soon notice the first results.

The most effective techniques are:

  • Use items. For example, think of what you could do with a button or a matchbox. You can play this game together, it will be much more fun. Find 10 ways you can do with this thing and compare the results with your friend
  • Associative series. Choose one noun word, such as "cup". Now come up with 5 most suitable adjectives for it (cup: beautiful, hot, glass, clay, patterned). After that, select 5 adjectives that are completely unsuitable for the subject (plush cup, fried cup, etc.);
  • Two words. Open the book to any page and point your finger at 2 words that have completely different meanings. After this, try to “play” with the words. What are the similarities between them? How can you compare them or combine them into one whole? Come up with interesting story, which would help connect these 2 words;
  • Be a builder. Write any 10 nouns. For example: dove, pheasant, flowers, tree, book, lake, etc. After that, take a pencil and paper. Draw a house and try to add various details to it that would fit the meaning of the above words. Paint snow-white walls in the house, as is the case with the feathers of the “pigeon”. Add a front lawn for the pheasant to walk on. Draw a flowerbed for the word “flowers”, etc. After the drawing is ready, try to imagine how your house might look in real life.

Dear friends, we hope that our article will help you improve your life qualitatively and develop creativity. Exercise regularly and you will soon notice pleasant results.

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Jan 29 2016

Out-of-the-box thinking is in great demand in the information sector. The development of creative thinking in adults will be useful in such professions as:

  • professions in advertising and management;
  • profession of psychologist (conducting psychoanalysis);
  • professions of designer, artist;
  • profession of a writer;
  • in other creative professions.

People sometimes think that those who succeed in creative professions come from another world. Where do their brilliant ideas come from? There is nothing unusual about this, they see the same reality as everyone else, but at the same time they see it completely differently.

They do not adapt to reality, but try to adapt reality itself to their ideas. It is difficult for an adult to see something unusual in an ordinary thing when Small child in the shadow of a branch you can see the silhouette of a bird. This happens because in childhood everyone sees the world without limitations, he is given all the creative potential to understand the world. But as he grows up, he loses this ability. At school we are taught the principles of general logic.

So how can we develop our creative thinking, which has been lost over the years?

First of all, let us remind you that creative thinking is associated with the right hemisphere of the brain. Where our emotions and intuition originate. In childhood, a child’s right hemisphere is initially more developed, while most adults have a more developed left, logical-abstract one. How to develop creative thinking in adults?

The first thing required to develop brilliant thoughts is a psychological attitude.

The usual gray environment dulls perception and causes a dull mood. To make it always good, start seeing the world as if you were seeing everything for the first time. Think about the fact that you are an alien and have never been to this city, on this planet before. Hang a colorful picture in the area where you work on ideas. It will help you focus and stimulate your perception and think more positively.

Organize the process of training for the development of creative thinking on Vikium according to an individual program

One wise man said: “A happy beggar sleeps on the threshold of an unhappy rich man.” At the same time, many are trying to understand what is the meaning of life? It can be said that any creative activity that gives you a sense of self-satisfaction can become your meaning. Physiologically, the feeling of happiness is associated with a chemical reaction in the brain and the release of endorphins. This neurohormone is involved in creating positive perceptions and reinforcing success. Any activity, even house cleaning, for example, can be enjoyable if you experience positive emotions.

An adult is inclined to set various mental restrictions for himself. The thought that you will not be able to solve a difficult task that you have taken on for the first time leads to a negative attitude and certainly dooms you to failure.

It is necessary to remember that everything is possible in the world and it is unlimited, and only your perception can be limited. To some extent, a brilliant idea will require you to renounce everything you know, from intellectual prohibitions. If, nevertheless, it was not possible to solve the problem, you should not use the unsuccessful experience as a generalization of the thought “I will never be able to do this.”

Try to work on your ideas in the same place. There is an association of sensations and emotions with a certain environment, which sets the mood for productive mental work. In the future, this environment and even a certain time of day will stimulate your creative process without any effort.

For the mind to start working creatively, it needs to be trained to work in different directions. The following exercises to develop creative thinking will help you.

Exercise “Find another use for an object.” Take, for example, an ordinary object, a stool, and try to figure out what else to do with it. You can turn it upside down and use it as a Christmas tree stand. You can use its smooth surface as a table. This method can also be applied to words. Take any word and come up with a non-standard phrase or metaphor with it. Introduce the meaning figuratively, then collapse it and replace it with a symbol. Try to find this symbol in the outline of an object.

Exercise “Story from a limited number of words” . The more you limit the real space for yourself, the more you stimulate the development of all kinds of thoughts on how these words can be applied (as in a critical situation when the resources of the subconscious are activated). Don't be afraid to express your thoughts with fantastic ideas; you shouldn't limit yourself only to real meanings.

These are exercises that will help you develop creativity.

Exercise “Combining the Incongruous” . Try to associate words with opposite meanings in phrases. For example, hot ice, hard cotton wool, dark day. Such a game of association helps to restructure the mind in a different way.

Exercise “Words in reverse” . On your way to work or school, seeing the names of shops and cafes, try to read these and other names backwards. For example, a pharmacy is “aketpa”. Then try to read not only names, but also phrases and phrases.

Exercise “Decoupling First” . Another great exercise promotes restructuring in a non-standard way. Try to start reading the book not from the beginning, but from the middle or end. Thus, the first in meaning will be the denouement, and the last will be the preface.

Studying of foreign language . The best gymnastics for the mind is learning a foreign language. If you already know a foreign language, then take up learning a second one. Try to ensure that languages ​​do not have a similar structure (eg German, Chinese). As you learn a foreign language, you will gradually begin to see the structures of your native language. This will allow you to perceive events and objects in a more multifaceted way, from the perspective of perceiving another language. Such erudition regarding “definitions and their connections” greatly contributes to the development of non-standard thinking.

Exercise “Paraphrase It” . When thinking about a specific task or idea, try to express thoughts about it indirectly, using free associations. Try to rephrase your thoughts, retell them in other words.

Get yourself a notebook in which you will write down all the unexpected ideas that come to mind. Try to save every idea, even if at first glance it seems completely stupid.

Expand your horizons. If you learn some unfamiliar word in a conversation or from a book, do not be lazy to look up the meaning of the word in the dictionary. If this word is taken from a historical context, find out what it meant at that time, and what time period it is associated with, what events contributed to its emergence. Study, for example, words and phrases such as “primus”, “red October”.