How to place things in a closet. Ways to compactly store things in a closet, how to fold them correctly

Almost every one of us has thought about how to organize the storage of things in the closet, rather than dumping our entire wardrobe on the floor in search of our favorite blouse. I would like to dedicate my article to this topic. In it I will tell you how to quickly and compactly fold things and share the secrets of conveniently arranging shelves in your closet.

Let's put everything on the shelves

If you are used to folding something at random and simply pushing it back into the closet, do not be surprised that after a few days chaos will reign in it. And not to mention the fact that many wardrobe items will quickly become wrinkled and lose their fresh appearance.

I'll start with the basics, namely with instructions on how to properly fold certain types of clothing.


Some people are used to stuffing their socks into one another, others are used to rolling them into a ball. None of these methods can be called compact. Instead, I suggest choosing one of two:

  1. You can carefully fold a pair of socks on top of each other and roll them into a tight roll. After this, put a thin elastic band on it. Socks folded in this way will fit compactly in any bag.
  2. Place one sock on top of the other and mentally divide it into three parts. First, wrap the part with the elastic band inside, then the part with the sock. Thread the sock through the elastic band and you will have a miniature envelope.


Storing a skirt in the closet so that it doesn't wrinkle is much easier than you thought. In this case, it is not at all necessary to use a hanger. It is enough to fold the skirt in half lengthwise, then roll it into an impromptu roll.


The ability to fold things beautifully and quickly is a real art. I am sharing with you one express method:

  • lay the T-shirt on a flat surface;
  • mentally draw two lines along it: one in the center across the T-shirt, the second in the middle of the longitudinal seam on the shoulder;
  • mark the intersection of the imaginary lines and grab it with your left hand;
  • with your right hand, grab the T-shirt by the middle of the mentioned seam on the shoulder;

  • holding the “X” place with your left hand, place your right hand to the bottom of the T-shirt and grab its edge;
  • slowly stick out your left hand without letting go of the material.

This method will help you fold a T-shirt in less than 10 seconds.

Jumpers, blouses and shirts

This express method works great for T-shirts, but is completely unsuitable for shirts or blouses.. The following instructions will help you cope with this type of clothing:

  1. First, iron your favorite shirt or blouse thoroughly and let it cool.
  2. Fasten all the buttons and place the jacket right side out.
  3. First, fold one sleeve inward parallel to the shirt, then repeat the procedure with the second.
  4. Mentally divide the shirt into three transverse lines. First, fold the bottom of the shirt inward, followed by the center.

That's all! This way, you can fold almost any item without the risk of wrinkles.


The mechanism for packing jeans is even simpler. First, remove the belt and empty your pockets of anything unnecessary. Fold the jeans lengthwise and straighten them, removing any wrinkles.

Then fold crosswise, placing the bottom edge against the waistband. And fold your pants in half again.

Storing bed linen in a closet

In addition to everyday items, bedding is often stored in the wardrobe. So I would like to tell you how to do this most conveniently.

There are plenty of options for how to fold bed linen in a closet.
  • You can start by ironing your clothes. I don’t argue that this option is not suitable for everyone. But if you still want your bed to feel softer and more pleasant to the touch, you should take up the iron.

To give your laundry a pleasant aroma, you can add a drop of your favorite aroma oil to the steaming water..

  • Before ironing any item from the kit, shake it well. Such simple manipulation will help avoid unnecessary folds.
  • If you decide to skip ironing, then this item is for you. Sort your outfits by seasonality (yes, this trick isn't just for clothes). For the summer, leave bedding made of light fabrics (silk or cotton), and for winter use insulated materials.
  • Now it's time to start styling. There are plenty of options here.

  • First, you can put all your existing sheets, duvet covers, and pillowcases into separate piles. True, this method is suitable if you have about 10 sets. Then you can combine bedding with different colors.
  • Secondly, one of the most original and neat ways is to store the entire set in a pillowcase from it. This way, all the laundry will look very neat and will not get in the way.
  • Thirdly, you can fold the laundry into a pile and bandage it beautiful ribbon. It looks very elegant.

Arrangement of space in the wardrobe

Knowing how to fold a particular item is certainly useful, but it is not enough to use every inch of the closet. Since most people live in apartments with a small square footage, this skill will come in handy.

Stage 1. Let's get rid of unnecessary things

Any storage system begins with one important step - getting rid of everything unnecessary. Act ruthlessly, no thoughts that you will ever again wear that tight dress that has been gathering dust on the shelf for two years now.

Each accessory must undergo strict selection, keep only what you actually wear. You will have to say goodbye to the rest - give things to friends, to a thrift store, or even better to charity.

Stage 2. Sort

You can sort things according to many criteria, but I would recommend starting from their seasonality. Conventionally divide the shelves in a regular closet or in a wardrobe into “southern” and “northern” ones.

Place warm or light clothes on the most popular shelves (depending on the weather outside). Separately lay out things that can be worn both in winter and summer, for example, a button-down sweater. It will keep you warm during spring thunderstorms, and in winter it will go perfectly with a turtleneck.

Stage 3. Disassembling hangers

No one argues that one hanger for a separate item is convenient. But not everyone can afford such a luxury. In such cases, you can store things on hangers according to the following scheme:

  • store your favorite wardrobe items made from delicate fabrics in separate cases;
  • for greater convenience, you can place things on hangers according to their range;
  • For delicate fabrics it is better to use soft hangers.

Stage 4. Put it in the closet

The last stage of arranging a wardrobe is placing already folded clothes on shelves. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Place items that are out of season closer to the closet wall.
  2. Don't be lazy and always fold your wardrobe items according to the above methods. This way they will take up less space.
  3. For various small items, be it socks, underwear or T-shirts, it is better to allocate a separate drawer.
  4. On the lower shelves you should place dresses, shirts or trousers that you wear on special occasions. On the top ones you can allocate space for things that you wear, albeit not every day, but more often than on holidays.

Useful accessories

Placing things in cabinets with your own hands can be greatly simplified by using additional accessories:

  1. Case This is a hanging textile shelf with which you can store things vertically. The trunks are hung on a crossbar in the closet or on the door. They are very convenient to store shoes, scarves, scarves or even belts.

  1. Universal hanger. An indispensable accessory for women who adore silk scarves, belts and scarves. Just attach a functional hanger to the closet wall and you will no longer have to think about where to store your favorite textile decorations.

  1. Shoe organizers. In the absence of a storage room most Numerous pairs of shoes can take up space in your closet. You can solve the problem using one of the following methods.
  • Use stylish boxes for closet shelves. They can also be installed at the bottom of the wardrobe (this is even more practical). Consider some stickers with the name of the shoe model so you don't have to spend a long time searching for the right pair.
  • For summer and spring shoes(ballet shoes, moccasins, slates) buy special hanging covers.

  • At the bottom of the closet you can install a special shelf for shoes.

With these practical accessories, you will once and for all forget the question of how to conveniently arrange things in your closet.


Now, thanks to the tips outlined above, you know how to sort and fold things correctly. Sticking to these simple recommendations, you will ensure perfect order and comfort in your closet. You can improve your knowledge by watching the video in this article.

I hope my material has become a useful guide to action for you. Share your successes in the comments below.

Useful tips

Do you feel like you have nothing to wear, but at the same time your closet is filled with all sorts of junk?

Use these tips to create a neat closet that has room not only for the clothes you wear every day, but also for new things.

Read also:5 effective ways to free your life from clutter

1. First, take out everything that is in it from the closet.

Before you decide which items are worth keeping, ask yourself a few key questions that will help you get rid of the things you don't need and keep the ones you need.

2. Hang the items you want to keep in your closet. Make it so that you can immediately see all these things in the closet.

Storing things in the closet

3. If you don't know whether something will be useful to you, use the reverse hanger strategy:

* First, hang all your items on a hanger, and hang the hanger with the hook facing you (i.e., the hook faces your direction). After this, hang any used items as usual - with a hanger hook from you.

* After six months or a year, check your closet - things that you wear often will hang on hangers whose hooks look deep into the closet (as it is more convenient to hang it this way).

4. To make everything in your closet look neat and beautiful, try buying new, identical hangers. When you see new, matching hangers in your closet, you'll love neatness and organization even more.

How to fold things

5. Use underwear organizers to organize your underwear into categories that are convenient for you - by season, by event, by color, etc.

* You can make your own organizer using only cardboard, scissors, glue, a ruler and a pencil.

* You can also make tags that will separate certain clothes in your closet. Before you put things in your closet, think about how best to organize them. Make it so that you always know where and what clothes are.

* Look through the things that you will no longer wear - which of these can be given away/donated, sold or repurposed so that you can continue to wear them.

To do this, go to our articles:

  • DIY crafts from old things
  • What can you make from old jeans?

How to store things

6. Place heavy clothes, especially sweaters that may lose their shape, on shelves.

7. Use all free space wisely, including space for shoes.

8. Some shelves in the house can be used to store new shoes, accessories and handbags - this will not only save space, but will also look fashionable.

It’s amazing how difficult it can be to find a thing or put together an image in a space measuring 1.5 square meters. m. It’s even more amazing when you pull out your skates from the closet and get hit on the top of your head with fins falling from above. And how many nerves are spent trying to fit a wardrobe that is growing exponentially into a closet. With some variations, the story is familiar to most. And how to get out of the situation?
The easiest way to arrange a dressing room.
“Excuse me!..” - you cry out in amazement - “I live in a semi-truck. Are you suggesting that I make a dressing room and practically live in the closet?”
And I will reassure you: we will not move to live in a closet, but will simply organize the space available, with maximum convenience for ourselves. The principle of organization can be applied to both a regular closet and a dressing room.

First, we need to do something unrelated to the organization of space, but extremely necessary for the successful implementation of our project, namely, throw away or sell/give away unnecessary things. You can skip this point, but I give you a 100% guarantee that you will not achieve successful organization of space. It is these unnecessary things that will constantly clutter up shelves, drawers and hangers. Move around in the laundry, on the ironing board, on the shelf, and then inexplicably end up in the laundry again. We’ll assume that I’ve convinced you, so let’s move on to the first point.

Throw away:

  • Worn items (pillings, wear and tear, fading, stretching - signs of worn items). Of course, worn-out jeans or a sweater can still be used at the dacha - we take it away, and throw away everything else.
  • Old, dilapidated underwear.
  • Tights with “a small hole covered with nail polish - to go under jeans.”
  • Socks, mittens, gloves that have been waiting for their “soul mate” for years. I myself have such a bag, after washing I take it out in the hope of finding something, but hope...
  • Things that need repairs that you will never do. If the item has been worn, is in good condition and you know that you would definitely wear it again, put it in a bag and take it for repair as soon as possible or do it yourself. The defects that can be repaired are usually: a torn lining, a broken zipper, a split seam, heels on shoes. The rest will most likely never be seen. new life- will wait for her for years on the outskirts of the wardrobe world.

We give/sell:

  • The color of the item doesn't suit you or you don't like it.
  • The proportions or silhouette don't suit you at all.
  • The design on the item does not suit your build or height.
  • If you don't feel comfortable in this thing, even if it suits you. (You shouldn’t keep scratchy woolen items or panty-length skirts in your wardrobe that you constantly need to pull down. In general, clothes that are too revealing for you, how do they even appear in your wardrobe?..)
  • Things are not the right size. This also applies to those constantly changing weight. If you lose weight, you still won’t want to wear the old one; a new figure requires new things.
  • If you’re tired of an item or you haven’t worn it for at least a year (although I have several things that have been lying around for years and are waiting for the impossible - I’ll wear it next summer, I think in the fall; I’ll wear it at home; I’ll wear it out at the dacha; I’ll go to the base - but the things are still lying around - into the firebox, sorry, for recoil).
  • Children's things that children have grown out of. They often do not have time to wear out and remain in good condition.

Disassembled? Now we sell what can be sold, we give to friends and acquaintances what needs to be given away. We carefully put everything else in a bag and place it at the garbage disposal or next to the trash can fence.

All! The first stage, the most tedious, because everything is “sorry” and “useful” - is over, we’re great!

Next stage:

  • We wash or dry-clean out-of-season clothes, fold them carefully (they will live on mezzanines, top shelves and on the top of the closet along with rarely used items.)
  • We sort clothes by type (regardless of where you will store them on hangers or on shelves). Among clothes of the same color, it is more problematic to find the right one, so we arrange the items according to their length and sleeve length (short, to the hips, below the hip, with long/short sleeves).
  • The waist group can be sorted by width: narrow/wide (conditionally) and length (mini, midi, maxi, and for trousers: above the knee, below the knee and regular length).
  • We also sort stockings, socks, tights, and knee socks by type: density or length.
  • We sort everything exactly this way and no other way. For example: it is more difficult to find a beige blouse with short sleeves among beige items than among colored blouses with short sleeves. It will take longer to find black 60DEN tights among black tights than among 60DEN tights of different colors.
  • Now that all the things are sorted, we describe point by point what exactly will be stored in our closet and calculate the number of rods, shelves and drawers.

Mezzanine, top of cabinet: more suitable for items that are seasonal or rarely used (winter items, skates, Christmas supplies and accessories, or Summer clothes, rollers, fins, assembled fan). Before putting things away for storage, be sure to clean them and pack them, adding moth repellents: fresh newspapers, orange peels or lavender sachets.
What to store:

— Vacuum bags: winter clothes, warm blankets, sweaters, and just piles of out-of-season clothes can be stored in vacuum bags. We select packages according to clothing size. We suck out the air using a vacuum cleaner and... op-la-la! — things take up 3 times less space.

— Plastic and cardboard boxes: they are easy to stack on top of each other and look nice. You can store non-seasonal accessories in them: for example, in our case these are skates/roller skates, fins/masks, nets/rackets and two oversized items that you can’t do without in the summer (a fan and a double air mattress).
Highly placed items should have labels so you know where to look for what. We mark vacuum bags, boxes, containers with labels with the name or list of contents. You can use transparent containers (they are more suitable for a dressing room, bedroom or bathroom, i.e. places less accessible to prying eyes) or put things in the same place each time (“Christmas tree decorations in the rightmost box”).

*********The main principle of placing things: Everything that is required frequently should be easily accessible. What is rarely needed can be stored high or low.

Barbells: for long and short items. If there is not enough space in the closet, you can hang an additional section on the rod for long items.

We use wooden hangers for jackets, fur coats, coats and raincoats. We grind old hangers with burrs or throw them away. Any item damaged by a burr costs more than a hanger.
Wide, durable wooden and plastic hangers for blouses and shirts.
Hangers with clips are for skirts and trousers, although sometimes it is more convenient to use hangers for suits with a crossbar.
Hangers covered with fabric - for thin silk blouses and dresses.

It is better to store knitwear (jumpers, sweaters, cardigans), jeans, towels and bed linen on shelves.
Stacks of things on a shelf should be no higher than 25 centimeters. This is about 3-5 things in a stack. Place dense items on the bottom and thin items on top. If there is space left on top, it is better to make an additional shelf or attach a pull-out basket. Then thick sweaters can be stacked on a regular shelf, and thin sweaters and cardigans on a low shelf or in a pull-out basket.
Shelves that are too deep are an additional inconvenience. Therefore, in the depths of the closet it is better to store seasonal textiles (curtains, blankets, etc.) or things that are guaranteed not to be needed every week.

Boxes, baskets:
The things in them can be rolled up or stacked. Expensive items can be additionally placed in clothing bags. You can store knitwear, T-shirts/undershirts, underwear, tights and socks in them.

For greater convenience when storing small items, you can buy or make honeycomb sections yourself; they are suitable for panties, socks, and tights. It is enough to roll them up and put them in the desired “cell”. It is better to additionally put stockings and thin tights in transparent plastic bags.
The smaller the wardrobe items, the less storage space you need.

Boxes for dresses:
Clothes embroidered with beads or rhinestones, long evening dresses, knitted dresses cannot be stored on hangers. It costs them nothing to stretch out, lose shape, get dusty or lose some of their “jewels”. To store such things, we carefully lay them out on light cotton fabric or thin paper and roll them into a roll. Thanks to this, the item will not lose its shape, the rhinestones will not cling to other things, and everything will remain intact. at its best. We put the folded dresses in beautiful boxes, attach labels and put them on the shelf.

Now a little about storing and placing accessories and shoes.
The same principle applies here: frequently used items are easily accessible, rarely used items are placed at the very top or at the bottom.


Before storing bags, we carefully clean them, wash textile ones, dry them (leather ones - at room temperature, away from heating devices and hot air), fill them with paper so as not to lose their shape and put them in linen bags. Then on a shelf or in a box.
One of the important conditions for proper storage is air access, so you should not store leather products in plastic bags.


For those whose shoes play a significant role in their wardrobe, there is often a problem with their placement and storage. Everything is known here: we clean it, stuff it, put it in boxes, label it and put it on top. And placing shoes is not a plowed field at all. You can see

Accessories and decorations:
How can you find something that suits your look/outfit/outfit at any time?
1. We divide jewelry by style (ethnic, romantic, steampunk, etc.); pearl/glass/stone; rings, earrings, hair jewelry.
2. We select a place for storage, placing the jewelry next to the mirror.
3. Choose a storage method: boxes, chests of drawers, hangers, mannequins, holders. If there are a lot of decorations, then one method will clearly not be enough.

4. We arrange our “jewelry” according to the rule we already know: what you wear most often should be easily accessible. Lay out and hang the decorations as you sorted them a little earlier. This will make your search easier in the future.

If you have reached the end of my story step by step and put what you read into practice, you will receive several important bonuses:

  • There is no longer any need to waste time looking for lost things - each has its place.
  • In the morning, getting ready for work takes much less time (secret: if you move the choice of image to the evening, then in the morning getting ready, without makeup and hair, will take exactly 3 minutes).
  • And last but not least, you have personally removed several small irritants from your life that can significantly spoil your mood on a daily basis.

We have made our life more comfortable - we love ourselves!

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How to organize your closet. Storing clothes in a closet

A cluttered closet is a sign of improper organization of things.

If you have one closet and it stores things from all seasons, then be sure to put things that are not suitable for the season in special containers (transparent ones are most convenient) and put them either on the lowest or on the top shelf so that they do not get in the way. Containers are much more convenient than bags because, having a rigid shape, they allow you to carefully form closet space. Thus, things that are unnecessary at the moment will take up less space and will not be an “eyesore,” making it difficult to resolve the age-old problem “ what to wear?" Make sure that there are holes in the container for air to enter, because even clean clothes, when kept in a closed plastic box, acquire a stale smell over time.

If you don't use your suitcase often, you can store rarely used items in it to save space.

Store only particularly wrinkled items on the hanger bar without creating crowding; everything else is on the shelves.

Never hang several items on top of each other on the same coat hanger. This will not save space in the closet, but it will wrinkle the clothes hanging below. And in the depths, the hung things are hidden from view, and you may forget about them or not see them at the right time, forming an image. If the closet is small, then it is better to use thin hangers for things that save space as much as possible.

Pay attention to the quality of clothes hangers; they should be smooth on all sides so as not to leave snags on the fabrics.

If you wear a small clothing size, then pay attention to the fact that standard-sized hangers can stretch things, so it is better to choose small ones.

Group things by category, separately all skirts, all trousers, all blouses, shirts and dresses. It also makes sense to separate trouser and skirt sets, because this way it will be more convenient for you to create new looks using the top or bottom separately from the set. Hang things in each group by color scheme from dark to light.

Items with beadwork, as well as expensive vintage items, are best stored in boxes.

Tights can be placed in small paper bags, arranged by color.

How to Store Sunglasses in a Closet

Sunglasses can be stored in a transparent lunch box, as long as you choose the right size container. For example, a container measuring 29x19 cm and 6 cm high can easily fit 7 pairs of glasses. Containers with a clamp are the most convenient; they are easier to open.

Ways to store jewelry

By the way, when there is a lot of jewelry, a large number of different boxes is not as convenient as the same plastic containers for “breakfast” or transparent containers for household small items. Since they are transparent, the contents are clearly visible and it is easy to find what you need. accessory, and thanks to the same format and flat surface, it is convenient to place them on top of each other, which again saves space and creates order. It is possible to store jewelry in special transparent pockets attached to the inside of the cabinet door, the main thing is that the jewelry does not get tangled or scratched on the surface. If it is not possible to attach an organizer with pockets to the door, then there is a very convenient option on a dress-shaped hanger.

How to hang clothes

Before storing an item, be sure to clean it, because moths love dirty things. Using cases for outerwear, choose covers made of breathable material (to ventilate clothes) with a transparent polyethylene insert, this will make it easier to find the right thing. Don't forget to put an odorless moth repellent in the case, it won't be amiss.

Knitted items should be stored folded on a shelf to prevent them from stretching out.

Some people mistakenly think that a thin ribbon sewn on the wrong side of the blouse neckline serves to prevent the neckline from stretching. But this is not so, it is sewn only so that the item does not slip off the hanger. This is convenient for stores, but when you buy this item, it is better to cut off the ribbons immediately, because when worn they tend to come out from under the clothes.

It is more convenient to store items made of silk and other slippery fabrics on rubberized hangers; they will not slide off them.

It is better to hang dresses and blouses made of delicate fabrics on soft hangers to avoid accidental snagging on the rough surface of a low-quality wooden or plastic hanger. Elegant dresses that are rarely used are best stored in a case.

By the way, if you show your imagination, you can beautifully decorate old wooden hangers using the decoupage technique and they will romantically decorate a girl’s closet. Or you can buy ready-made decorated coat hangers handmade by private craftsmen.

It is convenient to hang clothes with straps on hangers with loops at the ends that prevent them from slipping. You can also place vests on them.

Must be on the shelves aromatic sachets, they will give things a subtle, pleasant aroma and repel moths. Synthetic fillers for sachets are not so durable, it is better to choose natural ones.

You can make the sachet yourself. For example, take a small organza bag and pour lavender flowers into it, this flavoring will last a long time, and when the smell begins to weaken, you can drop a few drops onto the dried flowers essential oil and the sachet will smell fragrant again.

You can also add a pleasant aroma to your closet using an aroma diffuser, which can be placed on the bottom shelf.

Additionally, you can add special anti-moth products, but it is better to choose one without a scent, because synthetic fragrances added to such products can be too harsh and intrusive.

How to store trousers and skirts in the closet. Using multi-tiered clothes hangers

Jeans and denim trousers are best stored folded on a shelf.

You should not hang your trousers on the crossbar of a universal hanger, it is not practical.

It is most convenient to place classic trousers with creases on a hanger with a clip, pinching the bottom of both legs. The rubberized clip hanger is more convenient. By the way, it is most rational to dry washed trousers on such a hanger; they are easier to iron later.

Trouser hangers with clips are inconvenient, but they are perfect for storing skirts.

You can use special pants.

There are also multi-tiered trouser racks (hangers-crossbars). But their convenience is ambiguous. Despite the retractable crossbars, removing trousers from the lower tiers is very problematic (by the way, when hanging trousers on such a hanger, you need to start from the lower tier) and on such devices the trousers will wrinkle more.

Multi-tiered hangers with more than two crossbars do not save space in the closet, because things are layered on top of each other, thereby taking up even more space in width. The best option for such a device is a two-tier hanger with retractable bars, but even on them it is better to place thin and wrinkle-free trousers.

A multi-tier trouser rack can be adapted to store scarves or ties when there are a lot of them.

Storage of jackets and cardigans

Multi-tiered hangers for shirts are even less convenient to use and are more suitable for seasonal items (which cannot be wrinkled), put away for long-term storage in the far corner of the closet.

Jackets and suits should be hung on hangers with wide hangers to maintain the shape of the item.

If at work you need to wear a jacket or jacket (in the case of women), and you travel by car, then be sure to purchase a car hanger that is attached to the seat, so you will not wrinkle the suit on the road.

How to Store Garment Belts

It is most convenient to hang clothing belts on a special hanger with many hooks.

And a separate hook for belts is not very convenient, because every time you need to get a belt from the middle, you will have to remove all previously hanging belts from the hanger. It is more convenient to hang thin sashes and belts without buckles on such a hook.

How to store shoes

It is most convenient to store shoes that are not suitable for the season in boxes. If this cardboard box, then you definitely need to sign on the end information about the pair of shoes in the box; for clarity, you can even sketch out the style or paste a photo of the shoes. Transparent shoe containers are very convenient. Shoes on a shoe rack without a box will gather dust.

Hanging shoe covers are needed in summer period, when there are more shoes in use (and they are not high), so that they do not gather dust on open shelves (and it is also inconvenient to take them out of the box every time).

It is convenient to store underwear and socks in drawers, sorted into sections in laundry trunks. Choose saddlebags made from breathable materials, not plastic.

An audit of the closet should be carried out every season so that the closet does not become cluttered.

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Alexandra Savina

Weekends are the perfect time to do household chores. We have already talked about several that will make cleaning easier, and now we suggest taking care of cabinets and shelves. We have collected several video instructions that will help you fold things more efficiently and save space.

How to organize things in a closet

Asos' universal guide: This explains how to fold jeans, sweaters, T-shirts and underwear, and the best way to store them (hint: everything you put in dresser drawers should be placed vertically). Bonus video - instructions on how to hang pantsuit into the cupboard. Having mastered these methods, you can improve your skills - for example, study popular folding methods on the Internet t-shirts And socks.

How to fit a mountain of underwear into a drawer

Surely you've heard about the cleaning method: she turned cleaning the house into her life's work and now teaches it to others. If you are not ready to apply all its principles, you can limit yourself to individual practical video tutorials - for example, on how to ergonomically fold underwear and socks in a small drawer.

How to fold a shirt

The easiest way to fold shirts is similar to how you fold sweaters and T-shirts, but there are some differences. First of all, buttons. It is not necessary, as in this video, to button up the whole shirt - just button the first, last and one in the middle. Otherwise everything is pretty easy. If you can't fold your clothes evenly, you can take advantage folder or special board.

How to fold bed linen

There is nothing difficult about folding bed linen: the only item that may be difficult is a sheet with an elastic band. A video from furniture and home decor brand West Elm explains how to deal with this. At first it seems that everything is not easy, but after a little practice it will be easy for you. In order to save space and not frantically search for linen from one set, the sheet can be stored in one of the pillowcases.

How to put things in a suitcase

This Heathrow Airport video gives you some simple but effective tips on how to pack for your trip. There are general recommendations (pick out the items you want to take with you, then feel free to set aside a third of them - chances are you'll need a lot less clothes than you think) and small tricks (fold your socks in your boots - this will save some space ). The authors of the video say that they were guided by lifehacks of pilots and flight attendants - those who regularly pack their suitcases.