How fun it is to congratulate the director on his birthday. Cool congratulations to the boss. SMS Happy Birthday greetings to your boss

Our close-knit team
Putting aside all the work,
Gathered here with respect
Happy birthday to you.

And we would like to wish you:
Need more rest.
Should you go to the sea...
Well, twenty-five days!

We promise that without you
Devastation will not come all at once.
We will carry out the plan,
Submit the report on time.

Our boss, you are such a cool person,
You are even more spectacular than Luc Besson.
We, in order not to look too banal,
We decided to congratulate you in an original way.

Love you a huge wine barrel,
And in Forbes there is a separate bold line.
And a car in all the “luxury” configuration,
And so that the secretary is not caught “kuksa”.

So that customers are always happy,
So that all competitors surrender voluntarily,
Luxurious dacha, luxurious villa
And enough money for everyone’s salary.

Our pride and support,
And a reliable shoulder,
You resolve disputes at once,
The crisis doesn't matter to you.

Our brave and fair,
Happy birthday, our hero!
Our team knows:
You are the head of the world!

May all plans come true
There will be peace and harmony at home,
Let your pockets not be empty,
Joy is in a hurry to visit.

Don't be discouraged without a reason
So that the bright gaze does not dim,
Call us together less often
On your fluffy carpet.

We don’t know what to give you,
We're racking our brains and not sleeping.
We won’t give you a ticket
On a tour to Europe or Crimea.
What if you don’t want us
Leave even for five days,
Or doubts will begin to torment you:
"Leave your wife? Go with her?"
We won’t give a jeep as a gift -
Multiply worries for you:
Garage, gasoline, license, parking...
Live better for yourself.
We'd better give attention
Smiles, nice words -
An intangible gift,
But the power is like witchcraft.
After all, the mood of the team
Where do you spend your life day after day?
Determines the mood
With whom you enter your home.
Which means we give you joy,
Health... That is, we give something
What Bill Gates can't buy
As a gift for you. That's it!

Be like a hare, fast and agile.
Like a bear, be soft and kind.
Be like a wolf you are very brave
But don't roar like a lion!
Save money like a squirrel.
Like a beaver, you build your house.
Be like a swan faithful in marriage,
Be a fox at work!
Let the authorities love you
And the wife idolizes him.
In general, be yourself
May fate protect you.

I wish you a chair
Didn't rub my butt at work
To make life interesting
And not routine in the swamp!
I also wish you on Valentine's Day
Raise employees' salaries
So that everyone can without delay
Feel rich.
I wish you conscience and honor,
What is due to the authorities!
I couldn't do without flattery
And without excessive bragging!

I came to wish you a happy birthday now,
Everyone is walking around joyful and smart today,
And I, boss, will hug you so tightly,
I hope you won't mind, of course!
No matter what kind of collapse or skid occurs in the work,
Under your talented leadership we will definitely cope,
I'm sure you're a great boss
So let's celebrate this event urgently!

Wine is flowing like a river in the office today,
And even the personnel officer cried with emotion,
All because the Boss is beloved and dear,
Celebrating his birthday today.
You are our wise and fair boss,
And therefore all our loud congratulations,
Sincere, from the heart and only for you,
Live happily! Happy Birthday!

You, our coolest and wisest boss,
In honor of your glorious birthday,
There will be a fun and bright holiday in the office,
No work today, nothing serious!
Tomorrow we will work with double strength,
To catch up with our schedule and earn praise,
And today you have nothing left,
How to have fun with us and drink wine until the morning!

There is no more important question now:
What's the best way to congratulate your boss?
What to give as a gift?
How can we please the boss?
Discipline plus effort!
Due attention to the matter!
Lateness is excluded!
This is what you need to give!
And then, of course, he
He will be happy and flattered!

I love my job very much, and I love the director,
On your birthday, I send special congratulations to:
Stay strict, stay strong,
And always so mobile!

Before I express my respect to you, as the birthday boy and the director in one person, allow me a brief excursion... For a subordinate, it is important that the manager has confidence in the future, then things will work out. Always remain for us a stronghold and example of success and determination!

Ah, our dear boss,
You can't look that old!
You are so young at heart and so lucky!
Develop your business again

So that money flows like a river!
They obeyed you together.
Although you are strict, you are dear!
It's hard to always be barefoot -

After all, responsibility is a burden!
We wish you love,
And in life, happiness to the muses!

Today is your birthday
We'll have a lot of fun.
Strong holiday, good mood,
There will be many gifts and refreshments.

After all, we want to congratulate you so much,
We will invite you to this evening today.
We will decorate everything beautifully enough,
May everything be sweet and happy for you.

We wish you to preserve your strength,
We really need you!
Stop all the outrages
Authority given.
I want to wish you good luck,
May you always be lucky.
We wish you not to be discouraged,
May happiness await you in life!

Comic verse for a man (boss, colleague)

You are formidable and scary,
We are all afraid of you!
When we go to visit,
We tremble like leaves!

You are terrifying
They respect you
As soon as you open your mouth -
They're already nodding at you!

All this, of course,
We jokingly said
There's only one truth
That we respect you!

You are a great friend
You are a good person
Rely on you
In case of difficulties, it is possible.

We congratulate you
With all my heart on your birthday,
We hope we raised
You're in the mood!

Funny birthday greetings to your boss

There are no unsolvable questions for you
You are the best among other bosses.
You and I are on the same path,
There are few people like you.

You know how to set up and direct,
Sometimes it upsets, and sometimes it forces.
We are not offended, because a true leader
Visible with intelligence and strength and perseverance.

Congratulating the boss is a difficult task,
The boss has everything: a house, a car, a dacha.
There is a high status, love, family,
And also savings in rubles.

We thought for a long time and finally decided:
Let's give a jewelry gift,
So that you don't grow old, like him, over the years,
And they stayed with us for a very long time.

Birthday poems for a young boss

In our wonderful office
There is one gentleman:
He is young but wise
And as beautiful as a peacock.

Everyone respects him
And they want to be friends with him,
Everyone loves him
Everyone is ready to forgive.

But those words are not flattery
And it’s not fiction either,
Because our boss is

He is our friend and adviser,
Armor against adversity.
Our valuable little man,
We love you so much!

We have a better boss
Never to be found
Because our sun
Keep shining!

On your birthday
Relax a little
Drink some whiskey on the rocks
And don't drink milk.

We read to the end
Our toast is very long,
For you, young man,

Comic congratulations to the boss

Our boss is celebrating today
Have a glorious birthday!
He brought it to our office in the morning
Smiles, inspiration,
Therefore, we are together in an instant
Caught an insight
And then they wrote a poem -
And it's all congratulations!
Our dear comrade chief,
With all our hearts we wish
So that success awaits you in all matters -
How important it is - we know!
Fun, happiness and kindness,
More positive!
Happy Day, boss, hooray!
From a super team!

To the head

Happy birthday, leader!
May you be blessed with wonderful success,
And the Almighty and Guardian Angel
Protect from the sorrows of all!

Be ready for new victories,
After all, they will certainly come.
May you be cheerful and healthy,
And let there be comfort in your heart!

Happy birthday greetings to boss (male) leader

Chiefs are different:
Some are soft, some are powerful,
Some are greedy, some are strict,
Sometimes capricious, sometimes cruel.

But our leader has,
A bouquet of qualities that are important throughout,
He always strictly respects the individual
For this we are grateful to him.

We see him as both a leader and a friend.
Protector, mentor, father,
Thanks to him, and at my leisure,
The corporate event goes off with a bang!

Our boss is a real genius,
He thinks creatively, outside the box,
Therefore, on your birthday,
It’s especially nice to congratulate you!

Funny birthday greetings to your boss in prose

Dear Ivan Ivanovich!

It's hard to be a leader for people, but it's even harder to be a leader for an entire company. You are exactly the beacon that our entire friendly team is guided by! Thanks to your indefatigable energy, many projects have become possible that show the face of the company - open, innovative and creative! Thank you for your hope, achievements and endless striving forward!
Accept today the most my sincere congratulations Happy birthday from the team of JSC "Horns and Hooves"! May working in a high position bring you great joy! We wish you right decisions, achievements and reliable friends! May all plans succeed! Calmness, prosperity, peace to you and your home!

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“Happy birthday, our bosses!” -
We shout in stubborn unity.
You will forgive us our stubbornness,
Don't take it for sycophancy.

Maybe there's a little madness here
But certainly not a bit of guile,
We are today, Your Majesty,
Everyone is ready to go into slavery for you.

Happy birthday,
I wish you happiness, joy,
Always be on top -
Both in work and in work.
Being a boss isn't easy
So here's to growth in your career.
Lots of money, less troubles
And in everything there is always victory!

No, you are not just a person,
You are the team's amulet!
You lead us all forward,
And where you are, there is always success.

You, as a boss, are just a treasure,
Everyone is happy to work with you.
We wish you victories, awards,
Health, happiness, personal things are fine.

Profitable places, cool ideas,
Successful plans and undertakings,
Career and spiritual growth...
And happy birthday, our boss!

Happy birthday, boss!
We congratulate you and wish you
Have a beautiful life without sadness,
Colleagues don't bother me.

And never from work
So that your head doesn't hurt.
On your life's journey
Prosperity, joy to find.

In the circle of friends - only respect,
And with us - maximum patience.
Good luck, cheerfulness, luck,
Have a great mood!

We're going to work
Always with great pleasure.
And there is a reason for this:
Our boss is a man.
He's an excellent boss
Plus he's cute.
We are trying for him -
Let's dress better.
Any order
We'll do it in a moment.
We'll do everything, understand.
You only love us!

You and I are very lucky,
Our boss is dear.
Let the wind blow fair,
The business will be a great success.

Let the money run into your hands,
Happiness warms every hour.
Strength, health, less boredom.
Happy Birthday! We are for you!

Our entire friendly team
On the rise today.
Waiting for your beloved boss
Flashes in the doorway.

He is our faithful captain,
Leads straight ahead.
With him we are not afraid of default,
Crisis, hurricanes.

His birthday
It's a holy date for us,
And my wife will forgive me
That I will come as a loser.

I want to shake your hand
You are the boss of all places!
I’m ready to give you a raise for your sake
Labor productivity!

Birthday is the best occasion
Tell you how good you are.
In the whole world there is no better boss -
We declare honestly, from the heart!

Therefore, in our wishes
We have a lot of victories for you.
Leadership is a rare calling
For him there are no obstacles to happiness!

I wish you happiness, good luck and inspiration,
Strength and health to move forward!
Understanding, cheerfulness, patience...
For life - not just this year!

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, boss.
There is only one question that torments us all:
What fate has gifted our team with
Yes, she gave us a super boss?
You are a real leader, a wonderful man,
And honesty and intelligence are two more reasons
Believe you, cooperate, respect you,
Openly be proud and consider it the best.
On your name day we wish you
Determination, strength, in spite of all winds.
Successes, good luck on all fronts.

Happy Birthday
And we wish you victories,
You are the best boss
And we have no doubts.

We wish for resorts
You should travel more often,
Well, give us a little
Take a break from work.

We also wish you
A sea of ​​happiness and love,
So that we don't worry
For the boss they could.

Let today's wishes
Will come true instantly
And so that by the evening they get drunk
Definitely with us!

Our boss is anywhere,
He is a man - what you need.
He is in everything and without difficulty
The complete one will restore order.

The team will support their
In which everyone has equal rights,
And today is happy birthday
We will congratulate him.

Chief, we wish you heights -
Personal and career,
And prosperity in your wallet,
And good, faithful friends.

Let there be peace at your feet,
Let everything that you dream come true.
Let all the bad things go away
And good things will happen!

Being a boss is held in high esteem
Everyone at work knows.
You are a worthy citizen,
A good rank on the account!

Today is your birthday,
A present and congratulations from us!
Be healthy, live to 100,
Never give up.

So that business always turns out well,
And the family lived beautifully,
And with my beloved wife,
Live golden until the wedding!

Chief, please accept our congratulations:
We congratulate you on this great occasion.
After all, you are celebrating your birthday.
We wish you good luck always and in everything.

Let work only bring happiness
So that all your big plans come true.
May your path always be very wide.
A dream, like a bird, aspires to go up.

We wish you continued success in life,
You didn't know that you were lacking in anything.
Always be a great person
Gather your friends around a full table.

You, man, are no good!
Elegant and enviable,
Although sometimes harmful,
But all this is nonsense!
You are the boss, keep it up
You can scold us
Only, this is sometimes.
Happy birthday,
Our friendly company.
So that the wind brings good luck,
To ride in a convertible,
In the garage, so that there is a Bentley,
In the Caribbean, Maldives - villas,
To drive your yacht,
But don’t forget us either!

Our boss is anywhere,
He is always attentive
Dear, he will always help everyone,
He can get into the position.

It's your birthday today,
The team sends congratulations.
We want to wish you
Never lose heart.

So that with work always
You managed it without difficulty
So that everything you dreamed about
Little by little it was coming true!

Having ascended to the official Olympus,
You didn't make a mistake
This place is better than you
We don't represent the boss!
We congratulate you on your holiday,
We wish you happiness, long years,
Love, health, prosperity,
Prosperity, life victories,
Let work bring joy,
And let the team not let you down,
Let fate give you luck,
Let the smile never leave your face!

For a real man
For one simple reason
We wish not to give up,
To be, and not to seem,
So that people respect
To be invited to visit,
To be faithful to both you and your word,
To be kind, of course,
So that you succeed in everything,
Everything came true and was sold,
And so that in your personal life
Everything was always great!

How to work well under management
Such a super-class leader.
Congratulations today
From the team of your entire monastery!

May all tasks, plans succeed,
Business projects are going off with a bang.
Don't let your competitors follow you,
All yours will be tenders and nets!

I wish you health and every success,
Let zeal in work flourish.
Boss You are undeniable - it's true
And being on a team with you is a pride!

Let the hardness of character sparkle,
And you will become our boss.
We wish you only stellar decisions,
And in advancing to glory, take careful steps.
Let there be sweet moments of celebration now,
Happy birthday, boss, congratulations to you.
We wish you brightness and generosity of soul,
Hurry up to fulfill your dreams.

Today is a special day for us -
After all, the boss celebrates his birthday,
We wish you good health. Every time
May good luck await you in your business!
We wish you to believe in miracles,
After all, all ages are subject to miracles!
May the heavens give you happiness,
Be bold and agile in your work! With respect to management, here's what I'll say:
Happy Birthday, boss! Stand at your post
Lead the team forward, move things forward,
So that everything is in order - however, as always!
So that our office prospers, so that there is success,
Capital flows in for all of us!
Long life, goodness and peace, happiness and good luck!
Let the apartment be warm, let life be free of misfortunes! Let haste gradually go away,
Let prudence take its place.
Then you should be excellent, the best,
A talented boss, not boring.
Happy birthday to you today,
And we present this collective order to you. Happy birthday, best boss!
Let sales go up
To keep the safe from closing
And it was filling up more and more!
And of course, besides business,
So that you yourself sing with happiness,
So that the smile doesn't go away,
And fate loved you! Under your sensitive, wise guidance
A large part of our life passes.
Sometimes it seems to us that it is very simple -
To do as you do is to manage the business like this.
But we know for sure, only you can do it
Lead our friendly team to success.
And I wish in your life that there will be
Lots of moments to smile and laugh. How pleased I am to congratulate you on your birthday!
I want to work under your leadership forever.
Let me wish you success and good luck,
Happiness and health and joy, of course.
I wish you good luck in your work and career,
I wish that problems are solved without difficulty.
I wish that all doors are open for you,
And life would never become boring. We don’t whine under you, we don’t grumble –
There is charisma in you, there is brilliance and chic,
There is talent, and there is knowledge... In general,
Excuse us, man,
And we don’t feel sorry for the majestic words
For the man who is in charge in everything!
Happy birthday, citizen boss -
Let's say it with trepidation in our souls! On a wonderful day - your birthday,
Our team wishes you well!
Just let all decisions be given to you
And contracts are easy to conclude!
Let any matter be argued in your hands,
Let good friends surround you!
We wish your heart to sing!
Let your work and family make you happy! Our boss is a respectable and stately man!
Looks stylish, excellent, in perfect order.
His birthday is a holiday for everyone!
The office is happy and you can hear laughter!
We wish our beloved boss happiness,
We want him to avoid bad weather!
Let every working day be successful!
So that rest takes you into close and sweet captivity! There are different types of chefs:
Boring, stupid, idle.
We are extremely lucky:
Our boss is both smart and efficient,
He is sensitive and merciful,
Very diligent in business!
Work with him
Everyone will consider it happiness!
He is infinitely honest
Even though he is in power.
Happy holiday to you!
We wish you a lot of good things!
May all wishes come true
They are expanding and multiplying! Like seeds, you will crack problems,
When problems arise, you will not shut up.
You always move forward to complete tasks,
We wish you never experience failure.
Happy birthday, dear boss,
Let your path be successful, but simple.
Let the complexities immediately turn into simplicity,
And you, boss, catch success even on the fly. We congratulate the manager, the boss,
We send him words of respect.
We wish you luck and personal passion,
So that everything in fate is decided only “excellently”.
Let collective work help you reach heights,
The wisdom of business is quickly and successfully comprehended this way. Do you know how to allocate time?
The whole team will be inspired by the decision.
Our boss, you are the best,
Active in business, never boring.
Happy birthday,
We wish you great luck.
Understanding from colleagues, associates of any kind,
And swift, dashing victories. No need for loud words and phrases,
Congratulations, boss, we are now.
You are our leader, you are our comrade,
Your character is all-conquering.
Happy birthday, dear,
May your success be golden.
Shines and shines and sparkles,
Let nothing ever happen to him. Your human factor is good,
We don’t experience tremors nearby.
You always know how to listen, help,
We feel the power in you all the time.
We wish you a happy birthday,
Chief, we will send words of gratitude.
And we wish you the right path to victory,
So that evil troubles do not arise in fate. Always show your ingenuity,
You will say the truth in support of the word.
Boss - you are excellent, smart,
And every step is always prudent.
We congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you a career, like a blooming garden.
You will reap a rich harvest later,
And the path to have is all clamped by success. You are the best, the most needed,
You have strong nerves, we give you flowers.
You tolerate, respect, adore us,
And for everything you always forgive us.
Happy birthday, boss, congratulations,
We wish you great happiness.
After all, you are so generous, dear,
May you always be the happiest. When the leader is very smart,
And the decision plan is thought out, not thoughtless.
Then the team will only move forward,
The same experience undoubtedly awaits us.
Happy birthday to you, boss, congratulations,
We wish you practicality in all matters.
Understanding, respect for the best, allies,
In the team you have only talented companions. We want to congratulate the boss now,
This birthday is his time.
We wish you victories on the personal front,
Good luck is calling for you on the horizon.
We wish you to become the best among all,
May success always be your friend.
Your business has risen to the top,
And the opponent should be surprised by the result. Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate the boss,
Send collective words to him.
He is worthy of both respect and great honor,
We wish you an extraordinary rise in your career.
Happy birthday, have a wonderful time,
Become the owner of great luck.
Show your originality all the time,
You don’t even let go of success by a millimeter. Attract more people to your allies,
And you will light a spark of good luck in the team.
Aim everyone at once for great success,
Then you will not encounter serious interference.
Happy birthday, our dear boss,
May your success be nothing but golden.
Take care of him, don’t let him out of your hands,
And at the right moments, light it quickly all the time. Today is your birthday
We'll have a lot of fun.
Strong holiday, good mood,
There will be many gifts and refreshments.
After all, we want to congratulate you so much,
We will invite you to this evening today.
We will decorate everything beautifully enough,
May everything be sweet and happy for you. May fate bring more often
Fresh wind of change!
Gives the best, doesn't ask
Wow in return!
Let the pleasant moments
Decorate every day!
May you have good luck in your life
There will be a new level! Congratulations!
We wish you succeed
Turn plans into reality
So that everything you want comes true,
Life is easy and interesting!
A cherished dream, a clear goal,
Love, care and warmth,
Don't forget that life is beautiful
Health, happiness and goodness! Dear, ... ... (name, patronymic)!!!
In our friendly team
You are effective and important.
A manager like you
Valuable in any corporate event:
After all, you are responsible and brave! Today is your birthday,
Your friends have gathered here,
And, while carrying out an errand,
I will congratulate you on their behalf.
Lead your team
You've been good for years
Your decisions are fair
We bring income to the company.
You are always in creative flight,
For us, you are like a father.
We are ready to give to work,
Evenings and weekends.
I will say directly and without flattery:
We are behind you, like behind a wall.
Together for a birthday
Let's have one! I am sincerely grateful to fate
I wipe away my tears of joy
Well, there are such bosses -
Not a single bad thing in my entire life!!
No matter how you look at it, it's positive all around.
At work, like a squirrel spinning
And from all our souls we wish
Live-bloom and sorrow do not suffer! On your birthday, congratulations from us - this is the time.
We send good words- that's two.
Being ahead all the time is three.
Living with everyone in friendship, in peace, seems to be four.
Never be discouraged - that's five.
Multiplying everything you have is six.
Being considerate to everyone is seven.
Always being at a normal weight means eight, nine, ten.
Well, and in addition to this -
Happiness, joy, good luck! Once a year - on my birthday
Whether you are in flight, on the fly:
Forget all the rubbish of everyday life,
Making money is a hustle!
Stop. Look up:
Everything around is beautiful, like in a dream...
Smile at winter and summer,
Laugh in autumn, spring!
Take it easy, relax
Drive sadness out of the house with a broom...
On this day all your dreams
Let them turn into reality!
And at this - the best hour in life
Don't forget us who are in love with you! Today is a sad and joyful holiday...
After all, this happens sometimes in life.
You are glad to meet your youth, but childhood...
It is now gone forever.
So let the ringing laughter continue today,
And let happiness flow like a river.
Today you are the happiest of all,
After all, this is your holiday and yours alone!
Let your friends stay with you
They do not leave in difficult times.
And I ask you to never forget,
That in this life someone always needs you!

Comic congratulations to the boss

Since the boss has a lot to do -
Our department is thriving
But today - everyone is gossiping -
The day will go a little differently:
Contrary to usual,
We'll leave everything behind.
After all, it’s the boss’s birthday,
We all look on impatiently
There are two tables set.
We wish, our boss,
You will never know sorrow,
And I predicted success for you
Our cheerful congratulations!

Congratulations to the boss
Let's go put the kettles on,
And with sweets, with cake,
And with flowers, congratulations
We're going to the boss
by a collective crowd,
Congratulations, congratulations,
And health to you without end,
We wish you to smile,
And don’t get lost in work,
Succeed always, everywhere,
The best boss on the whole Earth!

Today is such an event
Today is the event of the century.
We congratulate the wonderful
And a wonderful person.
He is smart, handsome and stately,
And it’s nice to be with him in a team.
He is always polite in conversation,
Dressed impeccably, neatly.
Boss, you are our best
We would like to wish you a happy birthday!
And we composed congratulations for you.
In it, we wish you progress in business!

Dear beloved boss!
We know that we need to congratulate.
Give what? Here's the question.
It's difficult to surprise you with anything.
So that the present comes in handy,
We managed to solve the problem:
We give this congratulations
Well, and something in addition.
We give these wishes:
Take care of us, the diligent ones,
Be in good mood,
Don't be sad and don't get sick.
A sea of ​​sun, an abyss of laughter,
A whole ocean of flowers
Production successes,
Waterfalls of warm words!

You are the compass and the helmsman,
Our lighthouse in the working world.
As a reliable guard,
The phone is always on the air.
Leading to success
And leading skillfully
Imitation You are for everyone,
A sea of ​​congratulations for the cause!

Happy birthday boss!
Congratulations on your day
You are a birthday today
We'll give you a golden ruble!
We wish that work
Never stood
To increase income
From January to December!
Let your health increase
And the competitors are dying!

You are like a wise genius
What leads us to one goal -
Be successful and diligent,
To be one living team!
We wish you a happy birthday!
And we wish you new heights,
New goals and their achievement,
Life without problems and worries!

birthday for you
The congratulation contains a command:
May the projects be successful
The prospects are tempting and clear!
Your affairs are going uphill every day,
Let the mischievous eyes sparkle with fire!
You are a generator of business ideas,
Everything is clear and straightforward!
We wish you heroic strength in reserve,
And travel only in business class!

Please accept our congratulations, boss,
On your day, your birthday,
We would like to give you a teapot,
The suit is still businesslike,
We would like to wish you happiness,
Good luck in your career,
Always show concern for us,
To the employees of your company.
We wish you greatness
Health to you royal,
Create a family for the sake of decency,
Know the business at the level of Nevsky.
Live richly, have fun, with luxury,
Arrange meetings on a grand scale,
To have a sultry, vulgar wife,
Do not encounter failures in business.

Dear, you are our boss!
Happy Birthday to You!
We wish you happiness
May it last forever!
You are smart and kind to us,
For this, let's shake hands,
We wish only good things
Luck, not boredom.
So that income is replenished,
And wishes came true!
And let the salary grow
From January to December!

Cool birthday greetings for the boss

N The boss completely charmed me:
So much... potential! 8 hours 5 days a week
We're crazy about the boss!

P I want to make a toast today
To make the boss smile
Increased pay more often
And summer vacation allowed
May your work be successful
Spring, summer and winter!

AND woman boss
You are an amazing woman
Sometimes, like the sky, it is changeable.
Still would! Roles three play:
Wife, leader, mother.
And always be on top
Find joy in your own work.
Perform any action on “five” -
After all, this is a miracle, sorcery!
We wish you not to lose heart,
Keep the same fast pace.
Let the warmth warm your loved ones,
May things be successful.
We wish you well and laughter,
And endless success.
Let your dreams come true
And they will bring happiness.
M It's not easy for a man to be a boss,
And sometimes it seems they don’t matter
Hairstyle, weight, height features,
Having a caring wife.
You can argue with this, to be honest,
What matters to whom when...
But only thanks to your care
Stable production progress!
There is no idea without a leader - definitely!
It is impossible to be an orchestra without a conductor.
Yes, maybe the comparisons are unsuccessful,
But, of course, in our business you are the maestro!
In soul and deed - elegant and beautiful,
Warmed by our common love,
Accept congratulations from the team
On your birthday! God bless you!

R Managing a team is not an easy burden!
After all, not everyone is able to draw up a clear plan.
To be wise and fair is very difficult!
But our beloved boss knows that everything is possible!
We want to congratulate you on your birthday today!
Sometimes you don’t always have enough patience with us.
We want to wish you joy and good luck!
After all, luck means a lot these days! N to the student from the women's team
Managing is not an easy job
And especially among women:
We need tact, kindness and care
Here, probably, like nowhere else.
And for the fact that you are the most affectionate
Even on weekdays you know how to be
Your workers are lovely ladies
We were able to love with all our souls.
Only the valiant knight is already busy:
We love him madly at home too
His cute children are so inviting
And his wife, who is always by his side. N chief, our wonderful boss,
Hear our thunderous roar,
We congratulate you with the whole collection,
We wish you, without disputes,
So that everything goes like butter for you,
Any trouble came to the rescue,
So that you are like Apollo himself,
And there would be a carriage of girlfriends,
To draw money into your pockets,
We hope we didn't go too far! ? D ostoyny, boss, you have respect,
A melody of joy flows,
Honors from us on your birthday,
Health, new victories to you!
We wish to have many
Cash in wallet
Good luck in your business life
And happiness in your personal life! B without him we are like without hands,
He's ours best friend!
Without a boss and plans,
We are all a bunch of cockroaches!
Happy birthday
And we wish you a promotion!
To the Minister of Defense
Or a golden crown! IN you're so smart in the morning,
And you are wearing a formal suit.
You are dressed to the nines,
They brought packages with them.
They contain a treat for colleagues
And cognac for the mood.
You are an impressive man,
The gentleman is so gallant
Cute, energetic,
In general, a great person!
Be as nice as you are
Be as energetic
And live for many years
Without problems, worries and troubles! "AND my-patronymic"
Knows how to live generously.
Rosewood parquet
He won't be surprised.
Don't be fooled by Mazdas
And Cyprus is not in suspense,
He saw different things in life,
But he loves simplicity.
He loves cabbage soup
And the crane's cry,
And because Russian,
Saratov man.
Officials don’t put pressure on him,
Regalia does not bend
Vices do not rule them,
And the honors are not too bad.
But in the simplicity of the usual
He's not a simpleton at all
Excellent specialist
Everyone knows about this.
General Director,
And not bullshit,
May with the initial hand
Pull the cowlicks.
For what's right
He stands up to his full height,
Incompetent slobs
Gives no mercy.
He is a fair judge.
And this is without embellishment.
The director is suitable.
Everything is fine with us!

U dear boss,
It's your birthday,
I've already put the kettle on
I'll buy the cake now.
Let's gather the whole department,
Let's drink tea for this matter,
I can boldly say:
You manage skillfully.
I have never seen a better boss
Working hard
And from us you will accept everyone
Collective congratulations!

Poems happy birthday to the director

On the director's birthday
We would like to wish you kindly:
May all plans come true
And the finances don’t end there.
Opportunities will increase
All difficulties will disappear,
Competitors will be fair
And the contracts are interesting.
You are a very competent director,
Not a tyrant and not vindictive,
You know how to rally the team,
You will overcome all adversity.

Talented leader
A reward for the company.
The director is often strict
But that's exactly what we need.
Happy birthday to you -
You lead yourself well!
We wish you only the best
Both in personal life and in work!

The post of director, we know
This is important and difficult work.
Happy birthday congratulations
Your temper is just and cool.
May your health not fail you
The position gives only success.
Let it be cozy in the house
Let the children's laughter sound in it.
The team respects you
And wishes from the heart
Our glorious labor ship
To carry through all the storms.

Today with best regards
Happy birthday
Beloved director,
Fair to colleagues.
We are happy to work
Under your leadership,
The most difficult tasks
You decide simply.
We wish you prosperity
To the goal without barriers
IN as soon as possible
No extra costs.
Health, necessary connections,
contracts for the whole year,
Intelligent employees,
To increase income.

Directors we appreciate, respect
And on your birthday we wish:
More good health
Let your life be filled with love,
Success, happiness and good luck,
Let complex problems be solved,
And if the opportunity presented itself to us,
We will say loudly: “our boss is the best!”

You are the best director in the world,
On your birthday we wish -
To be rich and successful
You are all kind, we know it!
Love to you sincere and pure,
Friends only true, forever.
Easy work for you, not dusty,
And never be sad.
We respect you very much
You are “worth your weight in gold” with us.
Thank you for being in the world,
After all, we love you very much.

You are a boss by nature,
The blood of the king is in your veins.
Without such guidance
The earth wouldn't spin!
Everything will be put into pieces,
He will line everyone up,
Continue in the same spirit -
In war it’s like in war!
Let there not be yours in the ranks
No worries, no worries,
So that work is done conscientiously,
And not with laziness, whoever could!

We congratulate you today,
We wish you success in everything,
Our dear director,
Let the angel guard your sleep!
May good luck await in every business,
Illnesses and troubles will forget you,
A healthy mind in a healthy body,
Always let it be in your life.
Let only children bring joy,
In the family, everything will be without problems,
And the sun only shines brighter
And the shore of your birthplace warms!

Are you celebrating your boss's birthday today?
Please accept our congratulations!
We wish you happiness, and prosperity to the company,
After all, you put so much effort into creating it!
And we also wish you good luck and luck,
And health, and love, as well as inspiration!

Birthday of the boss -
There is magic in the team:
Everyone brings flowers, gifts,
Turmoil, celebration...
We love you very much, we appreciate you
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
In the office, so as in a fairy tale,
You rested in silence.
We commit ourselves to work
Never let us down.
May health be strong
And you will live to be a hundred years old.

Happy birthday greetings to a male boss

We have the best boss
Anything you could wish for.
And today there was a chance
Happy birthday to you.
We wish you good luck in your business
And all projects of implementation,
Let for every task
The right solution will be found.
May everything be ok with your family,
Good health, patience.
And don't forget to rest.
Success, wisdom, luck!

Happy birthday,
I wish you happiness, joy,
Always be on top -
Both in work and in work.
Being a boss isn't easy
So here's to growth in your career.
Lots of money, less troubles
And in everything there is always victory!

I wish you easy victories and successful ideas. Let your life be
filled with bright, interesting impressions. May there be good luck
a hostess in your home, not a guest. I wish you strong, heroic
health, long years rich in good events. Joy to you from
every day you live.

Good luck in life and good luck
We wish on your birthday,
Let him never leave
In hard work there is inspiration.
Let the house be a full cup,
Warmth of soul and happiness,
Health for a hundred years ahead,
And let bad weather pass by.

No, you are not just a person,
You are the team's amulet!
You lead us all forward,
And where you are, there is always success.
You, as a boss, are just a treasure,
Everyone is happy to work with you.
We wish you victories, awards,
Health, happiness, personal things are fine.
Profitable places, cool ideas,
Successful plans and undertakings,
Career and spiritual growth...
And happy birthday, our boss!

We want to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts, boss.
There is only one question that torments us all:
What fate has gifted our team with
Yes, she gave us a super boss?
You are a real leader, a wonderful man,
And honesty and intelligence are two more reasons
Believe you, cooperate, respect you,
Openly be proud and consider it the best.
On your name day we wish you
Determination, strength, in spite of all winds.
Successes, good luck on all fronts.

Happy birthday, boss!
We congratulate you and wish you
Have a beautiful life without sadness,
Colleagues don't bother me.
And never from work
So that your head doesn't hurt.
On your life's journey
Prosperity, joy to find.
In the circle of friends - only respect,
And with us - maximum patience.
Good luck, cheerfulness, luck,
Have a great mood!

Enviable fates and victories,
Not knowing failures, troubles at all,
Bring ideas to life
And reach all heights in destiny!
Love, kindness in the family, warmth,
Celebrate your holiday with a bang,
Fun, happiness, all the beauties,
What life carefully gives us!
In career growth and in the soul,
Keep your enthusiasm within yourself,
Reach the farthest stars
Happy birthday, best boss!

Today is a special day for you,
After all, you are our legitimate birthday boy!
We wish you a sea of ​​warmth, positivity,
Always understanding from the team!
Career growth, good work
And to avoid adversity.
I wish you spiritual happiness and pleasure,
Have a great mood forever!

Our boss is anywhere,
He is always attentive
Dear, he will always help everyone,
He can get into the position.
It's your birthday today,
The team sends congratulations.
We want to wish you
Never lose heart.
So that with work always
You managed it without difficulty
So that everything you dreamed about
Little by little it was coming true!

Our wise leader,
Congratulations today!
We wish you good health.
We are your reliable crew.
Sometimes it's hard for you,
We are not all angels, alas...
But we also have eagles!
And we love you recklessly.
Be happy, in spite of your enemies.
Let your competitors be sick
That everything in our company is luxurious,
That we are not afraid of a hurricane.

Our pride and support,
And a reliable shoulder,
You resolve disputes at once,
The crisis doesn't matter to you.

Our brave and fair,
Happy birthday, our hero!
Our team knows:
You are the head of the world!

May all plans come true
There will be peace and harmony at home,
Let your pockets not be empty,
Joy is in a hurry to visit.

Don't be discouraged without a reason
So that the bright gaze does not dim,
Call us together less often
On your fluffy carpet.

Wonderful boss, happy birthday
Our bright, friendly team is in a hurry.
And let there not be even a drop of doubt -
You are the best: handsome and polite and courteous.

We would like to wish you great success,
Good health and dreams come true,
May there be a lot of laughter in your life,
Love, good luck, happiness, beauty!

Happy birthday to the coolest boss in the world. I wish everything in life to be as the pike ordered, I wish you a lot of money and cheerfulness of soul, I wish you health and strength, like Ilya Muromets, great happiness and eternal peace.

Happy birthday, boss!
Let the smile not fade away
And patience will not leave -
Don't swear in vain.

Can handle any goals
Let you have, as always:
We will help, without a doubt -
After all, there is nowhere to go!

We would like to wish you on behalf of the entire team
Great happiness, goodness and fun,
May you always live luxuriously and beautifully,
And they were in high spirits!

We wish you strength and health wagons,
Let your wife be the most beautiful of all!
Let there be millions in your bank,
And only success awaits you in any business!

Happy birthday, miracle boss!
Let income and demand grow,
So that in the cold and frost
In every case, everything came together.

To be able to rise,
What lives in dreams has come true,
And money flowed
And away we go to success!

Wishing you a wonderful birthday
Not just health and luck,
And so that you are a champion in everything,
Friends and money - millions.
To conclude all contracts with success,
To accept failures with laughter,
So that every day is pleasant events,
So that life is full of discoveries for you.
To know the value of themselves and people,
So that you are lucky in everything, always, everywhere,
And so that you know a lot about good taste.
Just in case, to be aware:
There is no better boss in the world
Than the one to whom we read these lines.

Take these words seriously.
From the bottom of our hearts we want to say:
We have such a leader...
Try searching again!

Advances and bonuses are gratifying.
This is all great, but still...
We respect you for free
And not for a temporary payment.

You have the reins of government in your hands,
Handle the helm skillfully!
Please accept our congratulations!
And raise your glass.

Let the papers not become impudent,
They don't sit on your neck.
Money drips into pockets.
No, they flock like a stream!
Let it end with success
Every idea is yours.
Well, of course we will
Always help with everything.

Let your career go up
Expanding business plans,
Rest will be a frequent guest -
We still need to rest.
We know for sure that they will submit
You don't need cities, but countries,
Well, we are for this purpose
Let's plow every day!

Why is the boss today
Doesn't even swear
Subordinate to all in the morning
Walking, smiling?

Because our boss
I received a kettle as a gift
And raspberry jam,
After all, it’s the boss’s birthday.

Let the sun shine in your soul,
Your thoughts will be pure
Let your dreams come true -
All projects and dreams.

Happy birthday, boss!
May success be a succession
Suddenly it spins and tightens
For the whole year, for all years.

Joy, light, warmth and happiness
They will take it firmly into circulation,
Life will be decorated with prosperity
And they will save you from hassle!