What is the name of the fetish when you like strong women. Leather looks. What does fetishist mean?

IN modern world loving things is quite normal for many people. However, when this feeling becomes all-consuming and a person makes an idol for himself out of ordinary material things, it is worth thinking about whether this is normal. We suggest finding out what a fetish is.

What does fetish mean?

Not everyone knows about the meaning of the word fetish. It comes from the Portuguese “feitico”, which means “catholic utensils”. Among such things are relics of saints, magic rosaries and other religious talismans. Over time, other unusual material objects began to be called this word - pieces of wood, pebbles, pots, claws, feathers and grains.

Later, this term in the form of “fetiche” and “fetich” was adopted in French, English and other European languages. Nowadays, translated from French, this word means “idol, talisman.” Comte expanded it and called it the animistic view of primitive people on material objects and primitive cult in general. And now many scientists refer to the concept of fetishism as the cult of animals, natural phenomena and plants.

Fetishism in philosophy

Often representatives of the stronger sex suffer from fetishism. However, there are times when women are also attracted to certain things. To understand that a person really has problems, it is important to know the signs of fetishism:

  1. Not quite ordinary obsessions that interfere with normal sexual intercourse. An example would be sexual intercourse constantly in one position and only after drinking alcohol.
  2. A person suffering from such addiction is not able to try other methods of satisfaction, since the network is already in the habit of connecting everything with some kind of rituals. Due to this disorder, fetishists are not able to fully enjoy sex.
  3. Patients can perform various kinds of actions in relation to inanimate objects, which are accompanied by.
  4. Over time, the role of the object of adoration becomes even more significant, and his presence is the main condition for obtaining satisfaction.
  5. Interest in role-playing games.

Fetish - psychology

The famous Austrian psychiatrist Sigmund Freud began to study fetishism in 1927. In his opinion, he is a deviation from the initial sexual direction. He is confident that fetishism is the result of certain traumatic events that may have taken place in childhood and become conscious. This condition can develop in cases where a person is not aware of his own sexual identity, or prefers the wrong sexual role.

Those suffering from fetishism may have had close to incestuous relationships with their mother in the past. Such people perceived their father as a person not worthy of attention. According to Freud, there could be another reason for the occurrence of the disease - neglect of the child on the part of the closest person - the mother. The psychoanalyst argued that fetishism cannot always be called a deviation from normal behavior.

Fetishism - religion

It is customary to highlight religious fetishism. It is understood as the religious worship of inanimate material objects, to which various supernatural properties can be attributed, which became popular even among the most ancient tribes. This trend continues to this day. An example would be the veneration of relics in Buddhism and the veneration of the Black Stone in Islam.

In the modern world there are many fetishes in the form of various amulets and amulets. Such items are often attributed magical properties and the ability to bring a person good luck and protect him from misfortune. This talisman is designed to protect its owner from misfortunes. Often such an object of adoration could be a part of something large - a stone from a particularly revered mountain, a piece of sacred wood, or a drawing of a sacred animal.

Fetishism and totemism

Our ancestors also knew what was called a fetish, deifying various objects and believing in their supernatural powers. Such a special item could be anything that was associated with a significant event in a person’s life or simply struck his imagination. The manifestation of fetishism can be observed in adoration:

  • stones of unusual shape;
  • a piece of wood;
  • animal body parts;
  • figurines made of stone, metal and wood.

Sometimes it happened that a random object could be used as a fetish. If its owner was lucky, then it was believed that this item was endowed. If necessary, it could be replaced by another. Some peoples had a custom according to which fetishes had to be both thanked and punished. Parts of something larger also became a fetish. It could be a piece of sacred wood or a drawing of a revered animal.

What is a fetish in sex?

Such a concept as a sexual fetish is not so rare. Often, for supporters of fetishism, the object of arousal is:

  • women's underwear;
  • high heels;
  • fur;
  • gloves;
  • women's toiletries.

The object of adoration is an important condition for sexual arousal, and not the usual desire to do sex life diverse. Many fans of the trend kiss or look at the fetish until they achieve arousal. Moreover, sexual intercourse can occur with any owner of this item, regardless of her personal qualities.

What does fetishist mean?

Sometimes it is not entirely clear to others and the person himself when passion for something can be called the norm, and when it is a pathology that requires the help of specialists. Many of us can be attracted to certain things and have a stimulating effect. However, a situation can be called pathological when a person is not interested in the personal qualities of a partner, but is attracted exclusively by his clothes or other objects (fetishes). That is, the object of fetishism for such people is dominant and is of particular interest.

Reason for fetishism

No one will argue that fetish and weirdness are interconnected things. However, this behavior has its roots. Among the causes of fetishism:

  • sexual disorders;
  • emotional and personality disorders;
  • association of a particular object and sexual arousal in childhood;
  • fear of real sexual relations with a partner.

In the future, a person may use the image and smell of an object, or tactile sensations in order to achieve arousal. The reasons for fetishism have not been studied to this day. Almost every person has a certain stimulus to which they can react strongly. From this we can conclude that almost all people are born with a predisposition to fetishism.

What types of fetishes are there?

Exist different types sexual fetishes:

  • items of clothing;
  • parts of the human body;
  • objects and animals;
  • features of behavior, appearance and gait.

Often objects that relate to people of the opposite sex become such a fetish. Often adored fetishes for men are:

  • underwear;
  • stockings;
  • tights;
  • bras;
  • shoes;
  • a uniform.

These types of fetishism have their fans, who often wear clothes of the opposite sex. Fetishistic transvestism takes place here. In the country rising sun fetishism has become one of the types of income where they sell used, unwashed women's underwear. Lovers of certain body parts also know what a fetish is:

  • hair;
  • mammary glands;
  • feet;

How to live with a fetishist?

When in married couple There is a fetishist, sometimes this really becomes a serious problem for spouses. Often in personal life, quarrels can arise on this basis, which ultimately can lead to a break in relationships. More often, love for objects and things is observed in men. Your significant other may be shocked by strange fetishes, including unwashed women's underwear. If someone living with a fetishist is not very bothered by his fetishism, you can leave everything as it is, but if the situation becomes a problem for the couple, you should contact a sexologist or psychotherapist.

How to get rid of a fetish?

If your couple also had to find out what a fetish is, try to get rid of this problem. One of the most effective ways treatment is aversion therapy. This method is more severe than psychotherapy for fetishism, but with its help the desired results can be achieved much faster. Here, the treatment of fetishism occurs using the following method: a patient who is attracted to an object is shown it and at the same time his body is exposed to an electric discharge. Or, as an option, they give medications that cause nausea.

Good old regular intercourse is more than enough for most of us. However, there is an incredible variety of different fetishes and strange obsessions. Everyone has their own hidden preferences in sex; they rarely talk about it out loud. But we'll give it a try: here's a list of 15 weird sexual preferences you've probably never heard of.

15. Knismolagnia
Simply put, it is sexual arousal from tickling. People with this fetish build their entire sex life around tickling, and may tickle each other during sex or even tie their partner down to tickle them to their heart's content. This fetish comes from childhood: children are often tickled, and sometimes they simply go wild with delight. Time passes, children grow, and tickling gradually becomes a sweet torture that helps awaken sensuality. Now that you know about knismolagnia, maybe you can dodge the friendly tickling from your best friend. Or vice versa, let him get high.

14. Xylophilia
Xylophilia - sexual attraction to wood. In a sense, sexual desire for a tree is a common fetish for billions of people around the world, you never know who hugs a birch tree. The point is that we are talking here about the attraction to the “tree” as such, this is the excitement from contact with wood, and this is not a euphemism. Not to be confused with ylophilia, which means attraction to the forest! Xylophiles are divided into different types in your sexual preferences; some are oak fans, others are pine purists. Regardless of what type of wood they choose, we would advise them to take some preventative measures to prevent splinters and shavings. Well, it would be logical if xylophilia automatically enrolled its adherents in the league for the protection of green spaces, for example. Sometimes, by the way, they use another term - dendrophilia. This is who truly loves trees! Once, a dendrophilic Scot was even banned from visiting a city park after he tried to have sexual intercourse with a tree there.

13. Nebulophilia
Sexual attraction to fog is available to residents of Montreal (Quebec), e.g. all year round. Fog lovers should obviously be early birds, because most often they can be found in the morning. This is probably the most romantic fetish on the list: wandering around in a fog and getting horny is like a magical dream where you enter the fantasy of your dreams. It's beautiful, and always a little sad when the fog clears. Well, just another minute and we’ll start sounding like nebulophiles. Here, of course, as with wood, there is a lot of uncertainty - how exactly do they drag themselves away from the fog? Is it enough for them to meet a loved one in the fog, or are they turned on by the fog itself? Somehow everything is very foggy! Either way, if you're a fan of this kind of thing, we wish you many foggy days and nights.

12. Autoplushophilia
Autoplushophiles get sexual arousal by depicting huge, cartoonish stuffed animals. Not to be confused with plushophiles, from whom it is better to hide your favorite ones Stuffed Toys! Car plushophiles enthusiastically dress up as Disney cartoon characters, and sometimes they buy or sew to order really expensive costumes - fluffy and shaggy, as a rule. Having dressed up, they stand in front of the mirror until....their dreams come true. And we are happy for them.
In general, we have heard about furries - people who have sex in animal costumes. But here we are talking specifically about cartoon animals... perhaps we can say that autoplushophiles are a subspecies of furries.
If you're an underground car plushophile, we encourage you to go out into the world dressed as your favorite imaginary creature. If you don't want to do it for yourself, do it for us!

11. Agalmatophilia (pygmalionism)
If you're in Lisbon, pay attention to the huge number of statues you can see throughout the city. They are everywhere: some of them tower above us on huge pedestals; others sometimes stand right on the street and can suddenly come to life to shake hands. The statues were our favorite part of Lisbon, but if they were subject to Pygmalionism, we would simply jump with delight!
Pygmalionism is a special kind of obsession, this sexual attraction to statues (as well as other objects such as dolls and mannequins), is more common in men. The role of a fetish is played by images of the human body - statues, figurines, mannequins, etc. The fetishist derives pleasure from touching and possessing them. This phenomenon got its name thanks to the legendary sculptor Pygmalion, who fell in love with the sculpture he created. This strange sexual tendency is sometimes called agalmatophilia. Well, we can only definitely advise those guys there to plan a trip to Lisbon. Or watch "Formula of Love".

10. Heliophilia (actirastics)
Of course, it is impossible to be healthy without the sun; it is one of the most important natural medicines known to man. Thanks to its rays, life exists on Earth. Sun tanning is necessary for a person, its effect on our body is enormous, it promotes the production of the “hormone of joy” - serotonin, which is responsible for good mood. Sun tanning increases a man's sex drive. Vitamin D, which is produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays, increases the level of the male hormone in the body - testosterone. We knew all this before. But it turns out that there are people who get sexual arousal from the sun's rays. A dangerous passion, it seems to us. The desire to constantly be in the sun (and even in a state of ecstasy) can lead to the most serious consequences...at best, you will overheat. Such a passion can most likely lead to cancer and other problems. Heliophiles of all countries, protect yourself! Always have sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 on hand.

9. Formicophilia
As much as everyone loves the sun, they usually cannot stand insects. Thousands of people hate them and would never touch spiderbugs willingly, but formicophiles simply love it when ants crawl on them. Especially in the genital area. I don’t even want to think about it... This fetish is one of the varieties of bestiality.
Formicophilia is a sexual attraction to ants and arousal from everything connected with them (Formica - “ant” in Latin). Formicophilia is related to arachnophilia (sexual arousal from spiders), bestiality (attraction to animals), melissophelia (high from bees and bee stings), and entomophilia (sexual attraction to all insects).
In the late 1980s, an Australian television commercial aired a lingerie commercial showing ants crawling up a beauty's leg as she ordered her trained anteater: “Lick them up, Rex!” At one of their conferences, Australian psychologists discussed the impact of this advertising on the erotic fantasies of their patients. Yes, advertisers need to think a hundred times before making their biases public...

8. Symphorophilia
Most people around the world recoil from photos of natural disasters. Whether it's a fire, a hurricane, or a terrorist attack, there is always pain and horror, and such images should generally be avoided at all costs. However, some people do not think of a disaster as a misfortune.
Symphorophilia - sexual arousal from everything associated with death and disasters (Symphora in Greek means "misfortune"). Symphorophile is excited by the thought of danger, destruction and possible death of people. In addition to fires, symphorophiles are attracted to explosions, crashes, natural disasters and others similar phenomena. It was noted that for reasons that are not entirely clear, they derive maximum pleasure from the suffering of completely innocent people.
We're not saying that all symphorophiles are bad people; We don’t know much about the nature of sexuality, but we know enough about the subconscious, which cannot always be controlled. As long as the symphorophile does not manifest himself as a sadist towards real people, we have nothing against his not very nice obsession.

7. Coulrophilia
Some people love clowns, the vast majority never think about them, and others fear and hate them. The fear of clowns (coulrophobia) is not such a rare thing, and it is quite understandable. But it will be more difficult to understand those who are aroused by clowns. If you are uncontrollably sexually aroused by the sight of a clown and are drawn to approach him and press your genitals, you are probably a member of a rare clan of coulrophiles. You are probably a frequent visitor to the local circus and a fan of ordering animation of a certain style to your home. Hopefully there is a type of obsession among clowns that correlates with clown worship. If this does not exist, then clowns, hold on! We sympathize with you.

6. Vorarephilia
We all know the old story about Pinocchio, the wooden boy who, at a certain point in his travels, ended up in the belly of a huge whale. You are also most likely familiar with such a folklore character as the “miracle-yudo fish-whale”. The passionate desire to be swallowed is the fetish of unique people called vorarephiles. Vorarephilia (vorarephilia from Latin vorare - “to devour” and other Greek φιλία - “love”) is a type of fetishism in which a person receives pleasure from fantasies of being eaten or eating another person. Apparently, for such people, "Little Red Riding Hood" is an erotic story.
It should be noted that we are not talking about being eaten, there is no smell of cannibalism here! Typically, vorarephilia does not go beyond the realm of fantasy at all and is never aimed at the death of the victim or causing any damage. It is usually practiced only in the imagination; for example, in micro-vore dreams, a reduction is used when swallowing a character.

5. Passion for sneezing (paraphilia)
Sexual obsession with sneezing is probably the most harmless and even cute on this list of scary fetishes. This deviation should clearly bring a lot of excitement to the sneeze fetishist: it is impossible to predict who will sneeze next to him and where, what the situation will be like around him - but he is already excited and ready to rush into battle. Every fetishist has their own version of their favorite type of sneeze: some peak when they themselves sneeze (and it turns out especially graceful and melodic); others like to be sneezed on. May Buddha help you all, you strange people.

3. Catoptronophilia
Katoptronophilia – sexual desire have sex in front of a mirror. This is a type of narcissism, but it should not be confused with auto-satisfaction. To be honest, it’s hard to even call it a fetish. However, this is exactly him, because adherents of catoptronophilia do not just get high looking at their copulating reflection, they, in principle, cannot achieve excitement and satisfaction if they do not look at themselves in the mirror.

2. Kicking in the Balls
Most men don't particularly like being hit in the groin area. Receiving a targeted blow is akin to a small death, after which, gasping for breath, you barely come to your senses. In fact, this pain can be compared to labor pains, although, of course, it lasts less and the consequences are not as significant. In any case, an ordinary man would prefer to run a marathon or wash the floors rather than get hit in his most sensitive area. But there is a category of people who want to experience pain in the genitals, and will be glad if the torment lasts as long as childbirth. These guys dream of getting their balls literally, and no compromises.

1. Macrophilia
No such list would be complete without macrophilia, which is typically a male fantasy involving a dominant giantess. Sometimes domination (for the most extreme dreamers) means being eaten alive. The giantess may be slightly taller than the man, or she may be the size of a skyscraper. Fortunately for practicing macrophiles, if he is a man below average height, it is not so difficult for him to find his own giantess, who will be 7-10 cm taller than him, and such a couple can live happily ever after.

Forniphilia is a sexual attraction to people depicting furniture, or the desire to act as furniture oneself. This fetish, which has become part of BDSM culture, will not surprise anyone now, but it is still strange!


Trichophilia is a sexual attraction to hair. Many men like long and thick women's hair, but collecting strands of your lovers’ hair (and not necessarily from your head) and getting excited by combing and washing your hair is probably not normal.


This is the name given to attraction caused by body odors, such as the smell of sweat. Some scientists believe that the smell of the sweat of a genetically suitable partner should be attractive. But olactophiles not only like it, but cause an irresistible sexual attraction.


This is excitement from elements of religious paraphernalia - holy books, icons, reading prayers, even just being in churches. Perhaps it is this fetish that explains the popularity of the “sexy nun” image.


People obsessed with pyrolagnia are aroused by the sight of flames. Some of these fetishists become arsonists, while others simply enjoy the spectacle of a burning fire or candle.


Pygmalionism, as you might guess, is named after a mythological sculptor who fell in love with his creation. Such fetishists are attracted to any image of the human body - sculpture, photography, portrait. If a Pygmalionist cannot possess a work of art, he may decide to destroy it.


There is nothing wrong with healthy fatness, but there are fetishists who are turned on by fattening their sexual partner. Feeders specifically buy high-calorie food for their ladies and rejoice at every kilogram they gain.

Apotemnophilia and acrotomophilia

We combined these two fetishes into one item, because in the first option the person dreams of amputation, and in the second, he is attracted to amputees. Apotemnophiles may even try to force doctors to cut off a limb.


Many of us as children entertained ourselves with petty telephone hooliganism like “Hello, is this the laundry?” Refuses, some adults get sexual pleasure by pissing off their interlocutor with phone calls.

I know that I attract guys and men without the help of leather clothes, but only in them can I feel my sexuality.

A sculpted guy with a wide chest in harness and chaps; a large daddy-type man in leather trousers with his penis sticking out of his fly; a young thin man in jockey shorts with an open bottom and a leather vest with a zipper; and other similar fantasies give me an erection. However, these are only impersonal images in the mind, with them only solitude with oneself is available - masturbation.

Radio amateur

Sexuality is in everyone. But my “receiver” does not receive a signal from absolutely any “transmitter”. It only works on certain frequencies. And so it is for every guy and man. Accessories and privileges will arouse interest, but nothing can expand the range of the “receiver of sexuality”. The opponent is either attracted (even with a weak signal) or not (radio silence).

Leather fetish - how it works

Intimate intimacy, when two bodies unite into one, occurs with a living partner who embodies the image that excites me. However, leather clothing on an opponent, while maintaining fetish aesthetics, does not guarantee sexual attraction on my part. The same image from fantasies is embodied in each individual person in his own way - that is, in my eyes, the attractiveness of a man either grows to the limit or does not appear at all.
A mature, large man with a naive teenage expression on his face; a muscular guy with steel pectoral muscles and a distant look, a young guy with the weight of the whole world in his eyes - they will not cause me excitement, even if they dress in the most vulgar leather outfit. And each of us has such “not seductive types” (both in appearance and behavior). A fetish does not provide the desire to have sex with a specific person, but only enhances it if it exists. Simply put, you either have an erection or you don’t; there are no gaps.
My fetish is leather clothes for sex, and yet when choosing a partner, I ask myself the question: “Would I want intimacy with him if he was completely naked?” If the answer is yes, then leather chaps and vest, jockeys and harness or other appropriate clothing will make him the standard in my eyes.


What makes me a fetishist is the need to be in sexy leather clothing during intimacy. Depending on the role and mood, it happens that it is enough for me to wear only appropriate underpants for the occasion. Although I usually wear chaps and something on my upper torso.
My fetish completes me. Standing in front of a mirror or a partner without clothes, I do not feel naked and do not experience embarrassment, but I feel inferior, although without defects. At this moment, I’m like a radio without a case or a computer keyboard with buttons without plastic tops with letters - it works, you can use it, but it’s inconvenient, and it looks unfinished.
When I put on a leather item, I feel how my integrity is restored and a feeling of my own sexuality arises. This is similar to the transformation of characters from cartoons, such as “Sailor Moon” or “Guyver”: now they are schoolchildren, and in a minute beautiful animation- warriors in armor, defenders with superpowers.
The outfit is worn according to the mood and occasion. I don't feel it like latex lovers do - like a second skin; rather, as a component of “my body” part. I feel excited and desire.
During intimacy, I often get carried away and seem to forget that I’m wearing something - then I have to touch it with my hand and make sure I’m not naked. I like touching the smooth leather surface of things - it’s no less pleasant than wearing them.
I know that I attract guys and men without the help of leather clothes, but only in them can I feel my sexuality. And no matter how passionate the movements in sex are, I always feel comfortable like that.