How to quickly get rid of a hickey on your cheek. How to remove hickeys? Several proven methods. Folk remedies for bruises and hematomas

The red sign of passion looks exciting and erotic only in bed, but this symbol of intimacy should not be shown at work. How to quickly get rid of a hickey so as not to feel shame and embarrassment from mocking glances?


Like an ordinary bruise, hematoma, hickey appears due to impact on soft tissue. If you take care of the possible consequences as early as possible, then an ordinary spoon can help, which you need to keep in the freezer for several minutes and apply to the damaged area. It is advisable to gently massage the hickey with this “table implement” using light pressing movements.

There are other ways to quickly get rid of a “fresh” hickey:

  1. if the redness does not want to go away, you can take a brush or wooden comb and lightly “comb” the hickey area. Such a delicate massage helps if you perform it without fanaticism. Even movements help to dissolve blood clots;
  2. A vodka compress will improve the condition of the skin. Take half a glass of vodka and half a teaspoon of salt and mix. Dip the swab into the resulting liquid and apply to the affected area. Change the tampon several times as the liquid dries;
  3. To quickly eliminate a bruise, you can use a potato-based compress. Grate the raw vegetable on a fine grater and apply it to the hickey site. Leave for 20 minutes. If you need to act quickly, you can simply cut the potatoes in half and apply the cut side to the skin;
  4. You can try to eliminate hickey marks with mint toothpaste. Rub a small amount of the product into the affected area and leave until the tingling sensation disappears. Then the skin should be gently wiped with a damp washcloth;
  5. a small piece of raw beef will help eliminate hickey marks. You need to take the meat, apply the cut to the bruise, and hold for 15 minutes. After half an hour, repeat the procedure;
  6. A vinegar compress will also help deal with this minor problem. You need to dilute table vinegar with water in a ratio of 1:3. Soak a piece of cloth or gauze in the solution and apply it to your neck for 10 minutes to prevent burns. Apply the compress no more than 3 times a day;
  7. Some victims are helped by using a coin to periodically apply pressure on the hickey. The method is painful, but quite effective.

Folk recipes

When the symbol of passion has been emblazoned on the body for more than a day, coins and cold will not help. So, how to quickly get rid of a hickey in this case?

  • There is nothing easier than a hot, damp towel as a ten-minute compress. Don't be afraid of redness. This is not a disguise, but just a procedure that improves lymph flow;
  • Ordinary onions, plantain and honey have a resolving and anti-edematous effect. You need to mix all the crushed ingredients with honey and apply a healing “mask” to the problem area. It is better to keep this composition on the skin for at least half an hour;
  • Baking soda paste also works well to get rid of a delicate problem;
  • At night, you can make an iodine mesh at the site of the hickey. In this case, care must be taken not to burn the skin;
  • aloe juice and pulp, which can be used to treat the affected area, have healing and anti-inflammatory effects. That is why aloe is used if necessary to get rid of a bruise on the neck;
  • “Old” hickeys can be removed using a heating pad with hot water. You can also dip a sponge in boiling water and apply it to the bruised area;
  • Another way is a compress of white cabbage. You need to take a fresh leaf, wash it and mash it with a rolling pin. Apply the cabbage to the area with the hickey and leave it there for as long as possible.

At the pharmacy you can always buy “bodyaga”, both as part of medical gels and in the form of ordinary medicinal raw materials. It is advisable to mix the plant with regular baby cream without any fragrances. In order for the hickey to “go away” as quickly as possible, cream with bodyaga must be applied up to 5 times a day.


Antithrombic ointments help in such delicate situations. Of course, they won’t get rid of the hickey quickly, but the skin will heal much faster.

These products include: “Bruise-off”, “Troxevasin”, Heparin ointment, “Antibruise”, “Lyoton-gel”, “Rescuer”. Heparin ointment has also proven itself well in the treatment of hickeys. Such drugs accelerate the blood and improve lymph flow, which allows the smallest particles of dried blood to simply be carried away by the bloodstream from the affected area and relieve swelling. You need to apply them to problem areas every 20-30 minutes.

If traces of a hickey need to be eliminated as soon as possible, you can use foundation and powder - this will temporarily disguise it. Another way is to apply a patch to the problem area.

Clean water. Answering the question of how to remove hickeys, it is logical to assume that this is done using the same methods and means as in the case of an ordinary bruise.

The most important thing here is not to hesitate! In the first couple of hours, it is much easier to remove a hickey than after a day, when it acquires a purple tint. It is precisely these telltale hickeys on their necks (or even lower) that many girls and boys observe when they look in the mirror the morning after another party. The interesting thing is that almost every person advises the same way to remove hickeys: use foundation. Of course, in winter you can make it even simpler - wear a turtleneck with a fairly high collar or wrap a stylish scarf around your neck! But why splurge when you can use effective and simple methods to remove a telltale bruise? Well, as we said, there is no need to waste time. Let's clean up the trail while it's fresh!

Kissing a hickey is interesting, but not useful!

So, what do folk methods offer us about this? Let's look point by point.

1. Onion is the head of everything! This is a very quick method of how to remove hickeys. We cut the onion in half, cut one half into a salad, and use the other for our purposes: we apply it to the bruise and lightly begin to move it along the hickey. It is possible that it will sting. Be patient a little. Continue until the cut edge of the onion is completely dry. When finished, wipe the area where the hickey was with a cotton pad or swab previously soaked in vinegar.

2. Soda - at any time of the year! Make a fairly saturated soda solution in warm water. We apply this paste to the hickey. We wait. When everything is dry, shake it off and repeat the procedure. The method is so effective that not a trace will remain of a passionate kiss!

3. Aloe is a plant with meaning! It is very good if there is a pot of aloe on the windowsill at home. If there is a tincture from this plant, that’s even better! If not, do it. Just cut the leaves of the plant into small pieces and pour vodka. Leave for about an hour in a dark place. Moisten a cotton pad or swab and apply to the problem area.

4. Hickeys are the same as bruises. If you want to know how to remove hickeys quickly and without unnecessary movements, remember how bruises and tumors are treated! You need to apply something cold to this place: a knife, a mirror, etc. You can rummage through your freezer. If you use frozen food, be sure to wrap it in a cloth. When you have decided on a cold object, apply it to the hickey site for 15 minutes.

If the cold starts to sting, remove the ice compress and apply it again a little later. This method is as old as time, and kissing a hickey is a capricious thing. So don't be surprised if the bruise doesn't completely disappear. But at least it won’t be a rich scarlet color.

5. Go to the pharmacy and buy a special ointment or cream. It will help quickly and effectively.

Hickey is our enemy!

As we can see, there are plenty of ways to get rid of treacherous traces! The main thing is not to be lazy, but to act immediately, and it is best to agree with your loved one to be more gentle towards each other. Remember: hickeys are ruptures of the smallest blood vessels, which, naturally, cannot have a positive effect on your health!

Hickeys are a fairly common phenomenon and do not bring much joy to their owners. Few people want to show others the results of their love affairs. However, getting rid of a hickey can sometimes be extremely difficult, so you have to resort to all sorts of tricks to hide such marks on the body. High-neck sweaters, foundations and even adhesive plaster are used. But such attempts to disguise hickeys do not fundamentally solve the problem, and purple spots remain on the skin for quite a long time. Fortunately, there are many proven ways to get rid of hickeys in record time, and if you do not neglect them, the skin will return to its original appearance in just a few days.

What is a hickey? This is a common subcutaneous hematoma, that is, a bruise that occurs at the site of strong compression of soft tissue. Therefore, you can fight such marks with the help of various ointments, which are sold in any pharmacy today. The cheapest and most effective remedy is “Bodyaga”, which should be used to lubricate hickeys every 2-3 hours throughout the day. After this time, the bruise will noticeably fade and can be easily disguised with a thin layer of foundation.

Getting rid of hickeys at home

However, It is best to treat hickeys immediately, without waiting for them to appear in all their glory. The easiest option in this case is to lubricate the affected area of ​​skin with regular toothpaste and wait until it dries completely. After this, you need to rinse it off with cool water and apply a piece of ice to the hickey. You can also use baking soda, which must first be diluted with a small amount of water to obtain a thick paste. It should be applied to a fresh hickey and left for about 20-25 minutes, then rinsed off. Of course, it is completely impossible to get rid of a bruise in this way, and the pain when touching the hickey will still persist. However, thanks to soda, the skin in the area of ​​the bruise will not turn purple and crimson, and the presence of a hickey can be judged only by slight swelling.

If time is lost and the hickey has already appeared on the body, then in this case you can get rid of it with the help of a bow. For these purposes, it is necessary to clean the onion, separate any of the layers from it, from which the film should be carefully removed. This is what needs to be applied to the hickey, changing every 40-50 minutes. Of course, you will have to deal with the unpleasant onion smell and experience certain inconveniences, but in a day you can forget about the bruise once and for all. It also has similar properties, which must be crushed to a paste and rubbed into the damaged area of ​​the skin every 2-3 hours. It is unlikely that it will be possible to avoid unpleasant sensations in the form of a burning sensation, but several procedures are enough for the hickey to fade and disappear completely after 1-2 days. In addition, you can get rid of such bruises using raw potatoes, which should be peeled, cut into two halves, and one of them applied to the hickey for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every 2-3 hours.

We can say that a hickey is the unpleasant consequences of pleasant actions. In fact, usually these marks appear during love games, when the partners no longer have much control over themselves.

But such a “mark”, like any other bruise, does not look aesthetically pleasing, so its owner has a question: how to get rid of a hickey, dictated by an understandable desire to remove this nuisance as soon as possible.

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Removing "troubles"

What to do when it has already appeared? The most important rule for effective removal is to take action as soon as possible. The fresher the bruise, the faster it will disappear. First of all, cold is applied to the damaged area: an ice cube or a spoon chilled in the freezer.

There are a number of solutions that allow you to quickly remove a bruise, but, again, they work while it is fresh. If you are late, then the only way to get rid of it is to choose a solution on how to disguise the unnecessary trace.

It's amazing how quickly hickeys go away if you take the right measures in time. Regenerating creams that contain heparin are very good at healing bruises - this is the famous "Rescuer", "Lioton-gel", "Anti-bruise" and the like.

At the pharmacy you can also buy bodyagi powder– another excellent remedy for hickeys. Bodyagu is mixed with water or any cream and something like a compress is made on the damaged area of ​​​​the skin.

A universal one can make the stain on the skin go away faster. This truly legendary method is truly effective in this case. In addition, folk tips for getting rid of a bruise recommend paying attention to vegetables - potatoes, cabbage, onions and garlic.

For healing compresses, onion or garlic is cut in half and applied to the “mark”. You can make a compress from fresh potatoes by grating them, although you can simply apply a piece of the root vegetable to the problem area. When applied to a bruise, cabbage leaves should be thoroughly mashed until released. Plantain leaves are used in the same way - for this they need to be coarsely chopped.

If at home, on the windowsill, it grows aloe, then you don’t even need to find out about removing a hickey, because this can be done with the help of a medicinal plant. An application is made from fresh juicy aloe leaves and medical alcohol, which will relieve swelling and make the bruise less noticeable.

Home Remedies

Also, to make an annoying nuisance go away faster, you can use white toothpaste or - they say the effect exceeds all expectations. The products are applied to a toothbrush and a very gentle massage is performed on the bruise. In general, you can easily massage the “affected area” together with all the measures described above, but this must be done carefully, otherwise you can get a negative effect.

You always need to take into account such a factor as the uniqueness of each organism. When learning how to remove a hickey and getting advice, you should remember that what works for one person may not benefit another.

And in order to prevent the appearance of such “marks”, you can talk to your partner, gently asking him to be more gentle and careful.

Do you still have signs of passionate love on your body, and do you have an important meeting ahead?

There are ways that can effectively cure bruises left from hot kisses.

Today you will learn how to get rid of a hickey using improvised folk remedies or medications.

How to get rid of a hickey using folk remedies

A hickey occurs on the body as a result of damage to the blood vessels located under the skin. A hematoma resulting from a strong kiss has a deep purple color or looks like a red rash.

There are many proven methods for getting rid of tell-tale stains. The duration of treatment depends on the depth and nature of the skin damage. If you act on fresh hickeys, they will leave your body in just a few days.

1. As soon as you find a hickey, immediately apply something cold to it. The ideal option would be ice cubes wrapped in a scarf. A regular spoon chilled in the freezer will also work.

2. Apply an onion, cut in half, to the bruise site. Leave it on the affected area for some time.

3. Onion gruel with the addition of table salt will also quickly resolve the hematoma.

4. To quickly remove a bruise, you can use a potato compress. The vegetable should first be chopped in a blender or grated on a fine grater. Apply the mixture to the hickey site for 20 minutes. If you don't have time, you can use potatoes cut in half.

5. A compress of white cabbage will solve the problem. The fresh leaf must be thoroughly washed and crushed using a rolling pin. We apply it to the injured area and leave it as long as possible.

6. Massage with toothpaste is a great way to get rid of a hickey. This hygiene product has not only a healing, but also an analgesic effect. Massage movements will prevent the formation of blood clots. Apply a small amount of paste to the bruise and massage thoroughly. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times.

7. Baking soda is an excellent treatment for hematomas. How to get rid of a hickey with its help? You just need to mix baking soda with water and apply it to the affected area. Leave the product to act for a long time.

8. A freshly placed hickey will be removed by an iodine mesh.

9. If you have a little time, you can prepare an ointment for bruises. You will need one onion and vegetable oil. The onion needs to be peeled and poured with 100 ml of sunflower oil. Place ingredients over low heat and bring to a boil. When the onion turns black, it must be cooled and the vegetable oil squeezed out. Add 100 g of melted wax and one tablespoon of laundry soap, previously grated, to the liquid. Mix all the ingredients and put the resulting product in the refrigerator. The ointment should be stored in a cool place and applied to the bruise several times a day.

How to get rid of a hickey using medical means

1. Cream-balm for bruises and contusions “Ambulance” has a greasy consistency and the absence of strong odors. You need to smear the hickey with the product twice a day. The bruise will disappear very quickly.

2. Gel "Lioton" significantly accelerates the process of hematoma resorption. The drug is applied to the damaged area of ​​skin one to three times a day. The manufacturer warns of a possible allergic reaction to the product.

3. Troxevasin gel or cream will relieve you of a hickey in a fairly short period of time. Use the drug twice a day, applying it to the bruise with light massaging movements.

4. Gel “Bruise-off” with a toning effect will speed up the healing of bruises on various parts of the body. The product normalizes lymph flow and blood microcirculation. A layer of tinting gel allows you to disguise the hickey.

5. Heparin ointment stimulates metabolic processes in the damaged area. It has shown high efficiency in the rapid healing of hematomas.

6. The manufacturer of Zhivokost balm, which has a warming effect, knows how to get rid of hickeys. The product will relieve redness and speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

7. Gel “Dolobene” is a drug that has a decongestant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The product is applied in a thin layer to the bruise with rubbing movements up to 4 times a day.

8. Badyaga is an excellent remedy for any bruises and bruises. Dissolve the powder in a small amount of water or mix with any neutral cream. Apply the resulting mixture to the hickey and leave to act for 20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. This herbal preparation has a regenerating, absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect. It is better not to use badyagu on the delicate skin of the chest.

Before using the medication, be sure to read the contraindications specified by the manufacturer in the instructions. Some products cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation.

How to get rid of a hickey: quick ways to disguise it

Until the bruise from a passionate kiss has completely disappeared, it would be useful to “hide” it from prying eyes.

1. If the hickey is on the neck, then a turtleneck with a long neck or clothes with a high collar will save you.

2. A stylishly tied scarf will help cover up traces of passionate adventures. In warm weather, you can use a light scarf.

3. You can glue a flesh-colored patch to the site of the hickey.

4. Women can use concealer and light foundation to disguise a bruise. These products should not be used after using traditional methods, so as not to cause allergies, pigmentation or inflammation.

So, you now know how to get rid of a hickey. To quickly remove an embarrassing bruise, it should be treated immediately after it appears. Choose the method that is most convenient for you and enjoy clear skin.