Facial gommage: gentle cleansing. Facial gommage – gentle cleansing

What is gommage, its properties, preparation of a mask for different types skin at home, procedure technique.

The content of the article:

Smooth and radiant skin is the dream of every representative of the fair sex. Not long ago, a unique product appeared on the domestic market - gommage. It is valued for its gentle, gentle effect on the skin, as well as for effective facial cleansing. Many cosmetic brands have gommage in their lines of skin care products: Yves Rocher, Planeta Organica, L'Oreal, La Roche-Posay and others. However, you can prepare the product yourself at home.

Advantages and disadvantages of facial gommage

From French “gommage” is translated as “eraser”. Gommage is a type of peeling that cleanses the upper layer of the epidermis from impurities and accumulated sebaceous secretions.

Exfoliation of skin particles is a natural process. Due to various factors (the influence of poor ecology, lack of sleep, lack of vitamins E and C), intracellular metabolism and skin respiration processes slow down, it becomes dull, pores become clogged, and acne occurs. Gommage successfully combats these problems.

In addition, this procedure has a number of the following advantages, thanks to which it has become popular among women of different ages:

  • The basis of any gommage is chemically active substances, mainly fruit acids. They instantly dissolve dead particles on the surface of the skin. When drying, the product forms a thin film on the face. If you run your fingers over it, it rolls into small peas, capturing and removing particles of dead epidermis.
  • Massage using gommage is much more effective than a regular scrub. It increases blood microcirculation in the skin on the face, and also ensures more complete penetration of other products (for example, cream or mask).
  • Regular use of this procedure makes the skin more elastic and harmonizes the balance of water and fat in its cells.
  • Gommage also has a relaxing function: the oils included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the overall tone of the body.
You need to know that gommage also has its disadvantages:
  1. This product has contraindications. The procedure cannot be performed on skin with open wounds or rosacea.
  2. Allergic reactions are possible. But, knowing your skin type and individual sensitivity to individual components, you can make a product suitable for you at home.
  3. Gommage should not be used if you are often exposed to wind or open sun. The skin is overdried under the influence of these factors, and therefore needs more high-quality moisturizing masks.

It is important to consider that the frequency of the procedure also varies depending on the skin type. Dry and sensitive skin should be disturbed as little as possible by such exfoliating procedures.

Preparing facial skin for gommage procedure

This cosmetic procedure requires preparation. First, you need to cleanse your skin with tonic, lotion or cleansing gel. Gommage works best on steamed skin, so it’s worth taking a shower or bath. You can use a steam bath with herbs, for example, chamomile.

We carry out the procedure like this:

  • Pour a spoonful of dried flowers into a glass of hot water.
  • We insist for an hour.
  • Strain and pour into a convenient container with just boiled water.
  • We collect our hair, tilt our face over the container and cover our head with a large towel.
  • After 3-5 minutes, we finish the procedure and blot the skin with a dry cloth.
A herbal bath should not be used by girls with rosacea or after facial surgery. After preparatory stage You can start preparing and applying homemade gommage.

Facial gommage technique

Gommage is applied to the entire face, except for areas with particularly delicate skin (eyes and lips). The product should be applied gently, strictly along the massage lines. Don't forget about the neck and décolleté, because the skin of these places also needs cleansing.

The gommage should remain on the face for 7-10 minutes. At this time, you can rest in a horizontal position. You can put cucumber slices, cotton pads with mineral water or rose water on your eyes. Thin and delicate skin also needs nutrition.

You need to cleanse your skin of the product before it dries completely. After all, in terms of its properties, gommage is a gentle peeling. Dried gommage can harm the skin, especially dry and sensitive skin.

The soft mass should not be washed off the face, but carefully rolled up. At the same time, hold the area of ​​skin being treated with one hand. This will keep it from stretching. It is better to cleanse problematic skin with acne, as well as other inflammatory manifestations, with a gentle gel or using a sponge.

Facial gommage recipes for different skin types

Depending on your skin type, you will need different products to carry out the procedure at home. Let's consider the features of preparing various types of gommage.

Preparing gommage for oily skin

Oily skin, like no other, requires frequent and thorough cleansing. At the same time, it is important not to overdry it, moisturize and nourish it after procedures such as gommage.

Gommage recipes for oily skin:

  1. Gommage with barley flour. To make gommage for oily skin based on barley flour, follow this recipe: mix two tablespoons of barley flour, one tablespoon of dry cream and one tablespoon of rice flour, dilute with skim milk to the desired thick consistency, apply to the skin and after 7-10 minutes we're filming.
  2. Gommage with cream. Dry cream can be used instead of milk. Then the resulting dry mixture should be diluted with boiled water or your favorite cleanser. Regular use of this gommage will significantly improve the condition of problem skin. Over time, the amount of sebaceous secretions and rashes will decrease. This gommage can also be used as a mask to treat acne.
  3. Gommage with lactic acid. Gommage made with lactic acid is also suitable for caring for oily skin. It not only removes dead skin particles from the epidermis, but also maintains the balance of the acidic environment of the protective layer of the skin. This is very important for oily skin, which often undergoes cleansing and drying. We prepare it according to this recipe: mix a tablespoon of rich sour cream and half a tablespoon of milk, apply the product to your face and wait for it to dry, dip your fingertips in water or lotion and carefully remove the dried mass from your face.

Homemade gommage recipes for dry skin on the face

When making homemade gommage for dry skin, you should focus on hydration and nutrition.

Types of gommage for dry skin:

  • Gommage from cereals. We use two types of cereals at once: semolina and oatmeal. We will also need orange peel and high-fat kefir. Grind the dry orange peel in a coffee grinder until it turns into powder. To one tablespoon of orange powder add the same amount of oatmeal and semolina. Heat the kefir and add it to our dry mixture. Mix thoroughly until all lumps disappear. The peculiarity of this gommage is that it should be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes. After removing the dried particles, apply a rich cream to the face.
  • Egg gommage. An egg gommage mask will also be effective. To prepare it, we need one egg and one teaspoon of fat sour cream. The recipe is simple: break an egg, separate the yolk from the white, grind the shell from the egg in a coffee grinder to a powder, mix the powder with the yolk and one teaspoon of sour cream. Apply the nourishing mixture to the face and keep for 15-20 minutes.

Preparing gommage for combination skin

Combination skin, like oily skin, needs frequent cleansing of the T-zone. This type of skin also requires thorough hydration, which is why we use fatty ingredients and oils in preparing gommage.

Gommage recipes for combination skin:

  1. Sour cream based gommage. The following ingredients are needed for preparation: one tablespoon of full-fat sour cream, one tablespoon of natural ground coffee, one teaspoon of sea salt, half a teaspoon of oil (olive or grape seed). Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply to face. Gommage must be removed from the face after 10-15 minutes.
  2. Gommage with carrot juice . Combination skin will also respond favorably to this product. It requires: one large carrot, half a glass of semolina, half a teaspoon of olive oil. Three carrots on a fine grater, add semolina to it and olive oil. Apply the mixture to the face and hold for 10-15 minutes. This gommage evens out the complexion and effectively combats aging problems.

Gommage recipes for problem skin on the face

Blackheads and acne are common problems for young girls with oily or combination skin. In addition to internal problems of the body (digestive problems, hormonal fluctuations), there are also external factors, contributing to the formation of unpleasant rashes. For example, pollution environment.

Bacteria and dust particles clog into our pores, causing inflammatory processes. There are many gommage recipes for problem skin. The most effective ones are based on natural ingredients - salt and honey.

Gommage recipes for problem skin:

  • Salt gommage. For preparation we will need: half a tablespoon of table salt and the same amount of cream. Mix the ingredients and apply to problem areas of the face for 10-15 minutes.
  • Honey gommage. To prepare, you need to take four tablespoons of natural honey and one tablespoon of sea salt. Melt honey in a water bath and mix with salt. Apply to problem areas for 5-10 minutes.

Using gommage for aging facial skin

With age, the skin loses tone, becomes dry and thin. This is due to the fact that self-cleaning processes slow down, and as a result, skin breathing is disrupted.

Clay is a unique natural component of many masks for skin in need of nourishment and cleansing. It is also the basis for gommage for aging skin. Clay smoothes wrinkles, removes pigmentation and prolongs the youth of the skin.

To prepare gommage, follow these instructions:

  1. Grind the dry tangerine peel in a blender.
  2. Mix two tablespoons of the resulting powder with the crushed pulp of one tangerine.
  3. Add one teaspoon of green or blue clay.
  4. Add one teaspoon of warmed almond oil.
Since this gommage also contains the properties of a mask, it must be kept on the face for at least 20 minutes. Then remove with a cotton sponge with lotion or boiled water.

Gommage for all skin types at home

In any segment of cosmetic products, in budget and luxury cosmetics, you can choose a gommage. But it will be much more useful to make gommage at home. Moreover, the ingredients for this product are available to everyone.

There is a recipe for a universal gommage that is suitable for owners of any skin type. To prepare a coffee gommage mask you will need: rolled oats, milk, ground coffee. These three ingredients are the basis of our product. If desired, you can add several oils to them (for example, grape seed oil or rose oil).

Gommage is prepared according to the following scheme:

  • Grind the rolled oats to flour.
  • Season two tablespoons of flour with the same amount of heated milk.
  • Add a teaspoon of ground coffee.
  • Apply the mixture to the skin of the face.
This gommage will deeply cleanse the pores thanks to the coffee it contains. Flour will moisturize the skin and activate cellular processes. The aromatic peeling is quite gentle, it cleans but does not injure the skin.

How to prepare gommage - watch the video:

Preparing gommage at home does not require much money or time. Once you try this remedy, you are unlikely to be able to refuse it in the future. It solves problems of any skin type, and also comprehensively fights fatigue and dehydration.

Women are very inquisitive by nature, especially when it comes to new beauty products. Hearing the word “gommage,” some of them may associate it with some practical hosiery product. But don't rush to conclusions. A new product with a similar name will work much more effectively for your attractiveness!

Let's reveal the secrets of the new product

This product has recently appeared on the Russian market, so let’s get to know it in more detail. The origin of the word gommage itself is, rather, clerical in origin. After all, translated from French gommage (“gomme”) means "eraser", an eraser familiar to us from childhood, which often helped out and corrected shortcomings.

The essence of the name correctly conveys the purpose of gommage. His the main task- cleansing, erasing. The cleansing is gentle, non-traumatic, and helps the skin get rid of dirt and dead cells. After this procedure, she begins to breathe actively, the pores open, and her complexion changes.

To answer the question briefly: “ What is gommage?“, then we can say - this is skin care, an exfoliating procedure. Unlike the scrub that is well known to all women, the action of the “eraser” is particularly sensitive and delicate in contact with the skin.

Detachment of the top layer of the skin occurs not due to the mechanical action of solid particles, but due to the action of fruit acids.

The active substances included in this product dissolve dead cells and promote their rapid removal. Facial gommage is a very pleasant and incredibly useful procedure. It is indicated for women of all ages and owners of any skin type.


Of course, you can visit a beauty salon and use the services of professionals, but it is quite possible to perform facial gommage at home. Women have the strength and means to perform this wonderful procedure on their own.

First, let's decide on the frequency of the procedure; it depends on the characteristics of your skin.

The skin is oily, porous - we carry out gommage every other day;

Mixed skin - several times a week (3 times possible);

Normal and dry skin - once a week;

Mature, fading (after 45 years) - 1-2 procedures per week are enough.

Ready-made gommage cream is available in almost all cosmetic brands, but you can prepare it yourself. A product made from fresh ingredients will be more effective and tastier.

More about recipes later, but now about technique.

Be sure to prepare your skin. It should be well cleaned and steamed. Have you just left the bathroom and taken a shower? It's time to do gomazh.

Gently but intensively apply the product to your face, following the massage lines. Don't forget about the neck and décolleté area. Place cucumber circles or cotton pads moistened with mineral water on your eyes - the skin around the eyes also needs attention and nutrition! Lie down for 10 minutes, think about how great you will look, or listen to pleasant music.

You need to remove the mixture from your face when it is still soft. No need to wait for it to harden, this is not just a mask, this is a peeling gommage. If it dries completely, your skin may suffer. The technique for removing it also has its own characteristics.

The soft layer of the mask is not washed off, but rather rolled off the skin. Roll the product with the fingers of one hand, and lightly press the skin with the fingers of the other. This will prevent it from stretching. If there are inflammatory phenomena on the skin (pimples, pustules), then simply wash off the peeling warm water using a cotton pad or sponge.

After washing it is good to do nourishing mask or apply moisturizer. Their effect will increase many times over, because they will fall on the fertile “soil” of well-cleansed skin.

Refrain from going outside immediately after the gommage procedure, especially if it is frosty and windy. The same warnings apply to visiting a solarium or exposure to bright sun. After all, your skin is still defenseless and very sensitive.

Gommage can be prepared at home

Gommage recipe for oily skin

Take 1 part of dry cream and rice flour, 2 parts of barley flour. By parts you can mean tablespoons or teaspoons. Stir and add water or your favorite cleanser to the mixture. The consistency should be thick enough so that the mask does not run off your face. We use the product according to the described technology.

Gommage recipe for dry skin

You will need 2 parts of semolina, 1 part of oatmeal and ground orange peel. Preparation and application techniques are the same as in case 1.

These homemade gommage preparations can be stored in glassware under the lid in a cool place. If necessary, you just need to dilute them with liquid and they will be ready for use.

As a result of using gommage, you will receive the following beneficial benefits:

Soft and delicate skin cleansing;

Thanks to micromassage of its surface, blood flow will increase, the cells will receive increased nutrition;

Congestion will be eliminated, as cellular metabolism will accelerate;

The protective functions of the skin are activated;

The water-fat balance is harmonized;

On refreshed and renewed skin, small wrinkles will disappear, a gentle blush will appear, and makeup will look great on its soft velvety surface.

Isn't it worth a try? Your efforts will definitely be rewarded, because female body not only inquisitive, but also grateful.

Gommage mask for dry and sensitive skin

In order for dry and sensitive facial skin to look good, it needs to be carefully cared for, well nourished and moisturized, and also cleansed. A homemade gommage mask copes well with this task.

A gommage mask is a type of peeling, but it cleanses the skin of dead cells more carefully than a scrub, since it does not contain solid particles. Cleansing occurs due to the softening of dead cells and their subsequent removal.

During the process of removing the gommage mask, the skin is massaged and delicate peeling is performed, blood flow and cellular metabolism improves. Unlike a scrub, a gommage mask can be used to care for dry, sensitive and thin skin.

Chamomile essential oil (optional). It is necessary to mix a tablespoon of semolina and oatmeal crushed to flour, add 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream, a teaspoon of olive oil, a yolk and ½ teaspoon each lemon juice, aloe juice and parsley. For very sensitive skin, it is recommended to add 2-3 drops of chamomile essential oil. Mix all ingredients well and leave for 15-20 minutes (semolina should swell a little).

The gommage mask is applied to cleansed, dry facial skin (bypassing the eyelids and lips), left for 20-30 minutes until the mask dries. Then the mask is carefully rolled up with your fingertips. When the mask is completely removed from the skin, rinse the face with cool water. There is no need to apply moisturizers or nourishing products after the mask.

Semolina and oatmeal cleanses and softens the skin, making it velvety.

Sour cream, yolk and olive oil perfectly nourish the skin, saturate it with vitamins, macro and microelements, smooth out wrinkles and make the skin more elastic.

Lemon juice contains fruit acids that soften dead cells and promote their removal. Lemon is also an excellent antioxidant that helps remove toxins from the skin.

Aloe juice perfectly moisturizes the skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect, smoothes out wrinkles.

Parsley juice improves skin tone and complexion, whitens and refreshes the skin, and also relieves puffiness.

Chamomile essential oil Perfect for caring for dry and sensitive skin, relieves irritation, soothes and rejuvenates the skin.

After a gommage mask, dry facial skin becomes moisturized and velvety, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, complexion improves, flaking disappears, and the skin looks very fresh. With regular use, skin condition improves significantly.

Read in the article:

Facial gommage is a cleanser that can be used to remove impurities from the deepest subcutaneous layers. Many people associate such a mask with a scrub, but this is not entirely true: gommage does not contain hard particles that can damage the skin - it is gentle and gentle.

What is gommage

If we describe the effect of facial gommage, then it has a peeling effect, but the skin does not need to be massaged too intensely - you just need to apply a mask and after a while enjoy the effect.

The benefit of gommage masks for facial skin lies in the simultaneous effect on the skin, pores and dermis:

  • Gentle cleansing of impurities, sebaceous secretions and dead cells - all these factors interfere with the free breathing of the skin;
  • All components included in this product do not rip off or scratch out dirt, without causing injury or creating microcracks;
  • As a rule, homemade masks contain many vitamins and minerals that moisturize and nourish the skin;
  • After the procedure, the texture is smoothed, the number of wrinkles is reduced, and the complexion improves, which allows for an additional rejuvenation effect.

The secret of gommage masks also lies in the fact that they can be used on any skin type, even overly sensitive ones: due to the content of special components, such products bring only benefits in any case.

Indications for use

The use of gommage products in homemade face masks is effective in the following cases:

  • Severe peeling;
  • Inflammation, redness, pimples and acne;
  • Drooping oval face, wrinkles;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Polluted pores;
  • Lack of nutrition and moisture;
  • Increased sebaceous secretions.

Contraindications: It is prohibited to use gommage only for open wounds, rosacea or unhealed postoperative sutures.

  • The composition excludes the presence of lumps and solid particles. It is best to beat it with a blender;
  • Before applying the mask, you need to steam the skin using a herbal bath;
  • The distribution of the product should begin from the forehead and end with the chin;
  • The treatment course for oily skin is 2 times a week for 1 month; for dry skin – 1 time every 1.5 weeks; and for normal skin – 1 time a week for two months;
  • Remove the mask with gentle movements, as if rolling it. If necessary, apply nourishing cream.

Facial gommage mask: recipes

Gommage face mask made from flour

This product can be used to cleanse sebaceous secretions, relieve inflammation and treat acne in oily skin types:

  • Mix 2 tbsp. l. barley flour with rice flour and dry cream (1 tablespoon each), dilute the composition with heated skim milk and stir to the desired condition;
  • Apply the product to the entire skin and take a horizontal position for 20 minutes;
  • When the mask dries, gently roll it with your fingertips, then wash with warm water.

Gommage face mask made from oatmeal

To intensively moisturize, nourish and cleanse rough particles from dry skin, you need to prepare this product:

  • Grind the dry orange peel in a coffee grinder. To 1 tbsp. l. orange powder add the same amount of oatmeal and 2 tbsp. l. decoys. Heat high-fat kefir, and then dilute the composition with it, stirring at the same time until the lumps are eliminated;
  • Distribute the mixture onto the skin in a uniform layer and lie down for 15 minutes;
  • Remove dry particles of gommage and apply moisturizer.

Facial mask with honey

This is considered one of the most intense cleansers for removing deep impurities from any skin type:

  • Melt bee honey (4 tablespoons) in a water bath, bringing it to a warm state. Mix it with sea salt (1 tbsp.);
  • Distribute the mixture over all areas of the skin and leave for 15 minutes;
  • While doing a light massage, remove the remaining mask and rinse with warm water.

Coffee gommage face mask

Normal skin can also benefit from a light cleanser that smooths out wrinkles and improves skin color:

  • 2 tbsp. l. mix oatmeal with 1 tsp. previously brewed ground natural coffee and pour everything with two tbsp. spoons of warm milk;
  • Distribute the well-beaten mixture without lumps over the entire face;
  • Remove the remnants of the mask after 20 minutes as indicated in the recommendations, and complete each procedure by washing with warm water.

Gommage clay face mask

This product was created specifically for aging skin: it easily smoothes out wrinkles, lightens pigmentation and prevents further aging. How to cook it correctly:

  • Grind the dry tangerine peel in a blender so that you end up with 2 tbsp. l. powder. Then this powder is mixed with 1 tbsp. l. mashed tangerine pulp, 1 tsp. green clay, pour 1 tbsp. l. warmed almond oil;
  • Distribute the thoroughly mixed composition over all areas of the face;
  • Remove the mask after 20 minutes as written in the recommendations.

Cream gommage for face

For deep cleansing, elimination of pimples and acne, and if you want to rejuvenate, you can use the following gommage product:

  • 2 tsp. oatmeal dilute 1 tbsp. l. warm milk, add a little nourishing cream to create a thicker substance;
  • Apply gommage to the entire face, hold until the composition is completely dry;
  • If necessary, rinse with warm water to remove unabsorbed particles.

Scrub-gommage for face

You can free pores from impurities, cure inflammation and problematic rashes on oily or combination skin as follows:

  • 0.5 tbsp. l. Pour regular table salt (preferably coarse) with the same amount of cream and mix the composition;
  • Apply the product to all facial areas and allow to dry for 15 minutes;
  • Use gentle movements to remove particles of gommage, as when removing a regular scrub. Complete the procedure by washing.

Gel-gommage for face

To eliminate blackheads, dead cells and pimples on any skin type, cosmetologists recommend using this composition:

  • To 1 tbsp. l. add 0.5 tbsp to your usual washing gel. l. oat or wheat flour;
  • Apply the mask, whipped until smooth, onto the face and leave for 20 minutes;
  • To wash, use water at room temperature.

Starting from the age of fifteen, or even thirteen, most girls begin to think about caring for their skin. Having watched enough television shows and read fashion magazines, beauties rush to stores and buy tonics, face washes and face creams. For adolescence this is quite enough.

But the older the girl, the larger her makeup bag. After a couple of years, it will definitely include at least one mask, scrub, foam and gommage. If everything is more or less clear with the first three points, then not much has been heard about the last one. What is facial gommage? Let's try to figure this out.

What it is?

Gommage is a new product in the beauty industry. It appeared relatively recently and instantly gained popularity, but so far in narrow circles. The fact is that facial gommage is a kind of analogue of a scrub. These two different products have the same goal - deep cleansing of the skin by removing dead particles of the epidermis and other contaminants in the form of dust and dirt.

The task is the same, but the approaches are completely different. A scrub is an aggressive product, it is based on tiny particles that act as an abrasive. It can easily injure overly sensitive skin and instead of smoothness, unwanted redness or even cuts will appear. It’s not very pleasant, is it? Therefore, it is often impossible to scrub your facial skin.

What should girls with overly delicate, “aristocratic” skin do? After all, you also need to take care of it, cleanse the pores of dirt and cosmetics, and the skin of dead cells. Just in order to help the “unfortunate” beauties, cosmetologists have developed a new remedy - gommage.

How does it work?

We seem to have sorted out the definition of this concept; it’s time to learn more about the principle of its operation. Unlike a scrub, which mechanically affects the entire facial skin, regardless of its condition (presence of inflammation, damage), gommage has a slightly different effect. It literally dissolves dead particles that clog pores on the face. For this, a special “thank you” to lactic acid, which is necessarily included in the product.

But can this approach be considered safe? Yes, it is not only safe, but also very useful: in addition to acids, it contains vitamins that restore and nourish the skin and plant extracts that soothe it. They are also responsible for maintaining its firmness and elasticity.

Types of facial gommage

Gommage mask- the most common product in this line. It is applied to the prepared face with massage movements, from top to bottom, and removed - by rolling, from bottom to top. Keep the gommage mask on the skin for no more than twenty minutes. During this time, the product will have time to act and will not cause irritation.

Cream gommage , what is this new thing? A slightly less common, but much more convenient tool. It's much easier to use. With gommage cream, you don’t need to waste time waiting for it to dry, and you don’t need to wash it off. It is enough to apply a light, airy mass to the skin of the face and neck and distribute it with active massage movements.

Gel gommage in popularity it lags far behind its peers. Almost no one has heard anything about him. But in fact, it’s very in vain! Gel gommage has an even softer effect than a mask. Its texture is smoother, sliding. The composition usually contains more substances that soothe and nourish the skin. Gel gommage is suitable for those with very sensitive skin and those who find the gommage mask irritating.

Preparation for the procedure

Before applying gommage to delicate facial skin, it must be properly prepared:

  • first, you need to cleanse your face by simply washing your face. It is advisable to use a cleansing gel or foam;
  • secondly, you should steam the skin and expand the pores for better cleansing. This can be done using steam cleansing: hold your face over a boiled decoction of chamomile or cornflower. In this case, it is better to collect your hair in a bun so that it does not interfere and does not stick to your face. And you should put a towel on your head, which will also cover the container with the hot broth, so as not to release the healing steam. After five minutes, you can pat your skin dry with a clean towel.

Pros and cons of the procedure

The advantages include:

  • good replacement for scrub. If, after using a scrub, some girls experience irritation, a feeling of dry skin, tightness or even scratches, then they should abandon such a rough product in favor of something more gentle. And this is exactly what gommage becomes;
  • truly gentle cleansing. Under no circumstances will gommage harm even the most sensitive skin;
  • Gel gommage is suitable for absolutely everyone. It’s just that those with normal or combination skin usually prefer scrubs. But this is all a matter of taste, and there are no restrictions on the use of this product (only intolerance to its individual components);
  • efficiency. Do not think that gommage does a worse job of its main task - cleansing - than a scrub or mask. It perfectly removes impurities, allowing the skin to breathe, and also eliminates excess fat, which causes oily sheen;
  • improving the regenerative function of the skin. Regular use of facial gommage will allow it to maintain elasticity for a long time and normalize water and lipid balances.

There are few disadvantages of this cosmetic product, but they still exist. Most of comes down to individual contraindications. For example it could be:

  • allergy. Unfortunately, some elements from the gommage composition can cause allergic reactions. If redness, irritation and burning or slight itching are noticed after use, this means that the wrong product has been chosen;
  • the presence of severe damage to the skin. It is better to wait until all wounds and acne have healed, and only then use this cosmetic product;
  • Also, you should not use this product if you go to the beach or park, in a word, in direct sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation already has an adverse effect on the skin; you should not irritate it even more with gommage or scrub;
  • In windy weather, it is better to refuse the peeling procedure with scrub or gommage. The situation is the same as in the case of ultraviolet radiation - the skin is exposed to aggressive external influences.

Gommage is one of those cosmetics, which can easily be prepared in your own kitchen. It is taken as a basis milk product: heavy cream or full fat milk/kefir. Egg white is responsible for the mask's stickiness and texture. Oatmeal, ground in a blender, or semolina will contribute to effective cleansing and renewal of the skin. Another important component is orange powder. It is sold in cosmetic stores and pharmacies.

You can also prepare it yourself. First, you need to select a large and ripe orange at the grocery store. Green ones won't do. And also rotten ones with a dented crust will not work. At home, the fruit should be washed well and carefully peeled. Cut the orange peel into small pieces and leave it for paper napkin dry. When the crusts harden, grind them in a blender or coffee grinder. It should turn out to be powder. Large particles, if any, should be removed.

All you have to do is mix cream, egg white, ground oatmeal and orange powder and your DIY gommage is ready!

So, as you can see, gommage and scrub have the same purpose. The difference is in the effect on the skin (scrub - rough, mechanical, gommage - gentle, acidic). Those who love variety in personal care should pay attention to the types of gommage: cream, gel, mask. Of course, there will be less space in your cosmetic bag, but there is so much joy from a new useful acquisition!

The Faberlic company offers several products for deep and gentle cleansing of the skin: cleansing gommage for the face of the “Oxygen Breathing” line (art. 0271), cleansing gommage with essential oils Expert series (art. 1072), gommage cream for all skin types Verbena series (art. 0806).

Our skin tends to get rid of dead, keratinized particles. But sometimes this natural physiological process is inhibited. This may be due to an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits, insufficient facial hygiene, aggressive environmental influences, but most often - banal aging. As you age, the exfoliation process slows down. New cells under the layer of keratinized membranes cannot breathe freely, their functions are impaired. As a result, the skin becomes lifeless and dull. This is where gommage (mask) comes to the rescue. We will look at what this is in this article.

Who benefits from gommage, how often to carry out this procedure and what cosmetic products to use - read below. We will give several recipes for making gommage masks at home. We will also recommend effective purchases.

What is the difference between gommage and scrub?

The procedure for exfoliating the skin and cleansing it is called peeling (exfoliant). It has two varieties - scrub and gommage mask. What are the types of peeling and how do they differ? The scrub contains solid particles - small or not very small. These can be crushed coffee beans, grape or apricot seeds. Thus, when using a scrub, our skin undergoes a cleansing process that can be compared to the effects of a grater. Small hard particles polish the cheeks and forehead in a very aggressive way. If the skin is young and prone to oily skin, this procedure is effective and very useful. But even in this case, small pimples or ulcers can be damaged during the peeling process with a scrub. Gommage does not contain solid particles. This remedy can be compared with Substances contained in gommage simply dissolve keratinized particles. Therefore, this peeling is more gentle.

Gommage mask - what is it?

This word is of French origin. "Gomme" simply means "eraser". The school eraser very clearly symbolizes the principle of operation of gommage. This product contains chemically active substances (most often fruit acids) that gently dissolve dead cells. No mechanical friction occurs - only micromassage. At the same time, blood flow is stimulated, and this accelerates the processes of cellular metabolism. Thus, not only does effective and gentle cleansing of the skin occur, but congestion in the pores is also eliminated. Few people know another effect that a gommage mask has: that it is an excellent way to prepare the face to accept other caring cosmetic creams. With regular use of the procedure, the skin becomes fresh, elastic, and radiant. In a word, young. A aroma oils, which are included in many gommage masks, make the procedure of such peeling also pleasant. After such cleansing, the skin absorbs nourishing or moisturizing creams well, its color becomes more even, and the oval of the face becomes toned.

What types of gommages are there?

Essentially, this tool is cosmetic mask with exfoliating effect. There are different gommages - for the face, hands, body, legs. Depending on what part of the body the mask is intended for, additional functions (softening, whitening, nutrition) are added to its main function. For example, antiperspirants and antifungal components are added to foot gommage. Naturally, for the face, the product should be chosen according to your skin type. How does a gommage mask work? We have already said that this is a soft peeling. Unlike scrubs and clay masks, which need to be washed off, gommage, when dried, forms a thin soft film on the surface of the skin. It needs to be rolled carefully with your fingertips. The whole procedure is a bit like how a depilatory cream works. Only in the case of gommage, it is not hairs that are removed, but dead skin cells.

How often to apply

The answer to this question depends on your skin type. If it is youthful, oily, with blackheads, then gommage can be carried out three times a week. The same can be said about But people with a normal or dry type should limit the use of gommages to once or twice a week. As for the method of removing the product from the face, there are some nuances here too. You should not wait for your gommage mask to dry completely. You will see that this is harmful when you try to peel off the frozen layer from your face. Always follow the cosmetic product manufacturer's instructions. If your skin contains pustules, damage, or is simply too flabby, abandon the principle of rolling the mask altogether. It is best to eliminate it in the usual way - rinse with warm water using a sponge.

How to do gommage at home

Before the procedure, it is advisable to steam your face. It is not at all necessary to stand over a pan of boiling water. Just take a hot shower or bath. When the skin is damp (but not wet), apply the cream with light movements along the massage lines. Don't forget about the neck and décolleté, but avoid the area around the eyes and eyebrows. It is best to place cucumber mugs or cotton pads soaked in thermal water on your eyelids during the procedure. This way you can take care of your face and eyes at the same time. While the mask is in effect, try to relax and do not use facial expressions. When a soft film forms, roll it from the forehead to the chin. After the procedure, you need to wash your face with warm water. You will see what a facial gommage mask is after the first use. You should not go out into the cold, wind or go to the beach immediately after the procedure. Cleansed skin is very sensitive not only to creams, but also to environmental influences.

Gommage recipes

All mixtures should be stored dry in glass containers and diluted with water before applying to the face. So what do they recommend? knowledgeable people for gentle cleansing of oily skin? Mix a tablespoon each of rice flour and dry cream. Stir. Add two tablespoons of barley flour. Before use, dilute with warm water so that the mixture does not run off your face. And for sensitive or dry skin, what should a homemade gommage mask be like? Reviews from those who have used it recommend taking two tablespoons of oatmeal and mixing it with semolina and ground orange zest. You need to take half as much of these ingredients as oatmeal. It is better to wash off such masks from your home medicine cabinet with warm water rather than roll them up. But the effect of gentle exfoliation will be no worse than after purchased products.

What is a gommage mask for the face "Avon"

For lovers of Avon products, the company has prepared a pleasant surprise, which is part of the Planet SPA line. Now, in addition to scrubs and masks from SPA Planet, you can also find a small, 50-milliliter tube of gommage. Officially, the product is called “Superior Cleansing”, which is quite consistent with the result. This gommage mask with Dead Sea minerals perfectly exfoliates dead particles, tightens pores, and refreshes the complexion. The structure of the product is delicate, gel-like. The smell of silt and salt seems to transport you to the shore of the Dead Sea. After just three minutes, the gel on the skin turns into a transparent glossy mask. It must be rolled up and your face thoroughly washed. The product is used sparingly, and it is inexpensive - about a hundred rubles.

What the reviews say

Russian users recently learned what a gommage mask from Avon is. But I immediately liked the product. And not only because of the affordable price. Regarding ease of use, women gave the “Excellent Cleansing” gommage a solid A plus. After all, unlike mud masks, which you need to devote 10-20 minutes of your life to, this product hardens in three minutes. The substance is removed well - no need to pull the skin. The product is used very sparingly. For one procedure, it is enough to squeeze out literally two drops of gel. All users are satisfied with the effect produced by Avon gommage. After the first procedure, the skin becomes smooth, soft and fresh, like a baby’s.