Deep facial cleansing in the salon

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Deep facial cleansing – maximum cleansing of the skin from various impurities

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Secrets of magical skin transformation with. It is both a medicine and a cosmetic product.

Homemade facial cleansing

Home facial cleansing is less traumatic, it is superficial, does not affect the deeper layers, and can be done in the summer. But the results will please only those who followed the instructions for carrying out this procedure and were able to ensure its complete sterility even at home.

Failure to comply with basic hygiene rules can lead to infection under the skin, and this is fraught with serious health consequences.

Each stage of home facial cleansing must be performed carefully, thoroughly and with the utmost care.

  1. Everything that the skin comes into contact with must be sterilized. Do not use an old, rusty container for steam baths, in which you previously washed dishes. Everything must be clean and sterile.
  2. Stock up on medicinal herbs in advance that will be useful for the steam bath. You can use pharmaceutical chamomile, which has anti-inflammatory properties. One tablespoon of raw material (it can be dry or fresh grass) is poured with a glass of boiling water and simmered over low heat for 10 minutes. Then the prepared broth is poured into a wide container with boiling water. One glass of decoction is for 1–2 liters of water.
  3. Pin up your hair on the top of your head, bend over the bowl with hot water and cover with a terry towel on top. You must be extremely careful at this stage and keep your head above the water at a sufficient distance to avoid burns. As it cools down, you can tilt your face lower. The time allocated for this stage of cleaning is from 5 to 10 minutes. Steamed skin and wide open pores will allow you to eliminate impurities faster and more painlessly.
  4. After this, a cleanser is applied to the skin. This could be a scrub or a special mask. They can be store-bought or home-made - it depends on everyone’s personal preferences. If the products are used for the first time, they must first be tested for allergy. To do this, just apply a little scrub or mask to the delicate and sensitive skin of the wrist (or the inner crease of the elbow). If there is no reaction (redness and itching), we can assume that the test has been passed positively and the product can be used to cleanse the face completely safely.
  5. The scrub is applied in a circular motion and thoroughly but gently rubbed into the skin, which is massaged along with the product for 3-4 minutes. After this, you need to wash your face and apply your favorite mask for about 10 minutes. After washing it off, the skin needs to be soothed with a cream that matches its type.
  6. You should not get carried away with this procedure, as it is traumatic. Once a week for problematic, very dirty skin will be enough. If facial cleansing is carried out regularly, the procedure can be repeated once every 2-3 weeks.

As for cleansing scrubs and peeling masks, it should be noted that they are highly effective and safe natural remedies, which are easy to prepare yourself from your own supplies in your cosmetic bag and refrigerator.

Cleansing Recipes

Homemade peeling products should contain abrasive (solid) particles that actively clean out the pores, carrying with them all kinds of foreign particles from the pores. There are quite a lot of recipes. You can use both a scrub and a homemade mask in one procedure. The effect will exceed all expectations

  • Oatmeal scrub

Grind natural oat flakes in a coffee maker. Dilute one tablespoon of the resulting oatmeal flour with water at room temperature (or slightly warm) to make a paste that will not run off your face.

  • Masks with cosmetic clay

Cosmetic clay is famous for its cleansing properties. The main thing is to choose the right color of clay for your skin type (white - for oily and problem skin, blue and red - for fading, green - for dry and flaky, pink - for normal, yellow - for tired, black and gray - for any type). You need to dilute one tablespoon of the selected powder with water until a thick paste forms.

  • Flour masks

Dilute one tablespoon of wheat or flour with water to the desired consistency.

  • Swedish mask

Beat three teaspoons of low-fat cottage cheese with a mixer, mix with one teaspoon of natural, slightly warmed honey.

  • Gelatin mask

Grind two tablets (crush to powder), mix with two teaspoons of gelatin powder. Pour in four teaspoons of milk at room temperature. Stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Heat for 15 seconds in the microwave, cool.

  • Rice scrub

Mix one tablespoon of crushed rice grains with the same amount of liquid honey and lemon juice(or its pulp).

  • Cabbage mask

One tablespoon chopped sauerkraut mix with a teaspoon of milk at room temperature and the same amount of chopped oatmeal.

  • Bean scrub

Pass the boiled beans through a strainer, dilute one tablespoon of the resulting puree with the same amount of lemon juice, add two teaspoons of natural olive oil.

Homemade scrubs and cleansing masks can rid your face of various rashes caused by subcutaneous inflammation. If you regularly cleanse your pores of impurities, the condition of your skin will improve significantly: it will bloom with youth and beauty, eliminating unnecessary complexes and worries about your appearance.

Due to many factors, maintaining beauty requires deep facial cleansing in the salon, which improves skin turgor, brings smoothness and freshness. A variety of facial cleansing techniques allows you to choose the necessary scheme for restoring beauty and freshness. Cosmetologists often do not recommend cleaning, as it can have negative consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages of facial cleansing in a salon

Facial cleansing in the salon impoverishes the massage, an opportunity to improve appearance and an opportunity to relax. After salon procedures facial skin becomes radiant, fresh and comes great mood. Among the benefits of peeling are:

  • improving blood circulation in the skin;
  • removal of toxins;
  • removal of blackheads, small scars, smoothing of small facial wrinkles;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • activation of collagen and elastin production.

Almost after 1-3 procedures the result is visible, it all depends on the problem of the skin. The disadvantages include:

  • the need to adhere to certain rules of facial care after the procedure (especially washing, using powder, foundation);
  • the need to undergo a rehabilitation period (certain types of peeling cannot be done before the start of an important event);
  • ban on sunbathing for a certain period or for a long period;
  • some types are characterized by trauma or have an increased risk of complications.

Some types of peeling can be performed at home (vacuum, mechanical), but in order to avoid complications, it is necessary to have your face cleaned by a professional cosmetologist.

Who is suitable for deep cleaning?

Salon facial cleansing is useful for those who have small scars, oily skin type, the presence of blackheads, acne (the exception is the period of inflammation), comedones, pigmentation. To achieve the desired result, some people practice combining different types of cleansing. For clients with delicate sensitive skin, there is an option for certain types of facial cleansing techniques.

Is advance preparation necessary?

Before carrying out facial cleansing, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation. Naturally, the skin is cleansed of dirt and decorative cosmetics. Next, you need to steam it or apply special products to expand the pores. The only exception is ultrasound technology; there is no need for a preparatory stage.

Steaming the skin is done using hot baths or done with a vaporizer (a device that creates steam that hits the face). Heat compresses and paraffin masks are used.

How does a cosmetologist do facial cleansing?

Before you make an appointment with a cosmetologist, you need to understand how facial cleansing is done in a salon. At the first stage, it is necessary to prepare the skin, remove dirt and cosmetics, then, if necessary, do steaming or softening using special gels and creams. Next comes the peeling process itself. At the end of the procedure, a plant-based mask is applied to protect against the inflammatory process. The mask tightens pores and has a calming effect. Then treat with lotion and apply cream.

Facial cleansing in the salon includes the use of various hardware, mechanical or acid methods, which provides an anti-inflammatory, rejuvenating effect.


Vacuum cleansing of facial skin in a salon is done using a special device with a nozzle under air pressure. The device works like a vacuum cleaner, drawing in microparticles of the stratum corneum of the skin.

Before starting the procedure, the skin is cleansed of decorative cosmetics and impurities. Next, it is treated under steam to heat the pores. After this stage, the device is carried out along the massage lines for 20 minutes. In this case, different attachments are used for different parts of the body. Vacuum cleaning is carried out not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté area. Finish with a mask to tighten pores or use an ice cube.

This technique does not affect the deep layers of the skin, so it can be done often. The vacuum technique is used for acne and to combat blackheads. Vacuum cleaning improves blood circulation and lymph flow in the skin, reduces expression wrinkles, evens out facial tone.

Contraindicated in case of rosacea, rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis, pregnancy, or close proximity of capillaries.


Mechanical facial cleansing in the salon allows you to get rid of dirt in the pores. After steaming with your hands, using sterile wipes, removes blackheads. A cosmetologist can use different tools:

  • strainer;
  • spoons with a loop.

Mechanical peeling lasts 20 minutes until the pores are opened; if this time is not enough, then apply hot compresses and continue working. After the procedure, you should not leave the office into cold air for 40 minutes; you must wait for the redness to go away and the pores to narrow.

The procedure causes injury to the dermis; even after soothing masks, irritation occurs on the face. For dry skin types, allergies, herpes, and blood diseases, mechanical cleansing is contraindicated. It is recommended for removing comedones, sebaceous plugs, and blackheads. There are no contraindications during pregnancy.

Interesting! If you do mechanical facial cleansing in the first half menstrual cycle, then the process will be less painful.


As a method of facial cleansing in a salon, clients are offered the brushing procedure. A scrub is applied to the steamed skin. Next, using a device with brushes of different diameters and hardness, the stratum corneum is removed. The speed and direction of movement can be adjusted. Peeling is done along massage lines and takes no more than 15 minutes. Brushing is carried out in courses of 8 sessions, then a 3-month break.

Such cosmetic procedure increases cell division of the epidermis. The remaining scrub is soaked with napkins. At the end of the procedure, there is no need for special facial care. Brushing is done for pregnant women and is used frequently.

Brushing is not suitable for solving serious skin problems; for this it is necessary to use other more aggressive methods. Contraindicated for herpes, dermatitis, inflammation. The method is ineffective for the appearance of spider veins and loose skin.


Peeling is carried out under local anesthesia. The application of chemicals causes a burn, which results in separation of the papillary skin from the reticular one. Old collagen fibers and elastin cells are burned out, after which new ones are produced. After which a rehabilitation period of 2 months is required, after which the skin becomes smooth and moisturized. Chemical peeling promotes rejuvenation and improves turgor. Procedures are contraindicated for:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergies to chemicals;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • herpes active form.

Do not do chemical peeling after 40 years, or while taking medicines with aspirin. It is not recommended to do it at home, only under the guidance of a professional cosmetologist.

Using low frequency current galvanizing

When using current on the skin, fat is removed, epithelial regeneration is improved, blackheads, acne, small wrinkles are removed, skin color and elasticity are improved. Blood circulation, lymph flow, and cell metabolism are also enhanced, and fat production by the sebaceous glands is stabilized. Ideal for sensitive skin. The procedure is painless and does not cause swelling or burns. Not recommended for:

  • purulent inflammation;
  • cuts and microtraumas in the treated area;
  • pregnancy;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • blood diseases.

Before you begin cosmetic peeling, you need to cleanse your skin of impurities and decorative cosmetics. The procedure is done along massage lines using an electrode, which is wrapped in a napkin with disinfectant. The electrode is charged with negative energy. At the end, a restorative agent is applied.


Laser beams generated by the device are used as a facial cleanser in a salon, and are carried out over the area of ​​the skin where there is a problem. During the procedure, the client experiences a slight pleasant vibration.

Practiced for uneven texture, spider veins, and pigmentation. After the procedure, the flow of the sebaceous glands improves, the size of the pores decreases, and impurities in the pores are removed. There is no risk of infection with laser cleaning. Not recommended for herpes, pregnancy, purulent pimples, diabetes, infectious diseases acute form.


The use of a special device, which consists of a metal plate under high-frequency pulses, effectively fights pigmentation, blackheads, blackheads, and improves skin turgor. A gel with aloe or cacti is applied to the surface, then using a cage, the cosmetologist passes the beam, during which old skin cells are removed. At the end of the procedure, they are dried with ozone, then masks are applied to close the pores and a protective cream.

Ultrasonic cleaning improves cellular metabolism, strengthens skin immunity, activates the production of collagen and elastin, and prevents rashes. Contraindicated for:

  • arrhythmias;
  • pregnancy;
  • tumors;
  • acute thrombophlebitis.

Used for sensitive dermis, but for oily skin, you must choose a different method.

How often should you cleanse your face?

Each cleansing has its own limitations depending on the skin type and, accordingly, the frequency of the procedure. For dry and normal types, it is recommended to do it once 2-3 months. For fatty types, do it more often once 1-2 months. If you neglect the rules, the skin condition will worsen and the risk of inflammation will increase.

Possible side effects

Among the possible side effects highlight:

  • redness;
  • swelling;
  • epidermal burn.

We suggest you look at the features of facial cleansing:

Important! It is necessary to choose a competent specialist, since the quality of the peeling depends on his professionalism.

Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 7 minutes


IN modern world skin health is not the last priority, since the air in big cities significantly spoils the condition of the epidermis. Blackheads, wen and pimples cause girls a lot of problems, so they have to look for more and more new ways to clean their face.

So, what salon methods of facial cleansing exist, and which one is better to choose?

Mechanical facial cleansing in the salon - indications for it, advantages of the procedure

Many people remember how in their youth they steamed their skin with a hot towel and then manually “squeezed out” blackheads and pimples...

Today everything looks much more aesthetically pleasing, but the mechanical impact on the skin of the face still remains one of the most effective methods of skin cleansing .

So, what is this procedure?

  • The master cleanses the skin of blackheads and pimples, both with his hands and with the help of certain tools.
  • Before the procedure, the facial skin is steamed. The procedure itself lasts about 20 minutes, because it is during this period of time that the pores are open.
  • First, the master will cleanse the skin by using a special strainer (sponge) to remove all dead cells and excess fat.
  • Next, the cosmetologist proceeds directly to cleansing the pores. The most important thing is that everything is done with sterile instruments and exclusively with the help of special napkins.
  • If more than 20 minutes have passed and the face has not yet been cleaned, then another hot compress is applied. Without this compress, the procedure will be painful and ineffective.
  • After the skin cleansing process is completed, several masks are applied to the face in succession: first a disinfectant, then a vitamin one, and then a moisturizer.
  • It is worth saying that this procedure leaves behind red marks, dots and marks that will be visible for 1-2 days after the procedure, so you should not do it on the eve of an important event.
  • Also, after the procedure, you should not wash your face for 12 hours, and for the next 3 days it is better to refrain from sunbathing and using chemical cosmetics.
  • The cost of this procedure is 1000-2000 rubles.

Types of peeling in the salon – which one is right for you?

Peeling is an excellent option for girls who want to simultaneously cleanse their skin, attend a massage and lift their spirits, because the procedure combines all this at once.

Peeling is a gentle and gentle way to cleanse the skin of annoying blackheads, and also make it smoother, shiny and silky.

So, what types of peels are there, and who are they suitable for?

  • Mechanical peeling (brossage). This peeling is performed using a special brush with a rotating head. For brossage, scrubs with microscopic crumbs of fruit seeds, coffee or nuts are specially selected. After steaming the skin, a 10-minute procedure. Mechanical peeling gets rid of all unevenness and can even remove scars, if such a task arises. The procedure lasts from 20 to 60 minutes. Cost: 500-1500 rubles
  • Chemical peeling. distinguish between middle, deep and superficial. Pre-cleaned skin is wiped with special solutions containing various acids. Chemical peeling is more suitable not for cleansing the skin of impurities, but for getting rid of small scars, scars and everything else that spoils the even skin tone. The procedure takes from 30 minutes to an hour. Cost: 1500-3000 rubles.
  • Fruit peeling. This type of peeling is the safest and most enjoyable, as the skin recovers quickly after the procedure. Natural fruit acids are used for cleansing. Wine, milk, apple and lemon peels are popular. It should be said that this peeling has a very strong rejuvenating effect. The procedure lasts about 20-25 minutes. Cost: 1500-2000 rubles.
  • . This procedure is new in modern salons, but it is already very popular. During the procedure, the skin undergoes a polishing process using diamond dust. Cells are renewed, but the skin itself is not damaged. The procedure lasts from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. Cost: 1500-3000 rubles.

It should be noted that any type of peeling contraindicated during pregnancy or lactation, with herpes, with allergies to peeling components, as well as with open wounds and exacerbation of acne!

If there benign or malignant growths, warts or moles , then peeling should also be abandoned.

Hardware facial cleansing – choose ultrasonic or vacuum, brushing or galvanization?

Absolutely any method of salon facial cleansing will be much more effective than cleaning at home, but you need to remember that you only need to contact a trusted professional. This also applies to hardware facial cleansing - the result directly depends on the professionalism of the chosen cosmetologist.

So, what types of hardware facial cleansing exist, and which one is better to choose?

  • Brushing. This is a brush peeling, carried out using a special cosmetic device to which brushes are attached. Using these brushes, the upper layer of the epidermis is cleaned, dead skin cells are removed, blood circulation improves, and the cells begin to regenerate faster. This method is suitable for girls with sensitive flaky skin who do not have strong problems and inflammation, since brushing does not give a very strong and short-term result. This procedure takes from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on the attachments. Cost of one procedure: 500-1000 rubles.
  • Ultrasonic hardware facial cleansing. Ultrasound has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and cleansing effect on women's skin, increases skin firmness and elasticity, and also tightens pores, preventing the appearance of acne and blackheads. If you have sensitive skin, then this method will suit you, since ultrasonic cleaning is much more gentle than manual cleaning. The master performs this procedure using an ultrasonic scrubber, which he moves over the surface of the facial skin for 15 minutes. Then a soothing gel mask is applied to the skin. The entire procedure takes from 40 to 60 minutes. Cost of the procedure: 2000-3000 rubles.
  • Vacuum cleaning. A procedure ideal for all ladies with oily skin, blackheads, acne, and women with aging skin. The procedure itself involves drawing out the contents of clogged pores through a special apparatus equipped with a vacuum tube. First, the master steams the skin to open the pores, and then carries out the procedure itself, which is almost painless. It should be noted that after this cleansing, the result is immediately visible - the complexion improves and evens out, the elasticity of the skin increases significantly, and all blackheads disappear. The procedure lasts from 30 to 90 minutes, depending on skin problems. Cost of the procedure: 2000-3000 rubles.
  • Galvanization. This procedure is performed when using a device that produces low-purity current. The current painlessly softens sebaceous plugs, opens pores, eliminates impurities and melts sebum. At this moment, the cosmetologist removes all impurities with a cotton pad. The procedure requires consultation with a specialist. Galvanization lasts from an hour to two. Cost of the procedure: 1000-3000 rubles.

Masks for facial cleansing in the salon

The most popular procedure in salons today remains salon masks for facial cleansing.

It should be noted that masks are only given short-term but immediately visible effect .

How does this procedure happen and who is it suitable for?

  • Masks are selected personally for each girl , taking into account her skin type, problems with it, and also taking into account the desired result.
  • Film mask applied to the face, previously steamed or warmed with special creams.
  • Masks are applied for 20-40 minutes. During this time, the components penetrate the skin, dissolving sebaceous plugs, wen and blackheads.
  • After the procedure the skin immediately becomes clean, soft and elastic, but the result of the procedure is short-lived.
  • This method of facial cleansing is suitable for absolutely all girls. , since the composition of the mask is selected for each skin type separately.
  • Cost of this procedure: 300-1000 rubles, depending on the composition of the mask.

Face cleaning can be done independently at home or in specialized salons and clinics. About what methods professional cosmetologists prefer and how they differ modern methods facial cleansing, we’ll talk today on the women’s website “Beautiful and Successful”.

When caring about beauty, not everyone thinks about the fact that it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin, first of all, because it performs a respiratory function, regulates metabolic processes, and protects the body from infections.

You should also remember that when carrying out the procedure at home There is no such sterility as in salons: Self-cleaning can only worsen the condition of the skin.

Therefore, today one of the most popular services is facial cleansing in a salon, where they will help you deal with skin problems at a professional level.

Facial cleansing in the salon is carried out using the following methods:

  • Mechanical facial cleansing in the salon - the cosmetologist removes all excess from the skin manually, as well as with the help of special tools.
  • Hardware methods:
  1. Brushing
  2. Ultrasonic cleaning
  3. Vacuum cleaning
  4. Galvanization (low frequency current)
  • Facial cleansing in the salon with acids - peeling
  • Cleansing facial skin using special masks

Preliminary preparation of the face for cleansing

Before you begin the skin cleansing procedure, open pores: the face is steamed using a steam bath, a vaporizer (a device that produces steam that falls on the face) or warming creams/gels are applied.

Can also use Teplov compresses, paraffin masks etc.

Steaming the skin is carried out before all types of cleaning, except ultrasonic. This preparation increases blood circulation, opens pores well, stimulates the sebaceous glands, which will make it easier and more effective to remove impurities.

Mechanical facial cleansing

Many of us, especially those who had problem skin in our youth, remember how, after steaming our skin with hot steam, we began to cleanse our faces. Those who understood the intricacies knew that this procedure should be done on days when no public appearances are planned - my face remained covered in red spots and dots for a couple of days, but then the result couldn’t help but please me. The skin is hot, therefore.

What else is needed to remove various wen and blackheads, which even today come under close attention when cleansing the face?

At manual (manual) cleaning in the salon (you can find this name) the skin is cleansed by the hands of a master cosmetologist using various sterile instruments: spoons, needles, strainers, etc. The procedure takes place in several stages:

  1. Using a strainer, remove dead cells and remove fat.
  2. The cosmetologist goes to manually cleansing pores using sterile wipes and instruments. The procedure lasts approximately 20 minutes - this is how long the pores will remain well open. After this, the specialist, as a rule, carries out a repeated procedure for expanding the pores, otherwise the cleaning will be less effective and more painful.
  3. The face is disinfected using a convenient method: infrared rays, masks, etc.
  4. Skin-soothing procedures: cryomassage, masks or darsonvalization - exposure of the skin to high-frequency current.

After mechanical cleaning You can’t wash your face in the salon for 12 hours, you can’t sunbathe for 3 days, and you can’t wipe your face with lotion containing alcohol.

Hardware methods of facial cleansing in the salon

Any method of professional facial cleansing in a salon will be more effective than what you can do at home on your own if you adhere to one important condition: you need to contact a master of your craft.

Carrying out facial cleansing in a salon using modern devices is considered a good alternative to manual cleaning.

The essence of the method is that the skin is cleaned using special attachments, which are connected to a specific device: brushes, ultrasound, vacuum space, low frequency current are used.

You can only use hardware methods (if the skin is not very problematic), but most often in salons they practice combined method: carry out cleaning using a device and “finish off” the remains by manual cleaning. This approach gives the best results.


Brush peeling(brushing, brushing, bromassage) is carried out using a device to which brush attachments are connected. The cosmetologist moves over the face and cleanses the upper layer of the skin - the epithelium.

This method applies to superficial method skin cleansing - peeling: dead cells are removed and only the top layer of skin is renewed, blood supply improves. Brush can serve as a good basis for applying masks, creams, but it gives a short-term and not as “deep” result as when cleaning the skin with other hardware methods: ultrasound, vacuum or galvanic current.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing in the salon

Ultrasound has an anti-inflammatory and cleansing effect on the skin, tightens pores, increases skin firmness and elasticity. Facial cleansing in the salon using ultrasound softer compared to manual. It is for this reason that it is recommended for those who do not have serious skin problems. So, for example, ultrasonic facial cleansing will not cope with closed comedones - this is the opinion of cosmetologists themselves.

If after the procedure you follow the recommended rules for caring for your skin, the results after ultrasonic cleaning will be noticeable within 3 to 4 weeks. If the skin is problematic, then it is recommended to complex procedures: manual cleaning and hardware cleaning.

Facial cleansing in a salon (reviews say so) with ultrasound is considered a popular way to get rid of skin problems. The wave penetrates deep and affects sebaceous pores. Here's what reviews say about ultrasonic facial cleansing:

  • “Under the influence of ultrasound, sebaceous plugs seem to “fly out.” Rina"
  • “I liked the facial cleansing at the salon. The cosmetologist moved the device (similar to a blade) across the face, it didn’t hurt. The sensations are not painful at all, but more like pinching and tickling. During the procedure, she showed me the little white rounds that remained on the blade. This pores opened and cleaned so well. Check mark".
  • “Ultrasonic facial cleansing in a salon suits me best. My skin is not problematic enough to choose manual cleaning, and the waves cleanse gently and painlessly. I felt some kind of tingling sensation, as if mineral water had been spilled on my face, and the bubbles were jumping. That's all! Paris."
  • “When they cleaned the wings of my nose and forehead, it hurt a little. But the result is excellent! Svetlana"
  • “I would like to note that The skin tightened after the ultrasound. This is how the procedure affected collagen fibers. That is, after ultrasonic facial cleansing you will also get a slight lifting effect. Pauline".

Progress of the procedure

  1. Facial cleansing. Let us remind you that there is no need to steam your face before ultrasonic cleaning.
  2. Applying a gel that will serve as an ultrasound conductor.
  3. Carrying out the procedure. The cosmetologist runs an ultrasonic scrubber over the face for about 15 minutes.
  4. If necessary, additional mechanical (manual) cleaning of particularly difficult areas is carried out.
  5. Applying a soothing gel or mask.

Vacuum facial cleansing in the salon

Contents from open pores pulled out with special vacuum tube.

Just like with manual cleansing, the first steps will be cleansing the skin and opening the pores, but unlike mechanical cleansing, this procedure is painless and has no side effects (for example, inflammation and redness). In addition, after vacuum facial cleansing, skin color improves and its elasticity increases.

Vacuum facial cleansing in the salon has both positive and negative reviews. Some write that this is an empty procedure, others consider it an excellent alternative to manual cleaning.

  • “I wouldn’t say that this is a waste of money. If first open the pores well, and not to do it “dry”, it cleans very well. But if the skin is dirty, you still need to clean it with your hands. Marianne"
  • “The vacuum cleaning itself goes very quickly - about 20 minutes. But the preparation - cleansing, opening the pores - takes a very long time. Katyusha"
  • “I don't like vacuum cleaning. She is not worth wasting your time and money. Moreover, after it Bruises may appear on the face. I trust only manual ones – proven over the years. Ksyu."
  • “It only works in “mild cases.” That is, if the face is not neglected, it cleanses perfectly! Natalie Sergeevna"

Cleaning the face in the salon using low frequency current - galvanization

This type of deep cleaning can be used as an independent method. Galvanization is also considered an excellent addition to ultrasonic or vacuum cleaning or a manual method of improving skin condition.

At disincrustation(this is also called galvanic cleansing) the skin is exposed to a low frequency current that comes from a galvanic apparatus. The cosmetologist moves a special attachment over the face.

Despite the fact that current is applied to the skin, the procedure is painless because the current is minimal, but at the same time sufficient to soften sebaceous plugs, open pores, melt sebum and fat, and eliminate impurities. The cosmetologist removes all dirt using a cotton pad.

The procedure should be carried out no more than once every 3 weeks. More frequent visits to the salon can lead to the opposite result: the sebaceous glands will begin to produce secretions more intensively, which will worsen the condition of the skin.

Galvanic facial cleansing in the salon (reviews confirm this) is a new, but already quite popular procedure. The results after it were mostly positive.

  • “My cosmetologist recommended me to have my face cleaned in a salon using the galvanization method. I have skin is oily and problematic. After the session, my complexion improved significantly and my acne went away. I also noticed that my skin does not become oily so quickly, it has become more elastic. I would like to note that, in parallel with the cleansing procedure, I was injected with special preparations to improve the condition of my skin. I recommend this cleaning method. Marysya."
  • “And I bought myself a device and cleanse my problem skin at home. Natalia"
  • “This method cannot be used during pregnancy. Little research has been done on this issue and it is unknown how the body will react to the intervention. Lara"

Gentle facial cleansing methods

Sometimes, if you have problem skin, mechanical and hardware facial cleansing in a salon may be contraindicated. In these cases, they practice more gentle, but not like that effective methods facial cleansing with peeling or masks.

  • Peeling, or dry facial cleansing in a salon, it would be more correct to classify it as a method of facial skin care, but sometimes this method is used in salons to remove plugs from pores due to acne. This method does not give the same results as mechanical or hardware facial cleansing in a salon (reviews about this can often be found), which can cleanse the skin even of deep impurities.
  • In salons as face masks They use ready-made film masks, which are selected according to skin type and applied to the face with previously open pores using steam or a special warming cream.

How often should you cleanse your face?

Facial cleansing in the salon contraindicated for inflamed acne, rosacea (dilated blood vessels), wounds, scratches, contact dermatitis, pustular diseases, herpes, eczema, bronchial asthma, etc. All contraindications should be checked with a cosmetologist.

Each method, in addition to the general ones, has its own limitations. Thus, vacuum cleaning is contraindicated for dry skin, and galvanization cannot be performed on patients with individual intolerance to current.

To those who have dry and normal skin, You should clean your face once every 2-3 months, and those with oily problem skin should clean their skin more often - 2-3 times a month.

A cosmetologist should advise which method of facial cleansing in a salon is best for your skin, taking into account all the indications and contraindications. The site does not advise neglecting this procedure - after all, this not only beauty, but also your health.

I'm writing another review based on my personal experience. We will talk about a cosmetic procedure for the face, namely deep cleansing of the skin. How to choose “your” cosmetologist, about the cosmetics that cosmetologists work on, types of deep skin cleansing, about the cleaning process, about the recovery period. Which is definitely not recommended for our skin.

About the first experience of cleaning in a salon.

The first time I went to a cosmetologist was when I was in the 8th grade. What brought me to him? Skin problems. I was worried about regular skin rashes. I didn’t like the cosmetologist right away, because the only thing I felt was that the woman cosmetologist just wanted to “cash in” on someone else’s problem. The second thing I didn’t like was the obvious illiteracy. Now I understand that it was not “my” cosmetologist. And then I thought that this was a specialist, that this was my salvation. The cosmetologist spoke about the harmful effects of lemonade, bananas and other products on the skin. She asked questions about nutrition, the most funny question: Do you eat soup for lunch? As I now know: scientists have refuted the myth of the influence of food on the skin. I know that controversy may arise on this topic even now; there are people who will still claim the effect of bananas (etc.) on the skin. Yes, sweets and citrus fruits have an effect, BUT only when you have an allergic reaction, if you cannot tolerate any foods. There should be moderation in everything, including diet, no doubt, but a constant rash on the face is definitely not the influence of foods.

The only plus from the controversial issue that occurred: I stopped drinking lemonade))) there is little useful in it, that’s true, and now I don’t drink it.

The second thing I didn’t like was that the cosmetologist clearly exaggerates the problem with the skin. “The skin is already old,” “everything is neglected,” etc. A cosmetologist is the same doctor; he should not drive you into a corner with an existing problem. Of course, he should not deceive you and say that “everything is fine” if it is not, but there is no need to go to extremes.

The cleaning was done a week after the consultation, during which the cosmetologist intimidated me))) what can I say about the procedure? It is painful, cleaning is traumatic, that is, marks and redness remain on the skin. The cosmetologist did the cleaning with a needle, this way the closed comedones are opened. Everything else was cleaned by hand, naturally with the help of a softening cloth, and everything was processed.

The spots from such cleaning remain for a long time if the pimples are deep and have a large area. But picking on your own leads to a situation worse than cleaning it in a salon. There are also atraumatic cleansing, but they are more suitable for those who have skin without any special rashes and who just need to clean out their pores. For example, ultrasonic cleaning is painless, does not leave redness, and can be done in any season. And the cleaning that was done to me is not advisable to do during the period of sun activity, that is, spring-summer.

Now, 6 years later, the problem with the rash has resolved itself, the spots have disappeared. I decided to go to a cosmetologist just to clean my pores.

About the second cleaning experience in the salon.

The previous master was forgotten immediately after the procedure)) this time I went to a master I knew and often had my eyebrows done by her. Cosmetics she uses: Holy Land. I’ll say right away that the cosmetics are effective, judging by how my skin looked immediately after cleansing, despite the fact that the cleansing was traumatic, there were no spots left at all. Initially, I wanted to go for ultrasound cleaning, because I thought that my code was as clean as a white sheet)) it turned out that this was not the case, there were closed comedones, that is, they were under the skin, it was practically invisible to the eye. If you look closely, they look like pimples. They did not become inflamed, so they did not bother me, my face seemed clean. But the cosmetologist warned that sooner or later they might come to the surface, so I agreed to this cleansing. Plus, this cosmetologist asked me about daily skin care, based on my story, the specialist gave me recommendations. And the previous cosmetologist did not give any recommendations. Can a code look normal without proper daily care? And what is the use of that cleaning if the result is not maintained?

I understand that:

1) a cosmetologist, he is like a member of the family, he must approach the client with understanding, without driving him into a corner, without intimidating. Otherwise, what is the help of this specialist? A person already gets nervous when he has problems. By straining you, he will create, in addition to the problem of aesthetic perception, a psychological problem.

2) pay attention to what cosmetics the master works with, mine worked with Holy Land cosmetics, the result is good, I plan to order a line of these cosmetics for home care.

3) leather cleaning cannot be cheap. The cost depends on the salon itself, and on the cosmetics the master uses. My cleaning for the first time cost 800 rubles, the second time - 2200. The sensations from these procedures were different, as much as these numbers varied.

4) after cleaning, the cosmetologist should describe to you the further path of your interactions, give recommendations on home care. If the cleaning took place in the spring-summer, it will definitely remind you to use sunscreen.

My observations, experience, advice from a cosmetologist:

  • Always cleanse your skin well; to cleanse, you should always use gentle cosmetic products that do not dry out the skin.
  • Do not cleanse your skin with soap, any taboo soap,
  • Do not use alcohol lotions and mash like Zenerit,
  • at any age it is important to moisturize the skin,
  • You can’t use scrubs (other cosmetic products with formative particles) if you have acne, subcutaneous skin, etc., because you will only spread all these problems all over your face,
  • use masks for deep cleansing no more than 1-2 times a week,
  • you need to use sun protection with an SPF filter of 50+,
  • you need to drink water more often.
  • Use napkins or paper towels instead of regular towels, which usually accumulate a lot of microorganisms.
  • Limit visits to the solarium, as along with the tan, pigment spots and those places where you, i.e. Your problem will become more obvious.
  • Do not overuse hair styling products, as they constantly come into contact with the skin, and more dirt sticks to hair with styling products.
  • choose decorative cosmetics and skincare products marked “non-comedogenic” = “does not clog pores.”

You can talk about this topic endlessly, I have a lot of thoughts on this topic, if you are interested in something, ask.

I will never do the procedure again. Damages the skin and can cause infection. There are certain risks.

I update the review on February 24, 2017:

My opinion on this procedure completely changed significantly after I turned to a cosmetologist with a medical education as a dermatologist. After cleaning by a specialist in his field, I didn’t even have any redness. The skin felt really clean. There were no skin relapses after the procedure. I recommend the deep cleaning procedure!