Is hyaluronic acid harmful or not? The benefits and harms of hyaluronic acid. Consequences immediately after the procedure and complications several years later

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in cosmetology practice as a substance for rejuvenating facial skin, so it is included in many anti-aging products. Despite the fact that this component is initially contained in the human body, the artificial use of hyaluronic acid orally or as an injection has positive and negative aspects.

Hyaluronic acid is contained in all intercellular fluids, but with age its amount begins to gradually decrease, and this affects the condition of the facial skin. The tone decreases, facial wrinkles and folds appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, the skin becomes too dry.

Hyaluronic acid can be obtained artificially using a biotechnological method, and it will be almost identical to natural hyaluronate. It is used for injections, and is also part of biological supplements and various cosmetics. Cosmetics have only a superficial effect, while injections can achieve better results and act on the deeper layers of the skin.

  • Provides skin with moisture;
  • Increases tone and elasticity;
  • Reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • Evens out the oval of the face;
  • Restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Treats acne.

Due to its unique properties, hyaluronate is considered to be the elixir of youth. The benefits of such anti-aging injections make hyaluronate the number one remedy in the fight against age-related skin changes for women after 35 years.

But, despite this, it is worth considering that hyaluronic acid can harm the body and cause the development of side effects. Therefore, before making injections or purchasing cosmetics with hyaluronate, you should carefully familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

If hyaluronic acid is used correctly, it should not harm the body, as it is a fairly safe component. The most serious harm from injections with hyaluronate is that, against the background of prolonged artificial administration of the substance, its production decreases. This means that the body stops producing hyaluronic acid on its own, and after the injections stop, the facial skin returns to its original state.

In addition, during the injection, many note severe pain, but as reviews and studies show, this is often associated with increased sensitivity and individual reaction of the body.

Internal use of hyaluronate can also cause some harm to the body. Without enough fluid, there is a possibility of dehydration, and to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

When using cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid, severe dry skin may occur. This reaction is associated with a lack of pre-moisturization of the skin. Also, in some cases, hyaluronate can cause skin irritation.

Side effects

If you administer or ingest hyaluronic acid incorrectly, you can get harm instead of a beneficial effect. Side effects may occur in cases where injections were performed in the presence of serious contraindications to them.

Among these complications, the most common are:

  • Formation of hematomas on the face;
  • Tissue swelling;
  • Redness of the skin.

Hematomas are common in clients who smoke, while they occur much less frequently in non-smokers. Typically, such defects do not require treatment and go away on their own within a few days after the sessions.

More serious complications include severe tissue fibrosis, which occurs at the injection site and is characterized by thickening of the skin. Fibrosis can appear after a violation of the injection technique, an incorrectly selected drug, or shallow injection of hyaluronate. Sometimes an inflammatory process forms on the skin, and elements of a rash form.

In rare cases, after rejuvenating injections, granulomas or scars form.

They are a consequence of incorrect behavior in the first days after the session:

  • Staying in the sun without special sunscreens;
  • Using scrubs and other exfoliating products;
  • Visiting the sauna, etc.


It is forbidden to use hyaluronic acid if there are direct contraindications to it, because this can also lead to serious complications and harm the body.

  1. Pregnant and lactating women should not take or inject hyaluronate, because its side effects on the fetus have not been fully studied.
  2. Injections should not be given to people with autoimmune diseases, bleeding disorders or an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.
  3. If you do not take into account contraindications and introduce the substance into the skin if you are individually intolerant, you can get the exact opposite effect to the expected one.

Therefore, before including hyaluronic acid in anti-aging injections, it is necessary to communicate with a qualified specialist in advance and select an individual course of treatment.

There is no ideal method of rejuvenation; each has its own pros and cons. Not every method is suitable for a particular woman. There are contraindications for hyaluronic acid, although this substance is produced in the human body and is not foreign to it. Therefore, you should carefully choose the procedure and the drug for it. The final result depends on this.

What are the benefits of hyaluronic acid?

This compound is part of the intercellular fluid. Its amount depends on the person’s age and skin condition. The older a woman is, the less hyaluronic acid her body produces. For this reason, the face becomes dull, peeling and wrinkles appear.

Modern technologies make it possible to synthesize hyaluronic acid, which will repeat the properties of natural one. At the same time, due to its artificial origin, it practically does not cause allergic reactions. The effect of this substance can be described in several points:

  • increases dermal turgor;
  • deeply moisturizes at the cellular level;
  • reduces the number and severity of wrinkles;
  • improves the secretion of sebum (sebum);
  • tightens facial contours;
  • improves blood microcirculation;
  • helps eliminate inflammation;
  • smoothes scars, making them less noticeable;
  • lightens hyperpigmentation;
  • allows you to make areas of the face or its individual parts (nose, lips, eyes) symmetrical;
  • gives the face clearer features by introducing the substance into the cheekbones;
  • corrects the shape and volume of lips when filling them;
  • fills nasolabial folds;
  • allows you to remove signs of aging from your hands;
  • restores joint mobility when damaged;
  • helps restore skin after burns and major surgical interventions.

Not everyone can pay for services at a cosmetology salon. But there is a way to use hyaluronic acid at home. The effectiveness of the procedures will be noticeably lower, but will still have a beneficial effect. This method of administration will help:

  • enhance collagen production;
  • launch regenerative processes;
  • deeply moisturize the skin;
  • even out facial tone;
  • smooth out small wrinkles.

For home use, you need to take a solution or powder of sodium hyaluronate, which is sold in ampoules. To 2 g of the drug you need to add 30 ml of purified water (boiled or distilled). Leave the mixture for 30 minutes, allowing it to swell. If after using the mask there is a large amount of product left, it can be frozen for subsequent procedures. You can also introduce acid using a mesoscooter. This is an effective alternative to salon care.

After the procedure, it is better to consolidate the result with a rejuvenating serum and then cream. This will enhance the beneficial properties of the drug and achieve better results. But exposure at home is not carried out in the eye area, so this method is impossible or hyperpigmentation in this area.

Can hyaluronic acid cause harm?

When using hyaluronic acid in people prone to allergies, unwanted reactions may occur. This substance, when administered correctly, is not capable of harming other people. But, if safety precautions are not followed and procedures are repeated too often, negative consequences may occur.

These include a decrease in the synthesis of hyaluronic acid by the body itself. Such people have to inject the drug constantly, because without it the skin looks flabby and tired. To avoid this, you must follow your doctor's recommendations on the frequency of injections.

Contraindications for use

There are several situations in which the use of hyaluronic acid for any purpose is not recommended. These conditions include:

  • period of breastfeeding and pregnancy (due to the lack of reliable data supported by scientific research on safety when used in women in this condition);
  • the presence of autoimmune pathologies;
  • iron deficiency in the blood;
  • allergy to hyaluronic acid or other components of the products;
  • diseases accompanied by blood clotting disorders;
  • presence of oncology of any localization;
  • diabetes;
  • the presence of an inflammatory process in the body;
  • peptic ulcer or gastritis are taken into account when prescribing drugs in tablet form (an acidic environment will increase the susceptibility of organs to inflammation);
  • any manifestations of dermatological pathologies;
  • the presence of an infectious process in the body, including colds.

If a person has recently undergone a course of deep peeling, laser treatment of the skin or hardware rejuvenation techniques, then it is better to postpone procedures with hyaluronic acid. Almost all bans on the use of these drugs last for a certain period of time, after which the drugs are allowed to be used.

Risks of intradermal administration

The use of hyaluronic acid intradermally is accompanied by certain risks. Therefore, it has a number of limitations:

  • age under 25 years (use too early is not recommended due to the possibility of reducing the natural synthesis of the substance in cells);
  • the presence of pustular and other inflammatory skin diseases (possible spread of infection throughout the body due to injury);
  • tendency to form keloid scars (increase the risk of visible complications from the procedure).

The introduction of hyaluronic acid into the skin is carried out using mesotherapy techniques. These include biorevitalization, which is less traumatic, but its effect wears off faster. You can use anti-aging products in this way only for aging skin. For younger people, less deep non-invasive options are suitable.

Pros and cons of oral administration

The use of tablets and capsules with hyaluronic acid has both benefits and harm. Side effects are especially pronounced when drinking small amounts of water. Therefore, it is necessary to drink 1.5 liters or more in order to prevent skin dehydration and the appearance of peeling.

Negative effects from oral administration also occur due to additional components in the tablets. For this reason, preference should be given to proven products from well-known manufacturers. The use of hyaluronic acid internally is especially important for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (bones and joints).

External use

External use of hyaluronic acid is possible only when the compound is decomposed into small molecules. This makes it available for penetration into the skin. In this way, it is possible to restore the epidermis after burns and wounds. It is also used to remove residual changes after dermatitis and other diseases that can leave scars.

In some cases, gel with hyaluronic acid is used to treat joint pathologies. It should be smeared on the affected area at least 3 times a day. However, external use is permitted during pregnancy, since the drugs do not penetrate into the blood. Feeding a newborn baby is also not dangerous if you do not apply the product to the breast.

External application is not used in the presence of skin lesions or neoplasms, since hyaluronic acid is capable of triggering the synthesis of new cells. Due to this, the cancer process will accelerate. Therefore, you should check the nature of all moles in the area affected by the drug before use.

Risk of addiction

Intradermal injections of hyaluronic acid can be addictive. This is due to the fact that the cells that produce it (fibroblasts) stop producing their own substance, since it comes from outside in an amount sufficient to maintain the normal state of the body. Therefore, its use on young skin is highly not recommended.

To avoid the development of side effects, doctors advise administering the drug no more than once a year. If there are pronounced age-related changes, you can alternate procedures with the introduction of Botox. This will reduce the risk of side effects from both drugs.

Negative consequences

If the drug is used or administered incorrectly, complications may occur. They occur especially often with injections of hyaluronic acid, and external application is safest. Common side effects may include:

  • edema;
  • bruises at the injection site;
  • redness.

Hematomas occur more often in smokers due to increased blood clotting. The face can become swollen from using certain brands of medications. This is due to the presence of a stabilizer in their composition. And thin skin with close capillaries is prone to redness.

These phenomena are not considered dangerous. They go away on their own 2-4 days after the procedure. You can apply ointments with leech extract to bruises to make them go away faster. Cool compresses help with swelling, but you should keep them for no more than 5 minutes.

If the drug is administered unsuccessfully, a dangerous side effect may occur - tissue fibrosis. It forms at the injection site through which the filler was injected. Its presence can be determined by touch or examination: compaction and swelling appear.

Fibrous changes in tissues are subject to surgical removal. The reason for their appearance is individual reactions to the drug, the use of a bad filler or its improper administration, when the product gets into the upper layers of the skin and clumps in them, becoming overgrown with connective fiber and continuing to swell. If you suspect this pathology, you should contact the doctor who performed the procedure or a surgeon.

Side effects are not always the fault of the cosmetologist. Often the cause is failure to follow doctor's recommendations. Such situations include:

  • frequent or prolonged exposure to the sun without protective cream and a brimmed hat, especially in summer;
  • concealing restrictions on the use of hyaluronic acid from the doctor (lack of warning about cancer or an infectious process in the body);
  • use of abrasive skin care products after the procedure, as well as acid peels;
  • use of decorative cosmetics until the damaged areas of the epidermis are completely healed;
  • visiting public bathing places in the first 2 weeks after the procedure;
  • exposure to heat on the treated area of ​​skin (in a bathhouse, sauna, hammam, etc.).

If you follow your doctor's recommendations and use hyaluronic acid only as indicated, unpleasant consequences from injections will not occur even after several years. The use of the drugs does not affect the ability to get pregnant, and is also not harmful to the hair. It does not enter the brain, therefore it does not cause pain in the head, even during a course of injections in the forehead to reduce wrinkles. The severity of side effects does not depend on gender and age - they can occur in both women and men.

Expert opinions

Oksana, professional experience 7 years:

Everyone can look good these days. Any woman over 25 years old can appreciate the benefits of hyaluronic acid. Over the years of work, I have noted several advantages of this rejuvenation method: the absence of long-term side effects, the effect is quite long and the minimum number of contraindications. This is the safest way to stop aging that has ever existed.

Maria, professional experience 10 years:

I work not as a cosmetologist, but as a surgeon, but I also use hyaluronic acid in clinical practice for my patients. We often prescribe intra-articular injection to increase the rate of tissue regeneration in patients. This is especially true for damage to the hip joint in older patients. Such injuries usually take a long time to heal, and thanks to our procedures, recovery is much easier and faster.

Olga, professional experience 12 years:

The synthesis of hyaluronic acid is of great importance for cosmetology. Due to its high density, fillers made from it have replaced plastic surgery for many people. This helps to avoid many unpleasant symptoms that occur after surgery. That’s why there are so many rave reviews about it, including from my colleagues.

Answers on questions

How often can hyaluronic acid injections be given to the face?

How many injections to give depends on what type of drug is used. There are products that last a year or more, and some only 6-8 months. Therefore, when to start repeating the course is determined individually for each person by his cosmetologist.

Why can’t you use drugs with hyaluronic acid during antibiotic treatment?

The compatibility of hyaluronic acid with antibiotics is impossible due to obvious contradictions. Antibacterial agents are prescribed if there are signs of infection. And this condition is a contraindication to the introduction of hyaluronic acid. You can use drugs based on it only after stopping the disease.

Why is hyaluronic acid not used for cancer?

This substance stimulates the synthesis of new cells. But it affects all structures, including cancerous ones. This can lead to early metastasis and increased symptoms. The patient's condition will worsen, and the risk of death will increase markedly.

What are the dangers of using it for autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune diseases occur when the body reacts to its own organs. Antibodies produced by the person himself seek to destroy his cells. If a foreign substance is introduced at the same time, it will worsen the patient’s condition and new unexpected reactions will arise. Later effects include the progression of the underlying pathology with the further development of the body’s allergic reaction to other organs and tissues.

Why can’t you inject hyaluronic acid during lactation?

During lactation, the body's hormonal levels change significantly, which may cause unexpected reactions to the administration of any drugs. No studies have been conducted on the effect of hyaluronic acid on women during breastfeeding, as this is prohibited by law. Therefore, scientists cannot be responsible for the fact that drug components do not enter the milk ducts with the bloodstream. Because of this, the use of medications and other drugs during this period is sharply limited.

Let's sum it up

The introduction of hyaluronic acid has obvious benefits, although it can also harm the body under certain conditions, including if contraindications for use are not observed.

If you have undergone a course of treatments using this substance or use home remedies, share with us your results and impressions of these drugs.

Hyaluronate is an important component of the skin and connective tissues of the human body. Its deficiency inevitably leads to aging of the dermis and problems in the functioning of the joints. In order to replenish the reserves of the polysaccharide, preparations based on it are used, which can restore the former attractiveness of the facial skin. But it’s also worth considering what hyaluronic acid has: side effects.

Hyaluronic acid is an important component of the body

How does sodium hyaluronate work?

Preparations based on hyaluronic acid allow you to replenish the reserves of polysaccharide, which is produced less and less by tissues over time.

Hyaluron, introduced artificially, allows you to saturate the cells with missing moisture, and also promotes the process of active production of hyaluron and collagen. In addition, hyaluronic fillers based on biologically active substances can fill defects on the face in the form of wrinkles.

Such preparations additionally nourish the skin and protect against aggressive environmental influences.

Who are hyaluron injections indicated for?

Hyaluronic acid can stop skin aging

Medications based on hyaluronic acid can solve the following problems:

  • age-related skin changes;
  • thin and small lips;
  • increased pigmentation;
  • acne scars.

Hyaluronic preparations have a lifting effect, tightening facial contours and eliminating creases and wrinkles. After the procedure, the skin tone becomes lighter and evened out.

Types of hyaluronic procedures

With the help of drugs based on synthesized polysaccharide, the following types of youth procedures are carried out:

  • biorevitalization;
  • mesotherapy;
  • contour plastic surgery.

The first two methods involve the use of therapeutic cocktails or exclusively hyaluron. For the latter method, so-called fillers are used, produced in the form of viscous gels. They act as fillers to correct facial contours. It is the latter method that most often leads to negative consequences. This is due to the fact that such drugs are quite dense due to their high concentration. Incorrect administration and incorrectly selected dosage in most cases leads to complications.

How are hyaluronic procedures performed?

Before the procedure, the doctor must find out if the patient has allergies

First, the doctor must find out from the client about the presence or absence of certain pathologies that can lead to serious consequences if hyaluronic preparations are used. It is also very important to find out whether the person is allergic to the administered medicine.

Before starting manipulations, the skin is disinfected and, if necessary, local anesthesia is applied. First, the specialist outlines the points where the active substance will be administered. This is a very important point, because the initial result will depend on it.

After the preparatory manipulations have been carried out, the product itself is administered directly. Injected drugs based on hyaluronic acid are selected taking into account the problems that need to be solved. If age-related changes are minor, then solutions with lower viscosity are used, but deep wrinkles will require a drug with a higher concentration.

After the procedure is completed, after half an hour the client is usually asked to leave the clinic and return to his business.

Who should refuse the procedure?

It is important to remember the contraindications to the procedure

Despite the invaluable benefits of drugs based on hyaluronic acid, some categories of people should avoid using them.

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • pathologies of a chronic nature;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • viral respiratory diseases;
  • allergic reactions.

Pregnant and breastfeeding patients are also contraindicated for rejuvenation procedures. Harm to the baby has not been proven, however, in order to avoid side effects during these periods, it is still better to refrain from anti-aging therapy.

Before going for the procedure, tell your doctor about all medications you have recently taken. For example, there is a ban on injections based on hyaluronic acid in people who often take aspirin.

Possible complications

An allergic reaction may occur after the administration of hyaluronic acid.

In the first days after anti-aging procedures with hyaluronate, redness, itching, bruising and swelling may occur. Such consequences of injections are completely natural and pass quickly enough. The patient may also feel some pain at the injection sites, which is also quite normal.

More severe complications are vascular embolism, when the specialist made a mistake and injected the medicinal substance into the wrong place.

Another serious consequence is the formation of compactions under the skin, which is associated with incorrectly selected concentration and dosage of the drug.

In some cases, patients develop an abscess or local infection in the form of ulcers after the procedure.

Tissue necrosis occurs if the rules of antiseptic treatment are not followed before administering the solution. This consequence is the rarest, which occurs in most cases through the fault of the specialist himself.

Another unpleasant side effect of hyaluron injections is the appearance of pigmented spots, which usually disappear as soon as the drug begins to dissolve.

An unpredictable complication is the migration of the treatment solution into adjacent tissues, which can lead to some distortion of the natural contours of the face.

What influences the occurrence of complications?

Negative consequences arise either through the fault of the specialist or due to the patient ignoring recommendations during the rehabilitation period.

Complications usually arise when the drug is administered incorrectly or the dosage is not selected correctly. The specialist must know exactly the areas where the medicinal solution should be injected.

Serious consequences can also arise if the patient does not follow the rules of skin care in the first days, as well as if other rules are ignored during rehabilitation.

Prevention of consequences

After injections, you should avoid sports and physical activity.

You can prevent the risk of developing negative phenomena if you choose an experienced specialist to carry out the procedure, and also strictly follow all the rules of the rehabilitation period.

A qualified doctor will definitely warn you about all the possible consequences of youth injections, and will also test for allergies to the drug. Also, a good cosmetologist is unlikely to make a mistake in the administration and dosage of injections.

Immediately after injections, to reduce the risk of severe swelling and bruising, it is recommended to apply ice to the injection areas for half an hour.

In order to prevent the development of such complications as migration of the treatment solution into neighboring tissues, it is necessary to avoid sudden movements and tilting of the head in the first hours. It is also not recommended to sleep on your stomach for several days, as this can lead to the development of extensive hematomas and swelling.

A few days before beauty injections, it is recommended to stop taking medications containing aspirin and ascorbic acid. They can negatively affect the condition of the skin after the procedure.

Hyaluronic acid is most often used in cosmetology, but it can solve the problem of diseased joints when the amount of synovial fluid in them decreases and cartilage deformations develop. Doctors often recommend that their patients take a course of tablets with hyaluronic acid. Benefits of the drugs:

  • has a beneficial effect on the entire body;
  • first, hyaluronic acid begins to absorb the joint fluid and only after that penetrates the dermal cells;
  • vision improves, acid helps with increased eye fatigue, temporary presence of dark spots and “spots”;
  • the skin is rejuvenated, but this effect occurs only after 3 months of regular use of the drug;
  • mental activity improves and endurance increases.

Precautionary measures:

  • It is unknown how an excess of hyaluronic acid affects the functionality of organs and systems, so you should not take it before the age of 25;
  • if you drink for too long, you may experience problems with weight gain, since the main active substance is a polysaccharide and in the stomach simply breaks down into sugars, which are harmful to your figure;
  • The tablets may contain additional components and substances to change the taste, and they can provoke an acute allergic reaction.

Hyaluronic acid molecules work in the body exclusively at the cellular level, which leads not only to saturating the dermis with moisture and improving the structure and composition of the synovial fluid (located in the joints), but also stimulates and speeds up the production of natural collagen and elastin.

Only if the course of treatment is 1 month or more can you expect positive results. Doctors consider these products to be dietary supplements and strongly doubt their effectiveness.

Indications for oral administration:

  • diseases of the spine;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • changes in the musculoskeletal system associated with a person’s age;
  • diagnosed arthrosis (at the initial stage of its development);

Doctors never use hyaluronic acid tablets as a primary therapeutic agent. It is rather an additional aid to the body.

Contraindications for use:

  • acute course of an infectious disease;
  • inflammatory processes, regardless of their location;

General recommendation for taking medications: 1 tablet or capsule 3 times a day for at least 30 days. But you need to take into account the level of content of the main active substance in the drug. Some manufacturers indicate the presence of 150 mg of hyaluronic acid in one tablet, others are limited to 70 mg. In the second case, you will need to adjust the dosage. Take 2 tablets or capsules three times a day.

Hyaluronic acid in liquid form, tablets and capsules

Often, taking pills is combined with taking medications that contain collagen and enzyme Q10. Doctors recommend alternating the use of such drugs, in which case the maximum rejuvenating and strengthening effect will be provided.

For better absorption, the tablet should be held in the mouth and dissolved until a soft, jelly-like mass forms.

Hyaluronic acid can be prescribed by doctors for eye diseases, including destruction of the vitreous, but only if 2 conditions are met:

Self-administration of medications for such a diagnosis is strictly prohibited.

There is a lot of debate about the advisability of taking it in general. It is worth understanding that the substance, under the influence of gastric juice, breaks down into sugars and too little hyaluron reaches the cells of the organs. It is much more effective to choose a treatment regimen that involves injecting drugs.

Consumers themselves note that after 1-2 months of taking the drugs, their The skin changes, the joints begin to work easier, without creaking or crunching.

Review of the most popular drugs:


Produced by the pharmaceutical company Evalar, it is a multicomponent composition. In addition to the active substance, the tablets contain vitamin C, wild yam extract, peptides, vitamin E, and phospholipids. The Laura dietary supplement rejuvenates the entire body, strengthening its immune system and renewing the skin.

Tablets are taken 1 piece 3 times a day directly with meals. The course of therapy is 30 days, after which it is worth taking a break for 1 month and repeating the manipulation. The cost of the dietary supplement is no more than 300 rubles.

It is believed that tablets with hyaluronic acid do not harm the body, but doctors warn:

  • It is unknown how an excess of hyaluronic acid affects the functionality of organs and systems, so you should not take them before the age of 25;
  • if you take the pills for too long, you may experience problems with weight gain, since the main active substance is a polysaccharide and in the stomach simply breaks down into sugars, which are clearly harmful to your figure;
  • The tablets may contain additional components and even taste improvers, but they are allergenic substances and can provoke an acute allergic reaction.

In any case, before undertaking a course of therapy with hyaluronic acid tablets, you should consult a doctor and make sure that it will be beneficial to your health.

Indications for oral administration

Taking hyaluronic acid orally just like that is not worth it for general health and prevention. There are a number of clear indications for such therapy:

  • excessively dry skin of the face and body;
  • the presence of small facial wrinkles;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • recovery period after deep peeling;
  • changes in the musculoskeletal system associated with a person’s age;
  • diagnosed arthrosis at the initial stage of its development;
  • rehabilitation after eye surgery.

Doctors never use hyaluronic acid tablets as the main therapeutic agent. Rather, it is additional help to the body, which will speed up the process of overall recovery.

Contraindications for use

  • periods of bearing and breastfeeding a child;
  • acute course of the infectious process;
  • inflammatory processes regardless of their location;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • blood clotting too quickly;
  • taking certain medications on a regular basis;
  • allergy to the components included in the product.

The described health features require prior consultation with a doctor regarding the advisability of a course of therapy with hyaluronic acid tablets.

How to take hyaluronic acid capsules

The general recommendation for taking medications is 1 tablet or capsule 3 times a day for at least 30 days. But you need to take into account the level of content of the main active substance in the drug. Some manufacturers indicate the presence of 150 mg of hyaluronic acid in one tablet, others are limited to 70 mg. In the second case, you will need to adjust the dosage. Take 2 tablets or capsules three times a day. The duration of the course does not change.

Often, taking pills is combined with taking medications that contain collagen and enzyme Q10. Doctors recommend alternating the use of such drugs, in which case the maximum rejuvenating and strengthening effect will be provided.

For better absorption, the tablet should be held in the mouth and dissolved until a soft, jelly-like mass forms.

Will it help with the destruction of the vitreous?

Since tablets with hyaluronic acid are recognized as a common dietary supplement, they should not be considered as a full-fledged drug. They can be prescribed by doctors for eye diseases, including destruction of the vitreous body., but only if 2 conditions are met:

  • the pathology is at an early stage of its development;
  • The tablets act as an additional strengthening agent and nothing more.

Does it make sense to take hyaluronic acid orally?

If you answer in monosyllables, then practically no. The fact is that this substance, under the influence of gastric juice, breaks down into sugars and too little hyaluron reaches the cells of the organs. It is much more effective to choose a treatment regimen that involves injecting drugs.

There is another opinion. Consumers themselves note that after 1-2 months of taking the drugs, the skin changes for the better, becoming smoother, more hydrated, and joints begin to work more easily, without creaking or crunching.

Review of the most popular drugs

Among the variety of tablets with hyaluronic acid, experts identify only a few of the most effective:

Dietary supplement "Lora"

It is produced by the pharmaceutical company "Evalar" and is a multicomponent composition. In addition to the active substance, the tablets contain vitamin C, wild yam extract, peptides, vitamin E, and phospholipids. The dietary supplement rejuvenates the entire body, strengthening its immune system and making the skin smoother and well-hydrated.

Laura tablets with hyaluronic acid are taken 1 piece 3 times a day directly with meals. The course of therapy is 30 days, after which it is worth taking a break for 1 month and repeating the manipulation. The cost of the dietary supplement is no more than 300 rubles.

"Нyaluronic acid" from "Solgar"

A drug that successfully combines hyaluronic acid and collagen, and additional ingredients include magnesium stearate, vitamin C, chondroitin sulfate and glycerin.

One capsule contains 120 mg of the main active ingredient; it will be enough to take 1 piece once a day. The duration of the course of therapy is at least a month, the cost of the drug is 2000 rubles for 30 capsules.

A significant drawback of the drug "Solgar" is that the capsule is too large, which makes it difficult to swallow.


This is a dietary supplement made in Japan, which also contains vitamins and minerals. The manufacturer claims that it is his drug that has a general rejuvenating effect, which leads to improved skin condition, vision, increased joint performance and strengthened immunity.

The cost of the drug is high - about 3,500 rubles for 30 capsules. Take 1 piece per day for a month.

Taking hyaluronic acid orally is a very questionable therapy, but it can be carried out not for therapeutic purposes, but for preventive or restorative purposes. There will still be positive results, but they will become noticeable only after a month from the start of taking the tablets or capsules.

Useful video

Watch this video about whether it makes sense to take hyaluronic acid orally:

Or rather, the fact that the use of the substance has a positive effect on the condition of the skin has long been proven. But women planning to try one of the product's treatments are concerned about whether hyaluronic acid is harmful.

Before making an appointment with a specialist or purchasing a reagent for use at home, it is worth familiarizing yourself with a number of its characteristics and features.

The role of hyaluronic acid in maintaining tissue youth was first discussed in the middle of the last century. Since then, a lot of research and testing has been carried out, which has revealed much of the substance’s potential. Today, the firming and rejuvenating properties of the composition are explained by the following physical and chemical characteristics of the drug:

  • The drug maintains an optimal level of hydration in tissues. At the same time, cellular gas exchange does not suffer, which is typical for most cosmetic analogues.
  • The chemical compound fills the voids in the thickness of worn-out tissues, which leads to the smoothing of wrinkles.
  • Even when using hyaluronic acid for the face as an external product, you can count on the formation of a thin film on the surface of the skin. It will protect the epidermis from any negative external influences, without disrupting natural metabolic processes.
  • Active moisturizing allows you to cure or restore dry skin, eliminate signs of flaking and unpleasant itching. The epidermis becomes soft, tender and moisturized.
  • The use of drugs after 30 years allows you to restore clarity to the oval of the face by restoring the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • If the product is used correctly, you can expect healing of superficial scars and scars. It also helps to quickly eliminate the signs of acne and single pimples.

Hyaluronic acid also activates other cosmetic preparations used for skin care. This gives beneficial substances the opportunity to fully express themselves.

Potential harm of hyaluronic acid

While the benefits of hyaluronic acid are undeniable, the harm from its use is rather possible. Numerous tests have not revealed any negative effects of the drug on the cells and tissues of the human body. Those problems that are often voiced by dissatisfied clients of beauty salons or the specialists themselves are a consequence of violation of the rules for using the product.

Advice: If you do not want to encounter a violent reaction of the body to the use of hyaluronic acid, there is no need to hide the presence of acute or chronic conditions from the cosmetologist. They are most often the cause of a negative tissue response.

The “harm” of hyaluronic acid comes down to the following:

  • The product may cause an allergic response.
  • In some cases, after applying the composition, the tissues swell significantly.
  • Sometimes after injections or even external use of hyaluronic acid, redness of the epidermis is observed, which does not go away for a long time.
  • Abuse of cosmetic reagents can cause a kind of addiction. Because of this, the body stops producing its own hyaluronic acid, relying on what comes from outside. As soon as therapy is stopped, the appearance and condition of the skin begins to rapidly deteriorate.

If you weigh the pros and cons, it turns out that there are many more positive aspects. When all the rules for using the product are followed, negative factors generally disappear.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Even though its composition is close to a natural chemical compound, hyaluronic acid cannot be used for therapeutic or anti-aging purposes in the following cases:

  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Period of pregnancy or lactation.
  • Infectious diseases in the acute stage.
  • Intolerance to industrially produced hyaluronic acid or other components of the cocktail used.
  • The presence of inflammatory processes in the treated area.
  • Diabetes mellitus, arthritis, autoimmune and some systemic diseases.
  • If less than a month has passed since the chemical peeling or laser resurfacing.

Beauty Style face serum with hyaluronic acid

It is worth considering another specific property of hyaluronic acid - the benefits and harms of the substance largely depend on the individual characteristics of the body. In one case the positive effect will be more pronounced than in the other. The same is true with potential risks. For some, the use of a poor-quality composition or an error in dosage will not cause any reaction, but for others, they will have to undergo restorative procedures.

Popular salon procedures based on hyaluronic acid

After we have been able to evaluate all the pros and cons of using hyaluronic acid, it remains to decide on the appropriate type of session. Today in beauty salons the following procedures are most in demand:

  • Mesotherapy. To carry it out, a special gel is used, which is injected into problem areas. This results in filling voids and attracting moisture to specific areas. Because of this, biochemical processes are stimulated and the skin tightens. On average, the positive effect lasts for a year.
  • Biorevitalization. To achieve the desired effect, a pure product is increasingly being used, which is injected into the tissues according to an individual scheme. This triggers the synthesis of necessary substances directly in the skin, due to which it restores its smoothness and elasticity.
  • Contour plastic. The action of these injections is aimed at correcting the oval of the face, making it more sculpted, eliminating the double chin, and reducing deep folds. The resulting effect lasts no more than six months, but the manipulation can be safely repeated. Hyaluronic acid does not accumulate in tissues, so there is no fear of an overdose.

Hyaluronic acid for non-injection biorevitalization

Often the composition is used in combination with other drugs and procedures. This only increases the effectiveness of the approaches.

What to look for when buying hyaluronic acid?

Hyaluronic acid, if it is planned to be used externally and not in the form of injections, can also be used at home. In this case, it should be purchased at a pharmacy or a trusted cosmetology center. In this case, you should be guided by the following selection criteria:

  • More recently, the product was extracted from the living cells of slaughtered animals, which turned off many women. Today, the drug is synthesized without sacrifice from representatives of the fauna. The source of the substance must be indicated on the packaging.
  • It is better to choose a low molecular weight drug. It will penetrate deeper into the tissue and give a more pronounced effect.

Advice: If you want manipulation with hyaluronic acid to take place without any negative consequences, 7-10 days before the session you should stop drinking green tea and coffee drinks.

  • Before purchasing, be sure to check the expiration date of hyaluronic acid and make sure it has a certificate.
  • There is no need to focus on the ampoule form of the product. Today it is also available in tablets.

Librederm Activator Serum for face and eye area

Of course, home use will not give such a pronounced result as a visit to a specialized office, but with the right approach, the rejuvenation effect is guaranteed.

How to properly use the substance at home?

Component-based procedures are not complex. But in any case, you need to adhere to a number of rules:

  1. Be sure to read the instructions on the drug. It should contain information on its correct dilution (if necessary) and use.
  2. A day before the procedure, apply a little mixture to the skin of your hand to eliminate the possibility of allergies.
  3. The resulting solution does not have to be applied to the face; it can be added to your favorite cream.
  4. In any case, there is no need to wash off the mixture from your face. The resulting film will not cause any discomfort.
  5. You should not conduct sessions more than 1-2 times a week.

And one more important point - external use of hyaluronic acid in the summer months will not give the desired result. The fact is that the drug is destroyed under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.

By secret

Face younger in just 11 days!

Even at 40 you can look 21 if you apply it on your face at night.

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Self-medication can lead to undesirable consequences! At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor.

Hyaluronic acid - benefits and harms for beauty

Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronate, HA) is a naturally occurring polysaccharide that is found in the body of any mammal. In the human body, acid is contained in the lens of the eye, cartilage tissue, joint fluid and in the intercellular space of the skin.

The German biochemist Karl Meyer first spoke about hyaluronic acid in 1934, when he discovered it in the lens of a cow's eye. The new substance was subjected to research. In 2009, the British journal International Journal of Toxicology made an official statement: hyaluronic acid and its derivatives are safe for use. Since then, hyaluronate has been used in medicine and cosmetology.

Hyaluronic acid comes in two types of origin:

  • animal (extracted from the combs of roosters);
  • non-animal (synthesis of bacteria producing HA).

Synthetic hyaluronate is used in cosmetology.

Hyaluronic acid is also divided into two types based on molecular weight - low-molecular and high-molecular. The difference is function and effect.

Low molecular weight HA is used for superficial application to the skin. This ensures deep hydration, penetration of active substances and the formation of enzymes that protect the skin surface from harmful effects.

The high-molecular composition is used for injection. It smoothes out deep wrinkles, improves skin tone, and removes toxins. There is no strict delineation of GCs for invasive (subcutaneous) or superficial use. Therefore, cosmetologists use both types of hyaluronate in practice.

What is hyaluronic acid used for?

Many people are interested in why hyaluronic acid is needed and why it is popular.

Hyaluronic acid has become widespread due to its “absorbing” properties. One hyaluronate molecule holds 500 water molecules. Hyaluronic acid molecules enter the intercellular space of the skin and retain water, preventing evaporation. This ability of acid retains water in the body for a long time and maintains the level of moisture in tissues constantly. There is no longer a substance that has a similar ability.

Hyaluronic acid plays an important role in maintaining the beauty and youth of the face. Hyaluronate is responsible for density, elasticity and maintaining the required level of moisture. As we age, the body reduces the amount of HA produced, which leads to skin aging. In an effort to slow down skin aging, women use hyaluronic acid on their faces.

Beneficial properties of hyaluronic acid

The beauty benefits of hyaluronic acid are undeniable: it tightens and tones the skin, controlling the amount of moisture in the cells. Let's highlight other positive properties:

  • eliminates the manifestations of acne and pigmentation;
  • improves skin color;
  • quickly heals burns and cuts;
  • smoothes scars, evens out skin texture;
  • restores elasticity.

Women are concerned about whether they can drink, inject or apply hyaluronic acid. The answer is simple: if there are no serious contraindications, then it is possible. Let's take a closer look at the features of each method of using HA to maintain beauty.

Injections (“beauty injections”)

The benefit of hyaluronic acid injections for the face lies in the rapid visible effect and deep penetration of the substance. There are several options for injection procedures. The procedure is selected based on the cosmetic problem:

  1. Mesotherapy is a procedure for introducing a “cocktail” under the skin, one of the components of which is HA. Mesotherapy is used to improve complexion, with age-related pigmentation, with the appearance of sagging, the first wrinkles. This procedure has a cumulative effect: the result will be noticeable after 2-3 visits. The recommended age for the procedure is years.
  2. Biorevitalization is a procedure similar to mesotherapy. But more hyaluronic acid is used here. Biorevitalization smooths out deep wrinkles, restores skin elasticity and firmness, and stimulates collagen production. The effect of the procedure is noticeable after the first session. The recommended age for the procedure is from 40 years.
  3. Fillers are a procedure consisting of a targeted injection of hyaluronic acid. For her, HA is converted into a gel that has a more viscous and dense texture than a regular suspension. With the help of fillers, it is easy to correct the shape of the lips, nose, oval of the face, and fill in deep wrinkles and folds. The effect is noticeable after the first procedure.

The effect of the injection procedure lasts about a year.

Ultrasound and laser hyaluroplasty

Non-injection methods of skin rejuvenation include the introduction of HA using ultrasound or laser. The procedures are used when it is necessary to restore the skin after sunburn, the harmful effects of peeling or solarium. Hyaluronoplasty is also used to combat the signs of skin aging: dryness, wrinkles, age spots. The advantage of ultrasound or laser treatment with hyaluronic acid is that the method is painless and there is no damaged tissue. Visible results come after the first session.

The choice of procedure, course duration and treatment areas are previously discussed with a cosmetologist-dermatologist.

Products for external use

An accessible option for using hyaluronate is in cosmetic products that contain acid. The main products with HA are creams, masks and serums for the face, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or store. The first and second options can be prepared independently at home. For home “production”, use hyaluronic acid powder: it is easier to measure and more convenient to store. The finished product can be applied pointwise (to problem areas) or over the entire surface of the skin. Duration of the course - applications. The frequency of use is selected individually.

When introducing hyaluronic acid into cosmetics yourself, you need to know the correct dosage (0.1 - 1% HA) of the substance. Try our recipe for a homemade mask with hyaluronic acid.

  • 5 drops of HA (or 2 grams of powder),
  • 1 yolk,
  • 15 drops of retinol,
  • pulp of 1 ripe banana.
  1. Mix banana pulp with ingredients.
  2. Apply the resulting mass to dry, cleansed facial skin and massage.
  3. Leave for 40 minutes, then remove any residue with a paper towel or rinse with water (if there is discomfort).

Preparations for oral administration

The use of hyaluronic acid can also be beneficial when taken orally. Medicines with HA have a cumulative effect and have a positive effect on the entire body. The acid nourishes the skin, joint tissues and tendons. With long-term use of the drug with hyaluronate, joint mobility and skin tone improve, and wrinkles are smoothed out. The drugs are produced by domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies.

Before purchasing a medicine with hyaluronic acid, carefully read the instructions or consult your doctor.

Harm and contraindications of hyaluronic acid

Harm from hyaluronic acid occurs when used rashly. Since HA is a biologically active substance, it can worsen the course of some diseases. Harm to the face may occur after injections or cosmetics with hyaluronic acid.

In certified beauty salons, before taking HA, special tests are carried out and possible threats to health or skin are identified. If you have chronic diseases or allergic reactions, be sure to tell your doctor!

Pay attention to what type of hyaluronic acid (animal or non-animal) is used. Give preference to synthetic hyaluronic acid, as it contains no toxins or allergens. This reduces the risk of negative consequences.

Side effects after using hyaluronate may occur:

There is a whole list of contraindications, in the presence of which the use of HA should be abandoned:

  • inflammations and neoplasms on the skin (ulcers, papillomas, boils) - with injections and hardware exposure;
  • diabetes mellitus, oncology;
  • hematopoiesis problems;
  • infections;
  • recent completion (less than one month) of a deep peeling, photorejuvenation or laser resurfacing procedure;
  • gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers - when taken orally;
  • skin diseases (dermatitis, eczema) - when exposed to the face;
  • skin damage in affected areas (cuts, hematomas).

During pregnancy, consultation with a doctor is required!

I drink in capsules, there is a decent hyaluronic acid.

Is hyaluronic acid harmful to the face?

Is hyaluronic acid a salvation from old age, a panacea that can keep facial skin from showing age-related changes, or is it just a trick designed for people’s ignorance and is it harmful to the body? Of course, there are positive effects from its use, but there are also known cases of negative reactions of the body. In order to avoid side effects, you should be aware that there are contraindications to the use of hyaluron, especially in the form of injections. After all, maintaining youth as long as possible is the dream of every woman.

Today, in addition to conventional rejuvenation procedures, cosmetologists offer the use of products containing hyaluronic acid. It is called the “elixir of youth and beauty,” but is this substance as useful as experts say?

The main nuances of using hyaluron

Before you start using this organic acid for rejuvenation purposes, it is important to remember that it is synthesized in a certain amount in the skin, since the body produces it in sufficient quantities until the age of 25, then at a young age there is no need for it. Over time, cells age, and with them biochemical processes slow down.

As a result, the first changes become noticeable:

Products with hyaluronic acid allow you to moisturize your facial skin from the inside, plump it up, give it elasticity, thereby cheating time a little.

Before deciding whether hyaluron is harmful, you should know how it affects the body.

It is known that hyaluronic acid is part of the substances produced by the human body and necessary to maintain youthful skin, its elasticity and firmness. Scientists and cosmetologists have confirmed that a person begins to age only when water leaves the cells - this manifests itself in sagging and loss of natural skin color in the first place. Along with water, hyaluronic acid also leaves the cells. Over time, it becomes necessary to introduce it from the outside - injections and cosmetics that contain this substance help with this.

How wrinkles occur: the beneficial properties of hyaluronic acid

After the outflow of water along with useful substances begins from cells and tissues, and the skin loses its former elasticity, the first wrinkles appear. At first they are not deep, so the use of hyaluron quickly corrects the situation, since the substance fills the cells, restores the water balance, attracting water, thereby the skin regains its elasticity, firmness and freshness.

It is important to remember when using creams and other cosmetics for the face that high molecular weight hyaluronic acid is not able to penetrate deep into the skin, it works on the surface, so when deep wrinkles form, it is practically useless. It is most often used in the production of skin care cosmetics. However, low molecular weight always works effectively. Injections of hyaluronic acid accumulate water, and the resulting gel fills all subcutaneous areas. As a result, wrinkles disappear or are significantly reduced. Such injections are considered one of the most effective and efficient methods of combating the signs of aging.

Thus, beneficial properties are manifested in:

  • Rapid launch of biological processes;
  • Stimulating cell function;
  • Regulation of metabolic processes;
  • Returning skin elasticity;
  • Regeneration;
  • Stimulation of collagen and elastin synthesis;
  • The oval of the face is tightened without surgery.

Contraindications for the use of hyaluron

Make a decision for yourself: whether to use hyaluron or not, after a person becomes familiar with the existing contraindications to the substance and drugs containing it.

The main ones are:

  • tendency to allergic reactions;
  • skin hypersensitivity;
  • age up to 23 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • infectious and viral diseases in the acute stage;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • acne in the acute stage;
  • individual characteristics of the body (hyaluronic acid intolerance).

The listed contraindications do not matter when it comes to products for external use, such as creams or serums for skin rejuvenation. If you plan to give injections, then the restrictions should be taken more carefully, since injections are procedures that affect tissues and cells from the inside and act systemically. In this case, in addition to contraindications, age restrictions should be taken into account.

Possible problems after using hyaluron

The main side effects after undergoing the rejuvenation procedure are:

  • redness;
  • swelling at the needle insertion sites;
  • the appearance of scars;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • swelling of the skin.

Before using hyaluronic acid, it is recommended to consult with a specialist cosmetologist, as well as a dermatologist, and also visit an allergist if you have a tendency to allergic manifestations or intolerance to certain components.

Types of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is a natural product produced by human skin, but the rejuvenation effect will not last long, and therefore will require repeating the procedure - whether it is harmful or not depends on what type of substance the cosmetologist will use. The fact is that the most allergenic is hyaluronic acid of animal origin.

Today, to reduce negative manifestations and to completely eliminate the danger, experts prefer to choose biosynthesized hyaluronic acid. Meanwhile, it is impossible to completely guarantee the absence of side effects on the skin of the face - each person’s body is individual. The production of such an acid is associated with biofermentation processes, when hyaluron is obtained from pathogenic microorganisms, which is released during the growth and reproduction of protozoa. It is important to remember here that the body can react not to the acid itself, but to impurities in the form of proteins that are part of the substance. They are the ones that can cause pathological reactions.

In order to reduce the likelihood of negative effects after using drugs, it is necessary to pay special attention to the degree and depth of purification of the drug used for the procedure, especially if these are injections. In the case of autoimmune diseases, it is best to completely abandon the use of hyaluron; the same should be done if at the time of the rejuvenation procedure there are infectious diseases of the skin.

Thus, for the majority of those who want to restore beauty and youth by using hyaluronic acid, there will be no negative consequences. However, it is necessary to consult with a cosmetologist before using any drug containing this component, especially if laser resurfacing or deep peeling has been performed. It’s better to play it safe in order to avoid troubles and restore the beauty and healthy complexion without getting any complications, so consultation with a specialist is not a recommendation, but an integral part of the rejuvenation session - its first stage.

Where is hyaluronic acid used in cosmetics?

Operating principle of hardware hyaluronoplasty

What effect do products with hyaluronic acid and collagen have?

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Benefits and harms of hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid is widely used in cosmetology practice as a substance for rejuvenating facial skin, so it is included in many anti-aging products. Despite the fact that this component is initially contained in the human body, the artificial use of hyaluronic acid orally or as an injection has positive and negative aspects.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid

What are some common situations that result in injury? Each of us has suffered cuts and abrasions. These injuries are not life-threatening, but can cause scars that may last a lifetime. What to do to avoid unpleasant consequences?

Hyaluronic acid is contained in all intercellular fluids, but with age its amount begins to gradually decrease, and this affects the condition of the facial skin. The tone decreases, facial wrinkles and folds appear in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, the skin becomes too dry.

Hyaluronic acid can be obtained artificially using a biotechnological method, and it will be almost identical to natural hyaluronate. It is used for injections, and is also part of biological supplements and various cosmetics. Cosmetics have only a superficial effect, while injections can achieve better results and act on the deeper layers of the skin.

Benefits of hyaluronic acid:

  • provides skin with moisture;
  • increases tone and elasticity;
  • reduces the number of wrinkles;
  • straightens the oval of the face;
  • restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • treats acne.

Due to its unique properties, hyaluronate is considered to be the elixir of youth. The benefits of such anti-aging injections make hyaluronate the number one remedy in the fight against age-related skin changes for women after 35 years.

But, despite this, it is worth considering that hyaluronic acid can harm the body and cause the development of side effects. Therefore, before making injections or purchasing cosmetics with hyaluronate, you should carefully familiarize yourself with its advantages and disadvantages.

Harm of hyaluronic acid

If hyaluronic acid is used correctly, it should not harm the body, as it is a fairly safe component.

  1. The most serious harm from injections with hyaluronate is that, against the background of prolonged artificial administration of the substance, its production decreases. This means that the body stops producing hyaluronic acid on its own, and after the injections stop, the facial skin returns to its original state.
  2. In addition, during the injection, many note severe pain, but as reviews and studies show, this is often associated with increased sensitivity and individual reaction of the body.
  3. Internal use of hyaluronate can also cause some harm to the body. Without enough fluid, there is a possibility of dehydration, and to prevent this from happening, it is recommended to drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.
  4. When using cosmetics containing hyaluronic acid, severe dry skin may occur. This reaction is associated with a lack of pre-moisturization of the skin.
  5. Also, in some cases, hyaluronate can cause skin irritation.

Side effects

If you administer or ingest hyaluronic acid incorrectly, you can get harm instead of a beneficial effect. Side effects may occur in cases where injections were performed in the presence of serious contraindications to them.

Among these complications, the most common are:

  • formation of hematomas on the face;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • redness of the skin.

Hematomas are common in clients who smoke, while they occur much less frequently in non-smokers. Typically, such defects do not require treatment and go away on their own within a few days after the sessions.

More serious complications include severe tissue fibrosis, which occurs at the injection site and is characterized by thickening of the skin. Fibrosis can appear after a violation of the injection technique, an incorrectly selected drug, or shallow injection of hyaluronate. Sometimes an inflammatory process forms on the skin, and elements of a rash form.

In rare cases, after rejuvenating injections, granulomas or scars form.

They are a consequence of incorrect behavior in the first days after the session:

  • exposure to sunlight without special sunscreens;
  • use of scrubs and other exfoliating products;
  • visiting the sauna, etc.


It is forbidden to use hyaluronic acid if there are direct contraindications to it, because this can also lead to serious complications and harm the body.

  1. Pregnant and lactating women should not take or inject hyaluronate, because its side effects on the fetus have not been fully studied.
  2. Injections should not be given to people with autoimmune diseases, bleeding disorders or an allergic reaction to hyaluronic acid.
  3. If you do not take into account contraindications and introduce the substance into the skin if you are individually intolerant, you can get the exact opposite effect to the expected one.

Therefore, before including hyaluronic acid in anti-aging injections, it is necessary to communicate with a qualified specialist in advance and select an individual course of treatment.

The benefits of hyaluronic acid for nursing mothers?

First of all, hyaluronic acid is responsible for the regeneration of tissues of nursing mothers - the rate of division of new cells and wound healing. Hyaluron can be called the glue that connects skin fibers to each other. The more it is, the more elastic the skin. The concentration of this substance decreases with age, hence the loss of skin elasticity, deepening of wrinkles and slowly healing small wounds.

No wonder cosmetologists claim that a rich tan leads to skin aging. Under the sun, acid breaks down, and this leads to dehydration. Hyaluronic acid is found in all cells because it is a component of it. It has been noticed that in nursing mothers the problems of arthrosis and polyarthritis disappear (if they existed before pregnancy, this often applies to former athletes).

Its molecule is so large that it can bind almost a thousand water molecules (imagine the size of hydration). However, its size is so large that it hardly penetrates the skin molecules, getting stuck in the upper layers of the epidermis. It is like a washcloth, absorbing moisture and holding it for a long time. Naturally, these properties simply must be used both in medicine and in cosmetology. Therefore, hyaluronic acid is produced not only in gels for cosmetic purposes, but also in tablets.

Hyaluronic acid is vital for the body of nursing mothers, since some of the liquid is lost with milk, and some nursing mothers consume very little liquid, which is why wrinkles appear sharply (and we attribute this to lack of sleep) and the skin on the elbows and knees becomes dry.

Medical benefits

These drugs are used if you need to urgently combat dehydration. In case of severe painful shock, it promotes the fastest delivery of pain-relieving components into the body. And in ophthalmology it is successfully used to treat cataracts.


It is not difficult to guess that reviews of hyaluronic acid injections posted on the Internet pages of cosmetology clinics and centers are only positive. But on other web resources you can also find unflattering reviews about this procedure.

Especially often, female users refer to the experiences of their acquaintances, relatives or friends. Often this experience, to quote the classics, is “the son of difficult mistakes”... We especially liked one of the reviews about this procedure, the author of which advises women not to rely on other people’s experience in cosmetology, since the decisive role here is played by the individual characteristics of the body and its reaction to this or that a different procedure for the sake of beauty and eternal youth...

Experts from the American Association of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) compare facial injections of hyaluronic acid to the effect of an inflatable pillow for supporting facial structures and tissues. If you decide not to repeat facial hyaluronic injections, “the cushion will deflate and your appearance will return to its original state: wrinkles will reappear and plump lips will lose volume.


In this video, you can hear the opinion and review of a specialist about cosmetics with hyaluronic acid. Look, it's interesting!